TESTED: Can You Beat Minecraft Without Gaining Any Experience?

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👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Swoholo 📅︎︎ Aug 17 2019 🗫︎ replies

Video idea: Can you beat Minecraft? It's literally just you speed running Minecraft with no unique rules. How original.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/mat383 📅︎︎ Aug 17 2019 🗫︎ replies
hello I'm a vehicle again one of the first changes made to Minecraft offered official release back in 2011 was the addition of the experience mechanic if you don't already know at the bottom of your screen at all times you can see how many levels you've gathered in your Minecraft world so far and these levels are crucial if you want to enchant or repair various items these levels are also determined by how much experience you've gotten in your Minecraft world something which you get for pretty much every activity in modern Minecraft you get it for killing things you get it then mining you get it for trading and you even get it to breeding animals and therefore the question becomes can we beat minecraft without doing any of those things given that most people beat the game with 20 to 70 levels at the bottom of their screen is it possible to beat minecraft without gaining a single level or a point of experience is something I recently asked myself and although I don't know the answer I wanted to find out alongside overview in today's video and we're going to try to go from these stocks of minecraft ie spawn again like we've just done right now all the way to the end of the game without gaining a single level so the one thing that makes up the spawn being kind of rough is the fact that we get some sugarcane right off the bat although since we're 9 chancing we don't need sugar cancer I guess that's just the game taunting us a little bit although apparently to get to the nearest trees we have to go immediately off the map so there goes that spawning map being a useful addition to the game ok so this is a really interesting seed while I'm chopping down my tree I've noticed that in the distance there's a pillaging outpost there already and it's really sad because if we were getting experience we could go raid that thing fairly quickly get a really nice rate going but again we can't take advantage of that fact so instead we'll just cower away from it getting food is going to be a near impossible task given the most food comes from a live animals can alive animal and you get some experience so instead we're going to have to try and live off the land as best we can which again very hard when spawning of survival island you know that the game just loves to challenge me and I guess that's what we've done today but yeah if you ever do spawn on an island and you really don't like your chances of survival your best bet is just to make yourself a boat and to go somewhere what you think your chances of viable are much better and that's why we gonna try and find a village somewhere in this desert or this savanna quick reminder by the way that tonight we won't be able to sleep unless we find a village because we can't kill sheep because killing them would give us experience and we also can't make shears to kill the sheep because you know getting iron would obviously require us to get experience from smelting said iron also right next to the Sheep just on screen as I'm saying I found one of the most insane ravines of my lifetime again usually would be great look at all that or an experience we could get but today I think we're just gonna have to pass this one by because I don't think there's much in an abandoned mineshaft if you don't want to mind oh but it turns out a village not only saves us from our you know like sleep worries which is gonna be nice because you'll find some beds in most of these houses there we go there's a bed right there but also it's gonna save us from our food worries because this is a melon and some Menem plants too there's even a saddle in here which is a surprisingly good thing to find in a random village chest like he has to cross in this chest for some reason an asado but yeah as well as melons which are solid find in any village you're also gonna find a bunch of hay bales which are a godsend especially if you're trying to eat without gaining experience because every single hay bail is worth 9 hay every single nine hay is worth free bread so we basically just got ourselves thirty bread right there and then when we find a second bunch of hay bales you better believe we've just found a decent source of food for the next decent amount of time but yet trading with villagers is a surprisingly useful endeavor you can get so many useful items from the villagers even if at bad prices however you get experience every single time you trade of them and we're trying to keep that bar at the bottom entirely empty I found another hay bale stacked by the way I think we've got food for like a decent portion of the game from this one village now also we're covered on armor because I found a chest in this one guy's house where there's just some leather boots chilling there surviving is nice don't get me wrong but if we're going to want to defeat the Ender Dragon we're only going to need survive we're going to have to thrive we're going to have to do really well and that means we're gonna have to make a small little upgrade to stone tools stone is as far as we can go by ourselves on the tech tree without you know of course requiring any mineral speed mind which would take experience so we can get all stone tools which is better than having nothing or just wooden tools so that's why we're gonna use this bull right here which has no ores in it and we're gonna get all of the stone we can for making various different stone tools because we're not only going to need stone tools we're going to need a lot of them because stone tools come with a really short durability it's just over a hundred blocks mind or mops hit or you know trees chopped down in this case before these items go to waste so we need to get ourselves a lot of cobblestone which we might as well do it when winding down a little bit five or six blocks into one line though we already spotted ourselves a pretty big problem which is the issue of like so it gets pretty dark pretty fast how about we make some torches oh yeah it's just sticks and coal how do we get coal we mine it what happens when you mine coal you get experience done what I guess there goes the mining right fortunately there is a workaround to this and although I'm sure a lot of you're thinking like just make charcoal so it can the prom with choco is it has the exact same problem when you smell wood into choco you're going to get experience this is an unavoidable part of the smelting experience and although we could just accept like okay we have to get experience if we want charcoal there are a couple of ways now of this the first one is to find charcoal in the world naturally which you can sometimes find the second way is to smelt up our charcoal but rather than taking out ourselves which gives us experience we can break the furnace which is going to drop all of the free items and as you can see the experience is therefore not given because we didn't really smelt it it