Testing Cheap vs. Expensive Gas Cans on Amazon

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welcome back friends to the shop so last week I did a video on my quest for finding a high-quality replacement jerrycan for my world war two vintage cans that were breaking down I got a ton of pushback for from a lot of you guys hundreds of emails telling me what a fool I had been for spending such an exorbitant amount on the wavy and jerry cans at $80 and that you had bought the exact same cam for $26 online well I've got one of those $26 cans and we're gonna find out is there a difference I [Music] think a good place to start would be the scale now I have no axe to grind here I would love to be able to find a same quality item for a fraction of the price I like to have a deal too but let's find out what the truth is and a good place to start with the scale the scale doesn't lie as our wives and girlfriends will attest so we have 9.35 pounds on the genuine NATO wave Ian camp which was very similar to the GI cans if you remember from last week now here's the imitation canned 6.4 pounds hmm three pounds lighter that shouldn't make a bit of difference in our torture testing now if you're just joining us and you're wondering why this wave Ian is so beat up well I'll give you a quick ten-second montage of what we did to it now three-two-one even with all that abuse the wave e'en as beat up and battered as it is is still a functional usable gas can we're gonna do the exact same thing to this so let's take a very quick look at them they are very similar and I'll tell you most guys if they were sitting on the shelf or on a website picture you would not know the difference whatsoever almost an exact copy of course one made in some place in the Eastern Bloc I don't know exactly where they're made the other made in China but we have the sideways clasp you know this of course of course is kind of a copy of the original German design we've got the lock we have the throat of the try handle we have the the two-piece construction we have we have I mean they're just very similar in almost every way a little bit of difference right here the way that the oil canning thing is but as you can see not a whole lot of difference at face value both of them have a vent inside and both come with a spout so let me show you some some close-up views here of you know maybe some potential problems the moment I pulled the China can out of the box I immediately noticed the way that it felt it didn't feel very heavy and there was a lot of flex in the handle I got to looking at it last night let's start with a handle see right here on the back these are spot welded in three places this here the wavy and the genuine has a weld all the way across the back and it has a very thick heavy material this one here look at this do you see that I could break this just in a couple a couple more efforts I think I could break that spot weld off if I try to do the same thing to the wavy in here you know even though it's crushed I mean there's no movement if this is so thick and so heavy it must be twice as thick also on the front we can see here that we have a full weld heavy duty weld across there and we have nothing more than three small tack welds there and a very thin anemic flexing handle that is going to break now the spouts the nozzles one of the nice features about these is that is that they kind of the wavy ins they lock open so when you're pouring you don't have that cap that's flapping over let's see if the Chinese one does that does the same thing we have a vent inside a much smaller vent you can see that round one there versus that the larger vent for the wave in it does seem to close and work it fits it has a safety lock which is the same but it doesn't stick in there very good and it seems that it would want to to rattle out where the wavy end well it is kind of a pain and I've been told it's because they're new it does lock very securely there you go and it's not going to come out another thing that's kind of interesting is they both came with spouts right well because well we don't need to get into the politics u.s. politics of gas cans but here is a wavy and spout it's got the nice thick rubber gasket on the back this is the American version that goes on there it clamps on nice rubber seal no problem right well here is the spout that came with the Chinese one and I noticed initially that it had the gasket which is the same as the wavy and stuck on here and I really when I first looked at this I really liked this spout because it has a rubber deal there and we can do unleaded and it nests in there like that's a clever design but one of the huge problems is that that gasket won't stay put it doesn't it's not made the right size and I'm sure you're not like me and you're never gonna lose that gasket yeah right okay so let's put the gasket on so we have to to make it work we would have to like silicone it in there or whatever so let's say we'll hold that in there we try to install it right what it's like done here I got it backwards try to install it and lo and behold no luck it won't I worked up I worked on this for a long time last night and I never could get it to latch because it's not machined right so yeah you saved a few bucks but it's starting to look like maybe maybe it wasn't such a good value after all see the gasket is a huge problem as you can see here of course everything goes wrong when the camera is rolling but so I've got that on there I'll turn it sideways here I want to install my supply latch and no matter what I do how I finagle it how much force I put on it it will not fit you can kind of get it to jerry-rig on there as soon as you open poured the gas it would fall off so you essentially have no spouts this usable right there and a stupid gasket that's going to fall out and you're gonna lose the welding on here is such suspect the thinness of