Most Bizarre Dual Engine Failure Ever

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choice that the you lost both of our engine if I was flying the plane and we lost two engines I'd be a lot more anxious sounding on the radio than that and my plane has four engines so the fact that he's remaining so calm losing both engines onto the aircraft is really impressive here's how the whole video plays out there's a seventh grade like product three zero zero six hey press requesting the last thing left engine ER Roger you can the the Senate class Russian maintain three thousand and uh just got the airport inside here at your smaller clock one five miles okay now hold on this plane has lost both engines so they're essentially a glider means you can't control when he's going to climb or hold an altitude but the controller says this rl00 Roger you can to send a class Russian maintain three thousand and uh just got the airport inside here at that you're a smaller clock one five miles this is fun to be a not fun in a haha way but it's very different how this guy is acting with these Pilots when they lost both their engines compared to win solely and Jeff and that crew lost their engines this is some audio from when that happened in real life I can't get 15.9 it's gonna be less traffic to Runway three one not able okay what do you need to land now the difference between the two is you have solely and that crew getting told they can have wherever they want to go and then you have this pilot being told okay you can descend to three thousand feet let me know when you see the airport well they can't maintain 3000 feet so it's very weird to me that they're not just getting cleared for all runways at that airport to send and go to that airport everything's clear you can take whatever Runway that you want it should have been the clearance I'm not sure if maybe there was something going on underneath there that they couldn't do it but the plane can't maintain 3000 feet so it doesn't really make sense to only give them to 3000 feet because on that clearance that the controller is giving him technically the pilots aren't allowed to descend below 3000 feet so it doesn't really make any sense but sometimes it's a habit you get into you might be used to only letting people down to 3000 feet and handing them over to a controller but this is what he says rl00 garage or even the Senate class espresso maintain three thousand now it's a really common clearance and basically what he's telling the pilots is 15 miles ahead of you and directly in front of your nose 12 o'clock because we're flying with a clock imagine that 15 miles ahead of you 12 o'clock right in front of you is the airport he's trying to give the pilots a heads up on exactly where to look because it's not always in front of you as you can imagine in this scenario they're going directly to the airport the shortest quickest possible way they can get there so they're giving them a heads up of just how far out to look now this is a really common clearance because what you're going to have is air traffic control when they're giving you a visual approach meaning you're not flying a normal procedure to come in and land there but you're just visually looking outside the plane to try to find the airport which in this scenario you're going to want to do and get there as quickly as possible he's saying look 15 miles ahead of you indirectly off your nose 12 o'clock is directly off the front of the nose so that's what he's explaining to these guys of where to look and the problem is is that if you're really heavy or depending on what altitude they're at when this clearance comes in and I don't know what their altitude is but depending on those two situations they may not be able to Glide 15 miles if they're at 30 000 feet well yeah they can glide 50 miles they can glide a lot more than that but they might be only at a couple thousand feet and if you're very heavy you may not be able to make it those 15 miles to Glide out there and the other thing I want to note here is just how cool their call sign is air Royal double 07 I mean that's pretty awesome I mean I would rather not have that call sign and not have that problem but either way it's still still a pretty cool call sign here all right here's what happens next so I don't think we're gonna make money foreign [Music] you may be wondering how they know now 15 miles away from the airport how they're not going to make it you've heard the term flying by the seat of your pants sometimes when you're flying you got to go just back to the very Basics which is the opposite of what you get taught when you become an airline pilot because when you've got an airline pilot you have to rely only on your instruments because they don't want you to use Sensations in your body which could confuse you in this situation meaning it's daytime they're looking outside the window of the plane they're looking for where the airport is it's different you're going to just have to trust and feel that feedback from your plane and that's going to be coming through the place that you're sitting the seat of your pants so that's where that term comes from Blind by the seat of your pants there was no time for calculating I had to rely on my experience of managing the altitude and speed of thousands of flights over four decades you're saying you didn't do anything I eyeballed it you eyeballed it yes so in this situation here you just have to realize that they were originally going to go 15 miles and now they got cut to an airport that's eight miles away so it's a lot lot closer and they're saying hey we're not going to make this 15 miles but eight miles sounds like they may be able to make it and that's why the pilot or that's why the controllers decided to cut them in on that shorter one and now it's not directly ahead so now they have to make a turn which means they're going to start losing altitude because they're in a bank but I want to talk about this part right here referrals your summary of course that's your nine o'clock eight miles uh turn left settings two four zero that'll put you on a hunting there you may be wondering why Mason now why would they pick Lansing first and then change their mind to go to Mason this is Lansing you see they have three runways so they're going to have airport fire and rescue there's a lot of things that you're going to have if you land there and if you're flying your plane and now it's essentially a glider you want to have things like airport fire and rescue there to be able to help you because there's a possibility you go off the end of the runway or you end up crashing and if you have fire trucks and firemen who have that equipment to be able to get you out of this aircraft which could potentially be on fire you want to have that there as an option my guess is they were hoping to make this Runway here 2-8 left it's a nice 8 500 foot long Runway which is long enough actually to land a 747 but for Mason I don't really have that fancy chart and you're going to see why in just a second I only have access to airport charge for my 747 can land and they probably don't want me to have any crazy ideas like trying to land here on a 75 foot Runway that's only 4 000 feet long which is definitely not going to work on a 747. now Falcon could easily land there and truthfully if if it push came to shove I could land at 747 in that distance if we really had to do it but it wouldn't be an ideal situation however even on a 747 you'd rather have two thousand or three thousand or all four thousand if you're a really good feet of Runway that you were stopping on before you went off the grass then nothing at all because at least you're going to have some traction on a road you know there's going to be some clearance for your wings even though I'm guessing this airport you'd probably be chewing up