SHOCKING Things We Learned on TikTok // RELAX #119

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you can relax Colleen and Eric have a podcast the world is scary and we're locked in our home but now we have big microphones so you can relax that's the name of our podcast wake up hello welcome to relax the podcast I'm Colleen Ballinger um I can't I can't follow that act you are I can't follow that magic voice you are [Music] there's so much a chicken chicken pine shavings everywhere because we have new chicks right but that's not in frame on the camera so no it just looks like I'm itching and scratching down again sorry sorry I'm I'm I'm so on I am I'm not a brain that works today I'm not a brain that works no my gosh but we have a fun episode for you guys I have some things I really want to talk about with you okay um I also really have to sneeze right now oh my God it's like burning my nostrad why don't you just sneeze it's like gonna be a minute you know what I mean when you can like feel it's like it's coming oops you just want us all to know yes do it just do it come on I'm trying it's like do it it's stuck that's the problem oh hi everyone Hi um I'm just me I'm the problem is like I said everyone do you looked at me and said hi everyone I'm I my brain is not alive I'm so I'm unbelievably not even a human today but guys I wanted to talk about so many things there's so many things we have to talk about there's some crazy stuff that we have to talk about okay but first I was there were a lot of common like when we bicker my my life I listened to it yeah and I uh and so thought about it a lot yeah so Eric and I um I so I mentioned on that like oh there's a lot of comments like they don't like when we pick her they don't like when I interrupt that is something I'm working on I'm very sorry I know I do that a lot I will continue to do that a lot but not on purpose I'm gonna actively work on it um but the bickering thing I was like We'll actively work on that to not do that as much and then all of the comments when after I said that we're like don't stop well don't stop bickering maybe it's gonna be fake be yourself don't be fake I'm not I wasn't saying we're gonna like be fake and not like you know not be ourselves it's not gonna be the podcast it's not gonna be the same it always was it's just like we're not gonna let it get too far with the bickering I'm gonna try to be better about that that's all I was saying I was just saying we're gonna be better about it you know what I mean yeah that's what I was saying I I mean I wasn't saying we're gonna change him he fakes these pansies yeah I had I hadn't seen that feedback necessarily but I can see how that could I don't know yeah whatever yeah whatever anyway uh that's what I just wanted to say because then a bunch of people were concerned that like now we're gonna be fake and I was like oh my goodness yeah anyway okay so this is what I really want to talk about go for it speaking of my brain not working okay this is what's important okay I saw Tick Tock sorry to start off the episode like this but I saw Tick Tock that blew my freaking mind like blew my mind okay okay and this person was talking about like um you know brains that think very literally and like you know specifically with like neurodivergent brains and like how they think very literally sometimes and whatever anyway she was like a good way to know um if you think literally or not she was talking about the chicken uh crossing the road joke you know why did the chicken cross the road to get to the other side okay so my question to you is what is the what is the punch line like why is that a funny joke because it's literal because it's like you're it's expecting the person hearing the joke to think of something funny but it's not it's just what do you mean yes to get to the other side exactly that's what I always thought but this person is saying that the actual joke is that the chicken like it wants to like die what like it's crossing the road to get hit like get go to the other side yes and I was like what and I brought this up with like people on the crew because I saw it I was like there's no way because I always thought the joke was that it was a dumb joke everybody thinks that I don't know because I was like wait I was at the joke was like what you just said I was the joke was like oh the joke is that it's just a stupid like why am I so hungry because I haven't eaten like it's like it's not a joke the joke is that it's not a joke the joke is that it's like stupid like oh why am I going to the kitchen because I'm hungry like it's like stupid you know why this is a stupid joke because it's not a joke right and so that's why I thought the chicken cross the road joke was and this person is like no it's because the chicken like literally wanted to get to the other side like the other side like on the other side oh what there's what it's like a there's a double meaning that's what I'm saying the other side I'm so happy you agree with life yes I've never thought that not a more so my second in my life I thought it was just a white chicks are supposed to be like oh why would a chicken cross the road because uh um because there was two uh trying to think of something funny no just get to the other side that's what I thought too and maybe that's true but this person was saying because other people say like yeah cause the chicken wanted to die so I went upstairs I was at the theater because literally guys I just got home from tour and this is Eric in my first time being alone too like no joke like we've been with the kids and it's been chaos because you know that's how it is when you have three young kids and like um I literally walked into this room and this is the first time we were speaking to each other alone or really even speaking to each other like since I got home from this long trip but on this trip that's when I found this information out and I freaked out and I ran upstairs from my dressing room up to the theater we were about to do soundtrack I was like we cannot do soundtrack people know this so I asked Corey and Corey thought the same as us he was like yes don't joke but Stu and Sean were like yeah he's because he like wanted to unalive himself like it's a double meaning like it's like a he's like oh yeah he wanted to get to the other side but no like you want to get to the other side and then there was like I was like there's no way and so I asked the crew guys I was like guys what did you think and one guy said he thought the same as me but the other three guys were like yeah it's because he's like oh I'm gonna die the crew guys the crew guys just like strangers that would work in the theater I was just like I needed to know you're like just doing a census on like yeah I was like what did you guys know about this like what is going on about this so now I need to open the question up to you guys out there because I don't think it has anything to do with being a neurodivergent brain or not I think it's just like some people thought the joke meant this and some people thought the joke meant that I never thought of many I never thought too much about it too much about it either but like that's wild that like my whole life I thought I don't know what's true now I'm like what is the truth is the joke that like the chicken wanted to get to the other side like not be alive anymore or is the joke that it's no not a joke is the joke that it's just a stupid answer with the basic premise because like chicken I'm now as a chicken person as a chicken man I would say like what are we talking because are they free range they're still kind of ranged what chickens are crossing streets so someone so I disagree with the basic premise because I've actually never seen a chicken in the road yeah I mean I just meant as much as I've been on the road in my life and on you know I have you've seen it you've [Music] I promise you in Kauai it is often frequent it's Hawaiian chickens so they don't count there's no chickens I think in Hawaii yeah I feel I don't know there's places in the world where chicken juice is