Terraria's Hardest Difficulty

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I want to play Terraria now I'm fighting a God and if I lose my channel gets deleted because last week this link looks safe password compromised account deletion in progress brother you've gotten hacked dear draon I micro strategy us have taken over your channel you promised you'd beat the final boss in Terraria Inferno mode that was months ago you will only get your channel back once you complete it good luck so an hour ago I made a new world and here is what happened when I fought the first boss I heard that the boss is a small word I was wrong to survive I'll have to dodge everything I didn't dodge everything it's fine I have plenty of Health I'll use my secret technique alt tabbing out of the game so it freezes I can never die now all right fine I'll explain how I got here when I started the new world it l me look at my stats damage zero luck zero value to society -12 I asked the guide how to get stronger this world is ruled by King yarin you can never win but if you wanted to try you would need three things strong gear learning to dodge and sheer [ __ ] will just stay away from the corruption all right then since infer mode has the strongest bosses in Terraria it's good that I get a starting bag it gave me a pet squirrel that I'm calling Roberto and a magical stuff that I used to kill a rabbit because Roberto told me to because I want to focus on beating the bosses I got mods to build a house for me I need the extra time to learn this strange term I've never heard before DOD ging but first I need strong gear the first strong gear I'll get is gold armor so I need to mine gold that spawns in natural caves so I went to find a natural cave but instead a robot flew from a lake and attacked me in this mode I have to be wary of everything look out for that blade of grass killing it dropped wolf from shards which I crafted into a treasure Pinger the Pinger told me there is treasure beneath the sand this could be the gold I'm looking for oh God a slime is attacking me and a vulture and another slime damn it what do I do it's turning night and zombies are coming I have no one to help me except Roberto throw an acorn me and Roberto slayed our enemies and I returned to get my treasure which was two copper ore for those of you who aren't chemists that is not gold then a zombie jumped in my hole and I died I respawned and explored through the night but I'm a little lost is this a cave nope it's the corruption why did the guy tell me not to go here I am in a precarious position I wonder how to get down oh that's how there's probably water at the bottom right yeah I'm sure there's water I told you not to go there there's a great Beast I'm off exploring I found the desert again and there's a bed here I wonder who lives here and if I go further to the right my favorite thing is here the corruption so there is zero natural caves to my left or right I'll have to make one myself in 1970 the Russians began digging the cola super deep bore hole a tunnel that went straight down for 12,000 M workers on the surface reported sounds of screaming intense heat and signs of delirium as if they had dug into hell itself so that's what I'm going to do here I need gold to beat the bosses oh wait there's a cave I can just explore there's a house under here with a golden chest after a bit more digging I found another house multiple people must have lived underground but they seem to be abandoned and in this chest I got a cloud in a bottle an accessory that lets me double jump something that will help me DOD G I got tired of digging but I still want to go down further so I started using bombs to dig for me I want the Russians to send bombs into hell to see what happens I have engaged a jellyfish in combat a creature with no brain it would be embarrassing if I lost that's all right I respawn in my home and can take out my anger on the NPCs for my failures I need better gear so I went back down and used my treasure Pinger to discover there is Loot and ore everywhere if you thought this was going to be useless unsubscribe just like 6,000 people unsubscribed when my channel was hacked and replaced with a Bitcoin live stream with the treasure Pinger help I did a bunch more mining organizing and crafting I now have golden armor a golden bow and flaming arrows I think I'm ready to fight the first boss and we already know how that went I died so I went back to the guide why did I lose I should be strong enough now ah 2,000 years ago yarim took this land and gave the evil creatures more power no one has been able to fight him except there were rumors of a resistance calling themselves the final stand but they only accept worthy members so you probably need to learn to dodge you [ __ ] oh yeah I started building an arena to give me more room to move and Dodge the platforms let me jump up and down through them cloud in a bottle for double jump and I have a grappling hook that pulls me to the platform I'm ready for my second attempt I jumped over it dodged and weaved then it started sending projectiles I got distracted and was hit by the worm's body but I just have to dodge the head the head deals three times more damage than anything else I got hit by the head and at least now I can reflect on what I did wrong and improve or I could immediately try