Minecraft, but Your XP = FUTURE

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this is Minecraft but my XP can equal anything from my age time and how realistic Minecraft is 30 000 BC where am I welcome to the Stone Age Preston I am the time lord and I have trapped your wife in the future but you're stuck in the Stone Age it's gross it will be your end [Music] what was that sound no no it's a cave villager why does it kind of look like Chase caveman club and his slingshot oh this is sick should we get to use experience to purchase the items can I get XP by doing anything yes a club three damage that's it all right let's see how friendly these villagers are if we Bonk them over the head okay oh wait what can we mine with it oh gosh it is primitive technology is that an egg it's a Shiny Rock wait for the slingshot oh this has got to be ammunition for the slingshot maybe it's not what do I do with it all right hold on I gotta see what the slingshot does whoa oh oh man look at this yes if we can use it the way that I think it is we can actually use this to break blocks and we don't have to use our hands all right I know we're living in the past technically but I feel like I'm living in the future [Music] I don't know what this means but my XP bar is slowly filling up oh 99 and one more and 1400 A.D no not you again XP equals your time you'll never gain a million XP to save your life wait that's how much xp I need a million yes how much context do you need now go get it well just in case the viewers were lost all right so we are in 1400 A.D which is Medieval Times look at the Village oh my gosh what is this guy good morrow good morrow some items 10xp for a peasant mine 200 XP for a castle Canyon all we have to do this is a peasant mine and unfortunately this is a peasant so we place The Peasant mine next to a peasant and then he just starts mining it oh there's there's two of them wait this is actually amazing but look at these guys what is this like Dumb and Dumber just bonking each other in the head wait but did we have enough for this I'm buying it all right I'm gonna try this out have it on the walls oh no oh oh dear the castle Cannon summoned Crusaders that are just going around and killing them to stop it this is not what I wanted I'm literally trying to save my wife from the future and I got these medieval Crusaders killing innocent villagers how do we get him back to the castle go back in the castle that's right every single one of you you were all terrible and you should feel terrible you I do this this cannot exist you know in fact I'm gonna you know what I got shiny rocks that's what you get for killing those innocent villagers oh man come on let's freaking go all right so it looks like we're like maybe a third of the way to making it to whatever the next time zone is like are we gonna go from medieval to enlightened or are we gonna go straight to the like the current day and age dude okay we're gonna need so much more experience though we're gonna get to the next is that coming from underground what is that hello secret peasant Minds there's just a ton of peasants okay this is this might be the best thing we could have ever done because all we have to do is buy these place it down hey but the time lord didn't know didn't know that rock can't get a mine itself not again who's there Howie how much xp do you have little Preston you need thousands upon thousands upon thousands to save your wife oh you'll never make it welcome to the Wild West the wild west huh great we're in Texas this is what I think everybody thinks Texas looks like Texas does not look like this okay in fact I've seen places in Colorado that look like this what are you doing up here there's a snake in my booth oh dude there is no way you just said that gold mine shop 800 experience for this and there's a a blaster I'm gonna go and buy the gold mine shovel so we've got a shovel I'm gonna dig under the gravel no gold found buy another shovel advice what good so the shop only has three uses it would even find any gold I'm not gonna find gold until you like the video yeah [Applause] yeah just have the best viewers on the planet so the gold coins didn't even give us XP what am I supposed to use shut up I just got 2 000 XP what it is all right oh you're right was I was dumping on the gold coins I thought they were terrible and meanwhile they're giving me 2 000 XP a gold coin here I was thinking this whole time this cap I was ripping me off with a shovel no dude if we're getting that much xp okay give me the next item what oh this thing looks so cool it's like double 07. okay I gotta stop obsessing over this remember my wife is still trapped in the future the only way to save her is if we get to a million XP oh gosh horse I'm so sorry hey yo look it wasn't me if that you know in fact because you just did that to that horse I'm gonna blast you just zoomed in but the game keeps telling me that my aim is getting sharper what is Dead Eye Dead Eye usually means