Terraria, but my Weapon is Chosen by a Bot...

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terraria but i have to use whatever weapon the bot gives me uh let's get right into this okay so duke fish runs next we have a little bit of a wacky progression here so we have the pumpkin moon frost moon then there's duke fishron and after that we go to empress but then after that we'd have gollum which i mean is gonna really suck for us but i'm okay with it this is just gonna add to the challenge because we don't get beetle armor so we gotta hope we don't get a melee weapon otherwise we're going with turtle i guess but again i'm okay with that so we have duke fisher on here it's not a timed fight we only have one timed fight left that being said duke fishron is probably going to destroy me so i i'm gonna stop stalling let's go we still have three re-rolls keep in mind here we go oh god oh no oh okay i have the true melee the fish run 85 damage which is pretty good it it the use times fast but we're fighting duke fishron um and we don't have access to beetle armor which means just because of how we're doing the boss progression how this is set up uh so that means i'm using turtle armor so i mean i i guess i'll see you guys in a bit all right so while we did get a true melee weapon it's better than the palm wood sword so i won't complain uh i'm gonna have to wait till bill gets out of the way here uh but i won't complain because hey at the end of the day it's better than the palm wood sword and it's capable of dealing some decent damage so if i can just play around this handicap pretty much is what this is we should be fine but the idea is to like go in let it hit us a bunch do a ton of damage whenever it stops to summon things like it's bubbles or it's whirlpools and all that stuff right and then kind of just run away reset get full health and then repeat do it all over again okay everyone i'm back with the uh master ninja gear i'm not sure how this is gonna go i don't know if i like our loadout uh just for starters we have uh this is suppose this is angry so not even wording or armored these two are armored instead of wording um and then everything else is fine but i'm not sure if i want to use the the necklace instead of the worm scarf i might i want to see how this plays out but i think i'm going to be taking repeated hits a lot so the extra iframes would probably be a good idea uh obviously we're gonna use this uh those two things are on i think we're just gonna start it and hope we don't um lose uh yeah i think i think that's how we're gonna do it so uh here we go let's buff and let's start the uh true melee big fishtron fight how much damage do we do oh we can kind of hit him oh oh oh he doesn't do that much damage to us well it kind of does he kind of does but all right so first phase i think i can just yeah here oh i missed it that's where i need to get the damage right there that was it okay okay i have an idea i have an idea we just dodge oh wait i need a oh no i don't have the uh the right mount okay whatever here okay i barely got anything there i barely got any damage there all right i guess i might as well keep swinging there's no real reason not to just in case yeah just like that where we clip them on the way by not a bad idea not a bad idea by any means all right so the first phase isn't too bad uh it ended up taking about two minutes but all it came down to was just counting its dashes and then waiting for its pause basically when it sends in the tornado thing that's official name uh and then that's when you can get a bunch of damage and besides that you kind of just swing swing the knife and hope he kind of gets clipped whenever he dashes above you that's about all i have to say but i don't want to speed it up more like i usually do just because i think this knife animation looks funny with the speed oh i gotta get a lot of damage here oh that was actually really good that was actually really good okay i could have went for melee speed too i definitely could have went melee speed well this is fine this is fine we're already in here doing things uh i gotta remember however the phase is different i think he just dashes quicker he's got the spin there but he still does this part where he slows down on the fifth dash yeah just like that for the tornado okay okay i got it i got it kinda a lot less damage though this time now everything was going great up until the transition to the third phase i made the mistake of not spacing myself far enough away so i could get the damage in so basically what happened is i wasn't getting a ton of damage but so is duke fish run but yeah i'll just let you guys uh see the outcome for yourselves oh okay we're so close but i'm almost dead i kind of went for too much there i got a little greedy okay this should be fine though i think we just got to get him after the third or the final dash never mind i just threw i didn't know okay i thought we were still good with our health but all right all right we did lose okay we did fail but that being said that is easily doable uh i just have to not play dumb and we're good so if i just don't play bad i mean we should have this right is it bubbles first it is bubbles first but i'll do damage because first phase doesn't really do much to us so we can we can be a little bit more risky now once more everything's going fine um but the third phase hits but this time instead of just getting it by duke fisher on i just completely missed the window of opportunity to even get damage there um which means i had to go through a prolonged phase three fight uh which is it's not fun not fun with the true melee weapon and things got pretty scary no stop not like this again no oh my god okay uh i threw real bad again but uh we did it i mean it wasn't very clean it was going pretty