TF2: How I Got 1000 Kills As Sniper With ZERO Headshots

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when i say sniper you think headshots i mean the two go hand in hand they're integral to basically every first person shooter ever made and for good reason because when you hit a headshot it feels pretty damn good but uh what if our ability to do that was to vanish what if god himself came down from the heavens and set us a little challenge in team fortress 2. what if we decided to get 1 000 kills in a row with sniper without hitting a single headshot now if your instinctive reaction to that statement wasn't an immediate sense of existential dread you're lucky because if you know anything about sniping in tf2 the prospect of getting that many kills without hitting even one accidental headshot is a little daunting it may be even a lot daunting you see getting a thousand kills in tf2 actually takes a while i mean depending on the game mode what type of server you're on and how long the respawn times are you're probably looking at anywhere between 10 to 20 hours of grinding just to reach the big 1000 in the first place and then on top of that if we were to hit a headshot accidentally for whatever reason that counter goes back down to zero and we are starting from square one which i suspect would happen quite a lot if i decided to partake in this challenge so look if i was going to attempt to get 1 000 body shot kills in a row it was going to be a test of my mental fortitude first and foremost i was certain that this was possible to complete it was just going to be a battle of how many times i was willing to watch hours of progress get flushed down the drain whenever i managed to accidentally click on a head and so on the 4th of june 2022 at 409 pm i decided why not but little did i know this was going to be quite the journey before we get too ahead of ourselves it's probably important we lay down some of the rules and explain the foundations of this challenge now the first problem we have to overcome is how we're going to keep count of kills we could do it the old-fashioned way and tally each kill on a notepad next to my desk but for some reason i don't think you guys would trust me if i did that so we're instead going to use one of tf2's inbuilt systems strangers if you aren't familiar a strange item in tf2 automatically keeps a counter on the amount of kills or points you get in game which is very convenient for the challenge we're going to be attempting all i need to do is pick up a strange sniper rifle which goes for about a dollar and uh wait no no what do you know max what are you doing why are you getting a strange machina they are like a hundred dollars you don't need to do that you have a family to fit what no you did it you bought you bought the strange mackinac now yes i want to make this challenge even more special because the machina has a reputation amongst the community for being the king of the body shot kill which i will discuss in further detail later on but for now just know that this is the perfect rifle to use for this challenge even if it costs a hundred times more than the alternative we can also attach something known as a strange part to this magnet which will specifically count the amount of headshot kills i get this means if i see that little line of text under the weapon go from zero to one i will know i have failed the challenge and therefore will have to reset all that is left is to discuss the rule set i don't want to over complicate things i want to keep it fairly simple so the main rule to this challenge is that i can't use any strange farming servers where you kill idle players and i can't go on a private server with my friends and farm them to speed things up i did allow myself to use instant respawn servers because i don't really want to waste hours of my life in a respawn queue after dying which would only drive me further to the brink of insanity during this challenge so they're all good to use now our second last concern was to sort out my drip you know what cosmetics was i going to be rocking throughout the challenge i had the idea of making some absolutely unhinged demonic loadout but i thought it would be way funnier for my sniper to look like a regular dude in his 40s at his 9 to 5 job and it would fit much better because i was about to spend a comical amount of time trying to finish this challenge the only thing left now was to devise the single funniest name possible for my strange maca i mean at least a thousand people were going to be dying to this thing and seeing the name so i wanted to make sure it was really haha funny you know like forward slash el maxo underscore swag type funny and thus the name kfj was born because if you like like if you reverse it it's um it's jfk you know the 35th president of the united states who was tragically assassinated by a shot to the back of the head and we um and we're only body shotting so it's like a reverse jfk um kfj did do you get it and now that my machina had the least funny name in existence it was finally time to begin the challenge [Music] mates to start things off and get a grasp of how the challenge would work i just figured i would play a bit of casual try some random maps and see what was working and what wasn't we landed on cp powerhouse which i thought would be a fairly decent map for the challenge i mean there wasn't any super broken sight lines i could abuse but the geography of the map was fairly flat meaning it was less likely i would accidentally hit a headshot it started off pretty rough because i had cold hands and some scouts were making my life hell but after a few minutes i managed to get my first kill i was explaining the challenge to some of my friends in discord when all of a sudden i'm getting a thousand kills on this strange marking off i hit a headshot as the first kill no way no way wipe the sniper rifle wipe it no i have to go back oh this is going to be [ __ ] hard yep that's right that that wasn't even staged i actually managed to hit a headshot as the first kill of the entire challenge i mean if my first kill of the entire thing was a headshot i didn't really know what hope i had i guess it was good it happened immediately though because i can now show you that whenever i do hit a headshot during the challenge it shows up under the strange counter here and i can reset it all the way back to zero but yeah uh things were going to be very interesting to say the least i realized pretty quickly in the challenge that the best type of map for hitting body shots was going to be 2 foot because a there are like a million snipers on that map all the time which makes it easy for kills and b it was really flat on the battlements making accidental headshots less likely powerhouse didn't go too well but i warmed up a bit and hopped over to bamboots which went a lot more smoothly i also realized that because all of my cosmetics was strange and counted