Testing Tracks on the 4x4 Power Wheels

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oh he rolled it [Music] it's time to put these tracks on the dream camper thing sounds so mean oh yeah it does sound better after the big board too for sure this one clearly became separated from itself in a non -constructive fashion the other rare one that one over there uh this part turned into a piece of spaghetti and got wrapped around the axle so this part's good on this one remount this track on here Mount the other three up and then I'm gonna have to make some custom brackets probably oh wait here we go grind hard power wheels mod shop how may I direct your swindle oh that's good something tells me this is gonna be really hard to steer reality could change entirely tomorrow you'll have that on these dream jobs oh it is a dream camper holy crap this thing's tall yeah it is [Music] [Music] do you have a second Edwin you have to come see this I can't even remember what you guys are working on I'm so a week ahead of you guys right now the edits or no I'm a week behind you guys are building the next thing and I'm working on what you were working on last week yeah wait till you see what we have in here I actually completely forgot what you guys are working on I've been like so in the zone well that's perfect because your God it's cold outside oh that's the best trap thing yet wait a couple look at this side both of them are both of them are on on this side were we just having lunch like an hour ago yeah I mean they're not like we can't drive it yet all the stabilized armors aren't there but but they're bolted on holy smokes it's a completely different world than when they were on the colonel yeah it looks right because it's a good there's a good rhyme there right now [Music] which is a finale just it came off suddenly and violently so I don't really know how it would like to go back on [Music] [Music] using a Fab table to put parts on really not my brightest move ever there's holes literally all over it oh what a beautiful thing hilarious this is the bracket here um they're super duper Overkill I think the idea was partly uh I mean I didn't design these I modified them a little bit but I assume the plan was just make them Overkill because it's easier that way and then also I think the idea is that they give a little bit of extra strength to the a arms but the arms are not the part that breaks in my experience it's more of the steering parts that break so anyway uh I put this up there and it it does fit rather well over the bottom of the a-arm under the bottom of the arm whatever it fits there ish so what I've done here is I just picked two hexagon holes so you can see this piece goes over this and clamps it on there and it has that little alignment pin and there's a way for that to align with a hole that's already there and the hexagons but the original bolt holes here and here do not so you can see in this plate I already drilled two new holes that do align with hexagons uh so now I just have to transfer that to here drill that and then we'll test fit and see if my plan has worked my evil plan foreign [Music] [Music] someone's gonna have to like forcibly stop me from test driving it without the rare ones attached no Ethan just say no I don't say no I say yes all right send it wow you didn't drive very hard man I tell you what this new vfd I got for this thing is so premium that's that little box over there on the wall it's nice because I can slow it down more for drilling I think it's quieter I have to grind this corner down so it fits around the tube of the they are [Music] all right it says drive time right no no well I'm gonna sit in it anyway I'm gonna sit in and make room noises because I gotta I gotta experience how tall it how much taller it is cool it's still a struggle to get it too ah oh I feel like I'm on top of the world oh yeah steering that's gonna be fun blinded slim over there yeah I don't need to see anyway oh where's the camera can see oh well it's kind of important for you to be able to see what the camera sees hmm yes so now that we've drooled over it all all night you know looking at how premium it looks I pulled this track back off to figure out the bracket now this is the bracket I had when these tracks were on the Kernel and it would work just fine on here because these are the same a arms except that this bolt would have gone to where the um sway bar mounted which I completely changed that up on this and so there's nothing for it to go to so the idea here is that it goes through this bolt and then the um stabilizer bolts through this hole here uh but without a bolt up here it doesn't really have a lot of resistance to being pulled down right so I'm thinking maybe what I'll do is actually just take this plate here and bend it over so it comes over the top of this and that might even be enough [Music] yeah actually I really like this it's even simpler than it was before and lighter too wait reduction that looks kinda Nifty it actually looks pretty cool it's a weird little weird little thing but it'll work now the other problem is I'm missing a bunch of the hardware for this but it's not like I have a shortage of Hardware around here one or two bonus bolts in the vicinity maybe even three possibly three there could be as many as four metric bonus bolts are all organized by size and thread pitch I don't like oh wait [Laughter] actually the hardware that's for it I recognize the spacers like