just everywhere running around it's like this chickens do you have stopped you were like pulled up to a stop sign and they're like oh hold on chicken Crossing chickens around like there's lots of chickens all over the roads I swear to God I swear to you this is not bickering this is a fact it's possibly the construed his bickering you're not believing you that you've ever seen a natural chicken cross the street anyone who's been to Kauai will agree with me come on now have you been to Kauai so that's not a cheap place so if you're a touring comedian oh I feel like that's the only state the joke could work then because to me clearly not love because it's worked for centuries it's pretty dark around the whole world I don't think it's ever worked I don't think anyone has ever laughed at that joke and if they did there it must be pretty dark because if they left left that means they got it and they're assuming that this chicken was committing now my question is how did this joke get so popular because it's not a good joke regardless of which is the true like answer to it one step further guess what hmm guess what I don't know guess what chicken butt yes that's a great joke a great what I'm saying is like the best jokes are about chickens why chicken jokes so iconic and just because chickens are dumb stay the test of time they're just the best but they're also just like chicken what a weird animal but my point are their brains actually flat I don't know I've never seen Chicken brain I just heard that can we google with a chicken well first we need to look up this are they apparently notoriously like not smart chickens yes I don't know I mean I actually think chickens are smart I feel like I heard chickens are actually very smart oh hold on who came up I'm gonna look this up okay guys I didn't look up chicken brain yet because I'm just looking up the joke part of it and whoever made that Tick Tock was a liar because and also everyone who thought that it was about a chicken dying like is dark I guess half of the people in the world do think that because on Wikipedia it says um is a common riddle joke with the answer being to get to the other side is commonly seen as an example of anti-humor and that the Curious setup of the joke leads the listener to expect a traditional punchline but they're instead given a simple statement of fact the joke has become iconic as an exemplary generic joke to which most people know the answer and has been repeated times yeah over the course of history so yeah that's exactly how I interpreted it exactly me too Wikipedia in Greece yes okay so then it says um it came about let me tell you how it came about according to music critic I am actually even though you are not I actually am according to music critic Gary okay I'm not fascinated by that the joke was spread through the United States by Minstrel shows beginning in the 1840s as one of the first national jokes it's the first joke ever it's one of the first national jokes wow that's wild anyway um that is um the way that Tick Tock was a lie and everyone who thinks that it's a dark a dark humor joke was I guess incorrect but anyway um did you learned that in comedy College what yeah no I learned on Wikipedia right um okay hold on now I've got to look up a chicken brain I hate that I look up chicken brain and one of the first recommended searches for that because you know how when you start typing stuff on Google It'll like give you suggestions of what I think somebody should say soup it says Chicken brain KFC why is that suggested you like fast food but you do not eat KFC you know what I don't care because because in America KFC no offense girl but like it's kind of known to be like the worst or the worst yeah but and did you know that in other countries it's like like um where is it I think it's Japan I could be incorrect but I feel like it's I think it's Japan that they eat it on Christmas Day like it's like tradition to eat KFC on Christmas Day and like whenever I've been to like Australia they're like oh my gosh we should go to like KFC like and it's good I've been in KFC in Australia and it was good like other places like it's good being serious I swear to you like it's fine dining in other countries I just can't believe that it's a Japanese tradition to eat KFC on Christmas I need a double Tech let me just double check oh my God I have so many things I'm looking up so many times fact checking happening this episode what about their brains I well you asked me a question and I'm okay KFC became a Christian Christmas tradition in Japan I was correct oh my goodness look I am full of fun facts okay actually I'm not I'm full of like things I heard once I got KFC okay so um sorry I'm sorry to talk over you but the last I heard of KFC was like 10 years ago was that they were like using Fried Chicken as bread for sandwiches and I was like I'm done like I'm I'm out of here like they were making sandwiches pieces of fried chicken were the bread and then I don't even go inside it more chicken what mashed potatoes I think so like a loaded baked potato and then fried chicken or something and it was called like a chicken I feel like that was real in a dark time uh in human existence all right we're gonna learn about chicken brains okay do they have smaller big brains well looking at a Chinese chicken quilt can't even make words for work out my mouth looking at a chicken's tiny head you would be right to assume that they have small brains the brains are about the size of a couple of peanuts side by side that's pretty small that's pretty tiny but they're small interestingly their brains are actually small in comparison to the size of their bodies yes they're small but it doesn't say anything about being flat which is the question I asked it's thought that their brains have become smaller as they've adapted to being more suited to living among humans they're like oh in order to live with these videos you gotta get Dumber yeah it makes sense um anyway okay there's literally no okay our chicken's smart uh if anyone has ever raised chickens I'm sure they'll tell you they are smart well I am I think I think they're smart there's a lot more going on than I assumed going into the whole thing that is true like I didn't yeah yeah it's not flat I don't know where that came from why did you say it was flax I heard that uh I heard that in a tick tock oh did you sir well I felt dirty even saying every sentence you say so you know what I heard in Tick Tock that's like dirty but that's like so weird to me because it's like I'm kidding it's like when the TV came out if people be like oh I saw this thing on TV and people like Ugh you saw it on TV it's like it's a cultural thing like everyone who's on Twitter would be worse I know but it's and it's and it's what it's how we are gathering information these days but yeah something about it seems like um unverified or inauthentic I don't know I was making a joke I was being funny it was bickering we're bickering um let's let's say things to every sponsor and stop talking about chickens all right let's do it booty Bo sounds funny having it not so funny you know no one wants their booty to be stank right I mean I don't think so anyway we're excited to tell you about Lumi in case your choice is there something we can do about it well if if you don't want your practice tank did not there was an option um Lumi it might be able to help you out the world's best whole body deodorant clinically proven to control odor everywhere your pits which is where you think it would but also like you know privates and Beyond okay whopping 72 hours hello that's a long time I have a confession what is it they send us some in a box that's not a confession there's a fact um and I ran out of my usual deodorant and I was having a funky day oh and so I was like oh right they sent us that and I know some people put it on their cracks but I'm gonna I'm gonna I was like I'm gonna put this in my arm pits and love it's so great so lovely I smelled so good for 72 hours I smelled like you want to know what I smell like not a butt crack no peony Rose peony