12 EDC Gadgets Actually Worth Buying

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what's up everybody welcome back to malabar toy where city is the bomb priority and today i'm going to show you everyday carry gadgets let's see what i got for this video also make sure you give this video a thumbs up helps a lot so i can continue buying more gadgets and show you guys and put them to the test anyways let's get to it gathered here all weather right in the vain universal notebook so this is something very unique everyday that i never seen it looks like a regular notebook and i love square paper that is so awesome so i'm gonna grab a pen see if it arrives on the trailer well this paper feels to be really really thick and also easy to come out i mean seems to be like a regular paper so it can withhold water sweat grease and even mud i guess this is advertisement you would take that off as well wow check this out there's a ruler as well okay let's go tie it out okay let's try something out yeah all right so you look good as you can see no problem okay and now let's put in the water no way check this out that notebook does not absorb any water it just running off like crazy let me zoom in on that and that's a lot of water oops that is insane check this out regular paper would be soaked up all that water instantly especially from the side nope not this notebook this notebook just doesn't care and guess what underwater the pen is giving out not the notebook that is crazy after a while it does feel kind of moist but i bet it dies out real quick look at that that's insane you can still riding on it dried out all the way it does feel moist but i don't think the water actually penetrated that is so cool so yeah in a mud or anything you can still use it to dry it out ready to go never even knew this kind of stuff existed and one more time hold it under water [Music] take almost a paper that made up for money or something very very stoned look at that it stirs up after being soaked for so long it's not been mushy even if it's broken let's see oh wow still super stoned you see it doesn't soak in as much amazing got it here sag multi-tool pen all look like a pen let's see what this thing is all about okay it looks like right here as a flashlight probably has a little safety thing the way it's going to stop from lighting up no there's a body okay yep and boom you got pretty bright flashlight oh wow this is pretty nice like a floodlight okay you got it here our bottle opener and a screwdriver flat head it's not go open unless you know how to open there's a little red button so you just push it and push it down and boom you have a much much thicker handle to pretty much open boxes and like to do layer jobs with this small blade really nice and then just fold it back up and this is really really smooth folding knife it should be weirdest knife ever made look at this locking mechanism you see it right here it's almost like a holster on gears over here and to open it you just pull it down and you're not going to cut yourself so you can even open it with one hand which is really unique and also got a little flashlight so interesting and obviously you have other tools in there like parallel opener screwdriver what else am i missing so that's pretty much it five tools in here okay let's test the flashlight it's early.com as you can see and boom so without flashlight you have your really big floodlight good idea another sog this one seems to be having like a lot more tools check this out [Applause] wow i love the packaging oh wow little holster with that that's beautiful oh you know what i bought extra for this and this is a little screwdriver holders like a little bits for the screwdriver and wow i'm so glad i did buy it because now i can stick it in here will it fit nice beautiful which way this way boom wow that is so cool okay one more time you see there's a sog q4 uh so we're just gonna pull it this way and close it and this is quite nice uh cutters pliers oiled up pretty good okay lock it back up let's see what else we have here all this good stuff okay to pull something out you just grab it over here it's quite nice and smooth i heat it whenever they saw tight to where you cannot pull it out okay you have your can opener bottle opener screwdriver uh nail file or like one of those file things you can open a screwdriver and a knife so i guess this is a locking mechanism this locks in you just press it and there's a little hook over here and it locks and that's nice that's what it's for and this is actual screwdriver bits gonna go in here and there's a bit how do i take it out so i guess you can just press on it and push it out somehow now the easiest thing to take out and you have right here a screwdriver this way oh wow this is one of those awesome screwdrivers that is automatic uh a truck itself and then you switch it the other way wow this tool is amazing then you pull it out stick it back in you could buy it by itself q4 sug or you can also buy extra bits over here that is amazing love this gotta here another drop pouch i think that's what it's called order bag whatever i call it gathering bag so anyways could be used for so many different things this is why i keep putting them to the test as you can see this one is a little bit different there's a belt loops and instead of welcome you actually have actual clip which is really cool so a really big pouch with the cover like that which is way better you can already see so if it's filled up with stuff you don't have to scrunch all together right here you actually have more space because this one have actual color on top of it that is so cool so then you open it and it will fall inside of it wow what a good design can't believe it and whenever you're done just fold it fold it and then probably just fold it one time like that just easy folds and then lock it in and to make it really tight just tighten this up looks beautiful not the smallest when it's folded together but it's definitely the bigger bag and then you just lock it in on the belt i'll show you what it's going to look like on your actual belt in a sec okay let's put it on the belt i love it how easily it is um replaceable taking it off don't have to take off the whole belt and also you can put it on back of your backpack doing it on the side so you guys can see okay it has a clip instead of alcohol boom let's say you fill it up with bunch of stuff there you go and then again what's so cool about this one it's zipped up like that and it doesn't have to be like all smooshed together because it has the top cover boom look how big the pouch is and whenever you're done just close it and then just fold it super easy and tighten it up love that gear and once you're done just open it up put it behind you in front whatever is comfortable love it another gadget over here a really cool packaging everyday pen charging wire look how small this ink pants are and there's a breaker in here and one of those touch screen things okay just hold it you have here a really nice flashlight and press a bunch of time it will turn it off also it's unfolds like that that's amazing okay and then hold it it'll change the brightness beautiful oh wow look at that and to turn the pen over you flip it like