Testing: Is It Truth Or Error

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Oh [Music] you are the fire that burns [Music] I'll probably make some mother usually come in late I'll make some other announcements at the end I want to open it up with we've been getting some really blessed emails and this one's from just doing all the remnants all over the world these guys are from River Falls they watch us on YouTube yay Barbara and Paul yes but this is from Nerissa's from Bristol UK England dear past Roberta thank you so much for sharing your sermons online thanks to Mark and all you my husband and I listen regularly there's a lot of witchcraft and mysticism coming into the churches here in Bristol England there are people offering prophetic readings and other practices which are more like New Age practices unfortunately many of these things are being endorsed by well established churches your messages have helped to stay close to God's Word and in prayer as we navigate the deceptions where they are coming into the churches that we know and we love isn't this so true makes it just makes your heart hurt we thank God that you speak the truth may God bless you your family and your church from Bristol UK isn't that awesome and we get a lot of those from different places and also one from California I didn't bring it I was but same thing everyone and everyone's saying our churches have been invaded and nobody wants to talk about it well today we're going to talk about you know last week we talked about the counterfeit revival and people are saying revival is coming but in the Bible it says there's a great falling away coming so we have to test the spirits and today I'm going to talk about testing is it truth or is it error now if you think about Jesus when he was tempted of the devil he would always say it is written well what the enemy wants to do is he wants to rewrite it is rewritten he wants to water down the Bible the gospel get it acceptable to the world get it acceptable to the unchurched where it basically becomes nothing and the power that we know and love Jesus is the word he is the way he is the truth years of life and I want you to just no matter where you go you have to as a believer you are responsible for testing spirits did you know that when you stand before God he's gonna say did you do what I said test all things now when we go to the grocery store a lot of us look at labels don't we we don't want to just eat stuff that we shouldn't now you I want to warn you now you're going to have to when you listen to anyone including me anyone you've got to listen for the ingredients what kind of a spirit is your spiritual life is very vital to you and your family what you listen to it's little leaven leavens the whole lump and this is what this whole new world religion that's creeping in through famous people and great big preachers if you don't know what the truth is you're gonna be sucked in and you we don't want to go to be a part of the harlot Church the Bible says don't join her he says come out come out from among stir so we have to know what to look for what ingredients what's a flag how do I know if because this is the thing the enemy is into identity theft you know what identity theft is he wants to steal God's identity so you know there was a show that I used to watch way back when I was a little girl I think it was truth to Tao to tell the truth or something and they had three peep how to tell the truth yeah and they had three people and they said my name is Rick house no my name is Rick house no I'm Rick house and the person had to decide who was really telling the truth well the devil's doing that I'm a Christ I'm of Christ I followed Jesus I preached the word this is how dangerous it's getting in Matthew 24 he talks about earthquakes what's the sign of my coming famine but he talks about deception four times so four times means that it's going to be everywhere and he said even the elect if it could be but we the only reason why we can't be is if we cling not just start with the word are you going to continue it's not a matter of if a preacher was good at one time are they content newing in the truth right recipes change you know used to go to Benihana and get the yum-yum sauce it was great you go now it's like it changed a little you know same thing with the preaching things change they get watered down they get altered and we have to stay with remember in all the warnings I've given you don't add to the Bible and don't take away one other way you can test the spirit just off we're coming to me now is a lot of these preachers now are saying you don't need to preach out of the Old Testament there's a lot of things in the Old Testament that expose false teachers there's and then you don't need to worry about prophecy you know don't forget about the Book of Revelations no we take the whole truth we don't throw parts away that we don't know we let God reveal them but we don't say you don't need how dare anyone say that you don't need this and you don't need that it's God's Word and another adding to it I've shared with you in the passion Bible and also the message Bible as above so below finding a lot of stuff I did not know and I'm coming out of this just like you guys are we're learning as we go so everyone say no condemnation but let's grow okay so 1st