Terraria But I Am The MINISHARK Class...

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I tried beating Terraria but I can only use mini sharks anything from the wooden mini shark all the way up to the Zenith mini shark this mod adds a shark for every single stage of the game I started off by spawning into my wonderful lustful green Terraria world I opened up my starter bag and then my game crashed but that's not a problem for the old boy oh boy oh because I just restarted the game and opened the bag again I consumed my Mana Stars equipped my accessories got myself the Life Crystals and then I realized that well I can craft myself the very first mini Shard which was the wooden shark but we're going to have to make quite more progress in the game before we can actually use it as we need to get ammo and it only fires musket balls this was a horrific Weapon by the way it only dealt like two damage so it was kind of pointless to use but now that we have a shark I'm on to step number two I need to go and break a demon orb which is located inside of the corruption in order to get myself some musket balls get myself a musket and get the Arms Dealer to move in I spent all of the beginning of the game chopping down trees getting myself wood I built a couple of NPC houses and then I went over to explore the desert on the right side of the world after passing the desert I stumbled Upon A couple more chests I looted all of them and then I continued over to the Jungle I used the spear for now because that was the only weapon I could deal damage with as I do not have any ammo for the mini shark so I tried to overpower some mobs with that and then I traveled over to the right side of the world went to the ocean to see if there's anything good in the chest and then I teleported right back home I went over to the left side of the world and discovered a corruption by him this is going to be key as we need to destroy one of the orbs in order to get ourselves some musket balls as early as we can in the game I don't have any bombs yet so I can't really destroy them but that is the very next goal that I need to reach I went mining within the ice biome managed to land inside of a cavern and then I got attacked by bats I was mining some oars throughout this entire time and once I came back to spawn I started working on a elevator by the way I know that not all of you played Terraria a hellevator is just like a hole that goes all the way down from you know the top of the world to the bottom so if it's your first time watching the video that's what that is I started digging that out managed is to fall into a little mine shaft and then I found some lead ore I also found a little chest so I explored that and I continued digging down it's actually a phenomenal way to get oars in early Terraria so take that as a tip if you want to get ores make yourself a hellevator and then use a spelunker potion just like I did a little bit further within the game I used the spelunker potion and then went mining for oars once it turned to night time I came back to the surface and by this point I actually had a bunch of bombs so I blew up some of the orbs within the corruption and got myself to musket now that we have our very first official Terraria gun in quotation marks you know we can finally get the Arms Dealer to come and I also have some musket balls meaning that we can start using the wooden shark this weapon was completely awful and I mean it did like two damage it was very horrific to use I made myself an NPC prison Builder and then I proceeded to build myself a bunch of NPC prisons then I went to go check all the various different crafting recipes for the mini sharks we could actually craft like the muramasa mini shark the complete melee progression with the mini sharks like applies to the mini sharks here so we can craft the Zenith mini shark is like the true Knight Edge mini shark all of that fun stuff at this point I had run out of ammo and I desperately needed the Arms Dealer to move it because if he didn't move in I am kind of out of luck and I can't use any weapons I headed over to the left side of the world and then I teleported back because I found nothing but once I came back the Arms Dealer was actually here so I bought myself tons and I mean tons of musket balls so we can finally use our mini shark using all of our new found power I started to explore the caverns again now that I actually have a way to fight back against the enemies you know I spent this entire time digging I mean my way down to the underworld and before making my way all the way down I decided to teleport back to spawn the rest of my day was literally spent in the corruption just killing a bunch of the Eater of Souls and then I proceeded to mine up some Demonite I then came back to spawn went over to the jungle and started destroying the jungle enemies because I wanted to craft myself the jungle mini shark as we would need that for the knights mini shark I got myself Stingers by killing a bunch of hornets I also got myself jungle spores and once I came back to spawn I actually had enough Demonite to craft cursed shark which is basically like the Demonite Sword version of the mini shark this dealt like five times more damage than the wooden mini shark so it was definitely worth it to craft and we could now get on to actually fighting some decent bosses I crafted myself some armor out of like any bars that I had just so you know I had some defense to fight the Eye of Cthulhu and I also managed to find myself the Eye of Cthulhu seven which was pretty good so I made an infinite summon and before waiting for it to turn to night time I actually went over to the corruption and then started fighting the Eater of Worlds I broke the last orb and started spamming the Eater of Worlds to no one's surprise I actually defeated him and he was very easy and once I had defeated him I crafted myself the nightmare Pickaxe and then waited for it to turn to night time so then I could also fight the Eye of Cthulhu during my long wait I went mining tried to finish my elevator made myself an arena for the Eye of Cthulhu and once it turned to night time well I fought the Eye of Cthulhu and I took it out after the Eye of Cthulhu and the Eater of Worlds was defeated my next step was to get all the hellstone ideas in the world in