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what's up guys I'm Colleen ballinger and today I'm very excited to review some of the weirdest products that you can find on Amazon I am a late night shopper I love to shop late in the middle of the night and find weird things and buy them sometimes things show up at my house I'm like I don't remember getting this they were caterpillar sent to my house the other day don't remember buying them but I did so that gave me an idea my sister Rachel has bought a bunch of products from Amazon and reviewed them I've seen a lot people do stuff like this I don't know if anyone's ever bought the weirdest products you can buy on Amazon but I'm doing it my cats are both here this is gus-gus and this is Daisy they're just gonna be hanging out with us today so let's get stuff basically I just typed in weird into Amazon and stuff popped up and I bought it the first weird thing I bought was this mask this is a pretty boy mask so apparently you put this on and you look like a pretty boy let's test it out are there holes for the eyes I can't tell what I look like oh good my face recognition is not working so that is terrifying I kind of love it that's product okay I have to say I was totally tricked and gypped and I'm really pissed about this I'm gullible and I believe anything you tell me a lot of things that popped up when I typed in weird were these prank gift boxes but it didn't say prank gift box it said like the rhodolite say goodbye to the costly toilet paper with like a brush that wipes your butt or the earwax candle kit like i thought these were real things pet talk you put a collar on your pet and then it makes them talk i thought these were fun and weird things i was gonna get to try but unfortunately they're just gift boxes that you put things in and give them to your friends and they think that they got this but really it's just a gag gift box these were like eight dollars a piece so i'm really sad about this I thought I was gonna get some cool weird products to try but I'm just going really dumb apparently so next thing I bought was this okay so this apparently it's a sticker you can put on your floor or on your ceiling and it makes it look like there's a hole ah I don't think this is gonna work so we needed to go test this one out let's go try it there's not really instructions there's a hole in the ground like it literally doesn't at all like there's half of the moon what do you guys think it looks like a hole or just a big sticker Wow this is stupid it's bust dumb dehydrated water this is another gag gift I know this is a gag gift but it was also expensive it says instructions empty contents into any size container add water to taste drink then question your life choices final product is undrinkable when frozen evaporates rapidly if you believe in yourself anything is possible so this is just a stupid gag gift but they sell this they sell a lot of weird gag gifts on Amazon and it's just it's literally just a tin can like this is such a it's just a tin can of nothing now I knew this one was gonna be this but I just thought it was so weird that I got it stupid and really expensive and I'm gonna give it away to one of you all I have to do is subscribe to this channel push the like button leave a comment and share this video with a friend and I'm gonna send this to one of you so lucky you I will I'll put something of worth it I'll like sign some stuff and put some fun things in it so it's not just I can't have something what do you give it rate it it's bust next we have bubble clay mask this is an all-in-one cleaning mask now apparently this bubbles when it's on your face I've heard of these before I've never tried them and this was came up when I typed in a weird product oh it's like dark grey smells pretty good actually though okay I'm not a makeup it's time to do the bonus it's like this gross grey goop fly generously onto clean and dry face avoiding eyes and lips watch as your master pnes into foam lead mask on 5 to 10 minutes rinse off crushed so it gives you this little spin you witness it Bowl this thing does not work very well where are the bubbles what are you talking about there are no bubbles on my face anywhere when does it turn into bubbles it's on my face I don't see any bubbles but it's drawing so I'll come back here in five minutes okay it's been like a minute and it's kind of foaming it doesn't look like bubbles coin it's just like foaming a little bit of information about me I hate masks I hate them I just my whole face gets itchy and I just want to rip it off so I'm kind of miserable right now for you so you better click the thumbs up button because I'm in misery all for your entertainment alright so it's been ten minutes it's definitely foaming and bubbling and disgusting and I hate it I can't wait to get it off I don't know how this helps my phase doesn't feel better it feels itchy so I'm gonna take this off before all my skin burns off don't recommend but I actually don't like face masks so I'm not the right person to recommend the face mask anyway next up we have toilet paper with Donald Trump's face on it this is something that did show up when I typed in weird the worst toilet paper in the world it feels like the napkins you get it Taco Bell and don't even try me you know those things are opposite of absorbent like this would just rub around your poo and pee on you like it wouldn't absorb anything so completely not helpful this is a toilet roll Tucker you put your toilet paper over this little doohickey and every time someone uses it it says something I love this because we have one of these for Christmas so there's one of these that we use every Christmas time in our guest bathroom downstairs and it plays Christmas music every time you roll the toilet paper you think this is cute but it actually it's just a you poop detector girls always wipe so if you hear it go off you know they could have peed they could have pooped but if a boy goes in the bathroom and you hear the Christmas music you know that boy just Dumbo so I am excited about this I'm going to record something on this and put it in the guest bathroom I'm so excited to see if it works everyone in the house can hear this and we all know you just pooped with the toilet paper on it let's go test and see if it works [Applause] yeah that's incredible this is so bad it worked funny and I'm gonna mess with all my guests in my house stoked about this this is a toilet light okay so this is an LED waterproof light that makes your toilet a pretty color don't want to find out about this one you can have a Rey while you take a poop so let's go test it out all right we're in the bathroom so we're gonna try this manage Emma next okay I have installed this little thing it shows which is kind of annoying but it hasn't turned on yet it says it needs to