that's wow what are the odds it was right on I know like because I dumped this I was about ready to just dump the whole thing out uh I don't know where the other one is because there is another one but maybe it's in here let's let's find out foreign hey imagine that I figured I might as well throw a little bit of white primer on here at least make them look a little more premium [Music] I have to leave a lot of this Inside Edge unwelded because I need room for the bolts to go in but that little tack there as you can see isn't actually fused onto there from when I made these like three years ago or whenever that was so a little fix in with the old TIG welder and we'll be in business crispy [Music] foreign [Music] time making something blame when you can spend time making something cool this is just a piece of solid rod that's pretty close to the outside diameter of this so it actually has threads on one end already I have a hind joint here just drill and tap that and then I figured maybe I'll just make this piece out of plastic it won't be as squishy as the rubber but you know that doesn't super matter this mostly just kind of cushions it just a little pivoty thing that holds it in place so what else would I do today if not make random things that I don't really need to make [Music] yeah look at that found a nut and a washer and a little sleevey thing it's shorter but you know who cares as long as I compensate with the overall length and this needs to be in the same place as that give or take obviously it's adjustable so perfect and then I don't want to uh I want a little more overlapping in that thread so like we'll call it there [Music] this is a little thing I like to do that I think I don't really know how much difference it makes but I always like to start the tap in the in the lathe just to make sure it's nice and centered so I like to leave the uh I'll leave this this bolt just loose enough that you can slide it still and then just you know get the Chuck as tight as possible slather it with cutting oil fire it up the lathe and just uh go until it stops of course you run out of friction on the chuck but by that point your threads are started nice and straight [Music] where are we at [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] uh so I can just make one if I don't find one here in a few seconds but if I can find a washer that's kind of like nice and thick like that and would fit this diameter and I can just weld it on there and this thing will be complete I just don't like that I might just have to head over to the arc Droid and make one and then let's see this is 1.45 um I see no reason for it to be any larger than that so we'll go with 1.45 outside cut Twitter and the screen's off to them that's way over there but that'll work um yeah we'll uh save that [Music] and now we have a little donut hmm yeah this is definitely what calipers are meant for look at that that was actually faster than trying to find a washer except I also tried to find one oh well I guess I could have only a little more snug on that whatever [Music] man this has been one exciting week uh for you watching this it's probably been two weeks since we test drove the uh Hayabusa but for us that's been just this week so we test drove the Hayabusa on Tuesday yesterday we test drove the uh Grom Timber sled the Grom snow bike today Friday we're gonna go test drive this how premium is that all of the awesome Snowman snow machines in one week it's a good week for you Ethan yeah it's actually pretty rare that we finished three different projects in one week that's it's usually not even close to that [Music] foreign foreign way too much fun dude it just flew up that hill ah I mean you saw here I came up like not quite the steepest part but nearly the steepest part of the hill and then tried to come over the snow Berman was like sideways almost tipping over just backed up and did it again yeah dude that was so sick well this is officially the most capable snow vehicle we've yet built like a snow bike a regular snow bike which technically we didn't build uh is more capable of going in more Technical and difficult places than this but as far as just like Brute Force just going up a hill power without speed this thing's amazing yeah dude you could just crawl up anything with this yeah now the steering is [Music] sketchy because it's just very very hard to steer at all but then once you get past a certain point like your momentum kind of catches the edges of the tracks and makes them steer a lot harder so to avoid breaking stuff you definitely have to take it easy when you're turning but you know that's easy we've got it's automatic CVT drives so easy to back up and try again um yeah because honestly like if you just had more leverage on the steering like regular handlebars would you'd be fine but with just this little steering wheel it's uh it's a workout but man what a glorious Beast foreign but it looks incredible too oh yeah that was fun I got a little Rowdy it did [Music] this thing on tracks when will and I were gone so we haven't seen it yet I'm super soaked it looks amazing but I haven't seen it in action yet [Music] it was like Wheeling all the way up it's not even warmed up so when you work on something for this long and this hard which of us do you trust the least driving it that's really a talk because I've literally rolled it you've rolled it yeah it's harder to roll now yeah it's really a toss-up between you guys because