order to make myself some hellstone gear and the molten shark which was as you can guess a mini shark crafted out of molten bars duh I got myself a health Forge I got myself tons of obsidian got myself hellstone and once I got all of that I crafted myself the molten shark I actually got a hurtful reforge on it which was pretty nice is that made it deal far more damage I then went over to the Jungle I also picked up a meteorite on the way which I hadn't even noticed landed and once I was in the jungle I just started spamming a bunch of hornets so I can get as many stingers as I could and craft the jungle shark I managed to get all the resources that I needed to craft the jungle shark and once I came back to spawn I crafted all we need now is the muramasa version of the shark which I need to get into the dungeon for so we have to wait till night time in order to defeat Skeletron during this time I was just messing around going mining I was just waiting for it to turn tonight time I went to go mine some Hailstone just to kill some time and pretend like I was doing something useful but there was actually something that I realized at this point you did not actually have to go and defeat Skeletron to get the muramasa shark but you can craft it so I got myself some Sapphire and then using the sapphire I actually to crack the muramas chart using this 200 IQ play I went over to a demon altar and crafted the knights shark as soon as this was done I didn't even bother killing Skeletron because well I'm kind of too good for him anyways I went straight over to the underworld I somehow managed to find a guide Voodoo Demon which was quite lucky as they usually don't spawn for me but once that was done I had a massive Arena built and I just checked the guide Voodoo Doll into the lava and as the Wall of Flesh spawned I spammed him with the Knight shark and I took him out I took it out I took her out but I don't know her Pro I don't know it's pronouns I don't I'm not really into that stuff you know we took it out right the Wall of Flesh isn't it and now we're officially into hard mode so I broke all and I mean all and I broke all and I mean all of the demon altars and I blessed it with titanium mithril and Palladium I started the treacherous pickaxe progression at this point getting myself the Palladium pickaxe then getting the mithril pickaxe getting the mithril Anvil and then getting myself a bunch of titanium I then went over to the hallowed by volume which was underground and started farming out Souls of light as I needed that for my next boss I also started trying to find as many crystals as I could as I needed the crystal Shard ammo or the bullets as they were probably the next best thing to use instead of just you know using normal normal musket balls as that's just not gonna cut it for the mechanical bosses so after doing that I came back to spawn crafted myself a bunch of Crystal bullets and then once it was night time I went over to skeletron's dungeon and I took out Skeletron I wanted this in order to get a bunch of water candles and using the water candles I could actually craft an item that increases the spawn rates of the enemies by 10 times which you will come to see very soon I got as many water candles as I could and then I kind of hit spikes and I died but as I came back to spawn I crafted myself a bunch of Crystal bullets and geared up to go to the dungeon once more I decided I'm not going to the dungeon as that wasn't really top my top priority right now and I realized that I needed Wings to actually maneuver the dungeon and every other little Cavern within the Terraria world so using a gravitation potion I flew up into the sky islands and well I started trying to farm out wyverns once I got myself enough Souls of Flight and a giant Harpy feather I came all the way back to spawn crafted myself a pair of harpy wings made myself nearly a full set of titanium armor I couldn't get the last piece as I didn't have enough and once I realized that I don't have enough I went down into the underworld to farm up more titanium I got myself a full set of Ranger titanium armor and then using the night shark I started fighting the twins we managed to defeat both of the twins very easily we took out you know the green spewing one first and then we took out the laser dude right that was pretty neat and then using the new Hallowed Bars that we had obtained I crafted myself the hallowed shark using the hallowed shark I started taking out the destroyer and this took quite a long time but we managed to do it and then after taking out the Destroyer I decided to craft the mechanical skull make an infinite summon of it and then go and fight Skeletron Prime all in one night that is correct so using the hallowed shark and her Crystal bullets we took out Skeletron Prime with not much difficulty either causing the jungle to grow Restless which means Plantera is right around the corner and our next goal is to get as much glorified as we can this also gives us access to chlorophyte bullets which is essentially one of the best ammo types in the game as it is extremely homing meaning it locks onto enemies using all of the souls I crafted myself the true Knight's Shard and then I went mining for chlorophyte with my newly acquired pickaxe ax and once I came back to spawn I crafted it all into bars and once I crafted it I was underwhelmed as I Only Could craft 23 bars but those 23 Bars were more than enough to craft the true hallowed shark and then combining the true night shark in the true Hollow chart we can craft the Terra shark which is exactly what I crafted and now we have literally one of the most OP sharks within the game pre-plant ERA this is of course not the best mini shark as there are a couple other ones that may be able to beat this one but this one's quite good especially with the correct ammo type it can shred through almost anything anyway since I could not find and Tara's bulb I decided to just go and get all the raw materials from a quality of life mod in order to craft it which was five Moonglow five blink crew and a bit of chlorophyte I also went mining for glorify as well I just need a little bit more and and without it we also wouldn't be able to craft full sure my armor so I was kind of forced to get more glorified then I went over to explore the dunge as we