You know what's annoying? People who take hours to text back. Especially when they're the ones that hit you up first, like "Hey, what's up"? And you text back like "Nothing, chilling at Chipotle, what you up to"? And they never text you back. The next person that starts a text conversation with me and just leaves me hanging mid-conversation, Is gonna get a Lu-Kang bicycle kick to the face! If you get busy, just say "in class, brb", "at work, brb", Cause if you leave me hanging, don't be looking all confused when I show up in my Mortal Kombat cosplay, Cause we about to fight for real, cause I'm a thug. Real quick, the letter "K" is only acceptable when someone's stating a fact or looking for confirmation. For example, "Hey, I'm in your driveway, let's go!" "Hey, I'm on my way." "Hey, I'm lonely. Pink up some junk food, come to my house so we can watch Disney movies while I cuddle your face off." If you text me the letter "K" for any other reason, don't be looking all confused when I show up wearing my Goku outfit, about to bust a "Kamehameha" up in your grille! Cause I'm a thug! I ain't going back to jail! Actually, you wanna know my biggest text peeve is? Is when someone just flat-out ignores me. And why is the person that always ignores you always your crush or the person you really wanna talk to? There was one girl I was talking to, I text her one night and I was like: "Hey girl, jump on Skype real quick". And I never initiate texts like that, ok? This girl totally ignored me. If she called me a few days later like "Oh my gosh, I missed you so much", What the heck- "Uh, you didn't see that I texted you two days ago?" "Yeah, I saw it, but I just didn't feel like Skyping". "THREE finger strokes!" "N-O-Send"? "I ain't nobody's plan B!" "Either you choose me or you lose me. Matter of fact, how do you spell your last name again? What is that- C-H-E-"... And then there's those times where you're sitting at home relaxing, checking your Facebook, and you see your friend update their status, like: "Oh my gosh! Powerpuff Girl marathon on Cartoon Network! #90skid" And instead of commenting on their wall, you text them cause you got "special friend privileges", Unlike their other 90 billion Facebook friends... And then like, two hours go by, and you ain't heard jack. And you start thinking: "You know what, I don't even like stupid Powerpuff Girls, why'd I text them in the first place?" "I seen you update your Instagram like two minutes ago, oh you're just gonna totally ignore me, like I don't even exist." Now I'm in a bad mood when I go to watch "Glee". My night is ruined. Someday, someone's gonna ignore my text, and I'm gonna jump in my car and drive over to where they live, and then park my car outside their house, And when they eventually come outside, I'm gonna run up to them right as they're getting in their car and go like: "HEY! If you ever ignore another one of my texts, I will Falcon Punch you right in the Adam's Apple!" And they'll go: "Dude, what's your problem, relax, why're you acting like a psycho?" And I'll be like: "Oh, you're calling me psycho now? You wanna see psycho, I'll show you psycho!" BOOSH! And Falcon Punch their car in half. So if you're ever at home, and you walk by a window and glance out and you see me sitting in my car like I'm staking your house out, You better go check your phone and make sure I didn't text you. Cause we about to fight!
this was cute, and i understand that it's a comedy sort of thing, but do people really care that much? i mean, really?
is it just my age? cause i honestly don't give a shit if someone doesn't text me back right away. if i want to get something to eat, but you take an hour to text me back, too bad, i already got me a sammich. and i'm not hurt that i didn't get texted back right away. big mothertrucking deal.
If I don't text someone back, it's probably because I don't want to talk to them.....kk
I bought my cell phone for my convenience, not yours.
I enjoyed the Death Note reference
You know what's even more annoying than not texting back? Not texting with anyone at all.
Here is how I see it, If I actually need to ask someone something, I call them. I know that texts aren't always instant, about 5% of the time a text takes more than an hour to make it to my phone.
One time, I received a text from my dad that said "what time are you coming to pick me up today?" which was weird because I hadn't picked him up from work for months. It turns out that it was a text from months ago.
I'll say the one time I did actually get upset was earlier this month when I texted a friend I haven't seen all summer. So I'm asking them about what's going on in his life and whatnot and he just straight up IGNORES. I'm not huge on texting so it's not like I was bothering you, and if you're going to see the person soon it's no big deal if you don't answer, but I'm just trying to reconnect with you, why is it so hard to reply with something simple or just say you're busy or whatever? Jeez.
People need to chill the fuck out with this text messaging response bullshit. I got friends who get all pissy if I don't message them back right away. Especially if them BBM me and see that I read it. Like holy fuck, I don't feel like responding right now. If you ask me to get pizza, and I don't respond, that means I DON'T WANT TO GET FUCKING PIZZA, OR I'M FUCKING BUSY BRO. Stop being fucking babies and grow the fuck up holy fucking shit. /end rant
Damn you!