you got like accuracy uh listen I swear I do not cheat in Minecraft okay all right and just to prove to you guys that I'm not aimbotting hands are up now too when you're in Dead Eye that's so cool well I met a hundred thousand XP buddy I'm catching up to you what we're supposed to make it in 2022. come here well you'll never make it to a million to save your life yes I will how far is my wife ran in the future right now born in 2022 and we only have 100 000 XP we must be going so far in the future so I trade with one of these one of these are you guys all Baristas waffles and coffee for only the moderate price of a hundred thousand XP now I'm pretty sure if I understood any of these people in the modern day um something bad's gonna happen wait a second so like if I was to use this on this player could I what are we the wild west here well I mean I just came from the West you're never gonna believe this but I've been actually traveling time to defeat the time Lord to save my wife from the future you ain't a suspicious dude didn't you so I no no I didn't I don't even do potions relax I I just look I need to use this I mean it'll definitely I mean I can show you real quick um no Hey sir I'm gonna just go ahead and put this away you know we're in 2022 now and I think it's just better if we you know just waffles and coffee all right let's keep it simple how do I make XP with waffles and coffee do I eat it I mean I'm assuming I gotta eat it right I'm gonna I am so confused I have waffle eyes I got these waffles terrorizing the city blowing stuff up what are you doing everything I touch is breaking oh my gosh dude this is I did not mean to do this I didn't know this was gonna happen but I ate the waffles I used to know that eating waffles and coffee at the same time would give you the ability to break blocks by running into them we're at almost 250 000 XP we probably need half a million if not more to get to the next age okay we gotta be really careful about that the uh the Dead Eye in 2022 is not the wave ladies and gentlemen give me this military halibut chapter I'm gonna place this down oh wow it's big that's what she said I don't know why I didn't expect it any life size for whatever reason uh you know I do not have my pilot license oh dear we're freaking huge right now man I think it just dropped something from the helicopter oh no oh Drop It Like It's Hot oh my gosh this point this poor Village they're over here just being Baristas and I'm just dropping stuff on them into the helicopter I'm done with the helicopter wait no no no I'm getting it I'm getting infinite XP from shooting my helicopter this means we don't have to hurt anybody and we just get infinite XP oh my gosh we're digging this helicopter its own grave that is so much xp we did it we're in the future 40 22. I don't see the time order of Bree anywhere is that them come back little Brianna oh I know I should be really concerned with Brianna being up there but what is this robot there's not even any way is there no humans there's a ray gun in a mech suit 450 000 XP for this oh man Stan okay okay why do you get bigger is he gonna is he gonna pop robot exploded into millions of XP orbs well not Millions because if it was Millions who to save free right now we have to go fast I don't know how long Brie's gonna be able to last up there with the time Lord oh I can go two at a time oh no stand back oh my God the size of a Titan from Attack on Titan no did they blow the XP up from each other wait they did it oh dude this is dangerous okay but there was one item in particular that we need to get from these guys the mech suit which is 600 000 XP that's the only way I can think of because I can't use the ray gun on myself if I could use a ray gun on myself I could make myself bigger and I can climb the building oh gosh oh gosh what have we done oh that building's gonna explode no wow does it work on mobs oh no dude the world did not need to see this we do not need giant spiders I'm you know what I'm okay oh my gosh a freaking XP rich man I would like your mech suit good sir it's got a gap got it what all right it's plopper Dan right here oh yeah that looks like a fantastic spot to put her down hope it's big I am Dr Robotnik Now You See Me Now you don't it's freaking go dude come on can we jump oh yeah we can jump oh thank God for that ledge oh yeah baby here we go here we go landing that ship boom one more one more here we go Big John Big John big jump don't miss no yes die more I'm here well well oh wow you got you got big were you working that's right yeah well it's not just any robot it's a mech suit listen buddy put it down shut it don't say it don't take your bully my wife but me what that doesn't make sense it's a paradox it's yeah but marriage oh that's fair that's fair but I'm accuruing all of the YouTubers wives in the land oh hey why don't you check that bike do you feel any different bring your UK you made it look at all this XP that die more dropped he was hoarding