20 Marvel Villains Ranked By Strength

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no matter how sinister and complete your plan is eventually you're going to encounter some punchy kicky person trying to stop you and all that lifting might come in handy superheroes generally benefit from their power and strength to stop giant jerks from being giant jerks because if you could reason with them they wouldn't be giant jerks usually the problem is more complex than just punching out the bad guy but if you're looking for an extra layer of complexity there are the bad guys who not only can punch back but pack a pretty powerful punch either via their own powers or just sheer strength here are some strong villains from super soldiers to celestial powers as a man and exile from the advanced nation of wakanda erik killmonger was already a force to be reckoned with you know when the people who trained a guy start asking themselves if that was such a good idea you have a talent on your hands the killmonger of the mcu took things up a notch however when he revealed himself to be the cousin of the king of wakanda and was able to overpower him in the ritual battle for leadership of the country isolation allowed them to become super advanced technology-wise but apparently not a lot of political thought made it in if the most advanced nation on the planet still determines leadership based on bloodlines and waterfall fights when killmonger won the crown he also became the black panther protector of wakanda complete with the powers granted by the heart-shaped herb turns out if you want to super soldier serum organic is the way to go waterfall fights and hereditary eligibility isn't the worst political philosophy in the mcu and the red skull's brand of thought would probably not have looked to wakanda for a super soldier serum the red skull of the comics didn't end up dosing as a super soldier until he brought himself back to life by cloning his nemesis steve rogers because comics giving him that maxed out human strength but still that rubbed raw head look for the mcu her schmidt was the semi-successful trail run of abraham erskine's super soldier serum while the black panthers and captain americas might end up putting up better numbers at the gym the red skull isn't above juicing that strength with questionable science questionable science will get you far in the world of superheroes and comic books outside of heart-shaped herbs there have been a lot of bad ideas on the way to super strength one of the most notable ones is the o.z formula otherwise known as the green goblin formula it started life the way so many terrible ideas start in the marvel universe chasing that super soldier formula that created steve rogers this formula wasn't being developed by norman osborne but rather an employee dr mendol strom before his assistant dr nels von adder thought don't mind if it do and got turned into a goblin-like creature dr strom got fired strangely not for having a formula that turned his assistant into a goblin creature but for something mundane and norman osborne took over research on it his son harry messed with the formula to mess with his dad and ended up messing up his dad after exploding in his face he developed some proper super soldier powers like the ability to lift nine tons but also a touch of the insanity that found him dressing like a goblin and throwing exploding pumpkins at spider-man after all that he still managed to become a master super villain through political and financial power which is even more effective than a super soldier formula growing up with someone who would become one of the most powerful telepaths in the world as your stepbrother is going to really amp up the sibling rivalry so when kane marco came across a mysterious gem in a cave he thought to himself sure why not this particular gem granted marco with the power of the crimson bands of sitarak the crimson bands of sitarak is the spell that dr strange uses to wrap people up in red ribbons when granted as a power it turns the recipient into a human juggernaut the process makes marco nearly indestructible and about as strong as citarak wants him to be putting him in the lofty class 100 plus strength category marvel's super strength has generally been rated by how much that person can lift but once you get to 100 tons you just stop counting this puts juggernaut in hulk territory but instead of being based on anger it's based on a fickle god being from another dimension fortunately marco and sitarak were a match sitorak loves destruction and marco likes breaking things dealing with a fickle god being for the limits to your strength seem like a hassle especially when there's one person so strong that he pretty much just makes the world nervous just existing emil blonsky followed bruce banner down the gamma radiated bad idea hole and became the abomination where the hulk's strength is variable based on how angry he is and juggernaut on how generous sidorak feels abomination locks his strength in at class 100. this means that abomination starts out stronger than most variations of the hulk of course one thing that's going to anger the hulk is well pretty much everything and just like that abomination's strength advantage is gone here on earth beings lifting one ton is remarkable enough on its own much less 100 tons but just like tony stark is only a genius on earth strong has a wide variety of meanings once you slip the surly bonds of earth and get into the crowded universe that's where you'd find galactic jerks like the cree ronan was an accuser which is pretty much what it sounds like a pretty imposing way to say that