not panty Rose peony Rose I mean it's a very specific Rose scent and it's really good like I I'm gonna use it forever amazing as an OB GYN lumi's founder Dr Shannon klingman met thousands of women concerned with the odor below the belt through clinical testing she discovered it wasn't the lady bits to blame but bacteria on the skin so she created Lumi a pH optimized aluminum free deodorant that actually works Eric says it does right thank goodness for her I thought at the beginning of that sentence I thought you were saying that you were an OB GYN I wish but anyway it works everywhere with over 150 000 five-star reviews to prove it and there's a special offer new customers get five dollars off lumi's starter pack with code Colleen at so Lumi it smells amazing like Eric said it works great go ahead smile I have smelled you actually do smell delicious these days thank you gotta say it's delicious yeah like like peony Rose you smell amazing um I've tried the three that they sent us um and they're all great and they and they work like it it covers a lot of time like it really does work for a long time towards other ones I've tried and I'm talking like you're I mean I'm not gonna say their names but all the ones that you would can think of like for me I don't know I mean it's just a me thing but like they don't work that long but this like does it sure does I'm gonna search right in other places you should it's the first of its kind this whole body deodorant Lumi is seriously safe to use anywhere on your body your pits your underboobs thigh folds belly buttons butt cracks vulvas your feet anywhere pick us back it can go there gosh um like I said uh it was created by an OB GYN not me an actual OB GYN who saw firsthand how normal Bo was being misdiagnosed and mistreated um it's pretty wonderful aluminum free baking soda free and paraben free pH balance for safe use below the belt lumi's starter pack is perfect for new customers it comes with a solid Stick deodorant cream tube deodorant two free products of your choice like mini body wash and deodorant wipes and free shipping as a special offer for listeners new customers get like I said five dollars off a Lumi starter pack with code Colleen at Lumi that equates to over 40 off your starter pack when you visit and use code choline lovey yes who needs to relax for you this week am I to believe that your relax was the joke why did the chicken cross the road or was that just desperate to talk to you about it oh just yeah it just burst out of here it's the first thing I wanted to talk to you about you were so excited um that's really great uh I want to talk about someone okay by the name of Chuck E cheese okay we talked about Chuck E cheese a while ago and I didn't didn't realize that his name was actually Chuck middle name e period cheese like the mouse the rat mouse rat yeah you were on tour um you were on the the Colleen Ballinger Miranda Sings World Tour World Tour of Ohio um and so I wanted to do something fun with our son Flynn yes so we had some father-son uh a little road trip if you will and while we were on our way to our destination and you know me to be spontaneous would you say that would you call me spontaneous I would call you extremely well spontaneous and yes yeah you are very well thank you so much for that compliment no you are but there's like another word I can't think of it because my brain's not working today what's that other word like impulse like I'm impulsive impulsive yeah yeah I have no control of my impulses correct and I've always um I've had this affection for Chuck E cheese because there was one in our town um and it and it both excited me and terrified me but there's never been one around us in a 50 mile radius and we're on this little road trip and I'm going past an exit and I see a Chuck E cheese like I see the logo I well I kind of see the logo because I don't really recognize it but I know that it's Chuck E cheese and I immediately like carefully swerve across three lengths lanes and get off the highway way and I said to Flynn I'm taking you somewhere right now it's gonna blow your mind you're gonna you're gonna freak out you're gonna absolutely love this place and I got so excited and nostalgic and I'm like get off the highway and I'm turning in there and I get closer to the the building and I'm like what is this key art for Chuck E cheese like the drawing is different like why does this look like like a marketing team was like we gotta make this for more of the kids these days like I'm like why would they change that I was very confusing um and then I I'm like but I'm so excited still because I'm like the band the band oh my gosh the band like Flynn's gonna lose his mind we're gonna eat pizza and watch it I don't even care about like the games I know he like loves like video games you don't know what he's talking about the animal sorry to cut you off but the animatronics there might be people listening who don't know there's an animatronic terrifying iconic iconic but like um band of rat animals just creatures there's different different animals yeah yeah it's really creepy and terrible Chuck E cheese band yes that's of animatronics that they that do a show every hour when you're at Chuck E cheese but I feel like this is so much of my childhood and just an iconic experience and I was so excited to share it with him and we get in there and then we're going we have to go through a turnstile and they stamp our hands both me and Karen's hands like we're at a club and I was like oh they're stamping our hands and then we go into Chuck E cheese and I was immediately so deflated so sad because there was no stage with an animatronic band there was a projector screen playing essentially the Kidz Bop like music video YouTube channel it was literally just Kidz Bop music videos and I'm like what is go what it what is this this it just seems so like um vacant and like it didn't have any kind of um it was it wasn't inspired you know what I mean it was just like a square box it's very like everything was I don't know not clean but like it was just nothing without that stage in that animatronic band it was just a big square with like lots of arcade games I guess and they had like a light up you know one of those kind of but little like the size of like an eight by ten rug like light up dance floors with all the kids running around trying to step on the thing and then it moves away Kidz Bop music videos and video games that's it I've I just felt sick to my stomach about this because I built it up so much to him and he he had fun was he excited when he got it he was but the other thing too is like uh you know now there's not even coins to play the games you get like a little card like a little credit card and so it's like you're not like putting coins and things you're like swiping a cart or tapping a card to play a video game like which I'm sure somehow makes them like make more money or something right like it's also probably cleaner than like a bunch of slimy kids like sure but like you know how there was that one game with like the gold coins are slimy but like you know what I'm saying you put the gold coin in like the thing and then it would go to the other coins and they'll drop yeah like classic like this is how we all became addicted to gambling you know what I mean like like I don't know there was something about it that's the best game everyone you just keep putting coins and you spend so much money to get a test what because because what comes out of the machines when you play tickets the little and coins the coins but like when you but your Chuck E cheese you're winning tickets like they come out in like the strip of tickets and you rip off the tickets oh yeah folding up the tickets in like a roll you're like like it's just taken same thing about Vegas by the way in Vegas it all goes on like a paper receipt as opposed to like if you win like I remember being a kid and going to like we never went to really Vegas we went to Laughlin Nevada but they had arcade arcades they had casinos and my mom would like like the bucket of cheese or whatever