TF2: A Complete Guide to Airblasting

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hello viewer before proceeding with the video we would ask that you rate yourself between the following choices so you can know if the information in this tutorial is right for you if you are a pyro who loves being a team player and promoting friendly gameplay for everyone then please continue watching the video if you love absolute hysteria and disregarding the happiness of others around you we would ask that you listen to this video of a baby crying because he should already be accustomed to that sound thanks hey guys how are y'all doing today my name is Nate and today we are going to talk about ear blasting which is one of the most interesting and awesome mechanics within tf2 now for those of you who have never played Pearl before for whatever reason or you've never used air blasting before I'll quickly go over the basics air blasting or otherwise known as compression blasting is the alternative fire for all of Pyro's primary weapons except for the legislature of course using this alternative fire will show a small blast of air out of your flamethrower that can help you with a countless number of things we'll talk about the biggest upside to use an air blasting is they can reflect projectiles the enemy players shoot at you I use this first example here to show you that you can use air blast to reflect rockets you can see that as its soldiers rockets coming close to me I'll press Mouse to to something rock in the other direction if I send this rocket back at the soldier and it hits him it will do mini crit damage which is about 35% more damage than what a normal rocket would do you can already see just how powerful is mechanic is however the only tricky part about air blasting is getting the timing down if you air blast too soon or too late you probably won't reflect projectiles in time before it passes you where hits you luckily air blasting can be pretty forgiving if your timing is a little off you can see here that I still reflect the rocket even if it's a bit far ahead of me or just a bit far to my side just remember to practice this often so you'll understand it for yourself another great thing about air blasting projectiles they can send them in different directions you can see here that when the soldier shoots straight at me I could send the rocket towards the different places that I aim this becomes super important to know because you can use a projectile to kill other players other than the one who shot it now obviously if I can projectile some actual players is 1vl harder than unbox who shoot consistently most of it will come down by getting to know what players you up against more often than not less experienced players will shoot the projectiles as soon as they approach a pyro this is why I like to air blasts as soon as I run into them a lot of times they'll shoot and all reflected back almost immediately which can have some pretty nice results however more experienced players will know not to make as predictable the shoot a very random times which can completely throw you off it's good to stay a little bit back so you can see their projectile before it hits you now that we're covering a bit about the timing of air blasting we should quickly go over which projectiles you can reflect before you cover that you can reflect rockets you can also air blast remains cannonballs sticky bombs arrows flares cleavers baseballs healing bolts repair claws jarate milk and energy blasts that's kind of nice isn't it look at all the things you can reflect just remember that the timing for each of these projectiles can be weird to some projectiles like grenades like to travel in an arc so it's good to aim up so we'll travel farther sticky bombs can be plugged it out of the air - once they touch the ground they'll just roll around all over the place take the time to practice reflecting each of these so the time it'll make more sense especially when reflecting some with a weirder projectiles for example arrows healing bolts and direct hit rockets will travel extremely fast so they'll definitely be a lot harder to reflect it's really satisfy anything to pull it off though also since your rockets can be reflected this is especially useful to know considering sentries are really hard to take out pyro in the level 3 sentry shoots a rocket I like to reflect it back at the engineer because it makes taking out the century a lot easier for you and your teammates you definitely want to practice this too because staying out of the sight of the sentries bullets can be tricky but again if you can pull this off great themes will come from it next up we're going to cover the teamwork aspect of air blasting that includes putting out fires and controlling enemy players for those of you who didn't know if your teammate is on fire you can put it out by air blasting doing so will also give you 20 health which can be really beneficial a lot of players on fire it's crazy how using teamwork within Team Fortress 2 gets things done right you can also use air-blast to push enemy players and control where they are positioned a popular way of using this is a trap players up against a wall or a corner and finishing them off with other weapons this keeps the enemy player from getting away so you can deal a lot more damage to them another great thing to do is air blasts enemy players who are under the effects of an uber charge although you can't damage them you can keep them from walking forward and killing your teammates you might take a lot of damage while doing this but your teammates are going to love you forever next i should point out that reflecting projectiles except for stickies will do absolutely no damage to your teammates however you can still damage yourself be careful not to reflect rockets or grenades too close to wall where you might end up accidentally killing yourself but again if you save your teammates then you're sure as heck doing your job and lastly although I consider this a douchebag move you can push players off a cliff they are next to it I hate it when it happens to me but it's just so much fun to do it to others now I want to quickly cover three advanced themes that you probably won't use as much as the other information but it can come in handy in very specific situations the first is that you can actually reflect some projectiles if you're standing behind an enemy player as you can see here I can reflect a rocket into the soldier at the exact moment that he shoots a rocket this requires an insane amount of luck and timing if it ever happens in an actual game but yeah it's not kind of cool second if you're under the effects of a crits Krieg all the projectiles that your flex will turn into crits of course this will do a crazy amount of damage if you do it right and lastly you can rock a jump and do pipe jumps just by reflecting as well I've only used this once or twice on an actual game and I can actually have pretty funny results a pipe jump is fairly simple if you know when the enemy dentalman shot a pipe you can reflect it and jump off as it rolls on the ground you'll probably use this more than anything a reflect rocket jump is a lot more complicated this requires you positioning yourself so the rocket lands are right next to you and reflecting it towards the ground unfortunately this is hard to pull off because the enemy soldier will need to shoot and it can be spot however if they set up nicely all I need to do is turn to your side flick towards the ground and jump and Crouch at the same time this will send you flying into the air and you'll actually go a lot farther than a soldier would with the normal rocket jump this can lead to a lot of surprise attacks and you'll cause terror to the other players at the seek rooting through the air like the crazy pyromaniac you are anyways that's gonna be it for this tutorial maybe guys can go out and have a blast playing one of my favorite classes in the game thank you for watching and I hope to see you all next time you
Channel: Nate Fox
Views: 1,032,997
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Team Fortress 2, TF2, Nate fox, nate, pyro, airblast, rocket jump, teamwork, reflect, rocket, tutorial
Id: TzBiZevkLH0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 22sec (442 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 31 2016
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