a lot of grass and fence and who knows what but either way you'd rather have that initial contact with pavement than you would would if you were to go land in a field or on a road where there could be electrical blinds or or telephone lines things like that so really any Runway that you're going to be able to get on for the first couple thousand feet is going to be better than no Runway at all all right here's the next part we may send the runway's 4 200 feet long 75 feet wide Roger we got there Arrow zero zero Center click there's a person Mason uh Jewett uh Runway at your Construction resolution you have to admit this Pilot's staying extremely calm all considering the circumstance he has no engines and now they're going to an airport they weren't planning to go to it's eight miles away and they're not even headed directly to where they should be landing to land on that Runway they're coming at an angle so they have a lot of things going against them to get to this Runway and land and it's not very long four thousand feet yes you could land a 747 there if you were light and stop it wouldn't be something you would ever do on purpose but you could you could do it they could land there the problem is is that they don't have time to go all the way out and come straight in and land there they're now on a situation where they don't have any power so they got to get as close to the beginning of the runway as they can without hitting it short and they can't get too far down the runway because there's only four thousand feet so if they plan and try to cut it in too tight they're going to go off the end it's a real Tweaky balance and it's something that you you might do once or twice in the simulator but these are real world scenarios you got when to factor in your weight of your aircraft there's a lot of different things that are going to be different than they are in the in the real world versus the simulator and if you were a passenger looking out your window at this being the airport that you were going to land at you would pay a lot of money to get out of that situation unharmed notice these big white bars here those are a thousand feet down the runway so there wasn't a lot of opportunity for a mistake the pilots were able to land on that tiny Runway and escape with minor injuries obviously the plane was damaged I don't know how much damage was done but still on the grand scheme of it losing both engines and planning to go to one airport then changing and going to another airport landing there safely getting off the plane and then only having minor injuries is incredibly impressive now you might be wondering how does something like this even happen how do pilots run out of fuel because that's a concern that a lot of people have and it's a fair concern you can have that happen it's happened before but this is a unique circumstance now I have not seen a report on this I actually had the exact same question when someone sent me the Audio I looked it up and nobody seems to know for sure because there's not a full investigation that's published yet but the rumor is this is what happened now this is just the rumor I don't know for sure that this happened but this is the rumor of what happened now I pulled this picture off the Internet but essentially a plane is going to have multiple fuel tanks so that way the fuel isn't flopping around or sloshing around as you turn left or turn right then they typically have these types of Tanks right here these are known as feeder tanks these tanks are where all the outside tanks Pump Fuel into and those tanks go directly into the engines so those feeder tanks are always going to be full but there are valves that feed these feeder tanks and they can be closed so if somebody were to close those tanks to the feeder tanks you would have feeder tanks that had a bunch of fuel in it and then no way for that fuel to get into the feeder tanks after you got up in the air that is the rumor of what happened I don't know that to be true but that would give you the fuel to start your engines and do everything to head out towards the runway and take off and then obviously when those feeder tanks ran out of fuel you have no more fuel and no way to get there and all your indications on your gauges would show hey everything's fine because your tanks are full of gas but there's just no way for the fuel to get in there so that is the rumor of what happened I don't know that to be true though this plane right here had a similar situation except the pilot caused this where they changed the fuel tanks to pull from a tank that didn't have any more fuel in it essentially what had happened is that plane had four different fuel tanks two on each side and what you had to do is manually say I want the inside tank or the outside tank that pilot ended up I think taking the inside tank when the outside tanks had gas or the other way around I don't really remember then he ended up flaming out both engines flamed out both engines and didn't realize until almost right before they hit the ground hey oh my gosh we we need to switch the tanks anyway they switched the tanks but just not in enough time and they weren't able to make it to the runway the smaller planes even though there are two engines you you have to give it some time for those engines to speed up and start up and do all the things that you need to do to get an engine running and obviously they didn't make it to that Runway the pilot was fine minor injuries I remember hearing about the story because I was flying around that area at the time but that's an example of the pilot basically causing that exact same problem to themselves however in this situation with this Falcon 20 the rumor is as it was closed they didn't really have any access and you can't change that manually if those feeders get cut off then there's really not much you can do except land and then some people in maintenance are are going to have have a lot of answering to do now this next video is going to be about something going on in China that I experienced when I was a newer pilot flying in Asia all the time I remember the first time I heard this radio call was from a Chinese military calling to I believe a Japanese carrier or U.S uh U.S plane and it's it sounds very abrasive very aggressive the way they talk on the radio it's a lot of posturing that goes on the first time I heard it I thought oh man this stuff about to really like kick off over here like while I'm in the air because unlike a 12-hour flight a lot of things can happen so we're up in the air and we're thinking oh man oh at least I was and I remember talking to the other guy like wow what's going on is this normal oh yeah it's pretty normal stuff but you're going to hear an exchange between the Chinese military talking to a military plane this is something that's very common for me but then somebody who sent me this video put something in here that that really made me laugh you got to check this out patient calling US military aircraft please identify yourself [Music] I mean United States military aircraft conducting lawful military activities outside National airspace I am operating with due regard as required under international law you can see they're reading the script there and the other thing that's really important to know here it seems the U.S Regional Pilots they've made their way all the way out to Asia if you enjoyed this video check out one of these two over here I look forward to hearing from you until then keep the blue side up
Channel: 74 Gear
Views: 699,753
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pilot, airline pilot, 747 pilot, 74 gear, pilot Kelsey
Id: 2rHk01GIp4c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 45sec (825 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 25 2022
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