We Built The Worlds Fastest Snow Bike!

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foreign was built in 2005 was the world's fastest production motorcycle and we're gonna turn it into a snow bike it's gonna be the world's fastest snow bike [Music] so here we are driving the middle of Oregon it's dark it's snowing and we're pulling a trailer my three favorite things but it's gonna be well worth the trip oh super worth it this one's really cool well how stoked that we're buying at home so stoked that we're buying a high booster it's like [Music] you got nice they drive me to snow This Night Moves such a grind hard every day yes [Laughter] we call him over the speed limit Willy uh yes I definitely don't need one of these at home [Music] is a lot of bike honestly it is but it feels very manageable it does these bikes scare me because they don't the thing that scares me is that I immediately feel comfortable and want all of the throttle but I also want to be remain alive and so I've told myself I'm never allowed to own one of these and now we're buying one but we're never gonna drive it on the street so that's okay the other very important reason is that I kind of promised my wife that I wouldn't ever ride one of these and I just did so what kind of a promise was that Ethan time to drive 350 miles through the rain and snow as Josh from fake industry would say nothing can possibly go wrong now [Applause] [Music] foreign you disappeared really quick intense how heavy is this thing 550 yeah it's just stock dry weight oh wow or I don't know if that's dry weight or wet weight but the snow white Kit will be heavier right yeah but not by a lot especially because we're losing all of the front like we'll lose all the front brakes yeah oh yeah the front will be a lot lighter and then the back will be a lot heavier yep yeah wow it's super low to the ground because it's actually lowered what a beautiful machine this is a terrible idea but I have to drive it out the driveway just so that I can ride it back in wrong foot I mean everything we've ever bought we have drifted out this driveway before we worked on it if it ran so it's only fair we do the bus on slicks too [Music] have you ever ridden a snow bike for a day without laying it down yeah really I haven't [Music] and I just went over to Timber sled and picked up their latest and greatest Timber sled Arrow three that's a three inch paddle on this track 129 inch uh length of the track all the uh all the best Fox shocks which you know some of our favorites and it's even got the uh quick drive which is a belt drive inside of here instead of a chain we'll have that cover off at some point and have a look at the shiny hoods in there but the belt drive spins up quicker and you know robs less power and just lighter and simpler the most premium ski we're gonna need all of this floatation for such a heavy bike but we also have all of the horsepower so it's gonna be premium oh this thing is just beautiful and you can tell because of the way that it is it's really not that heavy oh just look at that that's a thing and a half right there yum yum yum as you can tell by the snow bikes in the background I'm a fan of snow bikes so making the world's fastest one it's gonna be good ride a Hayabusa up a mountain in the winter all good things [Music] [Music] all right [Music] oh yes you just couldn't resist the burnout when can I ever resist a burnout step one before I forget I'm gonna weigh this thing so we can compare the weight of this chunk for the weight of swing arm shot and all the other Hardware on the back there [Music] 100 8 109 pounds which I mean we could have looked up a specification on their website but what kind of fun would that be one oh nine that's the track my plan here I was trying to think about how to work on this and it's kind of very low and of course I need it up in the ground to take the or off the ground to take the wheels and tires off of it I'm kind of thinking we'll just actually hang this from the roof too I've I've lifted heavier things with this roof I think it'll be fine [Music] [Applause] [Music] is this becoming internet experience possibly does it add to the invention absolutely and that's how you lift a Hayabusa off the ground with three ratchet straps on the roof of your shop [Music] to be clear this activity is not sanctioned condoned recommended or approved by anyone for anyone in other words don't try this at home just start removing things that aren't going to be on there one of which is the rear brake because Timber sled kits you remove the rear brake control up to The Handlebar it's just easier to deal with big snow boots and obviously there is no front brake because there's no front tire look at this little compartment this is where Edwin can hide the Sparkling Waters oh yes [Music] oh look at that I can access everything back [Music] [Applause] this uh swing arm bolt here has this big lock nut on the back side and then it's got an internal Allen that's like a 21 millimeter and I was looking around in my random tools drawer and found this will and I put this together for something he was working on maybe the Banshee anyway it just happens to be the right size [Music] just ah there we go it's just stuck in the middle of the swimmer start calling you King Arthur oh look at that it uh that's a big swing arm bolt and it does not fit but it does fit through the overall size of the hole so just need some like incredible thin bushings but it's Hollow for you know weight reduction purposes I'm always a fan of that he [Music] hey girl that's a kind of difficult angle to hold it can you see how much it weighs 70 pounds well that was 109 so at the moment that's only up 39 pounds [Music] we also got one of these which is a sweet Fox air shock that goes in here so you can have a little extra suspension for the front because a snow bike ends up being heavier and generally taking much bigger jumps than a dirt bike or in this case a street bike we'll just assume that we're gonna put this on there and the whole shebang is 21 pounds so that's 15 pounds lighter on