Testing Scary Minecraft Seeds That Are Actually True...

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these are the scariest Minecraft seeds ever ever gonna break the scariest one of them all starting with fanatophobia it means the fear of death and it's rumored that everything in this seed can and will kill you basically like Australia oh George W bush why is there a bush directly behind you when you spawn into the seed already kind of sus all right how about we collect some wood and see what's beneath us also look at these two little flowers they're so susque oh oh look at this dirt patch you've got a really good chance of falling to your dad all right dude give me the heck out of here brother this is a little too spooky for my taste because you know maybe I do got fan of santalophobia wait a second is it actually night time already ah nah dude hold on time set day not dealing with this yeah that's right why is it raining why did it start to rain as soon as we set the time today okay I've got too many valuables but I still don't want to die this is this is not good we need more dirt oh no they're breaking in oh my god oh oh I am actually a g I'm at half a heart aha now they can't get in what is a sheep doing back what are you doing in this freaking cave I am going to name you Mary because was this an evil sheep we're gonna put this one at a two and this is the kidnap seed there's a giant statue as you can see this guy's got his hands up or his tentacle whatever he is I'm not seeing an obvious opening anywhere and there's also no mobs nearby except for this frozen cow are you looking at it is he I think he's staring at something but he's pointing directly at this location I'm keeping my Crosshair perfectly on it the reason the seat is supposed to be so scary is that the person who made the seed disappeared in real life and was never found again there is now a miniature house over here with no roof and just a bunch of roses we've also got a blue bed and a chest with 22 blocks of dirt I'm going to attempt to build with this dirt wait those Roses are actually looking a little bit like an arrow like guys I have put many arrows in my thumbnails I know what an arrow looks like and I swear it's pointing right back to the Statue but why would we get pointed by the cow to the house house to the Statue again I need to investigate this further but there was no opening from the first time so all right now this is this is a little creepy I don't even want to step foot in here why'd it gets so dark okay yeah we got some armor oh wait this campfire didn't go out I'm gonna pretend like I didn't see that all right well my mom did say to always help those in need okay now this seems rigged yeah oh good the cave entrance behind us decided to randomly shut up you were supposed to help me is the ominous message I was left by the traveler I mean I'll just join back uh just kidding I can't it's completely deleted okay slightly suspicious you know what we're giving this one a four just because of the fact that I locked eyes with a man underneath the campfire this is the infinity scene now apparently it's a corrupted world where one chunk repeats over and over and over and over and over and over but some players say that someone or something is behind it let's just see about that I don't believe it this is whoa why are there so many desert temples okay so far everything is repeating I guess the seed's real but it's not that scary wait what happened to my Hunger whoa whoa whoa guys did you see that wait did I do something all right I'm going to creative okay the farther you travel in the infinite seed the scarier The Entity is I want to make sure foreign yeah that's that is definitely a cave noise on the top of a desert yo reload the chunk sir am I chunky right now am I chunking let me throw sand on it to see if it where am I what the what is happening what this isn't Minecraft anymore the infinite seed is beyond weird and it is true I guess Minecraft seed is spooky but not scary but I didn't see any entity so I'm gonna give it like a two out of nine right what was that did you guys see something guys okay you helped me in the past let me know in the comments if you saw something everybody knows villagers are peaceful right wrong it's rumored that the seeds villagers are off per se we don't know much but players who Leave This Server have only said four words don't go to Village so you know what time it is we're going to the Village okay like hmm what's in here what's the Villager maybe I could do a trade 20 wheat for oh wait so 20 for an emerald so I got my Emerald okay I'm gonna go up here and grab some more some more wheat what the heck what am I Emerald go hello I'm getting scammed I'm gonna go trade with him again this is hit me bro this guy just hit me for like three hearts it's not oh crap sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry sorry bro he's running now bro I'm sorry okay oh my God where