he enforces the law by accusing people of stuff in the mcu that also seemed to mean leading a fleet of bombers ronan comes out of the box able to lift 10 tons which astute list watchers might wonder why he's up the list higher than the 100 ton gym rats the reason is thousands of years of space faring and warmongering his armor alone bumps him up to 80 and that's just one piece of tech then there's the black vortex it's a handy little mirror that allows you to see what you'd be like with cosmic powers and if it seems like something you'd be into you can have them cool the cree will tell you that you don't get to conquering without making a few enemies that's true of the cree and of the asgardians who went and conquered the 10 realms some kind of didn't notice like midgard others took umbrage at it like a lot of umbridge like the good folk silver and svertelheim and their leader malekith the accursed you gotta get a quality b title if you're gonna menace the universe malakith the accursed is the leader of the dark elves who had been in a series of perpetual wars malekith was discovered by a wizard while captured by trolls you know that old yarn enslaved by trolls a wizard poses as another prisoner teaches you a spell as a test then takes you on as an apprentice the wizard thought that he was training someone to end wars but in malakith he found someone who loved the war the mostest just like ronan malikith comes stocked with the ability to lift 10 tons but cranks that power up due to a combination of technology and magic not quite as much as ronin but there's the added level of magic to make up the difference most people in some way or another are their own worst enemy but that's pedestrian next level is to create your own worst enemy and then make him virtually indestructible whether it's hank pym from the comics or tony stark and bruce banner in the mcu ultron is the worst enemy that science could design for the avengers he's big he's bad and he super hates the avengers and he always remembers to back himself up which means you don't defeat ultron as much as you delay him ultron also has an annoying tendency to upgrade each time he replicates himself cranking up the power each time that puts ultron in the class 100 plus club but unlike abomination or juggernaut he gets some added tech to go with it and if that's not strong enough this time renovate and build another one life was never easy for the mutants even all the way back in old egypt times especially for those mutants who can't pass for human that's what enza bonner faced with his crazy purple look it turns out also that ancient egypt is a time traveler's hot spot superheroes and superhero teams kept showing up as well as villains like kang the conqueror who was posing as rama tut being a time traveler kang knew apocalypse's potential and hope to recruit him kang has a lot of powers but recruiting allies was not one of them which is to say that nsaba nurse said no and became apocalypse instead apocalypse is another member of the class 100 plus club but he has an even more reliable booster in that he can draw a seemingly infinite amount of power from around him on top of all the other powers he's accumulated over time unlike kang apocalypse is fantastic at recruiting allies and often forms a variation of the four horsemen juicing their power as well one character that has appeared in every x-men movie has been the mighty magneto magneto has had an on and off-again relationship with being a bad guy in the comics including more than a few stints running charles xavier's school in his place and leading the x-men but magneto is mostly known as a heel the counter-argument to charles xavier insisting that mutants and humans can live side by side magneto thinks one has to be on top and it might as well be the ones with the superpowers when it comes to magneto strength is a relative term sure he's probably got that crazy old man strength you find out about when an old timer crushes your hand while shaking it but that isn't measured in tons but when it comes to manipulating magnetism who needs a good cleaning jerk magneto as the name suggests controls magnetism like all of it that includes the magnetic fields of the earth as well as metal objects light years away when he's really pressed and you thought he was limited to just operating wolverine like a marionette there are a lot of roads to superpowers in the marvel universe and while heroes will dabble in a superpower side hustle here and there they usually have a weapon of choice usually thrust upon them by circumstance that's not the way dr victor von doom rules the monarch from latveria is just as comfortable using science and technology as he is using magic thumbing his news at arthur c clarke as a result he has a suit forged by magic and fueled by technology that's allowed him to toe up with the hulk what pushes doom over the top is his openness to take power wherever he can find it adding to his suits strength with a touch of magic when you think of loki you don't really think of strength mostly that's because he's the bookworm little brother to the varsity jock that is thor while thor is out there bing banging with his hammer loki had to find other strengths don't let his thin physique fool you though loki is still asgardian that means he comes stock capable of lifting 50 tons along with similar vulnerabilities and powers what puts the trickster god over the top aside from god's status is the lessons taken from his mother that make him a magical force to be reckoned with of all the people on this list loki has made his strength earth's problem more than any of them some things