Corinthians 14 8 says for if the trumpet give an uncertain sound who shall prepare himself for the battle God calls his ministers trumpeters we're supposed to blow a trumpet in Zion we're supposed to sound the alarm that's a sign of war so if we don't have preachers that are declaring warnings watchings how are we going to know what to prepare for and I want to kind of pick up where I left off last week but the tests remember that the devil comes as an angel of light identity theft would be to sign that he's Jesus before he returns this is one of the signs is the he's going to say he's Christ so what he's going to come in the midst of Christians so it's going to come very very deceptive so we have to be alert and because we know what to watch for there's some safety right says God doesn't want his children to be deceived and I believe he's going to have people warning and blowing the trumpet until he comes doesn't mean they're gonna be heard doesn't mean they're gonna be liked doesn't mean they're gonna be listened to but God always has a people so first Thessalonians it says it's our responsibility to prove all things to test the spirits to be discerning not to be asleep like again these false prophets that come in and that what they say is wonderful in the beginning and there's nothing really you can find fault with but continue in their doctrines continue to see are they leading you to the Lord are they leading you to materialism do they talk just about themselves self-promotion is it all about them some preachers I just like I don't want to hear that one more story about that themselves they're not leading you to the Lord they're glorifying themselves it's very subtle but that's all they can do is really promote themselves so we got to learn just being sincere isn't going to save us it's knowing the truth it's knowing the truth studying your Bible reading your Bible get with people that love the word talk about the word get you know get back to loving your Bible not just a preacher that talks it in just scripture puts a few scriptures here and there for their favorite doctrines they like to cover it's the whole gospel amen because we don't want to be deceived into supporting the spiritual counterfeit who actually come in the name of Christ they're not going to come any other way than but the name of Christ so you have to know this is in the middle of us this is going to happen amongst us they're going to be creping it creeping in unawares so a couple of questions that we asked last week I want to repeats but repeated and then add a couple more where is the church heading why is new revelation by so-called prophets and apostles saying their revelations their dreams their visions are more relevant more from the Lord than his written word red-flag if somebody's always given you a dream and what the Lord says this is a good way to deceive people is to say I'm a prophet and now pretty soon you're so hooked up into me that no I'm the next dream what's your next dream what's the next vision rather than reading what the word says were hooked into sensationalism we're into I'm plugged into that prophet that's a very dangerous place to be when we're hooked more into men which is actually called idolatry then we're hooked into God so where is the church heading why are Christians only being prepared for blessings and not for persecution the true church is going to go through some trouble the worldly false church is going to be glamorized popularized it's going to be humongous in the end times but the Bible says that if they hated me they're gonna hate you right you need to tell your kids and your grandkids prepare for persecution people aren't gonna like you it's okay be content with who you are what you know buta to be a disciple part of the cost picking up your cross deny your flesh pick it up and what follow him doesn't say the world's gonna love you in fact it says in first John 4 6 we are of God he that knoweth God heareth us he that is not of God heareth us not hereby we know the Spirit of Truth and the spirit of error why have we put men on platforms and worship Christian leaders Jeremiah 17:5 curse it is a man that trusteth in man all men are simply nothing but messengers from God but we are not to put any man on a pedestal I don't care what if you're Catholic whatever you are we are not to put any man in the place of God or call him father we have one father makes flesh his arm and whose heart depart us from the Lord putting any man in the place of God is idolatry what we can call it Christian idolatry why are evangelicals talking of revival and not warning us of the great falling away the biggest endtime issue in Matthew 24 is deception where the love of many shall wax cold and people love the earthly sugar-coated preaching that makes you feel so good but we know the chastisement of the Lord doesn't feel good sometimes but it's the best thing for us if the true Jesus was hated and persecuted why do his followers expect anything less why his entertainment and secular movies become the focus rather than prayer meetings getting people to teach them how to when kids are young you can mold them and that's why they want to get all the youth to get the youth and get them into the world get them focused on Helle wood yeah get them focused on all these things rather than the things