I Hacked Terraria Guns to Shoot 5X FASTER!

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today in Terraria we're gonna find out how Op guns would be if you made them shoot five times faster hey guys welcome to Quick bang land that's the name of the new world I created I also have a new character his name is shooty mcshoot face yeah before we begin guys I just want to say these Terraria videos take me a very long time the last series I did the four part clicker class series took me over 20 hours of playing this game to make it happen so if you could just leave me a like for my hard work I would appreciate that so much thank you I am actually gonna make things a little quicker today guys I'm obviously cheating because I'm gonna be using hex today and I gave myself a couple of things that I would have gotten anyway if I you know explored enough and hey our Merchants here awesome I would have gotten these things if I explored anyway guys they're just you know early game things shiny red balloon Sandstorm in a bottle lucky horseshoe Hermes boots just some stuff so I don't die all the time you know just some stuff to say I can do this look at that that's so much better than just going yeah and then getting hurt hey Merchant how you doing buddy come here let me just uh you can do anything give me that I want it all right guys so the way this is gonna work is we're just gonna be using Terra hacks again like I did for the op melee video link down below if you want to check that one out I made melee weapons five times bigger and five times stronger and I obliterated a whole bunch of pre-hard mode bosses I might actually go back and do some hard mode stuff if you want to see it let me know down below if you do so there's a command in Terra hacks called use time and if you use this thing you can change the use time on your weapon whatever whatever they have highlighted at the time it doesn't work on everything the same way the scale command doesn't work on everything but uh it'll work on guns to make them shoot faster so I'm gonna find out the use time default use time that is of the weapon and then I'm gonna divide it by five and then we'll use that as our new use time now I have technically a gun at the moment not really a gun but it's a gun okay it's a it's a blowpipe this is actually a really good weapon I'm not gonna oh my God I killed the bunny rabbit I don't care anyway this is actually oh a pretty good pretty good weapon it's not it's not amazing or anything but you know for it for an early thing you can just find in a surface chest it's pretty good but what if we made it even better also the nurse showed up while I was talking so she's over here now somewhere nurse what's up baby girl how you doing yeah you like you like this little house over here probably not because you're not in it so before I started the video I just made this little house okay so I can have a bunch of people here we need to get the arm stealer but we can't get the Arms Dealer until we have arms I don't mean these kind of arms I mean we need a gun and we can get a gun if we uh go to the corruption and Destroy one of the Shadow orbs I'm actually playing corruption today usually I do Crimson I like Crimson a lot but uh I wanted the uh musket which is a corruption weapon okay so let's let's find out what the blowpipe use time is so apparently guys on PC the use time of the blowpipe is 25 but on Console it's 45 it's apparently way worse whatever that's about I don't really know but uh 25 divided by five is Five Dot use time five enter now the blowpipe I'm not sure if this is exactly how that's supposed to work but it just shoots five of them now if you divide the use time it it seems to like shoot the same like speed in between blows but it shoots five times more I honestly I don't really know how this thing works but that's fine with me that's gonna be great I really want to get the musket guys I really want to get this musket going with a uh five times faster firing rate because that'll probably really take care of some of these bosses okay where am I going right now you may ask actually I'm not really sure I guess maybe over here yeah I like that I like that that's kind of op not gonna lie I need bombs because I can't destroy a shadow orb if I don't have bombs man anybody can anybody hook me up with some bombs man huh I haven't really explored in here because I didn't have my uh my little accessories that I just hacked in and now I got them so I can fall and not die feels good obviously if I'm hacking the game I'm not trying to play legitimately so I don't mind doing a couple things that just make it easy around me guys because the basically the video is going to turn out the exact same way for you it's just gonna involve me grinding for like several hours less for the video I like playing this game over and over again but at some point I gotta say hey maybe maybe there's a better way maybe maybe there's a better way to live my life I'm just gonna pop up here guys get some wood get myself a hammer and as soon as we blow that up or uh break it I guess we will get the musket I was thinking I would need to get the demolitionist around or something you know get one bomb and then get him around Etc but we don't need to do that we don't care about the demolitionist okay we don't we don't need them all we need is the Arms Dealer and I think we just need to have a merchant for that or something