TESLA MODEL Y VS. MODEL X... An Opinion From Someone Who Owns BOTH!

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what's up guys you asked for it in today's video we're going to compare model x to model Y stay tuned [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] certificate [Music] so here we have it model X and model Y the biggest question I've gotten on Twitter and on YouTube is is how do I like the model y versus our model X and how do they compare it is a little bit you know two completely different animals in some sense but they do compare very well and and my question is is how much is the Y going to cannibalize the Model X sales I think we're going to be surprised at that but the biggest question I get is about the interior space how does it ride and like the trunk space how does that compare you know y versus X here's a hint it's really close let's take a look alright so let's take a look at model y first love that automatic hatch so I'm gonna measure straight down the middle to where the lip is where the rubber gasket is where it closes I think that would give us a good idea and I'm measuring 46 and a half inches that's from the back of the seat to this rubber seal is forty six and a half inches then we'll go from side to side let's do the bottom kind of the bottom area first it is I would say 40 inches so 40 inches across here now this is the area that's interesting to me it looks like it opens up a little wider here so it definitely does open wider so we're looking at probably forty two and three quarters so 42 and three quarters on this so I'm taking a look at the eggs alright so here we have the X a nice automatic hatch I don't know why bingo all the way up Oh probably because my settings for my garage so we'll go all the way to the back of the seat to the rubber gasket is 50 and 3/4 so 50 and 3/4 just from the front and then knew it was gonna be deeper this way I just wasn't sure how much but it's definitely deeper there so the bottom part is 41 and a half so 41 and a half on the bottom part here and then up here which is interesting it's more straight I think there's less room right here compared to the Y yeah it's basically the same I mean 41 and a half it's really close to the same maybe what 41 and a quarter so it's a it's really close so I'll throw those numbers up on the screen here so we can compare [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] the next question I get a lot is what is the seating position in the X versus the Y how do they compare our is the X does it sit up higher does the Y sit up higher or lower or what so we're gonna answer that here's my seating position in the X and I'm not gonna put my foot on the brake because the door will close so here's how I typically Drive in the X and my seating position you can see my leg position typically it's pretty pretty flat now let's look at the Y alright here's my seating position on the y [Applause] it's really similar I mean just sitting in one and then sitting in the other it's really close it may be a little bit smaller a little bit further down but as you can see my legs are pretty flat pretty straightforward the seating position is very similar so let's move on to the next thing all right what about the rear passengers here you go so I've got this seat pretty much set where I would sit in driving it I just basically got out of it and went to the Y and then came over here and sat down so you can see I've got about that much leg room the Falcon wing doors are cool though all right here's the why the legroom is it's almost exactly the same truthfully it's almost exactly the same I've got this seat is still set from where I sat in it just a while ago and the legroom is almost exactly the same so I'm not measuring it but just sitting in it you can see that it's pretty much pretty much the same I think one thing people are going to ask about is how is the dash on the Model X versus the model Y you know the X has a screen basically behind the steering wheel that gives you information and whatnot and then it's got the vertical screen as far as the big screen to the right whereas the model Y has just the 15 inch horizontal screen in the middle I'll show you both of them here's the driving in the seating position how it looks out of from my driver profile how it would look outside in the Model X all right here is the seating position in the Model X this is even with my face basically from my mouth and nose area this is what I see obviously my eyes are a little bit above this but this is basically my view out of the Model X to give you an idea so you've got the display here and then you've got the vertical display here but that's my view let's go take a look at model y all right here is the view in the model Y this is basically the same position and you can see there's no display here just that terrible wood - that is about to go away here in the next week or so but there is my view basically the same exact position I'm holding in the same position as I was in the Model X and there you've got the horizontal screen yes I am in the car I am in the model why and what you just saw was out of the glass roof and I think this is going to be one of the biggest advantages in my opinion on the Y versus the Model X and it's going to be really hard to show you but the view out of the back is absolutely incredible in the model Y let me see if I can show you so as you can see the glass roof is just enormous in this car you see my house back there so you can see there is no pillar in the middle of the glass it is just a huge piece of glass and it is incredible so that view is definitely a plus one on the model Y so here we are in the Model X and you can already see the difference you can see this piece here is kind of restricting your view yes you've got these smaller windows over here on the side on each side but it definitely restricts your view versus the model Y let me try to get a a panoramic type shot where I can show you guys the view [Music] [Music] so by far one of the biggest pluses of the Model X is the driver view and you can see the glass goes basically right behind your head all the way down to the front it's a really nice view and that is one of the pluses