of God they want the things of the world to creep in and now they're using their churches to have movie nights and they have clips of sermons from the world you know why because the gospel just doesn't say it right we got to get the world in that's subtly coming in to a lot of these churches now and you know what it's a spirit of error why have we talked ourselves out of the end times because mana these preachers say everything's just give me a seed and everything's going to be blessed you can have whatever you want just dream it dream it dream it the Bible says there's coming perilous times and preachers need to prepare the true Christian for the warfare that's coming there is persecution it's already here for people that stand and don't you know the laws that are being passed that if you believe all it's called hate speech now matthew 24:9 then shall they deliver you to be afflicted and shall kill you and you shall be hated of all nations why for my name's sake why because it's a narrow way but the wide rotors will say you're the problem whenever you try to correct an error they always come back and say you're the problem why are Christians abandoning their faith in the Bible and joining ecumenical movements I shared with this last week Maine named a bunch of names and it's just a tiny drop in the bucket of what's what's here I can't even name all of the ones that are hooked up to this ecumenical one-world religion so you have to know the signs and you're gonna have to discern for yourself universalism unity with all religions the calling of all the sister churches and the Protestants to come back to the Catholic Church the name of love unity and peace I shared some of that with you last week if you didn't hear that message you need to because people say oh it's not going to bother me it's infecting everything it's infecting every Church it's infecting everything that we are living in now this movement it's the one world religion and it has to come you can't pray this away it's in the Book of Revelations it's the Beast so we have to know wow this is on our watch we got to adjust we have to prepare we have to adjust this doesn't mean we don't love people we love Allah how many have been deceived before thank God he's brought us out of deception and I believe he's going to bring more people out of deception but we have to have mature voices that have been that have lived a while and say this is not right it might look good it sounds wonderful it really gets your flesh going but what's underneath this gospel where's this emergent church going I'll tell you where it's going it's emerging right into Rome it's emerging because they believe that everything has to come under the Catholic Church that's their the goal of the one world religion now everyone say test the spirits what is that word test means it means to evaluate or to examine there's a story about Billy he was an engineer and he was sent to Ireland for two years he had to be transported there for his job and he had to stay there for two years and his girlfriend back home Irene had to wait she was preparing they were gonna get married when he got back but as the week's went by she started doubting if he was being faithful to her he's like wow there's so many beautiful women over there I wonder if he's being faithful so she expressed her doubts and her fears to Billy her fiance and he admitted he was tempted but he said I fight it and I'm keeping myself pure for you so in the next mail he receives a harmonica in the mail and she said I wrote you you can learn Irene wrote she said you can learn to play it and have something to take your mind off those girls Billy replied thank you I'm practicing it every night thinking of you so after two years it's time for them to meet it's time for them to see each other so Billy's at the airport and all her parents are there the families are there and Billy starts running up to her her to embrace her and to give her a kiss and she said hey whole before any serious hugging or kissing I want you to play the harmonica she wanted to test him she wanted to see did he really keep his mind on me or not amen we need to prove all things by the word of God all churches all teaching all ministers all doctrines these are our marching orders if it can abide the fire of the Bible receive hold believe and obey it if not reject renounce and cast it away a minister who does not honor the Bible is as useless as a soldier without arms or a builder without tools or a pilot without a compass to preach the word our Bible is our tool so if a preacher doesn't use the Bible I heard this guy on god TV said I'm tired of sermons I'm not going to be preaching sermons anymore suddenly little by little they're replacing Bible the Bible preaching and teaching with other things entertainment to get the young people focused on having visitations and having encounters with actually what happens is it's not the Living God they're having encounters with its familiar spirits and spirits of divination that are coming in in the name of Christ and they're all coming in now not to hear the word but they're coming in to have an experience this is happening everywhere some profess to be tired of all religious controversy and are ready to sacrifice God's truth for the sake of peace and unity second John 10:11 said if someone