Infinite Summons vs HARD MODE in Terraria!

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today we're gonna be taking the infinite summons hack into hard mode where there's gonna be a lot of death me or the bosses stay tuned to find out which hey guys welcome back to terraria so we're using the infinite summons hack again today guys and as you can see i am using what i think is probably the creepiest of all the armors in this game the spider armor i think it's yeah it's just called spider armor spider breastplate graves and mask but hey it's good for summoners so that's cool increases your max number of minions by one oh i'll have so many minions now 501 minions so guys not only do i have the spider armor but i also have something else i got from the spiders as well it is called the spider staff 42 summon damage summons spiders to fight for you hmm before i show you guys that though i want to show you something else because somebody commented on the last video and they were like man matt didn't even use the imp staff well mainly because i couldn't go in the lava because it would have killed me but i got myself a obsidian skin potion guys and i got the hellstone and i made myself an imp staff so you can see it for yourself this is an imp and if you find yourself an enemy this happens look at this little guy shooting his bolts of fire they don't do well no they're doing a little bit of damage i thought it was only oh jump jump in the hole great idea anyway that's one imp guys obviously you're like i want to see more imps i want to see infinite imps let me show you the weird thing about amps guys there's a couple of really weird things about imps all right one they get in a line they form a line together as you can see it's like back of the line boys we're just waiting our turn so if you get enough of these guys they go off the screen okay you're following me so far once the imps go off the screen and you change direction nothing happened well it happened it happened before ah now it's working okay hold on a second guys i thought it was any imps that were off the screen but either way uh when you change direction they fly out of you like that i don't know what that's about but look at it it's kind of intense man so then they they all leave and then you turn and boom they're back again which is kind of good because you can just turn your back on the enemy and imps fly out of nowhere pretty nice but overall i feel like these guys aren't the best um group of uh summons they have group of minions they're very similar to the uh to the to the hornets except worse because they don't stay in one place some of the some of the minions stay in one place some of them don't and the spiders are another group of minions that don't stay in one place they kind of go all over the place and it's a little bit weird but boom and bam and uh also i got a really weird glitch before guys i'm gonna see if i can get it to happen again it like lagged my game out i don't even know how it happened basically if you get a whole bunch of these guys weird [ __ ] oh it's happening right now what is going on they're like they're on my back it's like i got a backpack full of imps so see you you can't have a whole bunch of these guys or weird [ __ ] starts happening and i i don't know why these guys are staying here but uh i think it like keeps making more and more on your back and then the game kind of lags out so i'm sending you guys home goodbye okay now we're moving on to the spider staff guys i worked really hard to get this i could not find myself a spider nest and i finally did boom it's a spider and it eats their faces it's pretty good one spider alone is enough to uh do a lot of damage dude i love that take it all out but what if we had more what if we had i don't know all kinds of spiders that's right spiders do mommy's bidding mommy's too tired to fight yeah these guys i haven't gotten like any lag when i use them so they are pretty good to have a whole bunch of but of course they're not perfect they do weird things things get weird with certain minions now the hornets were good so we're gonna get something like hornets today i'm hoping don't mind me just making spiders no big deal right i also made some new uh some new housing guys i learned some tricks okay it's an easy way to like you know talk to people and you don't have to like go in the same room the same room as people yuck here's my map right now i told you guys i i worked hard i went to a lot of places and i finally ended up finding spiders right down the bottom and for some reason the stylist is still there stylists get out of there there's spiders over there hey girl what's up girl i don't see any spiders over here why don't you just go ahead and leave before things get nasty oh by the way spiders crawl on walls and you can just place them on the wall and they'll stay there i think that might be my favorite part about the spiders and i wouldn't want spiders to eat my face but they do a really good job of eating faces wait for me see look at that spider no don't think so anyway i finally got all the spider fangs i needed to make the little summons so i could get my own spider skies and it feels good i'm taking these cobwebs bro these cobwebs are good oh [ __ ] it's a spider why don't you kill it thank you there's so much [ __ ] in my inventory damn it go away i have no room we're gonna summon the slime okay because if we slu we slummin we summon the slime uh the queen slime we can possibly get a thing from her that we can use to summon things that could be fun oh [ __ ] what is is that a golem yeah it's a rock oh jeez nothing can protect me from death not even infinite minions apparently so guys there's a pirate invasion happening right now and i'm pretty sure i'm going to end up dead just because of the fact that they really