my points every so often i would randomly get what came to be known as a triple level up when you like insta kill it because it's like set up level up level up level up it was actually good i had these strange cosmetics because it meant by the end of the challenge i can see the total amount of points it took and that would probably just cause me more pain in the future to reflect on but anyway i managed to get up to 10 kills meaning i was officially one percent of the way through the challenge i thought it might be a good idea to gauge public opinion on what i was trying to accomplish so i did a little random survey of the server i was on to see what they thought about the challenge all right can i get you guys opinion i'm saying blue toes blue toes blue toes i i'm trying to get a thousand kills on this machine without hitting a single headshot what do you think what do you think i believe pluto's didn't have faith in me but fart real did and it would ultimately be his motivation that would drive me to the finish line of this challenge the rest of bomblets went well we farmed some gamers but when the match came to a finish it was time for me to migrate to a new server a server where i was going to spend hours upon hours trying to complete this challenge ladies and gentlemen i introduced to you the 32 player instant respawn ski al 2 for server and yeah i know it's pronounced style but steel just sounds 20 times funnier so it sucked in things started pretty well here i was farming some snipers i was chilling in discord you know having a good time until 40 minutes in after getting 31 body shot kills with the machina disaster struck not some [ __ ] pyro behind the scout set me on fire meaning my crosshair got aim punched straight into this poor fellow's head meaning we had the reset at the time i thought 31 kills was a lot to reset from but oh boy was i wrong anyway after that pain uh there seemed to be a demo night infestation on the battlements because for the period of 15 minutes some dudes by the name of necromancer it's necromancer the battlement slaughterer and iron man sex in brackets official had a jolly good time decapitating me on repeat which culminated in a slightly heated gamer moment for a young el maxo [ __ ] off nick but they did eventually stop harassing me as much things continue to go pretty smoothly for me until out of nowhere famous tf2 personalities shark from forward slash shark appeared on my server wait that's shark are you sure yes he's on my friend's list now i will admit that this was slightly unusual because schalke is from denmark which is unfortunately not australia meaning he had a constant 300 ping but he soldiered through and acted as my dedicated pocket medic to help me through this challenge now look usually i am not fond of having a pocket medic because it ruins the beautiful traditional 2 for sniper 1v1 jewel but given he was using the chris krieg and i was going through hell by doing this challenge and it was famous internet man shark i'm not gonna say no to shark so so i let it slide just this once or twice because we did the same thing a few days later on his live stream but anyway this sped up the process because i wasn't dying as much leaving me more time to rack up some strange kills getting crits from shark did scare me a couple times though because i wasn't used to the crit sound of sniper anymore and i associated that with the headshot reset so whenever i did hit a critical hit that set me on a bit of an emotional rollercoaster is that a headshot i don't know no it's two body shots oh [ __ ] the crits are scaring me cuz i keep thinking it's head shots we were progressing very well eventually shark left after half an hour or so i hit 100 kills which was 10 the challenge and then yeah um another reset i didn't even have a verbal reaction to this one it was just pure silence because it was really starting to set in how tough this challenge was going to be at this point i had spent a good few hours on the challenge and was feeling a little drained for the day so i ended up slowing down my progress a bit in favor of finding the funny moments we've been observing your progress we'd like to invite you to the program we've never seen dallas such as this before we're glad to announce you're in you're welcome i actually ended up doing the strategy with my friend who would go invisible spy in front of me and i could use the machinist piercing shot to farm penetration kills which are announced to the whole server with the sound and that was pretty funny oh i'm going to stand in front of you and take a shot wait can i shoot through you like that yes we can do it count as a collab yeah look what the [ __ ] are you gonna do it again i can't see where that mini is oh oh oh yes dude i can't tell you how [ __ ] weird it is to aim through yourself i can imagine it's blurry and [ __ ] yes i just anyway i was having a lot more fun this day we were doing some funny bibs we were getting some more kills we were [Music] oh no well um yeah another reset uh that was that was the fourth one of the day we said goodbye to another 96 kills and after that i was pretty much bummed out for the day so after getting another handful of kills i left it there for the night i told myself it was probably going to take something like a minimum of 50 hours to complete this challenge before going into it so the fact that i hadn't really gone anywhere in my first few hours didn't bother me all that much overall i spent about two hours and 15 minutes on day one with four resets at one kill 31 kills 104 kills and 96 kills bringing my grand total amount of kills to 232. this means if i didn't hit any accidental head shots i would be 23 or about a quarter of my way through the challenge at this point but that didn't really faze me i knew this was going to be a grind and it would be only a matter of time before i was victorious [Music] peace hey everyone uh welcome to day two of losing my mind as you may recall yesterday went not amazingly the first kill i got was a head shot and i've uh reset three times uh for a total of i think 230 kills uh but we're not going to be on the boring battlements of two for today i'm [ __ ] i'm tired of it we're changing the scenery and unfortunately that means we're on ctf well yeah i think i'm just gonna take it a bit casually if i get to like a hundred kills i might go back to twoford for a bit get grinding again after about three whole minutes of playing well i realized that this was a a pretty garbage map for getting kills a sniper this map sucks i can't can i get out can i leave you can't even leave through that this at no no i refuse to play on this map any longer so we re-queued up for a new map and uh yeah there's not many good sidelines there which isn't ideal for sniper so i'm not i'm not doing that just when you thought you can escape and it drags you right back into it now not only was i back to two ford again but it