doesn't bring tooth don't receive him into your home don't welcome or you'll share in his evil works God will call us one with them we are not to be a partaker of these false doctrines people are saying now it doesn't matter what you believe put away your doctrines we're all centered on the social gospel it's all about helping others and doing all this and that but eventually what happens if you look down the road and what's happened in other countries it's it'll be illegal to share your faith it'll be illegal for you to be able to convert someone out of their religion into yours identity identity theft the deliberate use of someone else's using someone else's identity uses someone else's personal data so the devil will quote the Bible this is why it's hard he will say to Jesus well don't you have angels it'll it'll take care of you I mean he knows the word and this is why we think well they preach the word so in these hours in this day of the endtime Church we have to know our Bibles we cannot just be deceived by a sprinkling of a scripture here and there that sounds good okay because the enemy is using identity theft and he's using the Lord's personal data that involves deception because the devil can't use his real name and he can't really expose his agenda his agenda is deception that's why he comes as an angel of light and that's why he comes through false prophets and false prophets are not new they've always been around and the Bible says in Jeremiah the people love to have it so so we don't want just to hear from another prophet that's it's taking us away from the Bible discernment is really really important in this hour here again testing the spirits you have to know that they're calling good evil now and the Bible says this is going to happen in Isaiah 5:20 whoa unto them that call evil good and good evil that put darkness for light and light for darkness that put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter in the first book of Kings God comes to Solomon in a dream and he asks him if he can have anything what he wants what can what does he want and he replies in first Kings 3:5 he asked for discernment he wants to be able to discern the difference between what is good and bad between good and evil and God said this is a good thing therefore thy servant an understanding heart to judge thy people that I may discern between in bed and the Lord said because Louis asked this thing and has not asked for thyself long life neither has thou asked for riches for thyself that should show you right there a false prophets always and it talks about does reading in Daniel they're gonna be full of merchandise and wealth in the end times false prophets are gonna have lots of money so you can't just judge something by the outer appearance saying well that's got to be a true man of God because look at all the stuff he's got remember it's Antichrist and this is the god of this world he's got a lot of control of the money of this world so we can't be deceived by what things look like so God said because you didn't ask for riches for yourself or nor has you asked the lie for the enemies but you've asked for understanding God was well-pleased so he's well pleased with us if we ask him for discernment Lord we want to know the signs of the time keep us from deception so I want to give you a few red flags here to test because we are not ignorant of the devil's devices he's got devices if you hate deception and evil and try to expose it you're a hater it's what they're gonna say you're the hater you got to get this clear because in the end times the reason why they're going to hate you the Bible says they're going to deliver you they're gonna hate you is because you stand and you won't compromise on the word so now you are labeled the hater prepare for this get ready for it the fear of the Lord is to hate evil so we have to fear the Lord what does that mean we love what God loves and we hate what God hates proverbs 8:13 and have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness but rather reprove or expose them so now as we call things out you're gonna be the one that they're gonna say is a false prophet so this is reverse whatever you call it it's like the that truth you know that game truth where the guy was hiding and behind another person's identity he was trying so hard to pretend he was the real so he's blaming these other people see and that's what the enemy is gonna do he's coming as a theft agent so he's gonna always try to put the focus on you are the problem you contend for the faith you'll say you are contentious but the Bible says beloved when I gave all diligence to write unto you of the common salvation it was needful to me to write unto you and exhort you that you should earnestly contend for the faith which was once delivered unto the Saints Jude 1:3 if you sound an alarm they're gonna call you an alarmist blow you the trumpet in Zion sound an alarm in my holy mountain let all the inhabitants of the land tremble if when he see if the sword comes upon the land he blows the trumpet and warn the people God's gonna make his servants declare if I'm if people don't de say anything I'm beginning to think they're part of the problem because true preachers have to warn they have to tell this is happening now in the body of Christ it's not oh I think so it's no these