Gacha Stories in a Nutshell 3

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got your stories in a nutshell or back clearly you guys love this series but because I usually and most likely will have to cut out some of the content that I'm reacting to because you know D monetization apparently I decided that the second half of this video it's going to be an old video where I reacted to everything I hate in gotcha stories that got horribly demonetised so I ended up taking it down within the first couple hours so a lot of you did not see it but I'm gonna edit that try to make it YouTube advertiser friendly and then put it at the end of this video for anybody who missed it but this first part is all new yeah yay singer in disguise oh I'm quite familiar with this gotcha story cuz every time there's a segment of somebody singing it's always a copyrighted song hopefully that's not the case oh that's definitely not the case Oh beautiful oh it's so beautiful a-a-a a-a-a-a and she said I wasted $400 on this thank you everyone Mia mitsuna Haku loves you all goodnight hi mum did you like my show it was fantastic but I have to tell you something you are going to public school why because you're too stupid no I'm not means not me smart what is 1 plus 2 minus 4 what no how can you be like oh no I is stupid but first you need disguise why you are too famous now that you are too famous to go to school perfect now you can go to school bye mum hello hello there my name is Laura your zoom I'm hack hack yeah never heard that before follow me to class hi hello my name is hack I'm Nick did you saw how she said hello to him you know what that means she is trying to seduce him noooooo no you cannot say hi to a boy without trying to seduce him everybody knows that wait a minute Nick is the one of the most popular boys in this school there is no way that he would like this nerd but all main protagonist gets the hottest boy what I seen it yesterday News I seen it on news Oh pointless news hello miss you mind asking me some questions hello cute hot guy did you know that wearing makeup makes you bad person and nobody will like you I'll show you that my boyfriend loves me you love me right no I want to break up with you know what because I love someone else the girl with glasses behind me what the heck I don't know who you are oh it's me the guy who you fell on this morning oh you are the hot bad boy I love you so what did we learn from this nothing never ever wear a makeup or you will go to hell exactly my face I did react to we got to story once where it was all about wearing makeup and having it make you a bad person apparently oh no I'm wearing makeup right now I am bad person oh well but we need to get rid of this nerd why are you gonna make today we have beach day oh montón don't bother me hey hack want to go for a swim I can't why not because I don't know how to swim oh no that's okay well I'm gonna eat NYX chocolate then wait no it's mine chocolate hey who is that everything's going oh more sonic music I love it oh he saved her Oh No hack is dying CPR it hurts me bad is that mitsuna Haku oMG I'm so sorry I'm your big fan what is with the girl's face all the way to the right of course I forgive you even though you literally try to murder me really okay number two I hate you sister I hello Doctor two month I had one brother his name is frost and I really love him yawn Jon time to wake up my brother good morning bro it's time to go to school Oh No hey Frost I made some pancakes would you like some you know oh okay then good night I love you I don't why is the brother so mean frost frost wake up come on wake up now shut up already Oh about time we don't have much time oh snap a talking be get the hell away from me what's happening where in the world am i how dare you kick a fairy you are here because you don't respect and love your sister as if I would things are not as they seems I'll show you the truth finally I got the motorcycle what my brother wanted time to show him hey look I always wanted this looks like someone left the keys in you know what it's on now you gonna love it now you can take it off oh no no do you know what you did wrong yes I am such a jerk good morning sister please forgive me processes are done I love you this is the best day of my life okay so the same person made ten things I hate in gotcha videos and that's the next part that I filmed like months ago it's getting edited and put back up now so yay alright first I have to I have to become filled with the hate me blowing through me it's starting to flow more through me okay I think I I think I'm in that that headspace now to hate on things which is not usually what I do except for when I watch gotchas the music number one talking with mouth closed or what what kids run the school is on fire wait what why didn't you told me sooner like I made a mistake I feel like this video is a mistake I haven't really seen gotcha characters with their mouth closed talking something I guess the thing I mean of course it's a thing I hate is that you Stacy my lost childhood friend she's running oh no I love you love - yes guys oh no what oh she goes dies happily with a smile on her face I don't understand my brain is melting with each one of