still have the item that increases our spawn rates and after I got all my resources I came all the way back home still not having enough Moonglow I went back into the jungle mining up every bit of dirt every bit of clarify in order to get enough resources to craft the summit for Plantera then I went back to the normal Caverns to get enough plants to craft the Plantera bulb and once had all the resources required I crafted these stupid Summit as soon as this was done I got myself some potions and then started clearing out a little Arena within the jungle once I had a tiny Arena going I put down a platform and then just spawned in Plantera this boss fight was a total joke and we destroyed her I mean I only still had titanium arm keep this in mind right so we absolutely shred it through her and now we can actually enter the temple I decide to go straight into Golem's Temple clear out all of the traps make a mini Arena and start fighting him I took him out with the terror shark as well surprisingly and then fought him a couple more times until I made my way back to spawn this is where I realized I'm actually going to need to make a mushroom biome in order to get full stream of my armor and one of the mini sharks required to make the xanth shark I crafted myself more glorified bullets and then went to go fight the lunatic cultists just so we can kind of get him over once lunatic cultist was out I started mining up an entire mushroom biome in order to get enough seeds and enough mud blocks to make an above ground mushroom biome so we could summon in the Truffle I started work on this and planted the seeds waiting for it to grow and in the meantime I started attacking the pillars I went for the solar pillar first as I thought it would just be the easiest that wasn't very smart of me as we all know the solar pillar is the hardest put down in the comments below what do you think is the hardest pillar I went back to Golem's Temple thinking that you know I could fight him again but I ended up dying and then as I teleported to the Jungle I also died making me heavily rethink my strategy of trying to get to the temple and the jungle in general I finally crafted the item that actually made our spawn rates increase and decrease so I decreased all the spawners and then made my way over to the Jungle this is where I was on the hunt for more mushroom seeds and in order to make the mushroom volume grow even faster and then I went mining for glorify as lightfoots were required for actually one of the crafting recipes for one of these sharks once I had all the materials I needed I came all the way back to spawn and then I expanded my mushroom biome as all the stuff that was above right now wasn't gonna cut it and I needed more of the mushrooms take over more of the blocks I continued fighting the solar pillar and I finally managed to take it out then once the mushroom biome actually was a valid biome I put down a little prison for the Truffle and then I went to go fight the nebula pillar I took out the nebula pillar I defeated a bunch of mechanical bosses in order to get myself more money so I can buy more of the little blue Powder so I can turn all of my clarified into true might anyways once I nearly had a full set of through my armor I went over to fight the Stardust pillar taking out as many mobs as I could I got the pillar to reduce its shield and I took out the pillar now before taking out the very last Vortex Hiller I decided to get a full set of shrew my armor get some better accessories and then I went mining for chlorophyte because I still needed some glorify in order to make the last remaining piece of the Sherman armor which was the boots I crafted a full set got myself a bunch of potion as I'm gearing up for moonlord and then I went to go fight the vortex pillar I took out all the enemies I took out the vortex pillar I buffed up ran back to my Arena and started fighting Moon Lord using the glorified bullets this boss fight was not too difficult I started working on his right arm and as I was super close thinking of his right arm in his eyeball he shot his laser and I actually died the main reason of this was because frankly my wings were too underpowered and I couldn't outfly the laser so this is where I had to strategize and make myself a new pair of wings that would help me Fly Above his laser that's exactly what I did I went to go farm some wyverns got myself Beetle wings I I actually fought the Martian Madness Invasion I think the saucer to drop a certain weapon and once I got the specific shark from the saucer that I needed I put it into my Shark chest and then I thought the moon Lord once more this time we took out all three of his eyes we went to go fight his core and slowly but surely we managed to take down his core and take out the moon Lord I wasn't done here yet though as I still wanted to get the remainder of the shark so we can craft design of the shark and I can show you how overpowered it is I decided to fight him a couple more times in order to experiment with all the various different sharks that he drops using the meow shark using the star shark and frankly there weren't really any better than the shark I guess they did do a little bit more damage but frankly they weren't really any better than the terror shark I guess they did do a little more damage but there was nothing really special no special effects nothing cool in general so I decided to end off the playthrough here as there wasn't really much to the mod but I hope you enjoyed the video consider subscribing to the channel if you're new this has been boyo peace out
Channel: Boio Boio
Views: 126,012
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: terraria, terraria but, terraria class, terraria 1.4, terraria 1.4.4, terraria mods, terraria mod, terraria modded, terraria classes, terraria minishark, terraria minishark class, terraria ranger, terraria ranger class, terraria modded class, terraria playthrough, terraria modded playthrough, tmodloader, tmodloader 1.4, terraria best mods, terraria best mod, terraria shark, terraria weapon, terraria weapons, terraria modded classes, terraria mod class, terraria gameplay
Id: AHA312fWoJs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 54sec (894 seconds)
Published: Tue May 16 2023
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