TESTING The Cheapest GENERATOR on Amazon -$99

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welcome back friends to the shop today we're gonna be testing the cheapest gas power generator on Amazon [Music] well I guess we ought to have a look here let me get a couple things surprised me when I received this in the oh ouch I got a Chinese liver I've laid out all the accessories that came with it it has actually has a pretty good manual it's got some interesting things in it like how much different appliances take you to power wise this is I didn't know this came in it this is kind of nice you know when you do buy a Honda this is an accessory that you have to buy extra or it was when I had to buy mine I always thought that that I was a little sore spot for me so they've included so you can charge 12 volt batteries with it we've got these two screws that are here for the handle they didn't install the handle so they could put it in a smaller box and then we have a fairly decent two spark plug wrench let's take a quick look at all four sides this is gonna be the air cleaner box and now you know when you when they ship these things they don't use any fluids whatsoever so you have to make sure you double check you know we don't have an engine oil because it's a two-stroke but we might want to take a look at the air filter okay so there's the air filter right there here's the carburetor so this is interesting this is supposed to be a 15 amp wasn't it a 15 amp what I write on the box but it has a 20 amp plug you can see right there by that little L that little extra leg there I don't know why that is I don't think that this would run 20 amps we've got a circuit breaker with that kind of a little funny little waterproof cover there we've got our engine off often on the ignition is our choke which is activating the choke down here on the carburetor intake and our air fresh air intake is here and then this constitutes the air filter now generally it's a good idea to oil a foam filter at any time you have one like this you can if you don't have anything special you can use a simple motor oil and the idea is is when the stickiness of the oil when it comes when the air comes in contact with it or the particles in the air that it will stick to the oil and not go into your engine and become abrasive and wear out your cylinder walls so any oil will do I use the note oil this is specifically kind of geared for motorcycles because it has a detergent that removes it very easily if you use motor oil you know you have to clean in some sort of a gas or solvent which is not a big deal so before you run these you'll saturate them now you guys are tempted to use the aerosol can oil it's a bad idea for engines because they have to add so much solvent that thins the oil to make it come out the applicator that you don't get proper protection so that's a convenience thing but the dirty the the little dirty secret is is that it doesn't really protect your engines that well so wring it out all you can get everything out you can and then let it sit and dry out in some fresh air for a while and then reinstall it and that of course is a do as I say not as I do as you guys know good and well I didn't let that dry before I reinstall it because I'm a petulant child okay starter side here pretty straightforward we have yeah I can see it in there just a plastic pall arrangement there very similar to all of our Honda engine 63 CC I wonder if they used a u.s. sparkplug looks like it's the torch brand which I have not heard of probably wouldn't be a bad idea to replace that that with a US torque wrench so much for weak Chinese hands they got that one tighten didn't they bark plugs I've never really looked at one before and also we want to put see we want to put some oil in there you get one chance at this I don't know when they assemble this if they used a lubricant in there chances are this has been sitting it came you know the long road took the slow boat over across the the ocean and so all that oil that was originally done put in the cylinder if they did it all there's all settled to the bottom so when we start this it's gonna be running absolutely dry and it's gonna scorch the cylinders or score the cylinders and most likely score the piston we can mitigate that by putting a little two-stroke oil in there yeah we'll get a little bit of smoke and it might make it a little bit hard starting at first but it's going to offer a lot of protection this will be the same oil and use a high quality oil it's a chance of me dripping that in there just wouldn't be a an engine video without me spilt mayo oh my goodness look at that certainly not lacking for stickers so there's one other thing I wanted to show you it does have a spark arrestor right there that is low-tech the only real assembly is putting the handle on and that's a pretty handy you don't want to generate without a handle I don't know that I've ever owned a two-stroke generator I expect from Mike's bridge the two strokes is it's going to be loud and it's going to use a ton of fuel here's where you guys get a good laugh I seem to have some special needs when it comes to pouring gas or oil in that every time I do it I spill it all over my my workbench especially if it's something really nice that I just built and covered with boiled linseed oil well that's actually pretty easy to use could it be well that'll be a first you see miracles do happen I haven't got the lid on yet here this generator weighs 39 pounds which is similar to the Honda 1000 but at 1/8 the cost you could essentially buy eight of these and have the $60 left over for fuel compared to the Honda so you have to ask yourself is it is it worth it well having a generator is better than no generator if you can't afford a Honda then maybe it's an option [Music] I missed it couldn't get my big sausage finger on there that's actually pretty good guys that's a smooth-running little two-stroke engine for being brand new I let it run for 20 minutes or so get up to temperature I should have actually unplugged this before I shut it off when you shut off a generator unplug the load before you turn it off that was my bad I like it alright guys so what do we learn what's what's the take here you know does it give me the fizz you know I would say that I would