pack a punch like nobody's shooting at me right now and that's a good thing but uh yeah the hard part now is surviving with the current level of gear i have because you know my defense is not great but my attack is pretty awesome so it's a cool it's anyone's game here folks one hit and i'm dead pretty much don't kill me please i hear a lot of other things dying that aren't me ah jesus see what what did i say one hit and i'm dead damn it stupid pirates get out of here you stupid pirates i'm gonna go hang out in my house and summon infinite spiders to eat your face what are you gonna do then get in there hurry the hard part's getting in the house without dying guys come on no it's a pirate these damn doors don't work that's the problem this is my home go away far far away oh god what is my defense at right now 27 we need to do better clearly don't die don't die flying this way well the spiders eat you guaranteed guaranteed to not die hopefully the best guarantee right the one that uh has a hopefully after it what did we get did we get anything anything cool i got too much [ __ ] to pick up anything cool apparently okay i hi i'm gonna hang out in here with you okay the pirate's probably not gonna get us in here the spiders will do their thing okay they still got a pirate ship here not the balls anything but the balls man should be doing a good job on them there yeah i see i see that health going down that's why i like to see don't die dude don't die how many times do i gotta tell you this it's the best tip i got okay oh my god so much [ __ ] i gotta sell all this gold stuff pirate oh guys i got the pirate staff i wasn't even thinking about that the freaking pirate staff is here yes okay we don't need to worry about nothing now spiders don't care about spiders anymore no i'm a pirate kind of guy now look at this it's a pirate dude i got a whole lot of pirates yar i wish i look like a pirate but i don't i'm a freaking spider these guys though they follow you around so good i love this me and my crew oh yeah i kind of like the fact that you guys can't fly i mean you can probably fly if you need to right yeah they got wings if they need wings but the spiders flying around it's creepy and then they hit the wall and they crawl on the wall and it's it's all weird dude i i still want to summon the queen slime i just gotta go find her well i i gotta sell all this stuff first so much gold dude thank you pirates so guys the pirates just straight up swarm just like the spiders do they're basically an upgraded version of the spiders um i'm gonna change my uh look eventually probably not to a pirate but to something maybe just armor i just need better defense anyway let's watch the pirates take out some oh damn dude that's how we roll oh man these guys can absolutely shred we're going down here gonna get those crystals so guys i now have two gelatin crystals so i can summon the queen slime and i have a ridiculous amount of pirates as well what are they taking dumps all over everything please tell me that's not piles of poop what is that somebody tell me in the comments what the hell that is because honestly i have no idea all i know is that i have way too many of these guys and they do some weird stuff where they're gonna go back and forth constantly we should be good all right we're gonna we're gonna summon the slime and we're gonna run back towards the base i think let's let's give that a shot go all right she's over here she coming i got a lot of these guys i'm hoping they can kind of take her out quickly because she can be a little bit nutty look at her go don't start flying on me lady she started flying on me that's what makes it even harder she's dead i actually already tried this once guys it did not go well we got a treasure bag we we gotta eat that what's in the treasure bag wait why why so much stuff the pig help me oh my look at all this crystal assassin pants assassin shirt hook of dissonance okay guys we we actually have the thing that i wanted to get from the queen slime which is the blade staff this one's annoying uh which is obviously not very good let's just get another one here real quick why not get another queen slime going give me those candy canes lady the candy canes oh so we killed her and ourselves nice let me just go grab that stuff real quick rip to the pirates though huh let's maybe get some of these blades going oh these are gonna be so cool because they spin around like this this spider outfit the spider armor i got on guys each piece increases my minions by one so uh now i can actually have four which is pretty good i mean four pirates running around actually helps a lot i tried it out i'd rather have more but you know look at all these blades dude they don't do a lot of damage mostly because it's a really crap but it's good mostly because it's a really crappy one all right blade step this one's better doesn't matter too much we'll swap them out anyway but you know yeah let's take all this stuff sell what we don't want sparkle slime balloon filled with party girl bath water is that some sort of weird bell delphine reference i don't think it is but it sounds like it we have our first mount anyway which is nice we can ride a friggin rod of slime around now which is good oop i would not want to see this coming towards me i'll tell you that we got to get all crystalled out now guys part of me doesn't want to do this because of the fact that i'm going to have to take off my spider stuff which does boost my minions but not by too much look at me now kind of nice eh going around with my crystal [ __ ] i'm gonna send all those home okay just delete them we're gonna try and reforge this thing inept damaged quick give me something good i think zealous is probably best we're getting here right now i don't want to spend all my money i really don't have that much or