(1.15) Finding & Farming Bees (Ft Trying To Eat 15 Bananas)

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I took the love adivice from the livestream.

It didn't work out.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 8 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/PedroKlein_ πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 29 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

I forgot how cursed that thumbnail was

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/redd_the_fox πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 29 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Great stream

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Jdogskizzle πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 29 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Oh yeah i remember that haha

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/vvownido πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 29 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies
hello I'm a BX toy cat and 1.15 is out for Minecraft on all versions if you're on switch you'll be out in a few hours but minecraft 1.15 for Jabba and minecraft 1.14 for bedrock is officially out and about 9 months ago now I made a bet something on the lines oh hey if minecraft 1.15 doesn't add any both a cave feature and a mining feature I will assume that I have lost a bet I donated $1000 charity had to do that thousand dollars is a lot of money but you know I was pretty sure myself so that's why I put that on the line because I wanted to you know back up what I was saying with some words and the other thing about it is is these guys because I said you know 1.15 I'm so sure that they're gonna listen to the demands of the people we know who want the update that if they do not add a cave update and a mining feature be crazy if they didn't but just in case I'll eat 15 bananas and I would've been real easy to meets just dodge this and being like I didn't say that but again I try to stick my word where possible which is why I bought 15 bananas and like bananas are crazy cheap but when you buy enough of them they stop being cheap front/back but I bought 15 bananas and is it funny how they wrap them in plastic like if only there was a way that you could get a you know like a way to protect the banana from the stuff within if only there was like a natural packaging that it comes in so yeah I've got a bunch of bananas here today and I'm gonna try and eat a bunch I hate bananas like in case you're curious the reason I made such a stupid bet is because I hate bananas right I don't like bananas I don't think that good I think they're one of the worst fruits out there but I guess we're gonna dive right into this and you know just we'll just start webcams full screen actually bacon I think I can do this and then you get to see more of me but then you don't get to see the thing big long thing okay you know this is this is nice let's go to webcam and see here we go wait I can be centered in a cave or it can be like they're you know we've got lots of choices but um let's let's dive into these bananas shall we what a great live stream I actually don't have the thing set up here so I guess we have to go here if we want to see super chance but let's eat us samba not I'm not like high enough up here let's eat us some bananas shall we because this is a great concept oh I want to point out right now one I mean it's so like even the first one I'm like I hate this I don't like bananas in the slightest they make me gag cuz I mean mmm love me some banana so tasty mmm bananas I'm doing this because I believe that when you say you're gonna do something you gonna try your best to stick to that commitment you might think that you're never going to do it but if you don't stick to it when it happens then what our words were and so here is me eating the first of my 15 bananas hmm so yeah um I don't love you but I love you toy cat says pixel wow you like my ex-girlfriend but yeah we're also gonna be in the end saw but I just can breed and stuff we're gonna have double reasons for this hmm bananas when you eat banana by the way the picture of you is permanently on the internet and there oh come back so I looked into the nutritional information of a banana and bunt back bananas been on another two bananas have not to a concerning high amount of potassium like when you eat when you eat bananas you know there's more potassium in there than you need in like a healthy amount of time eat five bananas you're in a you know you starting to get into the radiation levels because potassium is a radioactive element but um what I find funny well I find extra musing is the number of calories that 15 bananas contains like this is a fruit this is supposedly one of your five day but the sitebeam despite being one of your five a day meant to be healthy for you it's like a hundred calories of monona this is like a meal I'm eating in these bananas right here and I just I just don't like this in the slice but take out you concentric it there is not single doctor you're fired who will recommend that you eat 15 bananas in a row right not a single banana not a single not single banana leave also recommend you eat 15 doctors to be fair hmm locating his daily 200 grams of sugar so in case you're curious a average banana has about 100 calories but it also has because the fruit is very sugary right so let's get the nutritional information it also has according to this 0.3 grams of fat 12 grams of sugar how is there 12 grams of sugar how does it taste so bad if it's 12 grams of sugar brown one of them so yeah the third banana here as you can see also there's 23 grams of carb carbohydrate in each of these so gonna be eating like 300 something grams of carbohydrates and over 150 oh my pink rose encoding overload I've never seen that people my thing overloaded and encoding what is that whatever it's probably nothing thank you for the super chats chat hmm this is this is wonderful I love bananas so much they're not the worst fruit it's definitely not a very average fruit that we just deal with because it's easy and cheap no up love bananas definitely not making me sick like free bananas in like the number of things I do to stop eating this banana but my gone for over anyway because that is what you do but yeah that love me some bananas Ashley that's let's do that finger pick it till you make it right maybe enough bananas then more bananas gone again there's two left in the first fight we're like our first punches almost damn okay banana her number four like I'm actually like I did already didn't eat today like much I had very small like breakfast and lunch thinking oh dinner is just fifteen bananas today but already it's fling my stomach in and in Kampala I think your body has this natural mechanism where when you eat something you know you hate it's just like stop doing this to us stop doing this and yeah I my my body is just like why there are so many tasty ways to eat sugar yeah we're gonna do um we're gonna try our best to fake it till we make it that's a phrase I've heard many times before which is why I'm gonna pretend these are amazing click hats beep interesting site updated I mean yeah if you think about it I'm going back to my ancestral roots one of my great-great-great great-great grandparents was a monkey right it's just how facts work hope your stomach is not shrunk meeting to let all people die that way hmm good place to be yep Anala like it just isn't a meal right there's a reason no one's ever like oh I'm hungry I'll have a banana wait actually scrap that I'll have 14 more hmm good stuff though okay I got this number 15 and I'm 5b kohrville 15 my life would be less pain so bananas are really cool because they got this like self-healing mechanism but it's really really easy to peel a banana I'm pro tip pro tip right here you ever want to eat banana but you're not sure what to do you just kind of snap the end off like this and they're like smashers and you get someone to peel on the skin and you can go banana mode it's a useful little pro tip right here oh god these this is just not tasty there's just not going well I'm spending too much money so you can read em Welsh this Judy Baker thank you for let me know I'm I'm eating bananas I don't know if you can tell don't have that's come up yet hmm I never go back to bananas and he's sitting before exactly no one eats more than one banana bananas are a one-time hmm bananas are a one at a time food that's just what you do of them right so I guess officially vegan I can't confirm I'm on a vegan diet today bananas are officially vegan my stomach is really not like don't we parent for it we'll get this go hmm we paid $1 watch a black bear drink a Pepsi when I was a kid I'd do that that's a good idea hmm five bananas best Mac in the world more important or more question are you human gonna be real view I don't know if I can in good conscience say I'm a human hmm yeah the way think about how much of an honor actually is like think about plate of bananas and how much food that really is but eating 50 miles doesn't sound too insane oh no right hmm yo you're gonna bankrupt me if I keep watching your stream says hairy yes 24 that right there that is the plan you might think this this this these streams because I enjoy streaming it's because I want to get this car my stomach is really starting to react badly to this now take me speaking most adults need forty seven milligrams of castamere Dave Irish mama has that four hundred milligrams there's no way you need 400 bit oh you do actually well it's even right here a banana has 2% of the daily protein you need so if you eat 50 bananas 100 percent of your protein salted guess who's going on to pack - mmm love me some love me some more bananas they just here's the thing right I just feel like the most normal people would get to this stage and realize like oh yeah bananas sound like a small thing until you hold one in your hand when you've got a bunch of bananas there and you're like this is it this is a substantial snack this is a lot that was that was a good night that was a good noise not a bad noise that's the sign that my body like is what I'm doing to it right now it's definitely what that is definitely no it concerns as she let me change the stream title or I do not feel good I'm gonna now perform said things about stomach issues I don't imagine how bad they're gonna get already so on says you're in serious danger stop again as best I know my editor did some hard science and it should be fine so one of it is I'm just gonna cut this real quick and then me eating 15 bananas am i eating 15 bananas because I lost a bet a lot of people are questioning like are you playing minecraft some I'm gonna fix that right now I don't - I don't mislead them again very very essential to me that we do this right okay there we go consider the saturation value also chuck sprite yeah I think getting something like fizzy in there might be useful maybe like even just a little water hmm why are you allergic imagine if I'd sent this challenge and I was allergic to bananas that'd just be suicide streaming right which is a thing you can actually stream yourself or you shouldn't stream your suicide you get shut off by YouTube real fast bananas are communism yeah if you think about it bananas are one of the few goods on the planet which are so cheap like people always say like oh it sucks you need like money to buy food to live but I mean do you feel sick yeah I feel quite seriously sick hmm here's my ex-man for today sure hope you don't die if I don't buy I'll be here to let you know mmm sprite would kill you it reacts with bananas is that true one sec by the way I respond with the nation's in a minute but I'm gonna do sprite and banana sprite and banana banana sprite challenge dangerous oh it's um it's because you only have so much stomach capacity so apparently okay blah blah blah apparently your stomach only has so much capacity and that's interesting is um oh it's because you are so no matter how much you chew a banana you can't compress it I could show you this but like I don't have to chew up a bit on my hands but you never you never make the banana smaller you just make it easier to swallow and that means that there's only so much stomach capacity you have which is why after five bananas I feel like sick lethal and I wonder what my stomach capacity is we can Metron bananas like I feel more full than I felt in a very long time and that makes me wonder what happens when you reach the limit right like I stopped wanting to eat bananas six bananas ago okay we're on 7 banana number 7 here I think you've reached capacity my guy but like I've reached capacity my body's saying don't eat any more bananas but there's nothing stopping me eating more bananas like I love these all mechanics rest like you should stop I mean but clearly should I you better be careful about the next bet you try so I agree man I've gotta be more careful he's easy hear me out dude um when you reach the limit you tend to throw up not even halfway when we made it halfway let's not fight out with him I'm okay don't worry there's gonna be no no harming of cleek out on the stream only emotional harm is allowed here I think I've said this before the I don't wanna like self physical harm to myself in exchange for money because that sounds pretty bad right at the point where this causes more than like mild discomfort which you know we'll get on right there we'll stop were each at seven bananas equals 700 the number of grams of sugar I've just consumed and I didn't even enjoy it you know that's the saddest thing like what how many how many grams true can you have in a day actually let's go back and google that in a date you meant to have something like that it is even sexually it's a banana bad for weight loss bananas are healthy nutritious there's no doubt about that they're high in flavor but low in calories and what world is this a low in calorie food so it's part the balance real food based diet well I'm offended by the lack of is it okay to eat two bananas a day eating too many does more harm than good one two free bananas a day is a moderate intake oh Jesus we should be googling this while we do it do bananas make you poop the evidence suggests been honest introduced constipation check may checkmate Internet dozen of ice cream and taste if better I just don't understand our food which on every loved level should be delicious if known from the future comes back to stop you how bad can what you're doing really be it's a good question but let's go for all the stream naps I got a bunch so thank you for the X amount let's not find out limit I'm scared yes money yet I guess yes money is no blend them of ice cream thank you for the suggestions I you know that little fool were you like I need to eat but I'm not going to I'm just I'm already there but but good bananas get bad real quickly a lot of people not who in chat has into bananas in a day off their own free will not many all right here we are at 7:00 my stomach is just like there I'm loving this I love bananas the good news is here's the halfway point oh I taught two at the same time double but let's let's double fist bananas I'm a I'm a property Donkey Kong is right is it called double fisting I've heard that term before not just in the context you're thinking so okay here's another banana oh yeah this is this is good stuff this nonsense so I've got two bananas in my hands this is something no one's ever wanted to do bin like you know I like bananas but you know I just there's you can't eat enough at one time but not God there's a giant bruise on this one - I hate bruises whoo let's let's go let's let's double fist the bananas just mmm we've still got six more to go after this I'm feeling like fully depressed at this one right now believe in you thank you Masonic Prime once that butt [Music] [Music] okay that was that I went for a pleasant I just decided to check on my the state of what my toilet bowl looked like I spent about five seconds looking I really enjoyed that was a good look I'm still I I love bananas they taste so good I just want to eat more all the time I just at what point is this just abuse yeah at what point Oh yep once oh yeah bananas so good so tasty I just I just really got a desire to like check the bathroom tiles ah swinging to myself like what do they look like I don't know from here I need to oh girl there's a there's a pillager 8 happening what why how even ok so the good news the good news is I have apparently found out the number of bananas my stomach can eat at one time and they also here's a fun fact about bananas not that I would know but I've read this on the internet just now actually I read it while I was in the bathroom apparently bananas because that you don't digest them very well they they go out you should get some banana amazing sandwich now that sounds like a great right there so yeah ok and I'm at right my plan is so the plan is to try to make stomach room your during the rest of this stream one sec I just I really I really want to know my ball from looks like it's ready [Music] [Music] oh yeah it's really don't worry guys the bathroom looks exactly the same I can confirm it looks I fought him I have changed but it's gone significantly better it's uh it's good we're wonderful I'm gonna go and I'm gonna play some minecraft for a bit now I hope you like that uh how many bananas can fit into a cat's stomach before they stop fitting into the cat's stomach the answer is nine who would have figured and we got six bananas here I'm gonna try and come back to these for the in the stream again we I stuck to my word to the point where the bananas stopped going in is the lesson I've learned and now you know I will