was just in the furnace and believe it or not this is actually intended functionality the idea is is that if you're the person who takes the ice map the furnace you get the experience if nobody takes it out they don't get experience and this is true across all sorts of disciplines people can take your experience because it's not about who puts the fuel in it's about who takes it out so now that we've got ourselves enough coal of stone that we can make a decent number of stone tools probably enough to last us for the entire game now comes the question of what next like you've got stone tools but how do you go beyond this and of course it's probably possible to beat minecraft if just stone tools I mean I'd love to prove that sometime but since we're trying to give ourselves the best odds with no experience today instead what we're going to do is try to get as much naturally generated loot as possible including perhaps some bound in the abandoned mine shell because while this abandoned mine shop and indeed the ravine that encircles it super lucky thing by the way look at all this iron and coal but although it's mostly filled with ores that we can't mine for the experience and cave spiders we can't defend ourselves because that would also give us experience it also does contain a few abandoned mineshaft chests but no this is a really dangerous place but it does have a potential high payoff in the form of these guys right here which I mean powered rail probably not going to use those melon seeds okay that was in the village two torches pretty nice bread named tax this wasn't okay just to make it even more risky by the way now that I've finally gone down here there's literally an exposed cave spider spawner and I guess that's a easy solution but sometimes you get lucky with chests like these ones look at that Golden Apple actual coal rather than just charcoal you know the knockoff brand there are all sorts of things you can find in these places but one of the big signatures is all of the ores you'll find which I'm actually thinking why don't we use the exact same technique we use to get charcoal to get ourselves some iron armor which is something I'm considering just doing right now let's take all this iron which doesn't give us X XP when we mine it instead it gives us XP when we smelt it so we can go up a tier in terms of our equipment yeah I'd like to do that and while that smelts cuz it's probably gonna take its time I'm gonna try and find a horse to saddle again finding a saddle and just a random chest is really really really lucky so you want to take full advantage of that especially given that there's gonna be a lot of your roaming around at some point later on this game because fortunately for us taming a mob is one of the few things in Minecraft which doesn't give you experience when you do it despite it being a little bit of kind of an achievement so yeah we're gonna look for a horse and definitely not a llama people like to make fun of me for collecting so much sugarcane in Minecraft but I mean if we need to bake a cake you better believe who's gonna be the first person we cool it's this guy I very almost grabbed the iron out there just I'm so instinctively stirrer doing that but again we can't do that today so instead what we do is we break the furnace and boom our writing gets pop-out and now it can make some more armor and most importantly a full again can never understand this one a bucket a bucket of water is the most handy companion you can have in Minecraft and because of the gravel explosion earlier we also got some Flint which means we can make a flint and steel and a shield as well I guess because let's be honest this map hasn't really been useful in your fan so let's replace it with one of these shields which is gone for you useful because since we can't attack things we're gonna be relying almost entirely on defense to protect us from hostile mobs so finding a horse is turning out to be a little harder than I thought so far like I just figured okay savanna biome that's where horses spawn we'll find a horse eventually I've been searching for quite some time without finding one and it's gonna be crucial for the next step in our plan because again gotta make sure we don't get experience which means we're gonna need some specialist items to deal with the nether so I found a baby horse so I guess I could just watch the baby horse until it grows up it only takes about 10 to 15 minutes max and it looks like it's somewhat the way there so yeah given the amount of time it takes otherwise let's try and feed it some bread by the way just in case you're up set that you can't watch 15 minutes of toy cat watching a horse you actually can in the LinkedIn down description one of the things I do to prove that these are legitimate runs because some people question like oh what about the bit that you cut and why didn't you just upload a nine hour video well what I upload is the first you know couple hours of gameplay or so so you can just watch that roar if you want to to prove that it's legit they're not very entertaining hours because you watch me watch a horse blankly but they are some it is something that exists down ok so this is an issue I wasn't expecting to deal with just yet but since my horse is still trying to grow up I found an Enderman and this raises a very fun question how do I get ender pearls without getting experienced Enderman give you some of the most experience with any mob in the game when you kill them and we need none of that so my plan here knowing that enman has 40 health and that a stone sword does five damage yeah five attack damage we can attack this guy let's say five or six times just be on the safe side and then no no no no no no no okay I killed the Enderman there is some experience somewhere I don't want that experience luckily he died up there so I didn't get it but yeah he was weakened which is a problem I want to know if there's an ender pearl but I have to do so from a distance so to avoid this experience we're literally digging ourselves a tunnel okay so there's the experience if you don't know minecraft it sticks to it runs if you get anywhere close to it and my horse is running into it because of course it is I did it and it's such a fast horse my god even though this was is crazy fast it has good health and weight a moderate jump speed no this is video clip speed if there's one thing I've learned from this entire experience it's that you should never ever ever ever just wait for a horse to grow up unless you're desperate and you've searched for an hour already it'll always be faster to find a new horse in 20 minutes than to wait for one to grow up and now we're gonna go looking for some of the niche ingredients we need if we're gonna get this run done without using any or getting any experience so the first thing is surprisingly a desert temple you might not predict this one and if you don't note below every single you know desert temple you're gonna find yourself some very very handy TNT 9 if it to be precise which will kill you if you're not ready for it and probably has killed everyone at least once and just like that we've got some TNT we've got gun powder we've got all the good stuff and now we can hop out so that was a surprisingly easy find