TERRIBLE Decision by Air Traffic Controller

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sir you fly the airplane I'll fly the tower how's that and when you find out who that controller was talking to like that you'll see why this controller may have lost their entire career as an air traffic controller here's the full video4 extend down one to the uh C extend downwind to the Kaiser Hospital Runway 3 extending downwind clear to land 3 0 Bas 14 sequencing base4 b 14 has been CR L Roger B got a list 14 you're instructed to turn base at the Kaiser Hospital uh unfamiliar with Kaiser hospital bas4 then why didn't you say something what do you want me to do B land the airplane sir just to be clear you can't be completely rude to somebody and then add the word sir on it and then make it okay like what he does here land the airplane sir this is all taking place in San Carlos airport which is in the Bay Area in Northern California and I've done a lot of flying in Northern California but I've never flown into this airport and since since the runway here is actually 2,621 ft long they're probably not going to let me take the 747 in there anytime soon the controller is essentially wanting the pilot to extend and fly further away from the airport and then use that hospital as a visual reference point of when to make their turn in when the pilot checks in he's flying on this downwind the controller is wanting the pilot to fly further away from the airport which is called a downwind and then he says this4 extend down one to the cement Crush extend down to the Kaiser Hospital Runway 30 fo essentially what he wants this pilot to do is look out the window see this Hospital right here and that's when he's going to make a 90° turn towards where he's going to have the Final Approach to come in and land but listen here to what the controller says and then what the pilot actually reads back to him4 extend down to the uh cement question extend down to the Kaiser Hospital Runway 30 0 C extending downway CR land 3 Bas 14 so the pilot only read back extend your downwind now he should have heard about the hospital and turned there but for whatever reason he didn't hear it and probably because he didn't understand it so he didn't read it back so the controller does have a responsibility that the readback off the instructions that they were given that that readback matches you can't just assume like oh they probably know but I think that's what happened and then as this pilot is flying away from the airport on this extending of the downwind he asks about the sequencing quing b 14 so he wasn't sure about what the hospital was he didn't read it back so he's extending this downwind now and he's asking when do you want me to turn in when is this sequencing going to be taking place because usually if you get an extended downwind there's other planes that are going to be coming in there and with those other planes coming in they're going to slot you in so he's asking what is the sequence like how much further do you want me to be flying away from the airport and then the controller gets snarky and says this uh unfamiliar with Kaiser Hospital based by 14 then why didn't you say say something now Pilots like everybody else tend to want to do well at their job so instead of saying hey I I don't know where that is or I don't understand exactly what you're telling me sometimes they just ignore the what's being said or what's happening now I don't mind asking two or three times until I know exactly what's going on but even when I was a newer pilot I was hesitant to do that because it sounds like maybe you lack competency but I've learned now over the years by getting clarification even if it annoys the controller that you're asking a third time that's better than having a violation on your record so instead of being understanding the controller says this land the airplane sir and he didn't need to say it like that because he knows at this point this pilot isn't really familiar with this area even though based off of his call sign of bayflight and not a student pilot with just a regular number he knows bayflight then they're flying a plane from this area that they probably are familiar because this is their main Hub where they're coming in and taking off and Landing so he figures oh well he's going to know exactly when to turn in here but obviously the pilot didn't instead of being polite he starts getting snarky but you're about to hear who else is in the plane which is going to make this controller's day get a lot worse listen to this 57 question B4 left at do Tex parking VI Juliet left at Delta taxi parking VI Juliet Bay 54 Bay 54 ask someone in there where the Kaiser hospital is will you Roger Bay 14 everyone knows where that is it slides out of here training off the air shall we I'm sorry who was that this is the examiner on board plate uh 14 I'm saying let's leave the controller training off of frequency sir you fly the airplane I'll fly the tower how's that now this controller could have accomplished all the things that they wanted to accomplish being that this pilot is more oriented to what's going on and they could have done it in a much more helpful and humble way obviously now here's what I want you to understand if you're a pilot and you're ever planning to become a pilot what you will find is you will find people people like this in your career pilots and controllers now this is my own personal take on it I don't know if this applies for this particular controller or not but I have noticed in my experience with Pilots especially since I have more experience with that those Pilots that are real uh rude like that and kind of putting you down in the way that they're going to talk to you usually it comes from their lack of confidence and competence in who they are as a pilot that tends to be the people that are going to be the most snarky with you so if you're having that experience just realized that a lot of times it's their lack of confidence in who they are or how well they can do their job and that's being reflected towards you just be aware of that so if you listen to what he says here4 ask someone in there where the Kaiser hospital is will you he could have simply handled it by just saying hey you're not in any trouble but here's a number give me a give me a call I want to talk to you real quick and if he had said that this would have been probably not even a video that we'd be talking about right now the pilot would have called obviously very very nervous cuz when you get a phone number to call you know that it's you're about to get told by the principal that you did something wrong but you're going to make that phone call and he's going to say Hey listen this is what it looks like or