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- Hello everybody I'm Colleen and this is my son Flynn! And today we're going to be testing out baby products, well more like toddler products from Amazon, he is crawling all over the place. He already sees some of the products and he's very excited he wants to play with them. I did this a lot when Flynn was a baby and now he is a little over a year old and I thought it would be fun to do it again! Since he's like a crazy little toddler basically now, who just runs amok and uh, we travel a lot and there's a lot of really fun travel baby products on Amazon, so I found a bunch of weird stuff and we're gonna check it out and test it out. I've already tested out some of it because we just got back from Disneyworld, and tour, by the way if you guys wanna see me on tour you can get tickets www.mirandasings.com (baby moans) huh? (baby talks) mama! Let's get started. The first one came out of it's packaging, I had to get this, the Original Daddy Saddle. Now as Miranda, I've always talked about a Daddy Saddle and how Miranda rides the Daddy Saddle with her uncle. So when I saw this was an actual product I was like: "oh my gosh I have to get this!" But we're gonna test it out! It's this little pink, saddle that you strap on yourself, I don't even understand really how it works. Let's go test this out and see if he likes it! Eric's gonna help me out with the Daddy Saddle here. - [Eric] The what? - Daddy Saddle! Okay I'm gonna put this on and you're gonna have to hold him on my back because I don't think he's- - [Eric] But it's for daddy. - You wanna wear this? - [Eric] It says daddy on it! - I wanna be the daddy! I wanna test it. - [Eric] Okay. - This is so weird! (horse whinnies) Oh my goodness! ♪ Ah do do do do do! ♪ ♪ Ah do dee do dee do! ♪ (baby laughs) - [Eric] Is that funny? (baby laughs) - ♪ Ah do do do do do ♪ I mean he likes it, he's just too young for it. Was that fun? Wanna do it again? (horse whinnies) Wee! (baby laughs) Wee! (baby laughs) I think he likes it! It's just a little scary while he can't hold himself up. Oh here it goes! (laughs) he's excited. Wee! (vocalizing fun sounds) I feel like in order to actually do this you need to have carpet or knee pads 'cus wow, that is painful! The next product we have is this weird like, head bumper, angel wing, leash thing? I don't know. Apparently it's supposed to look like an angel with a halo and wings- he's about to grab my- OH! I caught my camera, that was a ninja move y'all. I can't believe how much of a ninja I am. Okay so we have this angel wing thing, it's supposed to be like a bumper for his head in case he falls. I think this is not very practical, and he's probably going to hate it and try to rip it off the whole time. But I guess it's for babies who like fall back a lot and so it protects their little head and it makes them look like a little angel so, let's try it out! You wanna try on some wings? (baby gurgling) Big boy! It's just like a backpack so that if in case he falls back on his head- (record scratch) (baby cries) But basically he just hates it. You want me to take that off baby? I'll take it off okay? There you go, is that better? Better! I mean maybe this is for a specific type of child? This one's dumb, next! I am actually really excited about this one. So this is a little plate set with knives and forks and whatever. But it's supposed to look like a construction site or something? The fork and the spoon and the knife I guess are little trucks and he loves cars so I think this'll make feeding time really fun. And then it comes with this plate where it tells you where to put the fork, where the pusher, the spoon, so it's supposed to look like a little construction site. Oh my gosh this is so cute I wonder if he's gonna like this, hey Flynn! (happy baby sound) What's that? (happy baby sound) He likes it so far! Wanna see it with the plate? (baby vocalizing) Thank you! Well he likes it right now, let's see if he likes it with food. Okay he's super excited about this in fact it's much later in the day, we haven't tested this one yet. He's already lost the spoon 'cus he was playing with it for like an hour, so we only have the fork and the pusher, whatever that means, so let's see how he feels. (baby vocalizing) (laughs) He's using it! I think this is his favorite of everything 'cus of the little cars on the fork and the spoon. And look this one you can push 'em around! It's called the pusher. The only problem is I think it'll make him eat less because he's so excited to just play with the fork and the spoon and push all his food around like that. I don't think I'll be able to get him out of his highchair any time soon because he's just gonna want to keep playing with this. That one was a good one! Only because my kid is obsessed with cars. So if your kid's not obsessed with cars, I don't know how fun that would be for your kid but he loves cars so this is like his dream come true. The next one is this mop. I bought this for him when he was really little when I did my first Amazon video, oh thank you, thank you so much. (vocalizing fun eating sounds) Thank you! Delicious! I bought this for him when he was really little and it didn't fit him it was way too big. But now he's bigger ♪ And I think it's gonna fit him! ♪ So this is a little mop outfit. So you put this on him and he crawls around and it's supposed to clean the floors. I'm very excited to try this 'cus he is still crawling, he's not walking yet, he can walk with a walker or if he's holding your hand but not by himself so if he's on his own, he is crawling and this is going to