well it was all things considered it was going quite well up until i accidentally used a potion right before the third phase and at that point i was like oh we're screwed and then i started going at it and we slowly were getting a few hits here and there but then i took like a ton of hits together i think i was at less than i don't know five health at one point that's that's duke fish rod i'm glad that hurdle's out of the way um that being said what we just did is uh nowhere near as difficult as what we are about to attempt well theoretically it depends on what weapon we get we're doing a weird boss progression here so i usually we're actually doing empress next before gollum uh so we'll see we'll see how this goes i'm hoping i don't get a melee weapon because i don't have access to beetle armor but if it's a really good melee weapon then it's fine um or one that can actually get the job done as long as it's not the pearl with sword i'm i'm i'm okay uh but without further ado let's uh roll our next weapon alrighty um so here we are rolling for empress here we go oh grenade launcher i don't think i've ever really used this weapon which is cool because again this is why i've i decided to do this play through aside from just making it miserable um this playthrough allows you to you know experiment with all these cool weapons that you'd never really use i think it's okay i mean let's check okay so 60 60 damage not bad not bad at all dang that looks decent this this should be able to take out empress fairly well i'm not it shouldn't be too bad is what i'm trying to say it shouldn't be too bad but i'll be revealed soon okay okay here's the plan i did uh i actually did not get the the grenade launcher from the planetarium fight which means i have to kill plantera but i also still have to use our current weapon which shouldn't be too bad yeah it seems like we'll be fine okay cool this is this is probably the best weapon we could have gotten right after right after getting the cycle knife this is like the best thing that could have happened did we get it i don't think we got it no we didn't but that's very easy to do okay one more i think i see it yes okay we got it we got it nice all right we are about to do empress and by that i mean i have to actually wait till night but i figured i should start explaining what we're doing here um basically i've got a ton of nukes a ton of mini nukes we've got obviously the grenade launcher not the best reforge but that's okay we have fish on wings now which should get us by hopefully um and we're using kind of the same sort of arena i used way back when um so for uh the first time i kind of did empress and master mode although this is expert so it'll be even easier right also it's not daytime so like there's that too well it is daytime but it won't be when we do the fight it should still be easier but it's gonna be different which could complicate things but here we are hold on let me there we go there we go okay you know it's gonna be even it's probably gonna be pretty hard to hit the boss yeah it's gonna be very hard at the boss okay uh i didn't really take that into consideration or i didn't really think about that at all the fact that we might not be able to hit the boss for most of this which is annoying but that's okay that's fine we've done a decent amount of damage so that's that's something i'm not doing this properly at all but that's okay i mean as long as it doesn't turn to daytime we should be fine because i'm gonna have to overextend a lot to just even get hits so i don't think a daytime oh god i don't think a daytime version of this is gonna be really doable but it is doable it's just not gonna be fun so if we could just avoid that completely that would be ideal but it looks like we'll be fine on damage i think now the interesting thing about the grenade launcher uh or i guess the annoying thing besides the fact that you can't really uh it's very difficult to hit the boss because of the nature of the projectile is range and how it's affected by gravity and all that sort of stuff um in addition to that you have the fact that you can get hit by your own grenades um so when you put those two things together you have this weapon where you have to get incredibly close to the boss kind of hit it but then you also have to watch out for the explosives so it was like more me damaging myself than the boss actually damaging now if you position yourself correctly it's not too bad to avoid uh hitting yourself with your own grenades but uh the problem is when it's like dashing and when it teleports and all those sorts of things where uh you can start to hit yourself quite a bit so keeping all of this in mind while trying to also kill the boss as fast as possible was quite difficult um but yeah in the end it was very very close on time oh okay i am not i'm not proud of that one how long do we have what's the clock looking like oh that was bad that just goes to show how much i need to practice that fight because that was awful we had less than 30 seconds left to do that before we would have been what get or want it ko'd by anything right but without further ado we we get we get an easy we get an easy time we have gollum which means almost like there's there's hardly any weapons that will struggle to deal with gollum so after that uh fight that very close fight we get to just chill we get to just we just get to vibe okay so this is gonna be for gollum we still have three re-rolls somehow somehow that is we're good uh so we have gollum lunaticaltist and uh moonlord and then we're done and then we've we've done it and we have three rerolls so things are looking up i'm gonna try and save as many oh i'm pillars i forgot about pillars so without further ado let's roll for a golem oh my god oh okay [Music] i just got one of the best