the lengths I will go to to keep my promises to you and subscribers if I if I make a bet and I say I'm gonna do something I will do that thing for you Internet to the point of my own detriment don't drink fizzy only water I really really want to drink fizzy drink just to see you know what that's all about I also know I shouldn't don't worry you look like you don't I'm having such a good time today I don't know I don't know what you're talking about okay so I'm gonna I'm gonna update the title and then yeah we have featuring 15 bananas okay trying to eat oh yeah my stomach loves me right now honestly bye Bob good for the body right really good for the body today we learn that lesson and does not feel good actually you know I'm gonna set this challenge to all of you I enjoyed my 15 bananas so much that anyone out there who's like toy cat you know I reckon you did that pretty slow see how fast you can eat 15 bananas that's my uh that's my challenge to all of you right now let's see you can eat 15 bananas the fastest it's a good challenge everyone I knew Shawne who's allergic to bananas I've considered just telling strangers I'm allergic to things of know with no my stomach is so full you know when you're like full and it's like okay this is nice then your fullness like I ate too much then the spoon it's like I'm never going to need to eat again the good news is I am so full I won't need to eat again I decline your challenge I don't but 15 bananas are so tasty I don't know why you'd want to I feel like that's that's bad you know conveniently the shots of shine sprite cranberries yes I only had one burn on once I hated it so much I didn't finish it it's such a it's such a bad form factor for a food you know I'm not gonna I'm not gonna talk the bananas yet that Donna's are great everyone should try them right start over so stuff but lazy cancer oh no there's no place like in my bananas at this time how sad I guess we'll have to do it another time no we we got we got the bananas here we're still going night 9 is 9 is a good school I think according to that previous thing true bananas and a liter of sprite is enough to make you throw up and I think that 7 bananas is more than a liter of sprite I don't know if that's true actually oh ok so now we need it the silk touch ax / bumblebees and we want some flowers Oh in case you're curious from the let's play this morning yesterday this is how many flowers they have I'm pretty I'm pretty prepared for the update so we're gonna grab a silk touch something they call me Mike hunt see you can't trick me Mike hunt you might want me to say that fast but you know what I am beholden to no one so let's try and find a shovel with silk touch because I bet somewhere in here one of them has it or like an axe or I do I not have any silk touches laying around I have the axe in the chest but it's like dangerously low you should have made banana pudding I mean that would have been now would have been smarter right that'll be in the latter being the clever way to do it so to have it spread out over more than seven minutes how long will be trimming that does it really take 20 minutes tweet nine bananas bananas take a long time to EA I thought you said you don't trust people with a silk touch axe I said a silk touch pickaxe don't worry hpy good-bye again so have weakened and slave the bees this fingers fingers yeah no we can we can now enslave the bees put them in a farm and then we can make them work for us which is really all you want to do it B is so um yeah in case you're curious as to how you find bees and you haven't watched at my earlier video one watch my earlier video you're starving me if the ad revenue I desperately need to do silly things like eat 15 bananas I mean bananas aren't cheap when I was actually incredibly cheap one banana is too many bananas I mean I would I would argue one bite from yeah one one banana is like wow you've done well today nine bananas is like you why you know what I give up when you're hunched over crying a fan Graham your stomach you better remember I want you this is a final warning so solid alloy you know I don't think it's gonna hurt any more I felt like there solidly in there now for the ones that are in there right now like the five remain actually how many bananas are in my stomach let's be an app for that I think we just came up with idea for an app chat an apps that can let you know how many bananas you have enough stomach at any given point in time done with banana ate tell me those bananas cost you a thousand quid oh yeah that's true the bananas did cost me a thousand US dollars these are the things I do okay we need to find any symptom either we have still touched shovel you should be able to break a in theory at least this should work on a on a budget would call it the thing I'm trying to describe so now we're gonna grab a bed and then we're gonna ride a skeleton horse we're gonna write a skeleton horse all the way forward all the way that way until we find something that's the plan eight bananas is the world record for most bananas in a minute that's pretty intense actually oh the fact that I can eat more in 20 than he can eat in one just goes to show I'm basically a record holder and basically already made oh a move the I'm so sorry how embarrassing of me let's turn that on and let's chroma key this stuff boom look at me now there's no background you ever wonder how that stuff's done now you know now you see how the sausage is made banana tracker top trim cap okay get this you put a microchip at each banana okay when this be so fascinating you put like a really tiny microchip one that doesn't like you hopefully doesn't actually matter to me if it hurts you be like you know for the health nuts out there like there's a microchip and every banana and then you can see where the banana isn't you any given point in time I would love to know like how much food is in might adjust of system right now but sometimes you know they're just there's no app for it so how's a guy meant to know there's no way it's a real problem but you know what could fix that an app that's what could fix that so yeah I'm officially trying to get funding now for my brand new burn on a tracking app let's make a yellow bed cuz bees right I mean it seems smart to me so we need some wood now we'll just chop down a tree oh okay here's two planks and boom now we've got enough for a bed let's write our skeleton horse till we find one so in cash curious how do you find be an existing world because I break I've covered briefly how to do it but I'll show you how that in my world how I'm gonna do it and then maybe this can teach you because you need to find a ball thank you dan ammonium for the $2 tip thank you appreciate it Texas man what a burger and hate should be miss you for I I had a feeling of great joy the maΓ±ana's gave me that strong fiber feeling in my stomach like you're healthy today to a cat good job earning nine of your five a day so yeah h-e-b is the the Texas grocery store actually did quite like God we're going boss the the world lag fun fact don't put maps and item frames if you don't enjoy lag but yeah um it's a lot harder to focus you know this is a challenge string hence we can't live stream apparently while enjoying the banana buff you know like imagine this is minecraft I'd have in the corner bananas strength so cat has +10 fiber for you know 24 hours you could weigh before an offering the bananas oh yeah I wonder how much weight are good there isn't just the bananas I let alone anything else that would be a fun depressing but also cool step I hope I can find that out now so um yeah we're gonna do is we're gonna keep walk in one direction literally just this way at zero the world origin until we find something if we find a Plains so we want to find a plane spy a sunflower planes or a flower forest realistically speaking that means ninety nine ninety slurps apes and the time you're looking for a flower first that's thing well see I'd love to go back to Texas like Texas is on my list of states to revisit somewhere also thank you that one ginger from SP for the channel membership glad you like the channel enough to decide to support it with a monthly contribution means a lot to me also got a tracking app hey guess who's already got VC funding that is definitely venture capital right there yeah boy your boys about become a millionaire for this banana tracking yet so yeah you could like see where the banana is at each stage you'd be like because people always say bananas give you energy right I don't know who says that but people people insist the bananas give you energy well so how do we get okay we're gonna do is we can use our shovel gonna place a block like here wait I didn't pick up them they go flying up there it is okay we're gonna put the block here this is the wall border by the way it's a weird thing have you ever taken drugs and also obligatory mood see you don't need drugs when you got bananas Oh oh god this is not what I want in my life you don't need drugs when you got bananas see oh god you can actually get the horse I've never in the boat when you got bananas in your life you start to realize real fast that you just don't need drugs anymore drugs are just an imitation of bananas also other microchips reusable it says Tiger Lillies no but then you could follow the banana into the sewage uh wouldn't that be so cool like okay banana tracking app it tracks the banana as it goes for you oh you should have optimal strength right now because it's in your lower intestine I don't know how to test ins work okay but like it could do that right and then also once you use the bar it could be like banana officially expelled from the body you know that's that's the dream right that's why I ate nine bananas because I wanted to expel them from the body ASAP and then get this once you once you've done with that with that stage it could track into the sewer and it could tell you like when it hits the ocean yeah that'd be that'd be fascinating like oh it looks like there's a sewer clog in my area okay help you find blockages before you did like if it gets trapped in your sewer pipe it's like oh there's something in there I'm gonna have to call a plumber glad it happened now rather than like overflowing because so many people might overflowing toilets a real issue I happen to know okay I'm feeling really good right now by the way I can my banana strength is unmatched I I think everyone watching right now who are saying to stop I think you're all just jealous of my banana strength because I am so strong they'll be you will be your first project with the new blocks honestly again I think I've kind of said this this is why this update stings this is why the buzz around this update might be you know you I don't believe the hype on this particular update because there aren't many new exciting things you can do like I feel like I've got a couple of very faint ideas with honey and weave honey like blocks like I want to make a bee world sort of like I want to have a whole section my world like covered in be stuff I want to do something with slime blocks be blocks and no one oh I wouldn't want to make like a house out of honeycomb or like a big vibrant walk somewhere but as far as like like maybe it'd be cool to cover a part for the never in honeycomb blocks are straight wait I can make one of my end islands like a honeycomb island that'd be cute right but besides those things it's like very hard to oh we're gonna bits you bottle left here gonna veer to the center again bananas have quick carbs and fairly healthy sugar can I can I correct a misconception that is in the world about healthy sugar when you're the way you've described it makes sound like banana stem one piece one side you are you implying they done okay if you think bananas break up into multiple bits when they're inside you explain to me why poop is banana shaped checkmate no Leanne checkmate I we just we just slammed up right so honey blocks are amazing for flying machines yeah they work like slum blocks so I they don't do anything else you would never have allowed this banana debacle the only way to eat mashed bananas is in banana bread best of luck home raid oh yeah but not I definitely want to try okay now that I've had nine bananas honestly my appreciation of bananas has actually gone up I don't don't don't ask me how this is possible but like bananas sound banana flavored things sounds so much tasty now and then bananas that's my banana strength like the powers they come out of you slowly it just it hurts a little bit when the powers are activating but believe me that was tasty but yeah um also yeah we're looking for a Plains biome we can explore before I think we've been here but just in case we haven't we're gonna ship and see if there's any bee nests on the tree cuz this is a plain spot it can theoretically happen hey what's going on says Luiz Parma so ia nine bananas today I kinda want to get into double digits but also my stomach is threatening to expel even more of the night I've already eaten sir I'm a little torn here also I hate your thumb now thank you near decay also though ginger from s the one ginger from SP says I named my stock market group after you ooh a stock market group I'll wait okay I'm I I learned how to gain the system oh wow bees already well that's convenient this is really close to spawn so I got really really lucky over here there's already bees sweet tree wait them to go home and so touch them let's do that so we're gonna get flower we're gonna place it near their home just click place one over there actually let's let's make it easier for them to go home and then we're gonna try and when it soon as all the bees are in there we're gonna silk touch it it'll be great it will be wonderful you were saying about sugar oh yeah um Australians and British Texans I like that as a as a little saying so the thing about sugar you need to bear in mind people like to say there's healthy sugar and unhealthy sugar all sugar is exactly the same when it's processed by your body it's the same with like macronutrients like they're the macron oh okay they were going in they were going in oh yeah I think I lost some money down here I'm gonna help oh no there's no money down there I thought there was but the real money was real money was up above all the time so oh my good hope you're having a beautiful day thank you I am yeah now that was though I could I fought I dropped money was actually was actually a was actually a was actually a fly or a banana there we go also excessive phenomenas this is the sound of two people thank you okay so I want to get I want to silk touch the hive but the bees get mad at you when you do that so we can be very careful about what we do here okay that be though don't kill me okay so it's fine as long as oh now he's dead because he stung me okay so now we pick up these we're gonna hope that there are bees inside here I'm pretty sure there should be hey they're friendly be look even even off they've stung you there's the weird counterintuitive fact that they'll follow you with a flower we're gonna look for more bee hives just in case this one's not good enough cuz I don't know how much is in that someone said puking on shrooms boomer I didn't puke on the stream I was looking for money thank you very much I I hate the slander that you insinuate that I might have grown up there well so thank you very much for the stream labs that came in while I was looking for money I was looking for money down there but Rudy goes up here so it has cute feminine hands you know maybe maybe no thank you for the super chair thank you very much Nora Nora Evelyn for the 5.1 ninety-nine thank you saboteur foo green oh it's good to see you today hope you're having a wonderful and absolutely wonderful Wednesday Tuesday update day Tuesday yeah so um took a collab with I deactivate uh he's British and so am I we might with basically the same person good idea good idea so much mushroom just to how could you ignore all I think of all the mushrooms do we can make care look at me just ignoring all this I can make the most suspicious stick and I'm just not doing it and they tell my grandkids like we can't regurgitate nine Bernards in this room I didn't regurgitate anything I was looking for money all this slander in the chat you know you guys been real mean I I don't know how you could insinuate that's that's what was happening bananas like how cook make you high by they've been are now coexists a technique we can't do that they toxicated banana alcohol is actually I don't think that they had it but I think it's like tasty because like you won't really speak things to cover up the flavor of the really not speak thing anyway so I was talking about let me share a fact of all of you I think I was just told my how much I want to eat bananas and then that happened maybe that's what it is maybe it's like your body's just like hey I can hear what you're saying up there but buddy you better you better chill on this insinuation that unit eat more bananas we're not having that we're not having this ok so here's another plane spying let's try and find us some trees yes you ate banana block oh ok Lego cloud ok I love you know let's be honest eighty percent of stream chat is garbage I like the other 20% that's why I'm here for leggo cloud of his you ate a banana block that's clever because nine nine bananas would make a banana block so let's let's go to give golf clap golf clap two legged out there I like that so uh what's up what's good everything's going good here I actually got special powers from eating nine bananas just now I like that quite a bit actually bananas are worse than smoking as someone who has eaten actually okay so bear might I don't smoke in like you know I don't smoking's