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hey everyone happy Mother's Day I am so excited to celebrate Mother's Day this year as a mother of three holy crap that is a lot of children I never thought I would say that but here we are I actually have to do this quickly because my babies are napping and they could wake up at any second but I was on Amazon the other day and I saw that there were all these gifts that were being very heavily promoted and pushed for me to buy for Mother's Day they were like buy this for your mom do you don't know what to give for your mom Mother's Day is coming up buy these gifts buy these gifts every time I went on Amazon they were trying to sell me these gifts and I was like you know what I used to do like Amazon little videos all the time on here I bought prom dresses I brought wedding dresses I've bought baby toys twin products I've done tons of videos like these before and I thought it might be fun to do a little video where I bought a bunch of the gifts that Amazon was trying to force me to buy for my mother and see if they're worth the hype so that you guys know if you should get them or not for your mom this year next year I don't know when this video is going up it might go up on Christmas that's kind of how my video schedule has been going so I don't know if this is even gonna get up before crochet but let's try so here we go so I tried to get the gifts that were like trending Mother's Day gifts and most recommended most liked products things that Amazon was really really pushing for me so I wasn't looking for things that like I personally thought I would like or my mom would like I was just getting whatever Amazon thought I would like and what Amazon thought my mom would like things that were heavily promoted by top trending Mother's Day gifts and gifts for the trendy mom gifts for the cooking mom like it had all these different categories and I just tried to get the most liked things and the most pushed things to me and what they thought I would like so that's what I got and I got a bunch of stuff so let's check it out one of the top things that was recommended to me was pajamas I don't know why Amazon thinks moms just love pajamas maybe they just know we really want to sleep so I got some pajamas I haven't taken them out yet but I'm so excited for keeping them out of the packaging now I actually got my mom and I matching pajamas I'm gonna be with my mom on Mother's Day so I can actually give these to her and we can wear them these were recommended to me it's like a purpley pajama suit thing I don't know what she was call these the material is soft very stretchy also very see-through which maybe is like scandalous and funky and fun and fresh they're not that exciting but I do think it'll be fun and cute to like match my mom on Mother's Day I think that's kind of fun I don't know they're really see-through like definitely going to be able to see our underwear through these pajama pants and guess what I'm actually gonna give this outfit I just now decided I'm gonna give it a two out of 10. I know that seems very low and pretty harsh but I'm just now realizing something tragic that um I think is really sexist that a lot of companies do when they're making women's clothing there are no pockets in these freaking pants look not only are these see-throughs you can see my entire anus when I'm wearing them but there is no pockets I'm saying it's sexism if you don't put pockets in pants I think you're sexist I think women should have pockets in their pants I hate when clothes don't have pockets dresses skirts pants shorts I don't care what it is it needs a pocket give me Pockets I would have given it a higher rating but two out of ten because there's no pockets this is something else that is a clothing item I think this is the only other clothing item I that was strongly recommended to me and I got it from my mom and it says mom mode I don't know I think it's kind of cute and fun I will say that I don't think she's gonna like this because it's not like long enough she likes shirts and sweaters and stuff they're longer but I think this is gonna cut off too high for her but I still think it's a cute shirt I think my mom might like it a little bit because my mom is now a grandma and she's mostly just Grandma mode she is a grandma first and foremost above all and sometimes I think it's nice to remind her that she is an incredible mom she's not just a grandma she's my mom and I love her so much and she does so much for me and I appreciate her as my mother so she's not Grandma Moe today she's mom mode so the mom mode sweater I had to give it a 4 out of ten it doesn't feel very high quality but it is kind of cute I think my mom will like it this I'm very curious about this was recommended to me it is like a box of roses I don't know why it was recommended to me but apparently there are roses in here I'm expecting these to be living roses because it said like roses that last forever like a year or something I don't remember what the selling point was these apparently these roses last a really long time but they're just like roses like in a box so it's just for you real rose that last a year and more okay so I guess these are real roses oh Gorge okay so do you take the lid off it looks better with the lid on but like what do you do with this it's just like a decorative thing like where would you put this I don't know what you would do with this but I'm bad at like design and cute things in homes so I don't know