weapons of the game like in terms of in terms of where we are for sure like this is easily one of the best weapons in the game razer pine's kind of crazy uh kind of annoying kind of annoying though because i do have to get the um spectre armor which can take a little bit i think i have a little bit of ectoplasm but not a ton so i'll have to go grind for that and i also got to do frost moon and all i've got to use is a grenade launcher but i'll set up some traps to help out so uh i will get that underway but that's really sick okay i read the wiki wrong i only needed 27 exoplasm i got 54. that's fun uh whatever i guess we got extra for both helmets so or the mask and the hood i think i'll get everything else first but uh oh we didn't okay good thing well i could just get more glorified but okay what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna quickly go get like one more chlorify bar and then uh we're going to have both with that out of the way uh we can now make the hood cool so we have the armor which means we just need razor pine and i gotta do the frost moon uh which shouldn't be too bad but i do want to make some sort of arena now the razer pine farming wasn't too bad i think it only took two or three um frostmans in order to get it um so yeah with that we are we're basically good to go fight golem okay i'm gonna buff up and uh we're gonna do this but yeah i think yeah we we definitely uh got some pretty pretty good luck recently i mean the grenade launcher was kind of scary but it's definitely not bad like by any means um it's not a bad pick and as you can see the razer pine kind of put in some work here so i think we uh it's safe to say we got this i think it's safe to say we got this but yeah i uh i'm happy because we've we made it through all the time fights and i don't think we've had to use a single reroll on any of them wow it's already dead uh cool can we get a pick saw no but i don't really i don't care too much about that we probably won't be doing many much more like arena building things uh anymore and then if we need to we have the beetle husks for uh beetle armor now we have to roll for cultist i don't know what this is gonna look like uh but let's let's go let's let's hopefully we get something decent because it's just gonna be really annoying it should be doable but likely just very annoying i'm gonna give this a go rolling for caltus three two one oh xenostaff okay oh you know what that is kind of annoying that is actually kind of annoying i hate the martian madness event um and xenosap means martians and also a luck lots of luck so uh but i won't complain now we just gotta wait for a martian little thing um but yeah hey there we go hey buddy all right hopefully i don't regret this i definitely regret um had lots of many regrets with summoning this event i'm just glad we have a good weapon for farming the martians because like doing the dungeon dealing with the dungeon with uh the grenade launcher was not fun it was not fun nice there we go sick all right that took a while um but we got it we got it that was only realistically i think that was only like four attempts um so that's not bad i guess i should be using this right now um but i guess i'm just gonna finish this up and uh we'll go we'll we'll start the uh call this cool so we are all finished up uh what we gotta do is get some armor and i think the best set is spooky at this point that being said uh too lazy to get it cultist isn't that hard so what we're gonna do instead is get the tiki armor uh it's gonna cost us but i think it's uh price i'm willing to pay so we'll go ahead and do that i believe we got a summoner emblem i think we already have a pygmy necklace i don't think we have to go too crazy on prep for summoner although we i mean it might benefit us later on but i think we'll be okay okay we are here while call this isn't something i'm like overly confident about in terms of how much i know the well no i'm still very confident about the fight it's just like i don't know it that much but that's just because they uh they kind of die very easily um so i don't know we'll see all right here we go call it this time we buffed up i think yeah seems i have a fishing potion still but that's okay all right so now i just uh dodge and uh kind of let the game play itself it's itself and then we'll we're good and then we are good uh let me get out of this skeleton arena hold up um oh that's an issue it's i think it i think it's gonna automatically spawn that in i'm not sure i don't think my summons will attack it huh i don't think that'll automatically attack the right one so because our summons can't target uh the right cultists we basically just have to let them summon everything in and because of that uh and because of the fact that i just completely under prepared for this thinking i would be completely fine um this did not go well this did not go well whatsoever uh looking back you know in hindsight i should have just stayed close to um the cultists and let my summons kind of do their thing and sort of just ignored everything else which i think i tried to do but i don't know i did i wasn't very smart about it uh so it ended up working and i ended up dying so yeah but is that going to stop us no no we are going to do this um i just have to prepare more so that's exactly what i'm going to do all right so even without a whip and everything if i just prepare uh this thing is not hard to take out so i'm gonna go ahead and speed through uh the whole entire fight for this but yeah i guess more of the story is uh don't just kind of expect to win and under prepare and then get punished for it um but yeah so this fight not too bad if you're not stupid like me and actually prepare uh but with that we have only the pillars and moonlord remaining we've made it to everyone's