How to Mount RotoPax on Tacoma - RotoPaX vs FuelPax - Locking vs Non-Locking

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what's up guys welcome back to the channel today we're gonna be showing you guys roto packs the difference is between the roto pack so fuel pack and then we're going to show you guys how to actually install one on a toyota tacoma bedrick so first this here is the one everybody sees and it's the most common this one is the roto packs I guess the gen one but they're just called the normal roller packs this here is a 2 gallon water pack and the bottom one is it fuel so this one here is a fuel 2 gallon container this one is primarily made for feel that one the white one is obviously for water and the difference between between the normal one and the Gen 2 is on the very bottom here so if you guys look here they're almost identical at the top the only difference is the bottom the bottom the locking part of it locks together with another just like it so for example I'm going to demonstrate how these locking things about it work so you would basically line two of them up to each other just like that and they kind of seat within each other and then you push down ok and they do come with these little plastic pieces that you can put on the sides and this will lock them together but these are super annoying to take on and off so I don't ever use it you just lock them like that and then you can actually install it onto a truck like this ok and then for the differences between a roto packs and a few packs is that one is more like a normal field container it is a little bit thicker than but this one is more like a normal one and this one is a 2.5 gallon so with the feel pack line they use half gallons so it's two and a half three and a half and four and a half and then for the roto packs these are a lot sturdier you can basically drive on this and nothing will happen to it the field you find no no feel will be shooting out or anything where with the CEO packs this will probably crush and spill everything weight that roto pecks makes these is they use a rotational molding so the way this works is this was once a powder and they pretty much pour the powder into a huge machine and it rotates and it gets cooked inside an oven as its rotating and it melts that powder and it fills that mold and then this is the end result and then of course we got the nozzle up here there's a little lock so you push that lock and then you turn it until it out okay pull the nose oil flip it around put the cap back on and then you just turn it and then there is little teeth on here that correspond with a little tab and as you can hear it it lock himself into place and then once you're there you're locked in and then on the on the actual nozzle here there is a little lock that you could turn to start feeling so you would turn that to the unlock and then you can start pouring and then to take it off is the exact same way push that tab pull this off and this is how you restore it to you put it back in there and then turn this back on to lock it there you go so these teeth they only go in one direction so if you don't push this you can't take this off this is completely locked so now that you guys have seen the difference between the roto packs and a feel pack by the way the feel pack is a little bit cheaper even though you you get a bigger size but you don't get the strength of the actual roar pecs is what they're known for so we're gonna install two of these onto this Tacoma bed rack here next thing I want to talk about before we install this rotor packs onto the truck is melt so if you guys see here this is a locking pack mount and a deluxe techmount there's there is a normal one but we prefer the deluxe one or the locking one so we have they are pretty much the exact same the only difference is this square bottom and of course the lock this lock here it's nice if you have something that's going on the side of your vehicle that way nobody tried to steal it there is another mount that can actually extend this I think is called just the extension so you can just take this off you put that extension and that allows you to put basically to where packs on top of each other and then lock it down so for this install we're going to be using one locking mount one deluxe mount and the reason why we don't we aren't going to be using two locking mount is because we're going to lock the bottom of the two runner packs together so there's no way for somebody to steal one without trying to rip the a one apart alright so we're going to be assembling the backplate andy melt together first before we put on the truck so if you see on the bottom here it's gonna have two bolts that we need to take out and then your backing plate you're gonna take those bolts you just took out and just drop them in there you're gonna put it into the side that goes down and the reason why it goes down is that way when you mount this to your your bed rec or wherever you're mounting it it's gonna be flush okay so we're gonna do one at time okay you're gonna do the same for the other one and then just tighten it all the way so once you're done it's kind of looked like this okay so once we have this installed we're gonna take it to the bedrock so depending on which bedrock you have either if it's the RCI the up top over land or any other brand so the up top over land this is the truss already has pre-cut holes for the rotor packs if you have an RC I won it all so we'll have that as well and then next when you're mounting it you will need to decide if you want the rotor packs to sit vertically or horizontally because if you install this the wrong way they will not sit the correct way so for example I'm just gonna put two in just to hold this in place if you put this piece horizontally the rotor packs will sit vertically so I'm just gonna show you that real quick here so once again you have the mount horizontally the rotor pack will sit vertically like that so if you have a full height bed rack you can definitely do it this way then you won't need the blocking bottom you can just use a Gentoo which doesn't have the locking bottom that is also actually a little bit cheaper too if you want to do it that route we are going to mount it this way and lock the two together so I do need to flip that the other way so once we have this mounted on here this week but we will be able to adjust it since we are going to be locking the two together so don't tighten it down right now we are gonna get the other one mounted so once you have both of them installed if you are installing to grab your rotor packs and then we'll just mock mother just kind of lock them together first once it's locked you can put in the first one move the second one okay and then we'll just Center it that's about centered and I'm using these guide holes right here to kind of guide it and this is my Center right here which lines up with this piece so once you have this pretty much centered or where you want it we were going to take it back out and then we will loosen this so that way it's out far enough far enough to get over to these locking little knobs so we will loosen this loosen the other one [Music] and then the middle the middle one on the deluxe free spin so it doesn't Lee do anything so you will need to tighten the outer one and on these it has a little you see this build dimple on these they also have them on the other side so when you turn them you heard how it locks into place onto those these little knobs that they have so when you once you turn that middle piece it locks into place and then you can tighten it down even more with the top so once you have enough tension on it it will lock into place we'll grab our key with these the whole chamber actually comes out okay just like that okay we'll put that to the side now you can move both of them so like the deluxe the middle one free spins it really doesn't do anything once you have enough tension like I feel like that's pretty good we will put the lock on and lock into place okay since we have a coma with a bed rack that we can actually reach to the back we won't actually need to take the feel packs to tighten these so what we'll do is we'll just grab the correct size and we'll just tighten these down okay so once we have this side done we'll just repeat on the other side all right so once you have the mount secured to the bed rack and then the these are actually locked on to the rotor packs this thing is completely solid now it's not going to go anywhere so you're done [Music]
Channel: Taco Twonz
Views: 32,120
Rating: 4.9148936 out of 5
Id: h-eOe5O9NBI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 26sec (686 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 19 2020
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