it man let's go wait time traveling to Ira in five seconds hold on I don't know if I'm ready for this baby I have only one heart oh that was almost so bad dude this chicken is bigger than me all right but I do need experience chicken I'm so sorry about this we can also get XP by just breaking grass now that we have one XP we are officially one years old we have the cry ability I'm so uncomfortable look at these cows I'm just gonna cry on them like good we are too are crawling this is actually terrifying my mom has physically spawned in microwaved that's my mom's face oh also we have three hearts now if this is truly my mom she will protect me from literally everything so for example what about this pig oh my God it's absolutely getting slaughtered so while my mom protects me I'm going to make some baby tools we can make a baby pickaxe we were to make a baby sword how would we do that oh I knew it look at oh it's 12 attack damage well now that we don't have our mom we don't have anybody to protect us from these Hostile Mobs but she did serve her purpose I mean look at this sword this damage is unreal I'm four years old now I'm going down oh my gosh wait wicketing XP from even breaking blocks boys look at this I'm seven years old now we have five Hearts which means we've unlocked a new ability imagination just imagine if we could type and get whatever we wanted this is crazy wait I can't cry anymore that means every time I get older I lose the last ability I had eventually we're gonna lose our ability to use our imagination I have to abuse the crap out of this oh my gosh dude look how many diamonds I can spot dude another right chest plates leggings boots and I'll take that another right element give me your pies oh wait obsidian in case you need to go to the nether what about Enchanted oh I'm a genius I have done everything in my power to completely abuse this system ladies and gentlemen no no I know Nation for an iPhone I smell so bad I'm killing the animals around me okay what can I do with this iPhone am I dancing [Music] did I Just Dance and get experience what am I some kind of cheap tick tock dancer listen if you're watching this and you're under 12 never give up on your imagination and your dreams okay want to be going through puberty anymore level me up chickens please please yes yes school bully has spawned wait a second holy guys I got full netherright armor I no way am I gonna lose to this guy oh I'm half wait a second why am I dying to this guy I have full netherride on well okay I have it on it just doesn't show how is this guy doing so much damage okay we gotta level up again [Music] we are now emo now so what is is this our ability we have a gaming chair what am I supposed to do with this okay I can ride in it I'm currently in a gaming chair and I'm pretty sure mine doesn't do this this dude hold on I gotta eat my Notch Apple what am I doing with my life right now I am running into donkeys okay this is just wild all right level 16. I'm really sorry lunch money oh he's back buddy it's payback time yeah come on baby yes so nothing happened wait I have Blaze spawn eggs why am I mining when I get to spawn these blazes this is so much faster oh yeah dude this is how you level up yes ladies and gentlemen I now have 11 Hearts what is this on my head what is hold on what is happening I have adult strength now I'm able to pick up blocks and they explode into experience do what else you can do at 21 nothing nothing blocks and everything I am 28 years old and I'm still not this strong oh baby is this a wedding suit that's a wedding ring wait am I getting married in Minecraft how long this girl's kind of hot [Music] weather can you please just work out more what emotional damn it I've been working out almost every day I am look at these guns thank you Brianna doesn't tell me this all the time in real life come on oh what the heck whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa can you please do something Brianna all right so she's not able to attack any Hostile Mobs okay can you do something with it okay she's mining for me that's not what wives do what are you doing okay okay I'm now 27 years old We Are One although I actually am in real life [Music] there you go there she goes look here goes look she's a miner oh she mine is doing abandoned mine shaft the what oh my gosh I am now 30 years old ladies and gentlemen what is this this is the adult pickaxe this thing is freaking huge oh my gosh look how big I am dude oh oh no oh no my wife wait did she survive how did you Sur I don't know how did you survive though I'm not gonna ask questions wait uh bring the boys behind you no Bree I don't think you need to go there [Music] God we can't even get rid of her if we wanted to listen when you get married it's forever okay but this Minecraft version of her it's just like you know I could do without her that's all I'm saying yeah I I literally you can't get a river no matter how hard we try huh oh I think she's gone um I