again using my sheer [ __ ] will if you don't like swearing unsubscribe maybe if I get to zero subscribers micro strategy will leave my channel alone I died in 7 Seconds this time third time is the charm 4 seconds I lasted 4 seconds which is totally average there's nothing wrong with that all right maybe I'm doing something wrong I keep getting hit I'm not dodging enough why not I just hate the feeling of getting hit I get scared failing I think I'm panicking with all this pressure on me the only way I could Dodge is if I stop thinking I did that once before with the melody harp in Hypixel Sky Block I played aggressively loud music to drown out my thoughts and just focus on the game maybe that's a mental problem but if hard Style music is the solution I'm okay with it and so my next fight with the boss sounded like [Applause] this I wasn't able to hear my own thoughts so I was dodging the boss better my grappling hook evading every Dash from the Worm by the way I know this video is still not a sequel to the Terraria experience everyone wanted but if I'm going to finally beat Terraria I'm doing it on the hardest difficulty that actually went better I survived for a whole minute distracting my brain worked so I kept trying again and again I died 11 times in a row but on my 12th attempt this happened I just have to jump over this I was not even close I can usually Dodge the boss for about 2 minutes now but I just don't deal enough damage so we go back to Step One get stronger gear I threw myself into the hell hole because right now I have 100 Max Health you can get a Max of 400 Health by finding an eating a life Crystal remember the treasure Pinger well this is not him now this is the spelunca potion you drink a strange liquid and you can see all treasure ores and Life Crystals for 10 minutes and this is before side effect labels were invented so it's completely safe I was focused on finding more crystals so focused that I forgot that breathing was mandatory I don't trust water anymore after a lot more mining I got out of hell with triple the health I had before a stronger bow made of Demonite and arrows forged from the Stars themselves these arrows Pierce through enemies and since the worm is made up of multiple segments the arrows can hit the worm multiple times I was dodging the boss he brought a friend to shoot water at me but I already know water is deadly stop drinking it while fighting this rage meter fills up once full I can unleash my rage and deal double damage for a short time this bar is adrenaline it builds up when I don't get hit for 30 seconds if you ever see this fall I've actually gotten good at dodging it's on half Health but it's spawning sand tornadoes I'm being chased off the platform no please damn it I still can't win but I can't give up I have to try again wait there's a goblin here I was about to try the boss again but an army of goblins has just raided my house Goblin Mages Warriors and Rogues were attacking me and they were all chanting the same thing [Music] are they talking about y I have to kill them jest arrows actually are super effective against the Goblins I was hitting six of them at once technically not a boss but I'm getting close to beating a single boss on this mode and there are 47 bosses God damn it I just want to beat the desert Scourge so I went back to the desert H the Goblins dropped some spiky balls I wonder if they deal much damage I'll try them against the BX what it just did 1,000 damage in a second so that's good spiky Bulls remain on the platform after I throw them and they do damage to every segment of the worm it was nearly dead no damn it it was so close but I can definitely beat it now I just have to use the spiky balls oh I only have 50 left that's not enough except not all the Goblins are gone the Goblin Army had one prisoner the goblin tinkerer he was tied up and trapped somewhere in the underground world and if I I find him he will sell me spiky bows So I entered my favorite hole and went exploring but after fighting enemies mining gems I still couldn't find him so I went back and asked the guide ah the goblin tinkerer I remember him he claimed to be a Mystic he spoke of a future without yarim but that's what got him tied up in the first place I have to find him for his knowledge on defeating yarim and for his spiky balls but I struggled I looked everywhere I even found an underground ocean what is this but I cannot find the goblin Tinker anywhere so plan B I'm going to intentionally cause the Goblin Army to attack me again so that I can take their balls you can summon the Goblin Army with the Goblin Battle standard to get this I have to kill a goblin Scout that only spawns on the edge of the map so this requires running across the entire world through the corruption the desert sunflowers a second corruption I made it to the North Pole oh there's another abandoned house here where is everyone I went into the basement and found a written note dear anyone the final stand has lost countless lives to the witch's pet we realized we cannot defeat the creature so instead we've made a plan to distract it then I will sneak into the dungeon to recover the book of tyranny Kyra that note was from the final stand they can help me defeat Yari I have to find them but to do that I have to beat the first boss back to searching for goblins I battled polar