favorite part the pillars right i don't know about you guys but i love the pillars in this game very fun time um and with the added bonus of actually having a random weapon for every pillar uh more chances for bad energy well i guess there's more chances for good rng too so i mean yeah technically if we get a bad weapon first then it's actually good because we don't have to use that the whole time we are on the last the final stage so we are going to be picking five weapons from this pool um so four pillars and then moonlord i think i'm gonna roll i'm going to actually roll the moonlord weapon um before the final pillar before we take out the final pillar that way we could be ready for um the fight uh yeah i think that makes the most sense that we don't have to do that we don't have to do as much pillar grinding so anyways without further ado let's pick morningstar that is very bad that is actually awful okay um hmm all right uh so that is a weapon that that's that's a weapon i mean we didn't get it from moonlord so that's good i guess but yeah this is gonna suck like a lot um so i guess i'm off to the dungeon to get a warning star uh we've gotten several key brands at this point they're about as i mean they draw from the same set of enemies as the morningstar um then the drop rate is one in 133 compared to one in 200 i think it was uh so oh there's a sniper rifle rare drop after rare drop cool um i don't know what that drop rate looks like i'm actually curious that's got oh there we go all right cool nice all i gotta do is start complaining about it and then it just will appear nice beautiful okay we got it i'm out all right so this thing's doing a whopping 241 damage per hit um now the it's actually got decent range so i want to get this done quickly because i feel like you can't get a whole lot worse than this so i think it'd be a good wait where is the pillar okay it's over here i think it'd be a good idea all right hear me out i think it'd be a good idea to um hold on let's let's uh let's try and cheese this a little bit i'm totally okay with cheesing the pillars because well it's the pillars i mean it's pretty cheesy again doesn't concern me uh i don't like the pillows like i really don't like the pillars so i will gladly do something like this that being said we probably should have done this one last but we've already started because there could we could potentially get something worse and if we have to get use that worst weapon against say the solar pillar uh we no longer are having fun but this is gonna be pretty boring so i will get back to you guys when we are done here nice okay so i think the um the little orbs here i don't know what the cells they've take they've taken up so many spawns that it's actually quite easy to do this because nothing else can spawn in right near the maximum amount here so yeah this was like too perfect this actually worked out like way too well um so yeah there's one pillar one out of four okay get random weapon three two one oh no no okay at least we're getting all the bad weapons out of the way so we can't get them for moonlord but are you kidding me this thing's like as bad as it gets this is one of the worst weapons in all of hard mode just because of how early like it's literally a starting hard mode weapon okay cobalt naginata you love to see it you love oh it's oh wow wait hold on that's not bad oh we can cheese yes yes all right okay i know i know what to do alright this is what we're doing all right so i was pretty excited after i found out that i could effectively cheese the pillars by uh slowly luring in a few enemies at a time into my little uh dungeon trap right um but then i what i i i don't know man this this just took it took so long it took so long i believe it was an hour and a half for this one pillar um because each enemy took forever to kill it was still hard to stay alive because you have the meteor heads that can go through blocks it was it was painful it was really bad all right i should have rerolled man i should have rerolled that's all i'm gonna say i should have rerolled oh i think that took over an hour i mean i guess we'll see if i should have rerolled or not coming up that being said i don't know if i have the discipline not to or the the will to not give in to the temptation that is rerolling a weapon if we get something really bad because yeah it's doable but oh is it painful like it's so bad oh thank okay i'm done you're you are overwhelmed with pain no all that pain is gone it's it's all gone it was there yeah i was i was overwhelmed with pain but it's all subsided by now and uh yeah two out of four two out of four uh we sell three re-rolls again if i need to i i will that being said i could get something worse so it depends on how bad it is if it's like bearable then sure i'll i'll take it but if it's like really bad and i think there's there's less than i don't know if there's less than three things that are worse i'll probably reroll here we go get random weapon okay uh yeah that's that's cool all right i will take it drew night's edge let's go now luckily 1.4 has come out obviously um so i mean a long time ago by now uh but basically what this means is i don't have to farm mothrons for um the broken hero sword but uh because that would have been awful instead what we have to do is actually fight skeleton prime with our cobalt which was actually so bad like it was it was so bad because again what as always we got to worry about time and this thing just despawning it was actually doing a decent amount of damage to us um luckily i remembered about nurse uh so i could just basically cheese him out go down get a bunch of damage and go down and heal with the nurse i was going to run i was on track to run out of time uh but then i noticed we could do that the nurse actually wasn't