Terraria but I can Summon INFINITE Minions!

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last week i finally completed my first playthrough in terraria which means now i get to cheat hey guys welcome to my first terraria video i have been streaming this game for a few months now i have over 70 hours in it and now that i've finally beaten moonlord i want to mess around with some mods and hacks and all that good stuff so today i have something called terra hacks it is a mod that lets you do all kinds of stuff the one thing that i care about is the fact that it lets you change your maximum number of minions to any number you want safe to say guys this video is going to get a little bit crazy if you enjoy it please smash that like button ladies and gentlemen welcome to the realm of infinite suffering so i've played a little bit guys i started a new character he's called the chosen one because he can do some crazy things okay okay so so the way it works in this game is uh there's not a lot of things you can summon before hard mode but the first thing you can get is called the finch staff and i have this right here and it gives you a baby finch okay look at look at this thing a dip finch steph seven summon damage summons a baby finch to fight for you i don't really care if it's a depth or not just a mana cost it doesn't matter you only need the mana just to get him out and then he's there and he does his thing so yeah i played through this game a little bit guys i tried to record right from the beginning but it's a bit of a grind to even get started even when you have the um you know infinite summons or whatever but right now i don't i just have the one see that oh no it's just one baby finch get him baby finch uh you know obviously it's not super powerful but uh he does he does a little bit of damage do you need help baby finch do you need like a family of baby finches perhaps would that be nice he's just not he's not even going to try anymore guys he's oh just come back i'll just come pitch in the mess no big deal right totally no big deal just just do that look at all these guys out here waiting to be murdered i'm on expert mode by the way guys i did my whole uh terraria stream play through on classic mode but i thought maybe a more of a challenge would be nice although there won't be much of a challenge today my big challenge today is gonna be not dying from fall damage all right so as i said guys right now you can only have one baby finch you can put him wherever you want but he'll just fly back into the nest and chill out look at him isn't he so cute well what if we had more huh i got baby fever guys i need more children so if we uh if we just go here and we type in max minions we can just put it on any number so i'm just gonna go with 50 for now okay max minion set to 50. watch this yeah now i'm going to run out of mana in a second but that's okay because i have one two three four five six seven eight nine baby finches now watch this you guys are kind of in the way i just opened the door and oh my god the birds are here yeah that's right don't mess with the birds the only good weapon i have is my finches let's add some more finches to the crew huh where'd you guys go went to go murder a thing you're back already wow that was fast i just love that they all pitch in the nest guys i think that's absolutely hilarious so guys today's goal is going to be a little bit lofty considering i haven't beaten any bosses with this character i want to beat pre-hard mode i want to get to her mode i want to beat the wall of flesh today and i don't really want to do with birds i want a better summon and there are some good summons coming up but we need to beat a boss first you might know which one i'm talking about guys there is something that's dropped from a certain flying yellow and black boss okay so we're gonna summon her and we're gonna destroy her with an army of baby finches pretty much weakest in the game you get enough of them they're not weak anymore it's called meth okay that's right mama wants you to murder everything why did they just kill that poor innocent rabbit man i didn't tell you to do that i think they just flew past it while they were attacking something else oh so here's my map guys i'm on a medium world right now i got i got uh crimson just because i like crimson um we gotta go over here okay this is where the hive is and i died over here when i was trying to beat her before oh i've got the max right now so i need to uh bring that max uh max minions let's set it to a hundred so we can stack this baby up where you guys going oh murdering things i love that the game just like supports this anyway i mean like obviously i'm using a hack to get an increased number of minions but the game is just like yeah dude if you if you do that this is what will happen it's no biggie so that's right my babies fly into my nest mommy will take care of you hello ralph how are you do you got anything good oh he does actually has a mining helmet that's kind of nice and a piggy bank all right so for the queen bee guys i need to craft an abemination and that's gonna require uh oh i already have the stinger right here i need stingers and i need uh honey blocks and hive so that should be easy enough to do i'm just gonna keep adding to my crew i only got a little bit of mana guys i only have a maximum of 80. so it takes a minute but anytime you see an enemy and you kill it you just get more so uh just gotta find more enemies vultures any vultures around here there's usually vultures around here the hell no enemies nearby gross ideally i wouldn't mind having like one more mana star because then i would be able to get a hundred mana you know and then when i pick up 100 man i'll have 100 mana instead of you know picking up 100 man i'd only get an 80. oh bro you just got owned oh so fast dude it's amazing but i want to see this with projectiles you know i mean these birds are pretty cool not gonna lie but they're not the only type of summon in this game going to my favorite place in the whole game mainly because of the music it's just so groovy but also the jungle is pretty fun not