Helldivers 2 - Machine Gun vs Stalwart vs Heavy Machine Gun

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Hey Guys, I hope you're all doing well and still spreading liberty for Super Earth So today I'm going to break down and compare the 3 Support Machine gun stratagems being the machine gun, Stalwart and the new heavy machine gun. So The Machine Gun is unlocked straight after completing the tutorial and is given to you at no cost, It has an Belt capacity of 150 rounds and you can hold 2 spare belts giving you a total of 450 rounds. Its reload time is 4.5 seconds and It has 3 different fire rates to choose from which are 630, 760 and 900 Rpms. The Machine gun has the positive of taking down armored targets like the Hive guards and Bile spewers and feels stable enough when firing when crouched or in prone which is how it should be used. When reloading you have to stationary but the reload isn't too long so getting your timing down isn't too difficult. In my opinion this is the 2nd best Machine gun you can choose and is a great option for anyone strarting out and wanting to get the core mechanics of crowd control down. Next up is my personal favourite which is the Stalwart. Like the Machine Gun it is awarded at Lvl 2 but will cost you 3500 Requisition points, it has a belt capacity of a huge 250 rounds and gives you an additional 3 spare belts totaling a whopping 1000 rounds before needing to resupply. It also has a 4.5 second reload time. You can reload whilst moving and has 3 different rate of fire modes which are 700 850 & 1150 rounds per minute. The Stalwart lacks the medium armour penetration but that is where the short falls stop, its 250 rounds per belt more than make up for it as you can take out almost any medium armoured enemies by just targeting their weak spots and with the handling being much better hitting those weakspots becomes fairly easy. It also gives you great mobility which in this game is everything, you can reload whilst moving and as mentioned it has a bigger belt and more ammo capacity than the Machine gun and not just a little, the Stalwart has an extra 100 rounds per belt and a huge 550 extra rounds compared to the Machine gun before needing to resupply. Although the Stalwart can't penetrate medium armour it doesn't really come into effect much as Hive guards are pretty slow and easy to flank and the Bile Spewers are not guaranteed in the spawn pool and when they are I run Impact grenades in all my builds and find they take out all medium armoured enemies with ease. If you want to play it safe be sure to pick a primary weapon with medium armour penetration like the Liberator Penetrator which is alot better now that they've added a full auto mode to it in the most recent update. And last and certainly least is the newest addition to the Machine Gun support stratagems and thats the Heavy machine gun. The Heavy machine gun is unlocked at lvl 12 and will cost you 6000 Requisition points to unlock. It has a measly belt capacity of only 75 rounds and can only hold 2 spare belts holding a total of 225 rounds before needing to resupply. It has 3 fire rate modes those being 450, 750 and 1200 rpms and has a slow reload time of 6 seconds. Its one positive is it does have Amazing armour penetration and can clear most enemies in groups fast when at close range and if the belt size was higher this could jump to being one of the best machine guns handsdown, It also receives more ammo from the resupplies than the original machine gun but that is where the pros stop. It Lacks any crosshairs and has a terrible magazine size and very long reloads. You're better to Crouch or go in prone when using it for better stability and try using the 450 rpm setting to make your firing duration slightly longer. Its lack of ammo belt size is what massively lets it down as you have to stand your ground with the Heavy machine gun and you can't really shoot it at range due to its high recoil, so close quarter combat is all you have and when your ammo runs out within 4 seconds of firing it really lets itself down as how are you supposed to lay down suppressing fire when you can only fire for less than 4 seconds, I can see the idea they were going with but without a larger ammo belt size its currently the worse of the 3 Machine guns by a distance. So some extra insight I would give when choosing to use machine guns is first to check what weapons your team are going in with as weapons to take down heavys are priority so If your team are going in with support weapons to deal with heavy targets like the Expendable anti tank or Quasar cannon then you running crowd control can be of great help to your squad. Never underestimate how handy it is having someone running a build for crows control and overall support, I personally run something along the lines of The Stalwart the personal generator shield, the eagle airstrike and the ems mortar. This build is great when running with other divers who have their builds ready to take down all heavy targets. As an extra when possible try to Run the fortified armour passive for 30% recoil reduction while crouched as when using machine guns you can really noticed the 30%. I also change my rpm to reflect my gameplay so for instance I have my rpm ser lower when facing light armored hordes to keep my firing uptime at its highest and when facing larger targets like brood commanders, Spewers and Stalkers I up my rpm to put out as much damage as I can. Have a play around to see what works best for you but I would recommend looking at your RPMs and if you are wondering how to change your rate of fire you just have to hold reload to see what options you have available, This goes for fire modes aswell. And another recommendation for staying in the fight longer maybe consider taking in a supply backpack with you to support you and your team but I also wouldn't be against using the personal generator shield for higher Difficulties or for solo play, Again experiment what works best for you and tweak accordingly. So when comparing the all 3 machine guns you can see that the Stalwart is the winner it has the highest Belt size, The highest belt capacity, The best Mobility and joint fastest reload speed. Have all 3 side by side for comparison. So which machine gun is your favourite and why? And I hope you all found this informative and if you did I would really appreciate your ongoing support by subscribing and giving this video a like. Please consider checking out my other helldivers content and as always I'll see you on the Battlefield, Blagger out.
Channel: Blagger
Views: 42,716
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Keywords: helldivers 2, helldivers gameplay, helldivers 2 updates
Id: ZYqzZ5Pf5do
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 34sec (394 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 11 2024
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