actually I mean desert temples aren't amazingly rare but finding a desert big enough to contain one or apparently in our case two is kind of rare sometimes should we go for the second one anyway Oh an enchanted golden apple heck yeah we're doing good on the rare loot today you know I'm gonna name the horse amateur by the way because it doesn't have much experience and like this run that's what we like about it so yeah it's amateur the horse so this wasn't on my list but we found a village with a blacksmith to just over here apples no a saddle probably not an iron sword sure no the horse had so much help how did the bread Kiner and I got experience from the course too why did the horse die why is that ah this is frustrating on so many levels so many so as I was saying an hour and 20 minutes ago hard difficulty blank seats so we don't know we're getting ourselves into let's do this shall we I'd say we learned so much from last time but honestly all I learned is that that minecraft bedrock has a bug that makes you do way more damage of your fists way no way has this just happened I was wearing like what are those blocks I'm seeing in there I think what has actually happened here is a fossil has spawned in the middle of the desert temple what the heck is this I have never seen anything at all like this I didn't know this was close to possible but apparently you can just find that that way when you discover something like this for a seat Sunday it's already like astounding the odds of like these two things colliding when you find it just in a regular survival when you're trying to do something else it's even crazier what are the odds of this happening very very very low this shouldn't have happened I I had I have difficulties believing this did happen honestly there's a lot of stuff we basically just have to repeat because of that very tragic death I still don't take full responsibility for you know Minecraft bedrock what's with the random bug that just came out of nowhere there's just too many bucks to keep track off that's the problem like when there's a famous bug in you know any other game it's like oh watch out for that when it happens a bedrock you like Oh which which famous bug Oh number sixty 8208 oh yeah yeah like there are many wonderful things about the bedrock edition of Minecraft that's why I play on this channel but uh you know the quality of the the bug testing or the QA or whatever you wanna call it is not necessarily that the good news is I've not only found one horse but I've actually found free so I can actually give this what so whoa he's got lots of help and he's fast probably the horse I'm gonna go eventually but just to check make sure yeah this is a terribly slow horse okay not only can this horse go fast not only does it have 12 hearts but it also jumps super high or that was a bad example but it also jumps super high or you know at least above average height which is great knowing what I know now about how punching works like I probably just punch him do some serious damage that way and then try the same thing oh no we need we need like a flint of steel something to finish him off with so I just found something very fortunate it's a mysterious trader not that I can trade of him and not like an even killer llamas but if you push them a far enough distance apart the leads which tie them together should eventually break allowing us to get one of the items we always couldn't get a lead this requires slime and string usually but today we've gone it just by finding one of these mystical traders okay we've got a full set of stone tools we've got a decent amount of wood I would say a healthy amount of wood and we're ready to go get those niche ingredients from last time I'm desperately hoping I find some form of armour on the way by the way because I mean no iron found so far no giant ravine no mineshaft none of the things that I would have otherwise needed to get some actual armor going but this time I still need to search for a couple of things I have now single-handedly gone rid of all of the snow on this mountain and somehow during that time my horses ended up over there I that's the downside of having such a fast horse I guess but yeah we're gonna take this snow we're gonna compact it down into snow you know blocks for the most part because you can turn snow blocks back into snow and it takes way less of you inventory so that's we're gonna do so either theory that on my map you can see those red splotches if you look really closely on the left-hand side I reckon those red splotches are a ravine and I need a ravine to get some iron so we're gonna head there while we look for the second secret specialist item protip by the way horses really like going walkabout on you so try and keep them locked in since we're in prototype mode anyway fun fact you can actually survive a fool of unlimited height into water which means when you see a big ravine like this you can get straight down to the bottom if there's even a tiny spout of water in there so then we can obviously work our way back up to the top from the bottom taking all the iron ore we find along the way it's always a bit nerve-wracking when you're walking on the side of something with like a diagonal block across but you can do it just fine every time never feel nervous about it oh oh okay oh this diamond down there by the way I can't mine diamond because it gives you a lot of XP when you mine it by the way even excluding the bits I can collect because I ran out of pickaxe to do so I got 33 iron ore from this one ravine anyway though the search for the pumpkins continues the best biomes for pumpkins if I'm not mistaken is the tiger by him because villages will spawn with a bunch of those in there but you should be able to find pumpkins in pretty much anybody a hat a pumpkin literally one pumpkin which is enough for us but still a pumpkin better than no pumpkins worst case you can always craft a pumpkin into pumpkin seeds I prefer to find more pumpkins but I think given the amount of time it took to find one that might be unlikely a the good news is to the south we found a lava pit which is essential gone to the litva never and we've also found another village and since I don't really need to call that desert that I went to home anyway I guess we could just stay here for the rest of the run this seat seems absurdly unlucky for tiger villages by the way I've gone through two entire biomes now and I've yet to see even a trace of one or even just a lonely pumpkin chillin by itself but preferably an actual village filled with them so yeah an hour of pumpkin searching and I have this to show for it just the one lonely pumpkin how if we can make the best of this situation we can turn our pumpkin into pumpkin seeds if we want we can get four of those and then we can plant these down really really quickly instead of the carrots the villagers want I do have to say it is very satisfying seeing my experience bar having literally nothing on there especially after that mess up from the last you know try although I've only just now noticed I don't have the Flint that I need for a flint and steel in fact I don't have gravel Eva so I'm gonna have to do that thing that every now and then we have to admit gravel is very slowly useful I