Testing Minecraft House Hacks That Actually Work

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I've stolen Kevin's favorite teddy bear and him and Mogi are mad luckily I built five houses around their Minecraft world full of loot so I can use it to make Minecraft house hacks that'll actually work all right we got Emoji oh hey shark we got him wait wait wait wait wait wait be courteous what are we gonna do wait let me ring the doorbell ding dong shark what what the heck oh my gosh I gotta go I gotta go what is that listen to Easter here's the second house right here and here's Kevin's teddy bear what what is this bro Evan actually has an obsession with teddy bears okay okay that's irrelevant come On Monkey we gotta get him oh God the boys are coming okay okay we got to get him I'm killing him right now let's go come here shark so my second Minecraft house here I've ripped up such a cool trap and let's just say it's early Christmas Spirits okay really quick I have to surround this with leaves Redstone in the center with an oak log just like that we have the Christmas tree trap well I understand you're a teddy bear it's important but kill him that's a little harsh isn't it gonna drop the Christmas tree right there there we go we're going upstairs we're we're getting out of here now if I just get ready to run okay okay as long as this works in my favor and they don't come after me I should be good there's a Christmas tree wait where did shark go that's quite rude isn't it see if they see it oh you know what milky I have the greatest idea he stole my teddy bear so I'm gonna take his presents he got boots from the present come on Kevin take the bait take the bait take the bait wait what is it worked go go go go go what just happened what is that wait wait wait wait wait wait monkey loading wait what I'm coming with you what what's this what the heck what is this yeah it's a little bit of a haunted Christmas Kevin's kind of stuck inside of a present right now I managed to trick my friends but I know they're slowly catching on to me I have to be really smart with my next move oh wait the chests are all loaded wait what oh my gosh what I don't care about this present I want to get my teddy bear back I understand how maybe maybe dude where are we I I don't know monkey you you know how to get it so get us out of here what can we do if I'm being completely honest I don't exactly know where the boys are I don't know how much time I have but this is my third house now where did I put all my stuff are they in the barrels no what the what the flip ooh lever click the like button like the lever it's a like but yeah beating it up now yeah we came into a present right well I I mean I I have a clue but how did it even get into a prison look out here look out there Kevin there's literally nothing but I have an idea oh okay what's your idea I'm gonna press some keys I'm gonna copy my location I'm just gonna I'm just gonna okay looks like if we're in a in a voice so we're gonna go to the Minecraft Overworld okay now I'm gonna type zero and then a c roll here too and boom oh where'd you go oh I'm in water Kevin I'm in water I got out how do I get out uh I I think I can TP to me so TP oh here you are yes it worked it worked it worked okay okay okay now let's not waste any time let's go start tracking shark let's go okay okay focus focus focus oh wait a second oh we have the deadly doorbell again yo the doorbell was so sick oh God when I see the guys wait that's a house wait where where where where in front of us Direct in front of fast I see it I wait but I don't see shark that's true wait we should be sneaky about this get underwater a little bit just peek your head up whenever you need to okay now if I have done this correctly here I should have the quicksand oh my God this is perfect quick sand quick said quick said quick said now if I put this right inside right here oh my God this is gonna be perfect one oh I see his name tag he's right here okay if you see this okay let's let's try and inspect the base let's not enter right off the Hop because we know something is up we know something is up okay dude that's a nice house how did shark build that oh I see him I see him inside there I see him inside and doorbell there we go this is awkward this is a little awkward isn't it hey what's up guys oh shark hey shark where did he get that witch hat from uh you know just a little Halloween Cafe Kevin if you want this I'm gonna leave it at the front door for you okay did you miss him him and I kind of had a nice little conversation together right hey dude dude what the heck are you blackmailing me why why just come on in come on in guys I I'm trying to I'm being welcoming it's like a little bit of a Christmas party here so I have to press the doorbell again um if you want to be courteous yeah that would be kind of nice okay ding dong called the door open okay Dooby come on hi what's this hi guys what's up hey is everything okay with you guys what do you mean no no you're not stuck silly you're not stuck wait why are you there what are you doing shark I'm stuck wait wait I could get him back down wait I got sucked in I'm just leaving you guys this is this is so easy oh Mogi oh shucks what I bro I got sucked in hi come here come here shark no no what well it's gonna be a little bit wild until I can pay for this because I'm off with your teddy bear and I'm just gonna oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh yes Smokey yes yes Smokey oh okay I see him he's standing behind the base now water solves everything let's go Kevin I should not I've gotten cocky when I'm out of food this isn't good oh my God okay I'm literally out of food the boys are right there bro did he get trapped he didn't get trapped in my cobweb darn I I don't know but he just disappeared like Into Thin Air he's gone so close to my next house come on hurry go in go and go win oh my gosh wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait how how is she building me so quickly wait what's up what is that yo this