Emirates 777 Mayday Fuel

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[Applause] what you have there is an Emirates Boeing triple seven that's making it very short 14 and a half hour flight from Dubai to Seattle but then they had to divert because of strong winds up to our neighbors to the North in Vancouver Watch What Happens row eight left his foxtrot I understand your minimum fuel the performance is the runway zero eight left for us uh that is correct Runway zero eight left I cannot be the right side if you like whatever you want payday mayday mayday ever 229 heavy we have made a fuel and we require Runway zero eight right okay I checked the media Emirates this time Runway zero eight right and I'll have it back to for you very shortly here thank you Emirates 229 are you in need of immediate Landing two extremely important things to know when it comes to fuel regarding Aviation is a minimum fuel call and a Mayday fuel call big difference I recently had a flight that I was doing I don't know well maybe it was about a year ago we were going from JFK out to Korea and the way that it was flight planned was that it was going to be pretty tight on fuel and we all talked about it the four of us Pilots we talked and decided okay let's go when we're getting over there if we get over Japan and we see it's just going to be too tight on the fuel that we have any doubts about the weather or anything about getting in there or it seems like we're going to be too low on fuel no big deal with a stop in Japan get gas and probably go to the hotel but what we ended up doing was declaring minimum fuel which is what this pilot had done here 08 left is foxtrot I understand your minimum fuel when we got onto the approach control of Incheon which is in South Korea we told them right when we checked in minimum Fuel and when we did that the controller recognized the situation and saying okay great there there's this approach when you're going into in China it's this very long snakey style approach that you get in there and that's to allow them to bring in a lot of different traffic at different points so it's smart from that aspect but when you're low on fuel it's not what you want to be doing so we declared our minimum fuel we basically got to cut the line and get in and land and it was not a big deal we landed we were fine we never declared a Mayday fuel when you declare a Mayday fuel it's a little bit different it means you're planning to land with less than 30 minutes of gas and that is a very uncomfortable feeling that this pilot does right here day may day may day Everest 229 heavy we have made a fuel and we require Runway zero eight right so that's an automatic whenever you look down and you load up everything into your computer and it says hey you're going to be landing with less than 30 minutes there's no debate about it it's immediately the call is mayday mayday mayday Fuel and the reason that it's very important to use it in that exact way is because different parts of the world English isn't going to be their first language so if you start saying hey we're running low on gas they may not get what you're saying if let's say you're flying over China That's obviously not going to be their first language is English so you say something like we're running low on gas they may think running and and gas station they may not put it all together so it's important the phraseology and that's why I always talk about how important that it is to develop those good habits saying mayday mayday mayday fuel anywhere in the world any air traffic controller regardless of how good their their language is or their grasp of English is going to go Mayday okay you've got my attention and then after that you're going to say the thing that's happening fuel now they know hey this is really important we need to get this person on the ground as fast as possible everybody else is waiting this plane is going to get the priority handling to get on the ground as quickly as possible now I have one time that I was sitting I believe in it was in Austin when I was flying corporate years ago that exact situation happened we weren't declaring the MayDay fuel but we were sitting getting ready to take off and a United Plane had declared the MayDay Fuel and we ended up sitting there probably like 20 minutes and I remember thinking like man this is I could easily have taken off and been long gone by now but they didn't want to risk that because let's say I take off and then I blow an engine well there's only two runways so there was at the time two runways there so if I take off from Austin and then we blow an engine then they're going to have a real situation because now they're down to only one functioning Runway so they just had to sit there for about 20 minutes until this plane came in and landed and it was a little bit irritating but at the same side I know that if I were up there flying and I made a fuel well I'm not going to want to have some person taking off ahead of me they do that in the simulator a lot when you're in the Sim and they're giving you all these difficult scenarios to deal with one of them is is that when you have a 747 you have an engine failure on one you're coming back around to land with only three engines and then sometimes they'll put a plane on the runway and you're thinking like what controller would do that when you've just blown your engine but it's just a scenario that one of the scenarios that they give you so in real life we ended up sitting short of that Runway so these guys could land and there wasn't ever a problem for that United plane to come in so that's what happens in the real world when you declare Mayday fuel everything stops