wasn't even the instant respawn server so i was waiting upwards of 15 seconds after every death which got me uh quite frustrated quite quickly on top of that it was early in the day and here in australia it's pretty hard to fill up any server before peak player times which meant two-foot had basically turned into a ghost town there's just no one here you're gonna learn to an online video game is anyone gonna load into an online video game so yeah all these factors compounded and that was enough for me to jump ship onto the next game of casual where things actually went pretty well frontier that's more like it shot me on defense and i'll farm some people boom boom see this is more like it was around this point that i was slowly starting to realize the difficulty of this challenge and how much time i was going to actually have to take to get it done oh that was dangerous this is going to be hard this is so stupid i'm actually about to get a thousand kills of this [ __ ] me what are we out are we like 14 17. almost two percent of the way there but nonetheless we persisted and made some quite limited progress and that was mostly because the early stages of insanity were setting in i think i'm not no all i got to hear stair stab i've been practicing those is the scout going to be here again you know i used to think my life was a tragedy but uh start charging up here tunnel vision super hard get the medic what are we at now this is gonna take so long i think i think it takes like 10 hours on two full battlements i think i get 100 kills an hour on like a decently populated server after frontier ended though i realized that i would have to return to hell itself if i want to have any hope of finishing this challenge let's let's go to two fort because i don't i i think we're just gonna leave and so back we went to the insane asylum yeah [ __ ] you nice unusual doesn't get you skill though does it like me yes 25 kills 26 i'm losing my mind and it's only day two yes okay that was a ditch that was a child let's turn voice scale down no okay i'm gonna just disable that it was a rough start with lots of enemy gamers trying to ruin my day and progress was slow but i had to be stoic and i was absolutely determined and eventually things started to pick up again okay it's going very well this is going extremely well oh gay or at least i thought they did not are you too collapsed [ __ ] up i think i need to reduce it [Music] okay that's the 60 kilo reset i think we got a double collat a double double collat kill i need to not shoot people on the bridge because that's when people need to be on the battlements for me to kill them so i can just guarantee i'm not shooting ahead anyway the hustle continued and for an hour and a half we went on a bit of a roll and managed to climb up to 150 kills until well you can probably guess what happened no this accidental headshot really hurt and made me go silent for like 20 seconds straight to contemplate why i was even bothering with this stupid ass challenge so again we reset got hustling and i had some friends join me in discord at this point which kept me from losing my mind and i could also fill them in on the challenge and what i was trying to accomplish and my goal is to reach a thousand kills without hitting a single headshot as i say that give me a punch what did we get to this time 57 this is a short one anyway you know the drill at this point reset walk out of spawn get to the bat oh that's a five kill reset well that's not too bad we can always farm some of these friendlies outside of spawn and oh no karma is a [ __ ] isn't it yep i actually probably deserve that one they were pretty quick resets and they didn't faze me too much so for the rest of day two we actually managed to get somewhere there were some pretty funny moments [Applause] it just looks like it's so useless but it's so funny i continue to lose my mind about the nature of this challenge also yeah you know that's funny what when you hover my machina right now i've killed 123 people and not hit a single headshot what's funniest with no context just imagine dying to that for the first time being like this guy has yet to hit a headshot kill like what but all in all by the end of the day i managed to climb up to 181 kills and i was pretty happy with that because it was a current record and whilst i was editing some of the footage and explaining to my friends what it caused me to accidentally headshot each time one of them actually gave me quite a smart suggestion to help with the challenge that i somehow hadn't even thought of yet the other times it's been through collat kills or it's been my damage flinching into a head it's been unfortunate you're used to cause you can't do it you're actually onto something so on day two i had spent three hours attempting the challenge with four resets at 56 kills 156 kills 5 kills and 32 kills which meant the grand total was currently at 662 kills and 8 headshot resets now look i wasn't aware of what was about to happen but all i can say is that things were going to get a whole lot harder before they got any easier that's damn right embarrassing now for day 3 there was no live commentary to start things off i was just straight into the challenge my current short term goal at this time was to reach 200 kills because that would be the first funny milestone and i was only 19 kills off it unfortunately though there were some slight problems i noticed pretty much immediately that there was a problem with the item service because after every kill my strange counter wasn't going up at all and that meant i couldn't really keep track of the challenge dude it's not counting kills again right now what's happening [ __ ] still not working here well day three is off to a slow start it was being really dodgy and inconsistent for some reason but it seemed to resolve itself pretty quickly i got partially fanaf jump scared early on in the day during a moment i was surprised hadn't happened earlier but as you may or may not know when your team caps the intel and ctf you're awarded with crits and i was scoped in at the time and it made the sound of when you hit a head shot like it did with shaw which uh it caught me a little off guard i almost i actually just have my heart skip a beat because we got crits but look that slight little road bump didn't even matter because we were about to hit kill number 200 which would mean we are one-fifth of the way through the oh my god my 200th kill was the headshot the number 200 was that shot for some reason i wasn't even that mad and judging by my reaction at the time i actually managed to find it funny so hey at least i had that going for me yes back to zero oh my god yes that did soon quickly change though because that annoying issue where kills weren't being counted on my mac gonna happen again and given i just lost a massive streak like half kind of rage quit then took a break for a while oh [ __ ] half my