but like they're pretty they are real but like what do you do because you can't take them out can someone tell me what you're supposed to do with this but I got it because it was very recommended to me so hopefully my mom likes it I don't know so I'm gonna rate these six out of ten because I don't know I feel like they're kind of pointless I don't really get it but like I feel like a lot of people would really like it so that's why I'm giving it like kind of a higher rating in my opinion here's another product that was highly recommended to me for my mother I don't really understand what it is it's like these paper soaps I've never seen anything like this before there were a lot of like gadgets and fun things that were being recommended they pop this in your purse if you have a purse I don't have a purse and then apparently there's paper soap in here there's no instructions so I have no idea how this works okay so inside is this so maybe you just Add Water it smells like Grandma soap I guess you just Add Water okay we're gonna go test this out okay so here we are please don't look at my gross hands they're very disgusting okay so I have to open this thing up take a little piece of paper thing and turn on the water and then do I just like put it in my hand or like it's gonna disappear oh this is kind of weird I don't know that I like this what ew it why is it like chunky like that it won't come off of me um okay okay I hate the smell of it like to the point where I'm gonna re-wash my hands right now I'm walking to you I don't like like old lady like florally musky smells and it kind of smells like musky to me musty musky anyway I don't like this it was chunky like it didn't like dissolve right so it just had like clumps of it in certain parts of my hand not a fan just use regular soap why do you need this like why not just use soap like doesn't every bathroom have soap zero out of ten oh no the babies are awake okay so I got him back to sleep we'll see how long that lasts but okay here we go next this is recommended to me and I don't know what it is it's a sweeter than anything fragrance oh is this a perfume look how cute the packaging is I guess it's a perfume I kind of thought that's maybe what it was but it was confusing when I was buying it because I was like what is this I don't know what it was but it was very recommended to me and so it's in like a little juice box I feel like I can kind of smell it my mom doesn't wear perfumes so this one's a gift to myself so it's this little juice box it's kind of cute and this is the little button to push down and I'm assuming it sprays out of this oh no it's oh come on it's freeze out the front but like come on it should have sprayed through the straw right like that is a design flaw y'all okay let's see yeah it's freeze out the front but it's still cute okay [Music] that's strong it's kind of nice it smells cheap but like in a cute way like I feel like this would be really fun for like a young teen girl who like is trying perfume for the first time I don't see like a mom really using this except for me maybe it kind of smells good I don't know I just think the packaging is so adorable but I feel like this is something I'll probably give to my niece but fun cute thanks Amazon I'd give it like an eight out of ten just because it's cute and fun oh and now they're both awake okay wow babies aren't awake so gotta go okay let's see how much of this I can do with the babies I don't know how long this is gonna last but we'll try all right next gift okay so this is all tape it says fragile oh it's a candle oh Wesley did you puke because there's puke all over your arm story of our life we're always getting puked on in this house I love a good candle oh my God he's squeezing onto me so hard he loves the sound of this is that kind of crazy West here's the candle in question plain white candle mmm that's what's really nice it's like orange just so I can think of is oranges a flower pomegranate or like a I don't know I really love it oh my God I like literally love the smell this is nice okay it says Capri Blue it's called Volcano I really like this one it smells really good what do you think Daisy do you like it is it nice yeah I think we all approve I'd say 10 out of 10 for this this is my scent though like you might not like this scent so I'm keeping this one sorry Mom okay here's the next one oh my God this one's a mystery you guys I don't know how or why I got this one I'm so confused by this this is what it is it's a little projector and I didn't order this but I just got it so I don't know if I got someone else's order if it accidentally got put into my border or what it comes with no instructions I literally am so confused by this I'm gonna have to have my husband look at this and figure this out it says projector maybe it's a part for something else I don't know how it got in my cart but it got in my cart so I'm showing it to you because for some reason it was sent to me for Mother's Day Zero out of ten okay the next thing that I recommended to me was this this was really weird I think this one was like kitchen stuff healthy stuff maybe I don't know because there's like different categories for Mother's Day gifts it was like the healthy mom the trendy mom the fashion mom the hiking mom it was really weird but this was strongly recommended I thought this was so odd it's world's first apple cider vinegar gummy which I know people do apple cider vinegar for like health reasons like they just drink it