What's Inside A Military Jerry Can?

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today's video is made possible by our friends it's simply safe welcome back friends to the shop so very exciting today our shipment from wavy and came in for our fuel storage plans so we're gonna be I'll go get those they're stacked up a huge pile of boxes out by the road we'll do a quick unboxing on that and then you guys asked for it so I'm gonna do it we're gonna do it we're gonna split the cases on these cans the Chinese one versus the the high quality one and take a look at the inside where things are not so obvious and see what the differences are so let's go get our boxes we'll get those open and then we'll get into it looks like we're gonna have a few trips here at least they're not heavy alright guys should we find out what we got here so I'm hoping my plan is that this will be the last time I have to buy cans I'm going to phase out the the plastic ones I just get rid of them and just have the cans solution solved okay so these are not gas cans actually these are my water storage cans so these are the wavy and plastic cans and five gallons 20 litres 5.3 gallons go ahead oh no if there's a mix so we'll set them aside here see what we got here so a plan is is to keep we got lots of water around here it's not a big problem but just in case I've got I bought six of those that will keep down in the in the larder okay so here's the first of the diesel cans the diesel being yellow of course [Music] there it is everything all stacked up fuel storage solution for life problem solved okay so let me show you what I did and kind of why so obviously the six red cans for the non ethanol fuel for generators in small engines so that's five what 20 liters that's 5.3 gallons per cans so with the half if these were all full that's 40 gallons so for me if I was running the Honda generator about a gallon a day or so for my needs the the 2000 that would be 40 days of generator power not to mention the fuel that I have in the vehicles that I could get out as well and the half can of course for mrs. W I'll show you here the unleaded awesome spout here and then on the other side the diesel same thing forty gallons of diesel and then the half can for just convenience as well now these guys here we can't use that you can't put potable water in the blue wavy and cans because they have that coating on the inside that's designed for fuel so it's not safe so what I got six of these plastic ones so these are quite a bit less expensive but they're very good quality heavy duty and they are food grade so that takes care of that to round it out I did get two of the blue cans for the I for the kerosene excuse me kerosene will go in there 10 gallons of kerosene on hand for the lamps and then I'll show you that's coming up the reason for the kerosene here and then finally I got two green ones for whatever what I was kind of thinking with these my granddad always took a 5 gallon of water in the jerry cans for the vehicles maybe something like that so I don't know just it gives me some flexibility when I want to put something in there that's not gas not diesel not kerosene and keeping it simple and and when I suffer from dementia in the old ages it Sage's maybe I want to be in trying to make a mistake so let's take a look at the spout really quick and then we'll get into it then we'll split those cancel look inside this is the part that I'm probably most excited about finally the spout like I grew up with the granddad always had the old accordion style high quality spouts and I don't know where wavings getting these maybe they're importing them from Europe where they have reasonable gas gas cam laws but there's two so there's one here with a small and let it spout so that's small enough where you can get that in there and the pillow tube and then a widemouth one for diesel equipment kerosene tractors actually I haven't seen these before let's install it see how it fits you'll notice on some of these cans like this they're a little bit scratched and beat up if you go on to the sometimes on the wave you'd site they'll have a scratch indent and you can get a discount on them I didn't care if it had the little bit beat up as long as they were and you know work well not too bad of shape so for our just our old school deal the looks like the gaskets in there ready to go thank you man I just finally I asked somebody to order another one of these just so I don't in case I can't get them anymore but that is that's the way a gas can spout should be huh how's the goes on there nice how's the other one you see on these the gasket doesn't fall out thank you very much and that locks down there yeah that is very much appreciated we're ready to split these open so just a note if you ever have to work on a fuel can brazing a hole or fixing a gas can in an old vehicle do not even if it's empty do not use anything that causes sparks on it it's not that the fuel it's not the liquid that burns it's the vapors the fumes on gas so those vapors will explode like a bomb so the guys back in the day where they would fill the tanks up with water and then turn the park to be repaired on the high side and that water displaces all the vapors so this has never had gas in it only water so I'm not concerned about it we're gonna use a little pneumatic cutoff wheel here and cut these open here we have been using simply safe for just under a year and we have found it to be very effective and reliable it is very easy to use and it gives us peace of mind to know that our house is monitored at 24/7 in the event something happens it's even so reliable that if the power goes out it still works which is great simply save on home I am the family's CFO and I rule with an iron fist simply safes pricing is fair and honest