Playing Minecraft as a HELPFUL Golden Creeper

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my friend Kevin has been absolutely struggling beat Minecraft on his new world so today I just had to turn him into a helpful golden creeper to help him out of healing there's one two three four five six have it's been grinding aphmau videos recently and he's over there right now trying to summon in the golden creeper I go effect give zero nine Sharkboy invisibility I can actually fly over there and see what happens six that's six brosions on seven eight nine dude what the heck I literally watched aphmau do this a hundred times over wait hold on it turned gold at her video he thinks you can only summon in the golden creeper by using I think it's what health potions little this Kevin know if I go ahead and enable this Command right here I can become the golden creeper but everything's turning to Gold none of this makes sense why doesn't it work for me wait wait aphmau she's super super nice to the creeper so um hi creepers now if I go ahead and do this and select creeper come on this worked with aphmau did it I am now the golden creeper oh yo yo it's a gold creeper wait wait wait so it worked that was a steak the steak did it the only thing I know about Creepers is they love to destroy my builds and they blow everything up but this time it's an UNO reverse card I need to be a helpful one oh my goodness he's so I don't know why but when the creeper isn't green and he's gold he looks so cute hi buddy I I need help please help me out please with Kevin struggling to be Minecraft my role is the golden creeper is to help him out make him enjoy the game as much as possible can I can I get a Hello can I get a Hello no I I can't get a hello hello I'm I'm confused I thought this creeper could talk this is so weird I never expected to be playing Minecraft as a creeper bruv oh my gosh now if you think I'm doing a good deed to Kevin by helping him out in this video be sure to leave a like [Music] oh okay I'm gonna throw them I'm supposed to be an intelligent creeper with tons of IQ so I have to somehow play this one off freaking life before so we're going mining and you're gonna be my little Defender oh my gosh he's all about sharing that is so adorable okay come is this Kevin space bro what in the world is this this is awful oh my goodness all right come on come on in just just please come on let's just do some home decor Renovations okay this place is freaking ugly man believe me whoa wait yo yo yo hey call me TLC home renovations cause that's what we're doing here Kevin definitely thinks I'm griefing his face right now no what the heck that's not cool you're letting all my sheep out did he just destroy my base and leave walls diamond block this is oh what the um he's building by himself hello are we are we seeing the same thing right now am I losing my gang Mai right now okay now this looks a lot nicer in my opinion what did I do to deserve this well I'm a good person I probably think that's the reason why but look at this look at this and we will put the golden creeper egg there that's a little too far okay okay maybe maybe maybe one thing at a time okay now that I've tlc'd Kevin's entire house it's time to go into mission number one which is successfully bring Kevin on a Mining Adventure maybe one thing at a time okay where do you want to go where are we going you want to go mining now with my x-ray vision I already know that there's a massive mine shaft down here but we're gonna open it up because that's what helpful creepers do he built me a diamond house okay like I'm not saying I'm ungrateful but I mean I could get used to this okay hey hey come back here where are you going and there you go there's a pickaxe come on now come on why did you oh I think he wants to go I don't really want to do this you want me to jump okay ready I don't really know how Kevin expects to get down there it's literally a massive drop bro all right little buddy you ready to go ready three two one whoa whoa Kevin what are you doing what are you doing wait what water water water oh oh what oh my gosh I thought I was done I thought I was done what the heck oh my goodness bro seriously you can't just jump like that bro you would have been dead with that I mean okay I guess that's the job as the golden creeper am I right who are you why do you like me me so much you know what I like having a best friend in Minecraft whoa dude this mine shaft is massive there it's I'm a little bit nervous there's gonna be some scary things down here I will check first Kevin oh oh oh this is a little bit nerve-wracking oh why did you no no why did you do this okay wait okay creeper listen oh aha I saved you with my Creeper explosion Kevin rage for once is actually really nice he's a cool creeper I gotta give it to him I'm taking this entire chest here and while seeing as we're in the new year I feel like we gotta have to make a nice fresh start for him don't you agree I should give him a name Chad because she's uh I feel like he's a little bit of a chat if you don't know what I mean okay what other kind of mysteries are we gonna find in this cave this is literally gonna be the first time that I ever mine looks like Kevin's found his first set of diamonds yo being the golden creeper is actually kind of nice honestly I'm not gonna lie this is actually really cool I just wait with diamonds wait that's grapple with that Scrabble oh no no no oh my God Four Diamonds wait what happened oh my goodness we almost just died oh oh oh you just saved my life my fast Instinct saved us again let's go this is literally the most helpful creeper I've ever met in my entire thank you thank you oh my God wait how did that even happen bro the whole world just cut out from above us here here oh help I just kind of Saved Kevin again towards me no Kevin Kevin I'm coming I'm coming up Governor brovis I'm on my way I'm coming oh my God what the heck design go die oh my God oh my God are you alive we made it work what the heck is going on here okay he is bro what the world just happened oh my goodness are you okay I'm okay you're okay what bro what are you serious right now I don't I don't know what just happened but again you are the most helpful golden little creature I've ever met in my life you are actually way nicer than the golden creeper in half Masters video all challenge number one for Kevin was to go mining and get diamonds which we successfully have gotten now the next problem that's another golden creeper it's a phony no stay back stay back what the heck why did you do that oh my gosh stop it don't go near that thing I can't talk to him I'm literally