kill's not being counted as yeah like that one just didn't count no i'm not doing it right now but hey hey we came back stronger than ever a few hours later when i say stronger i mean i hit so many accidental headshots in the period of like one hour it was actually kind of funny i saw the guy on our team get a head shot that had no in their name and i thought that was you i'm not bad i never hit a head shot well that's bad oh you [ __ ] shot me with the smg [ __ ] flinched into his head you sure you want to do this challenge you seem it's inevitable after that absolute rampage of failures i thought that perhaps the change of scenery was in order to ease my mind a little bit i need a new change of scenery i've had so many bad runs in a row now i hope it was obvious by my reaction i actually forgot to commentate this bit um yeah i wasn't gonna be playing lazarus so i i went back to two foot um okay continue i'm actually going up to 150 kills again when one of my discord admins corey thought it would be a funny idea to attempt a little bit of trolling on me and try to force me to hit a head shot [Music] now thankfully it was a body shot but i was not impressed with corey's behavior so i threatened violence against him in text chat and all was resolved [Music] after another half an hour i managed to hit 200 again only this time it wasn't a headshot so i decided to take a short break upon my return though i did notice something a little annoying as the enemy team has set up this little base of operations beneath our battlements and were constantly spamming me out and i was making no progress so for the first time in the challenge i swapped off sniper to demoman to teach those little rats a lesson before promptly killing myself and getting back to work but as we've come to learn of this challenge so far good things come to an end and by that i mean after 239 kills i had the most heartbreaking accidental head shot on a charging demoman two four [Music] this one cut deep not only because it was the furthest i'd gone so far but i did this section in absolute solitude with no one to talk to and no musical podcast playing in the background so this one really hurt watch this lise you can actually pinpoint the second when his heart rips in half and now as you can probably imagine my life force had been absolutely drained for the day after five hours of body shotting so i chose to finish there overall i reset seven times on day three and my total amount of kills had now reached 1037 which means i would have finished the challenge by now if i had hit no head shots but unfortunately we weren't living in that timeline there was also some more bad news to come for our body shotting protagonist as tomorrow was going to be the most chaotic day by far let's roll these bones to hell hello everyone it's so maxer here uh still sick uh but it's day four yesterday was a little depressing we got to 240 kills which is uh 24 of the way there and unfortunately uh hit a head shot on a charging demo night which was very very sad but we're back at it again where we're back on the grind i reached a total of a thousand kills yesterday uh so if i hadn't hit any head shots i would have completed the challenge by now but of course i've hit uh 14 headshots i'm feeling a bit stoic about all of this like i kind of think failure is inevitable for a long time i've been doing this challenge for 10 hours now of total time and i want to go to at least 50 hours uh before i um make any concessions on the challenge so you know it's still still early days although i sounded like i was determined here in spite of everything the weight of the challenge was definitely starting to set in with reset after reset but luckily for us we were about to meet a lone wanderer with some valuable advice make a [ __ ] video or some [ __ ] about no head shots yeah do you know where i'm at in total don't worry i saw you restart it no i've reset 14 times so far i've spent 10 hours doing this the highest i've gone to 240 i'm trying to get to a thousand i'm losing my mind a little bit but it's pretty funny here's the thing i was definitely not helping here last night so we i'm not gonna lie it's all blurred into one a bit what were you doing lost oh no i remember your loadout yeah i was just [ __ ] you every now and then yeah you know considering you're doing it for a challenge i'm all right with your body shotting me i won't lie i definitely did see your rifle last night and i was trying to like get you to [ __ ] headshot me do you know about the crouch glitch what i don't know is this some integral law i need to know uh yeah if you're gonna be going for no [ __ ] headshots so if you're playing sniper and you jump and then double tap crouch in the air your model glitches so it looks like you're standing still like just normally but you're actually just crouched right i don't know if i did it but oh you're like doing the cha cha slide right now so if you shoot my body right now that's a head shot i'm gonna hope no one does that to me that seems quite rude i was going to do that to you so many times last night what the [ __ ] actually i see song island uh yesterday on a server look at this look at the slow conga i did not know that was the thing neither you hold a forward slash while you do it and it thinks you're like swimming down so you do it really slowly look at this we're getting some integral lore from it has been ages so it's this extremely valuable knowledge exchange between both parties it was time to put it to use and get grinding but day 4 had quite the slow start i kind of wish i could click on heads it'd be kind of fun if i could do that why is it actually good snipers for once dude this guy's not i made a desperate plea to the enemy team for more snipers would preferably be less talented than the guy who was absolutely junking on me which uh worked out for better or worse well that's just [ __ ] scary anyway we managed to get to 115 kills and then we had quite an interesting accidental head shot what just happened this one actually had me in disbelief because i was certain i had my shot fully charged meaning my cozy camper should have stopped the aim punch that occurred i just got hit yeah wait what and you also shoot through when they threw the box shot spy into the sniper behind but i would that would have killed the box shot spy or maybe he went through the demo night yeah he went through the demo night yeah nope yeah no no no no oh is it not no it's not a body shot worth no unless he doesn't get health back with the he'd only get 15 health back for the eyeliner no i just want wait why did it flinch i was fully charged i have no idea what happened in that clip to be honest so if you have any idea or a tf2 game mechanic gremlin and can unpack that one for me i'd be happy to hear it in the comments unfortunately my morning session on 24 was cut short by my dog yeah oh [ __ ] oh okay one sec maggie just threw up uh