this is where it's at I didn't know that you weren't from around here and it would have been really no big deal that's on a recorded line as well keep in mind when you're talking to the tower that's recorded everything's recorded but that would have been not a big deal that pilot would have been familiar with what's going on and then that controller probably could have said something like hey ask one of the other Pilots that are in there just what they look for when they're trying to find the hospital because finding the hospital from the ground in the sky completely different that's how it could have happen and it would have been a lot easier but instead he chose to embarrass him by saying this everyone knows where that is it slides out of here and clearly everyone doesn't know where it is because that guy doesn't know where it is and I don't know where it is and apparently the other guy The Examiner didn't know it or didn't hear it and it could have been because they were talking so that examiner is what's known as a de those Dees designated examiners are people that are given power if you will by the FAA to do examinations and certified people so as a 747 pilot when I go through my check ride it's done by a de when I got all my private pilot license or instrument licenses when you go through those you can actually have a FAA person come and do it or and sometimes because it takes forever to get them to come out there are these Dees where they're designated examiners on behalf and they're representing the fa when they do this so that is who I think is in there because if it was anybody else they wouldn't have said I'm an examiner so my guess is that that is a designated examiner in there who means he he essentially represents the FAA and that's not who you want to be messing with as a pilot or a controller you got to be on your best behavior and still to this day when I go do a check ride or anytime of exam with a de I'm on my best behavior they say Hey you know I think you should have done this okay cool yeah I I'll take that into consideration even if I think that they're wrong or it's just their opinion I just go yeah okay because there is a lot of work to get to that status in an aviation career so I give them this respect that they deserve because it is not easy to become a designated examiner and they have a huge responsibility on them so if somebody says that to me and they're a de even if I I thought well maybe that's not true I just go okay cool because they're not going to give you any bad advice that's going to put your life in danger or things like that which is when I would always push back usually they're giving you maybe their opinions of how they think it should be done or how they think it should be done better so I always give them that respect when they say something this controller obviously has a different strategy for that he hears the guy's an examiner and he says this sir you fly the airplane I'll fly the tower how's that so remember this the E represents the FAA and that means that he has a lot of contacts in the FAA because if something goes wrong he has people people that he needs to go to and get information or what have you which means that's not the guy that you want to be messing with Pilots tend to if you this is my experience if a controller is Snappy or kind of rude which this guy was being towards the pilot you kind of heard that pilot just take it and that's true even at the airlines for the most part because Pilots don't want to have the paperwork they don't want their wings taken away so when a controller is rude like that they'll take it a little bit more but when you're an examiner you don't really have to take especially in this case where it's very clear this pilot is kind of going okay cool I just want to get done with this exam and the examiners are going like no no you're crossing the line don't be giving instructions while you're on the radio because now you're jamming up the radio the thing is these designated examiners have a huge responsibility so if this guy is let's say he's doing his Private Pilot check ride I don't know if that's the case but if he is that examiner has to watch everything that he does and say this person is safe enough and they make good decisions even if they mess up which I have done on check rides and messing up doesn't mean that you failed until you do something that's dangerous you violate some rule or you break something well now you failed but even if you make a mistake that's okay but that examiner has to say to the FAA I watch this person they flew safe and I'm confident to give them their license to do whatever this license gives them the right to do so let's say A Private Pilot now he can go fly by himself and take his buddy along as they go somewhere so that person has that responsibility if that guy that he says hey that guy's good to go fly goes flies him and his buddy into a mountain that examiner has to answer for that and so that's why they have such a heavy responsibility on them because it's their career on the line now if they sign somebody off who shouldn't have been signed off and they fly themselves into a mountain they could lose their some of their licenses if something like that happens most of you know that JFK Jr died when he crashed a small plane and his examiner got questioned about it and my guess is he got questioned a lot now I flew with the designated examiner that did that Private Pilot check ride for JFK Jr he gave me a check ride and I've only failed two check rides in my life and one of them was with him and it wasn't he was a great guy but he he was tough he really wanted to make sure that I did everything well and I did everything well on the whole check R I had passed except for when I went to land I did not land on the thousand foot marker I ended up keeping in too much speed and I floated a little bit I didn't hit the thot marker and that was the end of the check ride you know I basically failed it and he was really cool about it it wasn't a big deal but there's a standard to meet and I didn't meet it so that was the end of it and while I was doing research on this I actually looked him up just to make sure I remembered his name correctly and I found out that he just recently passed away John ended up giving me my license after we went up and we did a couple of Landings and and it was a great experience and what I tell people is that I've only failed two check rides in my whole Aviation career one with him I learn a lot from failing and people are scared to fail and it sucks to fail and and nobody likes failing I wasn't happy about it but I I said okay yeah I mean I I'm supposed to land there and I didn't land there so that's my fault so then I got better