bears I climbed gigantic trees I adopted two fairies and helped them find true love I went past a dungeon is this what the letter was talking about I'm not ready for this so I kept going I am now at the edge of the world but after going back and forth for a while no goblins spawned and then I saw that the ocean on this side was polluted by acid for Goblin Scouts to spawn we need a clean ocean so I have to run back to do all of this in the other direction if only Terraria worlds were round so I ran through the other corruption the jungle had leeches remember this is all for some spiky balls and finally I am at the beach a calm beautiful ocean with Goblin no I still don't know where they are and there's also a bed here already why is no one living in these houses I decided to check the ocean yep there is a lot of water here but still no Goblin Scouts are spawning so we are on to plan C which is actually plan a find the goblin tinkerer but just as there is a potion that reveals treasure there is a potion that shows life forms like the Goblin tinkerer telling me if he's nearby but to create that potion I need shark fins so I removed the ability for fish to be endangered by Exterminating all of them and went home with a shark fin time to make a hunter potion to find the goblin tinkerer to buy his overpriced spiky balls to kill the first boss on infernum so that I can help the final stand kill the final boss to get my channel back that was hacked does all of that make sense oh I don't have blinkroot I need blinkroot to make the potion back to to the hole for me the good news is Blink Roots flash yellow so they're easy to see the bad news is I saw Zero of them wow I think I may have actually dug to hell or at least to Lava I have dug to the Earth's crust and on this journey found one blink root the bad news is tonight is a Blood Moon Every Creature goes insane with blood lust my house is completely filled with enemies trying to kill me and my family of NPCs that I care so much about that I haven't talked about a single one of them yet I spent most of the night sitting here and shooting downward there are 100 enemies on my screen but only one that can climb ropes don't skip arm day zombies do the jump trick perfect yes just like we practiced and in the morning they were gone I am ready to craft the potion I just got to put down a bottle the bottle doesn't fit on the workbench let me grab a table and destroy my house real quick then place a bottle and now I can craft a hunter potion I also grabbed a mining potion to mine faster and once again began my hunt for The elusive Goblin tinkerer into the hell ho baby you can see enemies around the place glowing red when I normally couldn't see them but I'm ignoring them all completely I only have 6 minutes of this potion then it's gone I don't want to fight another shark where is he wait it's green yes there he is all right I never would have gotten here without the potion this is a sealed pocket how did you get here can you move in 3D hello are you the goblin tinkerer of the final stand hello yes I am but I prefer the title Goblin Mystic have you met our leader Magnus no who is that he's the most powerful of of us all he has a unique ability but anyway I assume Kyra sent you to get me ah no but I found a letter she's battling the witch's pet it doesn't seem to be going well oh God Skeletron created by Supreme witch calamitus yim's strongest weapon that's interesting at all but do you have spiky balls he does I bought 400 of them so I can now craft an endless supply of spiky bows to defeat the first boss it also sells rocket boots so now I can fly around a bit dodging attacks even more easily we are in the desert for the 50th time I have rocket boots and spiky ass balls I am ready for the desert Scourge let's go I dodged the first run the second the third and he had lost a third of his health God damn I was still getting hit a bit but I deal more damage than him and then desert Scourge from this Earth You will never again emerge I killed it finally I killed a single boss on Inferno mode it may have taken me 5 hours but if I can beat one I can beat them all so I'm going straight to the next boss back to the corruption if I destroy enough things here the guardian of the corruption comes to stop me the Eater of world the only problem is it's in the corruption and there is no room to dodge underground what am I supposed to do here how could I dodge that am I at least dealing a lot of damage um um it has more Health than can fit on the screen its health is outside its health bar what so I lost to be fair e of Worlds is technically the third boss the second is the eye of cthulu I'm just a bit scared of that because of a conversation I had with the guide millions of years ago cthulu fought in the War of gods and defeated the God of Light creator of the universe zerok or that's what they say shouldn't you be learning to dodge so poking the eye of a creature that killed God seems like a bad idea but I have to beat Terraria to get my channel back so if I'm going to to beat cthulu's eye I need a proper Arena and to make an arena I need Life Crystals so I went mining met a giant clam in the underground ocean it proceeded to teleport three times and crush me but by then I had enough materials to craft the insta Arena instead of spending 10 hours building an arena myself