Smoking Brisket with Beef Tallow vs. No Tallow - Brisket Series part 3 of 3

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hey guys it's matt with meat church and welcome back to my home in waxahachie texas today's part three of the grand finale of our brisket series and i think we saved the best for last all the rage on the internet right now using beef tallow when smoking a brisket does it make a difference we'll stick around and find [Music] out if you guys remember part one we did a comparison between cooking and brisket wrapped in butcher paper versus one wrapped in aluminum foil and then part two of this brisket series we smoked brisket meat side up and then one fat side up and talked about the differences but today is all about the tallow and why are we doing this well i can't open instagram or youtube without seeing tallow tallow tallow some of it's click bait some of it is like the world has just figured out tallow which is not really a new secret but it seems to be all the recent rage um and in this experiment this entire series we started with six 44 farms briskets all trimmed the same way and then simply seasoned with meat church holy cow and we've cooked two briskets for each part of the series so we've got two of those today we're gonna smoke one with tallow and one without and so hey i thought what i would do is bring in an expert on tallow and that's my buddy johnny owner of goldie's barbecue here in kennedale how you doing man good good thanks for having me yeah thanks for coming i'm excited to be here um yeah working at those places uh i've been using talo for a really long time but uh i'm excited to go over like you know when you should use it how you should use it all that good stuff and you know show a way to do it i'm excited i mean what i think what's crazy unique about you that you've worked at not one not two but three texas monthly top 50 barbecue joints so you've definitely been doing this for a long time you've been using tylo for a long time uh there's not a lot of people that have worked at three texas monthly top 50 barbecue yeah yeah definitely definitely no it was great because uh you know i learned learned a whole lot from each one and uh you know i have my own spot now so um you know it's awesome yeah it's super good um and if people don't know what the text monthly top 50 is it's like 50 of the best barbecue joints in the country so let's go get butcher paper and tallow and let's wrap these briskets alrighty well as i've mentioned these briskets have been cooked to the wrap stage i love this middle scale yeah you got it that's amazing thanks man i know you guys have a couple mil skills we got two yeah two thousand gallons of goldies from middle scale yeah they're amazing yeah they're they're beautiful you wanna grab that one so what i'm going to do is i'm going to wrap mine uh an unwaxed butcher paper we've spritzed it with cider vinegar and i'm just going to wrap mine plain where johnny you're going to wrap yours with with tallow yes so we have the uh we have the butcher paper spritz that's going to kind of seal the bottom of it basically what i'm going to do is just get a scoop of this cold tallow put it right here on the bottom and place the brisket directly on top i uh this is a technique i've learned along the way um i don't like to pour it on top because i don't want to mess with this bar because that spark's very important obviously but i do want to cook it with talos so this is the best kind of way to to get the tallow in there and not mess up your bark so basically that's pretty much it just a little scoop it's going to melt in there it's going to be cooking and i'm going to wrap it up and these briskets were about 180 in the point 180-ish and like 170-ish in the flat so that's how we knew they were ready yeah after you wrap yours up yeah they're feeling great feeling soft it lots of great art yeah yeah i wouldn't want to mess with that bark either yeah absolutely that towel will help soften up the bottom as well if you do have any crispy bits around the way it's just going to be sitting in a a pull a towel basically while it cooks awesome well we're going to put these back in the mill scale we're going to keep running this post oak fire 250 degrees until these briskets are tender and done and then we're gonna rest them and then i'm excited i don't know if i told you this but we've got a third person coming in another barbecue joint owner that's going to blind taste test our two different briskets to give us an unbiased opinion there we go that's awesome awesome i'm excited to see that i'm pumped to try it okay all right well we're gonna let these keep cooking and we'll see you a little bit all right guys these briskets have been cooking another couple hours we've checked them they're done they're about 203 degrees in the flat we're keeping that the same for all of these briskets so it's time to pull them out i'll let you grab yours i'll go ahead and grab mine all right now mine i'm not going to do anything by the way this one no tallow whatsoever we're gonna leave it as is and then johnny with mine i got my uh rendered fat here this is the tallow i'm just gonna pour some on the top of the brisket while it rest i'm gonna let it soak right in that tallow so we've just rendered down fat from these briskets we just cut the fat into small pieces put it in the smoker overnight and this is just more tallow that we rendered out so we're going to actually let this rest as he said in the tallow so from here we're going to allow the briskets to rest at ambient temperature outside in our outdoor kitchen for about two hours they'll still be a safe temperature to eat at that point we're going to unwrap them compare we're going to taste them and do like an unbiased review yep and we're going to bring in our special blindfolded guests so we'll see y'all in a couple hours all right guys johnny and i are here with the briskets that have been resting for a couple hours uh you can kind of see a big difference