I don't know we will find out okay we're taking it one step at a time we're doing it Live Well it's not actually live but I did play Terraria for six hours yesterday on Twitch in expert mode and I I died a lot and we had this poll going how many times would I die trying to beat Skeletron and the options were less than two times or two times or more guess which one won just guess I haven't even beat him yet that's your hint it's kind of sad that the only thing that we see in the corruption are these Eater of souls I like that the face monsters and the spiders are in the uh the Crimson I just you know if I had to choose one I would choose Crimson but I I respect everyone's opinion okay even if it's wrong even would hammer is that how you say that even wood ebenwood whatever okay it's a zealous one whoa whoa whoa five percent Critical Strike chance yeah you know I'm using my hammer for the crits boom got it and they gave me a musket oh okay well now we got a musket 31 range damage but very slow speed the blowpipe says uh fast speed some guy also in the twitch stream he predicted my death he said POV you're Matt and you're about to die from a boulder and like three seconds later I die from a boulder like what kind of black magic is that you just very intuitive oh look at that he's here Maurice hey Maurice thank you for your balls I don't mean it like that or do I I haven't played this very much but uh I still haven't found any recall potions which is kind of weird or maybe I did and I just left them at my house I think that's actually probably what happened Marlo the story guys from what I said about my twitch is if you want to see me get my ass kicked in Terraria on Twitch you can totally do that just just use the link Down Below in the description or go to twitch.tv match J or ignore everything I'm saying it's not like I care I do what's up look at this guy look at this beautiful bastard right here Maurice hey man how you doing you're happy there's some people nearby don't like doing my deals here think Caitlyn the nurse ever you know text me out no what the hell man there is one woman in this world right now and you got a SIM for her okay this guy also sells a flintlock pistol and of course the mini shark that'll it'll it'll be insane when we get the mini shark guys I don't got any money I can't get the mini shark right now I can hack myself in some money but man we don't really need to do that and also I got uh a better plans for the uh for the uh ammo that's what I'm looking for if you select the ammo and then put in dot fill Boop you got all the ammo you need well not you just have 999 but it's still still alive let's try out the Old Musket shall we boom that was so unnecessary I really did not need to shoot that goldfish walking around but then again that's a freaking Abomination like seriously dude you're not supposed to do that okay the musket Auto Fires at a slow rate that is good to know guys that is that is a good thing now the musket Fires at a rate of uh 36 events Mary Sloan 36 divided by 5 is 7.2 you just jumped in a hole that's cool 36 divided by 5 is 7.2 I don't know if we can do a use time of 7.2 I don't know if we can use decimal places here let's just try it and see Ah that's not a number we'll go with seven instead okay dot use time seven breaking my own rules man I said it was it five times faster and it's like Five Points something times faster instead goldfish what the oh man okay this is gonna be so good man it's just a constant stream of bullets guys okay dot blood Moon blood moon has been activated what the hell where'd you go oh my God the Goldfish got corrupted well now I could kill you without feeling bad about it awesome oh they they hurt a lot more Okay who wants some of this huh let me put some sorry I did if I had known you were coming I would have put some lights out for you all we got was the musket not really a big deal or anything you know but I mean it's the equivalent of the musket doing 155 damage so that's kind of nice hey what'd you get off my lawn man what are you doing here can you guys do me a solid and give me one of those troughs the money trough so I get my very own flying piggy bank that'd be really nice that'd be like so cool of you so I'm gonna need some lenses because what we're gonna do is we're gonna take the lenses and we're gonna craft ourselves a suspicious looking eye and then we're gonna absolutely obliterate Eye of Cthulhu with this amazing musket you can't die if the enemies can't get close enough to kill you that's what I always say you know what would make this a little bit better guys if I had a battle potion 300 created battle poach they give me 30. thanks all right we'll get some get some more enemies out here I just I thought maybe it'd be nice to have you know flying piggy bank but I also want these uh these eyes to come around so I can get some lenses I know what you're thinking Matt why you just well you just cheat some more bro well you know I want something to work towards while I'm obliterating everything okay yeah you guys gotta watch out man you get what ah what are you doing jeez wait a minute blood moon doesn't this guy have for sale during the blood moon oh what you got what you got tungsten bullets those do more damage I'll take that he's got illegal gun parts I can't afford I can't afford that all right well punks and bullets and we'll just go ahead and fill that stack and then get