the front which is good because it's going to be front heavy but that means we're at uh would that be 24 pounds total gain that's not bad yeah and I mean we assume that I'm a lot lighter than the average Hayabusa Rider and we're down to a net loss in weight gonna have to do some custom stuff [Music] the reason I had to get that off is to get at the pulp on the triple clamps because somebody previously lowered this bike so that you can see the fork tubes are sticking way up out of the triple clamps and we want it not lowered now it's time to start actually figuring out how to make all this work when this is centered side to side on the machine the sprocket does not line up this sprocket on here does not line up at all with the sprocket on the engine and that's simply because this is designed for a dirt bike which is way narrower what I'm going to do is take this cover off so I can see that sprocket and get at it and then also take this apart and uh I think that this sprocket is um it's on a spline shaft I know that but uh it may be able to move like I think these spacers are all that holds it where it is so I can swap around the spacers and move that out a little bit foreign that I have another sprocket [Applause] no idea what it's for I have absolutely no recollection of where this sprocket came from but the same width so it's a 530 but anyway yeah smaller sprocket that'll help it be a little bit slower which obviously we're trying to build the world's fastest snow bike here but uh nevertheless it's probably okay for it to be a little slower it'll be certainly easier to ride [Music] [Music] this is rare for us it is I mean the torque spec is written on it you know if I don't have to look up a torque spec on the internet I'm far more likely to use said torque spec look at that 45 foot-pounds now that the chain stuff's done I can move on to whatever is the next step which I think is going to be making a link for here so instead of having a shock there you just have a link that's somewhat adjustable there's all this suspension built into the track which is way more than the Hayabusa has up front anyway I went digging through my heim joints drawer and this I believe is actually a control arm off of the old Odyssey this is the bolt that goes through it so I'll make some sleeves that fit into here and then fill up the gap foreign [Music] [Music] being hardened I can't cut this with my normal parting tool for the lathe because it's not hard enough to cut hardened steel but you know what is hard enough to cut it angle grinder [Music] and that's what I call premium we measure the total width and see if it's going to fit where it goes again I need to trim up so yeah it's about two millimeters wide perfect I can take a millimeter off each one and then we'll be exactly where we need to be if only my brain worked in millimeters I can use it for like really small stuff like this because it's just such a small amount that like all I need is the number I don't really need to visualize how big it is but like once you get into like centimeters and meters then my brain's like how much is that I don't know look oh nice snug fit in here absolutely perfect fit as in it almost doesn't go in the bolt oh look at that perfection [Music] you don't need a gym membership when you work here oh I almost put the phone in the back pocket again [Applause] [Applause] before we take the Bronco out for a proper snow Wheeling Adventure it needs a little bit of Maintenance but the front wheel bearings are a little loose and then the heater core seems to have just blows left the chat yeah [Music] foreign number one here thinnest little sleeve I've ever made turned out perfect fits just snug enough in there and just snug enough there but uh yeah that'll be good foreign [Music] s re-tapped in the end of this to the right size in my spacer Bucket from these two shiny blue aluminum spacers they're a little loose on those bolts but that doesn't really matter for what we're doing with them well those are from the BRZ uh suspension nice well it's not 100 mounted but it is mounted so now that's fairly sturdy right there but fairly sturdy isn't enough we have a 500 pound bike going absurdly fast in the snow now I have to figure out how to mount another place on this to another place on this oh my hand's cramping up from all these hexagons yes high-tech things covered in metallic dust always good for them [Music] foreign foreign [Music] foreign [Music] pulled the exhaust off of there for me so I can modify it it's supposed to come apart right here but someone kind of ruined that concept it's pretty well smashed together this Outlet here just needs to move probably like an inch and a half ish that way so I'm just going to cut this tube right here where it's already welded so I'm not adding a new weld in and then cut this one like part way through so it stays oriented right but can be bent and then I'll just kind of like remove a little section out of this one and just kind of a little bit [Music] okay foreign [Music] last night I finished up the exhaust got that all put back together welded back together and uh got the fairings reinstalled so that's a complete Hayabusa snow bike so that means I think it's about time to take it out and test ride it around the yard see how it does and then you know figure out any little upgrades we may need before we go out for a full send in the mountains and this bracket tree up here came out really nice with all the hexagons and it's super strong because it ties to both of the caliper mounts um but it also ties those mounts together so that like this one up here that's kind of sticking out pretty far is also tied back to here and tied to here so it just reinforces all of that at the same time which is perfect as soon as Edmund gets here with the Drone we're gonna take it for a rip [Music] man just sounds so good oh it feels so fast just sitting here [Music] what a great great day so good condition yeah foreign [Music] running because if we draw if we draw Plastics or just there's just a parking up here get a pass foreign it's quick