The Gas Can We've Been Waiting For - FINALLY!!!

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welcome back friends to the shop right about now you're probably wondering what in the world is a roto pax well stick around and I'm going to show you it is so nice to be back home sleeping in our own bed after five days in Los Angeles but we we always have such a good time I know California gets a bad rap for having rude obnoxious people I mean that's called ways the stereotype but that's just not our experience we go down there are a lot of really good folks there and we always feel very welcome so thank you for that so roto pax roto pack finally there's a gas can a high-quality gas can there's so many terrible ones out there I think the strongest point of these cans is that they come in a configuration they're just really easy to mount and really tricky tricky locations if you have something like a motorcycle or a quad or a side-by-side or a boat or the adventure van or Overland vehicle the appeal of these things and they come in these really great shapes and the mounting system is what's the most unique part of it but it just gives you ability to poke little fuel cans or water or diesel cans and little areas that you didn't think was really possible before now these cans come in two configurations unfortunately I bought this one I when I put the bumper on the adventure van I needed a kind of a little secret one fan I wanted a little two gallon one I bought this one at the 4 wheel parts wholesale I think it or whatever it is and I got the wrong one this has got the the twist lock bottom in it I'm not a fan of these this is one of two configurations I guess the idea is that you can take two cans and you can kind of twist them together and they lock together I don't really know how that application would work for anything I have the downside with these is a couple first off it you've got all that extra material and they won't sit flat because they got a funny bottom on them and they're gonna tip over and that's kind of a bummer the other thing is is you don't have a dedicated handle when you want to pour the thing they put some little pinch recesses on there and that's okay but it's I mean unless you have really strong hands you know that could be kind of a problem I'm gonna use it because I already bought it and put gas in it so it's gonna be hard to return but the our way to go would have been to buy these this is probably what I would recommend this is more of a traditional style this is the I think this is the Gen 2 now these are three gallon cans these are a little bit different you can see here compared to the 2 gallon it's gonna be a little bit thicker but it's got a smaller footprint in that it's not quite as tall what I like about these guys is that you got a flat bottom it's gonna sit flat and most of all you've got a good handle on the back so if you need to pour gas or diesel or water it's just a better better configuration so these cans are gonna be you can get them for a white for water red for gas yellow for diesel I think there's a blue for kerosene they even have a red one that has a marker on it this is mix if you're gonna if you'd want to have to be able to differentiate between your mix for like your two-stroke engines and things and they have also seen an orange one that is like a container that you can open up it's that you can like put gloves and ropes and things in so this is what I probably recommend so let me show you the mount system that's the I think the strongest part of the whole system the whole deal and then we'll mount them up it seems to me the strongest selling point for these guys is this is the way that these things mount so that this is the the base it's kind of just a universal base that you can mount anywhere and to the cans and you can see these are they have several different ones this is the cheapest one one little tip that I found if you go on their website they have a kind of a blemish area or a scratch and dent and I ordered these are normally like $40 apiece which is kind of expensive but they are the really high quality of course you know all solid billet aluminum but I got two two four forty so that they have I always see they have quite a few blemishes there I don't care if has a scratch on or something but so what it is it so you can mount this here pretty much anywhere you want to and how it works with the can is now the can is going to sit on here like this and then lock in I've got this set for the two gallon so it's a little bit a little bit the wrong shape there but we can back that off so you'll put the can on there like that until it comes in contact it's got see we've got these two little D tents in there and then this is hollowed out on the inside so once this is mounted we're going to tighten this up and that's going to lock that in there and a nice secure mount now one of the cool things about this is you can stack these cans as well to stack these cans you're gonna have to buy a little bit a bit of an adapter but you're gonna take your your wingnut deal off there and then the cans are designed where you can put one right in here and then you'll thread that'll extension on there and tighten this down normally just like you would now you've got two so you could have like one water and one gas or one gas and one diesel or whatever you want lots of different configurations you can kind of mix and match them so it's a pretty versatile pretty simple system here now just also know if you're gonna have these in an area they're gonna be vulnerable where someone might steal them they do make locking ones on there I'm putting it in a way that's kind of it's kind of hidden so I didn't couldn't really justify the extra cost but uh you might want to consider that the obvious question that you're probably asking is well what about the spout as we all know those of us who unfortunately our federal government has or someone I can assume that was the government has made mandated Gas spouts that some have to be like safety spouts right and ultimately what they end up doing is failing and spilling more gas on the ground that if they would just leave us alone and treat us like adults to have normal spouts one thing I you can go online and you can order like the European style which are just a normal spout so we do have some safety nonsense here but let's go try it out and see if it works now on a side note if you're looking for a good