awful I'm not just saying that as like oh yeah you should totally not do it I mean smoking it literally isn't fun I've tried whenever I see people like especially young people who know how bad it is I'm like wow this must be great you know it's that bad and you're still doing it I want to make you a much cat Gael good see here but you know imagine imagine eating I'm definitely not losing focus I'm it's that if the banana superpowers again the that is taking a bit of time to form room back orange square face cam okay what we're gonna do okay look at the orange square we're gonna put up that and then we'll put it behind me and now I'm in front of an orange square do you believe it is it believable check I hope you like that see this this is the power you have over me of a dollar ninety-nine is it a dollar ninety-nine it was a dollar ninety-nine think about the power you have over me with accept the femininity of your hand on my hands feminine I feel like you can make hands feminine or masculine based on like if you go like wait if I got if I like is this feminine I there's a way to make hands feminine masculine slick yeah I think if you if you stretch all the way out and do that it's like a feminine but if you like you know that's I feel like hands are different your hands look like hands um the thing is is actually believable if you think I have like an orange wall painted like this I love how the orange where facecam takes up the whole screen wait let's there we go this is what you see now this is okay I don't have to move that back corporate interests over there now boom super believable right I live in the future that's where I live oh that means I can stretch outside the box oh that's weird right oh that's weird the box only covers half of me and then it goes transparent again let's deliberately do that halfway across my face see yeah I'm partially in partially in Orange land partially not so weird place okay even though I don't know what's going on here so yeah we're gonna look for another bees nope there's enough to be nests and then as soon as the bees go inside we're gonna scoop it up and we get the bees inside whips and flowers put one right below that'd be nice don't if that's gonna work okay there's one inside there at least let's get let's get your boy over here hey come over here friend Google ghost you and France do what impossible I will do that sometime off the stream I imagine that sounds like a fun idea okay cap go inside Oh cuz he's got it he's gonna harvest the pollen and then his butts gonna go all sticky and then it'll go inside it'll be great so um please use campfires you definitely meant to use campfires and we will use them when we make our own bomb but for now I definitely like the satisfaction in not doing that okay there any other bees around okay there's not so now we got two bees nests all they're separate because they contain separate numbers how interesting well maybe they don't have a stuck we could check that but yeah now we've got to business we're gonna go home with our our trusty steed and we're gonna start farming some bees feminine take your hands can't hurt you I mean feminine hands are less likely to hurt you right because they usually will did by people who are both less inclined to hurt like women are less aggressive and also Jen like actually I don't know how much hands like I know that in general a lot of places it's true like I know a lot of muscle is more lean towards guys than girls like on average showing that the wait bodies are built but I wonder if like hand strength is I would love to test that actually science can someone find out our man hands stronger than women hands or is it just they're attached to men should you be should you be equally worried about feminine hands and non feminine hands let me know chat crack your knuckles Oh people hate this and you know what I love doing things people hate you like that noise you feel good about that chat that's fun isn't it that's what he didn't post maybe dude I'll thank you so much Alena Khan for the $1 99 stupid chair you didn't buy a super chair and that's the reason I ignored it that's my official story now go and stop staring at B butts you Widow you know what if I want to look at B butts in my own free time you better believe I'm gonna do it I it's probably probably wasn't probably a good idea okay so we need to go back this way cuz that was a portal we can just go through you know just crack my hands and subscribe I love the orange square is it Welsh the orange square isn't let's put the orange square just over here a little bit so looks like a park my body's in front of it let's cause some real real jarring here I think my hands are pretty strong I challenge you to a fight let's let's see how strong these hands really are he likes B butts that he can not lie you other insects can't deny when a bumble when a Queen walks in with her you know I I don't like I don't like this I'm gonna stop right now and say thank you David Solomon for the three pounds the orange square is Welsh and also thank you be using stream labs you're the hero that the live-streaming community needs you're a Bidoof i'll see that you know it's close to good it's not there yet I'm sorry hate to break it to you we're we're almost there close but no cigar you know madam humans are the same but men have shorter thumbs and women have longer pinkies I do have a crazy long pinky like look at this pinky it's like almost as long as my next finger it might be just as long as if you look at their hands okay thank you cinnamon rabbit toy cat is known do appreciate it orange box walks across Wales in a straight line the guy behind that is not actually Welsh contact also apparently horses don't like being little fire you learn something new every day you learn something new every day so yeah we'll leave this horse like in a box somewhere maybe I'm really not sure where thank you lucky out for the $1 of check Thank You Forrest Madden time to eat another Nana I literally I've been reverse eating bananas for the last 30 minutes I mean I've been gaining their superpowers it'll be too dangerous to do it now yeah thinking about your banana literally as it's causing me some genuine issues I have really skinny hands losses Mickey and hey thank you Night Fury 76 for the two euro super chat hope all is going well in the Night Fury lab but uh yeah I I've always wanted to meet a trans Welsh person who looks like myself such as over you know there are so many Welsh people in chat today statistically someone's bound to be trans right that's just that's just facts like you big enough sample size someone is bound to be like any combination of weird like different demographics you might want like do you want someone who's like happy but Asian egg yolk as Asians can't be happy otherwise it's a well known fact I think I should get some more glass I think I put in a chest or a barrel hey we did so yeah we're gonna we're gonna make like a ceiling I already actually don't all my planner sir we're gonna I'm gonna play this one by ear I guess so we're gonna lock the bees in some form of cage sorry it's just it's just the way I do these things yeah it seems about right except not wear the glasses so yet how are we meant to get in and out this actually doesn't matter if the beat you know we'll just let them in a little box now they'll be mad at me when I let them down won't they yes we're gonna we're gonna like drop the bees nest and then very quickly place the glass oh there is there is it lay never mind hey thank you we'd be watching Gavin stakes me excellent Gavin and Stacey at xmas honestly I never got into Gavin and Stacey it once played on BBC free while I was watching something else and I was like I'll continue this but besides that yes also we got the total B location achievement will go for free today there's free brand-new achievers in this update I'm hoping the B's are in there is there something wrong today did we not do it right check we're gonna sleep right here you miss 9 bananas what do you mean bananas it's dark banana 35 so yeah um chat why why aren't they coming out so what did we do wrong we did it correct like the achievement came up once that let's confirm achievement list I don't know okay there we go the B spline to come out I just took a while oh I still haven't got time for stew I need to give someone stew at some point yeah I've got to have freebies inside which means I was gonna say like wait how do you get over there wait am i does that make any sense I feel like I felt like the B shouldn't have been able to get over there right I stopped being so mean I'm also being too let's get my laptop and donate by stream house but let the record show you bill it means doing it yeah i bully strangers on the internet in exchange for money that is something I want on my rec oh yeah I'll beat believe it oh there's a hole behind that right okay oops okay well Oh having these ceilings is pretty unnecessary than a you put a door up over here to stop B's leaking in in and out whatever let's just start bringing the B's there's a week that's what we're here for so that's what we gonna do where you at B's they're coming out in such weird intervals but whele so now we're gonna have we're gonna get some camp fires going to so I guess actually you know let's remove these internal internal glass bits let's just let's just deal with that that way right easy sad easy done and then we'll use this back wall over here for the beehives and then we'll have like camp lies underneath them so campfires are made from what logs and coal so we'll put some logs and columns it use the name tagging name of beat Nana as much as I would love that high quality punish I am oh no no no don't leave that was the whole thing I was trying to prevent we're gonna get in back come back I know there's a bee over there as well okay this is a whole problem okay so we're gonna let simple where are the other bees they're meant to be like at least four of them I don't know where the other we also we need to okay let's get a bunch of wood logs we have them stored somewhere and then let's make a door for this place and then we can make it like piston based maybe that could be fun and then it's breed some bees as soon as another bee comes out no no no no you don't don't leave me don't leave stay here for now you stay here buddy and we'll give them a little little love heart and we'll pray finds another beat let's stop trying to man the pot finding on bees I don't know how it is that they figure the best place to go is outside but no in sight you're an inside be is what you are the bees escape yeah I get it I get it that's nice that's nice they'll come back to the nest I know they should but that bees getting really far away it's you know let's let's Lock them outside that's a just leave see look they want to leave so bad feminine wash hands Thank You Nora Evelyn I'm Welsh it's true aren't we all Welsh today you know eating all these bananas made me especially Welsh it took away my ability to not be Welsh and that's sad you can use signs so they don't pass find out yeah I'm gonna grab I'm gonna grab like a door I'm gonna use like an acacia a jungle door whichever one yes you have jungle logs your chest and jungle doors have that little gap in them and I need the jungle wood anyway for beehives so let's go to my jungle storage and let's do that more flowers might keep them in Wow imagine being so picky that like twelve flowers isn't enough let's find these you know you can you can do this all day but it's good I mean I swear how we have free flying mobs in Minecraft now that's like a decent number okay so feeling good right now sorry the bananas I they just make me Welsh you know I just just not able to talk even though I want to you know it's it's weird here's Welsh or sexuality I mean everyone in Wells has a sexuality wait does everyone have a sexuality yeah um I'm thinking maybe I should check on the bathroom talk again thus tying to I I just want I realized I didn't turn off the light and maybe I should check that I did turn off the light you know it's it's definitely a thing I should do and I'm feeling like I want to also feeling a bit Welsh to taste the shack win Joaquin moulay which is not how you say that but you know what it's 2019 you can say things how you like okay let's let's carve this open no no no no no no I refuse I refuse you permission to leave I wonder if they can get past you yeah not anymore you can't okay so we need to get another be out I don't know how we could easily do that though I when you get some coal as well I'm an idiot is there only two bees do we have to go get that other one back is that a real thing we have to do cuz he got real far away from the nest cuz there just aren't any flowers anywhere near here I don't take kindly to flowers yeah the other bean literally just flew away literally just vanish the moment he could get away he did who ever said they'll fly back to the nest one I mean I knew you're wrong then but - look how wrong you are this is the nearest flower and there's no B here I do not I you know as much as I want to believe he will come back I do not owe for the camp fly here why was there always for cooking something so let's subtract this purse this thing up and so you can probably just an X right no you cannot educate each I'll go back you get to choc although which if I'm not mistaken there's enough for two campfires it's not yeah where they where's the campfire you need more than I you need sticks as well I only need strip would just that it looks like you do anyway so let's uh let's make some sticks we can do that pretty easily and then we can make some campfires a couple of yeah we we got to camp rise from one campfire baby come back baby don't hurt me don't hurt me no more he actually did come back so you know yet you're I'm did it Alina that's what this was it's okay now we're gonna get the B to follow me back up here back inside the area and then we can start breaking you just need logs yeah its way that the recipe showed strip locks because how many people shrimp logs are definitely way less common than regular ones wasn't thank very much for the $1.99 never be off my username I kind of do want to name a deep a bead dinner but I don't think I've done that yet so you never know we just might do it come on through the doorway and now we feed this guy some again this is this is adorable in my let's play well for the first time baby B which we can breed to the max if we want to what's that you're an adult B now so yeah we got freebies a little family and also we can get the B's less upset about us doing bad things to their houses just like this and now the B's should get super sedated and they should let us take their honey again we don't to steal their we won't be real real real cautious about this because if we do this wrong the bees will sting us and die which is bad for the bees and for me so we're not actually gonna show you I'm gonna take the honeycomb yet it's not worth doing for a while I don't think which gonna leave them be all day we'll do this all day is what we'll do but yes so if you want to get anything done you need to get a healthy bee population going first and that's easy enough to do gonna wait for the bees to be able to breed so in the meantime I think it's like freebies I've got a bee it work enjoy the rest restream thank you the one ginger go becoming a member also ten flowing loves including the dolphin I'm defiant flying as something completely touching air I'm completely touching air right now am I am i a flying person am i or am I and mine I think you'll find um the second one oh they okay different bees oh no it's okay so there's only oh wait I can breed them again oh no one's just eating them I think oh we got a baby bee again okay so yeah we're gonna have a lot of bees hopefully you know let's just let's just breathe let's just feed the baby till it's full and then we'll make another baby bee right this is just absolutely adorable I'm inside a giant be making lots of mini attribute bees and this is the light this is this is what I for I was signing up full of the with the update and I'm glad they're trying to leave because there's no room that pollinate you gotta collect the honey so they they can get rid of the pollen the thing is okay so actually I'm gonna do is I'm gonna lock myself in the box and then I'm gonna share their thing I don't have shares on me oh but that's one that's my planners [Music] so let's let them in oh don't hit you don't want to hit you guys but yeah my plan is to like to do it so they can't sting me if they want to because they shouldn't be able to but who knows bees are pretty uppity these days yes we don't have any shares on me which is pretty abnormal so let's go oh god oh god oh god what what what okay it makes sense normal behavior [Music] speaking of wisdom let it be do you have shears on you oh I do oops you know what I really meant that was definitely not me missing the shares that was me saying I wanted new shares because I didn't have enough God guys don't you understand me yep I I am I have the pattern recognition skills of an old man or new theory I was doing it to rile you or love and you fell for my trap haha okay that's let's grab a couple more more of these iron ingots you got going on here let's make some more shares so what we can replenish this and let's go to bed update we found a glitch oh there's a lot more glitches found I I think that's a glitch that's like no even unintentional cuz it's like the way that he behavior works ba we're gonna replace these years the other shares and then we'll just repair them together when we want to where the obvious I haven't made them right okay there we go trust me I'm very competent this is what bananas