bucket of nickels a bucket of paper it's a bucket of quarters it was so fun yeah and now it's like you get a paper receipt that's like you won 67 cents it's like so stupid um it's not very exciting so he still he still had fun but for like we were there for probably like a half hour and we like we like I put like 30 on the card and we played all the games he wanted to play um and I'm just staring at this Kidz Bop projector screen like and like there wasn't like nobody was really eating the pizza because the pizza was also kind of like iconic there or whatever and I was just like all right well let's keep driving to our eventual destination but I was so disappointed that I looked into it further and I saw that like this is something that happened in like 2017 and I didn't even realize it so it's been like it's been years that they that the company decided to eliminate uh all of the animatronic bands at all of their locations because um I have the exact quote from so so they were bought in 2014 by a hedge fund okay by a company a hedge fund worth like 200 billion dollars that also owns like Barnes and Noble I don't know like use your imagination kind of a thing so the new CEO once they bought Chuck E cheese in 2014 said a child today has such high expectations for entertainment that the animatronics even at their absolute best can't live up to those expectations well I say boo you sir what what should their expectations be nothing nothing real no coins no tickets no actual band just a screen with YouTube like I just I felt I just I felt lost lost in the world for how to um share the things that I loved as a kid with my kid that like the world that he's been born into now that the people I don't know that it's just am I what what's your smile because you're making me think of a tick tock but you'll like it you'll like it yeah no it's I I often love your tick tocks and you send me tick tocks and I laugh at them it's just an inside joke I know I know I know I'm bickering I love your tick tocks I know I know um no I'm I'm smiling because I agree with you and The Tick Tock I'm about to tell you about was making me laugh so hard I'll have to show it to you later but um this this guy this like um Young I'm sure you know shirtless beanie wearing long hair like ginsy-ish question mark kind of guy this is on your for you Paige no it's not which you would think it you're I know you're thinking that no it's a stitch so someone who would definitely be on my for you page was stitching this video so this guy's like responding to a comment someone said something about drinking out of uh the hose you know and this guy yeah of course this guy goes he looks at the comment and he's just like what have you never heard of a sink like that's why would anyone he was baffled why someone would drink out of a hose because we weren't allowed inside oh my God this woman stitches this guy this big Millennial woman you know she's just like so she stitches him so she's like why would you drink from the sink and she's like oh my God who's gonna tell this guy who's gonna tell him oh really loud he was like yeah yeah that's so funny she's like we weren't allowed in the house we had to stay outside and she starts listening all the things like 7am and they were like get outside don't come in like that I still can taste the hose water I can taste hose water because like you couldn't you went outside here at the beach you're dirty you stay outside you're playing outside and you're playing in the dirt you're playing you're on the slipping side you have grass stick to your feet you're not coming in the house yeah like you didn't drink it from the house right like I'm like yeah you're at a friend's house on your BMX bike they're not letting you in no way yeah if you're there's your drink around the freaking house but the way that this woman responded to this guy was so hilarious like just being like we weren't allowed in the house what are you talking about but like but then she went on to list like how we are like made of steel she's like they had to do you understand they had to make a reminder on the television every night at 10 pm to remind our parents that they had children it's 10 p.m do you know where your kids like it was on TV every night do you know where your kid is do you know you have kids right check in on that that's funny and it's so true I was thinking about like when we were kids I'm not comparing this Chuck E cheese but just like how different it is like I would just like walk to like a nearby Creek when I was like a young girl and just play with like my sister like at the creek or like go just like go for a walk and around the neighborhood or like go to a playground with a friend like just like but like little kids like you'd ride around but it turns out I'm sorry but it turns out in hindsight right from a documentary watched a very famous serial killer like stuck to this Creek or something not that one not the one I went to but like that was part of the like path he took well there's a lot of creeks and cities um but anyway that's something but anyway the point is that like it was I would never like have like ever because she's like yeah just go play outside and don't know where they are like and just be like not not and that's not shaming our parents in that generation are different well yeah I mean because you because you now have had dangers now sure but you also have that connection like available to you like you know like to where it's like they didn't like I'm sure if my parents could put like an Apple Air tag like in my back pocket now like you know back then they would have right but they didn't have that and they had to to work and we were we had to be outside dog tag yeah like a bracelet oh okay a bracelet dog tag like you know like it was like essentially a dog tag that you'd wear around your neck whatever but it was on on my wrist I like it I had it was a metal and she said nothing it was like a metal chunk with like a chain and it said like my name and address yeah that's smart yeah um that's what my parents did I at least I kind of remember that maybe I don't know how long I had that but yeah it's a different it's a different world and so when you're trying to teach and relate to your child and figure out how to be a parent um and you get really excited about something and then to them it's and then you go to show it to them and it just says completely changed and it's and you then you do research and you find out because they're like yes this is what your kid wants now to be entertained they can't be entertained by like an animatronic rap band they need a projector screen with Kidz Bop music videos and I I just like I I say you're wrong I say I think I think Flynn would have been terrified by that band I would have loved it there's more to this I'll finish the story and then we'll we'll say thank you but like so instead of the band what they have is this is how I found this out is because we're playing a game and then all sudden Flynn hides he hides behind the game I'm like why is he hiding anything and it's because they have a guy instead of the band they have a guy come out and essentially like a Disneyland character costume of Chuck E cheese like every hour to like take selfies with people and whatever Lynn was terrified because um in his because he thought and I had to explain to him that it wasn't actually a giant rat person that this was someone in a costume which is really strange to me it made me reflect on like have I not taught him enough about that costumes he thought it was real he thought it was a real thing oh and I had to explain to him that it's just a person in a costume um and then they came over in waves and he was he hid behind me he buried himself and like he was so terrified I was pretty but yeah he didn't I explained it to him and then he was fine but I was just like how did we miss that in our parenting like yeah explain like his mom literally dresses up in a costume I don't understand yeah I was really like wait you think that's real like I didn't say like that you know sweet and then we go