to it okay there's a there's a lot of you around right now I take my eyes off you for one second huh and you do this all right oh that was a black lens no I needed a regular lens come on man excuse me boys I think the blood moon ended at like the perfect time I got my last lens all right so I'm gonna head on over to the corruption now and we're gonna fight Eye of Cthulhu that'll be nice don't need that don't need a Arena or anything because I've Got The Power of a whole bunch of nice accessories what do you so sorry I meant to shoot you like that yeah oh man I need six lenses for that I thought I only needed five wow okay well can I have item number 43 please I'll take a number 43 oh that's the that's the eye itself I thought I was getting the lenses whatever that'll do the trick I really need some recall potions I'll just walk home so if you've ever wanted to know just tell op it would be if you made your musket basically a rapid fire chain gun type a deal and then fought the Eye of Cthulhu must show you actually am I going to show you because I think like I think it's probably like daytime isn't it yeah it's daytime that's not a good time to do that all right here he comes guys let's start with the blowpipe okay it's not doing a lot of damage to him because it's not a super high damage weapon I mean it's still doing quite a bit of damage to him but what about this huh okay you can tell it definitely shoots slower than the other one and he's gone see ya yeah I want you to come back I I wanna I wanna apologize for how I treated you earlier because that whole blowpipe thing is kind of rude to let you live so long all right this makes you feel so much better because you know I I die a lot when I play Terraria usually let's do it again I love this this is my favorite game get out of the ground a little bit so yeah go ahead grab this thank you very much WoW a lot of stuff that I don't need here cool let's go kill Eater of Worlds then I think I'm gonna hollow out a little bit here guys I found this sticky Dynamite like whoa where did that come from I'm just gonna Hollow this place out a little bit so we don't have to worry uh so much about this guy where's my worm food at oh there it is we love worm food don't we here he comes whoop oh God he's gonna ah oh okay that didn't do a lot of damage dude come on trying not to actually fully damage anything I damaged his head that's just great he'll come back again I'll shoot him in the head as much as I can because shoot him in the head he turns around he's like well I don't have a head wait a minute I do I just got another one gotta love being a worm get I'm looking for shadow scales hey come on bro oh okay you can't just you can't just run away all right I know I know it's so tempting but just stop doing it stop it oh I actually find this boss quite entertaining because of the whole he's a worm so if you sweat him off he just becomes more worms whoa which can be a little bit tricky if you don't have op weapons obviously just about done with this and oh there's another there's two more left shoot down and last one got him we have a meteorite what does the space gun count as a gun I guess the Space Gun counts as a gun right because we could get a space gun I am only hacking in things that I can actually legitimately get at this point in the game guys I just want you to know I may be op but I'm op in an appropriate way you know what the space gun is actually a uh Mana weapon so I'm not really gonna count it as a gun not that we need another gun right now we'll see what kind of guns we can get next I want a boom stick guys because boomsticks they're pretty cool it's it's a shotgun basically but it's not a shotgun the shotgun itself isn't available until hard mode and then you can buy it from Maurice so uh okay let me get that let me get that armor that I wanted to get okay here we go Shadow helmet Boop looking good shooty mcshoot face or should I say cutie make cute face huh do I really not have enough for the pants do I really have to go kill that guy again you make my life so hard Terraria imagine me complaining when I've hacked this much today like come on man why is there no mod that just lets Terraria play itself so I don't have to okay we're doing this again can we we don't even like have to finish him off do we technically oh there's something so satisfying about this guys just wonderful absolutely wonderful excuse me so guys I might actually have enough money for the mini shark now that'd be cool Boop I do okay there we go we got our shadow Grieves boom so what's the set bonus on this thing increase movement speed man Gotta Love moving fast also if I don't need any more of this well let me check and make sure I don't need any more oh the dryad is here sweet how you doing um do I need anything here yeah I need this pickaxe okay I'm gonna make sure I got that first okay because then I got the pickaxe I can sell the rest of my stuff or I could just hack to get money you know so the mini shark has a use time of eight guys so I'm actually gonna give it a use time of two four times faster it's already pretty damn fast okay like come on just so you can see this is how fast the mini shark is supposed to shoot the use time two now this is how fast oh and the demolition is the demolition is derived too what's up guy I don't even need you anymore I just cheated instead you're so late what the hell get out of here go home why