6x6 Ford Ranger-Finishing the Flat Bed!

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foreign [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] ly going to finish the 6x6 Ranger it's gonna be a good day yeah where's your phone oh no push-ups we're making some room to get the 6x6 Ranger in here and last thumbnail we put this in the bed of the Ranger and then it snowed a whole bunch and rained a whole bunch and now it's full [Music] the plan is to build a sort of roll cage headache rack slash you know situation here that attaches to the bed so it'll go up and around the cab um with you know some bracing there and then also it'll come back this way you know to be braced that way I'll probably put some sweet um light pods up there for backup lights because you know why not we got two full-size spare tires and wheels that match off of eBay motors and we're gonna put those something like this so that we have two spare tires because you know when you have six wheels that's fifty percent more opportunity for a flat tire brand new wheels and tires shipped right to your door from eBay motors [Music] to show you what monsters out on the fender it just looks so it's all just above the roof the scale just looks kind of off anyway so I'm gonna think those just might go in the middle there and I'll just leave them there for now while I build the hoop anyway but the other question is we have this Square tube which is what I use for some of the reinforcements underneath there and we could kind of use that and go you know go up and then have it angle up to here and then have it like kind of stick up past and then a crossbar that way and you know fill in with some Mash or like some cross you know angles or whatever or we could just do round two which would give it more of a pre-order five yeah because it'd look more like a proper roll yeah you know with like a back tube I think I think round tubes the move but yeah round two of all around I think because if the square was in the back it would look cool but then envisioning that going to it yeah I think this will just make it look more fast [Music] man nice has anyone else noticed that we might need a bigger space a bigger shop this thing is huge once you put a normal sized car in here it's like oh we were just talking about that well in a couple months here we should be able to start a new shop and you know two years later when they finally get me the steel structure kit I ordered here are the Swindle Brothers out there swindling way off in the distance it's always concerning it is it gives her anxiety Something's Gonna Get messed up you just know it [Applause] [Music] what I'm doing here is getting these two clamp blocks perfectly aligned with each other using the only flat surface within miles this Fab table from root Fab I have these all measured out where they need to be to make the two main bends on the hoop and then I get it nice and perfectly flat on the table here and tighten them down two bends will be exactly in the same plane no matter what else happens with this too a lot of measuring and marking and mapping here before we actually do anything I don't want it to be perfectly straight across the top I want to have a little bit of an arc to um follow the roofline one of you guys sent us a really cool package to the P.O box and I always just look at it but Steve you've already seen it I've seen it what the devil well I mean that's probably good because other or see on camera and you never know but this one you do want to see it's very cool I'll let you guys all right let's check it out there and everything it's it's blue wow that is a very nice blue is that oh it's an odyssey seat cover yeah for the for the seat in the uh in the dream camper yeah oh my gosh they're so raggedy yeah that's awesome hello Reinhard Plumbing Co I've been watching her Channel ever since you guys did the Honda Odyssey build as an avid Odyssey fan from an early age I love watching your work on these rare machines but yours probably stands out as the most radical that I've ever seen to date I was inspired so much by your build and Channel that I started my own company Oddball ORV your latest video on the Barbie Dream camper where you finish the paint looks amazing the seats still stood out to me well thanks Robert we've got another little sender here or a crane scale oh no this is the power feed for the mill well thanks Gerald this is gonna we'll see awesome I don't know what a power feed does personally but I'm sure he even does [Music] what are you doing so I put this up there in these uh these five degree bends ended up being just about perfect um they're like maybe a degree more than necessary but it'll look good um so time to stick it back in and bend the uh the big pens which are going to be somewhere around 60 . red Ford Ranger all the other descriptions here it's just red that's it but what happens is we turn on the heater and there's some kind of like high needle situation where it just blasts the cab with trash every time we turn on the heater to defrost the windshield [Applause] start with 65 degrees [Applause] [Music] thank you [Music] um will go up it's not Edwin will up toward toward Will like an inch or two um will Edwin go up a little bit oh that's a lot yeah that's a little perfect couple of box is so useful it's incredibly handy yeah well I heard you guys making some suspicious plans out there I'm leaving in a month and they're already planning we got to start ordering parts because this one is gonna be way better than any of our other swivel machines we did without Ethan so this one's way better Ethan's gonna be like the idea is way better yeah we'll see what the outcome is should we take a look at this notepad yeah yeah this is our first time being left alone because cameraman Steve's very responsible Ethan's very responsible compared to us and uh yeah we're just gonna go for it and uh you know I imagine you guys will be ordering a whole bunch of parts off eBay motors Motors yes sir that's what we're doing right now and I mean that video won't be sponsored by eBay but this one is so Flip Flip that notepad around Steven and tell me what you see there wait show me what else is there a whisk Motors