to leave and I just got to walk out of the place and a woman runs up behind me and like tries to stop us um I go to leave after like all the tickets on our card earned us a lollipop why do I spend 30 on this card every game in the place when someone he did really good at skeeball he was hitting like the middle like the 50 100 Nick he was doing really good so we got the lollipop because that's what it earned us and we go to leaving this woman runs up behind and stops wait wait I have to check your stamps the club stamps from the beginning what's happening here and she goes I have to check your stamps to make sure you know you're not leaving with someone else's kid so apparently they have dial on the stamp and they turn it for every person so that each uh family or or parent or Guardian with each kid gets a matching invisible you don't see it it's an invisible stamp so they check it with like a like a black light pen or whatever and they do that to make sure that people aren't leaving it's obvious but I was so surprised like what do you mean you have to check our stamps I was like halfway out the door and she made me oh my God it's horrifying people do that and then she didn't explain but so but I asked I was like why are you I'm sorry it's my first time in Chuck E cheese in a long time why are you doing this and she said that I was like oh well that's great thank you for checking yeah and I appreciated it of course um but wow I can't believe that that has to happen like that that's I don't know it was just it just made it more of like a worse kind of experience from like well everything you were just saying about the Creeks Etc yeah like and and everything that uh wow holy smoke holy yeah those they have that band those CH they all just they in 2017 they're like we're redoing it all for like what we assume the audience wants and needs now and they just packed up all those animatronic figures and shipped them off to their company's headquarters in Texas where they're I don't know where they are terrifying people there if you were if you have one of those don't say this don't say these things out loud I don't want one of those terrifying animatronics because for me in my childhood we only went to Chuck E cheese a couple times I'm a party at someone's house and they had Chuck E cheese in their house and they were like yeah I bought one on eBay I would be like you were my best friend you're the coolest person I've ever met I did you say Matt Matt Oh I thought you said like you've named this person you're the coolest person ever Matt like you know a mat who's done this or something or you just assume a guy who would do that would be named Matt probably yeah I don't know well I I we went to Chuck E cheese a couple times like I feel like I could count on one hand for sure how many times we went to Chuck E cheese growing up because it wasn't too close to us but also it's really expensive and so we never we didn't go too often it's a big day yeah all the all the tokens yeah yeah and um it's a hard thing so anyway my um we didn't go very often but I do remember thinking that that animatronic band was lame back then I think they mostly just played happy birthday they mostly just were not great like out yeah they were original songs they're terrifying I feel like there was there was something there to mind there's there's a lot to mine there like I feel like they could make a comeback I don't know um I don't know about that but I'm rooting for that well I'm sorry it was such a horrible experience for you I mean I still had fun there's it was just it was more cerebral I had a great time with our son but but for me like reflecting on yeah yeah I'm so sorry wanting to share and relate was it was a disappointing moment that that band wasn't there um I'm so sorry about that lovey thanks for being so empathetic um you're welcome um thanks for your next sponsor I want to bring up one other thing while it's just in my brain because I'll forget by the time we finish the sponsor but um you guys if you want a nice little laugh for yourself today this evening by the way I doubt the microphone picked it up but Eric's Foot just broke wow yeah if we want to do what we did to you last episode and just hold the microphone to places in my body that now crack and create that was crazy he literally just shifted his body weight and his ankle snapped into since I broke that ankle skateboarding when I was I've never heard of that a junior in high school that was very loud anyway I doubt you guys heard it um what I wanted to say is that if you guys wanted a little chuckle today just search on your Tick Tock sorry this episode's all about Tick Tock I guess search on your Tick Tock um like can't remember how to skip or forgetting how to skip I somehow stumbled upon tick tocks of people filming older men typically um not remembering how to skip and it's made me you send me a lot of these stories but I like almost cried um so please if you want a good laugh since this is a podcast if we can't show like if most people who listen like you can't see it I'm just telling you you won't regret it um you sent me these and then you texted me like it's making me think that you don't know how to skip so I made him send me I didn't make you I was like I just said no I just sent you back videos of me funniest video ever because you had Flynn film you skipping but right when you started skipping I see like one skip this one insane moose started running around and so Flintstones he's like whoa calm down guy hey moose boy you're freaking out so then Flynn's filming like his feet and moose and then at the very end of the chaoticness of moose running around getting excited because you were skipping so moose is like oh we're playing Eric is skipping something crazy is about to happen is this thing is going bananas and then Flynn at the end of the video you go did you get me skipping he's like yeah photographer videographer she kind of is but like for that moment was very funny anyway let's say thanks to our next sponsor spring is here it's springing guys and Stitch fix has a range of where now Styles and spring forward colors Trends and patterns to help refresh your wardrobe with Stitch fix you can get a personal stylist who will curate the perfect pieces for your Unique Style and fit get started now and bring some new life to your wardrobe this season you guys we've talked stocks whoa talked wow that's the word I was looking for we have talked a lot about the Stitch fix on this podcast we love Stitch fix it's awesome it really is like having your own personal stylist just send you clothes you don't worry about shopping finding stuff that's cute on you you have to worry about anything like you just get to worry about looking cute you just go on their app you thumbs up thumbs down Styles you might like and then they curate it send it in a box and I'm telling you when I get that box I feel like I'm it's Christmas morning man no not even it's the Met Gala oh damn like I'm like what's what am I wearing to the Met Gala today oh my my I mean I don't leave the house that often but like you know for around the house house it's pretty great yeah Stitch fix is the best way to discover new Styles and Brands just for you think of Stitch fix as your style partner your stylist will learn about your taste and collaborate with you on looks that you'll love all you got to do is answer a few questions about where you typically like to shop and what you like to wear and your price range Etc and with your choices in mind a wide range of sizes available from extra small to 3XL they'll find your perfect fit they got you covered with over 1 000 Brands and styles try your pieces at home before you buy just keep what you love and send back the rest plus shipping returns and exchanges are always free there's no subscription required simply order a refresh as needed or set it and forget it with regular seasonal fixes you are in control so right now Stitch fix is offering our listeners twenty dollars off their first Stitch at relax that's relax for 20 off today relax um Eric you know my relax was