I Lived Under A Strangers Base

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welcome to the brand new limited series where me and my brothers see how many bases we can invade every single week we're gonna try to live here for 90 minutes and if we accomplish that next week we take all of our items and money and move to another base can we make it all the way to 100 let's find out all right Isaac are you ready oh I'm already getting wood Zach I'm literally chopping down all right good we gotta be careful though because that guy's building some pillars don't stop down that tree he can see these trees that you can't beat Timmy dropping these down if we don't trapped it all the way though just leave it floating we get a little bit of free wood okay I got five blocks of wood Zach but when I look down there on him this guy is a maniac I think so too so I've got 12 oak logs that'll be enough to at least build a crafty down there okay Zach I have a crazy idea but I want you to meet me and tell me what you think okay I'm looking off to the right here we need a way down because we got to get down to his base there is a little waterfall there we could cliff dive as soon as he gives us an opportunity I think that's a fantastic idea I mean it wouldn't be home Invaders if we didn't risk Our Lives jumping on a cliff right I mean come on hey hey there's a mailbox behind you which means there's another base behind us we gotta watch out for someone else could get up here at any point watch wait a minute I see the other house that little mini invade I'm coming I'm coming attack I found the little mini invade are you here where are you at by the way guys Isaac and I's name tags they're completely hidden and so that makes this a little bit more doable that's why people hopefully won't be able to find us the entire 90 minutes we have to hide the timer doesn't start until we get actually in the guy's Base by the way so this doesn't even count this looks like an abandoned base right here it does I mean we could take some things I'll get it crafty let's just get some food here we need we're gonna need some crops and stuff to make a farm so we can just stay in there that's true that's true we're gonna have to take this in take some melons take some crops get it all oh my gosh she's got a dog I'm gonna pet his dog too I'm gonna kill him no no no no all right that was a serious minion vade I think we have all the tools we need it's time to actually make our way into the base now in fact if we're not doing the clip dive I'm not doing it all right there's no way there's no way we could do that cliff dive or bus sack there's no cover nope it doesn't matter he's oh God he's literally like okay go go go go go get over there oh my gosh there's a mega cliff dive right here Zach we can go below the base with this clip dive I didn't even realize you see him but is he still on oh he's on he's building he's in there I just had a render distance I saw him place around I think we got to get down a little bit further come down to me is that jump possible I do not know well there's only one way to find out we can build a little platform out just a little bit further here we go oh never mind that's a skeleton that was a player in full gold armor and I was like are you serious we already got caught I think we can do it now all right let me do it let me do it go okay I'm gonna eat up this is scary this is scary all right here we go that is a tight jump [Music] all right this is looking good now we're way too deep so now that we made it down we're at least in somewhat of a safe location let's go ahead and dig around here get through a little bit and we can make it up oh there he is he's right above us now I see him I would say the timer should begin now we are actually officially invading the man's home we are officially here and if you get some blocks here from mining all right be careful breaking Zach I feel like you're being really loud no but I gotta get up there somehow oh I fell almost died we're good though all right I'm not 100 sure where the guy went he was just here I don't see his name tag now could be anywhere at this point Thank you do slash and you're by the way oh he's 40 meters away guys slashing here shows you who's near you thanks to Isaac for telling me that this guy is literally right there dark Zeus 92 whoever that is guys we have a situation right now here's the deal I just did Slash near there is now two people near us I don't know where but they're 80 meters away I can't find their name tags and I've just reached dirt which means I have an opportunity here to surface and I don't know where I would come out it's highly risky this could end the series right now if I break up any they see me if I do slash near again oh Isaac no I just I just dug into his basement I just dug into his basement on accident oh my God put it back right now that's good to know but we can't be up there yet there's no way I'm going out because that would give away everything but now we know this is an absolute danger zone we are one block away from being in his basement bro I'm gonna take it this way oh an exit hole okay okay wow so guys this guy's base is built on a giant dirt platform getting a little bit of my bearings here let's check in here again 102 meters away so we have to find a way to get into this dirt platform get up and then start building inside of it