do to you they take away your ability to spot minecraft shares but they give you superpowers so it's a pretty good trade off I'd say five flying mobs bats parents gaseous phantoms bees oh yeah I forgot about phantoms by one count gases flying they kind of just exist in the sky which I know is oh no no no don't don't come in here I want to share your honey also some reason they're not going to this nest is it like wrongly placed so we're gonna let the bees leave if you've ever if I put leaves in there boom a brain I forgot the correct term for old person this boomer these days my bad so yeah the bees all there's too many bees for the one nest I think so they're not going in okay this is a this is a whole problem for me we'll try it the other way around then we'll lock all the bees in the room yeah we'll try and lock all the bees in the room you know you guys you have to pick a consistent strategy do you want to be inside there or outside there what's the right mount times the brush your teeth in a day in a week in a minute you're gonna clarify I feel like no don't don't leave don't no you're not leaving I don't give you permission so then we could put one there okay he was just coming back but it's fine so now we break this block here just in case the bees get mad at me oh okay are they mad you shouldn't be mad so yeah there is bees are not mad because I put the thing underneath them but they're not all belonging to the same nests so now we can grab the honey comb pretty easily actually we just shut the door Oh God then we break listen this grab our little honeycomb and now we've got kind of like a system going on actually let's let's let's like formalize the system let's put some jungle doors here the leap open most of the time but we sure don't want to and now we got away we can harvest this this is a mess by the way this is the messiest way to do it this is not efficient and the slightest I just want to get me some honeycomb and now we can make a beehive if we can find a crafting table where do I keep the crafting tables at out here somewhere guess we'll make another crafting table I definitely have a shortage of those my let's play world so good thing we're doing this right now now I'll place the crafting table like in the side of the mountain here and now we can make our first behave and then we'll place the Beehive in a separate little box just in case bad things start to happen so beehive goes yeah I guess and we'll see if bees adopt the new beehive or palette works I generally don't know how it's gonna go see how it's gonna keep on bringing bees okay any bees okay if it did go inside the Beehive so that's good feed this guy some and we'll wait so has to come out yeah this is these are the weirdest mob we have in Minecraft because there's no real it's not that easy to predict how they're gonna work we're gonna get this guy going to max and I will give him some love okay he doesn't want to he's not eating the thing for some reason is there a time between like adulthood and being able to breed is it cuz he's put up pollen you know what you you are a go-getter actually wait this guy's full of pollen - that shouldn't stop you didn't show out is out in bedrock it sound bedrock on all platforms besides switch switch is always the light on these things we don't ask questions we just accept okay I got you and you there we go to be is make a baby be and it's adorable every time click app pull your hoodie sleeves over your hands sister manon hands am I being Internet bullied and what is this is this the equivalent on the Internet today like you give people money and then you and then you say things about them that aren't all the way insulting but also feel a bit weird you know like it just it's uh it's definitely confusing huh to be or not to be that is the question William Shakespeare all nice use name realize there's also saying it okay so gonna try and feed as many of these guys that can and we get some more beets gone and then they're gonna fill this up honey and then I can share the honey okay this time they're all outside so I can share it from the inside and they fight over that okay that fight of that and we get free more honeycomb guess what we can do a free more honeycomb we can make ourselves send up a beehive and then we can repeat this pretty you know exponentially and get a look get a pretty healthy source of the stuff going on so make some chocolate planks then with the jungle wood planks we can make a bee hive and yeah I don't need takes a genius to work out what happens from here but it's this is the cool part the process because this is this is why I like about any minecraft process I think I said it before but when you can take very little and turn it into like a lot I like that about pretty much anything I would say so in this case I like the you know you start with freebies we sort of literally for bees I think earlier and now by just breeding the bees slowly we're getting more you know which gives us more beehive locations which gives us more honeycomb or honey which means we can make more bees if we want to or we can stop that and we can move on to something else well so this shareable yet it's not is that shareable it's also not interesting but yeah we just keep on going until because these guys you can see them they've got the pollen on them I think they want to go further so they're like having a crisis about it but yeah we just keep on keep on goin till this happens and we just watch bees you have beautiful hands my guy thank you I don't know I don't care because you know I should do a hamstring you know hand cam I should do that but that's for a thing look at the babies it has to be said there is no doubting the cuteness of baby bees in this update vfu so if you want to see the bee behavior their whole thing is they go to flowers till this gets on them in real life it's pollination based in Minecraft it makes honey and I think there's some real mister that it's just all so weird to see right but whatever and then when they do it five times this becomes full and that's how we get our selfie on I don't have to direct where bees should like start producing their pollen though sorry where they should like to make their home base like I don't know where summer tuzik most of choosing that one there is one or two in here but most didn't choose it which is interesting to me so yeah this one over here is gonna be our next camp fired up one so now there's a campfire below that which means this is smoked and the bees will be sedated or something along those lines go to hand cam right now you want to see my hand in sin it I don't like this bill I don't I don't like this in the slightest but you know that's fine this is the internet you don't need to like it those are the rules today we're gonna just break this with our silk touch shovel and see if the campfire stays intact oh this is gonna take a while your shams also my stewardship oh no god I hate myself the bees are gonna leave for this the last bit let's go let's go down and get that I use to watch your videos I'm recently rediscovered your channel since the dankest gamer yeah it's surprising how much of that you get as like cuz cuz I've been going on for quite a while on YouTube a lot of people are just like a piece out not into this anymore and then eventually refined it and I guess that's like a good sign it's also just way too filled up here that you like oh ha that's not what I like you know it's this like it's like a double-edged sword and it's kinda mentioning okay we're gonna try the same thing again now over here get a place our campfire down and I'll sedate the bees hopefully and then what's still there honey so this is what a filled beehive looks like again this is the man-made version that's the natural version it's pretty simple stuff in the slightest is such a pure phrase god bless those juicy socks man juicy socks is a is a fun phrase to me so we both have something Leo put what's it honeycomb by itself as such a weird like thing but on us have radiation in them it's true Adolphe kal-el if you eat 30,000 bananas you would die of radiation poisoning however if you eat perfect bananas you die for a lot of things first which is why one over your lifetime it's fine to be 30,000 bananas and two bananas suck even more than we fought before now you know so you're gonna have a little line of beehives going across here then what camp camp fires below them there we are hope one thing this is why you need flowers by the way this is why you need so many flowers it's fun also look at the BBB look at the baby bee where's the campfire they're just tuned in says Jim boys the campfire is there because it sedates the bees it makes them not angry at you for stealing their honey which is nice right okay we got another BB just came out from somewhere we're gonna try I keep being the same bumblebee he is enjoying his flowers today yeah we trying to make a lot lot more bees and we do that by waiting why can't we honey comes in Minecraft ah honey comes actually edible in real life or is certain types of chocolate just called honey come let's find out real quick honey come okay honey I was gonna give a honeycomb real-life honeycomb is a hexagon ik prismatic wax cells they're wax okay you cannot it's beeswax yeah you cannot eat honeycomb real-life so that's that's why you can't eat honey cone right minecraft hope that helps you out how did he just he just he gave he gained experience oh it was a baby bee look how cute these guys are like they're tiny I like oh here's a fun fact if you care about white small things in tiny like um the way cute works and the human brain is super interesting to me because pretty much you know the concept of cute seems intuitive to us but why evolutionary do humans need a cute concept and the reason it actually comes from is because it's to encourage you to look after like children basically so everything that's cute can be applied to a child even though children aren't cute in my opinion like if you think children are cute then sure makes sense but even though in my opinion children are cute all the things about children are oh sorry not children like babies I should say all things that make other things think about it right small oh like a baby exaggerated proportions like a baby you know high pitched noises like a baby I only bully out lobsters and sea chests thank you for the other love bullying it means so much to me look at all the baby bees are about to get look at the world we live in chat look at this world look at all the all the baby bees we have it's getting pretty intense actually it's getting pretty intense oh now this one's full so we need to make more campfires we'll do that later though other why should we can make more beehives first know any more bees before any more be hires look at all the bees just come and chill in this little thing kids rickshaw now kids are a hobby thank you very much but um yeah pretty much everything that makes this is the weirdest bit though so pretty much everything that makes a anything cute an animal whatever is because of our receptors to find baby is cute and I this is my understanding obviously we don't actually know the precise tease of this one but the reason that because cats kind of co-evolved around us like everything about cap needs to exist in such a way that we find them appealing so we want to keep them around so cats evolved be cute in the same ways that a at least our domestic cats I should say there's a lot of wild cats that are nothing like this but they evolved be cute and then we now associate the rest of them as cute and that's why I know you don't look at a bear and go oh what a cute bear but you look at a you know you can look at a panther and you'll see the elements of a house cat that I kind of keep in that so yeah fun fact cuteness it's a whole biological thing click at you watch me source says Bryce Barnett I do and where'd you get see right yeah fuzzy too like all these are not like you can just imagine a baby little bee and it's cute even though that isn't reality quite terrifying and then the opposite is true for think about snakes and spiders weird people like snakes and spiders I'm convinced no one finds a spider cute you're just like oh ho I can pretend I find them cute and then people will be real confused and yeah that's kind of the opposite thing because your ancestors the ones who didn't find snakes and spiders terrifying went or like you know didn't find this is why most fears exist we believe again so we didn't we don't we can't do control experiments between a cave person and an Ella cave person because they're all dead but the like your ancestors who are scared of like you know the bushes or scared of snakes or scared of spiders they were the ones more money to survive Odie's oh no oh my god please stop please please don't do that not good I did not like no are God you ruin my progress be so we need to share this and it's fine to do so right and then we need to take the whole of this away cuz they just oh god okay I'm gonna move just one blow oh no they're all gonna die they're all gonna die okay it's only one or two of them got me they do not like when you take their that beehive even when they're sedated who would have figured so now we just wait till they forget I exist oh you can hear them dying in there that's not good ahh some snakes are kind of queueing my imagination yeah if you play like all the other factors to them you can make a snake cute but by default snakes are especially a big snake is terrifying check out just what you experienced it's called false consensus is where you assume everyone thinks the same as you most people do it it's pretty interesting nah most people find spiders actually not most people I think spite more people find spiders terrifying link you I don't think that's false consensus there has to be real consensus right don't you false consensus me friend yeah let's make an old beehive that's the one we've got with us already and then actually since we have to wait for a while anyway bee murderer they murdered themselves they murdered themselves I only helped out a little bit ok let's do this properly this time so we need to get some coal to make campfires and we need like at least eight campfires well grab more because why not right but we have okay we have weird plenty of coal it's fine so cat you can't eat honeycomb oh and real life not minecraft right I mean you can eat you can eat paper if you want to you better believe that your boys done that more than once doesn't mean it's a good idea just means you can these committed not alive so sad sis tell Rita it's true are they mad at me still they don't seem to be mad at me so the number of dead bees is something we're gonna have to assess in a second first though let's just break this campfire then let's place the be hide here yeah and I hope they move back in ASAP I guess yeah this is that brings gonna go work so we need to put campfires under there before you harvest their honey time but with yeah we're almost back on track we lost the few bees but we're going to be fine I'm sure I dumped so I can't stop myself it's just I want to you know it's a dangerous it's a dangerous habit I've got here but I just cannot stop myself so see do you see that it was making sticks from bamboo for a second and then it switched to making them from not still making them from ambu just buried do you see that I'm getting like a weird amount it's like it's switching back and forth between which one I have the most of whatever it's weird so let's make a couple more campfires or first let's like throw away the bamboo then let's make some campfires perfect so I can do you study geography I didn't actually I was given the choice to study geography and I turned it down so I was like yeah sounds lame little did I know how that would turn out on the end see I will just make a bunch of campfires here also I think tell me if I'm wrong on this one can you stack beehives multiple blocks high I wonder if you can I'd be super curious about that one like it seems logical to me that you probably could but it's just it's something I haven't tried yet so let's make some jungle wood planks and then make some more beehives yeah we'll try slacking in that way we'll see how it goes hide the campfires behind camp doors for safety oh that's it that's it that's a really good idea Shane oh I like that thank you for the tip so yeah that's breed some Orbeez we got a we got to help them recover from the great Massacre up like a few minutes ago and then let's get let's get these numbers rolling oh this one's funny finish oh but it's not under a thing hey when you oh god they're done again when you breathe bees - finishing the bees in the feet oh god stop it Oh kiss the flowers here let's just break oh no no no no no no no okay it's fine he's a baby bee I'm just trying to get the flower yawn hey thank you Corner lizard gameplays and more full bounty to become a member on the channel [Music] it's on sale illogical I mean bees are pretty illogical I would say come to Maine best thing that people think is Canada I can see why people get confused with Maine in Canada yeah the northern us is super super Canadian which really is this to say Canada is very northern us ish I would say personally but it still bear interesting to realize I don't go to Maine I got a plan to do something in Maine I forgot what it is or why oh well no stop yes so I don't insult the bees but also they're not very smart creatures it's just not it's not in their nature it seems so let's break this one and instead of using a campfire there we'll stack the we'll just try to stack beat be things on top of each other and then we'll surround these of oh god we're gonna break this one too okay so we'll just