this is mackie for anyone who doesn't know uh she may be the stupidest dog i've ever met and i kind of mean that in the best way possible she's not like the other staffies who rip toddlers frontal lobes out uh she prefers vomiting and that's exactly what she did on my parents expensive carpet because mackie threw up everywhere that you that you so look i cleaned that up took a pretty long break and then came back to tuft my beloved for perhaps the single most chaotic body shotting session thus far wait go now are you doing it no weaponry skins wait who had the [ __ ] thing on the soundboard that's just like my kryptonite oh can you start the lawnmower scale starting to feel like [ __ ] dante's seven rings of hell whatever the [ __ ] it is i'm in the bottom one now that may have looked like fun and games but in that period of about five hours i had hit another four accidental headshots which means another four resets oh that's so sad man it was another flinch [ __ ] can i get a oh for hitting a headshot thank you i've got to go reset it now we did pick up a godlike kill streak at one point which was cool but i think it was pretty clear at this point that something was not working although i had fun because people were being absolutely wild in voice chat i knew that i had to do some analysis tomorrow and figure out what had been going so wrong ah that was rubbish after spending 17 hours on two fort's battlements to a limited amount of progress i think it was time to re-evaluate the strategy we were going in with so before i entered the ninth circle of hell again for the 20th time i wanted to understand a few things firstly what were the reasons for me accidentally hitting headshots and then secondly i wanted to do a little bit of maps and calculate the probability of me hitting 1000 headshots in a row with my current rate of failure but we'll we'll talk about that in a second so i went through my footage and grouped up all 19 headshots i'd accidentally hit and analyze them apparently i forgot to clip one of my resets at 96 kills but 18 is probably a good enough amount to give us a good idea of what's going wrong in this challenge so anyway i categorize them into groups and first up whether me being an idiot and clicking on a head for no reason type kills this is basically just where i managed to either go for a risky flick as i did on this rocket jumping soldier or in the case of the very first kill of the entire challenge me just headshotting because why not this made up 3 out of 18 of the total headshots the second category was actually quite interesting and these were the kills i got on people running on the roof of the bridge because the roof is sloped on both sides it makes the hitbox of classes like scout really quickly move around and makes it more risky to go for body shots i was surprised to see that this was 4 out of 18 of my resets and means i pretty much need to avoid going for kills like this entirely which means it will take a lot longer to get to a thousand the next category and the most common of all is the fabled falling off of the battlements headshot kill which has hindered me the most there have been five headshots where i was aiming for a body on the battlements but fire too late at a point where the enemy had begun dropping down to the low ground meaning my crosshair was now unfortunately right on their skull resulting in a headshot kill this is one that is going to be hard to avoid and i really just think i'll have to be more disciplined in who i end up targeting the fourth category for me clicking heads accidentally was due to aim punch if you were scoped in at an enemy and get hit by a stray bullet from something like an smg scattergun or fire particles your crosshair flicks up suddenly which as you can imagine isn't good for the whole not clicking heads thing as your body shot can now potentially be a surprising head shot now i have been running the cozy camber to avoid this but sometimes i am not always at 100 charge when i take a shot which means i still can flinch for the most part i can reduce these types of kills from happening pretty easily and finally the fifth category for accidental headshots were what i like to call either collateral kills due to the machinist piercing shot or get down mr president-type kills where some absolute menace would be crouching in the way of another enemy and oh an accidental headshot these are kind of hard to avoid outright but with more careful target selection i can probably avoid these more so with all my accidental headshots analyzed i think we could finally look to implement some new rules for this challenge to increase our chance of success number one i need to stop shooting people on the roof of the bridge entirely because it's just proven to be way too risky number two i need to only take shots at a hundred percent charge to avoid aim punch and three i just need to be way more careful in general with who i choose to target i will probably just end up killing non-moving snipers on the battlements 95 of the time to ensure i don't get someone who is falling down or hit some risky collateral kill this means i'm probably going to get way less kills per hour than i usually would but it will be a whole lot safer and increase my chance of successfully completing this challenge so with all those headshots accounted for and analyzed it was time to move on to the second half of my analysis and this part was a little confronting to say the very least so where the challenge currently sat i had hit 19 accidental head shots out of 1553 total kills which meant that for about every 80 kills i got one of them would be an accidental headshot so if this ratio i could therefore calculate the probability of me completing the full challenge when i say i could figure it out i mean my friends studying actuaries at university could figure it out because i [ __ ] suck at maths so i dm'd him and explained the situation with a slightly odd analogy saying that i need to hit a button a thousand times in a row but there was a 180 chance that when i pressed the button it would reset to the start and i'd have to go from the beginning it seemed to make enough sense to him so he ran the numbers and gave me um this lovely percentage chance of me succeeding which i'm just gonna leave on screen for a second i i don't even know how to say that fully like what what is that what am i looking at for any viewers confused at home that's a really small percentage chance of something happening but it is kind of hard to rationalize what that looks like in your head let's say hypothetically it would take me about 10 hours to press the button a thousand times in a row on a successful run so is there any way we could calculate how long the challenge would take with all these unsuccessful attempts included he seemed a little apprehensive at first and said he would have to do something called expectation theory whatever the [ __ ] that is but