clean my floors to perfection I am so excited, let's try this out! ♪ Oh I'm excited for this one! ♪ Ready? Here we go! You're all set, you're ready to clean the house, ♪ clean the house! ♪ Go! Clean the house! (happy baby sound) Go clean the house! (excited baby noises) Clean the stairs! Clean the stairs! Clean the stairs! (baby moans) He knows we're trying to trick him into doing chores! He hates it; I'm taking it off. This came up when I was searching for weird products for toddlers so, it's supposed to be like, they put it up like a phone and they can hear themselves- whoa it actually kind of works this is- I mean- it's not rocket science. The tube with a hole in it so of course you're gonna hear yourself talk. Ring ring say hello! Okay or eat it. (laughs) okay he's using the spoon as the phone and not the phone as the phone. Say hello! Oh, hello! Say hello! There we go good boy, okay not quite your ear but it's a good try. Next one we got is a book that is called F is for Fart. I think it's just an alphabet book. Oh they're all farting okay, so it's all the animals, A is for antelope and the antelope is farting. Clever! B is for badger. The badger is indeed farting. C is for camel and the camel has diarrhea farts. Oh there's actually rhymes for all of it so like, pelicans can't fart their butts are a bore, but they drop poop down below as they soar. Um this might be my new favorite book! Next we have a baby cologne. I think this is odd. But this came up. It's after bath time, you apply this to the baby like a cologne. Let's smell it. (menacing music) I mean it doesn't smell good (laughs) it smells like old lady perfume. It looks like it's by Johnson and Johnson but I don't think it is. But yeah it says fresh floral scent but mostly it just really stinks like an old lady's perfume. Normally I test all my products but I don't want him to stink like an old lady perfume. I mean it's not good, it doesn't smell good. Next we have this like essentially baby leash. So it's like handcuffs disguised though as like a fun thing for you and your baby to wear together but really its handcuffs. All right so here is this thing. Do you wanna be connected to mommy? Do you wanna test it out now? So this is how Flynn's decided to lay right now, that's fine. So first I'm gonna put it on my wrist, she's locked on there good- this is literally just handcuffs! Hey Flynn, (Velcro sound) here put your hand in here. Ta-da! Oh that works well. What did I do wrong? What do you think? Look we're connected! Best friends forever! (angry baby noises) (laughs) This works great! Next product is a binky thermometer, this is great and it's gonna come in handy for us on nights where, he seems under the weather um but it's late at night so he doesn't want us to stick a thermometer under his armpit or in his butt. So this is actually amazing! Oh no I bet it need batteries (sound of disgust) I hate when things need batteries. (burps) 'scuse me. Oh it doesn't this is glorious! Here Flynn. Put it in your mouth, no not not my mouth, put it in your mouth. He doesn't wanna do it. So for the sake of this video I'm going to suck on this binky to try and see if this works. Ow, ow, ow! (laughs) It's working! It's working Flynn! Why is there cat hair on your hand? Okay it works! (spitting) Cat hair. You have to use it for a really long time I think it take a minute and a half which seems like along time to wait. But then it beeps like this and it says my temperature is 94.7 which it is not, but it's just because I took it out of my mouth. It's just not very practical. The next product we got is the Inflatable Bed Rail. This is great for us because we travel a lot! I know a lot of people look down on co-sleeping when we're traveling I don't like to put him in cribs he gets really scared- where like that would be nice to have some sort of bed rail. So I thought this was a really nice product so we gotta try these things out, let's go test 'em! This comes with a pump and a little bag. Here's one bumper and here's the other bumper. And here's the balloons that go inside the bumpers I guess. So you blow up these little doohickeys and then there's straps and you strap them under the mattress. ♪ This seems complicated! ♪ Okay I'm gonna try to blow this bad boy up here we go. (high pitched squeaking) Wow that's a horrid sound! (high pitched squeaking) Are you serious? They think I wanna get to a hotel, late at night, and make that noise on repeat for like, an hour as I try to blow this thing up? Twice 'cus there's two of them? Are you kidding me child? Now it's not making any sound. I didn't have it connected right. Still it's gonna take forever to blow this thing up. No one would ever do this, this is a stupid product! Okay so it says when it's almost full is when you take it out and cover it up with the cat cover. So it's supposed to look like a little kitty cat, aw it does look like a little kitty cat. It's really soft I will say that! Oh my god it comes out of the butt and no joke, it has a butt hole! I know I hate this product but now I kind of love it. Like it literally has a butt hole are you serious? Going through the butt hole, okay so I'm pulling the little tubey through the butt hole so now I can finish blowing the bad boy up, let's get to it! This is so stupid, I'm blowing air into a cat's butt to make a little pillow! This is the worst product, literally in the universe, it's so frustrating, there's no way to get the air in and keep it in, it just like deflates immediately. How does this work? This is so annoying I want to scream! Ugh this is the most exercise I've had in years! Finally got