aren't you going oh a traveling Merchant summoning this guy and we're gonna try the mini shark on them four times faster than normal pretty damn fast feels good dude feels really good are you getting grumpy from all the damage look at all that damage whoa okay I need to make myself a uh no I don't forget I said that I'm gonna go find Skeletron I want some Skeletron action bro let's go Skelly let's go give me some of that give me some of those hands bro give me those hands yeah yeah this is what you get I don't I don't know what he did I don't know what he did to deserve this I mean he is a boss you come anywhere near me with that super Savage spinning head I'm not gonna be happy okay are you you gone you done okay great hey you wouldn't have any torches would you if you got torches can I can I have them when you die can you leave them for me in your will will you no just just go ahead and Float there for a little bit yeah okay we could also fight Queen B today guys but then I had to go find her I don't really want to go find her I know where to find Wall of Flesh she's down down there okay so I'm just gonna get my hellevator it's it's on its way it's still a long way to go but I'm gonna just keep going down and uh then we're gonna summon Wall of Flesh and I want to try with the boom stick on them so let's get ourselves a Boomstick boom stick where'd it go here it is uh 15 range damage very slow average knockback fires the spread of bullets it's easier on the bullets so that's nice because some of this shit's a little bit hard on bullets you hear that he's gotta like reload the use time on this thing is 40. 40. we'll bring that down to eight I suppose that would make a lot of sense now wouldn't it and now that's right it's pretty good now unfortunately we can't Auto fire this thing so we do have to keep clicking so let's just use like a combination of these four guns just a little bit of that a little bit of this a little bit of this and a little bit of this and show wild flesh while we're made of hex all right just gonna kill this guy then I'm gonna get myself a little guide Voodoo Doll throw it in here and like I said we're just gonna use these guns and destroy the Wall of Flesh I don't think it's gonna be a big deal boom bam here he comes okay I got a little bit of a whoa g'day where'd you come from stop that yeah I think I killed him all right here's the Wall of Flesh a little bit of this a little bit of that for him a little bit of a uh uh blowpipe okay I gotta back off a little bit I totally would have died if I hadn't actually okay can I just can I have this no can't have the hearts okay that's fine I'll just heal I'll just use the power of healing can you believe it nope I think I want to use the boomstick for this mostly guys I need to get it back out in the open okay then he'll be fine oh don't barf at me bro oh I really hate it when you barf such a disgusting noise come on you know what we should zoom out okay this could be this could be a problem dig if we don't beat this we're gonna have to wait until the guy comes back damn it oh my God guys we got Marty the guide so I'm gonna add some Buffs here and uh that should pretty much do the trick this time for real definitely no bamboozles here we go get your little things over here get your little feely chewy boys over here show them what I got he's shooting at me man what a nut what an absolute nut I've never really used one of these before I didn't realize why they'd even be useful I was like what do you mean what's the point of that but now that I've you know gotten slightly more knowledgeable in Terraria I kind of understand all right A Little Closer oh damn that was a lot of stuff there dude geez where's my what what what did I get Breaker blade that looks good and I got a a pone Hammer right oh the pone Hammer is still there okay hi dude I swear I won't kill you what are you doing with all those goldfish dude what are you a goldfish Whisperer look at this guy him and the Goldfish rolled up in here together Blasphemous I'll allow it though because I'm done dealing with you guys for now so guys that was Op guns in Terraria guns that shoot five times faster than they should with the exception of this woman shoots four times faster than it should but that's fast enough for me pretty amazing stuff man really really helps you not suck in this game you know uh if you guys want to see some more of this if you want to see me take on hard mode um that's definitely something that I could do you could even take on moon Lord with some of this stuff can you imagine the sdmg the space Dove dolphin whatever gun but five times faster I don't even know if you can do it I don't know how fast that thing shoots but uh anything that shoots faster than five you're not gonna be able to make it five times faster because one I think is the lowest use time you can get but anyway if you want to see some more of it hit the like button if you have any other things you'd like me to break in Terraria let me know Down Below in the comments thank you so much for watching and I will see you next time goodbye
Channel: MattShea
Views: 302,600
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mattshea369, matt shea, mattshea, funny moments
Id: XWVtaIa51zY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 51sec (1311 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 13 2021
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