have wolves are overtaking the flock people are being sheared their faith is oh I guess God doesn't love me he didn't give me a Mercedes I guess this didn't happen for me we were so caught up in all this materialism that had nothing to do with the Bible if you try to expose heresy you're gonna be called a heresy hunter but the Bible says there were false prophets among the people even so there will be false teachers among you who bring in what damnable heresies 2nd Peter 2:1 and have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness but whether what do you do you reprove them how do you reprove them you bring them out into the light you say this is being taught but it's wrong we've been talking on the witchcraft coming into the Church of the New Age movement coming into the church all the emphasis is on self just you do it you do it you do it it's it's not in resting in the Lord walking with God and living and abiding in his spirit and resting in him it's all that you have to do it's all the focus is you you you I like one of the guys that I've been listening to so he had a seminar said be still and know you are not Christ because the the new movements are you are a christ we're all Christ we're all one that's part of that New Age stuff the Shaq movie you didn't catch it that's all the whole movie was we are one we are this is Christ that is Christ if you don't know the New Age you won't get the red flags if you name the names of false teacher now you are a name caller but the Bible names names Alexander the coppersmith second Timothy 1:5 all these different names second Timothy two seventeen eighteen if you exercise righteous judgment you are considered judgmental you see how the the whole thing is switching it's flipping they're calling you evil now for standing on the Bible now you have to know this is going to this is happening now it's going to happen and decay once decay starts it doesn't reverse this stuff is in our churches now it spread like a gangrene thank God some people are going to come out of it but they aren't going to come out if we don't have voices that tell them this is not the gospel you are not being prepared you are not being a disciple of Christ you're being led astray if you separate yourself from the things of the world you are a separatist and into separation this is what they're going to call you and I shared with you about the Alice Bailey thing that they have actually a time of separation the people that won't go along with the peace and the unity they call you the cancer they say you have to be eliminated this happened in Nazi this has already happened in different places of the world wherefore come out from amongst them and be ye separate saith the Lord and touch not the unclean thing and I will receive you if you think the way is narrow they call you narrow-minded one of the guys that I used to pastor in my other church he said boy you sure are getting narrow and I said well you sure are getting wide now he's reading he's reading all these books on all these different gods and I was like how can you be so confused you started off right because Strait is the gate narrow is the way which leadeth unto life what does it say whew few there be that find it Matthew 7:14 don't expect it to be a great big huge thing if it's truly God it's not going to be unfortunately I am the way the truth the life no man cometh unto the Father except by me if you think Jesus is the way the only way you're exclusive and your school sophistic and you are way off you're going to be persecuted because the the one world when found they have a sign out here ecumenical movement is all everybody is welcomed well yes everyone is welcomed but we have to do it God's Way we don't get to choose and rewrite the Bible because we don't like parts of it then I would ask you who are you to rewrite the Bible who are we to write sermons that contradict what Jesus said there will be a day we stand before him and we have to answer to what we've said if you mark those which cause divisions contrary to doctrine you're divisive it says Romans 16 now I beseech you brethren mark them name them which cause divisions and offences what contrary to the doctrine they're saying now that doctrine doesn't matter it's just love doctrine does matter I mean no Jesus died for this doctrine if you weren't about deception now you're the deceiver this message that I was listening to last week about the revival that was coming with this ecumenical movement with all these famous preachers they said we're gonna have to deal with it they call the people that are not joining the deceptive ones the deceiver ones so I've already been seeing this just in a little bit of time I've been studying this that's like wow and if this is just the beginning think of five 10 years 15 years down the road we're just starting the the beginning of it now okay let me wind down with a couple other things here testing the spirits by aw Towser he said many tender minded Christians fear to sin against love by daring to inquire into anything that comes wearing the cloak of Christian and breeding the name of Jesus they dare not examine the credentials of the latest prophet to hit their town lest they be guilty of rejecting something which may be of God gullibility is not some sonoma it's synonymous with spirituality try the spirits