this plane's coming in and it doesn't really matter there's no emergency for taking off but there's an emergency if you run out of gas now he doesn't say it exactly like I say it but listen to his phraseology here a mayday mayday Everest 229 heavy we have made a fuel sadly there have been crashes that have happened because the pilots were nervous or they didn't want to expose the fact that they had made a mistake and got themselves in this bad situation so this pilot and these This Crew with Emirates did exactly the right thing they loaded it they looked they said okay we're I don't know 28 minutes or 30 minutes that's all the gas that we have and that's what we're expected to be landing with okay that's it it's a Mayday there's no question there's never going to be a debate amongst the pilots like well what do you do you want to declare the mid 8 no it's an automatic everybody knows so This Crew did exactly the right thing if it's not like something had changed originally they were minimum fuel I guess when they loaded the approach and put everything in there their computer spit it back and said hey you're going to be landing with this amount of fuel left and they knew right there it was a Mayday situation and this was kind of a weird question for me with air traffic control the Emirates 229 you would need a immediate Landing like to me if I'm a controller and a pilot just declares Mayday fuel it'd be strange to be asking like do you need to land immediately like I you know you're going to see in a minute why he was asking those questions but I think it could have been done a lot better because obviously they want to land immediately they have less than 30 minutes and they just declared a made a fuel situation you're about to see what he was asking here would you like to land a Victoria Airport it's about 10-15 miles closer 229 I just want to be clear here I can offer you either Abbotsford Airport Victoria Airport they are both a little closer they both have East-West runways and either that or you can continue to advance right at Vancouver is that correct the right side Runway zero eight right uh just advise if you need any other systems 229 heavy the wind at the field at Vancouver zero seven zero at 21 Notch gusting to 27. now I'm going to be a little bit nitpicky on this controller here and I think the controller is doing the best job that they can to handle the situation and trying to give the pilot some alternatives to one protect himself but also two so the pilots are know what all the options are but they could have done it in a different way and I think it would have got a much quicker result because at this phase of everything that's going going on is a very high workload for the pilots we're in the middle of trying to get everything ready for landing we're doing all the different checklists we're verifying all the things that all the points are going to match on the approach coming in so there's a lot of things that we're doing it's a high workload and the controller is saying like do you want to land immediately obviously what he was getting to was there are some Alternatives so when he says this the numbers 229 are you in need of immediate Landing he actually should have just LED with this camera it's uh 229 I just want to be clear here I can offer you either Abbotsford Airport Victoria Airport they are both a little closer in doing that initial questioning of do you need to land immediately the pilots are like yeah of course we need to do that had he just LED with hey I can give you some Alternatives the pilots are typically going to just stick with what they have because they've already loaded everything up again high workload we're verifying that we have all the right fixes and everything is set up to then do that get the weather and rework everything when you're trying to get down quickly you've already verified you have the fuel you're already going to have support Port over there your airline is going to be setting up things for the passengers setting up things for the crew for fuel they're going to be organizing all that so unless there's a real reason not to go to that airport the 30 seconds to a minute sooner probably doesn't really help you to safely get on the ground now life or death situation hey you've lost both engines you're in a silly situation yeah okay whatever whatever the closest airport is I don't care in this case they're saying they have 30 minutes so they're going to be able to get there fine in just a couple minutes the difference of one or two minutes isn't going to make a big deal so they stick with what they were planning to go to which is Vancouver that's probably the decision I would have made as well so far the pilots are doing everything right the controller is doing everything right it was just some unnecessary stuff to ask them if they needed to land there a little bit early Watch What Happens Next cameras 229 uh can I get when you get a minute please your Soul's on board and fuel better life okay Emirates uh 229 just want to verify three six seven Souls on board 367 and one half hour fuel it's 367 and fuel is half an hour 30 minutes okay thank you sir do you have any Hazmat on board Emirates 229 contact arrival frequency now one three three one okay 229 we have made am or 220 on heavy to 75 000 for red versus the right right emerge 229 how do you thank you arrival let's check the MayDay sir to send it maintain three thousand seven out to three thousand these Pilots are doing everything right and Emirates is known for having a very rigid training program and and it's showing right here because in the emergency situation this pilot is doing the right thing and what I'm referring