Cheap Vs. Expensive Chainsaw Chap Test

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so welcome back friends this is the video is it not that we've all been waiting for what we're going to test the top of the line still Promark chaps versus the cheapest chaps on Amazon now we tested these last weeks against what was it the Oh 26 so 26 still dropping full-speed onto the pants and well didn't have the best luck so it may be very curious to see how well the Mac top-of-the-line still pro market oh man these are beautiful aren't they are they not the new design wraparound legs 9 layer with the cargo pocket and a zipper oh it pains me to no end to destroy these beautiful chaps I want to thank Kevin from Ace Hardware in the tri-cities Washington he sent these out for us to test so I was looked I looked all over the place I called all our local steel dealers nobody carried the pro mark line they carried more of the prosumer line these here are the business so let's look at the differences obviously these are going to be a 9 layer chap these the cheapest ones on Amazon where we counted I think a 4 layer chap these were what in the $40 price range I believe don't quote VMs I believe these are just over a hundred hundred and twenty dollars but some major differences being right here wraparound legs look at that now this is kind of good and kind of bad the problem with these wraparound legs they're fine for winter times but man they are hot they are very hot chaps so we all have to kind of make that decision what's the best fit for me you know I have to if you're suffering from heat stroke having super safety chaps it might be too much so you know it's all going to come down to you know what you need and how much safety level you don't want to have these are going to protect your femoral artery which is probably a good thing to protect but anyway that's not what the video is about today today it's going to be about the see how well they stop the chainsaw we they do better than the cheapest chainsaw chaps on Amazon the 4-layer and we'll find out so quickly I'm going to show you a little bit about chainsaw injuries I really can't get across how much it hurts me to tear up these chainsaw chaps a lot of you suggested that I use my old ones my old pro marks and keep these for myself you know I just didn't feel right about I told you I was going to test a new pair these are new I think we need to keep compare apples to apples minor you know 15 years old and you know I mean they've probably broken down and I just don't think it'd be a fair test named in America oh man I just hate to do it I just really do this the hardest thing I've ever done this is interesting you've probably seen these before here we bring you in a little bit tighten that up a bit so this is they do test from they take the kool-aid all the information where the majority of chainsaw accidents where they happen all of these dots and you can go online and look at these graphs that will show you like for the entire year of reported accidents where the majority of them fall interesting so we have the left hand it takes a beating we have right here we have the left leg primarily most people are going to be right-handed so you the saw is going to go across but there's quite a bit the right leg as well interesting never any accidents on the right hand course because that's busy pulling the trigger and then quite a few on the shoulders and the head so a lot of folks ask you know why are you always wearing a hard hat when you're in the middle with the old cutting reason why wear a hard hat is for that reason right there if the saw were to kick back your hard hat your head is naturally going to go down that can offer some protection so that is why I'm sorry to keep whinging about this man I'm having a hard time with this it just seems so wasteful but I have to keep in mind it is for the good of mankind to get down to the bottom of it he's in America too so just try them on just just for once see they do look pretty spiffy don't they I got to stop this is just torturing myself all right let's get it done so of course you all probably remember this is where we chest tested the cheap Chinese chaps there on this old dried Doug Fir log there and they went in there probably about 3/16 7 inch on a full speed pretty light pressure so we'll try it on the same log here now a lot of folks didn't like the test that said that the chaps were pulled too tight and that very well maybe I don't you know I'm not a I'm not a scientist this isn't the UL laboratory here all we can do is compare apples to apples and so we'll come up I think we test it up on the thigh right above the knee we do the same thing here and I'm just going to buckle them the and buckle them the same way that we did the the cheap Amazon chainsaw chaps okay so we had the same thing going on here where'd we cut at we cut just above the knee all right so we'll cut in the same place here you can see with our high visibility chaps all right let's just get it over with so for the test we'll be using the same same saw the pro 260 same chain everything sharp [Music] so we have a problem so the test of the chainsaw chaps last time and I didn't catch this when we put this all back together it's completely bound up the