this one's actually been sitting in all this tallow you can see it there on the sheet pan but i'm ready to open them up and see what we think me too i'm ready to see it this is like all talked about on the internet everybody thinks you have to do this so i'm i'm excited to try it and compare yeah yeah i'm excited to see what people think um i don't know if it's something you necessarily need to but we'll see what people think [Applause] well we can clearly tell quite the visual difference there even before you put the residuals you want it that brisket was wet it is very wet in this paper that's from the uh the cold towel that we put in and then the towel that we were resting the brisket in man well all right i mean clearly big visual difference but it's uh to me time to get to slicing yep man i gotta say it's almost not fair how good that one looks compared to this one with all that tallow yeah and that's i mean that's really what it is too it's just the uh the tallow i mean that's why it looks so shiny like this man and obviously that one's super juicy it's completely just oozing out of this with like zero effort let me cut this oh boy that's my part right there oh baby that's solid that's very good that meal scale yeah middle scale is where it's at man those look good all right well let's slice it well get us just get us some pieces to try yeah good lord the juice is just running out of that all right wow that looks yeah it looks cut down a few pieces and you get this one going and um it'll be time to see what we think here there we go and it's so wet you need like a zamboni to mop up the rosewood butcher block here all right let's see what we got here how this one looks let's see let's see i mean juicy as well i mean obviously the outside look that way but it's just running down right there like dang same thing super juicy it just looks drier on top that's really yeah which i know some people prefer drier bark like with my beef ribs i don't wrap them because i like the crispy bark look at that dang it it looks super good super super good yeah that was that looks amazing get us some slices of that super good yeah and get yourself you're good at this i know you slice at goldie's so you're used to this every weekend every weekend just cutting yeah y'all need to go to goldie's in kennedale man uh i think we need to get someone else in here to to try this with us i think so too we have any volunteers in the crowd any any volunteers in the crowd oh who's this we have a blindfolded i think it might be joe zavala zavala's barbecue but um i don't know hold your hands out joe let me let me hand you a piece this is one type and then let me uh hand you something your other hand i know you're kind of wet there all right let's give this a shot that's really good freaking unbelievable that rub is amazing what did you say what was called meat church holy cow baby church holy cow that was delicious man all right i'm going wow is this a fatty piece of brisket it is i'm joking i'm talking ah this is so like just wet man that there's a lot going on with the tallow brisket like it's i'm gonna say the word that comes by it's rich i mean i mean it's it's super wet um but there's just a lot going on with it yeah we all think that's a one slicer that's a one slicer what do i think um you sure this isn't a fatty piece of brisket which one was this one that is the tallow brisket man i think it was lean just with just so much just fat it was amazing yeah that's exactly what it was right that's exactly what it is that's what nutella does yeah it's like it's like you just want to you want to be a show stopper so you just throw that tallow on there absolutely what do you think i think they're both really really good i think the tallow is obviously you know a little bit more rich um but it is a little bit more bland i think that that much fat going on to a brisket can really mellow out your rub that's on top of it um i agree but the the crispy bark on this one definitely had more more flavor definitely more flavor here and i have like a film of fat in my mouth right now i can't even take them serious right now i think they're both really good i couldn't i'd probably do different ones on different times you know just to to change things up i mean i'm gonna say this sometimes i think cooking a brisket like that's for the gram people are doing that for the likes you don't necessarily have to do it and look we're gonna be honest we know tons of people in barbecue and we all know lots of barbecue joint owners and we can personally attest there's a few doing it this way i think there's a whole lot more doing it this way um you know so to each their own yeah absolutely absolutely well hey guys tell everyone where they can find you joe zavala from zavala's barbecue in grand prairie texas you can find me on all social media at zavala's barbecue this is derby uh you can find me at goldie's barbecue every weekend and hey big time on youtube and instagram follow jeremy's barbecue so i'm matt pittman meat church thanks for watching this concludes our brisket series if you like what you've done please like and subscribe we're working super hard to bring you uh amazing content and we'll see you guys next time [Music] bye
Channel: Meat Church BBQ
Views: 369,390
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: beef tallow, tallow, brisket with beef tallow, beef recipe, brisket bbq, meat church, beef brisket, how to make brisket, matt pittman, traeger, bbq brisket, bbq, barbecue, brisket, grilling, meat church bbq, meat church bbq youtube, Meat Church BBQ YouTube, Meat Church, Matt Pittman, BBQ, Barbecue, Grilling, brisket with tallow, 44 farms, mill scale, joe zavala, zavalas barbecue, jonny white, jirbys bbq, goldees bbq, how to, barbeque, wagyu beef, smoked brisket, texas barbecue
Id: uKq0dFFbfG4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 21sec (681 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 21 2021
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