to is that when he checks in with the controller he doesn't just check in as the normal Emirates he checks in with the May Day and the reason you do that and of course this controller I would say 99.9 of the time is going to know they have a Mayday aircraft coming in but you check in with that Mayday just on that 0.1 percent chance that they didn't know that that was happening you want to check in so that way they know because if they didn't know when they hear that may day call that is going to pique their attention and they're going to get very focused on helping you get in listen when the pilot checks in here horrible I'm having five thousand for advice is the right right sometimes people ask why do they ask about the souls on board and the reality is is that you could be transporting cadavers or dead bodies and so the firefighters that are on the ground in the event of evacuation or that they need to go get people they need to know how many people it is that they're looking for so they verify the souls on board and then they verify the Hazmat Hazmat is hazardous material listen when they ask about that okay thank you sir do you have any Hazmat on board that information about the Hazmat again is important to the firefighters because now that you've declared an emergency they're all coming out they're coming out to greet you there's going to be fire trucks everywhere so if you're as a passenger looking out your windows seeing fire trucks everywhere there's a good chance there's a plane that declared an emergency maybe not your plane but a plane nearby anyways those firefighters they need to know that information because if they were to have a chemical or something on the plane they may need to use a special foam instead of water or or whatever and they understand exactly what they can and can't do in the possible negative repercussions of using the wrong thing if there's a certain chemical on board however when you're flying on a passenger aircraft you're not going to have nearly the crazy wacky stuff that I may have when I'm flying cargo go sometimes when I'm flying cargo I'll have things like this that are actually on the boxes which I put on my Instagram before which basically says that this cannot go on a passenger plane oh but sure let's put it on Kelsey's plane let him go across the ocean no big deal if we lose him an example of that is let's say you check a bag you know they ask you do you have any batteries and that's because if you have a Lithium-Ion battery they don't want it to catch fire which I guess is very unlikely but it's happened it could happen and they don't want to have that in the belly of the plane now if that were to happen on you and you're flying as a passenger there is a suppression system to put out the fire so don't freak out it's not a big deal however it could happen now in my case I've had it where I have an entire Plane full of brand new cell phones when you get your new phones that come out who's bringing them across the ocean from wherever they're getting made I am and that plane will just be to the roof full of cell phones and that's something we talked about when we get ready to take off and we have all that hazardous material all those lithium ion batteries is all sitting there together we talk about that in the event that we take off in these next couple minutes because there's going to be a lot of movement that's going to go on if something happens and we have a fire this is our plan and we go over exactly what we're going to do because you always want to prepare and plan for the worst case scenario that way you're not working it out while you're on fire and there's a bunch of stuff melting through the floor of your plane that's not the time to be like uh what do you guys want to do now to watch what happens next I remember it's 229 I'm going to set you up for about a nine mile final would you like something tighter than that sir you okay yeah that might be fine I must search right now I think it's due to none right I think three five zero to send it two thousand for a heading three five zero percent also two thousand Fifth and that's true twenty nine The Intercept clear dialysis approach generally is earlier right right is zero six zero and clear Dallas first one with zero right and research in case the missed approach will require a write down wins back to Real Madrid right how much 229 Roger Street can find for that thanks 229 Roger joining about a nine and a half mile final thank you currently in Winter cross uh surface Windsor Vancouver zero seven zero at 24 gusting 29. remember what I talked about earlier about planning for worst case scenarios they're planning for this worst case scenario here if they come in and for whatever reason they can't put the plane down on the ground they need to do a go around he's saying this is what I want he's telling the controller I want this thing just let me turn around and come right back in just to make a right-hand turn a right-hand turn come back in and land again he's telling him that because what's going to happen in the event that they have to go around is they're going to get up and they just want to keep it it's tight and as close to the airport as they can so they can come in and try again in some cases you might have at an airport a situation where in the event that you were to go missed meaning you try to try to land and it doesn't work out you go straight ahead for like 15 miles and then you hold over here they don't have time to waste so what he's telling the controller is I want this and the controller saying yeah that's fine I can give you that there's no problem with that the other thing and you know that I've talked about this