gonna lie there are bees in the jungle i mean that's a good time oh did i go over too far oh my god i went too far there's a hole over here i was supposed to drop in the hole whoopsie daisy oh excuse me boys all right down we go boys what's in here nothing i already looted this place i'm a little bit worried about dying but i got a grappling hook now so like why even be worried about that i'm probably still gonna end up dying from fall damage somehow guys i just know it i don't want this to happen i'm so fragile terraria is gonna be a grind no matter what you do guys because even if you do have max uh a crazy number of max minions you go absolutely savage with them you still got the issue of gotta mine the stuff so you can continue going and like defense is gonna help me like it still takes a while to roast this guy because apparently the finches only do one damage each to him finches that's not a lot of damage you know yeah i was in here before and i didn't want to bring all the water in but now i don't give a i'm thinking bring the water in and we'll get that uh that honey block going all right what do i got i got a little bit of hive i got some honey let's grab a little bit more hive here yeah that's right you killed the things that come out don't let them hurt me don't let them hurt me babies let's see can we do it no oh of course i didn't put the honey in the bottle yet that actually is ridiculously easy to make guys i mean it's an earlier boss so i guess it makes sense but you know all right i'm coming down give me that bottled honey and a little bit of drowning can you imagine oh god i probably shouldn't have got so much of this could have saved my bottles man sand doesn't grow on trees all right let's absolutely hopefully smoke this biotch um craft that abemination disgusting what is that here we go okay i'm just gonna keep making more babies ah yeah okay so pretty straightforward you know you know how this this thing works maybe oh my god you guys are lagging my computer you can't lag my computer uh but can you also kill the bee yep you're trying you're trying but the bee just keeps moving listen to the sound of that death come back stop it oh okay i will not i will not let this thing kill me okay there we go you're doing god's work kids god's work candy canes i need them ah gotta get this gotta get this gotta get this gotta go down gotta go up gotta go up i got hurt take some take some help we're gonna get this we're gonna get this it still still feels a little bit bad guys and she's trying to kill me i'm gonna go stand in your honey i'm gonna stand in your honey no don't stand in the honey with me oh god oh dear god don't stay no come on really told you man even with the summons especially these weak ass finches it's a little tricky but once these damn finches are no longer needed all hell is gonna break loose out here in the realm of infinite suffering okay that's why i made two of those things okay all right okay okay ralph i feel like an evil presence is watching me it's me i hate you what happens to me is i get a little bit cocky i'm like oh i got a 200 finches i don't need to you know know how to dodge a tax or anything but it turns out maybe i do oh no not a goblin army i'm gonna get so much good here do the goblins have anything i can use guys because i would love to have some new stuff here dude show me what you got goblins the goblins went away guys i guess they were nervous about you know being obliterated by my ultimate power you know they were like well not the birds anything but the birds yeah i'm gonna teach you about the birds and the bees today guys bit of a different story than you might have already heard okay i'm gonna hollow this out a little bit guys i don't know if i should maybe like hollow out a little bit and then when i get more mana use up the mana and then continue hollowing it out we're gonna win this time for sure okay because i've already lost enough and i can't handle more shame on my part okay i just i just can't do it feels good man feels good look at this flock of birds over here just wanted to hollow this out a bit give us a little more space to move around you know okay well um my man is back we're all ready to go keep that as is here we go grab this oh sorry i got hit that's not good oh come on queen b here she is just gonna try and keep myself out of trouble i'm not very good at doing that apparently not letting anybody hurt me don't hurt me guys the bee is doing a lot of damage to me and i'm not very good at getting away from it apparently that's my problem here i don't have a good defense man i only got silver armor can you die please die i don't want to i don't want to kill you but somebody else will okay oh she angry she's so angry right now guys i'm going to die i'm going to die save me babies you see that do i need better armor no it's the bee's fault a little break because apparently the goblins never went away they just didn't show up because i was so far to one side of the map or something so come on goblins get roasted we're starting to get a reasonable number of finches again guys the goblins they do be hurt no i killed the goblins all they gave me was a weak harpoon what do i want weapons for you tell me i don't need them guys i don't know what's worse dying and having to come back or dying and having to get all the birds again you know i don't even know how many birds i have now guys it's not like i'm gonna try and count them i put the limit up to 500 just so i'd have no issues you know honey platforms are these things funny to walk on i got platforms down here i can move around i'm not gonna get stuck now okay it's gonna make it like 20 percent better one more round of baby making if you know what i mean making babies and go we got to drop down oh oh damn what was that go up wait for it go down get some honey and here she is oh that is absolutely destroying her oh god oh god she gets so angry like lady calm down who gave you the right to be so angry we live in a society yeah don't forget that oh god she's a savage i know i've already beaten her before but oh jesus here i go again i'm starting to think