that and lock it in and you got that here pen and if you want to replace the pen boom i'm sure you can buy replacements for that seems to be pretty standard flip it over and also you can change it to one of those stylus things or window breaker so whenever you need this flashlight you can put it on top of the hood and i have a light and it's magnetic got it here multi-tool flint uh by sog another little everyday carry look like a pant size but i don't think it has a pen so it's almost like a keychain whistle obviously so window breaker if you need to get out from the car that it has been smashed fire rod this is an actual fire star card here and looks like it's replaceable nice this one spins too oh this is actual blade to strike it okay don't put everything back in and i know this side here and spins too you got it here doubles your firewall you open it up and uh strike it with a spark is going to spark up and be hot you can start dry glass on fire and stuff so whenever you used it just whenever you get home you can just say place it you can buy a steel wall pretty easily at a hardware store so yeah very unique everyday carry survival to fire steel get right here everyday carry little tweezers cotton firewood loading firewood splinters are inevitable so yeah very very easy to use you can put on keychain boom grab a little bit of a skin look at that pull out your scarf that's epic this one's even cooler they're a little bit bigger but if you don't mind the lint i feel like this one's a better easier to use and they still pretty small so put on a keychain maybe as long as they don't fly out or put it in somewhere in your pocket and it can just slide in into your pocket like that so whenever you need to take out a splinter you can take it out really easily and it seems to be really nice metal opens up every time really good i love this lip twisters what's smallest uh bottle opener there's actually i seen even smaller very very tiny but they go like keychain everyday carry bottle opener obviously going to work really good but let's demonstrate what it's going to look like okay there goes nothing yeah very nice it was stubborn and it opened anyways tiny simple but very effective we got here power bank fan let's see what it's all about [Applause] so looks like one of those circular power banks there you go there's a plug and chargers it comes with the wire and everything okay and then you're just supposed to press it on and off it doesn't press why is is it not how they go because this thing comes out all the way okay you gotta take it out then you press it on oh except it's out of power love this power bank been using it quite a bit will it run while we're charging oh yeah it will nice so you can have a little power bank and use it at the same time i mean connect it to a power bike but it's supposed to be uh also a power bank you can plug it in into the usb and the other way around and charge up your phone and as you can see whenever we touch it not a big deal it doesn't hurt that bad at all and it's automatic stuff this thing is pretty powerful oh yeah it feels good especially in the humid uh climate very hot humid climate could be very very useful very important in a summer days of like florida especially miami or something whenever you're done shut it off boom very interesting power bank that's for sure get out here a couple of box cutter without sharp blade usually those box cutters razor blade that's what they're inside of them is actual eraser well this one is actual plastic and it has pretty sharp point to it actually but to where i'm not going to cut myself check this out so this is really safe i think they said here to take it apart and switch the blade yep wow look at that there is a tiny blade inside of it and you just pull it out and flip it over and place it and you can buy a whole stack of them like replacement blades even though it's a plastic blades they will dull out after a while just like a metal ones and you will have to put the replacement one especially you not be able to sharpen them up just like the blade one you won't be able to sharpen them up either so right away let's start out uh let's see if you can break too i know this wow no way it breakthrough this plastic no problem you know this really frustrating plastic and i don't have to even struggle that much and worry about cutting myself it's still quite sharp but not like a razor eraser would really make it sharp this one is a little bit less pointy by the same brand and it's already out so you can just push it in like that and out and keep it out all the time it's feels sharp but not there is a sharp to where it's gonna cut me that's nice you see it that's good um because it's just a plastic blade at the end of the day you pull this out to replace the blade you can get a whole stack of them whenever you want to put a new one or flip it over and this isn't i don't even know if it's plastic or some kind of ceramic blade you know what i think it's a ceramic blade that's crazy you feel it yeah it's definitely some kind of ceramic blade that's interesting wow that's awesome even better than i thought easy to replace a blade put it in and let's go cut a bunch of boxes first we're gonna go with this one that's easy and then right here nice open up the box what can it cut to the box got it here big box no way look at that it can too it can cut to the whole box with this little i guess ceramic blade wow what about this one [Music] even better than the other one because you don't have to keep it closed but if you want to you got it open it with one hand it's a loose box and it cuts it too the whole box that's amazing i can't believe how awesome it is i probably would be using opening boxes quite often because i receive a lot of boxes every day for the videos and i have to use actual knife and i'm afraid to actually cut the packaging this will not cut a package in as much of that so that's kind of cool also i got right here the dk box cutter with their pry bar over here and that's kind of nice screwdriver bottle opener there's all this functions on it let's see if this thing will cut to this annoying packaging wow no problem so just like a regular box cutter it's kind of dangerous to open up this box cutter because it's open but wow this one is so nice i love how small it is and yeah it has all this unique bottle opener uh looks like a quad power cord cutter um large screwdriver a small screwdriver at least that's what they advertise wire stripper nail puller um quite a few unique things out here that is definitely next level it does lock in at some point right here does it look in anywhere else nope but you can really only open a little bit to constantly only open the boxes and not uh cut the product inside of it it's quite hefty with my big hands it still feels pretty comfortable i love it very durable gerber box cutter
Channel: CrazyRussianHacker
Views: 1,002,208
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: survival, camping, tools, camping gadgets, survival gadgets, 12 EDC Gadgets Actually Worth Buying
Id: USb859bx8Jo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 2sec (1202 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 17 2021
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