it is suspect it is not a quality item all right completely full the latch works put the lock on and let's go run over it so what do we have here so we can see a pretty significant damage there where when we did the wavy and we had just a little bit of a dent a little bowing on the bottom but something that could have been pounded out without any trouble but to its credit the China can is not leaking but there is a very serious pinch right there on the other side maybe any other issues nope we have denting over here what that we didn't have on the other one but pretty significant is that a crack there it's not leaking and that's it so let's go try the the 20 or the 17 foot dropped full of water oh it got lucky it landed flat the wavy and landed on the corner this is right where I found it it did get lucky but that happens sometimes you get the luck of the draw it did land flat where the as I said the wavy and landed hard on the corner to be honest I don't see oh yeah so I could no longer get my hand in here at all it continued it crushed it up a little bit further is it leaking that's our concern we know it's going to get dented as far as I can tell it is not all right well very similar to the kind of lit in the same place as the wave Ian on that one corner chewed up our handle a little bit yeah we got some damage here I don't see any obvious leaks let's flip it over here the handle is still useable but it's going to soon break the other side kind of what we had before there's the spout work the lock stayed stayed locked which I'm a little surprised by does it function can it still be used she's gonna spit out on me here yeah I would say so looks like it held its seal still functioning alright guys so what do we learn here well we've got to give credit where credit is due we win it through the same tests and the China can does still hold gas I found no leaks I brought in here I examined it closely but in all honesty guys this is not a quality item but the argument and I get it will be made and can be made if you could have three of these for less than one of these what decision are you gonna make that's up to you right but consider a couple things first off you've got a spout that is not going to be usable a question I had is could you put a wavy and spout on is it gonna work and I played with a little bit here the same problems and looking at the way that these little tabs are tack welded on there and how thin they are they're probably gonna tear so also a huge concern I have is is what is the coating on the inside I'm willing to bet that there is no coating I'll bet that they probably just painted it I don't know we'll do a video if you guys are interested let me know in the comments I'll cut all segments these both of these cans will pop them open and take a look at the inside of what the vent how the vent works as well as what it's going to do so if this if you're looking at this for long-term storage and you're saying to yourself well I'm gonna spend $75 or $80 and get three cans versus $80 and get one can because I'm not going to be moving them around maybe it's longer-term storage you know I get that but if your fuel is mixing with some sort of a dubious coating inside and it's rendering it useless then where is the savings bottom line here the way vien is still a usable can with a little bit of bodywork camera punching it out this one I suspect if I tried to push it back to a usable condition that I would probably it would probably tear and if I had to guess so it is what it is so I you know it's did better than I thought it was gonna do and that it didn't hold up but it is again guys it is not to be confused with the wavy end so I wouldn't say if you purchase these that you completely have to eat crow but you don't have a you don't have a quality item here and it is not the same thing you got to look at things you know there's no such thing as a free lunch and I'm always surprised at the ignorance when it comes to this just because you can buy something for twenty six dollars and it looks like everything all the item typically it's not going to be the same thing now there's price gouging and there's something you've got to do your due diligence but you know you got to use some common sense I mean there's a reason for this things three pounds lighter well that's three pounds less steel so what you know how is that gonna handle over a lifetime but we're looking at lifetime cans as I said I'm using my granddad's cans and I'm the third generation to use them and they're still viable they still are a usable can where will the China can be in in three generations you know so I mean it is what it is right so you'll have to make your own decisions I personally would not buy these but I'm in a position where I can buy a more expensive can so it's not for me to say what's best for you it's just for you to see the info and make up your own decision so that's it let me know in the comments if you want to see the the inside we can do that don't forget to click the thumbs up it helps to support our channel and and I appreciate that and keep us in your prayers and may God bless you and your families and we'll see you guys on the next video
Channel: Wranglerstar
Views: 293,760
Rating: 4.8823414 out of 5
Keywords: Wranglerstar, youtube, gas can vent, wranglerstar chainsaw, wranglerstar axe, gas stabilizer for lawn mower, gas stabilizer for pressure washer, gas stabilizer bangladesh, gas can vent plugs, gas can vent kit, wavian, fuel can, gas can spout, gas can fix, gas can spout fix, gas storage, jerry can, gas can oveland, rotpax, gas can mount, how long does gas last, non ethinol gas, blitz, blitz can, overland, fuel storage, stabilizer, gasoline, gascan
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 16sec (796 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 22 2019
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