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- Hello, everybody, it's time for me to test some products that no one asked for. ♪ Hello everybody it's time for me to test crap again. ♪ A bunch of people asked me to test some hair products. I don't know why I'm testing so many things right now. My channel, I guess it's because I can't go anywhere and I can't do anything because of quarantine, because of COVID-19. So I just sit at my house and I test products every single day. And while it's fun, I can't wait till it's over so that I can go do things. So I ordered the top rated weirdest, coolest hair styling products that I could find. And I tested them out for you guys. So this is going to be kind of a review slash experience slash- (cool music) Probably kind of boring video. But here we go, before we get started, I wanna say that this is obviously not a sponsored video. No one is paying me to talk about their products. No one gave me these products, I paid for these products. And I'm gonna give you a very honest review, on all of these products. However, I'm reviewing these products based on my hair type. I have short hair and I have very curly hair. So I've frizzy curly hair. So just because some of these products don't really work on my hair, it doesn't mean they won't work on your hair. It just means we have different types of hair. So I'm gonna try to give you an honest review on how it works on frizzy, curly hair. And then tell you if I think it will work on your hair type, because a big pet peeve of mine is when girls come on here and go, this is the best hair styling tool in the world. And it's like only for girls with really straight, long hair, or it's only for girls with really curly, thick hair. There's something in my mouth, I don't know what it was, but it kind of looked like a bug. Let's get started. The first product we're going to try is The Genie Curl. The auto curling iron. I am really excited about this one because it like sucks your hair in apparently and curls it for you. Now I will admit to you guys. I am pretty good with the curling iron. I'm pretty good with a straightening iron. Like I know how to style my hair. So these products I think are more for people who are not comfortable with the curling iron or straightening iron. So to me, most of these products, I wouldn't really use because I am very comfortable with what you would normally use for curling hair. Know what I mean? Anyway, let's try it out. This is what I look like this morning. My hair is frizzy and dirty. This is what my hair's looking like, I slept with it wet. Not last night but the day before. So I haven't washed it in two days and this is what it looks like. I have naturally curly, very thick, coarse, dead hair. It comes with this hair sectioning card to show you how much hair you wanna use. So it should fit within this thing, which this chunk of hair does. These types of devices is really scare me. The ones where it kinda like suctions your hair inside. Like they really freaked me out. So the instructions say, if your hair goes on the right side of the barrel, push the right button, there's a right and a left button. And if your hair goes on the left side of the barrel, push the left button. What do you mean right or left? Like your right or my right. It looks like you put it this way. So that outing thing is there, so if I stick in my hair this way. Is it the right side of the barrel, or the left side of the barrel, I don't know what to do. I'm just gonna guess, Oh God, I am so scared. Okay, so (indistinct) Oh no, I'm scared, I hate this kind of things. Okay, here we go. Okay, it's in there. And it said to hold it for like eightish seconds, which I'm not counting, one, two, three, four Okay, so she wants to be done. Okay. Why are you beeping? Like relax. Oh, is that to tell me when to let it go? I'm so confused. So there it is honestly like a lame curl. So let's try this again, there's the right button. It's kind of fun that it sucks it up in there though. Okay, so does that mean I'm supposed to take it out. Here we go. This supposed to... actually, no, I'm not gonna lie. I usually hate these types of devices for hair. I think none of them ever work and it's easier to just use a curling iron, but this one might be good for someone who cannot figure out a curling iron, because while I would never use this, because I've just like curling irons and I've got a lot of practice with curling irons. So they're easy for me to figure out. You don't have to put any effort into it. You just kind of like, hold your hair in there and let it go. So this might be a good option for people who don't understand or don't like curling irons. 'Cause you literally just stick your hair in and let it go. I mean, those are curls, they're not tight curls. I'm hoping that they'll like fall a little bit. You know what I will say this, I bet you that this would not work on someone with stick straight hair. I could almost guarantee that it would not work because my hair is pretty coarse and holds curls very well because I have naturally curly hair. I feel like it's a really loose curl. So I can't imagine on someone with stick straight silky hair that this would work. I don't think it would, but I don't know. I don't have that kind of hair. So this is what it does on my hair. Here we go, it's kind of fun. You guys, I never like these things. So I'm like shocked that I'm like kind of enjoying this one. But that curl didn't work. You know it's getting a wave in there. It's like making something happen. I think I'm enjoying this, I think I like her. I do think if you know how to use a curling iron, a curling iron is faster. I also have pretty short hair, so I don't know what this would do on someone with long hair. I farted. So this is what it looks like