that our real problem guys is the size of the hive she's kind of like off to the side and we can't hit her because the the birds can't really go through walls so let's just clear this place out a little bit feels good dude given my status as an absolute i'm gonna put on a regen potion while i'm at it okay and i'm also going to have some christmas pudding because that gives me major improvements to all stats now i'm a little bit faster i'm a little bit stronger and uh and and and it's going to be it's going to be okay we're going to jump up here jump up here oh okay see i'm an idiot no lady okay so now we can hit her a little bit easier oh guys protect me there's a one thing right here don't i'm too close to her way too close to her come on come on what are you doing she's gonna get angry right don't don't be a crazy lady give me some oh there we go she's going crazy guys she angry though this is it this is the big moment the big moment we got her yeah why was that so hard seriously we got a treasure bag what's in the treasure bag huh hive pack strength of friendly beast oh an expert thing i've never seen this before the strength of friendly bees guys do you know what that means well one thing it means is that be nades are gonna work a little bit better and a hive one so what we're gonna do is we're gonna take the hive pack and we're gonna equip it somewhere whoa tool box increase block placement and tool range by one nice well i'm happy i got an expert weapon guys that's really nice if we go home now which we're going to do because i'm pretty sure i don't want to be here anymore we can get b stuff here it increases your minions and minion damage and whatnot but i'm just i'm just really interested in the hornet's staff okay a hornet's not a b right but it's close enough we're going to summon a hornet uh so that's just with 14 b-wacks all right and we need more b-wax we want to have b armor we don't need to have it but it might be fun you know someone's a hornet to fight for you so now watch this that's what i'm talking about should i send the birds home let's send the birds home by birds we don't care about you anymore birds obviously we still have the issue of the mana but if we can find enemies we can kill them and get more mana real oh my god look at that that's insane that is going to hurt anything that it comes into contact with so these guys have a chance of missing which is uh not so good but i think you know concentrated on something like the queen bee they'll be pretty damn good you guys climbing the rope what's that about you don't need to climb ropes you got you got wings oh man that absolutely devastating attack that comes out of these guys it's amazing all stingers bro if we go in here and craft ourselves some suspicious looking eyes we can use those to um summon the eye of cthulhu after we can probably kill him with these guys that's my hope and we can get skeletron in the wall of flesh as well it'll be amazing and one two three four four of these bad boys all right we're gonna we're gonna use those later oh my god guys this is getting insane look at them all look at all those stingers holy i really want to see how this is gonna work on the queen herself she's gonna be pissed all right let's get her back while we still have some buffs going here dropping down dropping up damn it i didn't know where to go ah oh they're destroying her oh god she's she angered she is anger killer dude come on jesus kill her jesus i thought you were going to get me killed i keep getting this for defense yo i like that what was this one nothing didn't do anything all right i'll sell those let's go let's go let's go come on come on come on [Music] okay we have just too much stuff here guys i don't know what to do with all this stuff i keep opening this a 65 b wax now we're getting close hey you want to come back again i just missed you so much baby oh i got a hat too look at me i'm a b guy i'm a b i'm a b i'm a i'm a b oh excuse me let's go let's go let's go let's go let's go boom all right i think that might be enough guys that was fun that was a that was a real treat i got a bunch of these things let's go home we got 90 now oh i love that this is so crazy dude where's my b pins where are my b pants wait does this pack oh nice i'm a bee man yo my man can you buy some off me like i got so much i just want to sell it two gold on this one i like it i got a lot of these oh those are my bee pants well do i want to look like this i think i want to take it off and just go full on b armor look at this guy how epic let's add some more hornets and then we will call in the eye of cthulhu i need to uh just make a little bit of an arena here so i can dodge a tiny bit this is expert mode i am b-man i speak for the bees where was it the trees one of it i speak there's a 14 chance that the queen bee will drop a b mask oh that'd be super cool just for just to wear so that i look extra b ish you know because i don't like my little face i look like a little boy i have a small problem guys i might have made the arena too far in between right now i can't even get up to the next one that's okay we'll put something in the middle right here all right there you go a little ladder for me oh he coming he's dead oh my god do it again please i didn't even get to see that oh absolutely dirty dude do it again come on you got this dude get over here i'm really sorry about this oh oh man i got three treasure bags i'm not done okay i am not done oh but he is cream tain ore look at all that kremtein ore guys i mean i killed him a bunch of times that makes sense but that's gonna help us a lot all right guys i have a bit of a ways to go to get to the dungeon but if i can do it i will we'll get skeletron out here and i think these guys will finish him off pretty quickly we'll try without anything it's just gonna be sad if i die because then i lose all my hornets and i gotta start summoning them over again okay so i tried to do this before with brain of cthulhu but i uh he like immediately spawned on me and murder me i don't really want to be down there when he spawns i want to go up go up let me up oh this one