Testing Ancient Traps To See If They Work In Minecraft!

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they were going to test ancient tomb traps in minecraft to see if they really work all right now this one guys is a terrifying booby trap found in an ancient tomb let's see what we're working with today and can we even bring it into minecraft they didn't understand why the queen was buried with this unknown red substance so they got it tested the red powder was cinnabar a deadly neurotoxin a deadly neotoxin they're burying their queens with deadly neurotoxins we're going to invite a hundred players at the end of this video to run through our booby-trapped pyramid and to see if they can make it to the center so the first trap we gotta do is some kind of deadly powder now how can i do deadly powder in minecraft i don't know if you're meant to have like doors like how you get i don't know how you get into a pyramid i'm gonna be honest with you we gotta get creative because apparently there's no deadly neurotoxin in minecraft but if i were to place on a magma block obviously that's gonna hurt us but i put carpet over it does it still hurt you oh it does okay it doesn't have the powder look to it though how do we get that what you say we put a little dispenser in here with some red dye you're either walking over one of the other all right if they walk over the pressure plate they're not gonna know that it's actually spinning out red dust that will obviously infect you also i'm not sure if they even had iron invented back during the egyptian times i feel like they i feel like they didn't but we got iron lanterns in there so this is not the front entrance looks like let's give our first hack a test here we go it's pretty easy to get through i'm not gonna lie we may need to make a little harder now to get into the base you've got to walk straight slam yourself down crawl through juke all this obviously these do nothing they don't know that they'll slow down more and then get through coming up is something you probably didn't even know existed something that's actually one of the scariest things ever take a look automatic closing doors with giant hole oh just look at that folks if there is one thing i know how to do it is make automatic closing doors in a giant hole so we're pulling out the mumbo jumbo today ladies and gentlemen let's get some redstone going here wow that took a long time to do guys but this is finally the new design so once you get through the very first chamber you got to get the secret button room all right this is what mojang recommends for a door again it's really weird because you got to move very quickly to get through it but it opens that path so they can get in and then they literally can't get out so let's make it just a little bit bigger in here but not too big and we should put a couple more buttons down to make it a little more confusing like why not you know it is an ancient tomb after all we got to make it a little bit more annoying let's get this super mega trap built now it's going to push them into a hole as we saw there the whole floor opened up and like dissolved away i think i can make it work i'm gonna put a bunch of spider webs down here and as i think we know possibly yeah sand falls very slowly and i'm pretty sure even if i stack it it all falls very slowly through the spider web so spider web is a really good trap to make some sort of a falling floor design but i need to get these to sit on top of it so i'm gonna try to make some sort of like a mega combo trap here i'm gonna put a chest here on top of tnt right here in the middle would be sand and then all the way across we've got a trap chest on top of tnt and every single science connected to the tnt so when this opens the tnt falls out of the world all of the signs break because they're connected to that same piece all the sand on top of it will theoretically fall right into the right into this cobwebs which means they're all gonna have a slow and painful death to the ground now i do need to make it possible to get through so we'll make it so they have a 50 50 chance of getting it one chest will kill them one chest will keep them alive how about that ominous sign it says choose wisely one will harm and one will help it'll have the sole ladder they need to actually get to the zone so i'll give them two ladders to place and that's it this is a pretty darn good trap step one red powder of death step two random buttons that if you find the right one it opens up that one entrance door which i don't know that was based on step three we got the four that falls coffin torpedoes whooping oh hey did i hear that i'm sorry not your coffin torpedo is that did i hear a coffin torpedo when the lid was opened the shotgun inside would fire directly at the face of whomever was attempting to gain access to the coffin you got a one-time use on that i mean you go with a buddy your buddy's gone but you're still gonna get in there i mean unless it's like an auto shock on the shoes forever how we build that in minecraft is a fantastic question i don't know the answer to that either guys there's a lot of thinking that goes into getting this right and i think there's a way to use snow blocks and armor stands to make it look like an actual grave site i gotta get experimental on this one because i just can't remember exactly how it worked so this is what it looks like right now if i push this it's gonna shoot this bad boy up into the sky all right he's gonna look like a zombie now i can make the ground around him and actually build this little guy his own grave you grab yourself a piston grab yourself a redstone block stack it up and look straight down you should be able to if i did this correctly slam that bad boy down what happens if i step on it oh yeah there it is now i make it play a death sound as well to make it creepier but it's only a one-time use thing so i gotta reset it each time which kind of sucks but that is not a bad design the good news is we can copy and paste it multiple times over here so let's make sure it looks super good and give it like a nice red sandstone fence foundation just so it looks like a real grave no i didn't mean to step on it ooh that is scary though that actually kind of is very loud and freaks you out okay we've got two graves built right now finally after a very i'mma tell you what when i say very long i mean a very long build time and we can finally clean this room up a little bit and then make it a little bit more even push this wall out backwards but zach where are the arrows where is the shotgun blast don't you worry about that because in this back wall we are going to create the shotgun blast that has never been seen before the redstone wiring does look correct it does seem good to go so now we gotta wire it back to our shotgun blaster which is right back here we're going to do like a miniature test of just the back wall here because i don't want to reset those again because they take a really long time we'll put a redstone block and see sounded like a triggered everything actually but it did sound like everything worked oh yeah that is going to do some damage right there all right i got help from my professional build team here and we moved the entire pyramid and upgraded