Testing Natural Disasters In Minecraft To See If I Survive

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in exactly five minutes a disaster that'll wipe out our world is striking we need to build bunkers to survive it listen natural disasters are no joke at all hence the reason why I'm gonna take this seriously we need the strongest blocks in Minecraft to reinforce our base to make sure that nothing is going to break through now I don't want my base to be freaking massive the bigger the bass the more flaws that could happen so small and sturdy is what we're looking to do I've been watching a ton of videos on YouTube about storm chasing in Minecraft and this gave me an idea shark and Mogi are now preparing to defend against a storm but that seems very silly because storm can't really do much to you okay but that's all besides the point we need to create a centralized HQ system that we can use for our base when times get tough okay now we don't want to make this too big the bigger you make your base the easier you are to be caught by a storm like everybody knows this this isn't this is Rule one of the Storm Chasers handbook since this dragon egg represents my life of course I I have to be careful of it so of course I'm gonna make a really cool base for it I'm just gonna go around here and kind of place obsidian in a jagged order to create a cool looking fence but of course this is only the outer part of the base so it's gonna look way cooler as well and we gotta have an entrance right here an iron door of a heavy pressure plate let's go and now we can start the house in a real case of a natural disaster some of these bunkers allow humans to survive for years and years on end I mean bro there's literally a bunker with a freaking water park in it bro come on if we're gonna be stuck in here for an extended period of time we need to make sure we can survive so Step One is obviously we need some sort of farming crop so what I'm gonna do we're gonna Add Water right here I'm thinking glowstone could be our artificial light because we're not gonna have direct access to the sun let's go ahead and plant those seeds we want to conserve how much space we got here let's see we can even fence this off very nice that looks good for down here I think this is okay but on our Second Story I think we need to reinforce this a little bit more more you know something tells me up here is going to be penetrated and it's not gonna be too good let's do another layer of glass right there that looks pretty good now up here I wanted to build some sort of emergency tower that we could go to just in case just in case we had to I'm not gonna lie this is looking really juicy let's use a wall of ancient debris yo and we put our Dragon right there with some tint the glass above it so no one can see it and then of course let's get our irregular stuff and just you know fill up the base make it look nice last but very not least we need to put down our dragon egg because if this thing breaks that means we technically lost it let's make sure that doesn't happen hey shark it looks like you're uh I know on a one make up for something [Music] fire tornado oh God no no no no no I'm being pulled up in the sky somewhere no I just watched a YouTube video about this yesterday these are called twisty turny flaming flaming are you okay yeah I'm okay why what's wrong oh God I'm terrified I'm terrified I'm terrified no no I'm literally being pulled up at the moment oh God guys uh I can't get down to my water pool that I had set up I didn't know there's disasters called a fire tornado oh no burn that burn that there we go yes oh come on get into my safety Bank no get it my safety Bank yes as long as I stay in this corner nothing can go wrong right wait a second yo uh your eyes you guys need look at this this is massive bro I actually read about these online these are actually called a Magna turbo blocks and you don't want to touch these because if you do they explode into a million pieces Kevin I'll give you 300 Skittles if you touch them run the Skittles my boy okay it didn't blow up maybe I got my facts wrong but hey I I do need to point out one thing I did make it what do you need to point out exactly bigger is not always better and uh my bass seems in a lot better condition oh yes that's a weight guys I hear a siren wait I I thought we would have time to rebuild uh oh oh no oh no we don't have time oh oh my gosh oh my gosh oh okay I took a lot of damage there guys but I think I'm okay but is my tower okay oh my tower is um questionable that's that's the word we're using right now it's questionably okay we went from a fire tornado to a freaking tsunami now who am I kidding if you guys were in a Minecraft natural disaster what kind of Base would you build and the best comment down below I'm gonna pin you now gentlemen it seems like our bases have gone through a little bit of Destruction so I'm gonna give us all five minutes to go ahead and rebuild a little bit and the next natural disaster is so dangerous um we're probably not going to survive speak for yourself so you have five minutes good luck what's better than a natural disaster base above ground oh yes of course it happens to be one underground and while I plan on building a base that is a perfect bunker somewhere super far down on the ground where I mean virtually no disaster can hit me unless it was some sort of uh I don't know hey in coal or something alright well this is an absolute disaster because everything's underwater let's go ahead and drain this I'm actually putting my base underwater isn't that bad of an idea let's go ahead and remove all the water I'm gonna go to the middle of my base and I'm gonna do a spare of glass around my whole base hopefully that'll add protection we had an idea and the idea was pretty grandulous okay we're gonna search sponge okay we don't