in her house so i had to move her in um luckily i found that out and we were able to take it down but i just i i couldn't catch a break here it was so bad after getting the uh missing souls of fright for the true knight's edge it was very easy to craft and we can get onto the nebula pillar this pillar is always not fun i guess it's never fun uh regardless of your weapon but i'm gonna still speed through and skip through because this video is getting quite long and uh we've got some let's just say we've got a lot of moon lord fights coming up the final pillar uh keep in mind we have three re-rolls here um but here we go good random weapon why could we all right i will yes yes tsunami yes okay that is great yes i think i actually already have it too which is amazing now the issue is um that would have been better for moonlord but maybe it's fine because uh we might get some good so i'm also gonna roll for moonlight here again because this way we can have everything set up ready to go right after the final pillar goes down it just makes sense to do this so three two one the final weapon the final it all comes to this this could be really bad or amazing i'm hoping for the latter obviously because these pillars have been quite awful uh but here we go okay how about this how about this i am i i don't want to delay this video any longer than it needs to be delayed um so maybe i'll try this on stream we'll load with an anchor because i mean we didn't do fish wrong with an anchor so it only makes sense we try moonload with an anchor but in uh just because i'm on a time crunch here and i've already delayed this episode or this part enough uh we're gonna re-roll so we're gonna reject and blacklist uh so okay we now have two rerolls left come on give you something good flame burst staff i guess it'd kind of be interesting but i'm not trying to grind for it i mean i have i haven't i have a ton of rerolls we have two more this is going to use it um this is kind of getting scary though but here we go magical harp 42 damage we can use our mage gear to get to bump that up a little bit we're gonna accept this boom magical heart okay so we have tsunami for the last pillar and then the magical heart for moonlord now yeah i think that's pretty good we have one re-roll just in case we can't get the magical harp to work here but i think it'll be fine it'll just be quite difficult um but i think that's fitting okay everyone uh we have everything well almost everything ready uh so the arena's kind of set up we're using the same thing that we use for empress except we're probably only staying on the top uh you guys will see how that's gonna work once we get into the fight okay but before we get into anything else we have to make sure we have all our weapons ready so i gotta go ahead and get the harp which is quite easy to make uh at this point so no worries there magical harp i should also get a reforge uh but this is our weapon that we're killing moonlord with i don't know how this is gonna go i've never used this weapon really uh but with our strategy it shouldn't matter like it should be more than enough to take it out i think all right so because we got the tsunami uh we're gonna skip through the pillars again this thing just absolutely shreds uh so it's even more uneventful than it usually is so we'll be going on to moonlord here okay we did it final pillar okay i think we're ready think i don't know maybe i hope so um let me think am i forgetting anything we got our buffs everything's turned on we have our weapon oh boy this is gonna be bad this is this is gonna be really bad uh uh i think well maybe it'll be fine whatever dude if we lose we lose and i'll plan something better but for now it's what we're working with let's buff up looks like we're gonna have our thing just in time uh oh i'm taking 60 damage from this okay i gotta be careful i gotta be actually really careful i gotta try it okay up and over good i don't know how we're gonna hit the uh the head though that's what i'm scared of the top eye is gonna be very difficult to hit with uh this harp uh so i don't know what the strategy is gonna be i think you just weaken both and then maybe kill the top eye first oh i wasn't paying attention try and get as much as i can while we're going up and over so as of right now in the fight i thought i was good we were doing enough damage we could survive um but then i remembered wait moonlord can heal normally this is an issue if you have a strong enough weapon but with our harp uh it becomes difficult to kill the leech clots before they get to moonlord um and it heals so much that or at least in comparison to how much damage we're doing that this fight takes a really long time now it was okay here uh or actually it wasn't okay here but we give this another attempt um because i basically can't kill the top eye the other two go down but the top eye just keeps on healing and basically it's a battle of endurance and i lose because i'm so squishy and i didn't play all that well either uh but that being said i do give it another go but this time i take every single precaution to make sure i can get this however uh basically my strategy the second time around hinged on the shrimpy truffle map which as most you probably know gives you plus 15 damage while either under half health or in the rain um which is really good for this fight and of course you get really good movement which helps with dodging the issue is because we do so little damage this fight takes a very long time um now rain lasts a full in-game day full in game night i think that's 20 should be 24 minutes right um so the rain actually ends up running out right as we're hitting the core we are so close to being able to do it but then we can't unr or outrun the uh moon lords leeches basically so eventually we just