tell you this I like it I was rooting for it I wanted it I wanted it to do well and when it started so simple and it ran so smooth and that's not easy for a two-stroke to strix strokes are especially single cylinder two-stroke could be pretty ratty when I put a little load on it like charging the battery it just settled down and it just ran beautifully beautifully so back to the fizz if this were 299 399 in there what I would guess if I were to if you were to dump this off on me and say hey what do you think about this I would think the price I would supply say 299 but at $99 delivered to your house free shipping it absolutely gives me the fizz I wanted it to work and it worked great is it a Honda is it a replacement for a hundred two hundred one thousand well of course not well it lasts what's the longevity of it you know that I don't know but just just from my initial reaction and just from what I see it's it's it's way out punches its its weight just you know not being inside of it of course but it's it's not a bad unit and it just runs like a just runs like a top is very simple there's no throttle too full with the automatic throttle the kick down seemed to work flawlessly I like that you could charge a battery as well as run 110 at the same time now I ran that heater was 1500 watts on high I ran it for 30 minutes I didn't know overheating no problems it seemed to handle that just fine so what can you run what can you do at 1500 watts well there's a chart here that's semi accurate but reasonably you can run a microwave with this you could run a refrigerator freezer no problem and that's really what we're looking at here right a refrigerator/freezer combo when the power goes out you want to be able to do a couple things you probably want to keep your router's on maybe your modem maybe you want to charge some computers charge some phone keep that refrigerator that refreeze are going it's probably going to do all of that it's a very compact unit but you just got to keep coming back to the price at $99 unbelievable I mean just really unbelievable I'm super impressed and it's a it's just a cherry on top to have the little charging cable that I didn't get from Honda that that's always an affront to me when you pay a thousand dollars for a Honda generator or 12 whatever those things are the 2000s and they can't throw in a cable for charging batteries that's always and that's double use 20 years ago I bought that thing I'm still ruminating about it it's a nice little generator it appears to me to be this the very similar one to the same one that you can get at Harbor Freight the tailgater or whatever it is the decibels I didn't find them to be too bad they're saying 90 and what what you usually 90 decibels that's about what you could expect from a lawnmower I typically always put hearing protection on for a lot more I find them to be too noisy this one I took it off is it hearing safe I don't know about that but it wasn't unpleasant it's it's twice as loud as the Honda is gonna be so if you I mean you don't want to be the guy in a crowded campground that's gonna bring a two-stroke generator into the whole scene I mean this that's almost as bad as the guy that shows up with a right to a rifle course with a muzzle brake you know that guy don't be that guy everyone hates that guy especially me but for for the home or for dealing with power outage or if you're at a remote location if you just don't have the money I mean really hundred dollars having a generator versus not having one pretty pretty amazing I'm very impressed what I'm actually thinking rather than doing the kerosene heater down with a well pump when the power goes off to keep the wellhead from freezing what I might do is take one of these wavy in cans maybe I'll do a video on it I can show you how to put in a bulkhead fitting like we do in the wildland fires we actually use similar cans to this as external cans so what you could essentially do is tap this cap or the side of the tank and the can and have a five gallon reserve tank and that's going to run well five times that's 25 hours so that would basically give you a 24 hour time on five gallons of gas not super efficient but in an emergency you know it's better to use five gallons of gas and have a frozen wellhead right so I like it what would I do what am i a lot of these Chinese things I don't keep you know I give them away because they just haven't really been great I'm not gonna give this one away I just I'm developing a fondness for it what I'm gonna do to this is is one thing that really falls down with with the Chinese stuff is their fuel lines are always really bad so replace the fuel line on it go through and tighten up all the nuts and Loctite everything because they don't they don't properly torque things typically and replace that spark plug with an American spark plug or a Japanese one and I think it's good to go run really good fuel in it be careful don't let it get sit all all winter long with non water with ethanol fuel in it the best way to store your engines is dry so if you're done with it you don't think you're gonna use it pour out the gas siphon it out run it till it dies and then put it away it's better to store it dry and if you don't use it run it twice a year once a year at least run some fresh gas through it and it helped it along keep it going and but a nice little unit a very very nice unit I do like it and at $99 it totally totally gives me the fizz thanks for watching keep us in your prayers may God bless you and your families and we'll see you guys on the next video
Channel: Wranglerstar
Views: 1,462,054
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Wranglerstar, youtube, how to, power tools, do it yourself, modern homesteading, generator rex, generator transfer switch, generator shed, generator transfer switch installation, wranglerstar chainsaw, wranglerstar knife sharpening, wranglerstar workbench, wranglerstar knife, wranglerstar survival kit, wranglerstar boots, wranglerstar chainsaw sharpening, wranglerstar edc, modern homesteading youtube, modern homesteading book, cheap generator
Id: w3a2Qmq7LKo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 28sec (808 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 10 2019
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