sprocket the fibers of the chaps in with the it's bounded up and it won't turn not at all that the chainsaw was just locked up I couldn't figure out what's going on so that's kind of a nasty little byproduct of the test let's take this back up to the shop and see if we can't free that out of there I don't have to replace the no sprocket on that this is this is might be bad I'm not sure how we're going to get that stuff out of there unless it well that is absolutely bound up tight we need some tools which we consider oh goodness that ain't nothing good it looks like it maybe you drop your chains on your chaps you sacrifice a bar now this is a total surprise to me it you don't make sense now I when we took the saw apart after the first test I was a little bit surprised on how few fibers there were inside the drive sprocket now when I look back out like well yeah of course there wasn't enough there to stop that to stall that powerful engine this is what killed the engine was it bound up the drive sprocket because this is going to this is really really bound up and it's all twisted up in there the one I'm having a hard time getting out I wonder if we can kind of use a forward and back motion I need something I need something that grabs on better to pull that out of there if you decide to do this at home be sure you set aside a couple hours and your shop on the Vice for cleaning out the fibers from the tip of the bar you might decide that your time is worth more than this finally I can spin it with my hand but it's still far from good well let's mount it up on the powerhead and I think that the lubrication and the chain the engine will kind of free this up and burn it out that tip needs that bars had it anyway can feel that's pretty that bearing in there is pretty hammered all right let's get this show on the road as soon as we solve the mysteries of the universe how a chain saw a chain gets tangled is beyond me okay so make sure you put your chain saw chains the cutting teeth go forward remember that I have on three different instances and I think all with volunteer firemen get them up on the roof to do ventilation or cut a tree out of the road or wildland application or whatever of course you know they're going to throw the chain because they don't keep the bark there's different tip speed up and then they stumble around and finally get to find a wrench and then the chains all tangled and then about an hour and 15 minutes later you hear the soft start and they're up and running they're going and then I come down after a lot of sweat and aggravation and they tell me this chain saw just terrible won't cut dull what do you think happens every time they put the chain on backwards and they give it a try boy they really put the muscle into it but the it just won't cut so make sure you're not that guy put the chain on the right way with the pointy teeth forward towards your work when you go into work your chainsaw is going through chains go into work with you it's pointing forward towards the works that's what you want to be yeah I did I lost I lost a bar got off there must have vibrated loose I ordered the order that half a dozen I'm going to keep it like it but it'll run for it it'll work for a testament okay so nobody can accuse me of not having the ability to drag a video out all right here we go guys the hardest thing I ever did look this all doesn't even want to do it [Music] all right try to stimulate okay well that that certainly got her stopped there didn't it get my just Kevlar is all bound up there in the it just breaks my heart so bound up there in the sprocket but it did its job there didn't it boy old boy a lot going on there let's let's take a look at son buckle these guys here and see what happened underneath compared to our cheap chaps so we can see similar of course we had the orange chaps we had the kind of same thing going on but with the big difference is that of course we went all the way through into the leg what would have been here we can see we had certainly had more material we got through one two three three of the layers maybe what's that look like on the backside we did not oh look at that we did we did get it did go through it did go all the way through how about that that is something else but not to the extent now if we also remember we did cut we did cut this away to kind of investigate but you can imagine we cut here and here this is what was exposed right there and with the cheap chaps this is where the chainsaw went in can you see that movie cameras here right here is where the chainsaw went in there that's that 3/16 cut here is where we cut distilled the steel chaps and if we pan over there I don't see I don't see anything there maybe mark even though they did go through let's take a look at that again there so that's something else there isn't it so it did go through but not enough it did protect it didn't go through enough to to even discard a bark I see nothing there not a mark on it so what does that tell us it's not too interesting I wonder how if it maybe it just if it tore if the fiber is connected there to the tear tear the cloth because look we can see right there boy right on that's what the Stella femoral artery would have been right inside the side that's a that's a death