sounds as good as in my dreams 450s don't accelerate like that yeah this thing on leans back hard yeah it does the thing is if you land on the throttle you land with him or give it a little throttle that lowers it down nice and easy oh that's sick I'm gonna go try to rock all right [Music] okay not bad I'll take it two out of 10. [Music] [Music] did you guys blasted as I did look at me dude we're all the way on the other side of the river fully blasted I think we got the shot yeah we got the shot for sure I found the weakness and the spindle spent like 20 degrees sideways already [Music] [Applause] [Music] room s foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you this thing's a workout to ride and it definitely needs that third shock up front before we take it out in the mountains we'll uh do that and a few other little things but man it's fun it's just it's actually this is a lot like learning to snow bike all over again like At first I'm trying to go around the corners and put a foot down but this thing's so low and wide that if I put a foot down I just get stuck in the snow my foot does so you just gotta learn to trust it and just lean into it and then if you start to tip you just give it a little bump up and the throttle and it straightens out oh man my wrists are tired wrestling this thing around also some of those were some hard Clunkers going down the worst is what you guys aren't seeing when I turn around at the top I'm going through like Bronco ruts this deep just kablam honestly yeah it's pretty solid it's you know you can feel that it's heavy it's a little wide so if you really lean over it kind of catches in the snow but like it's very stable and that was just second gear of course but that's a good thing that I can get into second gear in the yard because we have six of them so it's geared right that little gear reduction I did with the 14 tooth perfect because like you know you want to be able to use all of your gears not just the first three yeah that's some power accelerate like a 450 that's for sure when you were just here was just bloop it's like a boosted sled well I'd say that was a heck of a lot of fun for just a little test drive around the yard jumped it kind of did some wheelies honestly it's way easier to control than I thought it would be although I'm gonna need to swing by Timber sled and pick up a new spindle because this spindle has been swindled it's made for a bike that like weighs half as much as this so um it's not surprising so I'll pick up another one that's not all bent and then just reinforce it a little bit all I need to do is like plate across the front of this here and that would make it way stronger so we'll pick up another one do that make some uh make some little adjustments um I'm gonna look at some other Forks we have laying around see if we can just put some taller Forks on it but probably what I'll end up doing is just adding a third shock in the middle here to give it a little more stiffness because honestly it doesn't I mean more travel is always good but it's kind of nice to have it low for stability so it just needs a little bit more bottoming resistance which would also help not Swindle the spindle because um you know when it bottoms out that's a lot more force that that spindle takes versus the shocks absorbing it but I mean it runs really good I think we'll get a fresh battery this one's kind of a little sad before we take it out in the mountains makes all the right noises and it is quick I can only barely get into third gear here at the property but we take it out in the mountains we'll aim for you know at least fifth I don't know if we'll find a wide open enough space for sixth gear but how fast do you think fifth is gonna be I honestly have no idea because I don't know how fast I'm going because if this is even just here launches from the pond you were going yeah I was probably going like 40 or something what does this speedometer say probably way faster I didn't even look at it because it yeah if it's even reading it's reading off the sprocket so it has absolutely no idea how fast you're going oh I want to drive it so bad but I know I'll crash it this feels so right so having all of the horsepower with like like six feet of track behind you that's awesome actually it's uh over 10 feet of track technically I mean if you count the whole loop it's 129 inches so oh it feels like super powdery I know you said it's like weird to like lean but if you think if you had enough powder you could kind of lean um you could yeah you could carve it would carve okay it's just that it's so wide that the fairings run into the snow but if it was soft enough snow that would be fine because they'd just kind of push it out of the way oh good that's so good built-in leg heater that's nice and it's a little more comfortable than I thought but I can see about the uh the situation here not being well especially with the lack of suspension it's kind of a you gotta really like brace yourself to like keep your like well like a dirt bike you can on a dirt bike you can like stand up a little bit this one's so lean forward you kind of just have to like lift your butt off the seat a little bit on a regular snow bike it's even ideal to be a little bit on the balls of your feet yeah I mean it just depends on how you're riding but yeah for sure anytime you're hitting big bumps but I guess you lock your knees in you can keep yourself a bit Yeah you can from honestly I expected the bars to feel worse too like leaned that far forward and those bars are kind of weird and it's designed yeah I it's honestly not as bad as you'd expect for snow biking yeah actually if anything will be easier for you because you're taller so you can be even more upright oh yes and you can reach the ground easier mm-hmm [Music]
Channel: Grind Hard Plumbing Co
Views: 3,572,706
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: TXThiGlUN8o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 12sec (1932 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 20 2023
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