I've never tried that but I do know that I like apple cider vinegar in my deviled eggs and the recipe that I use for deviled eggs there's apple cider vinegar and it's really easy oh my gosh why all of a sudden is my leg very warm easy I think just pooped on me there it is I'm gonna try it whoa whoa the consistency is not what I thought it tastes like apples it doesn't taste like oh now I'm tasting the vinegar they're not that bad I thought it was gonna be way worse I thought it was going to taste like vinegar does it one to two gummies up to three times a day so I don't know oh consult a physician if pregnant or nursing it's a good thing you guys mostly get formula now well I should look into that you barf on your face Wesley guys he's had puke on his face this whole time I'm so sorry Wes oh my gosh I feel so bad I didn't see it it's a cheese board you guys want to see the cheese board okay let's open it oh Maisie does not like the cheese board all right so this cheese board was highly recommended I love a cheese board so this is what it looks like and it comes with these little dishes and it like slides open and is soup's cute so I'm gonna have to test it out maybe not with the babies right now because they're getting a little fussy so I've got to rush through the rest of these things but we'll test this one out later they're done and so I have to be done so um I'll do this after they go to bed tonight I'll see you guys a little later okay it's 11 p.m all of my children are asleep I should be asleep but instead I'm going to finish this video this is why I don't make videos anymore people are like why aren't you pushing Miranda videos anymore why don't you post videos on my channel I have 20 kids I don't have too many kids and the perfect amount of kids I love my kids so much I just rather spend time with them and be with them than make videos a lot of days so that's why I never make videos anyway getting back to this video I'm desperately trying to get this video out before Mother's Day so excuse me so this was recommended to me and good job Amazon because I love this and I know my mom will love this this is a beautiful pot that is my favorite color purple Amazon did such a good job picking this out for me and promoting it to me that I bought it and I think I've already bought this like I'm pretty sure I already gave this to my mom a couple Christmases ago so she's getting another one but it's so pretty and I'm very jealous I kind of want to keep it for myself but I won't but yeah the color stunning my mom and I love to cook stuff in pots like this we love cooking like chili and [Music] chili I don't know what else to cook in these things but I know we cook a lot of things it's a good gift I give this a 10 out of 10 I think it's so pretty and I'm pretty sure I've already bought it for her before so yeah this is a spirit wine bottle and wine tumblers so this was recommended to be pretty hardcore and had like a lot of reviews I think if I remember correctly and so I was like okay I should definitely get this one even though it's not something I would ever really use they did look pretty I thought it was very pretty but I don't understand the concept of it and I'll explain why when we look at it it's kind of stupid I thought it looked prettier I mean it is pretty okay looking at it in the viewfinder it's pretty like it's a Galaxy wine thing okay I'm gonna hear the little tumblers they are very pretty they're very pretty I'll give it that so these are actually so nice that I bought two sets of them because I was like this is so recommended it was like kept getting pushed into my face to buy I thought they were kind of pretty so I bought this and I also bought another box of these that the tripod is currently on um so I'll pull that out in a second and show it to you but this is what I want to say about these I don't understand this because why would you buy a bottle of wine and dump the bottle of wine into another bottle to then pour it into a cup can someone explain this to me I don't drink ever but I definitely don't drink wine I used to but I really don't ever drink alcohol at all anymore and so I don't understand this so can someone who likes wine explain this to me why would you dump a bottle of wine into another bottle of wine to then just pour it into a glass I don't understand is it because the cork doesn't fit back in the wine bottle and so then this you can save it for later because it has a lid is that why but I feel like people who love wine wouldn't want their wine in a bottle like this because it's like a metal aluminum or whatever I don't know solids like wouldn't it ruin the flavor or taste or whatever wine like isn't wine people like kind of snobby like that I don't know but I think the cups are really cute and I really like them and so I thought these would be good I'll definitely use these but they're kind of pretty like they're way prettier in the camera than they are in real life I'll tell you that much so let's look at the other ones that I bought I'm saving the best for last you guys like the final gift I'm like losing my mind I'm dying to open this box so I'm gonna open the box that my camera is on so this one was the one that was like actually promoted to me I think so this is what it looks like again this looks better in the camera and in pictures than it does in real life because up close it just doesn't look that good in my opinion the reason I was like you know what I would never put mine in these it was very