Minecraft But Everything I Touch Turns Realistic

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beautiful people today whoa whoa what is this reality did you do this to me I did click F5 no what have you done an hideous Chase what is wrong with your face I don't know wait what is oh so the world is now 8-bit and I need a plan I'll use Chase to search for and gather materials that way I can start working on the custom recipes that will turn the world back to realistic but none of this will even matter if we don't defeat the evil doctor 8-bit nevertheless we're gonna start with our first craft here we go come on baby okay what can this bad boy do I mean it looks fantastic all right Birch time to make you my Birch come here all right come on tree oh the entire thing was chopped did you see that look a realism bar we have made the tiniest sliver into turning the world back all right now we need to get some of these real planks there we go should be good I wonder how Chase is doing president I brought you stuff what where'd you get the diamond chest plate oh I found some diamonds and then I didn't know what to do with it so I made it to the chest I'm Gonna Give You All the items I got hey do you got any Cobblestone I need Cobblestone oh can you give me some Cobblestone for a furnace none of that none of that is helpful I genuinely can use and you gave me dude you can be beetroots seeds yes carrots I need something that is of use Chase please ah fine oh yeah dude I was gonna threaten Chase with this but you know this kind of looks like more of a spear imagine threatening somebody with this that looks like a big toothpick all right realistic sword I'm sorry Pig but I'm getting kind of hungry you know say I'm sorry oh just stand right there okay don't make this any harder on me than it needs to be um oh but look at the pig's heart we did get three pieces of pork I will say that is a deal and that that's like going to Costco I am holding in my hand an actual harp and I don't know how to feel about this what am I even supposed to use the hard Fort to make the realistic heart I need to get one heart from each of these creatures gosh that's terrifying you know in the meantime why don't we focus on something a little bit lighter a little more light-hearted no pun intended maybe like the pickaxe honestly I need some of this iron come on whoa oh it's turning the blocks on my mirror into look at this realistic so beautiful wait does it work out of iron too I gotta try this on the iron Yeah it's red I'm coming to take this iron oh oh realistic iron looks so much better wait a second that reminds me we have all this realistic iron but I have no all right we're gonna try smelting it in a regular furnace maybe that works oh oh okay now it's definitely gonna work I just turned it into realism by accident no no get out of here fake iron ore we want the real Iron Ore oh I'm gonna cook wait not only is this cooking but my brain is cooking even if we have the realistic camera how do we make the gator I watch enough anime to know that we need an anvil dude okay really what am I gonna get 20 I need like 30 iron ingots to make this thing if only I had a sidekick that was capable of assisting me somebody with long hair that's single could it be I got something for you Preston no freaking way let me see this you Tater Tot in half that's I got a couple of these you I really this is your moment to shine okay and I got all this praise it Chase wait this is a lot of iron Chase what did you do I made an iron fart [Music] wow Chase I don't feel good about it because you gave me the iron I've got enough to make an anvil and because of that I can make a hammer because it's freaking hammer time yeah ow oh no wait oh my do I look good you know it's fine no I can make some more it's fine I can make some yes is it only capable of making pants oh no it's randomized you look like an anime villain I'm gonna see if I can put this realistic sword on this uh Anvil and turn it into something stronger come on dude give it to work the same oh my I don't want it I don't want that oh geez if I right click with this Chase it turns things into realistic oh okay I am not gonna do this Chase you're gonna have to go turn a Pillager into realistic and then you're gonna have to kill it all right I'm on it guys please like the video I think Chase is gonna massively fail all right dude we gotta make one of these realistic swords for ourselves do you think everyone's gonna let Chase have all the fun nah come on and because we can turn things into realism I can turn this villager realistic I think oh my gosh what was that sound oh man if villagers actually looked like this in real life I'm glad they do not exist I've only seen one person like this in real life and his name is the rock so I'm gonna kill you because I need your heart please I know this is very awkward no don't run away you're making this much more difficult on me than it needs to be um I'm sorry I'm so sorry why is your heart green oh it's covered in emeralds look at it I don't like that the bottom of the heart is brown this is why you shouldn't smoke and then also why you shouldn't be addicted to emeralds wow are you realistic oh yes he was oh wait I needed that ah gosh wait a second hold on real quick the Iron Golem is basically the furnace Golem oh he's trying to look at this he can't even deal damage you want to know why because I'm in [Music] but I love the new look also I need you to die because I do need your heart it's a noble sacrifice I'm willing to make thank you very much Iron Golem art looks so cool I don't know why it's got the yellow Speckles on it okay so if Chase can actually get us the Pillager heart