do that so we can share this then we'll break this oh thank you spam chaff you think I guess you know most interesting most interesting discussion we've had in a while I don't understand arachnophobia except the ones a little Australia um it's like a base level fear right you can't explain fear in the same way you can't explain positive emotions like trying to explain happiness like don't explain what makes you happy explain the very nature of happiness itself you know explain why when a girl compliments you you feel better than when your mum complements you explain that you know it's like I mean something about I've gained an mind you got me there toy cat I think I have a bunch of trap doors lying around but we will use jungle let's live life on the edge do things differently I guess it's now we've got six trapdoors and we can stop all these bees dying in such a ridiculous way so yeah there's a clever little little technique right there and we'll put one over here just cuz you never know actually wait this is we need to make another entrance to this I reckon so right these blocks and then we'll probably put the glass back here maybe I'm not even sure but my mum is a girl Salvatore fuga Rena all your mum's a girl how lame oh they said she looks really cool it looks like you've got like getting close by a place like we might accidentally invented something kind of cool I'm sure we didn't invent it everything's being done in Minecraft before at some point well I look we got a cute little little B finger on here I'm a lesbian I think to against Q hands you know some of them in favor of this off this trend right here but yeah now we just wait for bees to come out and then we keep reading them I think because I've got so many houses it's unlikely we'll get too many out at the same time how do you figure out the exact radius level of the spawn point in a Minecraft world you go to your settings you go to it's lit there's a setting called just over here I'm so bad it there's a setting called respawn radius you can set it to whatever you want it doesn't count as a cheap from there now it counts is just a gameplay setting so you want to set it to 50 yep can want to set it to 5 you can my favourite kind of fireplaces them all with bees yeah this is a cute little fireplace that also happens to sedate our bees all it looks like I can only go through two layers of beehives along the two layers not working the reason oh um have you seen Yuri also stopped a beauty pie thank you I mean a little bit late on the meme but uh also I have not seen Yuri is that is that a stand Internet joke I don't get Yuri the only one for me I'm not sure you know but thank you for the super chat do appreciate it so yeah we're gonna stop collecting honeycomb now and we can make some honeycomb blocks that we want to or we could start getting bottles and making honey bottles to make hi blocks that could not be a good idea so I want to be sedated I like that song a surprising amount although I don't want to be sedated fun fact dopamine serotonin oxytocin involved the experience of cute enough plots of emotions yeah exactly yeah I was saying the reason that feeds you those things but yeah your body feeds you all these chemicals with the intention of you being like ah that is cute I am compelled to do some of that and then the guess what baby you'll be like I should protect the baby and then the other case it's like when you see something like a spider or a snake your body's like oh oh no do I leave that okay that's a different door I saw that door knows that oh no I haven't seen a bee in so long I do not believe that this is normal because they can hear them you can hear them too right yeah but I can't see a single bee is there something so like day/night cycle do they go inside at night maybe that'd be cuter so let's see if it is true let's see if the moment we've all got okay it is in my speaks they all woke up the same time so we feed them both make some baby bees and yeah this is this is actually a way to get experience you just breed bees and - actually we're gonna make some babies into adults yeah there we go and now he should be ready to breed it well soon man it is so cool having like a swarm of bees around you this is something fun inherently cool about it but they're all on the same patch of flowers it's very very cute so I'll give me some serotonin please says and Hanna Mannion I think at some point in the future we will have perfected like the science to a point where you can just be like I would like serotonin injected and you will because even right now like a lot of antidepressants are literally just here is a drug that makes you income explosively happy but it doesn't actually make you not sad because serotonin like it's like it's like a part of the experience I think at some point we'll just start like abusing serotonin like yeah give me some I know like imagine like a hundred years ago if someone said to you we'll have so much food in the future we'll just start wasting it people will start eating bananas it's an invisible banana looking at it again I don't like that but we'll have so much food that people can eat it to punish themselves we'll have so much food people won't even feel bad about wasting it well so what is it when I go away from the bees maybe is it they don't like me I'll watch them from the doorstep here come on bees do you nonsense weird question but how taller uses tiwari honey I am 5 foot 9 awesome I should have seen it coming it's like there it's the joke that it's Yuri and then tarded I can't work out Yuri TARDIS hmm Yuri Todd it I I don't get it you know RCP arts I don't know what your comment was meant to say but you are clearly you know you're it's what I have to say to you don't miss the drugs your body they don't work so slow increase of antidepressants because it just proves your point about body chemistry controlling you um I think it's honestly like my my genuine and fresh would be that there are other fulfilling factors to be like as a lesbian I can spot from my hands for a mile away and your hands are definitely feminine very few hands thank you Manas feminine appreciate it let's see by the way it's safe for me to share this or if I get stung okay but do appreciate it why do people freak SOP night about controversies we're all still figuring out this isn't Nancy honey oh I'd love to talk about this one let's do it should do that I'd like that so the reason the reason that people love a controversy like in fact what makes a controversy spread is one that everyone can have an opinion on real fast if there is a real complex con let me let me come on one right right now let's say the the current no wait the current let's say leader of the Opposition it's caught having meetings with a foreign government yeah that's like an easy one right it mutually gets the Nationalists are you riding up those who dislike the opposition it can be like yeah that shows how dishonest they are those who like the opposition will be like oh no it's okay and immediately that tribal nature is defending something and you get like a couple of things stack on top of each other to make to clear camps people who think it's good and bad based on the feelings you know you didn't hear about any of the specifics about what I just said it could have been a meeting to discuss an or VPN sponsorship but you know that whole time you're like oh can't believe they do that to us right it sounds like a whole whole thing to do and that there's a political version as a non political version the the banana on the wall right oh I should have up I should have brought some duct tape oh darn it I missed the golden opportunity should we make some fruit ninja I have a knife and I have a banana oh god you can I sliced it right open I was literally just like no force all on that one let's play fruit ninja this can only go well right if you're five foot nine then you're 69 inches is that true that is true actually there's a cool back fruit ninja that was a good idea let's not do that one again but yeah people people love to get a strong opinion on something it's just kind of fun to do but we'll be hit so we're waiting for bees to do then magic right now there's not really much we can do besides wait for their breeding timers to go down and then when they breed do the magic with them oh wait this one has caught up again I think no it hasn't but um it's all I wait for this to happen which we're going to be doing we're gonna do some fun things there are thumbnail makes it cool click happen on I can't hurt you it's okay that's what your therapist would say am i right okay so right now if you're watching a thousand and fifty six people have liked the screen here's an experiment like the stream if you want to see that number go up really fast if you don't care about like Behrman like I'm not getting any benefit from this you liking the video doesn't actually help me as a streamer but like the stream right now let's see what percentage of the two thousand seven hundred people will hit like right now oh I'm not signed into YouTube apparently huh how odd one sec I've got to sign into Ashley like my own video kind of embarrassing okay so imma hit like on my own stream according to this number right here three hundred if you like the stream which implies that 2400 if you didn't and that makes me question cuz like a part of me thinks people like videos way too easy right like you should you should be picky about what you do and don't like it is a stupid thing to say as someone who makes their living on you know people doing mildly nice things on a mass scale like think about it that's literally that's how the stream works - right like someone doesn't mildly nice thing it gives a dollar ninety-nine happens a hundred times sun-lee I made $199 and but that's how YouTube works even like oh yeah you choose to watch your video enough you do so and then the channel makes sense also where are all the B's but actually made it be torturing machine what making redstone thing for them but yeah it's really interesting to see what makes some people and then offer I said that we've gone up to 1.5 thousand so off the 2700 people here about five hundred days I like 90 percent of videos I I watch unless I really detest them for some reason I'll get bored has too many ads I'm a neuroscience student working in research of fruit flies several neurotransmitters usually dopamine meaning blue main I get like um even basic animals right this is why I find so interesting about the after all even the most basic animal thing about like a rat or a fly or a you know really simple animals there's so much complexity about what drives their decisions that's like how can anyone have a truly work out how humans work which is why in my head this is my logic you've got to just kind of treat humans like you know you you can never know the true reasoning behind things you can come up with stories behind way but you got a tree is like input/output boxes if you give human banana human you know feel energy in how many hours it's meant to be if you give human five bananas human feel full give human nine bananas human looks for money on the floor and makes regurgitating noises okay we got two B's finally okay more baby B's it's happening okay look at this look at this magic [Music] there's a baby bee so actually what I'd recommend based on this stream is clearly we need to spend a lot more time like naturally focusing on the main part fit also I think my fingers crash Donna the chat stick while I'm in your science student working on research on people who copy paste on different streams it's such a fascinating thing to race on about you know you gotta you gotta hand it to that that mean comment right there yeah at least was funny you know that's what you're asked for when people mean like at least at least have at least be amusing and meeting you know if you're mean about being funny you haven't you've just you've just you're just a bad person if you're mean and funny Wow aren't you adding to humanity oh so um yeah chat we're gonna do since this is a this is an activity we have a lot of time with we can do a little bit not necessarily Q&A if you have something you'd like me to talk about lemon on the chat if you have something you really let me to talk about guess what you give me whatever amount of money you like and I might just do so because this you might think this is a fair system where everyone has one voice no way streaming works is the the louder you give the louder your voice so yes this is the time if you have a if you have a urgent thing you wanted to super chat for a while or you just have a normal thing you want to talk about like bananas from Charlie Wright or Nintendo switched from game X Jessica force F says how many bees is too many bees honestly even like to Beezus too many right iris any money but you're too busy vomiting to see it bubs as Li James I didn't vomit today so I don't know what you're talking about but I will check just to confirm let me let me find you Eli James in the bigger list here how long have I been streaming football like since it's two hours ago that's when some of these came in you know I think I think I think you like I missed it I went back and looked I feel embarrassed now talk about wiped lesbians simply her biggest demographic this is one of the most fascinating things to me okay you know Ashley let's let's dive into it short that's what we're doing here so if you are a lesbian and you're watching this ABX toy cat stream let me know what because more women watch streams than videos and you can you can find an explanation that like maybe you know maybe girls are more compelled to watch talking content where the guy is actually saying you know maybe maybe that's like young again I'm a cowboy alright maybe you can just buy it that way but why is such a huge percentage of the women lesbians because then that that nullifies out why there are so many were in the first place I'm a male lesbian wow me too man so this cuz as a dude John non-threatening is this back to the feminine hands thing I am NOT a lesbian I'm a lesbian says not see Kayla so I it's because answers Harrison great the thing about paying to have your comment read lets them speak cap let's call me and a democratic government i guess see that's the that's the thing right it sounds oh no why why no why are you all so mad at me and now you will die was it worth it was it they've lost this thing is so thank you if you wanna be my lover oh it's that if you want to be my lover i we used to also sing that song school for me to mister condom man so um yeah that was rough how many bees did we see died there oh oh uh uh okay how many of you have stingers left he doesn't have a sting he's gonna die is he maybe not see ya now we've learned don't go for the ones on top you need to have you need to have flames directly below the box we now know that as a fact so we'll put campfires up here on top of these ones and then we'll have like beehives on top of those but yeah we're learning a lesson okay we're learning a lesson you should have two sides of it so that only half them able to sting you yeah that's that's the clever way to do this like have a little hole behind it so that way you're mostly fine being lesbians not one forget means the same thing so if you're lesbian man you're really just saying you've gases go help most people who say it they're kind of basically saying that they're you know I am strongly into women I am so into women I would be happy a relationship where both people were women myself included you know is that is that a thing right also it's a lesbian spot that B's escaped you know let's go of that too I'm by another streams well I play minecraft because I like to your perspectives says Alexandria Thank You Alexandria I I think it's interesting though it's like I wonder what a pop what part of it works of streams but not with videos right because on the on the videos the demographics are much more male we break this angered oh we can't no we can't no I can't no why did you sting me I flew so fast away from in thanks cuz I smoked nobody see we could never be we did a lot of work to date and then we undid a lot of work today which is kind of beautiful but also the worst thing in the world hurts it hurts you should put some bees in a hive and take the hive so you can't lose all your bees yeah that's probably a smiler All Things Considered all things can set it so um now we're gonna make some more campfires because we do have some we have all the things we need right Kemp but we have really bad inventory management but it's fine but you know I fight I just find the UH what color eyes do you have I believe I alway actually don't know I took I had so a fill in my eye color for the for the US government recently whole thing I was going through I'm still going for Ashley Alex an April last night took it I think I've a stranger addiction said Ariel hates herself see this is why the lesbians watch the toy cat livestream think about it me me and lesbians we have a shared interest in in enjoying and trying to be enjoyable to women that's we have we have the same goals and this is why when I give out the the pro tips on how to yeah this is why I wanna give out the pro tips on you know how you can tell us on really loves you lots of people the guys here like haha funny joke take care the girls are like one sec I need to take notes on this kiss her on the nose like my only paper round is a fifty euro note by the way don't ask me why look how rich I am yeah 50 euros splash that cash can be what agree by the way 50 euros is a pretty ugly banknote like it's orange it's got a picture of Europe on there all of Europe even Russia kind of awkwardly doesn't have a oh it does have Cyprus all