before is you know that I'm often irritated when people ask for wind checks most of the time this is an exception though here's why listen when he asks the controller this thank you uh currently in winter the wind check when the winds are really high like this is different and the reason is because different airlines will have different rules but it could be as just an example let's say the winds are 10 gusting 20. let me just make up a number here an airline could have something where they say we want you to have a wind additive of all the steady state in half the gust so all the all of the steady state meaning the 10 knots and half the gusts which would be another 10 so five so we want you to add 15 knots to the speed that you were normally planning to land at the reason is is because if you come into land and let's say that wind were to go away well then you could have a problem and your plane could drop out of the sky and look something like this this is obviously not an ideal landing and not something you want to do with a bunch of people on board so on a windy day like this the pilots will ask for a win check for that reason so they know exactly how much speed to add because if you don't add enough speed then you could have a problem that is different than when it's like five knots or seven knots or a crosswind or like what is it like do whatever it takes to get your plane and lined up with the runway that doesn't matter and then a lot of small planes you're not going to have a huge wind additive because if you take a a small plan let's say a Cessna and you were to add 20 knots to your plan speed to land that you would never end up Landing but on a big jet like this it makes a big difference and as your plane gets bigger it makes a bigger impact wings are longer you got a lot more momentum so having something like a drop out of the sky like that 747 I just showed you that's a big deal next I want to talk about how the controller vectored these guys in and put them exactly on a nine mile final right here sometimes people get nervous in an emergency and they want to get themselves in really tight to the runway the problem is you do that and you don't get everything situated in time well now you have to do a go around and that makes things worse so the controller is putting them out there nine and a half miles out as soon as that Glide path starts down so that gives them time to get all saturated and set up and ready to go and make a nice smooth landing and not have any problems the only time you want to really Jam yourself up really tight is in the situation I talked about earlier where your planes on fire your plane's on fire okay well then it doesn't matter because seconds really make a difference but coming out here at nine and a half miles that's like a beautiful Vector he gave him a nice slice in there so they could get set up and head downhill meaning descend towards the runway we call it going downhill and get ready to land you don't want to put people in too tight because they may not be able to get everything situated in time so the controller is doing a fantastic job getting Emirates set up here and you hear Emirates just following the lead of the controller and obviously they're paying attention to their fuel situation so far they're doing a great job and you can see how everybody's working together the controller knows it's important and he's not trying to put them too close and the pilots are taking the lead of the controller and verifying that all those things are going to work out for their fuel situation so it's really pretty interesting to see watch this final part here you have to exit at the end of the runway down at Delta 5. that nine plus two caution Jack Flash you can chase the uh triple seven two points here is something I don't think I've ever brought up before is that you heard the pilot say Wilco that's basically a different version of saying Roger and it means I will comply listen what he says here the other thing I want to talk about is that firefighters are out there and you heard them say red plus two I'm guessing not 100 sure that's probably one fire truck is a leader and you have two other fire trucks that are there and they're calling them red so those guys are going to follow you all the way to the gate and they're going to be all around your plane and and it's going to freak everybody out on the plane but that's just what's gonna happen they're gonna be there like I've always said it's better to have them and not need them than need them and have them be all the way on the other side of the airport so anytime you declare an emergency just plan that those people are going to be there and they're going to watch you get all the way parked up and get your engine shut down they're going to be there for the entire process that's who's referring to right here when he says red plus two that nine plus two caution Jack Flash you can't so if you ever see some fire trucks outside your plane there's nothing to worry about everything's gonna be okay if you enjoyed this video check out these two over here I look forward to hearing from you until then keep the blue side up
Channel: 74 Gear
Views: 687,830
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pilot, airline pilot, 747 pilot, 74 gear, pilot Kelsey, low fuel, airliner runs out of fuel, boeing, 777, 777 runs out of fuel, 777 low fuel, emirates 777, emirates runs low on fuel, airline, emergency, emergency landing, UAE229, Vancouver, VANCOUVER INTL
Id: HPvmZTzj7E8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 55sec (1195 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 13 2022
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