oh [Music] foreign [Music] made a nice dumb mistake here which is when I put these two clamp blocks on I had the marks in the same place uh but I put the block on the wrong side of the mark over here so that means that this tube or this Bend is an inch and a half farther up than that one so this one's in the wrong place which means I need to get out the tube stretcher and stretch this tube an inch and a half and that tube stretcher I mean chop saw this the old uh idiot fix [Music] I got my sleeve and my little spacer I made this just a little less than an inch and a half so that there'll be a little Gap to fill with weld on either side I'll uh weld it up and sand it down and oh that's an interesting thing I never thought about the uh different prepositions you used there weld It Up Sand it down hmm up and down [Music] I have a new dilemma which would have been great if I'd figured out this dilemma before I solved that dilemma because I want this bar to line up with the bed the back or the back of the cab brother angle wise because from the side if you look at it like this it just looks kind of dumb just doesn't look right because it goes just straight up and there's this big gap and you know but if you lean it back this way until it aligns with that then well right there it's too close to the cap and then this looks stupid and unintentional because you have the same sort of Gap so what I should have done is put this Bend at a different plane than the rest of the bends I can just cut that back off right next to the weld there and it'll slide off the sleeve and that'll be only one Weld and then I can take this piece and I can bend it a few degrees more just by itself and then I can rotate it until it makes both bends that I want so it'll make the bend that goes this way and that way at the same time [Music] oh I don't like it I want it to be one piece [Music] foreign [Music] a big old stack of Parts here from eBay motors mostly lights because that's what we need got a bunch of uh trailer lights LED waterproof submersible lights so I'll put those across the back oh it's gonna look cool it'll basically cover the whole back of it with these things and then so those can be brake and tail lights and then we got these little guys that'll fit into this space for the turn signals um you know should be legal here in Idaho close enough anyway uh got a couple of brand new ratchet straps to hold the tires in yeah all sorts of Premium parts from eBay motors everything you could ever need trailer lights mud tires awesome Wheels you know we even got this crazy weird old differential off eBay Motors when we uh blew it up and the reason why we needed it is we tried to take this truck into a Fourth of July parade a part fell off the diff and it lit on fire this nut on the back here where there's the the output shaft because they're passed through diffs the nut they're backed off and this piece fell out and so the fluid leaked out and the bearings got all wobbly and yeah it caught on fire first time filling up the ranger at a gas station for real oh yeah about ready to go Fourth of July parade so now the rear diff is making a lot of noise and smoking but we got two other gifts it's fine so as we feared the diff got much worse and with the Heat and the oil going everywhere it actually lit on fire on the highway but that's why I came driving behind Ethan just in case something like this happened the crescent wrench is all you would need yeah I could do it with a crescent wrench I've got a stencil huh yeah uh well I turned it into like something else I'll try not to cut the next one in half so I can actually use that too championship [Music] ow yeah that's uh that's what happens when you're not quite paying attention he made an amusement park ride yes so I found that for the little turn signal lights uh that a two and a two and an eighth inch hole saw is about the right size and I just bent that because I wasn't paying attention and I punched through too hard and it sucked itself in and had a bad day but [Applause] [Music] that's how you make a donut out of metal grind hard donut factory yup I also realized I could use these cut out some more bottle openers because one of the sea boys once said we're like Native Americans with the buffalo we use every little piece [Laughter] I was uh doing the same thing on the other blinker hole and then like I was just like oh okay I'm done and like on the way out I bumped the side and it just went and just beat it out of my hand oh so it actually fell onto your hand yeah it like went flying through the air and yeaded across my hand in the process oh so that's fine I mean it's just a scratch but well it is a bigger job did you ever look that up to see what it comes from I did yeah the answer is no one knows it's just kind of like a construction thing that just became popular like from various sources like it wasn't one like movie or show or anything like that it's just like it's a thing people actually just said like legitimately yeah you know there'd be some big job and something goes wrong and they go ah you'll have that on these bigger jobs like in all seriousness and then somehow it just like worked its way outward to being used in a more General sense now we have ourselves a premium lighting setup back here thanks to eBay motors [Music] fast and free shipping what you guys don't know is that this is about to be our least exciting 6x6 that's all I can say but I can confirm the authenticity of this announcement [Music] has never smiled in his entire life none of them have when I showed up in this thing and ordered steel I saw the hintus of a smile I mean it does look pretty ridiculous they didn't have the 120 so the 083 will have to do for today uh yeah it doesn't Bend as well but I can get some of the short pieces done that don't need to be bent man what a beautiful spring Day in February it is here my truck is dead that's why the Tesla has been the work truck on our Instagram stories recently yep there's no actual reason to deburr the inside of these tubes that are then going to be welded but the deburring tool is just so satisfying I can't resist it does look pretty fun oh yeah I'll hit the next one so this is the same