the way at the bottom there have fun I'm gonna see my serial number I'll see the stars you won't see the 50 ticket note thanks very much Night Fury with a super chat by the way didn't miss it I'm just buzzing around a lot of messages right now so that's a pic plot for campfire well put comic campfires up here and then we'll try and do the same thing with the trap door to stop them being attacked can you do that actually wait okay that does work and then we'll put the Beehive on top of this this is getting real confusing real fast but now we can have like actually yeah let's put a novel on the outside and then we'll put like two more beehives down well just one more for now just to make it symmetrical because just like this we can make another beehive and then I think today we didn't make too much of monstrosity we made a little bit of a monstrosity don't get me wrong but it wasn't the worst thing we've ever done which is impressive and now we've gotta hope that we have enough bees around to breed when they will come out again and then we just wait here for a long time and breed them and wait and breed them and then when they go this way we share them and it's all good so yeah all my bees that are left of baby bees because they don't sting it seems actually they did earlier so we literally stand here and we wait but you're not standing and waiting is what twitch streams are all about can you buy items in shop or how do you get stuff to buy buy items in the shop no I do are you saying why do is insert politics in Minecraft I mean I like Minecraft and I'm very pleased politics but I don't see what you like to combine the two when was the last time I combined politics and minecraft was it the lesbians thing I mean if you think lesbians of politics then there we go love strings cuz we best to get to hang out with you yes I okay I find it interesting like cuz that that's what I actually kind of enjoyed the other level it's obviously a much more diluted hangout for me like I'm hanging out big air quotes of 2000 people and obviously it's a pair of social relationship I don't know any of you sadly but it's still national you know sadly a lot of you suck I love your bad people you know someone here you know would sell sell their dog to buy cat food but their cat I assume you know you don't deserve things anyway lesbian politics lesbian stone how politics the to chill the only the only politics and lesbianism is how long are your nails and you know what you cut them short now please trust me I as a as a as a representative of the lesbian community I can reassure you those are definitely the facts so you're a bad person as well says Walter I mean your username is literally that but yeah no I I think uh I think I definitely do some things that are on the bad person thing list probably yep I think I'm definitely not animate I'm not the one on a perfect person and I think I'm amazingly close either also while your IRL friends mostly lesbians I don't have any lesbian friends Ashley I have a gay friend so I'm also representative of the gay community fun fact none of that one's ever come up but very strong believer in things I believe in a lot of things really well see ya what there's so few B's around it's like super depressing I think honestly let's just go find more B's let's leave the B's to it let's leave them be let's grab my skeleton forever he's gone to actually know me we don't need this girl's nuts we just used the nether portal I saw my neighbor's dog because it was in my garbage honestly okay here's this is a genius business model right sell dogs you don't owned who's checking who's like can I see your dog ownership credentials no one's asking for that right so I think I just I think I just also found a way to make a lot of money selling things you you know honestly sell your neighbor's TV - what are they gonna do they're gonna check that it's yours they're gonna ask like this isn't stolen is it oh I was in a I was in a jack-in-the-box recently and a guy offered me like a camera he didn't know anything about wish to me implies stolen I mean he's just like you want this camera man and it's real goods I'll give it to you for a milkshake and first of all when you can tell someone's not attached to something if they'll sell it to you for a milkshake like hey selling dog price one milkshake questionable but also okay my inventory is a mess let's put my emotes away let's carve them into blocks and put the rest of the way in this chest but um good to see you base United I always whenever I see a verified name I'm like you know what is this uh let's let's let's stat check them 119,000 nice man I want a milkshake that's on my firstborn child for a milkshake I'm just saying I would sell a firstborn child for less than a milkshake I would pay money for you to take away my firstborn child I would I would give you a milkshake to take my firstborn of my hands fun fact now you know I think my tubes tied to a car quick question what are your thoughts on new update it's this pics I think it's pretty good I think it's pretty one-dimensional but it's not it's not not fun that much cannot be said that's what a sketchy porn shop is for yeah even during school I had friends who just admitted to me like oh actually I was in business class let me tell you I took business as one of my GCC's I just - as my GCC's to a whole bunch of reasons I had a guy in my class he was just like here's my way of making money right you find someone you desperately tell them I need to call my mum cuz I got no credit you take their phone you say this is pretty personal go around the corner run off sell the phone to cex pure profit 100% that's like technically speaking he's not wrong that is pure profit and there are no overheads in that business right but on the other hand I denied it it sounds stupid on them like the only reason it's bad is because it's immoral right but like why why is it wrong to make money in immoral ways you know it is I agree let me clarify it's like why you know like there are other immoral ways to make money there just aren't obvious that's kind of weird right profit profit you in jail I mean if you if no one catches up to you if no one knows you've done it till it's too late not likely to jail for it yeah what do you think about onion something John I don't care about drama I don't I don't want then this is the thing I don't wanna learn about drama should have to care about it cuz I don't I don't I don't care and I don't want to care if I cannot care I will continue that is my plan because you didn't get person petitions it's not your item to sell see right but I mean like sounds pretty wrong on the surface I'll agree with you there friend but okay let's find behaved and names in one see a sign for B let me know beehive again oh we should put a thing below it so they just let's just place a flower over here they don't have to go too far what's that you coming back to the nest B so we look around see if there's any up bees and if there's none Oh God I heard a buzz I guess fine one bee nest we'll go for another one just to be easy on this one though six bananas calling your name oh wait don't immediately start throwing up when I say the word six bananas anymore wow that's great you know I am kind of hungry could do of a banana and I have sliced this one fruit ninja style well let's go for anyway yeah it's like probably sliced on the inside too let's let's have a nice little banana you know I deserve a deserve a snack oh god it's like probably probably destroyed here right banana immunity you can see where I've cut the fruit Oh God look at that bruise lepers are so unappealing do not like a bruised banana I'm gonna gonna throw away that a little bit hmm love me some banana I legitimately am eating this one is like a little stream snack you know we'll make we'll make it for the rest of today I thought we gave up a 9 but it's a snacking a snack now tasty if I didn't have potassium poisoning yet wait someone said the science says you you need ten bananas to get the recommended amount potassium yes you just ate and a recommended amount of potassium good boy okay so we need to look for another B thing so fly up then we'll fly down we'll look around any bees it's none of your business where these are well done quality content right here but yeah um yeah well I looked it up the amount potassium II needing today is the equivalent of 10 bananas we have Ian the recommended amount of potassium guess who is on the potassium lab trained see I need to find another B maybe I won't actually maybe we should give up I don't why I gave up so easily they're like walking around and looking for things are so hard you know oh is this a flower forest there's flowers in it but is it a flower forest it's actually hard to tell because you need to see like a decent cross-section so yeah here's a common mistake you might make this is a regular forest and you can tell because it's only got one batch of flowers a natural flower forest is like covered in flowers like in the same way that I'm covered in banana superpowers and in the same way chat should be covered in shame for enjoying my suffering that is not covered in flowers how do you have to flat-side your original generator on to find pieces saboteur Fuger II know you do in fact that is a fact yes you you can't fly anywhere you've already been where you can't go anyway buddy team if you want find peace see behave if you want to look out - fire fire work at the Beehive he finds what happens if you do that does it explode and kill them all is it like a real great there oh yeah my stomach doesn't like that ham banana I don't know why I did that my bananas was plenty I wasn't actually hungry I just got less full when I was like well I'm on come for this level you tubers built and suffering yeah a lot of youtubers built their channel on them suffering and the reason it's a really bad idea beyond just like you don't want to track the song people who want to see you suffer no offence and snap but if you want to see me suffer you probably should unsubscribe because I would prefer again this is more a form maybe not the perfect form but it's a type of hang out chill talk about bees or whatever and if your main goal is to see suffering I know like it makes our interests just you know it stops our interest being lined up also help us and consume at least some heartburn arms between it before each reaching the recommended level yeah that's right I have eaten the recommended map potassium this whole live stream you thought it was punishment I'm just eating up this is just the new diet bananas only might just work okay unsub perfect the thing whitey but like yeah in general you want to have you want to have created you don't have people who have the same interest in your vague set your vague health and well-being okay so now we've got bees from this one I hope they're gonna combine at the beasts in the f1 I'm gonna keep on just like maxing out the bees till this place is swarming with them that's the plan cuz I need this my bold anyway like I'm gonna need to make a lot of honeycomb at some point and make a lot you can't make a lot of funny come without a lot of bees like this room might not even be big enough this is just like this is like a healthy start right so what's that - beats gonna feed them both some plant and now they're gonna make more bees and pick up the XP of the mending shovel perfect so yeah perfect if you want to stick it to your your poor style real-life beekeeping practice I would love to farm some bees so did you watch the B movie I love being movie cuz it's like a really good well-made movie but it's not like sorry it's a really good funny movie for a really terrible movie like it's a pun on the term b-movie which is like it's the it's I didn't even know that when I first watched it and it's like oh yeah of course B movie like I know I think Seinfeld's very very funny person well maybe you just get at comedy you don't be funny be good at comedy you know in my opinion you can be funny and bad at comedy and you can be good at comedy and not funny so um I didn't see the B movie but the musical funny says Tom Brown okay reel recommendation right here watch B movie for real you will not regret watching B movie wait let's let's see what seem oh look how big I am yeah this is me over here so we gotta wait a bunch of time so chat we're gonna do live Q&A with toy cat I'm gonna sup an overlay and everything wait Q&A with the cat oh there's my subscriber count there's my okay I'm gonna find it it's gonna tell me some time I have somewhere on here oh there we go that's a weird one extra text okay here we go so we want to move whatever this is oh god it's so hard to reach it there we go so animals killed zero we replaced that with Q&A live answer national questions topics with chair waiting Bob these to grow so what we're doing this you know this was a video we'd cut it but you better believe it's not a video so now we just expand this yeah look at that look at that workmanship so what we what we do this we're gonna read out your questions what minecraft should I place this Dakota Kelm 1.15 X Box bedrock Java so um it definitely has to be bedrock or job if you want to keep Ewing updates I would say I personally have a fondness for bedrock but I think if you have a decent PC so that the performance in from its a bedrock don't matter then like the Java can't is something keep a look evil like Daulton Lynch asks solar travel tips on a budget so a lot of people waste like look at the whole like traveling thing yep eating that banana was a mistake I love you to look at the solo traveling thing and they say like oh I don't get it mr. cat why would you how can you do that are you a millionaire or what but if you're a solo traveler all I recommend is like you have so much more flexibility because you're not played into the people around you take as much a bunch of it you can to save money if that's your thing or to do what you want to do you want to have a lazy day sure you want to have a day that's literally packed start n do it you know boom will the flower get more of that flower types as the impedance know if I'm not mistaken that doesn't work on bedrock it's a Java exclusive don't ask me why it's job exclusive but that isn't my understanding well so why why are the bees all inside is it because they're subdued by the campfires is that how bees work because I can hear them but can you Billie your assistant more it's funny to watch her complain on Twitter ceasefire stuff you know my promise is I will bully my assistant way more she only really edits each Sunday in queue next a stove and I haven't done one of those in a while but next time I do want I will I'll bully the assistant who edits it again but the sandwich thing it's my favorite little in joke to make that happen I didn't windows10 dition it works is in people ish now oh interesting that might have changed recently that again we did on a live stream it didn't work like three months ago and I was like what we're not gonna try that again well so let's let's stand in this corner here let's stand on the bees yeah this is nice and she looks pretty basic I like I like the view from here like in this corner there's beehives everywhere and we're way I want to see the B itself er so we'll look at ourselves maybe there's a way to do this but um how many times you've rotated around the Sun 24 Johnny 1910 pretentious way to ask a question though a very pretentious way if you're a plant what kind of plant would you be says elucidation studios I think I'd be a poppy because I seem really cute on the outside with my hands apparently but on the inside I'm filled with a drug that can slowly kill you there's a nice thing I love the sandwich thinks it's not in particular I'm glad unless she's gonna can we fascist fiestar 32 you're welcome you're welcome I watched you and I'm a lesbian because you're the rare boy that since attending it's refreshing says Alana Smith we should prom with every other guy I guess I mean Ashley here's the real deal I think most guys are awful but I think most women are awful too I think you don't have to go by gender for that I think it's easy to get jaded about a particular gender if you spend more time around them or caring about their opinion or whatever but it is my experience that most people are just pretty suckish and I know it's the same way like you know let's say you let's say you date someone you know in your case a girl named Elena and then she turns out a be a succubus you know and you might therefore think like oh yeah all girls cool Elena they're all succubus succubi I think it might be succubi but man there's just so many baby bees but obviously that's a wrong conclusion to take from that okay so there are two bees there's one over here oh he's not recovered from his previous be making session yeah like um the brain the whole way it works is like it's a it's a generalization machine but it doesn't mean it's a good thing to do or maybe all guys suck and you should keep watching my streams also make sure to LIKE favorite subscribe thank you you know I should turn that oh yeah you can see them or just like leave their flower alone when that when I put that mine so yeah we've got six bees right now we might have more but it's hard to be certain I'm hoping we can turn six bees into a lot more very fast and I'm just not gonna share the honeycomb to we're sure that's a thing how are you not exhausted from either traveling or streaming is it pure mentally or physically so I got back from traveling to America literally five days ago maybe have my children since baby Karen but I got track I go back from streaming traveling quite recently and I think I am a wreck but like it's now just my life so it like I think