it over the last couple minutes so this is what the outside looks like now a little bit more aztecan as you'd like to see uh the entrance doesn't really make sense to be honest i i don't know again i don't know if they have doors but you can walk in here first trap second trap third trap fourth trap all complete what's the next trap the house would be packed with explosives and the trap would be set with the hope that the incoming officers would set off the tram so they made a house that looked like a real house like a safe house and then filled up with tnt and exploded it i mean boy does that sound absolutely detrimental here is the new design i took a couple minutes to think it through when the players end up getting the ladders if they pick the right chest they can climb up here with ladders and then i'm gonna make it so they're forced to actually step on these pressure plates like they have to step on it and get the jump scare and also all the shots that come from back there so there's no way to avoid that from happening all right and then we're going to lead them to the safe house which will be located right back here they're going to be like oh boy safe house i get to come in here and be safe the truth is it's going to be rigged with tnt it's going to blow up be very careful at this point tnt is live so i'm not gonna put down any pressure plates yet they're gonna walk through and be like oh boy it's a safe house i get to go walk through here that's probably the type of thing a freaking pyramid would do to trap you inside of it however if you're afraid of snakes you might want to skip this one there is a man being eaten alive by snakes i don't even need to play more because i'm terrified of that i think silverfish are about the creepiest uh similarity we can get so we'll put some silverfish down here and then uh make it like a really creepy pit that's just gonna be full of these guys i mean it's just uh really horrible oh they trigger each other that's not that's a lot that's gonna be a lot to deal with okay so i need to be careful again not to trigger this because once that thing triggers it's uh it's game it's game over you know what makes us even creepier forcing them to crawl while hundreds of those things are chasing them i mean if that does not absolutely freak you out i don't know what will now if they manage to make it through that room we're gonna have a big fat ladder right here what the heck did i just make but as you can see it does pull it down out of the way and you would then fall into a hole here this is where you win if you pull it that's what happens to you i don't know this is the best design to do but i wanted to really kind of try to subconsciously push them towards stepping on that plate so i put a wall there and a fence that way they're gonna walk up and then hopefully pull the lever to get their prize out of the book which again if they pull the lever absolutely kills them into a lava pit if they don't they actually will win outside of the temple looks very very nice inside of the temple on the other hand that's a whole other story i don't know who's going to survive this i'll be honest i feel like very few will so guys here's our first contestant today if she makes it through this pyramid using ancient tomb traps in one life without dying she will receive 50 u.s cash already getting hit by the acid right there beginning gets hit with a little bit more red dust acid gotta figure out what to do here through the first one no problem sophie how's the health looking uh not too bad goes into the hole that's it she's done we're back with our second contestant here today if you make it through this tomb full of ancient tomb build defense traps you get 50 bucks good luck keep on going gets the redstone that ain't gonna help now what goes into the same hole she's already done that's it folks all right getting hit early on with the red dust of neurotoxicity right there folks that'll do it very nervous about those pressure plates we know it's in those but she doesn't and it's uh oh it's not looking good for her all right next move got to figure out where to go from here no one's made it through this room yet oh oh she found it she found it she found it for this will be the farthest anyone's made it so far this is for 100 us dollars now moving on things are gonna get real here just gotta make the right choice nice moving through moving through this could be a winner guys a little bit scary now our grave our graves did not pop at it down there i'm a little bit sad about that but that's okay ayanna what are you thinking you're very focused i have no idea would be a risky one sense that anyway goes into the snake pit down there gonna be a risky play right here folks here come the snakes and she's going into the tunnel with the snakes after her oh my gosh here they come she gonna make it she's gonna ayanna what's the hell that what's up with that that she goes down to the snakes in the snake pit wow not bad guys that close to 100 cash eva europe prize goes up to a 125 for you are you ready [Music] no it takes a lot of damage on those could it take could have made through that whole first one without any damage but doesn't do it all right two for two on opening the right chest guys keep that in mind people seem to open the right more in the future we'll remember that scary that was scary a little bit of a scary noise oh keeps going keep going here she goes here she goes gets into the break house makes a choice ayanna did not make here we go what's that health at like six hearts did i just hear tnt there she goes ladies and gentlemen that is over four right now evie just gets blown to smithereens christy you have one life good luck you can't do can't break you can't break no breaking that's fine go ahead you can break it but no more breaking after that get that tool out of your head wow i'm not going to make it do the first one this is going to be our lowest place member so far of the day we're going to have her die before she even gets into the pyramid oh my land what's the health at christy hoff you can take a forfeit i'm going to pull pitch we gotta form it before she even got in guys as you can see you crouch oh wait i meant to go underneath it go go ahead go ahead what do we have here [Music] oh well oh oh take some early damage okay i don't want to jump down there do i okay i'll go down there oh we lost another to the hole no one has made it through all right you were the last hope today takes some damage there where do we go from here folks got some pressure plates what's in those okay okay oh wow wow oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh watch this oh squash gets through a secret door oh he pushes the wrong chest and falls into the sinking sand and goes down well guys we've tested about 15 people not a single person has even come close to making that through this aztec temple thank you for joining the lover fam and becoming exactly
Channel: LoverFella
Views: 5,597,842
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: loverfella, loverfella server
Id: 65h4zRVptio
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 55sec (655 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 25 2021
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