die just with a thinner tube yeah bit only this Bend is only eight degrees so like you can see it there's just like a little I mean you won't see the inside of the bend at all that's there's a little Ripple there yeah and you can imagine if we bent it anymore it would start to crinkle in an unpleasant way but this little this little doohickey only needs to be eight degrees which conveniently and very fortunately is not the outside temperature today so I've been complaining a lot about the cold this winter and today is actually quite nice outside [Music] oh I'm using my non-dominant eye to eyeball this because it's the one that's closer to it the wrong angle if I use my right eye you look like you're struggling I don't know why but sitting like that with your feet not touching the floor it looks like a kid playing with a toy I mean aren't we all just big kids playing with toys yeah I think so since all we had is uh 083 tubing I decided to take it for a little uh test ride here on the six inch radius die and it worked great oh wait three on a six inch radius bends almost exactly the same as 120 wall on a four and a half inch radius I don't know if those ratios work out to be the same probably if they Bend similarly I'm not going to do the math because I don't enjoy math that much the same enough huh yeah the bottom line is it works and it looks very very premium yeah that takes the ranger to a whole new level [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] stuff done everybody else somehow got sick and I managed to avoid it I got a whole bunch done I made spare tire rack that is entirely removable there's just two bolts here two bolts there and then I made these little tube clamp thingies that just clamp onto these tubes so eight little bolts and the whole rack removes I got one of the strap mounts done so I made these little plates here with some sneaky hexagons for hooking the ratchet straps too so um but the way I designed the rack is that all of the tubes hold the tires in like pretty much just with gravity um so the strap is you know just to keep it there if you're really sending but it's also completely removable as I said so that we can put larger things in the bed if we want to but um I think that looks pretty sweet and then I also added in these braces here um obviously they make it way stronger in various ways but they also just look cool so I did that I'm just going to make a couple more tabs like this get that other strap on there and then uh we'll be able to take it out and rip it around a little bit [Music] so I made these for the tires but I may also cut out a couple extras and put them you know on the sides here as a tie-down point [Music] I'll add some little gussets here and there that will also be tie down points so this doesn't need a gusset for any reason but if I put one there it can look cool and be a tie down point and then same here I can gusset this just a little little corner thing with a hole in it if I put a little gusset across there that adds strength to the bend which is kind of a weak point in any tube here we go got a couple of gussets all designed up here this one here goes here and that one goes there so start with those cut a couple out see if they work and uh [Music] that looks very nice though [Music] oh yeah go uh drive this thing down to the store and get some lunch yeah [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] we're gonna chase Ethan in the Tesla get some rolling shots because how badly do you want to film that thing right now it looks amazing it's like cooler than like the little cool RC trucks where you're like oh I wish this was real this one's even cooler than that and it's very real I think yeah and I love how this thing spins we talked about doing like a wheel where it randomly selects something the diff Outlet thing oh that would be cool yeah [Music] this is gonna lock his hubs I'll be fine oh I didn't realize he's just trying to do it four and two six by four I'm just trying to do it [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] we could get some lockers can we really does not get lockers um so we could weld it but then they probably won't it's just the the diffs that they are were never intended for anything like this because if the thing is if we break it they are kind of hard to get they're 600 bucks oh she broke both twelve hundred dollars breaking both seems pretty likely with us I think if we get one we're gonna get the other this thing's honestly really premium to drive on the road uh next door switches is stuck so it just kicks at you constantly which really kind of ruins the vibe all right now we get to do the uh super janky steering yeah that wasn't like 20 miles an hour it's very violent because there's a there's no variability to it it's just switch it's so weird to drive home drive like well we tried to park it here next to the uh eBay Motors Bronco and I got it stuck because it doesn't have diff locks time to winch it out [Music] the ranger is a huge truck but how is the Bronco that big jeez well it's always a fun day if you get to use your winch well I'd say that turned out rather nice next episode we'll uh we'll order up some paint off Ebay motors and uh get it all painted up so it doesn't get all rusty and crusty we'll uh we'll paint it to match the front bumper it's gonna look super nice and uh while we're ordering stuff we'll uh we'll get ourselves a fresh battery for this thing I'm thinking it deserves a good quality lithium battery because the one in it is perpetually dead so we'll grab one of those off eBay Motors as well and then uh yeah just a few more little uh Mount points for lights and then uh when I take it off does the whole battle come off um when I take it off to paint it I'll weld the back side of a few that I couldn't reach with it installed and then um then the ranger will be actually finished [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Grind Hard Plumbing Co
Views: 343,946
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: kTDwOIccImg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 25sec (1765 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 17 2023
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