is a command of the holy spirit to the church if the Antichrist will indeed pretend to be the Christ that his followers must be Christians I think of that that's from Dave Hunt Global Peace in the rise of the Antichrist it will be broad enough for all the world's faiths face to come apart come on come on be a part of us why are so many declaring the era of single Savior the single Savior is over we need a new Reformation you've been hearing this started pretty much when I started seeing it was with Robert Schuller self-esteem we need a new Reformation Rick Warren hooked up with Robert Schuller there's a whole lot of his teachings they're duplicate on the course of miracles sprinkled with Christianity we have to know this stuff because this is in the midst of us right now a new reformation of the Christian Church to their call for a new spirituality new thoughts and ideas a new spiritual model and a new peace plan do a study in a research of what God says when they say peace peace he gives us a warning about that peace peace sudden destruction shall come the ecumenical movement is a denial of biblical truth that Jesus is the only Savior and that all must believe on him or be lost forever don't add to that that religion should now tear down the walls of divisions and exclusivity for the greater goal of world peace the Pope has declared Christians must work with all others religions to secure peace Isaiah 57 2 says there is no peace to the wicked one you might not know is Mother Teresa she declares if in coming face to face with God we accept him in our lives then we become a better hindu a better Muslim a better Catholic and a better whatever we are what God is in your mind you must accept sorry she might add a lot of good works that's false doctrine I wouldn't say ouch all ooh yeah it's a counterfeit gospel we're told to expose false prophets and false teachers not to study under them spiritually join them and further their plans something that Spurgeon said I wouldn't have enough guts to say this but he did he said Christ did not die for the Pope to be glorified Christ did not die for the Pope to be glorified Christ did not redeem his church with his blood that the Pope might come in and steal away the glory he never came from heaven to earth and poured out his very heart that he might purchase his people so that a poor sinner a mere man should be set upon high to be admired by all the nations and to call himself God's representative on earth the Lord Jesus Christ has always been and always will be the head of his church that is the Spirit of Truth anyone else that comes to you and says the opposite spirit of error okay let me close with this think I'm close in here yeah in Matthew 833 you know when Jesus was telling Peter that he had to go to the cross and what did Jesus do he tested the spirit that was coming through Peter Jesus himself tested spirits and what did he do he rebuked Peter and he said Peter you are not what did he say exactly although Peter had moments before declared Jesus O Lord he turned from God's perspective and viewed the situation's from man's perspective which brought about the stern rebuke get behind me Satan Jesus went on to explain you do not have in mind that things of God but the things of men so he rebukes him because he knew he had to die and go to the cross but Peters telling him not to now if he would have listened to that he would have gotten in the soul of course he was focused and he wasn't going to had to let him know the spirit you're listening to is not from God you are savoring the things that be of men and that's what happens to us so many times if we are led to our feelings and we're led to emotions and we're led to just thoughts we're always going to be earthly sensual and devilish he sent His Word it's powerful so we get connected to his way of thinking so there's times we have to know I got to test this it sounds good what Peter said sounds good yeah let's let's let's find another way you know I'm saying so if we have to test spirits know that Jesus did too right but know this and I thought this was good not only are we testing the spirits in these end times but God's testing us you are going to be able to follow whoever you want to follow and inside of that following and that testing it's going to show what you really want let me give you the scripture the children of Israel were warned about testing people and for them that false was given to test them Deuteronomy 13 one through five if a prophet arises among you or a dreamer of dreams and gives you a sign or a wonder and the sign or the wonder he foretells to you comes to pass and if he says let us go after other gods which you have not known and let us serve them you shall not listen to the words of that prophet or the dreamer of dreams for the Lord our God is testing you to know whether you love the Lord your God with all your heart mind and soul and your entire being you shall walk after the Lord your God and fear Him and keep his Commandments and obey his voice you shall serve Him and cling to him there's many other gods coming in the name of God gods of prosperity gods of entertainment all these things are to break your focus now it's not that we don't like some of these things we all love to have fun and all this and that but there's a time we need to get serious about