think I figured out how to get rid of her okay I brought Brie back to life I've remarried her you know I'm 33 years old okay it's time to start thinking about kids and everybody knows K I mean listen girls and guys both love flowers I'm a big fan of flowers this is something my dad taught me he said he said get your lady flowers and she'll love you forever so I'm gonna give her some flowers one thing one thing excuse me what how are they just spawning out of you okay this is about how many kids I would actually like to have I think five is a great size this is a good this is a healthy size family I just don't know what to do I don't even have a house I'm not even a homeowner in this Minecraft world what do I do what are you what do you have are you guys exploding what are you doing you attacking your mom oh I literally got exploded by my children yeah you know what I don't think I'm ready for wife and kids yet so this is fine quit your job I'm only 40. am I quitting my job first okay I love what I do so much I would literally never quit my job unless I was unable to do my job you know buddy you just hate your life you're a sad sack of potatoes and that's not my problem okay why is there so many of them am I really trying to quit my job am I that old now okay who is sending these employees after me I know there's a boss there's got to be a boss that's up to all this you know what I gotta Notch Apple for a reason baby yo I miss being younger okay if you hate your job that is not my fault all right why why is it my problem if you hate your job you freaking Zack to potatoes get out of here dude where's he at where's the boss at oh my gosh take this that's the boss I already know look at him whoa okay does he do a lot of damage buddy freaking years old now and I'm still strong enough to take out the boss of a corporation also look the employees love me now this is why being a boss is a bad idea but being a leader is an amazing idea editors I already know you're gonna say something I do kind of feel like a Pokemon like we're actually having Evolutions right now speaking of Evolutions man we're about to hit the 5-0 no I have a receding hairline I've got Grays in my hair which I actually have Grays in my hair already and I'm not even 30. um I get my hair cut often so you can't see it but I just leaked something confidential and now you know what is this age of fire what wait what okay what does this do no way look at this it just gave the zombies a beard and then eventually it turns them into a tombstone look at zombie you gotta turn into a freaking tombstone oh my gosh no oh my gosh can we age passive mobs no no way what oh dude I'm so sorry guys but I need I need to level up I mean I gotta age up I I you know what I I don't even know how to say it am I aging up am I aging technically I think I'm aging up over here oh gosh oh no dude I'm in my 60s now oh my God I'm so glad God made our lives like you know a hundred years I I don't feel like I've barely even been alive 69 nice ah man no no I'm in my 70s I've seen 70 year olds still be in buff and tough okay there's nothing wrong with being in your 70s you know I can fart in public in fact they think it's cute and funny I can wear my merch in front of my chest I am oh no I'm 75. I can jump but I cannot move the only way I can walk is with a cane that do when I'm 77 years old I'm gonna be able to walk with or without a cane I better still be hitting the gym until I'm like 95 years old what do I do with this cane do I just smack [Music] dude I just break a horse's back oh my God I dude that crack sound effect is terrifying I do not like that crack sound effect oh my gosh that's so bad we are nearing the end of our Lives it is only fitting if we do it in the end gosh dang it okay this is really hard I gotta use my cane to go to the end all right I'm gonna put these into the portal this is the only way ladies and gentlemen why because if we're gonna go out we might as well go out in the end the fact that you can even do it to Enderman is crazy this is insane oh no dude [Music] all right this is the most I'm able to fly I'm gonna get the dragon if it's the last thing I do I'm coming for you oh no no no no no no I'm a tombstone wait 3 34 p.m wait what time is it 3 34 P.M what happened look at my Minecraft oh my gosh this is the most unrealistic thing I've ever seen in Minecraft in my entire life I think this is a piece of grass this is my Minecraft skin by the way I've got an orange block for a head it looks like I have a red sand castle where my logo would be and my pickaxe even though it's in my hand you can't even see it and when we go into first person it looks like a question mark I don't know what's going on but if we want to get back to the realistic version of Minecraft we're gonna have to work our way through different levels and we're on level one most unrealistic and in order to get to the next level we have to break 50 different blocks oh gosh and as you can tell this is taking a