it done, this is what it looks like, it's a little kitty cat. (burps) This is terrible. Also this would not keep my son from rolling off of the bed it's only like a few inches tall like, he would roll over this in a heart beat. Maybe this is for way younger babies? And it also is a pain in the butt to blow it up and tear it down. This to me is garbage. The next product I got is a toy um, I'm always looking for fun little, lightweight toys to carry in my backpack for flights because- (burps) flights with a one-year-old or toddler age is hard. It's hard to keep their attention, it's hard to keep them from screaming, it's hard to keep them from rolling out of the seat and running down the aisle. So any toy that will keep their attention, I want it! This toy is just a cube, it's lightweight, it's made of wood, but it has things he can spin, it's got a bell, it's got these little pulley tab things. He likes this, we just took a flight, and this one did entertain him for a good 10 minutes, which is worth the money to me. 10 minutes to keep a one-year-old entertained is worth the money trust me. 10 minutes is a long time! So he's not very interested in it anymore, but he did like it for those 10 minutes. Do you wanna play with this? (baby gurgles) Wow. I love you! The next item is this cube, it's a similar idea, it's just like an activity cube for toddlers, for babies. He loves buttons, switches, latches, doors, things like that, so he loved this! It has this was his favorite part, this little light switch button. There's little buttons here he liked pushing. So he would just hold this and turn it and push the buttons, this kept him busy for a good five minutes at a time. He like this one better than the wood one, maybe it's colorful? Yeah pretty cool, huh? Push the button! (click sound) Yeah! This was really great, Which inspired me to make my own little version of this. So I took trash from around my house and made him my own little activity box, let me go get it, I'll show it to you. Okay here's the little box, I made it out of a gift box that my brother gave me for Christmas, you can see it says to Colleen from Trent. And on the top I just hot glued some felt, so I usually put Cheerio's or snacks or something in here, I just hot glued some felt, I used a spice lid and glued that on and then just put a little jewel inside, he likes opening it and feeling it. And these little eyeballs he thinks are buttons, so he says "button, button" and he pushes these. This is an old Altoid tin and inside again, is these little jewel stickers. He just opens these and closes them, and opens them and closes them and shakes it when there's Cheerio's in it. I mean this I think was his favorite toy of everything I brought on this last trip and I literally made it out of trash. I mean this took me ten minutes, highly recommend and I felt a total mom win when I gave this to him and he loved it. The last item that I wanted to share with you guys was a travel highchair. This for us, is necessary. And I didn't know it was necessary until this trip that we just took. It might not be necessary for most moms, it wasn't necessary for me until he turned one, now I needed it 'cus he's on the go. As you've seen in this video he's constantly moving, crawling around trying to do a million things. So getting him to eat, in a new place; in a new hotel, backstage at the theater, it was really hard because he was so distracted and wanted to crawl around so food would get everywhere. And it was hard to just- it was hard to get him to eat. So we found a travel highchair and I love it! Okay here is the highchair, this is how much it compacts into a little thing. Here's the highchair, open it up all the way like this, and then you strap in the baby with this little buckle. You also have this little tray, and then this hooks in and then you have a little tiny highchair that is really compact able and you can travel with it. This helped my baby to eat his meals. We travel a lot for my work because I'm always on tour, and Flynn goes with me, so to be able to strap him down and put a tray in front of him with his food, he eats full meals now when we're touring and traveling and it's so amazing! This is amazing, it's just a little hard to get back in the bag. And that's all the products I have for you guys today. Usually when I do these videos most of the products are really weird, but this video I really like all the products and I use them all. So I actually would recommend all of them except for like obviously the Daddy Saddle, the kid's cologne, stuff like that is obviously not practical and kind of dumb. But the other stuff, if you're a mom like, highly recommend some of these products. Thank you for watching everybody! Don't forget to get tickets to see me on tour! If you want to come see a live comedy show, it's really fun, it's my favorite tour I've ever done. It's just a lot of fun and I'd love for you guys to get tickets and come see me. Also subscribe to this channel if you haven't already, I love you guys and I will see you next time, goodbye! (upbeat keyboard music)
Channel: Colleen Ballinger
Views: 3,709,122
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: colleen ballinger, colleen, ballinger, psychosoprano, miranda sings, no lipstick, vlog, vlogging, singing, without lipstick, comedy, how to, tutorial, silly, funny, baby, product, testing, trying, test, toddler, one year old, mom, mother
Id: ZuJkhlgCVxU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 15sec (915 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 24 2020
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