change when they make the transition from page to screen yellowjacket wasn't a rival to hank pym in the comics he was hank pym the asgardian goddess of death differs as well primarily in the game of who's your daddy in the mcu odin is her father and loki and thor are siblings in the comics loki is presumed to be the father regardless of the mythology she shows up strong not just regular asgard strong but also boosted from the souls who have come to the end of their stories making her a match for the hulk himself and she's no slouch when it comes to magic either annihilus is the product of the half-hazard way the marvel universe was populated in this case tyranis was outseeding the negative zone with life when he crash-landed and one of those seeds jumped way ahead in line as far as development goes with all that power the first thing a nihilist decided was that everything was a threat and went about eliminating beings like his life depended on it like the asgardians he started off strong starting out by lifting 50 tons but then he siphoned off the hulk's power and has become something no one has bothered to measure most of this is thanks to the cosmic control rod that helps him juice his powers for bonus points if you kill him he just gets reborn what can be said about thanos that hasn't already been said no seriously all we've had was thanos to talk about for a year what is left to be said about the mad titan the benchmark for insane strength in marvel has always been the hulk handily enough infinity war opens up with a matchup between thanos and the hulk thanos won hulk zero then hulk had a big think about how into banner's muscle he was even in the comics thanos is part of the class 100 plus crowd and that's without his rock collection even given all that though thanos wasn't exactly lining up for a boxing match with the hulk alexander the great wept seeing as there were no new worlds to conquer kang the conqueror found a time machine and a path through the multiverse and just kept finding new worlds to conquer or reconquer or go back in time and pre-conquer he earned his moniker of kang the conqueror is what we're saying he might not have the base strength of an asgardian or insect made from the concentrated bits of life-form seating but he does have the advantage of all of time that has boosted whatever stat he needs to be boosted depending on the situation if that's not enough step out of time and build it up stronger sometimes people's origin stories are just one day someone really good at the job showed up for work and was awesome that's the story of kallark the gladiator he was representing strontia in the shiar empire the imperial guard took the best from each of the ten parts of the empire and made them their rep as gladiator and then juiced them with even more power for kallark that means strength that's limited essentially to how good he feels about himself just like the hulk can bulk up by getting extra mad kellogg beefs up with his own self-esteem he's said to be powerful enough to affect the orbit of a planet that's some self-confidence as a loyal member of the guard hero or villain was based on who was in charge of the shiar empire at the time if you want some really unimaginable strength being the all-powerful ruler of your own dimension is the way to go at that point what even is strength rather than being abstract ultimately unknowable beings dormammu and mephisto have physical manifestations dormammu isn't even native to the dimension that he rules over he's just that good at taking over places for both of these creatures of unimaginable terror class 100 plus feels insignificant rather it's easiest to ask how strong do you need them to be how do you beat that kind of power by heading for the hungriest hippo in the marvel universe galactus is a holdover from the previous universe and has spent his time in this iteration of the universe literally devouring planets for sustenance to do that he wields so much of the power cosmic that he'll also spoon it out to make his heralds when a herald retires they go off to become the most powerful being of wherever they hang out when it comes to measuring the strength of a being like galactus tons are meaningless his strength is solar it's limitless when you're talking about eating planets like they're just a cake pop and strength on a solar scale how do you go beyond that with the beyonder naturally he had a weird 80s man perm and the boxiest suit this side of a talking heads music video dragged to our dimension by people looking to get a hold of a vibranium meteor like the one under wakanda the beyonder is a beyonder which gets even more confusing when you realize that each beyonder is essentially a complete reality that gives him basically omnipotence when it comes to our reality and he's used that power like a 10 year old with a mayonnaise jar gathering up super powered people and making them fight there are other villains out there with powers that equate to strength that would just be too hard to quantify within a list where or how do you rate someone like graviton who controls all of gravity or molecule man whom during the beyonder's first experiment dumped a mountain on the hulk that's intense bro
Channel: CBR
Views: 228,184
Rating: 4.8530831 out of 5
Keywords: Abomination, CBR, Class 100+, Doctor Doom, Dormammu, Galactus, Juggernaut, Kang the Conqueror, Killmonger, Magneto, Marvel Comics Cinematic Universe MCU, Mephisto, Ronan the Accuser, Thanos, Ultron
Id: lQ5oZa0aw5U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 29sec (989 seconds)
Published: Mon May 10 2021
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