which we could just do right here in the corner so I'm heading out now Zach I'm tired of being down here bro I actually think I have a sixth spot for a base his entire base is built on this giant piece of dirt which I'm not even sure why why the crap he filled this thing in all the way it's so odd okay so guys one of the best things about making a secret base is making sure your walls are double layers that way if he accidentally digs in there's no way he finds US Isaac are you following the tunnel be careful I'm trying to find the tunnel but once I do I'll be back we need to get some carpet in here dude we need carpet so it silences our footsteps is that a thing yeah that's actually pretty cool trust me dude I got a lot of Secrets I'll be sharing with you guys today to make sure you know how to win beta base properly all right I have returns that got lots of iron I want to get a farm going because we do have some crops so we need to get this iron smelting if you have coal I'm gonna take this wall out I'm gonna turn this into a 3X3 furnace Zone that's gonna be good keep checking Slash new because he's 62 meters away but I think if he reaches 30 that's the danger zone we got to start running I think Zach I want to start just putting our valuables in the corner so look what I bring back we're gonna have full blocks of lapis yeah I mean I got some good stuff while we wait I'm gonna check the market and see how much does wool cost if I were to buy some it's 51 each so it's actually not that bad I might invest in buying some wool definitely get some mozak or we could get a sheep already got it right we could share them here we go look at this [Music] everybody starts with two thousand dollars so Zach just used his precious money there I'm gonna use a little bit more I think three more should give us at least the entire base to be silenced all right it's close enough so now we have at least silent footsteps we got to make our way into his base though because if we want to actually progress in this series we're gonna steal some items let me get some iron to make a bucket before we go up Zach I want two buckets so we can get unlimited water down here I have one make sure you get iron tools as well I already got them and by the way we're gonna give people money based on the equivalent of items we stole because well it is kind of not right so we're gonna get make sure these guys get paid well at the end of each video assuming they don't catch us which way should I go this way or to the right we're at the bottom left so either go straight or to the right so you can go that way okay he's very close right now he's 45 meters away I don't know where we need to get somebody up there to get a vantage point hopefully we can pop up somewhere really nice I'm gonna try to take it off a little 40 meters 40 meters and Counting we're closing in on the target this way okay Zach be quiet 35 meters oh I see him I see him he's actually even with us right now dude he's actually even with us he's in his basement okay he doesn't notice us though he's still moving if you have any hacks today's Zach they're gonna help us out because right now I'm feeling really out of my element I got a few but we gotta get some items first whoa what that's right that's why I got in that's where I broke in that's where I made it close yeah close up I think this is the way though I'll go up and get a vantage point and I'll let you know I think I saw a chest room out there that was this way so we're gonna find out what is he currently doing can I get a report on what he's doing okay hold on I I'm like literally almost in his base at this point I'm 28 meters away dude we should have got more like ghillie suits I know we should have I'm gonna have to send it here in a second but I need like a report my guy what's going on out there I cannot I don't even know where he is dude I'm getting all the ankles but he's nowhere oh that's another wall unless unless this is the floor oh wait oh my gosh this guy has been building like a maniac he has a whole building now that wasn't there before we started this home invasion okay dude I think I just found actually the bottom of a base perhaps I'm not sure it looks like it could be I think he just left for a second I'm pretty sure the dude just teleported away for a second Isaac give us the opportunity let's get in there is he still on I think I don't know you can check I'm going in I think he's back he's back crap crap crap crap crap crap crap crap did he see you I don't know I don't know I don't know I don't think he'd be back I just ran downstairs I actually opened up his door and it made a lot of noise and I'm freaking out right now that freaks me out he literally almost caught me oh my God he just came back sprinting let's try this way just getting up there is so freaking hard guys because if we get caught everything ends there's only one chance now that's an interesting little Redstone there is still online Zach but it says he's not nearby okay he's on he's not nearby he could get the shop right now buying things we need to use this opportunity to get up there now go five go go go go go go I'm coming in from the other angle wait wait how about this how about this I'll go in you stay right in I'm already in okay he's in Isaacson okay uh I just randomly clicked on a bunch of stuff like I got a bunch of stuff I'm getting out I don't know why