need one block of grab for this entire run so this begins our epic journey can we find gravel in Minecraft so now I'm gonna turn the gravel into flint loss staring at my pumpkins hoping that they magically grow while I do so and there we go we've got some flint and therefore we good for the game so I guess we're going to make our never portal first and then we can come back and we can hope that it's done by the time we're finished by the way most people assume that you need a diamond pickaxe to make a never portal and just in case you're not initiated on the tip yet one of my favorite things that you can do in Minecraft is you can actually make a net porter yourself if you just have a bucket because water + lava equals obsidian and you can make water + lava yourself if you'd like - meaning that just like this we have now oops meaning that just like this we have now made a nether portal when we remove the original water and we've got ourselves a portal without any of the DOMA pickaxe or the obsidian mining nonsense the only thing that holds me back from doing so is this ok so another night is coming and these pumpkins are just being super super resistant I'm even gonna get other crops here just to be extra careful on this one but given that that is the case I'm gonna try and kill my first Enderman it's going to be risky but I do have my trusty flint and steel my water bucket so keep myself safe and yeah it's something we have to do anyway so why not get it done while waiting for something else to happen and as long as I walk within about a 10 chunk radius my pumpkins still have a chance of growing so that's that's my plan there aha it seems my stress she was at least somewhat successful a pumpkin has now officially grown it's really sad though because we're gonna take this first pumpkin and use it to grow some more because we need quite a few of these not just the one oh wow and just like busses you wait for one to come along forever and then to come along once we've now got our first pumpkin and will of course do the exact same thing where we bone mill them up all the way till they're at the point where they're ready to grow a pumpkin just to save ourselves some effort so yeah things are successful on the pumpkin front finally however on the Enderman front I have seen nothing today which I guess fair enough oh wow look how fast these pumpkins are growing literally in front of my eyes so free pumpkins enough me to at least try out my technique of trying to get blaze rods without getting any experience so let's head to the nether and let's see if this works so the never is an especially terrifying place right now because I cannot fight back if a girl wants to fire rain on me can't fight back in it oh I guess I could avoid oh god this is the worst place to spawn - but wither skeletons blazes all those sorts of things I can't directly fight back and kill them and you know trying to fight back and kill things is most of how you don't die in Minecraft especially in the nether well so I think having my only extra block villain ever being wood was probably a bad choice didn't appreciate why until I got here and I was literally on fire but yeah as it turns out probably want to bring less flammable things have you come in here sometimes you spend 20 30 40 even longer minutes looking for you know these things and sometimes they're right there in your face when you place your portal so yeah that was a pretty rough never spawn it was also just really bad there were no never fortress isn't it by in an ideal world we would try and rear oh and get a new fortress or a new portal sorry and honestly that might be worth doing but for this one what we're gonna do because we need to be there the pumpkins we're gonna mine ourselves a lot of stone and we're gonna make a huge bridge to try and find a know a bit of land because that was just terrible in every way okay so now the plan is to make a bunch of horse laps because it goes double as far for the same amount of cobblestone and then we're gonna try and get as far away from our existing spawn as possible and try and find another fortress that way okay so now we climb up what's a bit and we start a bridge to the nearest bit not doomed civilization and the moment we hear a ghast noise of any form we run like crazy very nerve-wracking win or you can see in every direction is lava but it's fine half the job oh there's a gas down there as well we're trapped between two gusts I repeat there are gas on both sides of us now dear god this was a bad idea okay new plan I'm stung a staircase slowly going upwards I knew this would happen eventually but not so close to land okay we're fine were fine would get I'm alive didn't get hurt I didn't even hear the explosion so that's good and now I'm on a new bit of never hopefully one which actually comes with some nether fortresses maybe I'm gonna try and bridge to the far end of this fortress and try and find a blaze spawner because I'm gonna kill blazes about killing blazes I'm gonna need to be in very close proximity to them yeah no no no no no no oh Jesus okay we are officially in high alarm Oh the organic bridge underneath this net fortress because I just want to find the blissfulness everything else is just a thing in between me and the blissfulness yeah this is one of the more nervous never runs I've done in a while because I can hear the skeletons right above my head and I know I can't fight back okay so I've gotten through the nerve fortress again by going underneath it and now my plan is to get somewhere in that mess to find a place born in fact I think that's probably a police phone right there okay so my plan is to run across here right next to the blaze spawner we have to be very quick with getting into the blaze spawner because they'll start spawning while I'm not and now here comes the risky part of this strategy so I've got snowballs which can damage blazes from a distance even when blazes can't see you we're gonna first of all build a wall gonna make the place on the fray again so my plan here is actually quite simple I'm going to mostly kill the blaze I do I think it's eight hits with my super fist which does double damage for some reason and then we're not going to kill the blaze instead what's going to happen is this snow golem right here is Oh God so I'm gonna be entirely frank with you before I record these usually I do some testing you know like the night before to make sure the fundamental mechanics of these videos are possible and in every test I did when I place down snow golems they could kill blazes without dropping XP even if I half did it even if I mostly did it but yet in spite of that fact there are some experience or I'm so lucky that they didn't end up inside me my experience bar is still empty but because experience office will come to you if you go even within four or five blocks and if you get one free blocks they just get instantly picked up we have a big issue to deal with now how do we avoid those experience orbs but my theory is that they should be able to burn I know that in lava they vanish they disappear so hopefully it disappears if we light them on fire oh they do disappear meaning that we can change our strategy on the fly right here I don't like this but I guess we're forced