house is actually spooky bro okay okay we've made it oh yes thank you thank you thank you thank you well it's just popping out of nowhere I see I see his name tag Boogie I see his name tag wait sneak up Kevin sneak up sneak up okay yeah yeah wait wait wait wait come here come here monkey come here come here let me see let me see what's up now what do I have to play with here oh the stone swords I know what this is and boom there we go now ladies and gentlemen I can go ahead and set up one of my favorite traps here which happens to be our spike traps thankfully I don't see any traps way this looks sauce it's true and let's start laying them all around the front door every block around me is literally a land my oh flip well they don't realize what I have planned up my sleeve I think the Lava is the only thing that could kill us so I think the best thing is we just kind of just let's just go down there ready yeah let's see what he has to like I'm gonna charge and open the door don't go in yet don't go in yet oh hi ah hello hello are you looking for this Kevin Mogi well if you would like him just go and get him he's right there Mogi ready what how could you hold the teddy bear like that all right you know what shark you just crossed the biggest line of your life all right moogie come on Kevin just he's all the way down there in the water I'm sure I did 360 no scope losers all right monkey Spartan charging three two one spot in charge wait what is that oh gosh what is this what is that oh Kevin oh this is too easy and I can escape just like that look at this I can enjoy this from all the way over here hi bogey what what just happened there are spikes puppet what do you mean there were spikes that ground was completely empty yeah let's just say he didn't like my spike traps my final house was rigged up with so many traps but I couldn't get comfortable as I knew the guys were gonna be prepared I do dude my brain is not comprehending anything that's going on I just want my teddy bear back what is so hard about that shark oh whoa okay so they're still here ow oh whoops sorry Kevin sorry Kevin sorry Kevin ow okay I'm gonna put this down what is that it's just what is this floating spy okay my house is rigged with traps introducing the spinning sword trap I've rigged this all across the windows and the front door of my base and I also well let me just actually show you I need to add a few more things to the base we have our cake mine here we have our laser tracks and another spinning sword trap along with some secret land mines all around the base Smokey look up ahead I think that's his next house look at him look at him I just saw him on top of the roof oh there he is hide underwater go underwater Kevin underwater oh he was building something oh oh oh monkey TNT wait I just heard an explosion go off what was that oh wait a second was that a mob okay is there anything else I could take oh my favorite my favorite you guys are gonna love this last trap I have prepped what the heck there's traps everywhere oh my gosh okay I'm on the island I'm on the island wait Kevin Kevin this scope's like real dangerous I'm gonna try and get underground yes yes yes yes yes watch out monkey wait oh my gosh what if I told you that I could literally bring crafting tables to life it's like a real life crafty I know the moment I craft this everything in here is going to get ridonculous okay so I'm seeing something crazy right here it's like these red particles I don't even know what this is I'm gonna go underground Kevin you stay above ground then we can try and like get into his house I'm gonna run through it ow dude it hurts oh look there's free diamond swords here oh oh God oh God oh flip oh flip oh flip oh flip go go go go go go go go go go oh look at it it's a real crafting table there's free diamond swords right here and they're just spinning in circles okay now my Escape Route is right over there I'm gonna place a few more mines right at the top here as long as I don't touch that wait a second oh wait Kevin's here you could oh yeah man I'm right under you what's up what's up Kevin look look Come See Come See Come See Come see you'll see what I'm talking about look free diamond swords wait what when did he get here oh no this isn't good this is not good this is not good I didn't even realize they were here wait I can't tell her these for free what the heck what the heck there's a crafting table here looking at me look whoa dude there's gold Source in the door what do you mean wait what is that it looks like you guys got by my living crafting table well I'm up here and if you want your teddy bear it's right here Kevin I'm coming up I'm going up I'm going up oh oh what the heck oh well oh no Kevin Sharp come back here give the teddy bear best of luck to you oh oh yeah ah dude it's literally a teddy bear just give me it back teddy bear I don't think so yeah I'm just gonna put one more of those down I think I might enjoy my time on the ocean again you know what Kevin here if you want it go and have it it's just a silly teddy bear anyways wait wait do Mr Boogie oh my God I got Mr Teddy I got Mr Teddy back I got him back I'm coming I'm coming oh my God Teddy Bear if you thought I was gonna give up Kevin's teddy bear that easily well let's just enable the last trap what's happening no what is happening look what the heck no no no what is going no I where am I what's happening oh
Channel: Shark
Views: 388,423
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, mcpe, shark, 09sharkboy, challenge, funny, minecraft pe, shark pe, minecraft mods, mods, Testing Minecraft House Hacks That Actually Work, Testing Minecraft Hacks, House Hacks, Building Hacks, Building Tricks Minecraft, Minecraft house hacks, House hacks Minecraft, Testing Minecraft, Testing Minecraft house hacks, Testing Minecraft house, Testing Minecraft house hack
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 11sec (671 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 06 2022
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