I missed it I just I randomly picked stuff was that your or was that him I think it was me I don't know is that you bro I don't even know what your skin looks like because we're using alts I don't know he's got some chests here let's see if we can snag Karis stagger snack four carrots he has infinite curse I'm going in the space this is his chest room I saw this earlier close the doors this is what we need to get easy access to that right here dude yeah Zach don't take it all he'll notice I think I took too much I think I gotta go put stuff back he's gonna notice if I don't I'm not even gonna take anything we just need to connect this to our base all right I'm gonna put stuff back actually I think I made a mistake stealing I got caught up in the heist I know where we are so our base just connects around the edge so all we have to do is wrap this around this way I'm in the test room right here where you at right here my gosh it's so hard to find you without a name tag get in the hole go go go go go seal her up great literally perfect right now we gotta go down more oh oh baby a vote shovel a vote Act s God we are upgrading baby be careful dude this guy is still online deck you're getting too loud I know I don't wanna that's why I'm putting items back in his place oh he's back he's in he's in he's in don't move don't move deep breaths deep breaths back up back up back up don't move don't move don't move don't move don't listen I can't move just stay still I only took two items I got it this healing right now is so obvious if he looks at it what are the odds of him coming back and coming into the room you're literally just in oh my God is he saying anything in chat okay no he's gone though we need to we need to go right we need to start digging yeah keep going keep going I'll tell you I'll tell you to go you're good I'll tell you if you have to stop you're good you're good you're good you're good you good he's completely distracted oh he's gone he just teleported again Zach I'm here tell me where I need to go from here uh and keep going straight it's like out though oh we gotta wrap it back in that's our entrance where that dirt block is down there you have to connect it to that on the inside okay we just we'll have to go like way down then we'll have to use some lighters I think go ahead and do that I'm going back in oh vote pickaxe baby let's go in the new free helmet let's go I don't think we took so much that'll ever suspect a thing as well that makes it even more fun all right I'm coming back do you get a connection bro you left the outside wide open there's the connection dude I'm making the connection I close this off all right I'm coming quite the entrance to get back home gotta walk through literally like the most confusing Maze of all time but now we've got something pretty sustainable here close this up get in here get in here close this up hold on I gotta fix this on the outside it looks really bad right I'll close always close your hole always close your holes don't forget that our barrels quieter than chess I don't know is that I think they still make a noise I think furnaces and stuff don't make any noise well they only store one item we need some form of we need a shulker that's what we need in this series because then we had Shockers in there that we could steal a shulker okay that's gonna be your mission I'm gonna work on some base upgrades here okay I'm gonna go out and get some water right now actually Zach I'm gonna get a farm going all right go work on that we got water right here we are at 29 minutes right now total so we have some major work to do and I think um this looks like a great spot for a farm license to me I'm gonna work on that you'll give it some water oh we got the water I just did awesome can we get an infinite water source perhaps we could but right now I just want to get go ahead and get those carrots planted that's good that's good that's really really nice and then we could actually even put some glowstone in the center of it extra light means plants grow extra fast fun fact slash near oh he's gone he's on let's go we've got another chance to move in the goal for me I'm only going for a shortcut I'm getting out we cannot be there when he goes slash home and he's right in front of us uh I got you a vote pickaxe come snag it over here okay and a vote shovel snagit I'm gonna take that okay so he has all their chests up there which might have the shelter but I'm concerned the Shockers are like their own thing they're not in a chest they're just sitting out like a chest really okay I'm going in when I when I say now you break this and I fall down you understand me okay okay yep yes get one we only need one no no don't take a lot no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no we got it let's go let's go and block this off block this off somewhere so he doesn't like right here just put some dirt so if he does go down here he won't follow it all the way back I'll block it off up here oh my God that was exhilarating because he would have teleported right back into the room we were just in all right we got a shocker clean execution clean execution yeah it was it was that's gonna help with the series let's get that pop down and now what I want to do here is put in all the items that we're gonna definitely take with us throughout every single base we have to visit because we only live 90 