not uh whatever we were talking about the beginning of the episode I don't remember now why did the chicken cross yeah it was not it was just I wanted to bring that up I do have someone who needs to relax they're so passionate about it I was like but like the whole time I'm like what's where's the relaxing it wasn't a relaxed I do have the right to follow any format it's we have free will yeah of course we talk about whatever you want it's our date night I know right but I do have someone who needs to relax tell me and it's a person I feel like we never have people a specific person a very specific person go for it I feel like when you and I say someone who needs to relax it's like you or me or it's like toenail clippers like it's like something random you know do they have specific of the bigger ones over toenails got it that's what they say but Bush that never made any sense to me because your toenails are tipped like there's the one big one but the rest of them are so small I don't know I mean have you ever tried um to clip your big toe with just a fingernail clipper because it's it's Madness for me for me this it's like it's like it's like how do I even get it fine well you have dainty little I wouldn't say that I I think feet are like my well I think anyway we're not talking about feet right now the feet episode I can't I literally I really can't I get I can't trim my big toenail with you can't average every day this is [Laughter] I went on like a probably 10 minute rant about toes um during this Miranda video I did last week and everyone's like how did you do that like I I can't how did you stop and I was like I didn't realize I talked about that long and I was like it was like I was Miranda but I was like kind of talking as meatball to be honest yeah we shouldn't talk about but anyway um have you ever been this is such a stupid question but you can't clip your toenails with a tiny fingernail toe clip fingernail but have you ever been in a like really my desperate situation where you like cannot find nail clippers anywhere and you're like I just really got to do this and you scissors no I've done that I feel like when I was very like very much younger there was like scissors that were curved what it was like a pair of like little scissors you know the little scissors but they they had a curvature and they were for that in our house they were for your toes I don't I don't know but they were just like it was just like I mean maybe other people had this growing up but in her like we had like essentially one bathroom yes and then that one bathroom was a cup and then that cup was just like it's just like a rusty pair of curved scissors like whatever you know just random kind of stuff like toothbrushes in there I don't know what was it like people maybe drink out of the cup who knows I don't know well um what's your question I didn't have a question I was gonna tell you who I think needs to relax my question was have you ever cut your toenails with like a scissors oh yeah yeah I mean I guess when I was a kid yeah anyway um so who needs to relax is not any of the things you're just talking about okay and I won't talk about this long because I don't know if you had other topics or things you want to discuss today not really no just toenails and Chuck E cheese just Chuck E cheese animatronics okay there was a man and I'm not gonna name the city a lot of times okay you said a specific person it is a specific person I'm not gonna say who it is because it would not end well for the specific um but it is a specific person I'm going to talk about okay so a lot of times when I'm on tour I have interactions with people whether it be at the venue or in the audience and I like because I share so much of my life on the internet I'm always like I wish I could talk about this but I don't want anyone to find out who I'm talking about because I would never I would hate for like this person to get like you know harassed in some way like or hate it like I don't know you know what I mean like because if some I'm talking about someone being not good like someone being nasty or mean or yeah but you're not a master I mean so of course you wouldn't want to actually of course I don't want to like anyway so I I always am like okay I'll just talk about this someday later like when something happens at a show because I wouldn't want someone to figure out like oh well she was just in Chicago so it was in the Chicago show let's find footage of the Chicago show and see which audience member she was talking about you know whatever like if someone's heckling me or you know whatever so I have all these stories of bad things that have happened at venues whether it be through an audience or crew member or security or whatever and guys I recently and I'm not gonna say which show but I recently had an experience where the uh there was a crew member who was one of the rudest I've ever met in my life to be honest he picked up my props and threw them across the stage for literally no reason maybe like so like what props like there I have um like curtains on my stage and behind the little curtains that I that we bring not like the actual stage curtains I have these little curtains that we bring with us and behind those curtains is like coat hanger type racks right and on those we have like things hanging from costumes we have like little shelving little unit kind of things that I can put different props in little pockets and whatever so for quick changes when I can just rush behind my little curtain grab the costume I need or the wig or whatever and go out so um my team was in the process of setting up these props on the hangers and a crew member came up and picked it up and threw it the whole thing is yeah with all the props on it is it overhand underhand I didn't see it I didn't see it happen I just heard about it from the other people because when I got to The Venue because I got there like an hour after my team did um no I'm not a diva I mean sure fine I'm a Diva but like usually when I get there I'm like waiting for an hour or two before so I'm like I might as well be at my hotel anyway whatever I get there an hour after them and the props were not like set up on the stage yet and which usually they are and then I whenever I get there I usually come and I start helping them like finish up like setting up stage and setting up everything whatever so I get there and like the stage is not set up and I already know what happened because I I received a text message about the situation I was like what and I got there I was like there's no way someone just like picked up props like through them but that really did happen and I got there and this person was storming about angrily Young Artists in their theater you would think they would be you know well it's because like so welcoming and some sort of hospitality well but not only that you think like oh what was the reason like why did someone make this person mad did was it put somewhere it wasn't supposed to be like what was the reason that he would feel the need to throw a big hanger worth of like props like what's he going across the stage yeah like what or like what happened in that moment like was there an altercation you know but no what happened was literally they're just starting to step a stage in silence like no one was interacting like there's not a problem like they introduced themselves to the crew Mike they like everyone met each other started working and he said he just threw him off his head she's like you can't set up your props on my stage I'm still working Union theater because some theaters are union or non-union it was but we've worked with plenty of Union theaters over the last 15 years of course and there's never been an issue with that and if there is some sort of an issue with the props and how they're handled on the stage of nicety like I've had a venue once where um Rachel was setting up the props on the stages bajillion years ago because Rachel was working with me then but they came up to her and they said you can't touch my props they said to Rich you can't touch my problems like