I got a mod to do it for me now I am ready to fight bosses and so I summoned the eye of cthulu I made a weapon that throws bombs at enemies and it's going all right until the eye opened and revealed its teeth did you know will eyes actually have teeth try giving people's eyes snacks they will thank you it circled around me and charged in it was almost half Health but my dodging wasn't perfect I used my grappling hook to try and Dodge come on you may have killed God but you haven't killed God Ran no it doesn't work and then I used my grappling hook badly and died so I talked to the guide I saw you freed the goblin Mystic I gave him a room here though he's constantly having nightmares he's sweating and screaming the God will return the God will return but I'm sure that's fine now go fight cthulu's eye we need you um okay but I need something stronger to fight it I don't want to die again wait again are you saying you've died before do you have the ability to respawn yeah I thought everyone here did no definitely not that's very interesting I have something that may help you win a gun I can now shoot the eye to deal more damage I got him to half Health again before I died to notd doging ironically the best item in the game for dodging drops from the eye of cthulu and now it's daytime I can only summon the boss at night so before the next night I have a quest to get 8% more movement speed you see I combined the rocket boots with hermes's boots to create Spectre boots allowing me to move fast and fly but there is an upgrade lightning boots which grants 8% bonus move speed it could help me Dodge more attacks but to craft them I need jungle spores and clouds so I went to find Cloud I continued up I found something it looks like a giant laboratory so other people have definitely been here oh is this a hologram what is this access the nayon has been notified of your arrival that's probably fine then I jumped off and was falling to my death until I reversed gravity these potions are really strong I found a cloud and mined it up then I went to the Jungle to get spores but what I found was a gigantic open area beautifully crafted Bridges and buildings overrun with jungle creatures there used to be an entire civilization down here but I'll explore it later for now I have the spores I went home and finally crafted the lightning boots I am slightly faster tell me I don't look cool you can't you just can't and there's one more thing I can do before the next boss fight remember potions they give you a buff for a short amount of time a lot of gameplay in Terraria is usually grinding random materials to craft potions but I downloaded a mod that means if I get 30 potions it just gives me The Buff forever so I've been planting day bloom flowers on the side until I had 30 of them to craft 30 iron skin potions giving eight defense I now forever take eight less damage per attack so with more move speed and defense I went back to gunning down evil creatures that do not exist it was taking forever he's launching other enemies at me no that was much better I tried again and I was surrounded by the big eye and the small eyes so I ducked between them and that did not hit me cool I kept dodging and shooting until finally he was less than 100 Health but off the platform I couldn't reach him but someone could Roberto got the last hit and I won the fight and I got the equipment that lets me Dodge better than any other The Shield of cthulu allows me to dash once per second I'm back at the acid ocean I killed a lot of frogs then I fell into the acidic ocean it was not very healthy the reason that I did this is because I can craft sulfurous armor out of the acid which increases my rogue damage Rogue damage is for throwing things like spiky balls or this giant sand spear so with this armor I can probably maybe kill the Eater of Worlds I went back to the corruption but decided to fight it above ground this time it is immediately enraged when I do this and much stronger than the underground version but I need the space to dodge how does a worm with no arm shoot so many projectiles at least with the lightning boots and shield I can dodge a lot easier again I mainly have to dodge the head attacks the head was coming toward me about to deal insane damage but I dashed directly into the head using my shield and bounced off it dealing damage to the worm The Shield of cath's Dash counts as a shield bash attack taking no damage myself very useful oh my God I can actually see the health bar now it comes into the screen slowly it's almost dead I'm going to win the third boss wait no it has Max health and there are two of them now fun very very fun I went home and did some trading with my NPCs to give myself infinite swiftness potions and regeneration potions at least I can summon this boss at any time of day I tried using the bomb this time to see if it does more damage but it's hard to tell when its health is off the screen all right first health bar gone ready to fight two of them at once it's going well actually I'm learning the patterns go in a circle Dash a lot in fact my adrenaline bar is slowly filling up I haven't been hit in ages if I activate it I get double damage stacking with rage it'll deal in nope never mind I'm down to regular Health come on is this the real end of the fight nope there are four of them now am I doing