humans notice adjustment way more than we notice we notice adjustments to things way more than we notice the absolute state so I'm noticing like the things I notice most about my life for things that change like I'm sure there are lots of things I do my daily life that would hurt some people but also there's lots being an all person's life that confuse me like oh you have to ask your boss for holiday three months in advance and you can't book your flights till you do so because they can say no imagine your boss being apps turn you'd but that's not things I always have worked myself where's that people looking at go they go you're not tired you just you want on a 12-hour flight and you you know you'd step like this many hours whatever this is like yep I just was just just how life is for me you know trick hasn't tired since the bananas gave them strength it's you know that's the real reason right here it's all the bananas all the bananas there's there's nothing else in there to it so um yeah this this stream should be called watching bees grow for two and a half hours or something or three hours or whatever sends up being because we live for you're just standing here I don't understand it why do they keep going back inside is it is it proximity-based it's kind of weird that way how many bee hives so far so we've got six beehives and freebie nests yes thus if its proximity its kind of weird seek this magma the fact that he's tired I always am tired actually I welcome my slip late my along with went up at 9:30 and I I woke up at 2:00 it's like how this doesn't happen to be in so long I'm such a light sleeper I wake up so often slept till 2:00 today somehow Thank You ver for $5 you always look like you just showered and haven't Shou for weeks at a time here's the trick it's cuz I've always just showered and also haven't showered it's I'm sure that it's trot in just shower you see or there's so many bees coming out here I both take it and I don't take it just like a reluctant porn star but you are such a bad check but um I uh again let's do this oh god no let's beat up a bee let's get them to the next level it really is me really what what even is that message Tiki it is move really moved ha ha have you had a polyphasic sleeping I haven't I look it up you know you even treat me billy-bob me usually I don't like having to look up things but like we're looking at bees all day we can import that biphasic sleep or died phasic bimodal or by few cases sleep is the practice of sleeping during two periods over the course 24 hours well polyphasic sleep refers to sleeping multiple times usually more than two each these is in contrast to money physics sleep so aren't most people like would that break you if you did that too long let's see so ok polyphasic sleep the US military has studied fatigue of countermeasures each individual nap should be longer provide 45 minutes of continuous sleep although longer naps are better in general the shorter each individual nap is the more frequent the naps should be huh the US military I like it's the organization that really has the most like people things to do in the world so it's very interesting to think about I'd kiss you even if I did have to say Salvatore food garena thank you to account showers are super positions as pearson and le it's true when did you eat the bananas I missed it read the description bronson brag but thank you for the canadian dollars anyway i read about people sleeping for like 30 minutes every four hours or something cuz it maximizes REM sleep i that sounds like hell to me conversation topic i'm not a fan of children eva but i probably have one mainly because i feared death too much want to leave my mark before i'd die yeah no okay let's do it let's talk the biggest single issue in the world right you know the issue of should you make more of you and the consensus and young people is mostly know right like i don't want to have children do you want to have children no but um there's like two functions you really have as a person you want to survive and you want to reproduce that's how you ensure your success as a species it's the most it's okay constant barrack thank you for the soup anyway but it's the thing that um most fundamentally drives our survival right as a species as a very concept and therefore it's weird that most people don't want to do the second half a lot people don't do the first I'll be brushing I'd say we have a modern-day problem where people don't want to either breed or survive like how many people do you know that wanna be alive pretty pretty lame thing to want right all this one's photo funny we can we can milk it for its honeycomb it's definitely what it's called when you do this definitely what it's cool but um yeah there's um there's a very really weird thing that's like we don't want to do here with those things and personally I mean I've been a phase my life ready money to the first one I couldn't foresee myself wanting to be alive but here I am I enjoy life fun fact that's why I don't enjoy being potassium poisoned but yeah there's a really interesting there's a really interesting thing that I know I don't want children right now if I had an accidental child right now it would destroy my life it would destroy me if I to look after it if I have next time to Charlotte so else's problem it destroyed their life right now it would destroy them but you know like sorry if you have children by the way I'm just talking about my own perceptions here but at the same time even though I can't imagine a world where I want to have children I also like I know that I'm going to want to at some point like right it's like is that point now no it's that point a year from now no is it five years maybe actually is it ten years I don't know for sure because um I feel like okay so I always really put off children by all the kids all the like so many 14 year-olds in school had children and it's like well your life's kind of over now it's gone all of that like that's how it felt obviously not real but when you see that it's just like you know I don't know this that seems like I I like my life existing and being kind of centered around me because I would describe myself as a selfish person in that regard so yeah would I like children no but I like them eventually maybe I mean eventually you get bored maybe but there's so many fun things I want to do otherwise so yeah I want to work out everything and then I want to be one of those like kind of absent parents the like shows up like once a week gives a gift apologizes for not being more and then isn't there more than a parent I aspire to be let's feed you some flowers see ya the bee empires growing a lot slower than I'd like it to but I think that's cuz I got a real rough start with the oh and other bees growing up I know he hasn't yeah I got a real rough start with the ok with the which we call it also like you can see the honey dripping onto the ground down here or the narrowness honey how fun sorry 14 rosin squad children oh yeah you can you can google this the UK has the highest teen pregnancy rate in the world probably at the developed world highest teenage pregnancy rate no it's in sub-saharan Africa isn't that isn't that a fun fact it's greater than 50 on Greenland but yen developed countries we're right up there with like Russia Kazakhstan Egypt New Zealand hey New Zealand welcome to the club oh wait there might be more in America actually and teen parents tend to be unmarried and as this in parentheses seen as a social issue in contrast teenage pregnancies in developing regions such as Africa Asia Eastern Europe and the Pacific Islands are often married and their pregnancy may be welcomed by family and society alright yeah fun fact but you if you don't want kids don't have kids you don't want to them mentally so there's a wonderful cooker now the trick is you have kids that you really don't want you tell them every day and then you make a serial killer and then that's one way to like have have a serial killer be out there about it being like a problem for you you know how long has the stream been up too long I would say too long it's okay I need your advice me and this guy I love I love giving romantic advice because I'm horrific at it box cat says I need your advice me and the scouts call me for instance about a venturi school I want to ask her out but I don't know how okay let me blow your mind this is I know that like I'm gonna put this out like it's simple and it is but I know it's not simple in your head when your teenager there's so many things going through your mind of like this could go so wrong there's the social capital at risk but here's the deal right this matters a lot to you you can never tell her wait for someone else to make a move and you know like did it add it up or you can just tell her hey I have feelings for you that's speed that's speed right there do you find those feelings reciprocal would you perhaps like to hang out Oh actually that's probably too far I'd just be like hey you want to hang out you want to do a thing she'll say yes probably if she says no then you could ask her again if she says no that time then she hates you and she probably never see her again there you go no it really does sound like it's a complex thing but like women are people too in fact so a men you know what both genders happen to be people is a fun fact for you I wonder what Mojang would do have to tag him on the last bone vote and we didn't get campfires to sedate bees I guess we could just use normal fires like an ever AK thing that'd be my guess as to how they cover that one again I don't know for sure but I would guess that so um that went pretty well last time I did that uh yeah the first time I asked to go that I was super nervous I was like oh god oh god oh god no that's like oh right T gotcha women in a nutshell says bass United you say both genders 76 I'll have you know don't most people know I'm not gonna do this I'm not gonna I'm not gonna be like oh yeah actually most people think it's like two with like the thing in between people who are there being like there's 9000 genders or the minority right oh we don't more love advice it's like at this is the worst thing to do I'm gonna do anyway can I have advice I like this girl and she found out I think she has a boyfriend but she was kind of left moved you in class I don't know what to do she likes you she probably feels bad because she has a boyfriend so she'll probably deny it if you outright Oscar but if you don't ask her and instead just give her opportunity to prove it then she'll feel like she can do that because saying she likes you would be cheating Ashley liking you isn't however you probably shouldn't do that because it's also kind of wrong when you're finishing says Junie rip housen I think soon I think we've gone like to the point where we don't really do too much here but also I'm kind of enjoying streaming I just again want to hang out a bit more longer does that sound good how about I get myself a a beverage and we continue checkout the feminists as Nicole - Masek with the clap hands basically what I am women are people - I uh I don't wanna I don't flex my credentials but I do in fact think women are people not even just slightly all the way people all the way people take out how to apologize to a girl man lowered voice a toy cat continues if you want to apologize to a girl what you do is you go up to work and you say sorry I just want to thank you for being used as saboteur Fiorina thank you man I assume man I do appreciate that I I don't know if me is actually so interesting I think it only works on drinks I'm a super New York tech person and therefore these streams you see an interesting side of me I don't think me is actually a great person though I'm sorry my friends say I'm not cool for dating right now in high school they are they right should I date first of all high schools like fine to date right second of all you can do what you want just don't tell them Tokyo says women rights okay get this right you know what the opposite of women left's is women rights yeah love advice which I can't full video it's a questionable one check out how much honeycomb do you make from that base right now the Hunnicutt what's up why are the bees not growing up why why are they taking so ridiculously long chat you know like I swear we've been here forever and the bees just aren't growing should we get them all like a few flowers each okay there we go a lot of grown-up bees all of a sudden youngest now is the most important time to do it let's grow some bees up you want to grow up to the max there we go you want to you want to feed a flower so I slowed again but be the bee count is increasing first live stream line I dare skate to simulate the sense of talks things like Blackmore script in London Harrison thoughts sister Junu genius oh so kind of like how you have to Train sniffer dogs to like cocaine by getting them crazy hi we were a love cocaine you're saying like the same thing is what we should do with black monster I just think it's not a bad idea like it's kind of like we tell people to detect strokes by saying it's burnt toast it doesn't actually smell burnt toast it's just a similar thing our women overrated you know what my controversial opinion is that women are seriously underrated I am a big fan oh not only not only yes you know I wasn't saying on a good woman bad woman suit you know I'm a big fan of some number of people animals will randomly not grow up on their own for some reason it's an issue of all the versions yeah they were taken forever but they were really close to being finished so I guess we should have to wait there and she can we draw them out we put a flower near there no that doesn't work can we flower their hive nope we can share it so that's nice look at my honeycomb I got 30 free so far that's enough for like very few blocks so you can't I'm Canadian I'm just wondering if you're Canadian I am in fact not Canadian do i how do I not scare a girl off when I go on a landmine Crofts is David Harley okay so real talk here it's like a Pierce audition has been having many issues yeah I've seen a lot of those I should be first hand it is a shame I can also confirm is it cuz I can't leave if I let them leave will they wear like that so um I guess we'll chit in the corner over here inside my beat but um have to ask a girlfriend to be your girlfriend ah the trick there is you say hey you know how you're my girl friend and she'll be like yeah would you like to remove that silence room in between it does sound a bit awkward hey you're my girlfriend tricked you that's the same let me content how's your day bean says she Oh Pookie or shy Pookie she o of Fuki my days been going pretty well actually um so far I actually it started really rough like I just woke up in a mess and then I spent the whole day dreading eating bananas but as soon as I the bananas and then uh Nate the bananas it was delightful so that's a thing so Kay I'm doing some cleaning when my parents come to visit you're definitely making it orange string first time during your stream have you have a great rescued evening slash day says engine dead 2017 hey I'm glad I make that better you know I love what I'm doing like housework like cleaning the dishes or doing the washing up as week or whenever I'm doing small tasks like that I always do love to listen to a podcast or a live stream or something it's like it's weird because it's background tasking that I still don't quite no one ever wants to make it but it is enjoyable to watch right and I felt me like why would you want to make stuff that people enjoy in the background but there is value in it and I guess I didn't realize until I started enjoying it that way how to remove jewels from school you gotta remove the jewel room right see look at me and my high quality jokes okay this time it should work okay thank God I'm Ashley get in the honeycombs now it's working and now we've got 36 of them that's not to make nine blocks of honeycomb which is a nice number I guess and yeah the beat the bee progress it's going it's going it's happening put a pan on a counter on the stream please that sounds like a terrible idea but thank you Shayna the super chat it's good to see you again here yeah again it's actually it's kind of surprising that like the same names can watch so many hours in a week though well I guess that's only possible because it's kind of as a background thing like Jimmy Prusa who uses this is a background video is it safe to date a woman who's a socialist I can't says go Ron 1988 so even though I would say there's like a lot of concerns about wait what are you okay that was a baby beat it was just really close to me actually this is something I wonder up like sometimes like what is a better better relationship candidate like politically speaking and I think um I think in terms of okay let's do this I think I think usually the difference she put is like a better like a better I shared on a plate I don't know this is no cake train afford to have okay I'm talking purely hypothetical for entertainment value only if this is offensive but I think I think if you go by the left-right spectrum right I think you wanna have a left-wing lover and probably a somewhat right-wing wife right because the values that well all the being left-wing or right-wing is usually speaking it's just you're you know which your traits used to certainly happen to have and so if she's super left she'll be a great girlfriend because she believes in equality she's not gonna do bad stuff to you if she'll shoot with you she'll cheat on you oh I can I say by the way first of all I like that that's a pro tip Society has like we could we kind of need to as a species walk out way to discourage personally