sentence if you cut that out in the forest that is a death sentence bad bad news so we can see this is the ninth layer of Kevlar here of the fiber whatever this is right there we have we got into it there and there but it was just enough to prevent you know just picture this your skin you're also going to have a heavy Panther you may be wearing tin pants or Carhartt which offers a very very little protection but some abrasion resistance there but you would have been you would have been protected you would not have been cut with the steel pro-market where it had and this is hardwood had you been wearing the cheap Amazon steps you would have been you'd have been in that in bad shape that is interesting so what have we learned here well I have to say in all honesty chainsaw chaps these these cheap chainsaw chaps they would have bought I think that they will offer a level protection way better than not having them now this was a hard drop full-speed onto a hard log you know with no room for give or take have these been kind of strapped around a leg I do believe that they would maybe have moved and even exposing more material to bind up in the saw I think they would have performed better I think this is a little bit of an unrealistic test for the the chainsaw chaps with that being said but a lot of folks said you know well you know that's not going to happen you know I mean you're not going to go full throttle into a pair of chainsaw and it's probably just going to be spinning down you don't know we can't say that it's a tendency for people when they fall or trip or get scared they clinch and if you have bad trigger practice and you did you clinch when you fall and you wrap up into a chainsaw and you pull that full throttle it's highly probable that you could come back on yourself for a leg or body part with full throttle so that's just simply not true so with that I think the full throttle test is is necessary they I think they would offer level protection if you're on a budget and it comes down to this is all you could afford I don't think that you would be putting your life in danger as it's going to offer a fair amount of protection I'd be comfortable with it now if you want absolute you if you're working in an environment that one of the most dangerous places of the chainsaw is not following big trees when you're paying attention all that it's working in brush when you're moving around and you're cutting little things and that you have the spinning chainsaw blade all over the place that's what I have come the closest to injuring myself a chainsaw chop like this with a full wraparound covering the whole back of your legs would be really a nice peace of mind however these are going to be really hot and they're cumbersome I did try them on before we did the test and it's like kind of putting on a suit of armor so you've got to weigh that too and I think now I know why most people most dealers are not carrying these these mark these probe arts I think that they're just too too thick and too heavy do they yeah maximum protection absolutely but you know when we come back down to what's better you know to go into combat and a big heavy suit of armor that you are protected but you don't have any mobility or speed or is it better to go light and fast you know you're going to have to make that judgment but there is no question that the pro mark still chaps offer a tremendous protection moreso than cheap ones but I think we kind of kind of knew that all right I have an idea just Saund on me don't they tell us that Kevlar they put Kevlar in here right and are proof vests made out of Kevlar do you think that chainsaw chaps could stop a low caliber firearm what about a 22 pistol or a 22 pistol with a short or 22 long rifle or a nine-millimeter I wonder don't you wonder do you see a test coming up in our future all right here's what you got to do 25,000 thumbs up I need I need to ask because everyone forgets 25,000 thumbs up on this video get it done go over there click it it's easy to do I will set these up and we'll do a ballistics test both of them will start with high-power BB gun and then we'll do a German precision spring loaded air rifle and then we'll do 22 short pistol 22 long and we'll see well if you have to stop a bullet see if see if we're safe out in the woods with our pro mark chats we'll try these two 25,000 thumbs up and you guys will get it you get to see it and we'll do the full ballistics tests on the Kevlar chainsaw chaps so thanks for watching I hope you enjoyed this video don't forget to comment and and we'll see you on the next video
Channel: Wranglerstar
Views: 820,686
Rating: 4.8894987 out of 5
Keywords: stihl, husqvarna, saw, wood, safety, arborist, stihl outdoor power tools, chain saw, tree, forestry, cut, do it yourself, power tools, stihl chainsaw, how to, homestead, forest, homesteading, axe, husqvarna chainsaw, tree removal, chainsaw hack, logging, felling, chainsaws, chain, best chainsaw, safety chaps, stihl chainsaws, tree fail, chainsaw chaps, best vines, chainsaw fail, tree cutting, wood cutting
Id: lDUVgQfbkBo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 18sec (1158 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 06 2017
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