the prop Handler and she was like what and he was like I only I can touch the props and she's like you don't know where they go They're my they're my props they're my sisters it's my sister so you don't know where these go he's like well you can't touch them only I can and but even that being said like he worked with us like so we were like this goes here so then he'd pick it up and move it but he was nice you know he was nice about it no job security of course and he wanted to play by the rules and whatever and we played by the rules and we worked with him so you know if it was a situation like that he could have been like oh I'm sorry you guys can't set up yet until I'm finished but he didn't say that he picked up all the problems and threw them chucked them silly because and I've seen this I've seen elements of this like happen before like being on the road with you because like the what your props are are so ins are so insane that like when there are these Union theaters where they have rules about that and they have to like move like an inflatable you know inflatable boat or you know weird wig or a big you know I don't even know what I don't even know what I have I have so many weird props lots of wigs and weird costumes with butts on them like right because it's not like they have to move liberace's piano or Hamlet's skull or whatever it's like weird wigs and like duct tape together cardboard fish because all your props are like imagined that Miranda has made toilet paper yeah it's just a big roll of toilet paper right so anyway to me it's like okay did he throw because he told us you can't put your props on stage and then and then my team did it no like no there's no conversation about instigated at the moment he threw it first and then said it was so banana pants but anyway he was also just very grumpy and very rude but that happens often like I find myself when I come across kind crew members at a venue I go like so hardcore being like you were so nice you don't know how rare it is that I find someone so sweet and I'm not talking smack about crew members like I think crew members in theaters they work so hard and they're like my show couldn't happen without them like I I was raised to respect people on crew in theater I grew up in theater so it's like you respect your crew they make the show happen like crew works so freaking hard but for some reason touring I have come across a lot of like kind of grumpy people on Crews so like whenever I come across a kind person it like blows my mind I'm like oh my God you were so sweet thank you so much for being so nice and so comedy like I like go I'm like I get so excited and so happy whenever we find like a really nice crew person or a crew team um because often like it's people are always a little bit grumpy did you look kind of grumpy and I don't know if it's because they're like oh this dumb YouTuber like and they're just like me or what it is I think I think I'm yeah there's noting in my mind the demographic of a lot of these people that I've seen is that like they're the night before it was like you know so cool like not someone cool but like someone that like like they're like a Leonard Skinner cover band that they would love you know what I mean and then like tonight's like Miranda sings Yeah like what is this trash I'm gonna throw this trash crosses yeah right because they seem like uh a lot of times I mean they typically are like white male race yeah one time um I I don't know if I've told this story on on here before I'm not meaning to just talk about tour stories I think it's just like where's this conversation going but one time I don't know if I've told this story but a guy um uh was like oh last time this crew guy was really grumpy wouldn't say hi to me when I came and I said hi nice to meet you I was trying to introduce myself to everybody um he wouldn't really talk to me he's kind of rude and but would say hi to everyone else I was like why is he being like this and I'd been to this venue before and eventually he goes last time you were here you wouldn't let anyone touch you know could come near you no one could even look at you no one could breathe in you because you were pregnant oh I was there and he was super rude and I was like what I was like that's not true he's like oh yeah and he's like telling all the crews like she wouldn't let anyone go near her you couldn't even look in her Direction without her freaking out because she was pregnant I was like that's not true I was like I just at my meet and greet I said no one could give hugs because I didn't want to get sick and hurt like my unborn child like with some sickness but like because of a family history yeah because of family history with that and I was like but I I certainly never said no one could talk to me look at me come near me like I was still getting close to people hanging out with people I was I'm sure that guy who said that looked a lot like the guy who threw your props I'm just guessing well he yes but he was just like oh no I know you just wouldn't let anyone near you you he was like so angry at me about that and I was like oh my God and he was just so and I was like well I I definitely would never say that I would never say no one can look at me no one can talk to me no one can be near me that's never happened I've never said that before I don't know who relayed that information to you um but he was like super grumpy and rude to me about it and he was talking crap about me to everyone like Corey Sean like everyone's coming up to me being like man like I will not stop talking crap about you like to everybody he can find yeah but then after the show he comes up to me he's like that was a really good show that was like actually great like I thought I'm not gonna lie like I didn't have high hopes you know just knowing you but like that was great I was like thank you I remember you commenting during like the sound check or or maybe even the show like you kind of referenced you made a comment about it checked out during the show yeah you were like I don't know you said no I just was something because I could hear him yeah you kind of put him in his place and then he respected you once you you kind of called him out well no I wasn't rude or anything no you weren't rude you just got you kind of just told like he didn't know the whole story there he didn't know like family history yeah whatever but like you what was awful was that he like kind of pushed you to have to like make I know to explain yourself to him so that he would stop I know I was like talking trash I was trying to do sound check and I could hear him at the other side of the theater talking loudly to all these people about how this huge Diva and no one's like don't look at her watch out you know don't get near her watch out and I was just like so finally I just you know I was fun and I was like no it's because I really was trying I just didn't want to hug people at the meet and greet that was it it was they could come near me they could talk to me we just I wasn't allowed to give like really close intimate hugs because yeah I was trying not to get sick because my mom got sick when she was pregnant with my brother and it caused a lot of problems um later in life for him he he she was got really sick and it made him sick and it was a danger it was a very dangerous situation and I just was trying to avoid that for my own son and he was like oh this is like he's just a talk he just wanted to be well I'm not telling the story you know stop it that's not really a funny story but like I was just telling it because it just it was an example of like that's a lot of the like um experiences I have in in theaters is like there's always a guy who's like this crew member who's just like a guy I can tell you just really does not like that I am there and then he's doing working on my show and um so I get really excited when people are just they don't have to like me or my show but like um just like you know professionals throw your stuff just like don't throw my props so crazy is that wild how was the show shows were great they