A Detailed REVIEW On The LAS-99 Quasar Cannon | Helldiver's Handbook | Helldivers2

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just how powerful is the quaza cannon where does it stand when compared to other similar options in this video we're going to translate its power into numbers to find out greetings hell divers today we're taking a look at the Las 99 quaza Cannon like the CLE the quaza cannon doesn't work like a conventional laser weapon instead it functions pretty much like how you'd expect a regular rocket launcher wood with a few unique tweaks before we dive into the tables this video was already originally supposed to be part of a much larger video which covered everything rocket launchers however it started ballooning with information to the point where the amount of data started becoming overwhelming too much to be reasonably digested in a single video so I decided to take out the quaza cannon and give it its own Standalone review here however we will be seeing comparisons against the other rocket launchers to give you an idea of where the quaza cannon sits all right with that out of the way let's get it on we'll start by looking at some of the general characteristics first and for this comes our first table in my last video I showed you briefly how I was able to use the shield generator to calculate the damage range of every weapon usually I can narrow down the numbers to a singular number but because the damage of the quaza cannon comes in a big chunk the upper and lower range is significant enough that I don't think I could easily give you just one number so this time and for anything that has a very large variance between the upper and lower bounds I'll give you the range of its damage as well as the average damage this should give you a pretty clear idea on how strong a weapon is in terms of its damage output as an energy weapon the quaza cannon possesses the unique characteristic of having infinite ammo and like most energy weapons the quaza cannon needs a wind up before it can fire in this case it has a long wind up time of about 3 seconds and depending on your situation that 3 seconds can mean nothing or it could become a massive pain to deal with we'll explore this further in video after firing the quazar cannon overheats itself and needs 10 seconds to cool off before it can be fired again this basically acts as its reload time I've also included the projectile speed of the quaza to give you a rough idea on how much time it takes to travel this doesn't really matter at closer engagement distances but if you are one who likes to snipe moving enemies from 200 M and Beyond knowing how fast your projectile moves can help you time and place a shot better pair this with the fact that it does not have any projectile drop and sniping distant targets is actually fairly doable with some practice it's heavy penetration capabilities on a projectile that travels extremely fast with no drop means you have a very reliable weapon for dealing with big and heavily armored problems from afar even if you miss all you need to do is wait for a bit to try again with no concerns of needing to reload or manage ammo with this combination of characteristics the quaza is very forgiving and very easy to use which also makes it one of the more popular choices to complement your knowledge of the quaza cannon I've also gone and made a brickpoint table for it this table is a prototype and it's designed to very quickly give you an idea on what it's going to take for the quaza to bring something down depending on where you hit it the key thing to note is that body shot in this table simply means anywhere that isn't an obvious weak spot like the head or a heat sink this would be you mostly aiming for the center mass of an enemy and excludes going for the limbs unless mentioned otherwise for example in the case of the Canon Tower its weak spot is the heat sink behind the turret but in the event that you can't get to its heat sink you can blast it in the sides as well hitting Elsewhere on its body and allowing you to destroy it in two hits just the same and if it's directly facing you the Armor on the front of it is tougher requiring three hits instead all these bits of details are found in the notes column feel free to pause and examine the table closer at your own Leisure the reason why I felt this table needed to be included is because it sets the context for how the quaz is going to measure up against the other rocket launchers and the reason why the other rocket launchers don't need a breakpoint table of their own is because they all deal the same damage that's right the quazar cannon the Expendable anti-tank and the recallers rifle have the same damage range and values so going off the quazar breakpoint table if an enemy needs one hit to bring down all of them will mostly perform the same but that's where the similarities kind of end the most obvious difference is going to be the ammo while the quaza has infinite ammo and does not need to reload the Expendable anti-tank only has one rocket to work with and at best two if you use them back to back the recallers rifle which yes I know is not technically a rocket launcher has a healthy six shots before running out and will need to reload in between every shot the quaza also pulls ahead of the other two options in its projectile speed the quaza projectile travels 22% faster than the expandable anti-tank and the recoiless rifle while the difference might seem insignificant after using the quaza for a while and then going back to the recoil lers or picking up an Expendable anti-tank to shoot far away enemies your estimations can get thrown off by quite a bit on top of that while the quaza does not have any projectile drop both the Expendable anti-tank and the recol rifle experience it so the further you are shooting the more you're going to have to need to adjust your aim to compensate for the projectile drop given all you've heard you're probably thinking that the quaza easily comes out above the other two choices so why is it people are saying that it is a side great to them the answer lies in the quaza reload Speed Charge time and the different situations it will encounter if you're only taking a single shot to down something the quaza pulls ahead easily with what it's built with but if it takes two shots and many things very comfortably will require Two