beneficial behavior that's bad for the group as a whole that one kind of works right I don't need to actually necessarily true though I think you could convince so on to cheap once in their life and then never have a happen again not that I've ever done that or would do that or want to do that or would be okay with it but just there's one thing also make you Jaime sig witness for the Canadian two dollars and I'm glad I made your drive more enjoyable - when do you usually stream someone like 9:30 UK time I would say is pretty close how early is too early to pass down a bathroom that's a good question isn't it so yeah we've got a beef farm going but it just hasn't picked up steam in the last steam there's smoke everywhere has already picked up any steam in the last hour or two Larry got real good progress in the first hour and the second like hour it's just been I guess cuz I they've been stinging me a bunch we're like there just isn't enough things happening there aren't enough things happening and it's a real tragedy also yeah this is why you need something flowers to grow the grow the bees up to get them reading cuz you need like hundreds of bees to make this feasible now he's following the flower how cute wait let's keep a beat like in front of us with a flower and that way we can stare something there we go let's lift a little bit more Q&A while we watch the bee go left and right I'll look out to you this is I could do this all day I might do this all day so um yeah that's uh let's do conversation time with toy cat what am i what do I want to talk about these days I was at the store and I noticed something kind of odd I noticed that the guy there had the exact same pretend beard as me and I looked at them my for this is a sign I need to know how a beard anymore honestly you know having having a pencil no pants while filming says Molly Brown I always wear trousers when I record there's not even particularly good reason for it Jorma see my trousers okay there there's my knee oh I'm wearing a I got this room Oh what did I just do I broke something I got these trig wait okay I'm gonna stand on my chair it's awkwardly oh geez okay I got this so let me show you my trousers right maybe if I like okay okay here in my trousers chat so as you can see they're like super stretchy though I don't have to show that properly they're like pajamas but they're jeans they look how far out those stretch that way - he goes all the directions they're really really great jeans and I got them in America and it's such a great like I don't know why we don't sell them here I don't know why your jeans aren't this stretchy because they look exactly the same right don't fall please we need you one last love advice there's goes into me but the feelings are reciprocated what do I do this um this happened to me okay so first of all let me then we taste a fact in general I've never had it happen where a girl has liked me and that didn't make me like her some amount I think I've had it happen where you know yeah I've had things along those lines but never had it like oh she's super cute into me but oh I hate that there's some people who really do dislike that wears my hand cream but um the this happened like maybe like four more three months ago you know things are going well super down into it cetera and then I guess like things fell apart and like the reality of what most people do in the situation and this is probably what splendid jeans thank you this is probably what most people would do but I think I think most people just go I'll just I'll just like you know was it cool like tried to be uninteresting so she fades away or he fades away whichever way but I think the best thing to do is just be like hey I'm super busy or honestly what you can do okay here's what here's the powerplay you say I'm not super into you this this that they'll say oh I actually wasn't into units like haha my mistake sorry guess we can you know you can go on some stuff where's your beloved girlfriend how great so cat with your protein 15 bananas or licking my balls 15 times I like to nibble for fun I would never eat banana for fun again so that's a fun thing how many people are looking at the bottom left corner how about I make myself bigger make it more people yeah it's also I can't stream now I help how small can it be okay fun I look interesting okay check the last super chances Nora Evelyn if it's about hands again okay yep bees are slow because there's been no femme hands nice nice so yeah we can see if this be oh there we go and then we feed this one and we let them do their magic and then when they make a baby bee which I can't see by the way you actually trapped here buddy you need some help oh god I can't go it's fun you know this bee is full-on like broken AI like legitimately does not care about this and we see this is when you plant we just sit and we wait until stuff happens oh it's night time we've got always always remember that's a thing I'm sorry but I'm actually not how to have relationship till the tenth grade oopsie whoopsie I may have said something about long live line before oh man that's that is embarrassing that is like full-on level look at all these great bees we've got now they're all grown up oh no they're not I can ease get some more flowers also some more wood I think I think let's we'll get both at the same time and you've always looked interesting thank you bad llama also you said femme hands and they grew magic says nor Evelyn you know if you want to date my hands just ask them on a date okay this uh all this all this teasing me for the super chance it's uh you know it's it's building up the I do not words I'm trying to say care but those so let's laugh fly back wait there's bees in bedroom yeah there are bees in bedrock it's a fact so uh so cat you're so cute when you make yourself small I have other things we can do for fun actually I've done idea I've done idea okay what advice you have for making minecraft fun again hashtag make minecraft fun again I hear how can people super chance so much a lot of people find value in like spending you know what is it like a dollar ninety-nine or two dollars or something spend five or ten but like some people just find value in having you there message without that price and you might think well that's stupid but like if you you know like it if you have spare money and you'd like to support someone it's kinda know you know it's like someone else decisions make and buy wait you hear about the lady who clean spies of our tongue I have heard about that and I would like to know again let's get let's get another be up to full they take some flowers and now we breed them that flap that bee is always gonna be trapped in that corner I feel like make a baby bee and then we bring them up corner I should I just leave in the corner here let's just do this all day until they're ready to breed again perfect wonderful also 25% off my roof flew in a storm last night offices cluster oh that sucks man that bro sucks but once when I was in high school the guy like found out and I and said I was gross a scalloped edge measure een oh that's no one's got a burn honestly what I really think it is I think this is probably like to me actually this this happened a few times I'd have friends who'd be like oh this girl hate her so I wish I wish she'd go away and leave me alone but I think I think the reality is is like it's like someone has already reserved themselves for someone in that way it's a joke oh I missed your joke cluster I'm sorry wait 25 percent of my roof if I blew off in a storm last night blew off in a store I don't get it cluster I don't get it make your face huge again do-do-do-do-do do-do-do-do-do do-do-do-do-do do-do-do-do-do do-do-do-do-do do-do-do-do-do do-do-do-do-do do-do-do-do-do I'm having fun why are you bouncing up and down since Jed Ricky you know this is this is how you have fun you know it's called enjoying yourself so yeah we can just feed all the bees by doing this I guess this is my new strategy because we don't need worry about the honeycomb output we just want to make as much as many babies as we can and we're gonna throw these bees up to full size - oh god they're taking so many okay feed that one feed this these ones as well and now we've got rid of one of the sack for flowers but look how many bees we have it's a positive gaggle of them I would say oh we need put this trap door back oh okay we're good see how many bees would you say this is a healthy number right and then we breed them again but yeah if you want to if you want to find bees I'm into video it's cuz roof the remaining 75% of roof oh I get it Thank You Molly Brown and anyone else who explained that would I missed so um what we do this I've gone my dear chap let's play the real game you know let's put the mine back into minecraft shall we wait let me search I don't know how you window search anymore I'm an old man okay [Music] okay here we go so we gonna load this up um one sweeper doesn't come built into Windows anymore there's no way that's true it is there's no wine sweep oh it apps minesweeper yeah okay store you have to download it from the Windows Store messed up ago I asked said I'm more like a purse dog than a partner I feel about it some really say that's you that's rough if so I would say that's SAP like if you know there's like lots of brutal ways to be rejected but in the end they're all just trying to say the same thing like go away put in polite or less black words and it sounds awful there doesn't need to be I mean it is it is neatly a gaggle of bees yeah we're gonna help you little gaggle of bees here yeah I think this is definitely that the pro tips trash treat leave a flower in your hand so all the bees swarm around you and then just wait till they can breed it takes five minutes per P and then we're great so yeah I try to play Minecraft wait us does they play minesweeper online.com oh there is just a website it's got two giant ads on the side but it's fine so now what we do is we take this and we add we fullscreen it I guess okay and now what we can do hope this works and doesn't go horrific ly wrong we can streamline sweeper so uh oh thank you - thank you enter Lord 2005 first look at text love you keep up your work hey Thank You Man appreciate the click contacts okay let's do it let's play some minesweeper so here's how you play minesweeper when you see a one in a corner you know that has to be a mind because the the numbers represent how many mines are in the squares around them actually let's get the trap going on there let me let's keep the chat on the right here yeah I think we this should be better I hope I'm gonna okay oh you can't see the chat fully if I move the chat wait if I just if I switch over to again always okay here we are so here we are chat I know I'm covering up with chat okay minesweeper so um actually can add my own Gatto to this let's try that that's uh let's put my Game Capture add existing oh well gotta doesn't count as a game capture counts as a camera I guess once that we're to keep our gonna keep our Elgato going in the corner oh god too big so take this oh I don't know I'm doing right now what I want to undo it we'll take this and we'll just make it a mini thing in the corner so we flip this back up there and then oh god I so bad moving around things in OBS so now there are bees in this little corner up here move this left there we go nailing it so let's play some minesweeper while we wait for the bees to grow up again like we can beat them small and then more bees will be produced then we do this a bunch so we can do this okay so um in minesweeper when you when there's a one in a corner you know there has to be in mind see you got a right-click it and there's a one over there - it's definitely a corner see it's definitely a mine one over there definitely a mine and that's that's how you get started then if you want to find mines after that find ones that already have a mine attached and you can click every other block around them that definitely not a mine this one the ones already found so it's definitely this this audio one here already surrounded we can click all of these now so move this one over here we can definitely click there and then once you've done this then it can get tricky X you're like okay what now well here's a tooth two over here yeah there's a mine there already what's over here yes what it's a two so you can click that one which means now we know this one already found it's mine which means yeah you can oh it's number one click around that oh yeah look at that we got the big ones going down okay so now we've got more corner ones so click both of those which means now we have more of these going and you can hat you kind of like duplicate this as you're going you gotta do it fast and like competitive minesweeper but it's a fun game there's a two here so that's done I can click both of these now you can click all the way around this one can even click there there and there now we see a 2 here so that's gonna be in mind there that means that both of wait these this fries been fulfilled this free hasn't been fulfilled this 2 hasn't and then yeah you kind of fulfilling your little buns right here this is a this is a hard game and mines on earth that's definitely one they're definitely not there click all of these ones this is a free oh no it's not useful usually if you see a free on a corner like that it means you uh it means that you're you know like usually they'll be all there those are mine there so ruins our plans there's a two over here doesn't help us though there's a one there you know I'm I'm out of like oh let's keep breeding the bees we can't see your mouse oh you can't see my mouse oh my bad right let's uh let's just there we go much better you still can't see my mouse so like display Nick node Oh God it went okay here we go it better let's play some minesweeper boys okay let's let's keep going back there silly toy cat just cuz it's called minesweeper does mean it's related to Minecraft it totally does it totally does anyway so yeah playing minesweeper was a good way to pass the time and now we can feed the beast some more but yeah honestly this is why a lot fees is gonna have to be you're gonna have to be you just kind of have to feed the bees until they make lots of B babies and then when they make lots of B babies they'll start filling up the beehives then they'll start pollinating some more and then magic magic magic and all of a sudden you've got things going on like I've still got somewhere in my box right here guess what Lily's at the Bali place one down over there place one down over here fill the area would Klaus them to do grab some more dandelions and now it can breed some more bees and then every now and Linda you need to unclog the their craziness and yeah this is this is what we have to do for a very long time now if we want to get the amount of honeycomb we need to make an actual building project we're gonna have to do this for some seriously crazy map time but that's kind of expected at this point and now you know how does a bee farm work how do i donate to account please company there you go you did it you worked it out also um yeah um pixel cat green I heard there's gonna be a massive update of minesweeper expanding on the underground train it's gonna be huge yeah imagine that again with mine in the name updating the mining aspect that's insane that's a crazy idea I can't imagine you even coming up with that okay let's go to sleep and let's say thank you very much watching today's very ridiculous livestream let's be honest we stared at Beast a far longer than we off tomorrow the livestream live streamis will continue we're streaming every single day for the first 12 days of Christmas Oh December starting on the fifth of whatever reason today was day five I think so day six extremists it's happening tomorrow you want to see some toy cat livestream bet you do you know where you can see it tomorrow on this channel so yeah I do what we're doing maybe something funny come maybe something - honey blocks themselves because I'm gonna be spending a lot of time just trapped in a box here let's take advanced Oh God look at my bee collection it is really starting to get there now but yeah I will be streaming bemis tomorrow streamers you can catch me there if you believe in yourself but if you don't behave you'll get banned and I believe that is a fair policy for the channel and if you want the things to go beyond what they are right now you can subscribe if notifications turned on to see videos and livestreams like this every single day on your homepage thank you so much for watching this thing whatever it was I had a lot of fun hanging out as always and we'll do that tomorrow probably unless I die in a house fire tonight and you know we are overdue for a house fire so thank you for watching I'll see you all tomorrow bye yeah I was just tricking you I'm not really leaving I'm here still I'm gonna drink some water this is the high quality mmm so good but no thank you for watching I threw up for you chat I mean I look for change on the ground for you chat remember that remember that thank you showing up it's bad llama thank you lunar eclipse thank you everyone actually I'm like a ever who didn't leave there I'm gonna say goodbye to you so goodbye Calle Gagnon goodbye David Harley goodbye Marcos Crusoe and Benjamin Simpson I'm not gonna say goodbye to people because I hate you all so see ya
Channel: ibxtoycat
Views: 182,178
Rating: 4.8405952 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, bees, capture
Id: dxTyqzPrSPk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 169min 6sec (10146 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 11 2019
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