were so fun they were so fun the audiences were just incredible that's what it's all about man they were so the audiences were so fun I had an absolute voice I could have been there me too yeah but I think you should just start coming to shows why not so many people who come to meet and greets are like I love relax I listen to relax every week it's my favorite thing to say that and I go I literally my head I go let's relax that's what we're doing right now baby we're relaxing baby surprising but uh uh so many people like to meet them I always say like I wish Eric was here you know and I was thinking about it while I was performing last night on stage I was singing the song about Flynn's emotions I was like man I wish we were singing um grilled cheese and applesauce together on stage sometimes like I wish like we could sing some of our songs from the show from relax in my live show so if you come to like Denver or something we should sing something from the podcast we've been talking about it maybe we can make that happen I know what's up what song would we sing there's so many options they're mostly just you singing and me sitting there you know yeah Denver right I don't know yeah I think you should start coming more but we gotta figure out how to bring children you know yeah so we got to work that out too that's rough I mean but I miss him let's let's figure it out yeah anyway I would like to go to Denver I would love for you to come to Denver am I invited you're what are you talking about you're ready I don't know Denver right tonight you watch the game yeah to Denver Patriots Denver Patriots against the LA Chiefs yep good basketball game such good basketball game though that's serious right is basketball on these days to lose 0-4 in the in the series in the series yeah good good yeah you know a lot of people always have that yeah it's tough tough way to go for Dodgers um are we talking about basketball okay compare LeBron James Michael Jackson yeah who do you think better who's what you know whose Legacy in basketball is better you think Who's Lebron James I don't know that Michael Jackson dabbled in basketball well you said it I'm just I'm assuming you mean Michael Michael Jordan Michael Jordan he's his legacy is better everyone knows who Michael Jordan is yeah LeBron James I only know because like what I feel like my dad and my sister and you know about basketball but like is he super good he's super good yeah for a really long time but people always talk about ranks you know Rings yeah Rings like wedding rings yeah wedding rings do they get like that's so weird do they get like class rings or something they get class rings yeah no they get championship rings okay uh when they win uh they don't get like a trophy they get a ring they there's a trophy involved there's like a trophy sure yes but then when the team has won the NBA finals or the Super Bowl they all get matching rings that's so cute yeah like friendship bracelets right exactly like big honking things too like like big gaudy like says everything on it this is so thank you yeah huge that's really cute um you know I don't know what the game is it's a basketball game yeah I never know Sports uh yeah Denver I don't know Patriots is that what I said you said Patriots chiefs no queens if I were to tell you it's the Nuggets would you believe me there's not a chance there's not yeah a chance there is an NBA basketball team from Denver Colorado it's the Denver Nuggets there's not a chance yes it is the Nuggets I swear like do chicken nuggets no like a gold nugget get out of town like from prospector days wow can you believe that that's wild yeah hmm well and they lost I'm assuming there's no way they're not a good team I'm no offense but I did the Nuggets beat the Lakers four games straight to end the series yeah to end the series they won the whole thing they won the Rings no they didn't win now they go to the next round to the finals to see you guys you just said they won the finals it was Western Conference finals this is different oh please where's the Sony finals Easter Conference Western Conference oh my God speaking of competitions I know we're like got it close this out but I didn't even get to tell you about how there was a venue that I was at and it was like this crazy big like complex and there's all these different theaters within the complex and at the theater next to my theater there was a musical theater competition high school competition I'm shocked you didn't I cancel your show I'm I talked about it I lost myself through a high school competition what do you mean I lost my mind and the winners of that got to go to the jimmies the Jimmy Awards which I don't know what that is but I guess it's like the Tony's for high schoolers because I said it to a couple other people and they're like oh my god did you have this in college no because we had the the Kennedy Center American College theater Festival to where it's like every one of our shows they would send what they called adjudicators didn't you win sometimes for some things yeah I got to like go to like Regional and some yeah the conferences and stuff see how exciting that is they would have like judges come from the from the theater of American College theater Festival to be like not good or they would and it was really terrible because they would pick the two best and their opinions performers from the show or sometimes just one who got to go compete essentially in a monologue or scene competition like in wherever they were holding it like Rhode Island or something um or DC and it was extremely rare if a whole production got taken to be showcased at this thing but that happened to me yeah two times for you famous so I would do that for you no I never you never went to the Jimmy's no I never know I don't know anything about it but I was losing my mind and so I was like screw sound check I'm going to this Tech workers of course I did and I stood in the back of the theater and I watched these high schoolers perform and I cried yeah I my eyes were full of tears I was like there's nothing more exciting than watching a passionate theater high schooler kid perform on a stage oh everything it was like they all got to sing like crazy 30 seconds of a song and like they're all just like and they had this very musical theater competition oh yeah because for me it was like we're we're being judged and we're doing our town it's like how do you do our town for a competition you know what I mean like how do you it's monologues and whatnot but yeah it was uh I'm so tired sorry I did not mean it's just yawning your face I might I'm really hungry too but um I lost my mind it was the best thing I've and I just I was like oh my God Eric and I have to open up a theater school because all I want to do is teach musical theater to high schoolers yeah come on I'm so ready we gotta how do we do it okay I don't know we gotta do it but um right now we gotta go thanks for listening thanks for watching we love y'all and uh we will see you next week right lovey I didn't know if you wanted me to like sing song me with you you sing oh I'll come in I'll harmonize I'll see you next [Music] next I can do better than that okay what yeah you didn't even try no seriously cut that okay so just sing we'll see you next week we'll see you next week we'll sit and that's the same that's Unison yeah how about you sing in a harmonize to you okay ready okay we'll see you next week oh my God I hope [Music] the world is scary and we're locked in our home but now we have big microphones so you can relax that's the name of our podcast
Channel: RELAX! with Colleen and Erik
Views: 94,204
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: relax, podcast, Colleen Ballinger, Erik stocklin, married, parents, Miranda Sings, relax podcast, relax!, relax! podcast, podcasting, Miranda Sings husband, colleen and Erik, relax with colleen and Erik, ballinger, ballinger podcast
Id: dax1-ezbLRw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 63min 15sec (3795 seconds)
Published: Thu May 25 2023
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