to do it we can change our stress tree instead of having to indirectly kill the blazes which I thought would be a great way can make some jokes about you know collateral damage but instead we're gonna kill the blazes from a distance and then we're gonna kill the experience orbs before we get the blaze rods so my new strategy involves using this tunnel right here as you can see I can just buy it very slowly all the mops from here and then when the experience orbs do drop they won't be able to get to me because I'll be able to burn them before they even get close look at this XP orbs over there they want to get close to me there's only one way in here and I can permanently light it on fire it's gonna be insane to do this another you know 10 times or so but it's what we have to do and because blazes don't drop their blaze rods all the time that means we have to kill a lot of them to get these you know blaze rods actually dropped it that's right we're going for an absurd amount of effort for something that could literally end our run instantly and we don't even know how much effort it's going to be I guess this is just another great reminder that snowballs are one of the godsends for the nevermind craft being able to kill blazes from a distance is useful for all sorts of reasons oh by the way fun fact Chicana she converts snow to snowballs and your inventory and even if you break it with your fists like I'll show you right now you can't get snow from snowballs unless you have a shovel and unfortunately for us I'll shovel run out so we have to make one on the fly in the never while there's green orbs of death trying to kill us it's funny because they're literally an invisible threat you know they could come from anywhere anytime meaning we have to kind of scope out the place make sure there's not a single sign of any of them okay so now I've got another problem that I can't even comprehend one of the experience almost fell off the other side of this thing I don't know where isn't the other side this thing but I have the issue how do i if I don't know where it is it could come into me at any moment like so that means I have to dig around and try and find it and if I can't find it I should have run away from it it's not worth the risk oh you know game we've been free blocks of it and then run over yeah I can't see on this side either there is an experience or trance somewhere around there next to a blaze rod I desperately need but in spite of that fact as insane as the sounds we just have to leave that entire area behind yet so we have to find another place somewhere else or another place spawner if we're lucky okay so I just realized we can use the exact same area just from a different angle if we're really really really really really really careful again we're gonna make sure no experience of spawn but if we attack them all from a distance just like this we can kill them and we know where those experience salts are so we know we're safe from them so let's do yes to play slots okay as long as I don't pick up these XP ups and as long as these Blazers don't kill me on the way this run could have ended for something that was entirely unpredicted and that's the great thing about minecraft no matter how much you know unpredictable things still happen I mean especially when you play bedrock but number Dipple things happen regardless of your platform and that's a cool thing anyway now we've got seven blaze rods I'm feeling good I'm feeling lucky let's get out the never we finished one of the biggest tasks and we came very close to the brink a couple of times okay so here's another tiny risk of death situation if it is a regular skeleton up there and if he's not on the slide that I hear and from run over let's do this let's do this oh okay let's check behind us it was a skeleton and it wasn't the right side okay thank God I was correct about hang a skeleton and I'm so glad I trust my instinct there by the way I really loved the way this like little staircase turned out it wasn't meant to be pretty and you know it definitely isn't pretty but it's it's nice right for something I made on the fly while basically on the finger prick of death okay it was a scary experience from start to finish quite literally but we have beaten the never and minecraft however to beat minecraft you don't just have to beat the never it's about that other dimension too you know the one right something something pregnant mother dragons something something kill her get an achievement get the end credits to roll so that is now on next target which is actually why we went to the never in case you don't already know you need blaze powder and you need ender pearls to make I offenders which are necessary to activate the end portal the one thing we can take away from the never that's quite positive though is that if we do accidentally kill and end up in ourselves as long as we've got some distance between us and him which is very tricky to get because end then can't be attacked by range but we can set the experience on fire and we might be able to avoid that too if you don't note when you share a pumpkin face into a pumpkin you get yourself be called pumpkin which you can put in your head and it looks like this which on the one hand kind of fun and funny wrote like haha I have a pumpkin for our head very funny stuff but the other reason this is so handy is because you can also use this to avoid looking at Enderman they do not register your stairs at them when you have a pumpkin in your head which might just come in handy I don't know it's always worth keeping in mind okay so we're taking the horse out tonight we've gone looking for in Durban and we're gonna try our exact same strategy again I'm really really nervous because the O and then literally just over there how lucky so the plan is attack the man please stop ruining my life drowns but the plan is I'm just gonna stay here and the guys gonna just keep walking over and over again into the river there's free of them now there's so many Enderman if this was any normal run I'd just take this as a field day but today things are trickier but yeah and then maybe we set fire to him as well it's funny cuz both fire and water are angles of attack today he's gone so far in there Oh as you can see andaman on fire doesn't even care about me doesn't even consider that I did it boom Enderman dies no experience that I can see I'm gonna stay away from anyway though so I think that's a pretty effective technique or not effective but it it's a working technique okay and then the rest can be done via fire which is kind of funny that water and fire is the mix again then we're mostly good because eventually the Enderman just uh negros against you just realizes you know there are bigger things to care about in life than you this is when we set the end of an on fire and then the enemy dies not leaving an ender pearl again okay here's enema number three we're gonna try the exact same thing again and this time just by law of averages we should get an ender pearl right that's just that's just 50% chance four times in a row should equate to something oh there we go ender pearl without the experience perfect so now we're gonna spend a significant number of nights looking for Enderman killing Enderman in this