did this freaking guy come from no no no no no no no no no no no own creative I'm not cheating I'm just being smart look look at this idiot you can't fly can you because you're dumb I think it's time to explore this curse Village some more I know I'm not tripping please tell me you guys see that maybe oh he's gone okay what is this villager on and why is he staring at it staring is not a nice villager he's not in here oh it's Redstone oh I haven't seen Redstone in so long where does this go it's like they're all connected except what is hmm this one goes in here oh my another freaking Cave of death or something a third one okay I've landed in cave Mysterio wait so all this Redstone is leading to something oh it goes up here where am I going to okay wait why is this house just by itself I don't know if I want to go in here but there's a chest and you know what they say something about money anyways um it's so many emeralds what hello wait it's all cool huh no no solid 9.5 that was good I am the most excited to investigate this seat in particular because this is supposed to be where Herobrine came from notice how we spawn on the ledge of this Village there are rumors about him spawning near the volcano tip and if you see this up here that looks like a volcano tip it should be where the portal is to the nether where Herobrine is from but look at this volcano oh we're leaking oh my God why is this lava so fast now I'm even more suspicious about this scene it's literally just a ruined portal oh with a suspicious amount okay dude with Herobrine's favorite helmet flint and steel and of course a perfect three obsidian so we can finish the portal off I'm gonna light it though why did it break nope it won't freaking light excuse me Lightning just struck there's only two people I know who can make lightning strike God and Herobrine can you please now light for me huh dude I don't know what to say now is the volcano having an eruption I ain't taking no chances I'm going in the portal yes the nether oh whoa whoa whoa this is just so sus I mean you're just like a random orange hunt and I saw somebody in there by the way I'm naked I'm actually you know what that jump scare wasn't as bad with an empty map inside the house but nobody's in here oh it's the pressure plate wait to lose a trap that's been activating the jump scare the entire time wow okay I will say this 5 out of 10 on the scare Factor just because of Herobrine this seed is rumored to kill any player that dares to go to sleep so first of all let's get a nice golden sword oh look at that already a sheep do you mind if I uh if I kill you for your wall what the heck I'm gonna take that as a yes I'm so sorry what okay well that sheep didn't drop a wool gotta go to the menu this is just a seed how is this affecting the creative menu so in Minecraft you can give yourself anything you want except for a girlfriend I've tried it before give Chase plays a bit so I got my Scion bed let's just place it down let's change to night time guys I just thought about it you should never have a bed without walls around foreign best way to fall asleep in Minecraft is to fall asleep next to something you love it is sea pickles oh look at that that is you need a door all right guys let's test if this Minecraft seed let's go to monsters are nearby zombies spiders horses nay oh it's a little zombie in the well you gotta die so I can get some shut eye this is the only way to humanely kill you all right let's test this out again and let's get some z's what they're still monsters let's just check under here what was that ah there you are Mr zombie listen just die so I can sleep die one out of three players sleeping why are there three people this is a single player world whoa oh what was that zero three okay no no I don't know what you are oh stop it stop it ew what is that no what stay no it's not let me leave ew get away from me ew no steps sleep exe error code none okay this is the worst Minecraft seed you could ever have because not only there's creepy scary white zombie smiling things putting in beds and banning you but imagine the Phantoms the Phantoms are always going to bother you that's even more scary this okay this one is scary not just spooky I'm gonna give this seven sea pickles out of 12. this next seed is crazy imagine a Pillager Outpost stacked on top of a mansion stacked on top of an ocean Monument stacked on top of an End Portal oh my gosh bro this whole seat is crazy okay these sandbox has got a place I'm breaking these oh I found very treasure oh zombie head okay I'm gonna just take all the essential steps my zombie head steak Cobblestone I guess wait my zombie head what the heck hello did I miss something okay that's weird um I'm just gonna act like that didn't happen I'm honestly tempted to go up here okay I'm going up to the Village Outpost because Village outposts are always kind of creepy so this is like uh hello why are they saying about me no no stop say