without my fingers being run through it or anything. They're like, okay, curls. Like they're not tight curls. They're more like a loose wave curl. So I'm letting that kind of cool down. And then I'm going to run my fingers through it, to see what that looks like. So let's give her a second, so if I run my fingers through it, which is what I usually do with my curls and it's like this I mean, it's not bad, it's like kinda nice. I don't hate this. (upbeat music) I'm so sorry. (upbeat music) I actually think this is maybe kind of a good device. I don't know. Well, actually these curls are kind of falling now. I don't know, I think this is a good thing. If you don't like curling irons or don't know how to use curling irons that's my opinion. I actually thought this was a really cool product. If you like a super bouncy natural curl, like it looks really bouncy really classic. It's not like the now like beach waves or kind of longer and straightened out a little bit. It's like a really intense, bouncy, big curl. So if I was gonna go to like a Hollywood party and wanted to be like a Marilyn Monroe type, I probably use a curl like that. Out of all the products, this one was one of my favorites. I don't know how well it would hold for girls with super stick straight hair, but for hair like mine, which holds curl really well. I thought this was a pretty good product. Moving on, the hot air brush. My sister-in-law loves this product, she swears by it. She thinks it's incredible. It was pretty cheap. And it blow dries and brushes and straightens your hair all at once. I have used a product similar to this in the past. It didn't blow dry my hair, but it did straighten and brush it at the same time. And I burnt myself on it. But this one, apparently it gives you that like classic blowout look. so let's try it out. Okay, here is the device and it's plugged in. And so it's good, I just fell on nothing. That's where I'm at that's my exhaustion level. You have these settings, I always section my hair, came with little Clippy things, but I'm gonna do what I know, which is a hair tie. So I guess you just turn it on and brush, like that. It's on medium I'ma turn on high. (cool music) Okay, I hate these things. So I've had stuff sort of like this in the past and this probably works really great on certain types of hair, it does not work on my hair. So to put heat on it, that just blows it and brushes it. It just makes it frizzy, it's dry. So I guess there's that, but it's frizzy. I would never use this and then just like go out on the town. I'm gonna continue to use it right now, do it to my whole head. So you can see what it would look like on my whole head. My hair is wet I took a shower like an hour ago. (cool music) This looks like what my hair looked like in high school when I tried to straighten it like I didn't have a good straightener because I couldn't afford a good straightener. So I used like a really cheap one that didn't work very well my thick hair and it looked like that's just like a really... it's like kind of straight, but mostly just really frizzy, oh man. (cool music) Okay, so this is what it looks like, I mean, it's not horrible, it doesn't look good. Like I wouldn't go out of the house like this. You know what I mean? It's just really frizzy and not fully straight. It's just like fluffy, it's very fluffy. I think on certain types of hair, this would be awesome. I will say it blow dried my hair really fast. I have only been doing this for like five minutes and my hair is really dry that's cool, I guess. But, I feel like now I have to re go over it all with a straightening iron or a curling iron, because I mean, it looks like this, so I'm not gonna say it's not great because my sister-in-law loves this thing and she has curly hair. But we have different types of curly hair, I guess. 'Cause it did dry my hair and it did straighten it question mark, but it's super poofy. So it does not work on my hair. Maybe someone like my sister, it would work well on. She has very straight hair and works well on my sister-in-law like I said, but for me this is not my jam. So she's going in a ponytail for the day. I feel like, honestly, I will use this again, if I ever need to blow dry my hair, 'cause it blow dried my hair really fast. I just wouldn't use it as like that's my style for the day. You know what I mean? So anyway. When I tried this product, I thought I would never use it again. I have to admit I've used it pretty much every time I've gotten out of the shower. I think it's a way easier way to blow dry your hair. I hate hanging my head upside down and using a blow dryer. And I hate trying to use a brush and a blow dryer. I think it's really obnoxious. So this actually does blow dry my hair really well. I used it today. However, it does not give me a smooth, pretty silky straight haired look or a curled look. It gives me a very frizzy look, but it does dry my hair. So I do think it's easier and better to use for blow drying. And it gives my hair a good base. If I'm going to straighten it like today, I have these like kinda loose curls. It started off with the frizzy straight hair and then I curled it. So I do think this is a good product. It might work better on your hair than mine. I bet it works really well on girls with really straight hair and probably most girls with curly hair. But for me personally, my hair is really frizzy and it's really tight curls at the roots. So it's impossible to get that brush really right up in there in the roots and straighten it. I'm getting really technical about this sorry it's probably really boring, but I really love hair products. Moving on the two on one hair straightener, curler thingamabob. So this is the professional beauty hair tools. This popped up a million in times when I was searching