on power management and that's you hear me talk about that a lot in my videos and part of it comes back to that because I blew a whole check ride and I had to pay the examiner for that and I have to pay the examiner for the to redo that old check right just to go up and land on those th000 foot markers I had to pay another thing and then I have a failure on my record so obviously my condolences to John's family but John was a great guy and of course I wanted to pass my check ride and I did everything great except that last part landing on thousand foot markers and he said hey you know that's a bust and and he was cool about it I mean he was he was tough during the whole check ride and I felt like I was doing bad during the whole check ride but afterwards I realized like hey I I did everything right except that one little thing so we had to go back up and do that one little thing all over again and I learned a lot from having that failure and now you hear me talk about how important energy management is that's one of the examples of why it's so important is from examples of doing things like that where I failed my check right but lesson learned so now the controller who's in this Tower should realize that this is a designated examiner that's in this plane and what the implications are of having someone like that and how you talk to them on the radio they have earned a certain amount of respect whether you like what they're saying or don't sometimes you just have to give people respect for what they have accomplished in their career this controller has a totally different plan you're about to hear Mr examiner why don't if if a uh pilot doesn't know a command isn't he required to ask the controller for a clarification you're partly blocked okay I had to pause it right here because what's happening is I'm guessing all the pilots that are flying and on the ground are listening to this interaction knowing that it's going really south from this controller and so this pilot or I'm guessing jumped on the radio saying partially blocked because of all the drama that's happening and they want to hear this pilot or this controller and this examiner kind of go at it because they know this controller is burying himself and how rude he's being when you have someone that's like that you kind of want to see them get buried so this controller by or this pilot by saying hey partially blocked he's just pimping this controller say it again so that way we can get it all on this recorded line and we can get a response from The Examiner so it's kind of funny that he did that because of all the drama that's going on listen to what he says if a if a pilot does not know what a controller is instructing him to do isn't he required to ask for clarification take it off air sir I'm not taking anything off air have a good day this guy obviously can't control his emotions which is not who you want Flying your plane or directing a bunch of planes the other thing that's a big issue here is that this guy is having this conversation or argument or whatever debate with this pilot this examiner as well as being unnecessarily critical and saying things and jamming up the radio to this guy who's receiving the exam he's jamming up all those waves those radio waves what it also means is that he's not focused on all the other planes that are going on that are on the ground or in the sky whatever part of the airspace he's working but he's not focused on them he's busy having this debate which means somebody's not paying attention to all the other people and what's the number one rule of every airline in FAA is safety and this guy's not being safe in the way he's conducting himself regardless of how good you are at your job regardless of how good or how bad of a pilot I am I can't argue and have an intense argument with my the other guy that I'm flying with and then at the exact same time be like doing the best that I can while I'm flying it's just the reality is if you're having those emotions and having that you're not going to perform your job really well that's the reality and safety has to take priority over everything else and that's why the examiner is saying this take it off air sir had that controller said please give me a call here's my phone number I just want to talk about it with the examiner or that pilot it probably wouldn't have been a big deal but instead he loses his cool that quick five minute phone call not a big deal and they could talk it out and given the opinions or whatever and if they want to talk about it more or write a report then they could have do done that but instead he's just jamming up the radio waves and not paying attention to everybody else and if he's working the radio that's what he should be doing when you make a phone call usually what you're going to do is you're going to get covered by somebody else another controller is going to come there and and be running everything and then you can focus on having that phone call not while you're running the Tower or running the ground frequency that's not the time to be doing that so instead of keeping an eye on all the planes he's in the tower working on his snarky comebacks sir you fly the air plane I'll fly the tower how's that so obviously this controller isn't really paying attention to what the safest way they can conduct their job is now I don't know what happened I've read some articles that said this guy got fired or got put on probation or is going to get fired whatever it is this guy wanted some attention and while he's getting it and like I always tell you as a pilot you want to be under the radar and have nobody know your name except if you're wanting to be on YouTube but otherwise you don't want anybody to know who you are that's the true as far as a controller as well you want to go in do your job well and just be left alone and not have anybody know you know your name because you don't want to be that person that's known this guy he's known now and that's going to follow him for a while until he can prove that he can conduct himself in a way that's very professional so he's got a black mark on his record if he's still a controller which I don't know and it's a lot of work to be a controller it's not easy to do it's a very high stress job and they get paid pretty well but it's not easy and it's definitely not for everybody I look forward to hearing from you until then keep the blue side up
Channel: 74 Gear
Views: 291,809
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pilot, airline pilot, 747 pilot, 74 gear, pilot Kelsey
Id: LQk6jOepTeQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 3sec (1083 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 26 2023
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