safety can my dad got this this one for me this has got I don't know what it's called I'll see if I can find a link and put it in there and from the my amazon link it's got a red green push button on here and this is what Jack uses for his dirt bike and this is actually an awesome safety can I do like this one but let's see how this this guy works right here let me put that back in there show you how it work I am I am so sick and tired of politicians treating us like infants like we we can't how long have we got along just fine with our gas cans and they got a force this stuff upon us so here here oh of course we have a this is everything on these is really high-quality of course you know American made a great ratcheting system so we're gonna have to press that little lever on there you know we're all familiar with it get the ring off this is a bad part of this can system think how easy is that gonna be to lose it would be nice to have maybe even a clip or a place to tether this thing I'm just just thinking here but we've all seen this right before so this is gonna be a self venting it's got a night look at that nice thick rubber seal on there not like the real thin ones on the on the cheap cans and then we'll just put this on it like that so it's pretty self-explanatory here we we've got a lock and unlock so this is locked so when we go to pour we're gonna unlock it like this and I would imagine this is gonna press in and that's gonna release that valve in there just like that so it's actually as far as safety cans go it's pretty simple it's one-handed you're not gonna have to use two hands I mean crack to practically all those other ones you almost have to be an octopus to use them there it's not it's not that bad not my favorite feature gas that forward that you have to open the door to get the deal out okay so this is a this is a capitalist type of can or you know feel or like we have on most deal so I've got that thing to unlock yeah unlock there let's see how much see here's the problem I don't like this Jen one cam is that there's no no handle there it's not too bad because it's only two gallon so it's not heavy but that works pretty good it's going in there it's actually going in pretty fast so you're still leaking you know I mean that's these safety cans are just hateful but it's better than any other ones I've worked with so yeah couple drops there it seems to fixed itself but that's it well it come out hook it on everything just give me a pipe and a kit in a tube but it works let me walk you through the tools you're gonna need to install this really quick so the base is gonna come with the mounts now come on roto wrote it what is it roto roto-rooter what roto max these are these are expensive these kanzi's mounts and premiu you're not gonna give a stainless steel hardware get catty I'm a hardware I mean that that's I don't that makes me mad I mean at this price you should we should have premium fasteners no doubt but there's going to come with washers and at least did they include aviation nuts I don't remember if I supplied those or not I think they were quarter-inch drill bit a deburring tool if you're gonna be using this on sheet metal I'll show you how to use that some anti-seize and a sharpie for marking just as a little pro tip I like to have silver and black sharpies in the shop the silver are really good for writing on dark surfaces like dark grey or black or brown you can see them really well and then the black of course or anything that's lighter but the silver typically is my favorite it seems to work really good but I think that's it Oh 7/16 deep socket the first roto packs will mount is going to be in here and this is just such a perfect shape for this location this is the inside of the of the kitchen box on the adventure van and what I wanted is I wanted just a couple gallons just kind of for an emergency you could just leave on there you know sometimes you know who knows what right you forget to fill up or you can't quite make it home now but I got to looking at this and I measured it and it just fits perfectly right here it's gonna be nice and secure we can bolt it right through the aluminum box and it's gonna be tucked away and hidden in there that's kind of one of the reasons why I didn't get the locking cap on here because if you didn't know what was here well you would just wouldn't know and it was you know there's a big price difference between those mounts so this is what will mount here I pre-drilled it here with the quarter inch holes just to save a little time so let's I'll show you that deburring tool and then we'll get this set up this is a deburring tool it's just a small got a little hardened steel tool steel cutter on the end on a swivel that you use for getting the burr when you drill a hole you know if you drilled a hole before you'll know it gets kind of a heavy wire on it and it will hold the washers and off and those are hard kind of hard to get to so what you can do your sheet metal is once you drill it just run this in there like that and clean that off really nice and easy and these these break quite often you doctors use a little bit and you can store some extra ones and the cap they usually come with a whole bunch of them but this is a really handy tool you ready to see it in action so I you can see there it's kind of blade kind of cut like a knife on there and so this is really handy if you can't get to the backside so you can kind of bend this and just go around and you can see it cutting and it'll cut on steel of course this is aluminum it's a little bit softer but it works steel as well and for the outside you can just bend it out and usually just one one one ring around it'll just trim trim those edges off nice and clean very simple and then you get a lot nicer a lot nicer finished job when you're done very simple the mount carriage bolts you know a carriage bolt of course has a square a little deal on the shoulder that goes into a square hole do you call a square hole a hole what's nice about that is when you're using to use a carriage bolt is that it locks you don't have to put a wrench on both sides so as I said I pre-drilled these here make sure I just put one in and just put a little level across the top of this like a little torpedo level I saw a guy I had one of these on his car yesterday at the Safeway parking lot on the back of a Volkswagen and I'd expect this from a Volkswagen guy it was all it was like crooked