he did ultimately get an answer uh a very scary answer but an answer nonetheless if i were to continue at this rate of hitting one accidental headshot for every 80 body shots it would take me 232 and 265 hours to complete this challenge yeah uh for reference that is about 26 and a half years worth of time now look i was totally down to commit that much time that's fine that's like what 10 times more hours than benny has in game that's no problem uh it would just mean i wouldn't be uploading for a while and i also didn't know if anyone would still be playing the game at that point in the future but whatever i just had a little bit of grinding to do you know a horse's lifespan worth of grinding i also told my brother about the challenge i was doing and he used his excel skills to create this graph to help visualize the probability of this working and yet look a thing seems a little grim i was of course still hopeful though because we now have these new rules we were going to follow to improve our chances and i think we could we get to like 1 in 200 or something you know so maybe that just maybe this was still possible it was going to take a lot of patience and a lot of body shotting but i still had faith that this challenge was possible i didn't actually do any grinding on day five but that was okay because for the first time ever things were about to go really well let's have a go at it hello everyone i'm doing the world's slowest congo because it's day six of the challenge i didn't do anything yesterday i did look through the clips i did some analysis we did some modeling and we know we have to do we know the likelihood of success if i continue with the right i am i.e not very likely it's time actually i can already look at gerardi no thank you cozy camper we'll get out the ways but yeah i need to be a lot more careful with who i'm killing a lot more patience i am only killing snipers pretty much i think so uh let's see how it goes off to a resounding success this is gonna take way longer but it'll be a whole lot safer so yeah i have to be fully charged so i don't take damage flinch i have to shoot people who aren't moving on the battlements probably which means this is gonna take like three times as long probably but yeah yesterday i saw just took a break uh because i had played a lot of two-fourth at that point and after i saw how long it was gonna take at the current rate i wasn't feeling overly confident but hopefully yeah with these new rules our chance of success will take less than 230 000 hours that's my goal and so after this commentary began it was time for me to ascend into the heavens i started being 10 times more selective with what shots i took to ensure i didn't make any careless errors and i really started to go on a roll that went through that would have been okay that was pretty cool i'm actually kind of feeling good about this wrong i feel like at the very least this would be like a 500 run or like a like a decently high one might not get the a thousand on the first attempt of this but i i'm confident in the first couple i came across this strange fellow called distraction heavy and well as his name suggests he was a distraction heavy he chilled on the battlements and just taunted or stood in front of snipers which was a little strange okay here's my question of this guy i think it's funny what he's doing right but what value what value is there and just doing that is that like fun for people to just sit on the battlements and do that i guess i am spending 15 hours only body shotting which is probably not very fun uh but but do it just being a friendly i'm sorry i don't get it i play video game to kill gamer not to not to be that oh so he's trying to be he's his name is literally the distraction heavy he's trying to hide in front of people and save them to his credit though he did come up with a pretty funny bit that actually took me by surprise is that is this guy on my battlements what what what was that silly man doing that he was on the wrong battlements i grinded up to something like 200 kills and that was when we got another surprise visit from shark who was doing a 24 hour stream so he decided to join me and i try to keep him awake to the best of my ability because he was 18 hours in at this point hello yep how are you doing i'm tired i could only imagine that you would be i i took a nap on stream yeah i was watching a bit of that i'm trying to locate you i just died in front of my very eyes i was looking through like the walls for the uh for you i like your tie though it's a cool tie oh see look this is what we're having to put up with the stickies are accidentally going to flick you into a headshot oh that was nuts this is what i mean when i aim at people on the low ground oh my god dangerously oh i can't be not you you got me scared with oh here we go all right just keep being zoomed in all right okay did you did you just live for that jump scare me did you just get your phone out and look up like chica jump skiff enough you know you're losing your mind no you're gone there's no recovery you get to sleep now what i was gonna say is we hit 302 that's a new record 30 of the way there actually get screenshot this 302 kills yeah zero headshot kills after 40 or so minutes though it was dinner time for a young el maxxo meaning me and shark parted ways for the moment his medic heals went a long way in helping us reach 302 kills which was the current record for this challenge so to repay him you have to go and subscribe to him now i came back with the vengeance after feeling my tum and had a new and daring strategy i wanted to try out all right new challenge i'm gonna go to your battlements now okay right now you're on my team reggie bauman's item here oh [ __ ] yeah look probably not the smartest but the grind continued and i set my eyes on reaching 400 before the end of the night we had some more close calls that was [ __ ] nice we had a few funny moments and the pressure was really starting to ramp up as i got closer and closer to 400. dude i'm 500 kills off still i'm feeling so anxious about every shot i'm fighting like 600 plus like i just like i haven't gone this far before so it's [ __ ] it's [ __ ] it's scary stuff man welcome at 386 i'm gonna stop at 400 and never call it a day i'll be 40 of the way there but fortunately for us we managed to hit the big 400 and you could just sense the enthusiasm and very much not anxiety i was feeling towards this challenge 400 400 kills i'm gonna call today there i'm not caught a day though that's i mean this is stressful forty percent of the way though let's have a look 400 kills zero headshots as stressed as i was about [ __ ] up i'd be lying if i said i wasn't starting to feel some momentum which definitely carried into day seven come to sniper my little beauty this marked one week since the challenge had formally started at this point i'd spend something like an entire day's worth of hours