TF2: Demoman Trimping Tutorial

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For a more thorough walk through of the different trimps on certain maps, check out this series:

So far only upward has been done, more are coming soon!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/xhephyr πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 19 2015 πŸ—«︎ replies

was that an edgebug at 5.16?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/mralm1337 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 20 2015 πŸ—«︎ replies

Isnt this just ramp surfing?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Ghazzz πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 20 2015 πŸ—«︎ replies

I'm still not getting it. Tried the exact spot on upward. I can get air, but only if I crouch after charging. And it's nothing like the air you were getting.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/DoctorZhil πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 20 2015 πŸ—«︎ replies
hey guys how are y'all doing my name is Nate and same here with a demo man shrimping tutorial now shrimping is actually a different form of jumping I just learned from someone a little while ago now essentially what tripping is is when you use your charge attack to surf up a ramp or a set of stairs and to launch yourself across the map with the speed that you get I've been practicing tripping recently and I find it absolutely hilarious just how far you can fly across the map I mean with just one charge you can fly even farther than you would with just stickies now what I absolutely love about tripping besides the obvious fact that you can you know go flying across the map is that it's actually useful in a lot of situations because when you're a demo night it's really important to have a lot of mobility and get around people so being able to get behind people and go at incredibly high speeds is actually really useful for real games and overall I just think this is absolutely fun to do like this is something I'm really excited teach you about because it's so much fun and there's a few things you have to do to get shrimping to work the first thing you'll need is to get a tie turner for the down man although the other shields can be used to do a little bit of trim peeing and surfing up ramps and stuff the Ty Turner is really important if you want to get a lot of speed and go really far now to start up a trim jump you have to do something that's basically called a surf and a surface when you slide up an incline or a set of stairs or something but in setup to sticking to that incline they're basically just sliding up it now the way you can picture this is kind of in real life when you do an actual surf and you're just kind of sliding up and down the wave you're not really sticking to it in your theme but you're still be able to move across it there's actually a few ways to start off a trim film the first one being that you can just charge directly at a steep incline and you're able to fly off the edge this is actually pretty easy to do there's one jumping digger cape which is made specifically for doing this the only way I have to do is just face the incline charge straight at it you can just fly off and although this way is really easy to do it's not actually going to work most of the jumpsuit want to learn so to start off a jump you want to face perpendicular to the jump that you want to go off now here's exactly what you're going to do if you want to go slide up the ramp I'm going to start off here by just jumping normally into the air now while I'm still in the air I'm going to start charging and before I hit the ground I'm going to make a 180 turn right before I touch the ramp basically what this does is makes us a don't stick to the ground you actually fly horizontally in other direct now the other way you can do it is you can just look straight the whole time and jump in charge this actually works best when you want to go upstairs I kind of depends on how steep the implant is now the last way to do a trim jump is on a very steep incline and basically the kind of incline that you can't normally walk on and really only have to do for this kind of incline is to walk up straight into it and kind of jump against the wall and then you basically charge way up against it and you can kind of move yourself upward it's actually really cool how it works because the wall is too steep for you to walk on it put a steep enough that you can charge off of it and get really good height now once you're up in the air you're gonna have to do a little bit of charge strafing I'll basically explain how this works now for those of you don't know strafing is basically just moving throughout the air there's actually two ways that you can straight the first one is normal straightening and normal stripping can be done with any class because you don't need to charge basically all you do to go right is to press D on your keyboard and move your mouse slowly right and to go left to press a move your mouse slowly left a charge strafing is basically when you're moving throughout the air while you're charging as a demo night and it's a little bit different from normal strafing all you really have to do to move throughout the air is to move your mouse left and right now when you're charging in the air you're actually going to slide quite a bit more than you would just normally moving as you can see if I charge off this and move my mouse 90 degrees I'm still kind of sliding off toward my left because it's kind of you know sliding throughout the air so in order to fix this I need to turn myself more right than I think I would have to go so I'm basically just moving my mouse right but I'm still heading towards my left so it's actually a lot different from just normally moving throughout the air once you do it enough times it'll make so much more sense the one thing I should mention is that while you're strafing throughout the air you're going to gain a ton of speed by doing so it's basically sets you up for the rest of the jump I can kind of compare the more speed that you get to this example here I normally charge off of this rock I can get up on top of the wall which is pretty far I guess when you charge and you actually strafe over left and right and you can actually go a ton farther than you normally would this is why it's super important to straight full up because you get a ton of speed and of course getting a lot of speed is important because you need to get behind people quicker you need to be able to jump off more ramps throughout the jump now overall this really has become one of my new favorite ways of jumping because not only is it super awesome you can actually use in a lot of games because you know getting behind people and surprising them and come at them and incredibly high speeds is super important plus it's just so much fun to do I can't stress how much fun it is to just charge into a ramp and just fly go flying across the map and like all other things in life you need to practice to get it all right need to practice you can understand how much more speed you need to do it you need to understand what angle you need to be at I can't explain exactly what angles you need to be at to get to work and it kind just depends what the jump is I just want to put enough stress on the fact that you need to get a lot of speed when you do this this is probably the fastest way you'll ever get to jump with any class it's all you're doing is just draping throughout the air and that alone builds all the speed Plus like I said before it's really important to get across enough quickly plus the amount of speed you have can determine the angle you go ramps and stuff so really overall just practice getting beginning of the jump down practice strafing throughout the air and practice getting a lot of speed and ensure enough time you will be very good at this it's all about the practice anyways that's gonna be it for today thank you guys so much for watching I actually had a ton of fun making this video because of just so many different jumps he can do in all these different Maps it's kind of fun just exploring going around and figuring out what you can do and really if you use this correctly it can be very important when you play demo night in actual games anyways again thank you all for watching and I will see you guys next time
Channel: Nate Fox
Views: 763,085
Rating: 4.9557648 out of 5
Keywords: Team Fortress 2 (Video Game), TF2, Nate Fox, Nate, Demoman, Trimp, Trimping, Tutorial, Surf, Charge, Charge Jump, Jump, Tide Turner, Demoknight
Id: lDUcgOo1Ogs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 7sec (367 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 19 2015
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