make no progress and we die um so in the end i wasn't able to do with the heart so it's definitely i think it's doable if you play really well but i i'd have to put in a lot of attempts so what i'm getting at we have one re-roll i'm gonna chance it and hopefully we get something better and i am hoping i don't regret this but i mean at the end of the day i don't have the time to do this right now because i've already delayed this video long enough so uh i'm gonna try something else so hopefully we get lucky all right we have we have returned we have returned give me something good this is my last reroll i'm stuck with this weapon what do we have banana ring i mean i'm willing to try i'm willing to try uh let's let's let's give it a go so i didn't actually realize how rare the banana ring was it took a while to get because i it's about only a three percent chance from dropping from clowns which only spawn during blood moons and they don't spawn that often on top of that so it took a while but just by afk farming in this little thing we got here uh it works just fine so nothing too crazy there now at this point i wasn't sure if the banana rang would even work and it would be even capable of uh defeating mullard the annoying thing about all this is it means i have to go through the pillars again which is another like uh two hours-ish maybe a little more to get through all the pillars but you know it's a price i'm willing to pay if there's even a glimmer of hope to defeating moonlord and completing this challenge okay everyone the last pillar's down i'm going to take this out we're going to get ready uh i think i'm ready i hope so anyways i think i'm oh no no i'm not ready no okay that could have been bad i need to wait for rain um that is the last thing i need to do before we're good to go so i'm gonna weaken this a lot i'm gonna stay in the world i'm gonna get the bed so hopefully with everything i've taken into uh basically everything i'm prepared will be enough to take down moonlord because if not i think we just straight up lose this uh this run but i mean we'll see all right uh it took me about 10 minutes to realize that we can't sleep with the with the pillars still up so what does that mean well that means we're just gonna go do it uh so yeah let's do that already here we go oh wait this isn't good this is not good we are not doing any damage oh i should have stuck with uh the other thing but that's okay because we already switched so uh what does this mean i don't know we could be okay because i can kill the thing that heals him so maybe it won't be as bad with the harp i couldn't do that really so i don't know we'll see and we're way tankier but i don't know how long my buffs are gonna run or go for this could be doable this could be fine and of course we've arrived at one last speed up for this whole playthrough so the banana rang ended up being pretty decent mainly because they could deal with the clots that was the big factor here is i was able to kill them consistently before they could basically heal moonlord which meant that all of our progress wouldn't be nullified basically or negated by its healing so this is what allowed us to do it additionally we had enough tank in bulk to not really care about what moonlord does even if i get hit a few times make a few mistakes we're still okay that's what what made the heart uh the harp fight so difficult is if i made a few mistakes and if the three eyes are out for like a long period of time i just start taking more and more damage and it gets really bad but with the banana ring i didn't really have any of those troubles because even with just the skill mill not using the shell we had the damage boost with everything wording we had more than enough defense i had like every buff i could possibly get to help this out here i even added um a something i normally don't do but i got the venom flask i think is what it's called from the witch doctor that probably helped out a decent amount as well just to get the extra little bit of tick damage in but yeah with that being said uh we have officially taken out moolord and completed the run uh i might do another one of these in the future you guys seem to really enjoy it it was a lot of fun on my end uh but that's just because i got really lucky throughout the majority of it except the first part and a little bit here at the end but i don't know we'll see we'll see what we do okay any second now we should have this just don't let it heal up and all right this should be it there should be it there we go oh man we did it i'm i'm like you don't understand how long this whole moonlord phase area took like it actually took forever getting everything i needed oh my god well that was it guys that's gonna be the end oh that's wait hold on hold up wait this is so sick why have i never seen this before is this 1.4.1 credits that's so cool how it shows up on your screen well let this play in the background that is uh the end of the rng playthrough so thank you all so much for uh watching um yeah stay tuned for more stuff i'm gonna be i have some a few cool new video ideas coming up so expect that uh subscribe if you haven't already and with that being said i hope you all enjoyed i'll see you guys in the next one [Music]
Channel: Gungnir
Views: 2,052,056
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Gungnir, terraria, Mods, Terraria randomizer, Terraria, Terraria bot, Terraria random weapon, Worst weapon in terraria, Terraria Random challenge, Terraria 1.4, Terraria 1.4.1, Terraria random number generator, Terraria RNG, Terraria shortsword, Terraria rng 3, cobalt naginata
Id: bRpMpZyRxhE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 39sec (2379 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 10 2021
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