it's like four and a half degrees crooked I looked at that thing like that would make me batty I asked mrs. dub you said would that make you crazy she's like no I wouldn't care I said really it's like well yeah maybe a little bit I should hope so you want your stuff to be done straight man I just couldn't I couldn't I could imagine that I forgot to mention don't forget the anti-seize especially if you're dealing with stainless steel the the it'll gall so we've got a V a shin nuts on here I know that the Volkswagen guys are gonna be mad at me bad enough that they put their gas cans on crooked already know that they're destroying the world with their pollution lying about their emissions I think we're ready to mount this up now always on threads that are like threads are gonna be using for you know pullers and Jackson things a little bit of anti-seize this is something you're gonna want to have in your shop just it a little tube of this will last you probably and your descendants a lifetime for just a common guy it's just gonna prevent galling it's gonna make everything well first off its gonna get all over your pants and and you'll you'll be wiping it off everything for the next 15 years but at least you'll have good working threads to install this so now we'll just sit this on here push that in there like that and then we can I got the thread I think you almost got it to tight right there there we go like that and then that mounts there on that little detent and we've got a super secure solid mount system that just it's just awesome no straps no messing around nice and clean fits inside there we've got two gallons of emergency gas let's make sure that we've got clearance yeah looks great that's a real nice clean set up there most guys wouldn't even know there was anything there I'll bring you around here you can kind of see it from the backside you can just barely see it from the from the side there but we've got about two fingers of clearance between the door plenty of room there and then with the with the the rear swing outs locked that can is secured no one would be able to get it out without unlocking the gate there so that's why I didn't kind of why I didn't get the locking mount but that's I'm real happy with that that's really all there is to the install I mean that's kind of the universal mount but I saw on their chair on their website they had they got stuff that's specific for different vehicles may or may not work for you but again the best deal is that you can go there on their on their scratch and dent or their blemish there's some real good deals it seems like they rotate a lot of stuff through there and that's where I got some of my stuff what does stuff cost it's kind of expensive well relatively you know yes USA made stuff like the mount and everything is all billet and you can basically drive on these can that's how tough they are it's not like the stuff you're gonna get a Walmart and when we do typically get a little spoiled from buying stuff overseas when you're expecting usually you can go to Walmart and buy a 5-gallon can for probably 20 bucks so when one of them one of these cans is like 70 bucks it's a little bit shocking but you know it's usa-made and i mean there's no mystery there right it's just it's the last can you're probably ever gonna buy the water cans are a little bit less you can get I don't know if they're BPA free I'd have to check on that but the water cans were around the 40's for a two gallon and then these were in the 70s and then the mounts you know they vary depending but may or may not work for you but if you have I want to put something like a really small one on a motorcycle they have cans that are like one gallon I saw 1.75 two and then three then they've got doubles some long ones that are hooked together that I think are four so you can pretty much find anything that will work for you in any situation so what I'm gonna do in the future is I think I want to kind of try these out a little bit I think I'm gonna mount a water can right here with this I can put the spout down while we're cooking and I've got these two gas cans these my friend John gave these to me and I've got the mounts are coming in the mail today I don't have them now but I'm thinking about maybe putting them up on top because what I would like to have is eight extra gallons if I have eight extra gallons of fuel that gives me I get about 15 miles per gallon so it roughly gives me a hundred miles of extra range and that's really nice to have because I you know if I was gonna be I kind of my rule of thumb is if I'm gonna be going on a long trip I want enough gas or that I could get home one way with on my own steam without relying upon anyone else that way if there was like a natural disaster or an earthquake or a massive power outage at least I would have enough fuel and water to get home so if you're kind of figuring how much you're gonna need that's that's the formula that I use and that may be helpful to you so I'll show you how I get these mounted once those things come in but that's probably all the time we have for today don't forget to click the thumbs up if you enjoy these videos I'll put a link to the stuff the tools and different things that I use the Amazon affiliate links down in the subject heading if you want to order those you can do that as well but I think it's a good product again this is not a product endorsement I paid for everything with my own money I'm not affiliated so I'm unbiased is what it is I think it's a great product downside is the cheap hardware and the I don't like the Gentoo one cans with the the locking thing on the bottom but everything else it's it's really really nice so thanks for watching and we'll see you guys on the next video [Music]
Channel: Wranglerstar
Views: 254,552
Rating: 4.8369665 out of 5
Keywords: Wranglerstar, youtube, gas can, how to, no spill gas can, fuel can, gasoline (fuel), jerry can, safety nozzle, rotopax fuel, rotopax review, gas jug, ez pour, safety gas can modification, eco friendly gas can, gas can spout, epa, nozzle, ez-pour, ezpour, diy, surecan, sure can, scepter gas can, overland, ez-pour gas can cap, ez-pour gas can, surecan 5 gallon gas can, surecan gas can rack, gas can pump, gas can vent, fuel canister
Id: 7HH6oGYpZ6g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 46sec (1066 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 15 2019
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