something wrong the dodging is getting more difficult oh they summon toxic rainclouds that are undodgeable cool I died how did I beat the other worm of course spiky balls why did I ever doubt them so I got my spiky balls turned on my music and went back to the corruption nothing will stop me this time the spiky balls tore through it already up to four worms and 560 projectiles on the screen still at full health damn it I can't touge everything but I can't stop now come on I'm going to win I'm ready for eight worms and this will continue for Infinity 16 worms 32 64 until we reach more worms than there are atoms in the universe oh no I just died yes I beat the Eater of Worlds and so I got confident that I can beat the harder corruption boss right now I summoned the hive mind I got these new weapons called sludge bombs but they're super hard to aim and I keep missing oh God I have to really start dodging now coming from both sides ah damn it it's half Health though it's working I'm winning I'm close on my first try man Inferno M oh he healed his health why would you do that now it's raining acid and I got a Dodge more and the sky is darker and he's Whispering nightmare fuel into my ear strawberries aren't actually berries horrible stuff it's fine I just got to dodge easy peasy nope why am I not getting this what am I doing wrong I can't beat the hive mind oh the hive mind that's the creature that created the corruption he used to be a human scientist that lived deep in the underground but an experiment went wrong and he turned into that thing he ended up killing his own people it was awful oh is that why so many of the houses are empty I have to try again wait there's a bar under my player that builds up when I don't attack maybe I should let it build up and then attack holy [ __ ] that de 500 damage so Rogue lesson not attacking for 5 seconds builds up stealth stealth increases damage by a lot you aren't supposed to spam clicker roog you're supposed to wait until the perfect moment to hit your huge attack I do so much more damage now and that's when I realized something that no one has ever realized because I'm a genius patience is a virtue you can quote me on that I beat the hive M finally I feel like I'm getting better I can get my channel back I might be ready to fight the witch's pet Skeletron so in the black of night I approached the dungeon at the entrance was an old man hey have you seen a skeleton God that kills anyone who wants to enter hello I have not much time Kyra gave me this is this a letter do I read it you run it says oh [ __ ] life lesson listen to old wise men when I'm 60 subscribe but not until then at least I now get to fight the boss Skeletron he shoots skulls at me but I look really cool now my eyes are glowing red as I Dash along oh no stop it I'm dying and I'm dealing hardly any damage I lost it could be because my hard Style music wasn't loud enough or or it could be that I didn't prepare at all and I can prepare more because when the hive mine died some of the corrupt power of the world lessened and I can now mine aerialite ore from Sky Islands unlocking a new armor set so I got that and started attacking Skeletron again in regular Terraria he just chases you and Inferno mode he pulls out this Toho attack and launches 100 projectiles at you luckily Inferno mode added a way to summon Skeletron anywhere at any time so I can now die any anywhere at any time at least I get to use my Arena but more importantly that aerial at or meant I can craft wings I can fly now this is insanely useful they are only very weak wings that run out quickly you can see the flight time in this bar I tried again I was on full health it was going well oh God 91,000 damage I need more defense so Skeletron is scared of the sun if it turns day at 4:30 a.m. he enrages and instakills me I have to kill him between 7:30 p.m. and 4:30 a.m. or else that happens so I started the fight earlier and I now have a weapon that the wiki recommends to all classes a homing firework that explodes and Deals one damage don't trust the wiki also technically the next boss I'm up to isn't Skeletron it's Queen B I just wanted to save Kyra so instead I went to the jungle and made some platforms to beat an easier boss the queen bee I used my Javelin with its stealth damage and missed most most of my shots and got hit by every bee attack I'm starting to not like bees maybe it's okay that they're going extinct we can start eating plastic instead of food I Can't Fight The Queen Bee anywhere at any time only in the jungle so I made another instra Arena and took it to the Jungle it'll be a lot easier to fight the bee above ground in my Arena that's in the jungle wait I accidentally right clicked my arena is now here the jungle is here my is just somewhere random in the sky that's all right I can just build a staircase in the jungle summon the queen bee and jump off the staircas to get to the platform nope I'm too low I going to try again while dodging it ah come on yes yes now I can kill the bee with my one damage fireworks the wiki said this was good it's been a while but it's still dealing damage and I'm managing to dodge most of the attack I think if this keeps up I'll be fine okay there are bees spawning right next to me how could I dodge that that's impossible there are bees everywhere I am one hit from Dead come on huh