for the Model X but you have a limited view for the passengers as you can see so I want to show you guys one of the cool things about the Model X is the Falcon wing doors it is an incredibly cool feature but it's also one of the things that drove me and my wife crazy if you guys have kids and while they're very nice to be able to get kids in and out of it's great for that the problem is is when the kids get a little bit older and they can start operating the Falcon wing doors they don't really pay attention when they're closing or opening the doors and a lot of times if you're getting out or getting in at the same time the door doesn't always kind of catch you and we've had a couple of close calls so let me show you and kind of what happened or what can happen if I'm not sure if I can do that here with a one-man crew but basically here's what can kind of happen I'm gonna start shutting the door and then I'm gonna try to get in my driver's side door like this [Music] you have to kind of get out of the way of it so the other thing that can happen is this I'm going to try to open the door as I get out and then of course sometimes the door doesn't open all the way and you have to dodge it so it's just kind of a pain they're cool but is it worth the money versus the why I don't know we're gonna keep talking about it one of the other issues that we've had with our Model X Falcon wing doors is they rub and we have had this problem and I've had two different service centers look at it we had the one in Fresno look at it and they repaired it well they didn't but they sent it to a body shop to repair it and then we when we moved to Tennessee we had another Tesla service center out there which is not the service center again it was a body shop and they tried to repair it we still haven't mailed to repair it they say that they're better on the newer models supposedly but I'm hearing from service and I just talked to someone today that they're always an issue and let me show you what I'm talking about so if you go down here on the pillar this is where they want to rub and then sometimes they'll rub down here ours is not rubbing down there but it's definitely rubbing right there let me show you the other side so here's the other side right here and you can't rub it off it is scuff the paint and then the other issue is right there in the same spot I don't know if you can see it on camera but it's there so one of the ways they repair it is basically they take it they put some clear basically PPF film over the spots that rub and then when it rubs eventually it will rub through and they hope to replace the PPF right there before it rubs through and hits the paint that's not a great option to me I don't want to have to watch my doors all the time to make sure they're not rubbing it shouldn't be that way so that is kind of a kind of a bummer about Model X that that we don't like the mob like I said the Falcon wing doors are really cool really flashy and all that but is it worth the difference that's the question versus model y all right so let's take a look at the front space of course Model X is going to be a bigger front there's no doubt about that it's a bigger car but is it that much bigger I don't know what it is in cubic feet but basically to me it just looks wider let's take a look so there's the Model X Franck it just looks wider if you cut this off right here I would say on both sides that's about the size of model Y so it's really close it's not a huge difference but it is bigger it's not deeper though it's just it's just wider all right so let's go take a look at it model Y now let's look at that all right and there's a lot of Y so the X just kind of extends over here further closer to the lights it's basically what I'm saying it kind of extends this way but as far as the depth it's really close it's I mean model Y Mara I'm sorry model X might be a little bit deeper but it's not much so there's those so is a frunk that important well maybe if you're putting front puppies in it right Earl so other than that I don't know if it's you know a make or break thing one front being larger than the other but you know it's just information for you guys so let's take a look at the styling of each of these cars as you can see model Y gets its styling from model 3 very similar and of course Model X has the front fascia and the styling of model s but the interesting thing is model why is and I've heard this mentioned before model why is pretty much if you took a model three and a model X and you made a baby you would get model y model three and model x combined together because it's got the styling of the model three but it's got the the slope and the way the rear end is of model X and you can see if you took off the spoiler on model X it would be eerily similar to the styling and the slope of the back end it's really close so the rear end looks like the model X and the front end looks like the model 3 so after owning these both of these cars I mean obviously we've only owned the Y for a week I drove it today for about 30 minutes on the highway X it was an hour total I drove it on the highway and from someone that has owned both of these cars and very used to driving the X and I feel like I'm familiar enough with the Y because I owned the three so I'm familiar with the way that it drives let's go talk about the details of each and let me give you an owner's perspective of driving both of these cars let's go inside okay back inside it's a lot cooler in here so you're probably wondering are we going to keep Model X and model Y the answer is is no we're gonna turn back in the Model X the Model X is a lease and when we started to lease the Model X we leased it knowing that hopefully that the model would be out in time to take delivery before a Model X lease was up and the reason we're going to return it is because the Model X will never if we won't drive it it will sit in the garage and we won't drive it at all and it's only got a couple more months and also we don't want to have to pay California to re-register in California it's right now registered in Nashville and Tennessee and it has to have a current registration in order to turn it back in and we don't want to pay the