for hair products, Amazon really wanted me to buy this one. So this is this weird straightener that has like a curl to it. So like you can straighten and curl your hair at the same time. I don't really see the need for this one because I feel like once you figure out how to curl your hair with the straightener, you don't need this. So basically what you do with the straightening iron is you grab a chunk of hair, here's the straightener you go. And then you twist the straightening rod and just pull it down like that so it's like twisted and then when you let go, your hair will be curled in a straightener. So this is essentially the same thing, but like the tongues are like twisted like this. Let's go try it. Okay, so I've just curled this side of my hair with this thing now we're moving on to this. I'm very skeptical about this, but it came up a lot in my search for weird hair tools. This was like basically shoved in my face and down my throat. Anytime I searched for anything, this thing popped up. Here we go. It's got this little temperature gauge right here. And you twist this to get to the temperature that you want. And I wanted the highest temperature cause I like to burn my hair. It's in Celsius I don't know how to change that because here in America we use Fahrenheit. But that's okay, I don't judge anyone who uses Celsius I can handle Celsius. I just don't really know what it means. So I straightened my hair often and I curl my hair with straighteners often. So when... this is not on, but when I do curl my hair with the straightener essentially this is cold, but you go like this and then you just twist it and then you just pull like this. So, and that gives you when it's hot curled hair. So this I guess helps with that process I don't know. It has like a comb kind of brush thing on the side. It says it's at the heat, it happened really fast. Okay like this it's doesn't feel good. Whoa it curled, it definitely worked. I mean, that's a... my timer oh my bread is done. I need to go get my bread. I mean, it definitely curled it that's crazy for a first try for it to do that that's pretty wild. That's a tight curl I'm shocked. Okay, so I'm gonna put it here, twist and hold. I didn't even read the instructions. I just assumed this is what you do with it. It feels like it's ripping out my hair. Okay that one did not work, it does not feel good. It feels very much like it's going to rip out all my weave. Okay, I mean it does work. I think if you are not used to the action of using a straightener and doing it yourself, this might be hard to use and figure out. Like, am I doing it wrong, maybe? (upbeat music) This can't be right like if it feels wrong, it's not good. Like it's definitely curling my hair. You can see it does work, but it doesn't feel good. It feels like it's ripping out my hair. It feels like I'm doing it wrong. Can you go either way? I wonder if you go this way. (upbeat music) I'm going in the opposite direction now. Yeah, it goes either way. So either way you want to curl it, it will go. I don't see how this is any different than a regular hair straightener, except for the fact that it feels worse. So to me, I could be doing this with my actual hair straightener and it would be smoother. I think that the curls are a little tighter than when you use a hair straightener. I mean, I feel like you can do this with a hair straightener, but a hair straightener also straightens your hair. So I don't really understand the appeal of this. Like that curl didn't even work out. I don't know, I think this one is a burst, but it was cheap. It does work I just think a straightener might be better, in my opinion, it does the same thing, but a straightener has multiple purposes 'cause you can do this and you can also straighten your hair. I don't know I'm not a fan. Next. So I guess this gives you a little bit more of a bouncy curl than a straightening iron does. However, I think that this is not a good product, don't come for me. Just because I feel like you can get the same effect with a regular straightening iron, but with a straightening iron, you can also straighten your hair. And with this one, you can only do a specific type of curl. I feel like a straightening iron is way better, no offense. Let's try the next one. Here's the next product, it is a wand thing. What is this called? It says, do not use in the bathroom and it is definitely where I used it. So this is like beachy wave iron thing. I don't even see a name for it. So I don't even know what it's called, but again, this was recommended to me a lot when I was looking for hair products, so I got it. I've always wanted to try one of these things, but I've never had one. So I was really excited to try this one out. However, I will say, I know what this curling iron does. It gives your hair a wave like it goes like that, but in the photo of hair it's like ringlet curls so cool. I know it's not gonna do that to my hair, but let's try it out. Okay, so we're going to try this bad boy out. I've seen girls use this and it looks really awesome. This smells like it's going to burn my hair off. Smells really hot, it smells like my hair's going to be gone off my head in two seconds. So here we go, my hair is clean, even though it really doesn't look at and it has not been styled at all. It really looks greasy, I swear it's not, I just washed yesterday. I'm just gonna throw this out there. These types of waves never really look good on me because I have frizzy hair, as you can see, it just kinda makes it poofy, so here we go. So we go like that one, two, three pull it back. Okay, I mean I guess it's wavy. Is that what it's supposed to do? I don't know, I feel like this is one of those tools, you have to do it to your whole head. I wonder if this one you're supposed to start at the top of like at the root or if you're supposed to start at the bottom of your hair. When I curl my hair I always start at the root of my hair. It just smells like my hair is burning off. I don't know guys. I feel like it's just gonna make my hair look frizzy. I just burned myself. I feel like it just looks frizzy I don't think it looks good, but I don't blame this tool. I feel like I don't have the right type of hair for a tool like this. It reminds me of this, okay. I used to always wear my hair in a high burn like this in high school or I'd wear it in French braids. That was the only way I did my hair. I didn't know how to straighten it. I was very insecure about my hair through high school. I had long hair and I would braid it. And like I was so jealous of girls who had silky hair. 