a freaking Creeper I gotta get him to stay away from all these mobs and boom yes oh he's killing zombies no way Boom come on we gotta get out of this cave must kill zombies save me save me wait they're everywhere no stay back stay back come on we gotta go we gotta go where are we going oh we're going somewhere if Kevin dies at all in this video I literally have to give up my certificate of the golden creeper I mean aphmau would be so mad at me we're going this way okay say no more I'm way ahead of you there Mr creeper where are we going oh my God there's so many zombies I gotta stop them somehow bro this is insane oh my God how many are there this is not even natural generation of Minecraft bro do something do something somebody's messing with me this is actually nuts oh we got another problem here Mr creeper hey Mr creeper we got we kind of got a lava wall here I'm hiding right here oh my God wait there's a lava wall wait no no no no no no no no no no hold up hold up hold up we're going okay I guess we're still going what the heck is going on are you gonna take care of those guys or uh big shark think shark think I don't know what to do we're doomed we're literally doomed oh oh oh oh wait wait oh yes yes yes let's go what the heck did the awards there was an entire wall come on we gotta get out of here we gotta get out of here go Kevin go Kevin go swim up oh okay you got magic magical powers oh my gosh being a golden creepers one of the hardest jobs I've ever had to do this is difficult this is difficult I'm so lost that's Minecraft world is super duper easy Kevin has walked over to the Village here and it seems like he wants to do some villager trades in reality when you have the golden creeper with you I can do all the trades for you in a slightly more gruesome way Emerald wait what's he doing wait this villager is offering 20 weave for one Emerald don't you ever scam my client like that freaking farmer Franklin bro come on come on all right what do you gotta trade me 20 wheat okay see that's that's more doable that's that makes a lot more sense I can just do this kill at e all of them die now if I just go ahead and grab this wait what did what did you do hey what no where are the villagers yeah you could have all the emeralds now Okay Kevin there you go you don't don't ever trade with the Villager again okay they're gone don't question where they went either they are where are the villagers this this makes zero sense why are you doing this it's completely normal what just happened am I right and if you think it's normal everybody watching has to subscribe right now here take a stick hold on they're all gold but they all stop why why are you like this like why are you different I can't even touch them he's probably going nuts right now wait wait wait what's happening oh my gosh everybody get inside what's happening what's happening okay you need to take these blocks get inside everybody take these blocks right now you need to hide Kevin oh my God wait it's a raid it's happening right now okay something's about to go down here ladies and gentlemen and I don't think it's gonna be good yo what why are there so many of them okay yep they're all looking at me where's my golden creeper friend at oh God oh God oh God okay I gotta do what I can best uh Kevin you need to hide there you go stay in the house tell me to go inside oh my God oh my God I could only do what I get best what are you doing oh my goodness kill him get up come on [Music] leave you're doing great creeper let's go I'm helping Kevin allowed I am how big and last but not least Dusty to get rid of the raid base don't mind me yeah I missed all of okay not what I had in mind blowing up half of the hemisphere here but it's okay you know what that was actually kind of cool it's now time to go to the end now that I protected Kevin from the Villager raid there's only one more mission on my to-do list okay we have made it to the stronghold and thankfully because I'm the golden creeper and I have infinite amounts of locks I can literally enable the portal myself who is this why did you throw and now it is time for us to fight the Ender dragon or a while better yet probably just me go oh okay I'm going oh why did he jump in first ah okay what what no okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay let's just go ahead and just do this didn't know that was an option but all right let's beat the freaking Ender Dragon I guess oh okay you know I kind of don't want to tell Kevin the golden creeper is just me because I'm sure he's having a blast with this right now oh we're speed bridging though cool Bailey we're playing Bed Wars now so that's fun okay now it's time to take out the dragon thankfully for me because I'm the golden creeper I can do pretty much anything I want just look down we don't want want any beef we don't want any beef bro what the heck what is this guy doing and if I just look up there I can find the end Crystal time to beat up the Ender Dragon oh boom boom boom oh my goodness I can't wait dude he's how is he doing all this bro hello oh yo I'm doing damage okay now it's time to kill the dragon the hardest part of all of this this is me this is me I'm doing damage to the Ender Dragon oh gosh stay back stay back Enderman you must not be around I'm confused do we wait for the Miss Ender Dragon to come down now oh I don't want to look anybody in the eyes here second I look somebody in the eyes that's what it's oh Kevin oh my gosh is he actually gonna go for it I shouldn't we just make him feel good about this one oh I gotta get rid of that Crystal oops and uh you know what oh wait oh I did it I did it I literally did that and just like that Kevin has killed the Ender Dragon no no no no no it's my XP I want it I want all of the XP this is all mine however the golden creeper can't live on forever as we all know oh my God thank you so much you are literally it is time for me to depart the greatest thing to ever happen to me in all of Minecraft no no no no no go click right here to watch my newest video I'll see you in the next one
Channel: Shark
Views: 703,513
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, mcpe, shark, 09sharkboy, challenge, funny, minecraft pe, shark pe, minecraft mods, mods, Playing Minecraft as a HELPFUL Golden Creeper, playing minecraft as gold creeper, golden creeper, gold creeper, golden creeper minecraft, minecraft golden creeper, minecraft gold creeper, golden creeper in minecraft
Id: EOTvr8s7vgE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 21sec (741 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 03 2023
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