be dark in here for it to work so I'm gonna turn off the lights and see what happens she's got her period okay just you know in the camera its strobe lighting but in real life it's not it's just oh it GG color oh it's blue [Music] I am so excited about this it is a hat that looks a lot like us hello but it's not just a cat this is magical it's a tissue box so you stick the tissues in in the bottom area hello and then whenever you need a tissue voila are you serious this is a great product look at this I know always seen Kleenex but I have to show you it kind of works it's not the best like some of the tissues have ripped and buy some of them I mean all of them but this is the best thing ever okay I am so excited about this this is a win it wasn't that expensive it's one of my favourite things I've ever owned and it looks like guess so win-win this product is an egg yolk separator I bake a lot I cook a lot so I'm constantly separating eggs from the yolk it's pretty easy to do just with the egg shell but apparently you put the egg in this and then you let the snot come out of his nose and then all that's left is the yolk I don't know if I'll ever use this it seems like more hassle than it's worth but I'm definitely gonna test it for you guys right now so I guess you just oh my god that is so gross and it's not really working though it's like just stuck you that's disgusting it's funny I guess but it like doesn't work at all oh that is so disgusting I mean I guess it works there's the yolk there's the whites I don't think I would ever use this again to be honest it's just really disgusting Oh monger I'm really excited about this so this is basically a nose job I typed in a weird first and then I started typing in weird beauty products and some weird stuff came up including this hi stealth increased the nose Ryan or plasti it's an Asian product apparently I don't know the language this is in so the directions are totally lost on me apparently you stick these in your nose and it can like reshape your nose or something I feel like this could end really badly so I'm gonna watch a YouTube tutorial on this just so that I don't get hurt okay I've watched a tutorial this looks dangerous so I'm actually like really not looking forward to it this also had horrendous reviews online like the worst reviews I've ever seen it was like had one-star something was so bad yes you just didn't do anything at all literally didn't change anything it just makes me look like every huge black booger in my nose am i doing this wrong this is a bus I'm not gonna be shoving things up my nose for YouTube and then getting it lodged into my brain I'm sorry I love you guys but it's not gonna happen unicorn meat this is one of the first things that popped up it doesn't look like it's open AB although obviously there's not gonna be actual meat in this because unicorns aren't real sorry I don't believe the secret ingredient is love and sparkle you know the nutritional facts or magic hopes and dreams giggles smiles rainbow stars happiness kisses and hugs sunshine super glue super glue love and surprises super glue but how do you get in it we need a can opener is there anything in this fine weapons ohh oh my goodness oh my god you know what this is gross Oh oh my god I was not expecting that I thought it would be like spam or something that's disgusting it's like pieces of the unicorn the unicorn is like crossed out eyes maybe this is like a message to anyone who eats meat it's like hey you should be a vegan look how sad and gross this is like do you really want to kill a unicorn why are you killing me next I have a zebra tarantula and it can I'm extremely nervous about this one it's freaking me out a little bit apparently this is cooked and dehydrated with a little bit of salt so you can eat it oh my this is sad actually like I hate that I bought this and gave money to someone who does this to animals because I don't like spiders I don't like bugs but like why did this tarantula need to die just to be in like a can like do people eat these for pleasure is this a gag gift because that's like actually mean and I'm not a fan you that's I like I can't eat it I can't do I should take it out oh my god it's like oh my god oh my god I hate spiders I'd literally just held a spider last week in my video but look at his state of like stress he was in when they killed him like he was like all cuddled up into a little ball cuz he was terrified maybe it was a she I don't know but that makes me really sad and I hate myself that I bought this because that tarantula died for nothing and I don't even like spiders and I don't want it to be dead please forgive me for buying this I'm an idiot I shouldn't have done that that's very mean to spiders I feel like a jerk moving on next we have this umbrella now apparently this weird umbrella-like opens up inside out or backwards or something what Oh genius like when you're getting into a car this is genius I'm actually stoked on this and like cannot wait to use it I might really excited about this product stop well there you go those are some of the weird products that I bought on Amazon if you like this video give it a thumbs up don't forget you could win the dehydrate water and I'll put some fun treats and some fun things in there and the unicorn meat so make sure to subscribe and do all the fun things and let me know if you want me to buy more weird stuff off the internet I've been getting a lot of weird ads ever since I bought all this stuff so I'm curious if you guys want me to start doing stuff like that I'm here to please you I want you guys to enjoy these videos so tell me what you want to see next follow me on all my social media and don't forget to come see me on tour here are all the cities I'm going to you can get tickets in Miranda sings comm and pre-order my book my diary by the way I am completely rewriting my show I am very excited about it and I have a special announcement about one of these shows coming up so if you have already seen my show don't worry this show is going to be totally different when I go and bus to her it's I'm so nervous and I'm so excited so please get tickets I love you guys I'll see you next time does I [Music] my cheese magic time grammar enzyme it's magic time we're gonna do a magic trick for you when you here we don't want the jungle [Music]
Channel: Colleen Ballinger
Views: 5,649,350
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: colleen ballinger, colleen, ballinger, psychosoprano, miranda sings, no lipstick, vlog, vlogging, singing, without lipstick, comedy, how to, tutorial, silly, funny, amazon, weird, bizzare, gross, amazon products, testing, test, diy, review
Id: F8dTa2VosKQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 13sec (793 seconds)
Published: Sat May 19 2018
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