these oh that's something I hate about gotchas brain melts they melt my brain every single freaking time number three car death is it's gonna have an explosion isn't it oh they're kissing by a lake oh hi Stella what are you doing here how dare you cheat on me with my best friend because I'm Way better than you she's right you're ugly oh yeah I'll show you but she has purple hair she can't be ugly no purple haired people are ugly tell me I'm beautiful in the comments below I need validation what you gonna do hit him with a car [Music] right away oh she gets hit by a car oh wow nice job David business picks one today oh no is she oh no David this is fifth one today oh no is she dead she looks dead to me I killed another Wow slimming scream I think they've been sliding screen but sure Oh God Oh God yes oh my god I hate this I can't tell you how many times I've tried to find a good gotcha video and they're like this don't make this I also even the text is at the bottom no matter who's speaking I need the bubbles people I need to know who's saying what this yeah I have no idea what what's happening silly teachers okay oh she's so silly two plus two 167,000 actually I can't vouch for this all the teachers are like too silly like too ridiculous 283 hahahaha XD LMAO na Nana Lexi DD I wonder how did she get this job does she even have brain I bet she's taking some drugs coconut hahaha talking and Victoria and Rebecca and not paying attention God attention geez thanks nerd whoa ultimate punishment the school is on fire this girl the pink haired girl legit sim instead of turning and running away just staring and screaming at the fire that'll help girl that'll help put it out 4:7 singing just with this guy's little coat eating I don't like it okay basically now the girl has started singing a copyrighted song I hate this because if I wanted to try and react to or read one of you guys has got two stories for YouTube I can because a huge subsection of it has a copyrighted song that takes up like video don't do this especially if you're uploading to YouTube sensitive ears / tail what's hey my oh my God he's on tinder I shouldn't jump to the conclusions though I thought maybe they were dating but they might be brother and sister Mike Mike Mike Mike Mike Mike Mike Mike Mike Mike Mike no okay people don't know what Special Victims Unit is I was gonna say look it up but probably don't if you know what Special Victims Unit means then you get the joke but I'm not gonna explain it cuz I'll get demonetised okay number nine forgiveness hi beautiful hi senpai not you you ugly lift monster hello need to go bye she looks very sad after school what a cute Amster not anymore okay beautiful meet me under cherry tree okay oh my god okay you've got this Alex I'll confess my feelings two main protagonists and we will have two kids and live happily ever after you're mine now I can explain no there's only one way to solve this problem goodbye Peter in hospital would you you are lucky that you survived that fall from building your family is here do you want to see them no okay I'll tell them that they can come in sister I'm sorry for everything my poor baby I'm so sorry please forgive me okay really of course not you cut my beautiful hair you killed my hamster you stole my future boyfriend and now after all that you think your sins will be forgiven just because you said sorry no it's too late why do you feel sorry anyway true you never said before why do you care now fellas never happens like this of course of course I forgive you [Music] why won't you love me leave me alone you creep I what is this all noise the main shut up and leave don't worry people you will see me again I will appear in part 5 as a story called I hate you no spoilers oh come on it's taking too long hey guys it's going let's pretend that nothing happened so yeah I hope you enjoyed this video ok just put on the outro already I mean no alright guys well that's all the things we're gonna be hating on gotcha for today I feel like this doesn't need to be said but don't hate on things it's not cool it's pretty lame I mean except if you're hating on gotchas it's not really hurting anybody because god does a mess let me know in the comments below what you hate most about gotcha stories just in general we don't want to hate on anybody because it's not cool also let me know how beautiful purple haired people are that's always welcome as always if you made it this far in the video make sure to leave a like before you go subscribe if you're new to the channel and hit that notification bell so I don't get lost in the void that is now you too and as always I will see you guys soon you
Channel: LaurenzSide
Views: 5,146,460
Rating: 4.9249272 out of 5
Keywords: laurenzside, laurenzside of gaming, funny girl gamer, gacha studio, gacha life, gacha in a nutshell, in a nutshell, reacting to, laurenzside gacha, gacha memes, funny gacha, gacha mini movie, gacha stories, gacha stories in a nutshell, part 3, gacha in a nutshell 3, gacha in a nutshell 5, what I hate about gacha
Id: VZ0gupgM30w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 29sec (809 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 02 2020
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