really indirect way they have to be near rivers I guess as a key part of this cuz Oh a pillager raid I want to so bad but I shouldn't but I want to but I shouldn't but I really want to I told my 4-9 would be so cool but the number of risks I'm going through for some that's not essential so that's what we're going to do every single night we're gonna spend the entire night looking for Enderman and maybe even some of the day and then during the day at least for our first few days we're going to go looking for the stronghold because now we've got an ender pearl we can turn it into an eye offender and we can use the eye of ender to search for said place if you don't know the stronghold is the place that contains the end portal and I have a hunch because in minecraft bedrock it's open the villagers it could be under this village right here so I'm gonna head very distantly to the south into a nice Plains biome get on a very nice you know clear place where I can see my surroundings and then I'm gonna throat the I fend and see where it lat their so that direction oh I blew up that's the worst feeling now when we see this village which is perfectly in this direction by the way we can be you know let's call it 50 percent sure maybe a little less maybe a little more that this village contains underneath it somewhere a stronghold Oh free diamonds perfect climbing for it to actually oh and it's an old-style village well it's been a while since I've seen one of these it's just regular old village from pre 1.14 but with a bed attached and then we're gonna attach our horse to this well right here make sure he doesn't leave me and we're gonna dig down below this village and see if there is indeed a shuttlepod oh and just like that literally ten blocks into our dig down we found something out including some selfish that represents our stronghold so selfish our risk in this run for two reasons one because they're annoying like normal but - if selfish spawn remember I can't kill them or you have bad things happen which means there's a real real danger with them like they're dangerous if they're dead they're dangerous this they're alive therefore they're just dangerous we'll stop same with the selfish spawn actually next to the end portal I just kinda have to accept that there is one and pray that it doesn't kill me so yeah one of the first places I love finding in a stronghold is usually the you know case rooms because they contain so many wonderful chests with great enchantment books however we can't equip those in shaman books ok creeps are also dangerous because they blow up causing silverfish to spawn I've said this before what my protip for strongholds to make sure you don't look back over yourself because they look very same ish is to always block up an entrance off you've been through there and that way by process of elimination once you've gone down every hallway you'll eventually find the end portal unless the end portal room is separate which is a whole problem right but let's pray that does happen to us ok something that is just objectively good is finding oh I was expecting an ender pearl but I'll take some diamonds instead heck yeah but yeah it's just an objectively good thing when you find these chests because they can can't contain so many useful wonders like bread or like diamonds or like and a parcel you know just more more things like this the longer I explore the more worried I get that this might be one of those impossible strongholds with the N room separated but you've just gotta o maintain hope and something like this might happen so I don't know how selfish Boehner's work but I assume they're not affected by light we're gonna test that for you right now though okay they're not affected by light which causes me a problem because this selfish is not gonna despawn for a really long time and I don't want to be the thing that kills it so I guess we'll just avoid this room or costs and so we need to and then we'll go into the end and the selfish can just follow us there I guess so once you've found the end portal room it can be really easy to lose it again so it's important to place something that lets you know that that's the right way and in my case despite all of that searching it was literally one turn away from the first room I went into so yeah maybe that teaches you a lesson well maybe that just makes you infuriated like really all of that searching I checked every room in this stronghold and it was the last thing I checked anyway so now the real time-consuming part the run begins which is my adventure to get the other eleven ender pulse there was one already in the end portal and I've wasted one so that means we need eleven more ender pearls which means we have to kill somewhere between 11 and 22 Enderman sometimes even more it's a real rough process and people complain about how much I show it because it is a big part of the journey but what we're gonna do is use the magic of editing and you can skip the next three to four or sometimes even five or six hours off the you know annemun killing and we can just pretend that it happened instantly and just like that absolutely no time at all is passed it's definitely not on new day because I got so tired of hunting any man that I decided to wait for the next one nope it's been zero instant see everyone who's complaining about all of the enamines stuff you know it's a big part of the runs but we can pretend it's not there if that's what you want to believe so yeah we've got some Enders now after you know again what was totally an instant and not five hours across two days of enman hunting and now that means we can head to the end I'm really excited for this but also kind of nervous at the same time because the end is actually devoid of experience learning opportunities for the most part the only problem is though is to defend yourself in the end you need and experience there is Enderman and there are shockers both of which are going to be relevant today neither of which we can kill which is kind of worrying to me because they're both some of the more dangerous mobs in the game so yeah I don't really know how this is going to go but let's give this a well also oh yeah because selfish is the spawning we've got a place the offenders in here well we've got selfish coming up for us but that's mostly fine let's go let's do this end time let's do this oh and by the way in case you've never seen my favorite strategy defeating them the dragon it's definitely really easy to do on your first time if you want to do it the normal way you know I've done that many times before but my favorite way to do it my way which guarantees the best odds of success and since you want to guarantee the fewest mob encounters I think this is probably for the best - what we're gonna do is we're gonna head out to the end islands just in case you're not already aware in minecraft there's one big end island you know the end that the place where you go the place where stuff happens and then there are end islands about a thousand blocks away the usual way to get from one to the other is to use the end gateways you get when you defeat the Ender Dragon this is how 99% of Minecraft players will do it however I'm not ninety nine-cent of minecraft players and instead if you