minutes move on to the next one if I sell my inventory I can make 1700 right now that's not bad honestly what are you selling I don't know I'm not even sure what sells I mean it must be the carrots I have here comes my Cactus line of defense here I'm gonna put just a few down on the perimeter and then I've actually got glowstone as well so I'll put a few of those we've got a food farm we've got a reliable source of food we've got reliable source of crops what else do we need on this base to make sure it really gives us the best productivity possible what we really need to do is start focusing on getting materials to help us for future builds here and really make this thing look nice as well because we got to leave our Mark in some way you know a few moments later I have a chicken exact I'm gonna throw it if the chicken comes out then we have to keep them wow wow that makes it a lot harder what are the odds of that I don't know but now we have a little baby chicken that's going to be making a lot of noise I think I have a newfound passion in life in this space and I'm going to attempt to accomplish it today what is that I would like to get everything down here necessary to make a cake okay you work on making this kind of require getting wheat and a cow down here I just think that's really going to add to our hominess here so all right all right I'm about to get some wheat seeds while you work on your cake I'll work on a little surprise for you I'm gonna make my run for the hills I just need to find a cow and some wheat seeds and sugar cane I'm not looking for sugarcane I got it I got it I got it I got sugar cane okay I'm just gonna try to find some wheat then and then okay I have some seeds but we need some more okay guys I have found a cow I don't actually think we can bring them back but I can milk them and get a couple milk buckets this is big let me milk you cow come here okay there we go we have two buckets of milk now and there's a cow over here but there's literally no way for me to get them back until we have our actual wheat seeds grown so while we wait for that we can come back warm but in the meantime I'm just going to try to get a bunch of wheat from over here in this plains biome I'm gonna take this out because I want to exit on the side and I want to see what else there is out here because you're not be able to take in some more resources 44 meters away if I go in F5 mode that gives me a good Viewpoint I gotta take this off I don't want the particles to be the good news is right now it is night time which means I'm gonna blend in more I'll blend in even better though without The Shining Armor and without an item in my inventory 52 meters I'm gonna get in a Little Closer I'm gonna see what's up here 44 meters away where is he it's very scary to me right now to not know if he's inside our base or if he's just outside somewhere I have just found some fenced in cows right here too what is this nobody's even living here and there's just a bunch of fenced in cows oh my gosh if I could free you I am gonna free you guys nobody's gonna know that I did this I'm an animal lover guys I can't leave these cows here alone like that so the cows are now free and now I just need to get some wheat and return to Zach so here's the deal guys he has like a whole bunch of carrots there if I could go grab those and sell those without getting too many to make it suspicious I would be able to make some money Isaac and then I could use that money to help us a little bit progress I'm gonna take a risk here like I don't think it's worth it foreign [Music] I brought back a bunch of plants because we needed oxygen down here Zach so look at that little back wall now oh that looks nice this is really coming together I'm gonna browse the auction house while you keep building can you buy one of those scopers what are they called oh uh spy glass we could craft those so there's not a lot that we could buy right now but if we can get those spy glasses that would definitely help us I'm gonna go see if I can snack some up here is he still in there bro is in there literally right now you just gotta wait dude buy your time I like the dirt the dirt [Music] oh my God guys my mod team did not know who I was because we're using alt accounts they just TV because they thought we were hacking in someone's base okay that must mean we're doing really good now in order to pull this off we gotta go get some actual chicken eggs so Isaac I'm going out dude no we have a chicken we have to wait for his eggs dude we need more I'll be back I want to see if there's any did you find anyone you were out I don't see any wild animals uh there were cows way to the right but if you don't have wheat you can't get them to follow you that's why I'm growing wheat or you could buy wheat Zach that's what I should oh yeah actually while we're here we might as well collect our daily rewards if we just warp to our daily let me go ahead and open this guys because if we get a good decent item here let us see [Music] oh I got elytra dude okay that's actually really big what I know I was actually sick let's freaking go all right all right I got my daily oh some people left some stuff at spawn I just grabbed that too let's go kind of free Shield I got a chicken spot all right I'm coming back right now put that down there in the hole we needed to spawn on grass though so I'll take off the floor