lot of time look at the water oh my it's just blue it doesn't even look like water oh my gosh I literally feel like I'm in the Stone Age looking around what is this is this I can't even tell a block is that diorite it is this has got to be granted oh my gosh dude what what is this is that a flower that is a ladies and gentlemen that's a poppy oh gosh okay what are ores gonna look like I don't even know how to be able to tell the difference between ores when they do call me mining Preston I'm a big Miner and I like them mine I'm not a minor 28 years old and not a minor anymore I'm a grown man come on baby One More Level and we found a cave we're only 20 levels away from reaching level two wait I haven't seen what if this pickaxe can do something else I've only been trying to mine with it you're telling me this entire time I could throw the pickaxe this is so much faster I could have just been I'm so upset at myself whoa it's getting more realistic fire nation we just got an upgrade I can actually tell now that this is gravel it's Cobblestone also the poppy kind of looks like I swear is this the Mexican flag the Mexico the flag of Mexico we also have a look at our Minecraft skin you can kind of tell it's me now I mean I still can't like move my arms I still feel like kind of dead we have this new item called a pixel bow also look at our hot bar this is our health and this is our XP oh did you see that my hunger bar just moved I swear that's gold that's iron still Granite I really hope we have an Enderman we have an objective pixelized 20 mobs and I see a bat and an Enderman all right Enderman be prepared to be pixelized that was so sick I think we might have exploded the bat oh we got a zombie oh man all right I'm having like way too much fun right now oh and it even breaks blocks wait we can use this to mine ores that we need oh hello Enderman yes that's right I'm looking at you come right over here next to this iron yes frickness is amazing dude okay oh look at this zombie yep go right over the iron oh this is so insane so much xp I'm like an XP vacuum just sucking away we never find diamonds the Fire Nation needs some diamonds that's right look at that hey hey whoa whoa whoa yuck I do not want to get one of those arrows inside of me settle down we're almost there guys this is the last mob for the objective boom okay look at our bar at the top guys Fire Nation we have like a fourth of the XP to go and trick shot okay I didn't really trick shot that but it worked oh no ladies and gentlemen we're about to hit level three but I've also run out of hunger we don't even have rotten flesh to eat unless is one of these rotten flesh no sad we're transforming it's happening okay the blocks don't look any different but what about me oh my gosh not only is our Minecraft skin back to normal ladies and gentlemen but just look at that hair it's identical and remember how I said that we were getting hungry now that we're level three the objective is to eat 10 meals which is perfect I just got given the item real restaurant I'm going to the surface and we're gonna put this down whoa the surface looks amazing oh my gosh even the Moon is only three different colors my hands and arms still won't move normally but I think this is the best place that we're gonna find for a good restaurant if we need food and we need it fast beautiful Fire Nation have been a restaurant name what would we call it but we call it fire bites Fire Nation I kind of like fire bites about being honest uh no we don't serve your kind sir sorry oh hello there why why do you have a McDonald's apron on this isn't this this isn't McDonald's this is fire bites oh we can buy pizza and hamburgers but we have to use our XP okay I'm starting with the hamburger I do need this oh thank God finally we can eat something oh what do we get over here super strength and we also got full no my XP went down okay so you're telling me right now if I buy this realistic pizza oh dude my XP went down so deep but I gotta do it the objective is to eat 10 meals I want to try out the super strength though how strong can a hamburger really make me I've got like insane knockback look at this oh my gosh you get it boy why are there so many mobs out here huh I mean technically I do actually need these guys because I need more XP if we're gonna complete the objective of eating more meals then I need a lot more XP in fact what is the pizza dude what do we got what's going on for us hey yo I am not fat okay I'm just a little big boned I'm not fat I'm big bounds and there's nothing wrong with that all right I'm working on it all right you guys see me on my Instagram stories training for a marathon I'm trying wait a second what happened to my stomach why is my stomach bigger I look pregnant no I'm definitely not pregnant I genuinely think that's from the pizza how dare you Pizza all right I want to see what the super strength effect does so I can like knock cows crazy far I need to eat two more meals this is