need a wet sponge we need a regular sponge now the reason we need a regular sponges I'm not a fan of water guys look at this oh oh whoa what happened to the water oh what happened to the water the whole thing is we're gonna be covering the entire base in sponges because sponges make water go away and I'm not gonna lie in this time of need I I think that's something a very very very sustainable quality what the oh that's just Smokey okay yeah wait a second mogi's covering his base in water what okay that's kind of 200 IQ I mean I could do the same no don't mind if I do I'm just gonna um you know just Place some water down just uh I'm inspired by mogi's creation as you can tell let's just say I'm confident nothing is touching my base Kevin I have one genuine concern for you what's up with all these trees ah let me tell you my friend uh so natural disasters stem from Mother Nature do they not uh yes yeah so instead of using materials from Mother Nature I decided to expand on Mother Nature's happiness and plan a hundred million trees you think this is gonna stop a a natural disaster from like uh you know destroying your entire base shark dude fly up fly up what do you see I see a man-made glass Dome that's your sponge cake with trees on it is what I see exactly I see love and affection okay yep all right you know what uh oh I hear the siren everybody get in their faces go okay you know what forget that I'm going right down to my bunker this is an earthquake guys which means it's about to get really really bad really really fast no no I'm being pulled up the ladder guys I'm being pulled up the ladder I'm not my hands are off the keyboard okay there we go if everybody leaves a like on this video I will actually survive this round okay please I'm not even touching the keyboard I can't move at all right now bro oh what was that noise what was that noise wait the ground around you becomes unstable oh my dragon egg hey buddy how you doing stay right there don't move where are my trees is that a sinkhole what is nothing's happening to me nothing's happening to me either but there was a sinkhole right in the middle of oh my gosh that is deep there's no way the guys are surviving this right now there's no flipping way bro oh my gosh and this isn't even hello oh hey I think we're safe that was not as bad as I thought hey we're actually doing pretty good so far oh my gosh you know guys you're welcome Mother Nature over here okay okay uh you know what I think it's time we get a really big disaster to come I'm up in my tower now boys I can see your bases wait shark where did your where's your protective layer of water go wait oh my gosh my water wait wait wait wait wait wait falling stars I can't I can't exactly look up wait what's that noise what's that noise I'm going downstairs oh yeah you know what maybe I should too maybe I should too oh all I can hear is oh my gosh oh my gosh what I died oh my God wait what dude look at those things oh my gosh bro look at this are these falling stars yeah they are wait they're falling from another planet when they landed on our bases for what my base is not even existent anymore yeah Kev what happened to Mother Nature saving your base look what clever bases are gone no no no no who was littering somebody littered today somebody did you letter I I didn't I didn't litter guys um no I did not my coffee cup is is actually right here funny you say that um yeah you know what I need to do for the final round yeah to repent with Mother Nature and send her my deepest and most gracious apologies and I'm gonna win all right ladies and gentlemen it is now time for the final round we have five minutes the rebuild now listen as you guys can tell Bedrock was completely untouched in my base so I think it's only fair that we secretly make our base entirely out of Bedrock now from the outside I'm gonna make it look like it's made out of dirt so the guys don't actually realize that I have a freaking base made out of Bedrock why are we building up we're gonna build up until we hit like the top I want to be able to see shark and mogi's base little beans they're gonna be little ants they won't even know what to do with a real storm Hunter like myself I can speak to Mother Nature let's just put a bunch of blast Shields above our base because it's pretty much still intact I can just put these blast Shields here to catch anything trying to blow me up from above and that would be pretty good okay okay all I need to do now is put down some doors one right here there we go looks juicy baby oh my gosh look at this guys our base is freaking tiny but that's okay Kevin what kind of tower is that wait what is that dude it's a dirt Shack it's beautiful because uh dirt is as you would say actually dirt is Mother Nature's beautiful creation so now you're learning you're learning okay never mind I take that back all right gentlemen the biggest and scariest storm is on the way best of luck to the best storm prepper everybody in survival mode Let's Get it which room should I watch this storm from you know what I'm gonna I'm gonna go to room dates flashing oh a supernova event is starting right now guys and as you know a supernova is the most dangerous thing ever but jokes on the guys I will survive if I just run run for my life oh I can see it bye
Channel: Shark
Views: 238,953
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, mcpe, shark, 09sharkboy, challenge, funny, minecraft pe, shark pe, minecraft mods, mods, Testing Natural Disasters In Minecraft To See If I Survive, natural disasters minecraft, minecraft natural disasters, natural disaster in minecraft, minecraft natural disaster mod, minecraft disaster mod
Id: aJNjC0Y2cQA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 17sec (677 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 30 2023
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