here and put some dirt because honestly I'm just thinking we could have a chicken down here but it'd be a much more efficient use of space if this also was an area where we grew crops can you get us a brewing stand I don't know how to make that we need blaze rods and we need um you can buy some I think on the auction house dude blaze rods are so expensive yeah but if we just need like one oh two thousand dollar I just bought some in the auction house for two thousand dollars I bought 64 of them all right I'm going for the brewing stand this will be an item we definitely keep and we've definitely unlocked so brewing stand and that goes here all right we have a brewing stand so how do you make invisibility potions uh well we need glass and then we'll need more blaze powder Zach that's why the Blazers are I have plenty I have plenty how do we get a fermented spider eye a spider eye plus a mushroom plus sugar so we need more sugar cane God dang this is tough but it's gonna be so good to get oh dude he's gonna see the chickens underground it's gonna give away our location oh my gosh that kill the chickens now I didn't even think about you here this cannot be here this is a bad idea he would see that and it would give it away if anything we could sell the chicken spawner for money sell the chickens I'm I'm completely sold on that ten thousand dollars I'll sell it for nine a few moments later oh I saw the spider spawner I got 17K Perfect Dude what a play by me to get that out of the daily crate all right phase one we need to put nether warts in it to create an awkward potion then this and then to make it even better we need Redstone our shop level is so low if no one's selling it I don't know how we would get another War yeah it is uh shop level one shop level one I can just upgrade my shop for a thousand so that'll give us another War then all we need is Soul Sand but we still need some obsidian to get to another to get Soul Sand because I don't know that I can buy a sauce hold on hold on we don't need to farm the Netherworld yet 3200 each I guess we could buy it temporarily yeah buy it and use it all right I'll buy that and then I need some blaze powder all right phase one phase two and then we just need the Redstone and then we'll have three eight minute long invisibility potions so we can really can get upstairs and see what's actually in those other chests and Isaac what are you doing we're gonna have Redstone soon Zach I'm back down to where we started in the mine shaft and I see Redstone in my sights all right hey first potions are done let's get that fermented eyeball in there and I think I did it wrong because it's not working how do I do this before we get invisibility we have to put a golden carrot in then after the golden carrot we do it fermented spider eye then we do it that's fine that's fine I'm down here in the mindsack I see gold and we have carrots so we can get a golden carrot I don't know how hard it was to make one of these there's so many steps just to go invisible oh look at that I found diamonds oh we need that for the enchanting table oh yeah it's more than one too it looks like it's four oh five six seven oh my gosh the biggest gold string or the biggest diamond string I've ever heard of the funny thing is is I don't know if you even realize we stole an entire shulker box from him do you understand how difficult that is to obtain and we just took it he didn't even notice like that's really funny to me like I found obsidian down here too you want me to get enough for another portal yeah yeah yeah yeah for sure minutes later all right I've gotten all 14 obsidian which I think is enough to make another portal and an enchanting table so we are ready to leave the mines and head back up to the base then we can get another portal and chain cable and we can make our invisibility potions really successful trip here to the mines should I make another portal attack or should we save it and that way we can move it to the next base we could save it what do we need there right let's save our our nether portal and then we'll make the enchanting table for this base I think that's good because we can pick that up easier um I need you to make me a book though and I can make the enchanting table and I also bring back the Redstone and the gold you needed we need paper which means we need to collect some of this uh what is it three of these for a paper paper look alright books to go buddy the problem is that really ate into our sugarcane farm production but that's okay we need it and look at this Zach oh let's go I can't you did that wrong all right let's try it I can't do it because it's already Enchanted I already have Enchanted items so that is completely useless to me for now however when we get another right there will be a use okay so now I need your gold so I can get working on these golden characters there you go so guys step one Golden Nugget step two golden carrot step three I made a lot of them because we're gonna need a lot of them for this series I am certain let us begin smelting so now it's night vision pop in this and it should become something else become invisibility and then finally we put in the Redstone it becomes an eight minute long one this is it this is it finally it took us 90 minutes starting from nothing to be able to be able to pull off what we're about to do here to go into this man's base invisible