queen bee is no longer after you what happened I ran too far away it despawned because it thought I ran away I'm not allowed to get too far from the bosses or they get bored and leave but still I need more damage to beat it oh I should probably read that letter the old man gave me dear anyone I've invaded the dungeon successfully but I can't risk trying to escape while Skeletron is still alive but I found the book of tyranny it speaks of a weapon that can defeat Skeletron it's called the blade Crest oath sword yaram gave it to the hive mine to go God we have to find a way to communicate with it to find out where it's been hidden Kyra we have a way of beating Skeletron but I killed the only creature that knows where the weapon is huh hey guide um you got an idea where the hive mind is from not right now I have to help the goblin Mystic he's going crazy you you may defeat y but the God will return you will go to hell that's rude now go to hell the sword the sword does he mean the blade Crest I guess I can check it out I am going to do what the Russians were too afraid to do I am expanding the hole after digging 13,000 M I am finally in Hell itself complete with demons and lava but before the oath sword I want hellstone armor the strongest armor I could get right now so I drank an Obsidian Skin Potion making me immune to Lava and scoured the depths of hell for ore I had demon shooting fire at me but I wasn't stopping until I had thousands of ore after 10 minutes I had all the health stone I needed but to craft molten armor I also needed obsidian created from lava meeting water but there's no water near hell I'm struggling to find any obsidian what do I do there just isn't any water has gone extinct and that's good it's very dangerous unless wait a second I have an idea you guys remember the underground ocean I'm digging it destroying it so that water flows down I am flooding hell with the underwater ocean well well I only need a bit of obsidian so I got it and then left I'll flood the rest of Hell later with Morton armor I have much more defense I decided to test it on Skeletron I was using the firework when Skeletron pulled out this attack that just seems impossible to dodge and so I died damn it why am I not getting this why do I keep losing I just need more damage I need the blade Crest oath sword Kyra talked about after listening to more mad ravings of the goblin tinkerer I learned that the hi mine lived in the Underworld when he was a scientist he became a monster to fight a threat to his people he won the battle but in his new form he raged and killed his own people he hated himself corrupting the land it was a mercy that I ended his life his old home was on the very edge of hell so you know when I had to run across the entire world and almost died 16 times well now I have to do that again but this time demons and lava are everywhere and my anti- lava potion is out of duration huh what's that another laboratory who made this it's like the one in the sky and inside is another hologram Dron has laed you A Potential Threat I should leave I kept going and the trees started looking strange in fact there were no trees before is this the hive mind's Homeland the lava changed color wait I mean cleansed sight the profaned garden I don't think this is it I can't break any of the blocks where am I oh God a burning orange light am I supposed to dodge this is it a boss oh an item dropped the way finder yep H okay so holy [ __ ] this is a teleportation device I can set a portal where I am and return here at any time this is the greatest discovery I've made did the people at the lab make it this whole place looks crazy I walked to the center and found a tablet it looks like a shrine three disciples one mind one deity one purpose tempered by the holy flames of Providence an ancient artifact is crystallized with the sole purpose of an initiating the ritual at the Cliff of this Temple that's sick I kept going to the right and there is a temple with a crystal wall blocking it on one hand this is the coolest thing I've seen in the entire game on the other hand this is not the hive mind's home so now I have to explore hell in the exact opposite direction I made it this must be the remnants of his home but I'm being attacked by demons if I die I have to walk all the way back wait I can use the wayfinder I held it and set a portal right here then went home now I can activate evaded immediately and I am right back this is amazing I killed the enemies and deep within the ground I found buried the blade crested oath sword I can now defeat Skeletron rescue Kyra join the final stand to defeat yaram and get my channel back but I want to test on the queen be first it shoots homing Circles of fire that count as melee damage so I can focus only on dodging this time when it got to half health and B started coming I stay near the queen bee so it doesn't despawn I managed to dodge most of them then the real heart attack came where they spawn right next to me but I stayed close and just focused on dodging it exploded in pollen gaining speed it hit me twice in a row dodging is way harder now I'm nearly dead but so is the be I'm flying in a circle hoping now oh God they are spawning close to me one hit and I'm dead it's easy simply do not get hit simply win just win it charged me I dashed the wrong way but it was still mid Dash