on two fourths battlements which was starting to have a toll on my mental state but that was no issue because i was determined to pull it off today hello everyone it's day seven it's been a week of this challenge so far and it is it's 11 24 a.m and if you don't know anything about australian servers it's not just people play tf2 right you can get into a server during peak times but at this time of the day a 32 out of 32 twofont server is unheard of at 11 30 am i have to auto join to get in i mean it's good i mean i've got people to shoot that but god what what are these settling here anyway we ended last night with 400 kills i think i'm gonna aim for 500 in the next hour i'm going to take it slowly from this point because i'm kind of getting anxious with the amount uh how high i'm getting so hopefully there won't be any troubles i'm kind of confident i think we can do it we got into my favorite 32 players ski al 2 4 server but it looked like there was a little bit of drama going on why did you call me him he's good no okay why is this server 32. yep that's good um why is the server full at 11 a.m old mate was quite the character uh quite loud too and he had some interesting opinions vaccinating effective as a [ __ ] move anyway our friend unfortunately departed and i was left yet again grinding out some body shots at this point it was really just a waiting game because all the kills were so monotonous and besides the occasional uh funny moment wow i sure love peaking the battlements on 2-4 11 35 am it was just me as sniper on the battlements killing other snipers on the enemy battlements but nonetheless i wasn't stopping for nothing and 500 was the next goal i just saw god i actually just got a vision from god in that shot that was him telling me to not go for shots like that oh my god that was like the most visceral reaction i've had so far almost hitting a headshot i felt physical pain in my body jesus christ okay let's let's be more careful you get to bed yes yes halfway there 500 kills now i would actually pride myself on the fact that up until this point i don't think i've actually gotten angry you know i've swapped a demo twice to destroy some buildings but that was just so i could progress i hadn't really yelled to myself or anything like that [ __ ] off neck but [ __ ] did i meet one annoying [ __ ] that changed all that meet manny man 2004 oh my god this guy's been overhealed so many times i've actually would have killed him five times by now unfortunately i wasn't manually recording at this point and only taking highlights but i had fully charged body shot this guy too many times to count but because he had a medic permanently glued to his ass i hadn't killed him once now was it hypocritical for me to get angry well yeah somewhat because i'd had medics in the past actually a fair few now that i think of it but i was not impressed by the fact i had severely outclassed this sniper so many times and had nothing to show for it so i said [ __ ] it [ __ ] that nerd i killed should have killed him five times by now you nerd stop getting healed you little [ __ ] after our little group of snipers began consistently [ __ ] on him manny man 2004 had enough and embraced his inner gamer he opened that text chat with lightning bolts in his fingertips and embraced his inner pewdiepie bridge camper oh he said the n-word oh that's not cool he said that's not good this not only caught everyone off guard but he was instantly banned for two hours from ski owl servers which yeah fair enough i think that's probably fair anyway i went on and had one final push in this session but just as i was about to make it to 800 kills i had a kind of sad realization i've been on the surf for 26 hours i don't think i've gone in the water yet full on i mean you wouldn't have had a reason to yeah exactly that's what i'm saying like i haven't i've been in the intel rooms i haven't i've been so tunnel visioned on the goal you know there was so much of this map i had missed out on i hadn't seen the pyro sharks and the sewers nor the turtling engineers in the intel room or the hoovies conquering on the bridge i'd spent so much time on the battlements that i hadn't been able to truly experience twofold there were so many people i hadn't met or interacted with so many stories i would never know and so many relationships i'd never forged and this feeling began to weigh me down you know i thought to myself maybe i should come back after this challenge was done and make a video about all the people of two fort i had missed oh dude that that's a stupid idea yeah he was probably right anyway look how funny this [ __ ] is there's a scout here i don't think i could fail at this point what and now this is where i click this here we go after a moment of perhaps too much confidence i reached my next milestone 8 40 at 5 30 p.m okay okay i'm gonna leave it there for a second okay okay okay this was the final stretch when i returned to my computer the challenge would either be a success where i clutched out those last 160 kills or a failure where i reset the strange counter again and had to go again from zero from nothing from zilch well well well it's it's here today it's night seven um i'm at 840 kills and i don't plan to leave this lobby until we get a thousand i'm gonna be extra careful with these shots but i'm feeling very confident i mean a sort of state of zen it seems inevitable at this point that success will occur it doesn't maybe not of course i'm a little nervous because if i do [ __ ] up that's 10 hours of uh progress um down the drain but no no i think i think we've got this i do however have some of my admins on my discord on the enemy team which does make me a little fearful of what shenanigans they might pull because if i accidentally headshot an invisible spy i am not going to be happy i was a crit no uh it has crossed my mind that people might think i'm faking it and i don't entirely blame them because pretty much i did 20 what was it 20 19 19 resets and then we did the analysis and i was like i'm just gonna be way more careful and this is my first run since being more careful i still haven't reset once since trying to be more careful so it does look a little sketch but uh i can assure you i'm a man of integrity because the way i could shade i don't know if i've explained this in the video yet i could just take off the headshot part if i hit a headshot then add it at the end and it'll be zero but i just i wouldn't do that uh i can assure you no cheating has been done because i am a man of integrity i'm only going to be taking safe shots like that you know wait for them to stop moving deep breath we don't know we don't want to lose it at this point because that would be a fake worst of death to be honest if i [ __ ] up here because then i gotta gotta start over so i've been thinking what the next challenge i could do for this i was thinking if i had like a chip on my shoulder and was