in front of his very eyes with an ender pearl and steal literally everything I am pleased to present to you the eight minute potion take off all your arms wow dude that's like hold on a minute should we use both of these today we have three I can use mine and go in there if you want to save yours I think we should save them for a future episode Zach I'm going in with great for invading our next base I'm going in with this we can always make more because I need to know what's in his other chest fully invisible except for some particles this is a literally major play right now uh Slash near he is literally 51 meters away I could walk right next to him and he won't even see me potentially I'm Watson from the tree right now I'm literally in like a full Leaf ghillie suit I'm in okay all right six rotten flesh we have a whole bunch of wood some arrows I'm gonna take some wood so full stacks of wood here I want one of every type because that's going to help us make our next spaces prettier I would love to get oh he has an enchanting table up here we could have taken it doesn't matter Zach we got our own now he can have that one 18 leather Beast phonics oh those are big I want some bees I cannot take those because then he would realize it would ruin everything I'm gonna get back outside how's the view looking out there 38 meters away I don't even know where he is Zach but apparently he's nearby oh I see him I see him I see him see in the pink building he is in the pink building currently standing he has no idea that I'm here I'm gonna see what's in here I don't have enough inventory space for all of this that I wanted to check remember he can do slash near too so if you make too much noise he can see where you're at I think he's like AFK right now whenever he watches this video and realizes we have been here for almost an hour and a half now that is horrifyingly embarrassing bro I'm gonna do the ultimate steal Isaac are you ready for this it's like what's your invisibility potion time don't be fooling around in there I just stolen Axolotl from him oh okay I want that get that back now come back now I got nothing else matters bro I straight up just old man's best pet we got a pet Axolotl though yeah I just stole it Zach I'm not gonna lie I'm doing something that's extremely stupid but I'm gonna Shear his sheep okay that's risky here we go cheap cheer and go we are really putting everything on the line today I got my sheep sheared and I'm getting out I don't think he saw me that was a risky move all right exactly I sheared a sheep so we have six white wool and one pink ball I just dropped you we can bring those to the next base for carpet okay that's pretty good we should have taken another shawl crunch I think we should get two shulkers yeah you go get one now you got invisibilities that go up and get us another shot okay you're right you're right you're right I'll go do it let me just Mosey on out there real quick grab us another shulker now guys the reason we have to make sure we move each week as I mentioned is because if we don't they're gonna see the video know where we are and it'll completely ruin the entire Series so staying mobile like this ensures we have the best chances of actually lasting a long time and uh Isaac yellow green red or pink pink pink it is dude let's get everything packed up this will be plants foliage and all things related to that that way we have all the potential plants make sure we don't have anything I'm gonna I'm gonna break out the farm then this one uh that's gonna be some foliage that's gonna be like animal droppings animal droppings you know they're items they drop and then the chest will remain all the junk that we don't necessarily need to take with us we need to smelt our Gold All right we have 625 of it we need to smelt it because there's no reason to have uncondensed items anything that can be condensed must be condensed immediately we never got to make your cake do we have enough stuff now to make it I think we need to do it we have to we need to get an egg though okay so what all do we need for a cake two sugar one egg three milk three wheat I think I have everything what's the order milk goes in the middle you don't need the order just open up the crafting book it'll show you if you have the items or Not Another uses the crafting book Zach what are you uh yeah search cake all right we can make a cake now Zach I just had to put the milk buckets in I think [Music] the long process of the cake all right are you hungry let's go baby we got the cake pop it down let's get it finally all right oh my gosh I needed it I needed it yeah guys before we get out of here I'm gonna pay the guy so what was his username we'll give him two we'll give them 300 000. we also told how much our shulker box worth we stole two it is true we gave the guy 500 000 due to allowing us to steal pretty much everything in his base without realizing it we're moving on to the next one guys don't forget to like And subscribe I'll see you guys in a week to see how many episodes we can survive under your bases peace
Channel: LoverFella
Views: 346,028
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: loverfella, loverfella server
Id: 8ObURhvsYQM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 36sec (1596 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 12 2023
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