so the Collision bounced off then it came back just in time to Dash again for two blocked hits It's So Nearly Dead come on just some more dodging remember your training you're not allergic to beas thingss Queen Bee from this life I set you free it died yes and none of the items it dropped are at all useful to me but the confidence it gave me that is what I'll will use to conquer Skeletron but then I died to Skeletron again and again intentionally every time I die I drop a gravestone when 20 gravestones are in close proximity a gravestone biome is created and you need to be inside a gravestone biome to craft a bloody worm tooth which gives 10% more melee damage the things I do for minus stat bonuses I am finally ready to fight Skeletron it was a rainy night I dodged the skulls by dashing left and right over and over but I still got hit when he reaches 80% Health he unleashes this attack bullets from every direction harving my health then spins and shoots purple bullets then shoots flaming skulls at me then his hands fire more purple but this one I can dodge pretty well then he randomly chooses another attack he chose the worst one but as soon as I lose I just try again fight him once more this time on the 80% attack I tried flying to the left to outrun it it's kind of working nope not at all it's faster than me but I stayed alive and after more Cycles he was on half health I was on less than half Health he's doing it again wait that's different same result though on the next run I tried not running away from it staying inside the box and dodging calmly and I only got hit twice that's an improvement before dying again it's so hard why can't I get this I keep [Music] dying why are you laughing at me don't you care at all about this you live in the world ruled by yaram as well you do keep dying but you also keep respawning yeah so what well it's just a story but in ancient times when Terraria was ruled by cthulu one of his servants dropped an artifact of his her name was Silva she was killed immediately but her son seeing his mother's death was filled with rage he decided that day he was going to kill cthulu for what he'd done all those watching saw a boy of 7 years old with a copper shortsword running at a God the boy was killed immediately but before people had time to look away and get back to work they heard screaming a boy that looked the same was running at the god rage filling his lungs and he was killed 5 seconds later another boy ran screaming trying to cut the tremendous creature down and he was killed again and again and again people say that the planet itself gave this boy the power of respawning to combat the great evil of cthulu he was still so weak though over years he trained recruited allies 50,000 years ago he created the final stand he was hunted and killed by cthulu thousands of times but eventually through sheer [ __ ] will he defeated cthulu leaving only his eye alive so the God could witness his own death with his job complete the chosen one disappeared now that another great evil has emerged another chosen one has been created you you are his descendant so put on your music raise your sword and use your sheer [ __ ] will to beat Skeletron and save Kyra I put on my music and prepared I went in died again but my doubts are no longer controlling me I can focus I got hit by the bottom but then I dodged every other projectile I realized all those on the side aren't important they are just keeping me in a box I only have to dodge the ones coming directly at me I went back I did the first phase flawless l in the 80% phase I walked to the right slowly by standing amongst the chaos I got hit zero times it was a perfect run then I started getting hit but I was dodging more often I felt calm I felt alive I ran into low gravity to confuse it it's the wool phase I've never made it through this ignore the Box just dodge the flaming skulls I missed I'm on no help I can do this though it's in my blood no am I not good enough did the plan make a mistake in choosing me I don't want to stop but I don't know how to win am I missing something wait this song I've been listening to I was only listening to part of it I need to play all of it whatever goal it may be you attract that in your life you don't chase after oh why am I not getting this no you say I will get this you got to know in your head that you're the best ever [ __ ] touch it bro you're the best to ever do it you just you got to know that [ __ ] you don't think it oh maybe I'm the no you're the best to ever touch it you can be whoever the [ __ ] you want to be you hear me you can be whoever you want no one decides what you're going to be except for you let's get in there yeah I want to be the best I want to win I will defeat you I dashed calmly it's doing new attacks I've never seen I dodged upward chasing him he resorted to the Box attack but I understand it now I can stand amongst the chaos I am so so close to dying if I get hit by one of these skulls it's over but I get to choose who I am and I choose to be the hero I choose to win Kyra I am on my way
Channel: Dragoon
Views: 801,177
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: FuV6sw_nnfo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 41sec (2261 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 12 2024
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