has two hands on it guys that's good that means it's much easier to get around got it get out of here get out of here there he is where is he oh he's coming up from down there he spawned right on me before oh god my frame rate there he is ah oh no hey i tried to grab man look out look at his health he would be dead if it wasn't for that oh my i don't even want to go back guys but i have to go back because i left a whole bunch of money and stuff back there guys i think i think i might have got his loot so i have 118 tissue samples now i mean it did look like he was about to die so that makes sense let's kill him again i don't have as many as i had before but that's okay brains right there kill all the things try and dodge i can't dodge that's okay oh oh my that was a lot but now he's dead okay what you got for me bro more crimtane i like it oh treasure bag violent brain of confusion has a chance to create illusions and dodge and attack fun stuff man the expert loot is so nice well i will forever be terrified of fall damage until i get something to negate it but at least we're not doing too bad here we can make crimtain armor now which will help crimson armor same thing this increases your damage i don't know what the set bonus is and also i mean to put this right here like that so i still look like a beat greatly increase life regen oh that'll help me that's probably my biggest problem i don't come back to life quick enough we basically have the last thing to do which is go all the way down here and kill the wall of flesh might take a half a minute let's go got a mining potion on and i got uh some christmas goodies to help me dig a bit faster actually not bad pretty fast don't kill me fall damage so all i want is to not die from fall damage look who's got water in there hole oh yeah water's good water stops you from dying from fall damage let's go water stay with me oh no my water stop okay apparently i don't need to worry about water that much guys found some more you know what i should have made myself a crim crimson pickaxe what's wrong with me what the hell man like seriously son you're never here and then you're all up in my grill i just realized i didn't have a guide and i need to kill the guy in order to get the wall of flesh to spawn so uh have room for him now he'll move in again he's already died a couple of times poor guy are you guys serious ah you're not you're not the guide what are you moving in here for all right guys i finally made it to hell this is probably where i'm gonna end up dead but i'm here the guide has not returned yet because everyone else decided to move in instead of him so that's a bit of a problem i don't want to end up with a with a voodoo doll that doesn't summon the wall of flesh also that's hurting me i don't want to be here bro you got one of them voodoo dolls no i need some voodoo i'm hoping i can kind of climb across like this but i'm probably going to die all got wings bro oh what's this a dryad has arrived no that's not oh my god did i seriously did i seriously help oh not the end of the world if i die but dude i don't want to it's fine it's totally fine i just dropped two platinum in lava but it's alright i'm cheating anyway right where are the boys where are the boys with the things give them to me who the hell is living in my house cause you're not the right people who's here you don't no stop it all right guys i uh finally got my hands on a voodoo doll it took a very long time i was starting to think that maybe the voodoo demon wasn't even gonna come around because maybe i didn't do something else first but we're good we got one also the tavern keep is here or the blacksmith whatever he is i thought he was a tavern keep what who who are you blacksmith the tat his name is blacksmith okay that's a little bit confusing all right guys me this guy and a whole bunch of hornets are hopefully gonna be able to take out the wall of flesh now it might not go according to plan but i'm hoping these guys can kill him fast enough let's just add a couple more i've been doing this a lot and it's actually starting to lag my computer out a bit especially when they shoot their projectiles not a good time all right let's drop down here and drop the voodoo doll oh it's coming from the right oh oh oh boy are we even gonna get to see this i'm wondering here he is oh don't shoot at me no no no no no no no oh you're coming fast he's coming fast oh boy no no no no oh he's dead east that was still scary holy crap okay what did we get what was our hard work for today huh demon hurt permanently increase the number of accessory slots oh my god even though it was a thing and a lucky summoner emblem oh a summoner emblem 50 increase minion damage that was so nice so basically he gave me an extra slot and he gave me something to put in the extra slot plus a weapon oh and the pwn hammer all right great stuff dude great stuff me and my hornets are getting out of here now we did it we're now in hard mode there's no such thing as hard mode dude cause look at all look at my minions now in hard mode you can get a lot more really cool summons guys i would like to check that out let me know if you want to maybe see the moonlord get destroyed by an infinite army of summons minions or whatever let me know if that's the thing you want to see and i think guys that's probably where i'm going to end it i gotta say this was quite a beautiful adventure it took me like two hours so your like would be appreciated here plus i already recorded a bunch to even get to the point where i could record the video so just saying i had fun but i worked hard on this i hope you enjoyed thank you guys so much for watching and i will see you next time goodbye
Channel: MattShea
Views: 821,839
Rating: 4.8593378 out of 5
Keywords: mattshea369, matt shea, mattshea, funny moments, terraria gameplay, let's play terraria, terraria part 1, terraria mods, modded terraria, terraria hacks, hacking terraria
Id: h_qPQu8ygQk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 16sec (1456 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 24 2020
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