really want to if you're really committed if you have some real big reason you can go to the end islands first most people don't have a need or a want to do this honestly but I have both of those things because again I want to avoid any mob confrontations that are not humanly necessary and end aminute everywhere in the end I always have issues of them they always come very close to ending my runs in some cases you know I've been killed by an enemy because I was focusing on the ender dragon it's a whole problem and the easiest way to avoid Enderman the easiest way to take down the towers the easiest way to deal with every single end problem is to get an elite reversed and you know I'm just gonna do that which is the reason by the way we brought all of this wood with us to the end because we can take a stack of wood turn into this many planks then turn that many planks into this many you know half slabs which will get up some serious distance towards that thousand blocks by the way fun fact just in case you didn't know in minecraft bedrock addition which is every version that just says minecraft basically every platform but minecraft Java what you can actually do if you want to is you can place blocks directly in front of you just like this by placing where the block should be it's a really intuitive thing in my opinion rather than having to like eat you know creeks over the edge just like this it's really much better and much more intuitive just place in front of you and it's a bedrock feature it doesn't work on Java but it works on again every other version of the game so you should be good and by every other I mean excluding console Edition but that's a whole separate thing but yeah that's how we're gonna get from all the way over there which is now just a few to the end islands which is still another six to seven hundred blocks away and just like that through the power of editing magic we're there although we're not actually quite there we've got this many slabs about four stacks to try and get us all the way over there and I'm not quite sure it'll make it this is gonna be a real photo finish here okay it looks like we made it with just over a stack to spare 70 blocks if it was more than 70 blocks further I'd have had to go through some drastic measures I don't know they'd have been but I'm glad we don't have to and now instead we're in the end islands so from here of course our job is to find an end city with an end ship that's easier said than done but at least while we're here we have pickaxes or pickaxe singular oh yeah that's something I didn't properly consider we have yeah we've got some issues but we have a pickaxe and hopefully that's enough actually I think we've got incredibly lucky because our first Sin City has an end ship it's about like a 50/50 swing on getting that one so we're pretty lucky there oh and I've triggered an Enderman already somehow I don't know why did I don't know what I did and enman is very upset with me though so there are two ways for me to get up to that and ship right I can stack myself up this is the safest way if I do it away from Lian City where I won't be hit or I can dim early use the Shockers and their attacks to get up there given that I only have iron armor and I can't get better because you know the whole diamond thing I think it might be smarter to avoid being hit on purpose just for extra safety so something horrible doesn't happen we put the pumpkin on and now we start stacking up to that thing so of course it goes without saying that there's always a lot that can go wrong here but that's why we're gonna minimize it we're gonna come in from underneath we're gonna get the Elektra maybe open the chest and then just get straight out no attacking shockers none of that stuff just immediately equip that you know bad boy on my chest plate and then get out there so you see there's a couple of none there's one shot hawks there all we have to do is get this Elektra please Elektra come to me and then we're gonna take whatever we can get Diamond leggings will really save my life here and these diamond boots might be the same and now we're getting out there now we're getting out there we're gonna already say in sight because otherwise we're gonna float up and damage is gonna happen but otherwise that was actually pretty solid oh God and now just be safe we put this back on and we put our new armor on as well look at this mending and I'm breaking this would be so good for survival it's worthless for a one-off I mean near worthless I would say and then feather pooling which is surprisingly useful in case something goes wrong with our Elektra so yeah we sacrificed a little bit of a little bit armor to get this I would actually go as far as to say you know since there are so many good things only really found out here why don't we go ahead and try and find a diamond helmet it might make the difference so yeah cuz I have feather falling it's somewhat safe to do this although those could be famous last words of course which gonna run inside we're gonna ignore everything I'm gonna try and find one of these rare super great chests okay there's a diamond helmet Wow it's literally the thing I needed there's also a diamond sword in here which I'll take right like I I think that will make a big difference being hit over and over again is that fine it looks like it is because of my diamond stuff and yeah projectile protection I don't know if which dragon attacks can't was projectiles but I mean I imagined because she's the dragon a lot of them probably right okay we're ready for this now we've got full diamond armor enchanted too I mean it's all enchanted badly but it's enchanted we've got diamond sword don't figure out God with long we've got a diamond sword to boot I really hope my Elektra works they've really hurt my lecture books pray I've got equipped and pray I've got it equipped you check let's check okay with line so now we're gonna fly back use this extreme height fire advantage and go back over here back onto our long bridge because I don't actually have a crafting table or enough wood to make one and we need that crafting table it's we're gonna head back over there I'm gonna pray there's no animal trying to kill me which of course there is so you might be wondering why do I need a crafting table I just got everything I would ever want for free right like you know why why Kraft when you can be given things so yeah there's one very crucial recipe which you'll notice I referenced earlier in the game I'm taking all that sugar can I collect it that absurd amount of stuff that did nothing for me we're turning into paper and now we can use that with our gunpowder to make a limited but you know fairly hefty number off fireworks that's right 31 firework rockets let's do this with these we can now flight wherever we want including around the Enderdragon open over again which is gonna be great also this is very nerve-wracking to do but it means instead of walking along this scary pathway and fearing falling off I can deliberately jump off and we can fly up and over this now we get our TNT out from earlier you're gonna notice that comes in handy as well because we're gonna use this to do some real magic over here so you notice how there's always you know two of