and there is no long-term contract we have a toddler and for good or ill she can now open doors it makes me a little afraid sometimes so as a preventative measure my honey has installed the new front door locking system simply save on so this is what I'm excited about and honestly I'm surprised it's very attractive you you would never know that it is an automatic deadbolt with electronics in there and I'm guessing it was easy to install because kody only sent me out for one screwdriver took him 90 seconds I didn't have to run back and forth to the shop there are four different ways to activate the deadbolt the first is the keypad the second the key fob third the phone you just press the button and the fourth is just by moving it one of our favorite features is the phone app when our house sitter comes I can press a button it opens the deadbolt and he can come I just leave the key inside for him it works great [Music] visit simply safe dot-com / Wrangler start for more information okay what do we see inside here now this is the wavy and this is our course our high-dollar candle we've got that red coating in there Mike might I guess my main concern is I don't want a coating that's gonna be flaking off into my fuel all we know is that as far as far as I could tell this has been used for 25 years through a lot of militaries and such and there hasn't I haven't been able to find anybody complaining about it now we can see here on the inside if where it was damaged you know where we we dented it that this stuff does indeed flake off so just know that you know if you do have a can that takes a big a big smash in it or something the chance I can see even I can see that coating cracking in there I I can tell you know having a background in auto body I can tell that there wasn't a lot of prep done on this and that this paint does not stick very well I would like to see that done a little bit better they at least they should maybe even shot it or sandblasted or something to get a little bit more adhesion on there that is that's you know that's the way it is I don't know at all like that that's what this one is we can see we got a nice welded seam right there very thick metal that's why it held up so good on the other side here we can see on the wavy end same thing some of that coating did come loose where we damaged it you can see where they didn't quite coat it right there on the top as well this is a new can and it's at with water in it for what a week or so since we did the initial test and you can see that they didn't quite get it sprayed on the top here's the vent that's kind of interesting so if you look inside you can see right there we've got that whole top section there that's nice and wide for that vent so as you pour you don't get the glugging effect in there as much if you can let the air rush in there and then that is comes out right there on the top so that's a pretty good design right there [Music] inside the China can we can see here yeah bare metal that's kind of kind of what we thought here starting to rust a little bit right there that's gonna be a problem and guys might say well you know I don't put water my guess it shouldn't be a problem you don't know you know what I have found especially running high-performance motor cycles and equipment in guys will find out that a lot of stations have don't have very fresh gas you know some have fresher than others it's been sitting around longer and some of them have more water in them maybe they're old underground tanks maybe they you know they just don't you know it's just it's not it's not exactly the same all the way around we have I don't even I guess that is welded but it's very flimsy this connection point right here compared to the wave Ian and no coating you see a little bit of green in there but that's just a little bit of overspray from the outside alright that's about it guys so that's kind of what we expected hard to tell by looking in the inside with the flashlight but we do know the China can uncoated substandard vent system it's going to rust and that rust is going to affect your fuel maybe if you're just storing kerosene or diesel not so much that kind of is a protectant of itself gasoline you know that's always the the more critical one the way vien does have the coating could have been done a little bit better on the top a little bit of cutting corners there or just lack of attention to detail quality control as well as not a lot of preparation before the coating is applied so is that gonna be a problem who knows a guy wants to make sure that you have a good straining funnel on hand just in case you start seeing flaking or coating going on like I was doing with my Grandad's jerrycans that stuff was coming apart I was using a filtering funnel and then it was just had a whole bunch of paint and coating inside there so there is no part unless someone's gonna start making stainless steel ones and none of us could afford those that's just what we have to deal with so unless you were to go to plastic and that's kind of a disposable item anyway so thanks for watching we will do we'll get into filling these up I'll take you along for that we'll talk about stabilizing what that if that really works or if it doesn't a little bit about the big tank storage I'm thinking about doing a 300 gallon round tank and a 500 gallon diesel tank with a hand pump on it for big storage this would be the small storage so thanks it that's it thanks for watching and we'll see you guys on the next video [Music]
Channel: Wranglerstar
Views: 265,692
Rating: 4.8096852 out of 5
Keywords: Wranglerstar, youtube
Id: P8ALZrrvplA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 31sec (751 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 24 2019
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