that will be almost halfway to all the hearts that we need there's got to be something else we can make that's gonna help us turn it into realism even faster whoa whoa whoa I shrink ray is this gonna help us turn the world into realistic fire nation so I managed to find a couple of pieces of redstone yeah baby honestly it kind of looks like rubies I think they've been needing to add this to Minecraft for far too long um if you agree with me please subscribe but let's turn this gold into realistic real quick there we go yes oh my gosh this looks so much freaking better we have everything we need Frank Ray acquired oh wow this thing is Big it feels strange to be holding a shrink ray but also being realistic medieval armor that for this to happen I was trying to not no no no no no no no oh this is not what I meant to happen guys okay I was trying to just like what was that sound hello it's a creeper wait a second maybe you can't see me because I'm small oh baby again well that was terrifying I never want to experience that again is there a way to change the settings oh wait a second whoa wait a second hold on I can adjust my size with right click look at how slow this guy is I think he just took fall damage okay I mean while we're on the subject what about if we do this oh no oh what have we done we've made him giant wait we've made him so big he's a fatty fatty two by four he cannot fit through the cave door which means yeah whoa that's the biggest piece of powder I've ever seen in my life if I can make other creatures big that means I can make myself bigger all right please work please [Music] I don't feel wait a second wait a second why do I look like a peasant it doesn't matter my hands are so big I can left click the entire world turning it into realism look at this oh Ravine come with me even the water's turning realistic 20 of the world has been converted let's go I gotta tell Chase okay I have a shrink ray watch this watch this ready ready oh wow look at how tiny you are okay let me let me fix that I can fix that oh no oh shoot wait up hold on I can fix wait I can fix this hold on I got you there you go how is this realistic wait Chase I made you big yes bigger than you'll ever be hate those villagers worship you wait don't we need a heart from these guys I already have the realistic villager heart oh wait wait I asked you to get the realistic pillow jards oh oh wait over here over here they're they're all in here come here what do you mean they're what chase you don't really fit let me shrink you back down oh um uh let me uh let me shoot him real quick I'm gonna make them tiny back up back up oh no way I might have pressed the wrong time Chase press it yep yep you know I know trust me I see that they're everywhere um where are you at I'm gonna make this both big why do they deal so much damage even though I'm wearing gear dude Preston make me big oh Chase I got you okay I want to be as big as you there we go there we go I'm gonna shrink these guys let's go [Applause] better Chase much better there we go now these guys are actually dealable you know what I'm saying let's go yeah take some of this guys beautiful things oh frick yeah dude okay Chase I have a four villager Hearts by the way I got three dude you're freaking killing it dude thanks I've never made it this long enough videos what did you do to my friend no how could you have done this he was just talking about how long he finally lasted he doesn't last long who sent you the 8-Bit Dragon it must have been sent by the 8-Bit doctor get pummeled buddy how could you do this he's not even gonna be back for the rest of the episode what is that who's that how did you laugh at the time of this my friend's dead just like real life don't you think they always dies I've already turned this world back to 20 of realism okay buddy that's you think you can actually win this time yes I do actually in fact I think I'm gonna crush this I control this world you'll never win you know what it chases dying wishes I heard him say please turn the world back into realism and modify my Tinder profile and I'm gonna do both this is for you chase 25 of the world's been converted you now have thirst the only thing I can think of is making a bottle I'm gonna take care of the body that God gifted me there we go the realistic laser gun can be made with gold ingots Redstone and fire Embers whoa kill mobs to charge the laser gun charge me a baby one out of ten oh my gosh it's a one shot oh my God all right I still don't know how this is gonna help me turn the world more realistic unless it can release some kind of insane charge shot that blast through the world the realistic laser gun is now charged okay so let's think about this if we're at a full charge capacity we want to hit something that's going to be massive like a mountain all right without further Ado audience let's see what this does oh my gosh nice shot oh my goodness with one shot we converted 40 of the world dude it made a hole in the mountain everything that the sphere touched was turned into realism even the mobs that were inside and what are we at wait we're missing the cow heart cow come here thank you all right we're gonna charge up again okay here we go I want to see can this go through all the way from the surface to bedrock go oh oh that was insane this is it the entire mansion from corner to corner here we go three two one goodness 50 of the way there the Sun and Moon are now realistic hold on whoa the sun's a bull no stay away no no please please don't do this to me yes that's 60 of the world baby and how do we look I think I'm almost back to normal there's a little bit of pixelation on my face but we're so close no no not