these you know towels which are a lot harder to take down on the rest well oh god we did not wanna be inside one of these oh girl this is wrong this is no K this is no K this is no K I'm always terrified of flying around because the dragon can hit you in midair and you can hit the dragon and nevis situation is actually good lights on fire and we can just fly away boom tower number one down and there's always a second cage tower and you know what you can do if this one but this is a really good end spawn like of all the things to enjoy about spawn most people don't enjoy the end but this is a great end for first-timers because the cage tails are some of the lower ones I'm actually gonna fly a little bit outside at the end Oh God like I said nerve-wracking because I need to make some snow balls I have not counted this yet so we're gonna do is we're gonna grab the snow blocks we're gonna grab the shovel and we're gonna make those snowballs because we need to take down the rest of the towers which you can do if tnc oh lord if I didn't step backwards I think I'd be dead right now anyway we need to go to just random individual objects we need to get a lot of snowballs out and we need to be ready to take them down by doing a little bit of a drive-by shooting but with snowballs instead which is adorable again regular drive-bys no adorable snowball drive-bys eyes and thank you planned minecraft we the snowballs and now what we do is a little risky try to take down all these towels using snowballs it's really hard while you're flying because the momentum of the projectiles is really messy in fact this is even a situation where we're gonna take off the car pumpkin and we're gonna put this one on we might look at Enderman but it's worth it for the precision we get because we need to be looking accurately dead-on to take down these things just like this oh okay another one bites the dust oh yeah look how fast we're taking down these tiles see this is this is why it's worth spending the ten minutes to go outside what you lose in the time of just like the endless void walk you make up for easy in how fast you can take down these towers if you know what you're doing again this is of 0 XP this is with you know like the armor I found in the end city it's easy and it's done now we are good so now we're gonna reefs which helmets one more time hopefully for the last time we're gonna trade out these snowball for a health potion just in case something goes wrong and we are going to fight this dragon until this dragon is dead see yeah now all we have to do is kill the dragon without being killed by either a dragon bet her dragon asset or one of the end of them you know there's lots of lots of potential risks here but I think we've done a pretty good job of minimizing them eyes on the dragon again I can't see anything by the way I know you can't but I can see even less on my screen oh that's why you have the health potion that situation right there is why you have the health potion because the dragon does not play fair and that's also we have a second one Oh see that having a Litro well that's the run over is it possible to beat minecraft about getting any levels clearly the answer is no I think we proved it pretty handily right there the elite row didn't activate there's this weird bedrock glitch where you can't activate Electress under certain you know momentum committed conditions and that was one of them I should have been able to I had the defense mechanism and I'm gonna say you know quarter for you know public opinion right here I'm gonna say that you know if I should have been able to do something and if it's a bug the reason that I didn't one I would say that horse drink Murli was kind of yes but this definitely right like the reason why even specifically mentioned that was a thing you could do and it is a thing you can do it's very easy to avoid and everything should have worked though had feather falling but it didn't so you're not we're gonna go ahead and nullify that one you're not the worst thing about dying is you lose all your experience it's terrible you just it takes so long to get it all back right anyway getting back into the actual fun of the run because the big challenge is the fact that the Enderdragon is actually the biggest single source of experience in the game you might already know this but when you kill the dragon which by the way look at this we're officially killed the dragon look at that XP bar nothing in it that's a cool feeling I'm gonna be honest of you but when you kill the dragon she drops a lot of experience around 60 levels worth in fact and there's this really tragic fact but again the portal you have to get win free blocks for a lot of it but this is a I guess where the tip from earlier came in handy because my plan here my clever genius plan was just to wait five minutes actually let's prove that that's possible let's let's just wait five minutes and just like that the experience is gone meaning we don't have to collect it protip experience like any of right 'some vanishes after around five minutes in your Minecraft world in fact we have the exact timings how long did it take edits a potato I was gonna say like potato man but that seems a bit weird but saying editor potato it makes it sound like I'm talking to a potato who edits my videos which is not the case by the way he is a person I believe anyway here you can see we can also pick up the dragon egg if we like and you know I think I would like to pick up the dragged egg oh never mind never mind I've got I've got more pressing matters to attend just like that minecraft Beatson with no experience levels which is really impressive given it gives you so many at the end we just beat the game but it looks like we just you know died about 7,000 blocks away from spawn but no this is the state of a person who's beaten the game this was a fun challenge actually there are a lot of weird steps net this time I try to keep things very I get an edited down slim etc because the last one was such a long video and I was off we edited down from just over an hour so yeah I hope you will enjoyed Minecraft getting an experience it was a super fun run but it you all enjoyed you can like the video it's now 2 a.m. the next day it's like there was a lot of time the weddings this is what I'm trying to say and obviously you know that's kind of part of course for a lot of YouTube videos but if you liked that and you want to see more check out the rest of the playlist or subscribe to notifications turned on so you can see other challenge runs like can you beat minecraft without killing any mobs whatsoever you know like pacifist minecraft run it's something I kinda want to do it some way in the future but yeah if you want to see those runs in the future subscribe and then turn on notifications if you really want to see them alright thank you very much for watching because I'll see you all next time goodbye [Music]
Channel: ibxtoycat
Views: 1,280,835
Rating: 4.8699989 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, without, gaining, exp, experience
Id: dtiVN0mxgCo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 54sec (2994 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 17 2019
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