the things of God because there's huge discernment that's needed in this hour of great deception and I'm going to close with a couple questions that you need to ask yourself because God's testing all of us do you like smooth ear tickling preachers that speak unto you smooth things do you like him to prophesy deceit or lies in his name you like to hear just about visions and divination in Jeremiah 23 16 he said these false visions and divination what do they do they puff you up have you ever been around people that so-called have a word from God and all does this lift up that man puffed that person up I've had it myself it's grievious it's like all the attentions put on you all the focus is put on you anybody can say thus saith the Lord it doesn't mean it's God do you like preachers that preach gain is godliness first Timothy 6 3 through 5 from such what does it say turn away false teachers are the great worshipers of the golden calf Jeremiah 613 it's all about the money false teachers it's all about fame fortune and money you have to know this so that when you're in the middle of a test to see it just say is this something that's trying to cause me to get more worldly you know or is this sugar coating is it tickling me is it puffing me up because the fear of God will humble you the fear of God makes you know it's not about you it's about him it's about his kingdom it's about serving other people lastly 1st Timothy 2:5 for where for there is one God one mediator between God and man and that man is Jesus Christ thank God for other people in our lives and leaders and speakers but never let any preacher minister rabbi whatever it is you listen to never put them as your mediator I got to go through them to get to God no we said Jesus Christ is the only way to go right so people are preaching other things you need to know that's that's false that's a false gospel you guys okay did you get it the day of the single savior is not over but that's what they're gonna tell you now they might not start off in this one-world religion they're gonna sound so wonderful it's gonna sound so sweet in the beginning but it's what's underneath all these false doctrines sounds so good and these emergent churches sound so wonderful it's great but it's it's where it's heading where it's going it's going into the the beast in the Book of Revelations going into the harlot Church and we are commanded to come out and don't think there's anything wrong with you if you're starting to get flagged and checked about this person that person this done God I believe this is a day like never before God is separating the sheep from the goats he's doing it he is doing it he is putting out a warning and a trumpet call letting us know not everything that sounds Christian is Christian on TV not everything you read not every book that's being published is even anything you should touch because it brings you into confusion and that's what wheat and tares do it brings you into trouble and it brings you into confusion all of a sudden you get this hit your head kind of cramps and what sounds okay but if it's in your heart it's wrong the Bible says avoid it don't eat it look at the label oh it's a pride that arrogance is it worldliness is it drawing you to that person is it making you lift up that person or is that person lifting up Jesus we are only signpost to point you to him amen father we just thank you for your people everywhere this is such an hour that we need to have voices that declare the truth even in the midst of persecution and seems like you're the ant against Goliath father I thank you that if you were here walk on the earth you'd you'd be warning us of Pharisees so you'd be just doing the same thing you'd be getting your whips out of the church and you'd say get rid of this get rid of that you are the same yesterday today and forever and we thank you Father we love people but we don't want to be deceived father we pray for the discernment of spirits we pray for discernment in this hour and a love for the truth the Father we don't want to compromise even a little for the little leaven leavens the whole lump and everyone said amen we're gonna take up our YouTube offering to if you'd like to help us just mark we'll put something up on the screen father God we just thank you for getting our word getting this voice out and helping us all over the world Lord we just thank you or what you're doing with this YouTube is amazing and we give you all the praise and all the glory and everyone said offerings don't need to take a half hour just so you don't know I'm so tired of these messages i was listening to somebody in these these they're drawing all these young kids in and half of the the meeting was different preachers coming up trying to soak these young kids for money that this is wrong that is so wrong and it's turning off a lot of people you know it makes you just not even want to have anything to do with it but holiday [Music] with all my you ship and my
Channel: Roberta Morrison
Views: 2,078
Rating: 4.9148936 out of 5
Keywords: Roberta Morrison-Gilbert, Roberta Morrison, Living In His Presence Church, Bible Teachings
Id: mYjsFs-YwQY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 23sec (2483 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 12 2017
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