recommended to me so I got them but I thought to myself I could put like roses in these because these are pretty for like a little cute vase or something I don't know is that a crazy idea and I'm keeping these not giving them to my mom because my mom definitely does not drink wine at all oh you know what I'm gonna look at this cheese board actually because in my mind I thought oh maybe I'll make a cheese board and we can see what a little cute charcuterie board would look like on this but you guys it has taken me so long to just film these parts of the video just sitting here on my couch I'm just gonna open this here and we're just gonna look at it and we'll Pretend There's cheese on it if I wait until a moment where I can make a cute charcuterie board you will never see this video like I'll have six more kids by them that's not happening so it's got these little dishes have to come off and then this part I guess opened oh okay look at this it has these little cheese things so cute so you can like spread your cheeses and these I'm assuming you put like grapes and nuts and like maybe a fig Jam or something and you put crackers or something over here and like this is okay there's one downfall of this I don't feel like there's enough room for cheese even if you if you open it up this part is for the utensils right but then over here this is the only section really for cheese because then this would be for bread so it's like for something that has such a a huge amount of like circumference being covered of your counter there's not a lot of places to put the cheese but it is cute I think Eric will really like it all right I'm gonna pull out the thing I've been waiting for you guys this is so exciting okay you're back on my oh my God it's working this working out great I'm propping you guys back up on my water bottle wine tumbler box but now there's nothing in it so it's like nothing to stabilize you there so you might fall you're a little crooked we all good okay so there was one other thing I was really excited about that was recommended to me and it was like a 3D glass portrait and it looked so crazy but it had like a really fast turnaround rate which was weird to me I felt like something to be made into like a 3D like Photo would take weeks but it really only took like five days or something like that I haven't looked at them yet I got one of the twins for my mom I just think they're so stupid like I think this is so like these are so weird so I got one of Miranda because I thought it would be funny to see what a 3D glass portrait of Miranda would be and I can put it in my office like on the shelves but it was kind of expensive to be honest so I hope they're good okay so far really tiny but here we go I wonder which one is this they're very fancy packaging this one's the Miranda one so I'm saving that one I just got a glimpse of my nose in 3D and I was like whoa we need a moment before that so this one is for my mom whoa this is so weird I can't believe they did this okay it's kind of cool actually okay so can you tell even that it's like a 3D glass I've got to take it out this is kind of cool actually like I thought it wouldn't be okay it's kind of creepy can you tell that it's like a 3D laser printing inside of this like block so you can see like their profiles and then there's the babies closed captioning not available this so it's Miranda holding Daisy looking terrified oh my God this is so incredibly weird and perfect I love it so much it's perfect for my office it's so weird I can't explain how crazy these things are I love it okay I have to give this to Eric and get his reaction I'm sure he's gonna lose his mind over that because that's incredible there you go that is all of the Mother's Day gifts that were strongly recommended to me on Amazon I know at the beginning of this video I was rating everything uh zero out of ten and I didn't continue to do that the rest of the video but overall I'd say half of the stuff I like genuinely loved and like was excited about and then half the stuff I was like this is a total bust my tops would be honestly this like I really love this and I love the pot I think these cups are really pretty but the bottles are kind of stupid in all in all it was a wonderful Mother's Day for me oh I just remembered Eric got me such a good gift for Mother's Day if you want to see what it is go watch my Vlog Channel gotcha all right I'm gonna go I'm very tired this video is so scattered thanks for watching everybody I hope you have a wonderful Mother's Day wonderful Father's Day a wonderful day whatever day it is for you love you thanks for watching thanks for subscribing um I'm gonna try to start posting on here again some fun videos for y'all so make sure to subscribe and if you want to see my daily life it's kind of boring but if that interests you you can go check out my Vlog channel oh also I'm on tour so come see my live show it's a lot of fun okay bye you can relax have a podcast the world is scary and we're locked in our home but now we have big microphones so you can relax that's the name of our podcast
Channel: Colleen Ballinger
Views: 842,363
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: colleen ballinger, colleen, ballinger, psychosoprano, miranda sings, no lipstick, vlog, vlogging, singing, without lipstick, comedy, how to, tutorial, silly, funny
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 44sec (1124 seconds)
Published: Fri May 06 2022
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