stop I don't want to fight I don't know if I don't want to fight I don't wanna bro stop stop stop why is it how is this even happening stop it stop raining from the freaky Sky I've had enough of this I'm I'm going creative I'm flying to the top I'm cheating you know you can't win unless you cheat all right that's not a good lesson why is this sand not falling now that I'm cheating maybe My Philosophy was right maybe cheating always helps you win where is even coming from in the first place okay let me go back survival now the cheating is done going to the top nothing nothing what is the chest okay there's a skeleton head now there's freaking two heads and a chest back to back I don't like that I don't and it's colored yellow I don't like that even more I'm just grabbing the carrots and the blocks what what the heck explosion wait I hear that oh my God okay I'm going down I'm not saying the only place I haven't gone yet is the ocean Monument oh okay holy crap okay I had to go cheat mode again because I'm not turning back also I'm hearing some weird sounds down here and it was after the explosion it's like wow the Villager do I feel bad why are they down here though there's another one hello are pillagers supposed to spawn in Ocean Monuments uh oh wait what are these like oversized silverfish stop caging these freaking animals in the villagers oh what's up here what wait what if this is the loot room oh One Singular player head are you kidding I did all this exploring for a player head not to mention this is freaking weird this is okay I don't want to take this one either I I it's it's so weird I'm not doing this I'm not getting out of this this is such a freaking waste of swimming time this myth was it had good build up and the fall off was even greater so I'm rating this one like a four out of ten behold behind me is the scariest seed in Minecraft according to rumors now the reason why this is so scary is apparently the cave we're looking at right now is alive and the only way to actually experience if this cave is alive or not is we're going to need to go inside of it build a house and literally survive in it it'll be simple if the cave isn't alive but if the cave is alive it's not going to be very simple like don't all of these kind of look like teeth like the more that I look at it they don't look like baby teeth they look like some adult teeth you know what I'm saying like this is a fully adulted game okay well I'm gonna set up camper oh wait it's inside of the cave okay house is going down it's not gonna be a beautiful house so please don't judge it I'm just trying to get some place I can survive okay the house is nearly done remember we do need torches I do not want to spend the night in this house with no torches and bones and why are they so perfectly spaced uh I don't think I'm going to wow that's a lot about one place or 15 bones I'm not going to ask questions uh when I don't want to know the answers you know what I'm saying okay now something now I know something's up this cave is dude okay I didn't believe anything about this cave now I feel like I'm being watched I feel like there's like eyes on me and I don't like it would endowed to go to the house and place torches around it now if there is something sassy going on in this cave like I'd like to see you try with why do I gotta open my mouth you know why do I open my mouth I don't I don't like this I how are they that sounds like a heartbeat and it's so loud I genuinely have a stethoscope on and I'm listening to a Giant's heart I'm pretty sure I can hear the heartbeat and I think it's coming from somewhere near these waterfalls we didn't come this far we didn't come this way oh it's a heart freaking heart wait so the Cave the rumors about the cave being being alive are real like that's a heart and why did it stop beating why am I always bullied for things that I have never done and I'm getting sick and tired of these scary sounds too huh hold on hold no way dude no way this is like that scene from Aladdin it's I can't believe it's actually freaking closing no no no wait is this the tip is this the tip I think about the tip move oh I can't even tell how well well that was very close but at least we can say that we have the evidence hey hey like you guys I'm not crazy right like there was a big cave right behind us that we were just inside with a heartbeat and like a mouth and it closed and there was bones that that's a 10. absolutely on the scary scale we have found our first ever ten
Channel: PrestonPlayz
Views: 4,470,466
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, preston, brianna, gaming, funny, family friendly, ssundee, unspeakable, mrbeast, aphmau, canman, lankybox, cash minecraft, nico mc, stokestwins, gametoons, maizen, eyestreem
Id: LTUr2hh-rIc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 6sec (906 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 23 2023
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