ridiculous I'm going in for a big chop over here yeah yeah dude this effect is so nice for killing creepers oh that was the worst time yeah oh I'm about to die okay this is good I'm using it had to do it to him we just need to eat one more meal okay that's all we need to eat is one more please sir I want some more that's right baby come on yes okay objective three has been completed we just got 4 000 XP for that objective look at this we're so dadgum close ladies and gentlemen I'm sick of Minecraft looking like this come on I need to go back to realistic mode yes we're transforming wait a second this looks amazing we're finally looking uh foreign are these what my hands really look like and my okay my ears are not that big although I bet you can't do this with your ears like a taco okay that's not supposed to happen oh I just noticed something look at the grass there's so much more detail oh this looks amazing oh my gosh even the mobs look different okay we even objective kill 20 mobs we have a realistic Blaster and realistic sword oh my gosh even items on the ground look different rotten flesh does not normally look like that when it's dropped on the ground I hear a zombie beneath us zombie I'm coming for you I need to test out this new weapon look at the zombie he's got tomato sauce around his mouth clearly all right I'm gonna try out this realistic blade story they look like playing uh speaking of which we can now make a crafting table and we can make a furnace because I'm pretty sure in order to make darts for the realistic Blaster we're gonna have to smelt iron ingots I almost can guarantee it all right now how do I make these what yeah I get to literally craft ammunition now what wait what is this is that a sheep I can't even tell what that is all right I'm gonna try this out no I don't run away it's hunting season baby yeah oh my gosh okay this thing is amazing but I'm not gonna lie the dart's kind of expensive the fact that we eat this melt is you one iron ingot only gets you five so I'm gonna use the sword for now pigs covered in mud that's a dirty piggy oh the spiders oh the most terrifying thing I've ever seen my sword broke why did my sword break I was not ready for my sword to break I'm so thankful having this right now is like the best thing ever I feel like I'm playing Call of Duty right now the chickens wait there's brown ones and I just shot it is that a cow oh wait I want to go see the cow hello Mr Cow where did you go oh wow you have realistic utters you look like a real cow all right we just finished our fourth objective and we're literally already about to reach uh level five that was insanely fast I mean this Blaster deals so much damage wait did that just bounce back and hit me did the bullets just ricocheted they did oh we gotta be careful oh baby cow I didn't notice it was a baby until it was too late what what I thought I lost everything for good thank you Lord oh that was embarrassing and so are those missed shots but ladies and gentlemen One More Zombie and we're about to go to realistic level five here we go big moment oh my gosh it's so dark hold on hold on also I got an objective in the top it says very realistic objective pay off your taxes wait that is realistic thank God daytime is coming oh this is crazy holy guacamole man though I've never seen Minecraft trees like this before this is insane look at the side of my head even the top of my head has hair also who is this random guy that just spawned what I see I saw the guy do I have to give you the tax whoa you owe 10 000 XP and you have 30 seconds to return your debt why would I pay I'm not paying my taxes I pay my taxes in real life I'm not paying them in Minecraft oh no we're out of blaster ammo what is this employee blaster yeah oh I have no idea what's happening right now to be completely honest I just turned all these guys into team members what are you guys doing oh are they are they hobbling on the ground they're working they're turning this grass into XP for me is this how you pay your taxes okay but in the chat it said I have I have I owe 10 000 in XP excuse me sir I've come to pay my debts here you go I do not have enough to pay my taxes dude this is such a real life scenario all right gentlemen look as a team I'm gonna need everybody to be working a little bit of overtime okay can you guys stop digging holes how am I supposed to get the XP all the way from up here also get to work what are you doing yeah there we go Okay so chickens so I think it was this employee Blaster I can turn anybody into an employee including a chicken hello chicken would you like to work for my company thank you oh whoa this pink is dirty dude I've never seen a pig that dirty I'm coming down but I'm not happy about it wow this guy has actually made so much xp why are you this is just awkward now because I don't know how to get back up all right where's that guy to pay off my taxes this is ridiculous there he is here will you please take this here there you go