you again it's not true what did you do progression your audience will hate this I hate it too what have you done one more thing I'm going to spawn my realistic Army these are two dimensional tanks exactly goodbye yeah why don't you take some of this huh come back here dang it oh my gosh dude I feel like I'm teleported back in a Toy Story okay take this yes okay good thing you did nothing also these guys are dropping something on the ground what is this weapon Park oh my gosh and the tanks dropped something entirely different tank parts oh these are just so obnoxious take this keep forgetting that doesn't feel damaged okay now that we got rid of all those pesky guys I think it's time to finally get the realistic heart and I need this chicken chicken there you are I mean Mr sheep we now have every single heart that we need to make the realistic heart no idea what this thing does but in my hands I hold an actual heart to sell this in the black market for a lot of money you know guys now that we have gotten the realistic heart we've got our normal heart back look at our little hearts I saw this at the beginning of the video and I've really wanted to make it ever since then but there's a realistic jet pack now in order to make this you need realistic bottled fire it sounds dumb but also whoever made bottled water is a Jillian there now so I'm not gonna make fun of them now the only way I can think of mate king of realistic fire is we make fire hit it with our sword to make it realistic and then do we just put it in the bottle now like whoa what it's damaging us from holding into what okay well I mean that is pretty realistic but wait do I get the jam in the bottle real fast oh so it's on the ground then you scoop it up nice now give me this jet pack it's a big moment ladies and gentlemen oh this is huge oh and then everything beneath me is getting turned into realism even this chicken yes eighty percent whoa wait a second this isn't that realistic I mean I don't even have a mustache ew that's an ugly face well that's because it doesn't have the mustache it's [Music] good stop it stop it all right spawn the man of pack please what is that no that's not a yellow Pizza baby oh my gosh oh my gosh dude my face is back to normal I hate this don't do this let's go eat some ghosts or something man I'm done playing with you you know I can just kill you like this right yeah that's what I thought back to 20 again ladies and gentlemen we keep getting reset at the reset after reset but don't lose heart there's got to be another craft in here we can use again I saw this at the beginning realistic Adam Bomb we just hit a couple more pieces of redstone realistic sand and realistic TNT Ed my plan anyways oh desert temple yes sir uh skeleton no sir skeleton have come for the TNT don't tell me it's not down here I know it's down here oh yeah oh yeah right beneath us is this sweet sweet nectar of TNT I just gotta walk on it that's what I'm talking about okay we have everything we need for the realistic atom bomb this thing is so big I this is as safe as uh as safe of an area as any I'm gonna put this down I now oh wow it's so much bigger when it's actually down that's what she said how do ignite this thing can I shrink it oh I can I don't know no no wait I can make it bigger yeah okay well that's really nice the only way for us to become as big as an Anthem is to shrink nice nuke exploding in T-minus 10 seconds clear the area oh this is not fast enough jetpack saved me jet back save me oh my gosh did you see that explosion the last craft is a realistic mech suit we can use the parts that we got from the 8-Bit creatures that he spawned we've got tank parts from them and weapon parts but we're missing the realistic diamond come on there's got to be something in here somewhere oh here it is oh this is our first time ever seeing diamonds realistic this is gonna be amazing oh good all right saving those for later the mech suit dude let's go all right mech suit has been acquired looks like a tiny little robot in my hand come on dude oh wow this is so big reminds me of a Gundam whoa whoa cows oh I'm so sorry I'm just this is my first time I'm figuring this out too okay so V makes me jump extremely high X whoa whoa It's like a realistic shock wave that turns the world into realism oh we even got rockets look at this oh now that's a combo you jump and then shoot the Rockets there's no way he can stop us like they're in the world in a realistic now spotted more of the army quick they do nothing oh my God that's right I can't even hear you WW1 okay stop it I'm tired I'm trying to talk to you you can't kill my tax man no no what are you doing I'm fighting you you look like a fool you're just jumping up and down you're not the only one who can grow Dr Robotnik I haven't tried this yet but let's see if it works oh wait try what you guys did goodbye my friend ladies and gentlemen with that 100 realistic
Channel: PrestonPlayz
Views: 2,980,619
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, Minecraft, gaming, gameplay, funny, challenge, family friendly, minecraft but, minecraft shorts, canman, camman18, lankybox, aphmau, cash minecraft, nico mc, ssundee, unspeakable, mrbeast, stokestwins, gametoons, maizen, eyestreem, AliA, minecraft funny, shorts, no swearing, no cursing, clean minecraft videos, minecraft challenge, aphmau minecraft, minecraft speedrun, minecraft mod, minecraft update, minecraft animation, minecraft 1.19, minecraft facts, minecraft but challeng, TBNR
Id: tPXL_58mTCE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 8sec (1208 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 02 2023
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