'Cause they would braid it and they'd take the braids out and have this gorgeous wave. And I would take my hair out of braids and I would get so that's how feel like my hair is gonna look when I've done with this, but I'm gonna keep going. I'm gonna finish my head and I will see you guys in a little bit. (upbeat music) I hate it this does not look good on me. It just looks like frizzy hair that hasn't been done yet. I think it's supposed to look like beachy waves, but it don't look like beachy waves on me. I really just fried my hair for a half an hour for it to look the same as it does when I let it air dry, after a shower, it just looks frizzy I don't like this. Anyway, there's that product. This is easily my least favorite product. I thought my hair looked terrible after. And I thought that maybe my hair would settle and like, look cute, but it never did it just got frizzier and frizzier as the day went on and I just ended up throwing my hair up in a messy bun because it was just so disgusting. It looked fried it looks not cute, it just looked really, it looked really bad. I've seen a bunch of girls use this and it looks so cute on them. So I think this probably works really well in girls with like silky hair, smooth hair, I mean anyone who doesn't have frizzy hair. This probably works well on, but if you have frizzy hair, you're not going to get a smooth, pretty beachy wave. It's just going to be frizzy. I think I did it right and I think the right on my head was wrong. You know what I mean? The final product I'm going to do for you right here in my office before your very eyes. It is this I'm very excited about this one. This is a Topsy Tail I used to use these all the time in the nineties. This gives you this like beautiful loop de loop look in your hair. I don't think people still do this with their hair this is what it looks like. I'm gonna do it for you right now I loved doing this so much when I was a kid. I haven't seen this since I was a little girl. I'm so excited. Okay, so it comes with a big loop de loop, three hair ties and a little loop de loop. I don't even need to read the instructions, I know how this one works. So I'm gonna do is I'm gonna take half of my hair and I'm gonna pull it back. So, I'm gonna do half up, half down little do, okay. Okay, so I pulled up half my hair. I'm gonna take a hair tie I don't even need to look that's how many times I did this as a kid. So I'm just going to tie a ponytail like this in my hair. And then you take all the hair and you pull it a little bit and you put the loop de loop through this thing and then you're going to take the point and you're going to stick it. My hair might be too short. You're going to stick it through can you see what I'm doing? Like this and your just gonna poke it and pull it down like that. And then you're going to find the bottom of the stick. And then you're just gonna pull it on through. Cool just simply gorgeous. I don't know what it looks like from the back, but this is what it looks like from the front. That's a little messed up, but who cares, I wasn't looking. And then you've got like a cute half up do and it's like, Oh my God, how did she do with beautiful prom look. You know what I mean? And then if you're feeling really frisky, you can double it. I'm gonna put another ponytail I'ma pull all the hair in a ponytail and then I'm gonna take the loop de loop, put all the hair in it and then again, kinda push it through like this, pull this and go come on you can do it girl, come on girl. Look at that a double loop de loop. I'm ready for the nineties that's pretty cool. So this product is fun I used to do this all the time as a kid and I loved it. I don't know that this style is like in anymore. I think actually I know it's not, but it is a fun little thing to do. And it does like make your hair look fancy, even though it was like took two seconds. So if you want your hair to look fancy and like you live in the nineties, that product is cheap and makes your hair look fancy as F. That's all the products I'm reviewing for yesterday. I hope you like this video. If you did make sure to give a thumbs up, leave a comment, tell me what you want me to do next time. And that's all I got for you guys. I hope you're staying happy and safe and healthy during this crazy pandemic. And I promise I have more fun videos coming for you guys very soon. I'm not just going to review products, okay? I promise you I'll do more fun things very soon. I have plans, but for now, this is what I got. Peace out. (cool music)
Channel: Colleen Ballinger
Views: 1,509,019
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: colleen ballinger, colleen, ballinger, psychosoprano, miranda sings, no lipstick, vlog, vlogging, singing, without lipstick, comedy, how to, tutorial, silly, funny
Id: a_j5yW5NY_E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 31sec (1351 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 04 2020
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