what ladies and gentlemen we are now somehow level six already why did did you give me this car oh no oh no I've got real real stranger real fast gosh I gotta say though Minecraft does never looked better I am supposed objective is break the law I do not condone breaking the wall but thankfully I may or may not have just committed a um let me put it up on the screen editor please but I'm pretty sure I just committed a burger I think that was a hit and run that was that would be oh yep oh gosh I'm definitely converting some crimes this is a warning don't pass the speed limit speed limit there has never been a speed limit in Minecraft what are you talking about I've never seen a speed limit oh my gosh the police have been called you have a five-star wanted level for speeding what do you mean hey guys listen it was an accident okay for some reason you spawned on my car it wasn't my fault okay you believe me you don't you don't believe me okay fine what do I do oh gosh you know that's fine we can that can wait for later in the meantime there's only one thing we can do well the judge is never gonna believe this gentlemen bring me to level seven okay now we're talking ladies and gentlemen this is the Minecraft you wanted to see why am I taller oh my gosh I could see the butt cheeks oh this is insane look at the screen guys you probably can't hear in the background my graphics card screaming right now oh my shadow oh my God I actually am looking more like a human being everything is so bizarre looking what are these lines is that mustard this pig looks like an angel [Music] whoa dude have you ever seen water like this in Minecraft objective is to find a diamond oh that's gonna be so easy oh my gosh this thing is powerful baby oh my goodness how do I go down can I go down I think I can go down I just don't know how to oh oh whoa whoa I found out how to dig down all right we're digging down boys oh god oh no no I'm freezing my PC it's lagging I think my computer's about to explode oh my gosh wait why are the fans off the fans aren't even on what are you doing I think we broke Minecraft all right here we are it's so dark okay there's got to be a diamond somewhere guys I don't even know what I'm looking at some of these blocks don't even look legit we gotta go way deeper oh my gosh too deep oh my gosh if I was one block closer I would have just melted alive I gotta say though the lava looks amazing were there diamonds right above me right now oh my tractors are oh no oh no thank God okay we're back to normal where are the diamonds I see one gentle gentle where'd it go where'd it go I'm standing on a diamond right now how do I get it how do I get it no Lava this is my diamond this is my time to shine okay I just mined it I think oh have you ever seen this is a real diamond well I mean obviously it's a real diamond but I'm just I'm over emphasizing how beautiful this looks in my hands audience I'm holding a real diamond but you can't tell because my character looks ridiculous you can now use the realistic Cannon oh I bet that's in the next level we're almost there push ladies and gentlemen we're transforming this is so insane but now we need a million XP to reach level nine but honestly I don't think it's gonna take that long oh we have this as well I'm in a suit this isn't very realistic I don't wear suits and this right here ladies and gentlemen is the realistic Canon what does that mean charging how long do I charge it for what's that sound what's happening it's good we gotta try that again Minecraft looks so pretty I'm actually about to vomit but I'm gonna try it on these mobs three two one [Music] oh we did too much just now why do I look like a demon I look like a demi Gorgon man these trees are so pretty looking I don't even want to cut them but I gotta oh my God are you seeing the rain I I swear I'm in real life right now the way Minecraft looks with this rain is obscene I've seen it all it's about to be big oh the lag give me your balls oh my gosh these pigs are trying to escape oh my gosh what have I done feed me the green balls they call me Shrek just a matter of time what they say okay it's in the Bible patience is a virtue something like that ten thousand balls later I'm transforming ladies and gentlemen we have made it back to real wait a second hold on no this is still in the game it's just so realistic I mean does it still work oh my gosh and one million ladies and gentlemen we just got our ticket home what was that no oh no oh we did it dear Lord that was crazy Chase Chase [Music]
Channel: PrestonPlayz
Views: 2,924,461
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, preston, brianna, gaming, funny, family friendly, ssundee, unspeakable, mrbeast, aphmau, canman, lankybox, cash minecraft, nico mc, stokestwins, gametoons, maizen, eyestreem
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 12sec (2412 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 30 2023
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.