registration and then just keep it a couple more months and then turn it back in and that makes no sense to us so we're gonna pay as of now I've talked to Tesla and basically if you pay the remaining months you can return it and that's it it didn't seem like they were really willing to work with us or anything like that so as of now that's the plan we're gonna pay hopefully in the next couple of weeks we're gonna turn it back in I wanted to make sure that I got this video done and that's one of the reasons I wanted to keep it and I haven't really pushed it yet so here's the question here's the million dollar question if we were buying a car right now would we buy a Model X or a model Y that's that's a good question if it's us we would buy a model Y here's the reason the model y is almost air the Model X is pretty much the trunk space is very similar as you guys saw it's not enough difference to us to make a difference the area which I didn't show the area underneath the trunk the lower trunk is almost as big as Model X and the trunk space is really similar the front space which we don't use that often is really close also so those two things are really similar the seating position is very very similar as you get guys also saw so when driving it and to me the model the model y is more comfortable it's more I like the seats in the model y better than been the Model X they're just more comfortable i sat in a Model S one time our actually we had one for a week when we were having service on one of my first model threes and I hated it I don't like the seats in the Model S and the Model X to me they just I don't know I just don't like the way they feel I like the model 3 a lot so the seats are exactly the same old model wise said to me it's super comfortable it's actually a more comfortable version of a model 3 so with us there's not enough difference there to justify the what $30,000 difference we did have a choice to buy our Model X we could buy our model action we've got about 33,000 miles on it it's a 2017 but it does have the older MCU we don't have the games a lot of the games we don't have dash cam we don't have Netflix and all that kind of stuff and it's a it's a 2017 but we could buy it after the lease is over for $70,000 to us we paid just over fifty thousand for the model why that's a huge difference in a used Model X with 33,000 miles on it and saving almost twenty thousand dollars and buying a brand new model why with all the features on it so even just buying a used Model X versus a model why to me I would just buy a model Y and it makes the most sense to me now my wife loves her model X and she likes the the display behind us behind the steering wheel but the biggest reason she likes the model is the right quality so the Model X is on an air suspension the model Y writes very similar to the model three they're very very similar there's a little bit more body roll but it rides really similar to model three so Model X definitely rides better does it ride thirty thousand dollars difference I don't think so and neither does my wife which is why we made the decision to buy the model Y instead of either buying a new Model X or buying our least Model X so that's kind of our thought process we're just - to me I don't think there's enough difference between those two cars to justify the cost difference are the Falcon wing doors and the Model X cool Hank yeah they're cool man I mean the whole Christmas mode and you know doing all the dancing and all that kind of it's great it's a party trick but it's really cool it is what Elon says it's the Faberge egg of vehicles but here's my prediction and I'm afraid to put this on YouTube the here's my prediction I think that the model Y first off is going to sell a ton but I think the model Y is going to eat into the model egg cells a lot a lot so much so that I think they may stop producing the Model X and here's another reason I say that is after talking to different service people I've talked to the service people in Fresno the service people in Nashville and some of the people that that I know up in Fremont they always have issues with those Falcon wing doors they always rub there's just always an issue they are very over engineered and there's just there's just always something wrong so I just have a feeling that eventually if the sales keep going down they're gonna get tired of just dealing with that and they will just not manufacture the X anymore and it'll just be the Y I know it's a I don't have anything to go by other than that I just have a feeling that just in my experience being an ex owner if you have the money by a model ex if money is not an option and it's not a big deal and and it is a better car in many aspects for sure but most people are going to look at the price difference and they're going to look at videos like this and other videos on YouTube and see that the cars are not that much different and are unless they like the styling of the ex better than that they are better than the why that could be an issue - but to us my personal opinion I would buy a model why over a Model X right now so that's it if you guys want to please leave some comments I will do my best to answer them I appreciate you guys watching this video I've got some other videos coming up we are gonna customize our model Y as you know I always do my cars if you go back and look at my older videos I can never keep things stock and so we're gonna do some custom things to the model why even though man it looks really good the way it is stock I mean it looks fantastic as you can see on the video but if you if you want to leave some comments down below I'll try to answer them and please hit that subscribe button please subscribe and and share and if you know anybody looking at a Model X or Romano why show them this video and that's it we will see you guys on the next video take care peace [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Marc Benton
Views: 875,634
Rating: 4.7920365 out of 5
Keywords: Tesla, Model Y, Model X, EV, Tesla Model X, Tesla Model Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 50sec (1550 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 30 2020
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