could sell some more stuff huh all right guys so i just crafted three mechanical eyes we're gonna fight the twins three times we're gonna use these crystal daggers they're all the blade of enchanted daggers there you go we're gonna use these and uh hopefully we're gonna beat them and then we can do more good stuff it is almost nighttime guys and then the party starts maybe we'll get some party girl bathwater for that party you know okay i think it's night time guys because everything just changed let's test these things out look at that isn't that amazing i love it get over here ah oh my god that's a lot of damage sort of it's really not that much damage i'm just trying to avoid getting murdered or about me guys oh they're getting a little bit angry no don't do that that'd be a shame oh okay he's dead he's gonna get the other one whoa baby i gotta heal that's good i mean i have a nurse here look at that [ __ ] man look at look at what they just did to these guys man i'm sorry twins so now that we have uh hallowed burrs and soul of sight and lenses we should be able to craft a new thing oh baby look at this stuff we're only interested in one thing guys and that's the optic staff look at this thing 38 summon damage very weak knockback summons twins to fight for you give me the twins dude now i need to become hallowed i need i need to get like full hallowed stuff so i can look really cool but we'll kill the twins again before we do anything else let's kill the twins with the twins here we are oh man you guys and they stay with you too which is kind of the most important thing for me i like it when they stay together what are you guys gonna do just fire lasers and [ __ ] you think you're ready with this many okay let's hope this is enough twins guys and let's go oh i don't know i don't know if that's gonna be good guys i don't know if these guys are good enough no i want to get out of here i don't want to be here thank you very much this is crazy man even with all these guys they're so hard to kill okay excuse me i'm gonna die now yep goodbye you got go ahead and leave i didn't even didn't even like you you done goof now cause i'm bringing this [ __ ] back you're gonna die even harder than the first time i think this should be good stay in one place for a second get my mana back and go please where's your friend little guy where's your friend where'd your friend go excuse me oh there is why'd you why you so slow i like this a lot guys i like this this is this is my favorite way to do things yeah get over here with your face don't breathe fire on me that's rude that's rude ah all right give me that stuff yes twin mask that's what i wanted put that on see now i am a twin guys now i just need my hallowed stuff as well hallowed hood for minion damage yep get some plate mail while we're at it yeah boom almost there just need the pants all right guys so as you can see i don't have anything summoned right now psych i actually have so many of these things you can't even see them when you're zoomed in this is gonna be spectacular and we're on the street is uh someone's coming to visit me very soon i don't know who but some things came up so i think it's gonna be a terrible night oh it's skeletron prime skeletron i was gonna come see you but if you come see me that's cool dude he's got so much defense that these things aren't really doing the trick they're only doing one damage each and we might be able to take him out but oh boy i think we're gonna need to do something else guys i love these things a lot and oh wow i love these things a lot also they suck let me summon some twins as long as we have a whole bunch of them i'm sure we'll be fine that's too bad man i'm so sad now it's just that there's too much defense on that guy eh okay let's uh let's try the mechanical worm huh the destroyer oh my god whoa whoa whoa okay bro is you okay everybody okay over here i don't feel okay it's okay i'm getting uh help from this stuff that's that's good see the damn projectiles man they lag that game out i think we should be able to beat them though so that's nice look at that they're actually lined off to shoot this guy it's beautiful absolutely ah beautiful don't hurt me i'm almost i'm almost you're almost dead there we go somebody's almost dead it was you what's in the treasure bag bro mechanical wagon piece wow okay i feel like we need to try skeletron as well but let me just make some pants first become immune after striking an enemy and increase your max number of minions by two well the two minions doesn't really matter but that's cool that's cool i'm just going to add some more because i hate my computer let's go computer kill that boy how about this time how are we doing this time i don't know if you guys are doing any damage he's pissed luckily this lag slows me down a little bit dude oh boy oh boy oh slapped me so hard damn skeletron you crazy all right guys i uh i'm gonna end this video here because we have been doing this for a while we did a lot today and i'm starting to feel bad for my editor who got a lot of terraria footage from me already so in the next episode we'll go all the way to moonlord we'll also you know kill skeletron prime somehow that was kind of crazy i got some ideas so uh stay tuned for the next video thank you guys so much for watching and i will see you next time goodbye
Channel: MattShea
Views: 566,990
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mattshea369, matt shea, mattshea, funny moments, terraria mods, terraria hacks, hacking terraria, minions hack, terraria funny, terraria op, terraria summons mod, terraria unlimited minions, terraria minions mod
Id: tcd8IGYJHp0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 8sec (1028 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 31 2020
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