really feeling like wanting to harm myself i could do this challenge with the bizarre bargain and just add an additional layer of hell to this challenge the bizarre bargain starts off charging slower until you get two headshot kills and it's the same speed so if i really wanted to just make this unnecessarily shitty to myself i could use the bizarre bargain and i think it would probably take like six seconds to charge up a shot just for you know the pain of it so if anyone if anyone's feeling a bit silly and they want to make this harder on themselves i think there's you there's your play this is this is is all my life flash before my very eyes oh that actually i need to be really careful oh we got a medic okay usually i'd be uh quite opposed to the whole healing thing but um given how close we are if i get healing i'm not gonna complain entirely you know it's just hitting me now that we made the prediction the maths we did at the rate i was going was 232 000 hours and i'm on my first attempt attempt why do i keep becoming a new zealander i'm on my first attempt since then and we're this far ends what i don't know why i wasn't being more careful before because i really must have been just going for the stupidest shots i thought i could do it i still thought i was very confident but i was thinking it'd be like five or six attempts at this rate and not to get cocky but you know i did i just didn't expect we'd get this far on the first attempt at this point in the challenge i had just over a hundred kills left and it seemed as though the universe really wanted to troll me because we encountered a bit of a troll moment which sent me into a state of schizophrenia now that is worrying me that has scared me beyond belief why was that spy there i that's is it is this guy trying to [ __ ] me over why was there an invisible spy there we got to proceed with uh caution to say the very least i don't know where to aim now who just uh i'm not a fan of that not a fan of what just happened maybe i'm being paranoid i mean how can i not given how far we've come but that's spy being there i don't know why they were there why they're invisible but i feel like there's someone living in my walls uh so to speak they're trying to [ __ ] me over at the the final stretch that's i wouldn't be kind that'd be unkind in fact what is that i what's that sort of doing i'm actually becoming a schizo what's he doing why is he there is he trying to get headshot now luckily or unluckily for me a bunch of my friends started joining both discord and the two-fourth server i was on so they could they could cheer me on and uh definitely not [ __ ] me over in the last stretch so how kind of them [ __ ] gaming sessions just over if you hit a headshot oh it could be you don't really know until it happens do you i love i've had this idea of just how 10 hours of of perfection could crumble before my eyes in literally one frame i've come to ruin your recording please don't i um i i think i'd cry no joke well i feel like you just killed albert einstein yeah we're doing the battle max and then what if we just start like crouching randomly i'd cry why'd you even like put that thought in anyone's mind because if that happens oh 25 away this is it is this where the dramatic music happens no this is where the dream manhunt music plays because there's actually someone coming to my location right now to murder me and look before i knew it i'd gone killed 990 991 992 993 94 95 96 97 98 and kill 999 just one more remained i had spent 30 whole hours leading up to this very moment there had been 19 agonizing resets which were laughing at me from beyond the grave in this very second because my heart had stopped the whole world had stopped everything had froze my crosshair was still the enemy sniper was but a statue and my breath had come to a halt though i was physically paralyzed in this moment my mind was buzzing around one thought in particular a distant memory from the back of my head forced its way into center stage it was an image of cp powerhouse seven days ago it was me loading in for the first time with a fresh machina that had no kills it was a time where i truly had no idea what i was heading into it was a time where i peaked a corner it was a time when my crosshair gravitated towards an enemy engineer not to his body though but his head and in one breath one click of the mouse one frame in the desert of time i hit a headshot and it was about to happen again nah just kidding that'd be [ __ ] if i did that again that's it it's cross it's oh i'm actually light-headed i stood up and oh one thousand kills the madman zero headshots oh against the master god as you can gauge from my reaction i was pretty elated to be honest i thought it was going to take maybe five or six attempts with this new and refined strategy of being more careful but no it only took one attempt after cleaning up my act i think it's pretty hilarious that at the rate i was going when i was super careless with my shots i was going to take 232 000 hours and then i was like oh wait what if i'm just more careful and oh yep first attempt we hit a thousand all in all though let's pull up the big statistics board and see how everything went it took me over 30 hours of in-game time more than 2530 kills more than 3 870 scoreboard points and 19 resets to complete this challenge i actually asked jaybird who was a very elite sniper main and very talented at the whole clicking head business and he estimated that it would take him probably somewhere between 25 to 50 hours to complete this challenge and given i am horrific at sniping i'm pretty impressed that we managed to get it done in 30 hours so where does that leave us in all honesty this challenge was really fun i know that there were points during it where i wanted to rip my eyes out and break my keyboard on my forehead but it actually made me feel really motivated to play tf2 i might look into some sort of challenge video again if this is well received but we will make it even harder let that be known thank you so much for making it through this video uh judging by my editing timeline this is going to be easily over one hour so if you have stuck around until now that means a lot this is by far my biggest project to date so if you do want to help me out with videos like this you can check out my patreon down below and feel free to check out the official el maxo discord twitter and now instagram yes that's correct if you want photos of my dog or you want photos of myself make sure you follow me there so i can use the clout to pick up some baddies [Music]
Channel: elmaxo
Views: 1,498,617
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: TF2, Team Fortress 2, Sniper, Sniper TF2, TF2 Challenge, No Headshots
Id: Sp_RyVfyJlI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 42sec (3462 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 26 2022
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.