TF2: Basic Console Commands and Scripts!

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hey guys how are y'all doing today my name is Nate and today I'm going to show you guys some commands they can enter to tf2 that'll be really useful for gameplay purposes and for rocket jumping now believe me I even asked so many questions we got you all these themes like huggin transparent view models and all that well today I'm going to explain all of that to you guys so the first thing you want to do is to make sure that your developers consoles enabled what you do is you go into your options right here in your little menu and then you hit the advanced button right below that there should be a little check spot you can hit enable developers console right there what this does is brings up a little window with all this text and stuff on it and it's basically just showing you what's going on in the game and what's being typed now this is what we're going to use to enter a bunch of commands now first off I'm gonna show you guys some stuff you can use in actual games like stuff that'll help you see in all that and the first one is fov underscore desired now by default this is gonna be set to 75 this is basically just how much you can see on your screen at one time now if we set it to ninety as you can see it opens up more of the screen we can see more stuff that's going on around us this is something that all of you should have said to now viewmodel underscore fov is a little bit different it's basically telling your little view model in front of your screen to be either farther away from you or up close I believe that the default is 75 and as you can see here it's kind of like up close to the screen you can see like the one rocket launcher right here if I say it's ninety you can see that my rocket launcher it kind of goes farther away from me and I can kind of see more around me and I believe that the maximum you can go is 110 now again what I prefer to use is 90 because it's just like right in between right in the middle and I could still see well that's going on around me the next step we're going to talk about the bind command now I going to use this for a lot of different games what you do is you start out by typing bind and then right after that you're going to type a key like any key on your keyboard so when you press it it's going to do something and then right after that in quotation Rogers you're going to put a command you're going to tell it to do something so for example if I were to type find then after that put like a queue whenever I press Q is going to do something now in quotation marks right after that I'm going to put noclip so when I met in my own server when I press Q is going to enable noclip and I can basically just fly around the map and I've turned off I just press it one more time now another one that I like to use is bind toggle ctrl for control and then our underscored review model what this does is every time I press control on my keyboard it's going to turn off or turn on my view model now this becomes really handy when you have weapons that cover a lot of the screen you just want to turn it off completely that's the last example here I like to use is to bind text so they'll appear when I press something now after you type bind and you put in a key and the quotation marks are going to put say and then you're going to put a space and then whatever text you want it to appear on the server so if I were to type bind and put in a key we could put quotation marks and say and then like I don't know Ladyface or something in quotation marks so if you enter that and you go into the server and press the key it's going to save a little text in chat so again there's like a ton of things you can do with bind and it's really helpful for other themes now the biggest question I get asked is how do I use transparent view models now even though I put the link in the description no one sees it so I'm gonna explain it now you can either click on this video right here we'll play this little link that I'll take you to the page that explains just how to get transparent be models it just requires you to put a few scripts into one of your folders and this will enable transparent B models so you can still see your view models on the screen but you can look through them and see people behind it I personally like to use this because instead of just having like no V model I'm able to see what I'm using and still be able to see what's going on around me and it's it's really awesome I love it I love using it now there's another little command here you can enter then I'll help you kind of increase your fruits per second a little bit and this is going to be Matt under sport Vaughn zero and this is going to change your graphic settings a little bit everything's gonna look a little bit different it can't decreases the graphics a tiny bit it's your game can run a little bit faster now this next one is another one you should all know how to do it's how to record a demo now you can record your gameplay just through the developers console and it'll save it as a demo file they can replay later wait days you type record and then you put a space and then you put a name for the file you want to be this is gonna start recording your gameplay and this really isn't going to affect your gameplay at all it's just gonna kind of run in the background till you tell it to stop and you just type stop into the console if you want to play it again later you just type play demo under the name of the demo and you can watch the whole thing all the way through and you can even speed it up and slow it down and go to certain spots all you do is type of demo UI into the console this little window will pop up with all these different settings you can use to watch it and that you just pretty much every time I games tf2 it's great for just going back and watching the moments I actually played another quick command here is retry you just type it into console that's just gonna reconnect you to the server so you won't have to go back and browse and hit connect all over again and now this command here I'm going to show you is basically just for fun purposes I just like to use it when I'm really bored and its CEO first person uses world model 1 what this does is it turns on your actual view models in the game and let C be able to see what you're actually doing so they can see here when I'm jumping up and down a rocket launcher just going insane because that's what it actually looks like in the game if I switch to heavy you can see I can look down and even see my stomach it's not really like a useful command I just kind of like duper fun now these last few commands are gonna talk about the stuff they can use in your own server and more specifically for rocket jumping because that's what I like to do the first one is gonna be SV underscore cheats one this is gonna allow you to put in a whole bunch of different commands to your own server such as gain more health and stuff like them and what I like to do is to make sure that the server doesn't have any time limit at all and do this by typing MP underscore tournament and then a one as placentae tournament mode and a time will never run out or if I want to I guess I guess type MP underscore time limit and then whatever number and is going to set the time limit to something else and once they've got all that set up you can actually give yourself a ton of health so for like example if you wanted to go sticky jumping in rocket jumping and you don't want to die from losing too much health you can type hurt me and then his face and then - and then a number so it's good type a really big number here and as you can see when I enter it I'm going to have a ton of health let's go ask me a long time another one you could use as impulse101 now when you enter this it's just going to refill your ammo and your health all the way now if you wanted to you could actually bind this to a key so if I did like so for example I could do like bind e impulse101 every time I press E it's gonna give me all my health and ammo bag now personally for rocket jumping purposes I like to use a little script and it's going to refill my health and ammo every two seconds or so so I don't to ever have to press any buttons and I'll just do it for me now put a link to where you can get this script from and once you get it all set up all I have to do in console is type exec space region and it's going to launch it and it's gonna give you all your health and Mo every two seconds or so now the last command here I'm gonna show you guys is set position now I use this all of the stinkin time when I'm rocket jumping cause if I'm practice seem like a really big jump and I don't want have to walk all the way back this is going to bring me back to the exact spot that I saved it at so in console I type get POS per position and it's gonna bring out this little red text line I'm going to copy that and when I paste it into the console when I hit enter it's going to bring me back to that exact spot that was before so I'm actually gonna bind this to a key whenever I press the key that's gonna bring me back to that exact spot with I saved it that so let's fantastic if you want to practice really big jumps all right that's gonna be it for today thank you guys so much for watching now hopefully some of these commands will help you out in some sort of way because I use a ton of these commands all the time and they're really stinkin useful and again if you have any more questions you can feel free to type a comment or just send me a message and I'll try to answer it anyways that's it for today and I will see you guys next time [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Nate Fox
Views: 1,366,404
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Team Fortress 2 (Video Game), TF2, Nate Fox, nate, tutorial, developer's console, console, commands, regen, rocket jumping, jump, bind
Id: 9668VxNfDYQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 25sec (505 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 06 2015
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