Shots the story unfolds a bit differently assuming pinpoint accuracy the fastest aaza can get two shots off is 13 seconds after the first shot has been fired this also assumes you had no problems being able to charge for 3 seconds during both attacks we'll talk more about this in a bit meanwhile if you have both your Expendable anti-tank Rockets ready the fastest you can chain both the launchers is just about under 2 seconds as demonstrated here as for the recoiless rifle if you are firing alone you'll need about 6 seconds to get two rockets off still twice as fast as the quaza however if you have a buddy with you to reload while you fire your time to reload drops down to a lightning fast 1.5 seconds in between attacks being being able to get two shots quickly can matter a lot depending on your situation as far as problem removal goes a bodyy reloaded recall rifle is a force to be reckoned with its 1.5 second reload speed allows you to unload all six shells in a span of about 7.6 seconds allowing you to bring things like bile Titans down pretty quickly and Destroy shrier Ness fairly easily from a distance next to this the quazar 13 seconds in between shots must feel like time has all but stopped coming back to the discussion of the qu charge time this characteristic can also prove to be a real disadvantage depending on the situation you're faced with 3 seconds on paper doesn't sound like much 3 seconds with nothing around to bother you also doesn't sound like much 3 seconds while under heavy fire or being chased and run down however is a really long time the quaza is not a weapon that performs too well under pressure which in a way diminishes the value of not needing to reload since your window to fire becomes severely limited anyway in these situations being able to just pull out an Expendable anti-tank or a recoiler sh off might make a bit more of a difference to your situation so yes if you consider a multitude of different but very probable situations across your Missions at different difficulty levels as a standalone weapon the quaza does kind of level up between the Expendable anti-tank Rockets and the recallers rifle however if you play into the quaza strengths and build your Loadout to mitigate its weaknesses you can reap a lot of benefits from its infinite ammo and pinpoint accurate projectiles while minimizing the downsides of its long cool down and charge up time now we're going to take a look at some Loadout pairings which can help the quaza shine better or at least make your life a little bit easier when using it in disadvantageous situations an example of a complimentary weapon to pair with the quaza against bots especially is the pl one scorcher not only does the scorcher make short work of scout Striders which you would be hard pressed to waste a quaza shot on but they can also help finish off certain targets without having to wait for a follow-up shot the Canon Tower is an example of this if you manage to get a clean shot at its weak spot in the heat sink it will be on fire and just about on the edge of blowing up in this case you could instead shoot at its weak spot once from the scotcher to finish it off saving you the time you would otherwise need for a second quaza around when it comes to buying time to charge up your shot stun grenades are perfect for halting enemy movement allowing you to charge up or to move yourself into a better position without worry of being chased and run down this applies to the e EMS Sentry and the EMS orbital strike using these Strat gems as a counter to any aggression or as an opener to keep a high priority Target in place allows the quaza cannon to do its thing unhindered having good positioning is one of the best ways to make the most of the quaza while not necessary seeing as you have an open backpack slot with the quaza the jetpack is excellent at getting you out of Harm's Way the distance you can create not only buys you more time for the quaza to cool down but also gives you the space to charge up a shot depending on how well you make use of the terrain around you the jetpack also gives you the benefit of getting into higher positions allowing you to survey more of an area for sniping opportunities speaking of sniping while the quaza projectile is pinpoint accurate the sway from your weapon as well as the energy effect that covers your sights when you ads can cause your shot to be off to overcome this I highly recommend at least crouching or even better going prone if you are going to snipe at longdistance Targets doing so removes most if not all of the weapon sway allowing you to place your shot exactly where you want it to go if you need more assistance for aiming at far away targets using the scope of your primary weapon as a guide and then switching to the quaza allows you to aim where you place your sights earlier giving you much more accuracy than if you only try to aim with the sides of the quaza doing it while prone gives you maximum precision and accuracy with that we've come to the end of this video my verdict for the quaza cannon is as follows the quaza cannon is one of the more powerful additions to our Arsenal it's strong but not overpowered its benefits are very tangible but so are its weaknesses when it's forced to face it used in addition with a strong sense of positioning and a load out that is prepared to help you with that the quaza brings a consistent source of reliable longrange heavy damage to the team having a pair of quazar in a squad comfortably covers most of your heavy enemy problem solving coordinating two shots on the same Target effectively destroys whatever you and your quazar mate is looking at this allows the rest of your team to focus on unit Destro uction something the quazar will struggle dealing with if you can let the quazar do what they need to do its performance is one that will certainly shine bright in a mission if you've enjoyed this video consider dropping a like and subscribing if You' like to see more in-depth guides and reviews thank you all for watching and I will see you in the next one over and out hell divers
Channel: Ryken XIV
Views: 15,806
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Id: Qh4DkuuCAKI
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Length: 11min 30sec (690 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 09 2024
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