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[Music] good morning Eric good morning - what you're doing today well today it's time for DVS it's time for my comeback and hopefully I'll get more than three meters of this time it's like straight into it like first day first morning just like getting the car up here we're gonna drive two hours yeah it's gonna be a good time [Music] ah her feeling - feeling good getting up early that's typical on the first day yeah and we're meeting Christian you guys don't know who Christian is but he's a photographer and he's gonna take us to this secret DVS spot so we might actually be able to do some first ascents today how do you feel about that I mean that can I name it I think so yeah good morning guys hey Christian how are you this is your car yeah it's a nice car yeah so we're going with your car from here huh yeah leaving our F she did a little rental car [Music] we just did a little bit of scouting checking out the lines and the water and stuff that's pretty rough yeah it's like tossing you around and you need to time it right just to get out okay first I think we're gonna try an easy line and then I'm gonna try to get into a harder line it's a little bit wet so I can't really climb into it so you just I think I just have to rappel down and swing into it and then you guys have to pull up the rope kind of like we did in Norway yeah and then try a harder line but yeah I'm more nervous of getting back out of the water then like you fall in but it should be fine now we tested it out we we had a little swim and I feel more more comfortable now so yeah it should be fun how about you Eric are you home no one has told guys oh uh yeah I've had my inner dialogue now I really want to see how much I have okay yeah I'm still having my inner dialogue because it's like hell I want to challenge myself but it's also I think there's an easier deeper solos here as well so I'm like memory filming for mine is today and when I do the water so we do something slightly less intimidating yeah so that's what I have in my mind back and forth but I propped you climb to further the easiest one I guess I'll know that because I've seen it a bit yeah we'll see at first okay [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] the green bell is for power blue pill is for bravery the yellow pill is for endurance and the brown belt how long have you been in the Sun man tears ah yeah I've just warmed up fooling around a little bit on jugs and I'm gonna try something that looks actually hard and the hardest part looks like it will be to get on the wall I have to try to swing into the wall this is like explore like explore mode by me hopefully don't fall in I've had a lot of a lot of power now so I shouldn't fall in [Music] but that did not work out there was just no way to start this route and right as I was starting to do my backup I started to rain sunny raining and windy at the same time sound familiar yeah I definitely brought the weather so we decided to just call it a day but the vlog continues and the next day we went to an already established crack just to make sure that we would get enough climbing so the first place didn't really work out try to repel the island tries to start it but couldn't and it was also a little bit wet so now we're at this cave thing there's one route going on the side of the cave but I think there's also one route going into the cave and maybe even out of the cave so we're gonna try that and I think I'm gonna try to climb both ways I'm gonna try to do a double lap of what I think is like yet 25 made a roof or something is it kind of a weird mix because normally you climb either from the bottom to the top of something or you climb from the inside to the outside but now I'm gonna try to climb from the outside to the inside and back out again so just see howdy yet and now it's low tide so there's plenty of room and it feels a little bit more spacious that cave the thing is that Eric was not feeling great so he's waiting in the car but I haven't got a Christian behind a camera it was also a climber so so we should what do you say she would try this 6 6 8 plus that's what it is yeah I think so we can warm up a little bit there was warm up [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] yeah come on nice nice touch yeah Oh nice form oh good job brofist to the camera yeah let's warm up yeah I think it's time for the real deal yeah I think so [Music] so this is the project that I talked about at the start of the day climbing from the very outset of the cave to the very inside and then back out again this is not the thumbnail of the video though that's going to come later [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] I was not very successful I broke up a hole actually I broke up off one hole before that and then when I fell I broke off a pretty big hole but it was pretty wet the whole way so I think I'm not gonna try it again I think we're gonna move on to different spots because there's so many different spots here but yeah leave this one for now wait for it to dry off maybe try it again [Music] the next root is also the last root and this might be the scariest devious root I have ever tried I checked out the upper part of the root where the broke because I wasn't sure if it was worth trying the root is high around 18 meters and it ends with a roof where if you fall off you'd fall in a very awkward way and the landing that was the scariest part for me it looked like if you got too much of a rotation in the fall you'd hit a Ledge instead of the water the kind of rotation you get one holds break and considering I had just broken two holes in the last year I tried and the rock didn't look any better here it made me pretty nervous to try this [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] it [Music] this was the point of no return either I would have to jump down in the water controlled and call it a day and relax with a pina colada at the beach or I would have to commit [Music] after a lot of back and forth I manned up and went for it do it for the views I tell myself I'm just kidding yeah [Music] come on then you got this you yeah my nurse whoa [Music] oh I was so much more that was so much more scary than I thought it'd be like that in the roof that the blocks felt a little bit loose and I still had like the memory of ripping off that hold on that on the last street that we tried that was really scared you could probably see on the footage that was really shaky the whole time felt really high and it felt like the landing would be really sketchy so close to the rock but he's not one of the scariest ones I don't know if it is actually that scary like I haven't tried falling away but it's definitely very intimidating and also knowing that no one has gone before makes it extra intimidating so that was the end of this vlog I might have to climb it again though for the shots my Christian yeah if you want if you wanna and the shots you'll see on my Instagram and also Christians Instagram the link will be here tomorrow we're shooting for Eric's vlog we're also going to go deep water soloing for his vlog so definitely check that out let's see what happen tomorrow and if you like this video please give it a thumbs up and if you're not already subscribed please subscribe starring terrain but we'll see you in the next video [Music]
Channel: Magnus Midtbø
Views: 343,927
Rating: 4.9706936 out of 5
Keywords: Climbing, Bouldering, Training, Crazy, DWS, Deep Water Solo, Tenerife, Spain, Scary
Id: 6C4UaKzID1g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 4sec (1264 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 16 2019
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