like will I feel like in some ways is maybe even a like a better driver but he's more prone to make stupid choices like like intentionally like Will's gonna be an intentionally stupid Choice like I should go way faster around this corner yours is more of like an accidental stupid Choice like I should just keep going up the hill with not nearly enough speed yeah right like exactly you guys are yeah that's awesome it's a toss-up well I guess you'll go first then all right or uh the Drone killer Brothers is what I'm gonna call you now you trust neither of us but you trust neither of us equally in a different ways you just you just have to take it really easy anytime you're turning and just take some time to get used to it because it it's very difficult to steer where where are you going will um everywhere all over the place all right I'll try to follow you so much that oh yeah really it's definitely up there is the coolest thing we've ever built the last time I drove this I caught on fire really yeah because you had a bandana and you just let it fall onto the exhaust pipe all tests try to start like this with either this break doesn't work but this one does you're fine I know I told him to take it easy and like get used to it and he's just like no absolutely [Music] oh he rolled it dang it what happened I like slowly slowly tipped over I was trying so hard not to tip over hmm oh are you okay yeah a premium I just you make four decisions yeah it was a poor decision for some reason I thought it was just gonna go but yeah because he said don't go fast while this steering wheel's turned you literally Go full throttle full walk down there you film us every day yeah who do you trust the least well you guys are on kind of an even level but I think that I trust you a little bit more ed because you have a little bit more years of experience yeah well I think I just have broken enough of Ethan's stuff where like I have high pressure to not want to mess up anymore and I really like not being injured as well which you do have a you always hurt yourself exactly like we'll roll stuff and like break stuff but he doesn't get hurt himself every time I do anything I hurt myself I was limping for two weeks after that whole pocket bike incident and I still can hardly put my foot in my snowboard boot which is important to me here's will who just wears three hoodies and just makes it out Do You Think You're Gonna Roll It see that's that's what I was saying though see I trust you to take it easy I trust well not anymore I used to trust that Will was pretty good driver but like that was so obvious and you almost did it five times everything over there I was like oh it's official I trust Edwin driving things more than will now I think I do too yeah Edwin's made enough mistakes to learn from will keeps making mistakes and learning the wrong lesson he keeps making mistakes and learning that he's Invincible which is not true yeah I was a little concerned that day I chose to ride with him in his little car oh yeah his little car through his monster Subaru this thing is so hard to control well I think it definitely is running a lot better it is making a whole suicide because it's not a throttle it still isn't running so much fun dude Drifting On Ice with the tracks just a little bit it feels like hero drifting on like dirt like just a little slip because you know you're slipping that much mass yeah it's so much fun but it didn't break because I really sometimes they don't get turns with things I really enjoyed my turn that was so much fun well you didn't uh you didn't even come close to breaking it that was will yeah but yeah well now it's been the first one to roll it you were yeah you and will both rolled it I haven't even really now it's been fully cart wheeled and just tipped yep so it's rollover tested the tracks work so now we got to take it to like the top of a mountain somewhere absolutely This is Gonna Shine is going relatively fast on a groom Trail up a hill because these sharp turns with the Bronco ruts on the property are pretty difficult to navigate and probably honestly not good for it no that's that's what I was mainly worried about that one of you guys would go around a corner hit one of the ruts and just rip the track off like we did on the colonel a couple years ago because that's exactly what happened yeah the same exact attack here we go we have this might as well show this while we're talking about it why we were being careful this Hub split in half yeah wow from these tracks it's just a lot more Force there's so much force yeah the suspension on this thing is just unreal it is yeah it's these shocks are amazing and this is really bad conditions too the snow's so hard yeah the ruts are the worst part the hard snow makes it easier to turn when I was driving it it was really soft heavy snow oh I was like I was full strength turning and I would take my knee and prop my knee under the steering wheel and push up oh my God honestly the seat belt did a great job holding me in and the cage did a great job protecting my head so solid and it was such a like such a very gentle gentle I was like oh oh I was like oh no [Music] hahaha [Music]
Channel: Grind Hard Plumbing Co
Views: 518,510
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: sSEmNb4vSig
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 50sec (1790 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 10 2023
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