Terraria, But I Can Summon INFINITE Minions...

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in this video i play terraria but here's the twist i'll be playing with the amulet of many minions mod plus the ability to summon an infinite amount of minions oh and did i mention i'll be playing this on master mode hope you'll enjoy all right so the first thing to do is get a summoner weapon and the easiest way to do that is by chopping down wood okay 92 should be enough now let's make the acorn staff oh slow that's all right now we can summon as many as we want but we do have to wait for our mana to regenerate which kind of sucks so i'm gonna need a lot of stars and we're gonna collect those at night okay you know what i'm gonna make another acorn stuff just because it's really easy to make uh let's see if we can get something better 20 yeah sure why not oh okay we got a living with tree hopefully there's like the finch staff or something something useful okay we got the bull of friendship but i don't think the amulet or not the uh the infinite minions mod will affect this all right let's see what kind of pets we can get this time last time i got the cinderhand so we're going to choose some some different answers and hopefully we can get something different do you replant trees after chopping them down after a while yes a martian probe has caught you off guard and is now flying away how do you respond i usually let it find me and then let it fly away because i do want a martian invasion to start or a chance to get like the ufo mounts so yes that one how well organized are your chests i'd say they're pretty well organized but my inventory on the other hand not so much you just started a new world how do you build a house for the guide a prison cube yep you're playing multiplayer and just found one of a kind chess item how do you handle sharing it well if it's one of a kind you can't really divide it right so first come first serve you've just arrived at the dungeons entrance but the night is already halfway over what do you do yeah i'd probably wait until the next night just to be extra safe so all right we're done i am the relaxed type oh club we got the cloud event oh look at it it's so cute let me zoom in oh all right let's go down maybe there's another chest oh yes please finch staff wait oh they're like the same thing though or no this one's better because it has the furious enchant or reforge on it but we'll keep this just in case and we're just gonna summon the finch as well just just so we can have some uh variety extra variety damage bonus all right we're in the jungle now so exploring this should be pretty easy because i do have a ton of minions to help me so we can get some really good loot there's so many uh finches on my head that's kind of funny all right we got some topaz 10 we need five more for a hook all right we got enough topaz 16. i'll go make it after i'm done exploring this cave oh my god that's a lot of damage oh okay we might be able to make a sapphire hook oh yeah we definitely do have enough okay okay the fairy has shown me the way to another life crystal perfect oh okay we got the gravitation potion now we can find like a fledge fledgling wings maybe hopefully so we can uh negate some fall damage early on oh skeleton merchant i don't think he sells anything uh oh okay got the magic lantern sell this we need four more actually like three more gold buy the magic lantern there we go oh my that shelly just got murdered by those finches oh okay got some rubies which means king slime okay another golden chest what do we have this time oh okay we'll take the suspicious looking eye oh my god that sound jesus okay we got a jungle chest oh okay yes nice an upgrade staff of the darts all right now we have 12 percent variety damage bonus pretty good pretty good oh boots yes all right we're good okay and we got a oh my goodness i am almost dead we also got a star or a mana star statue oh i'm dead i need to teleport no i didn't pick it up i didn't pick it up i'm so no but as i was saying anastasia statue we can um i guess use it to spam or summon more minions if we have to all right let's make our hook first and then we can make the gold pickaxe okay godly nice and you know what let's make the gold crown because i think i'm gonna do the king slime first alright next step i think i'm gonna make i don't know why i made the silver armor and then the iron armor totally forgot about the mildew sets so we need to collect some more mushrooms we have two so far and we need six in total so four more jesus i just realized how many monkeys i have oh we got the shepherd staff okay that's good add to our variety damage bonus all right we have enough stars now for one mana crystal all right we should be good to fight the eye of cthulhu now so let's just jump right into it oh yeah get it go go go okay start running now run run [Music] come on oh my okay nice i think for my last series of the amulets of many minions mod i actually didn't know that if you played in master mode and you killed bosses you can actually summon the bosses to fight for you so let's see we'll do this and then yeah there we go we have the uh i've cut blue right now and it is a material right now it doesn't do anything right but once i go to a demon altar i can switch it to the mod version and then it'll start fighting for me so that's pretty cool okay now we can make the unstable detonator 27 damage uh yeah let's do that masterful okay and then let's make our mildew cap and then now we just need one more mushroom to make the full set there we go perfect okay now we have a 15 minion variety damage bonus all right let's go uh switch our ikea tulu to the mod version boom all right it should fight for us now all right go do it um okay it's quite weak it's probably it's probably because i don't have the combat pet emblem on right now i need to go make that but i don't have enough demonite bars let's make the slime crown let's go back up i'm in the king slime here we go wait i'm so sorry jeff look all those explosions all right oh okay unfortunately we did not get uh the king slime mount i think next up is the eater of worlds and with this many detonators think it's going to be pretty easy so let's go do that real quick all right here we go one two must be good enough right okay let's go oh god oh my wait it can't even get to me they cannot even get to me no hands no hands all right got the oh okay arcane worm scarf and then we can now make let's see corruption a cell staff we can get okay this is the combat pet emblem let's make that so all we need to do is have it in the inventory and now the eye of cthulhu should be a lot stronger then we make the nightmare pickaxe and let's make the chaotic chew toy all right now it's night time we should be ready to go for the uh skeleton fight oh you know what you know what i'm i actually want to explore the sky first i kind of want to get like uh the fledgling wings or the shiny red balloon just so i can dodge skeletron's attacks a lot better okay here's one please okay at least we didn't get the star fairy okay here we go another one yes perfect all right no more fall damage oh meteorite is going to spawn oh and then we can make the uh meteorite fist if you guys have seen my previous videos that thing was insane all right let's just start it up and see if we can do it three two oh wait do i have anything [Music] sure why not three two one okay left hand is almost dead right hand too all right here we go oh god okay not bad not bad no oh kill it come on fact yes go go go go go there we go very nice okay we got the necro pendant but i don't think we'll be using this at all because um i don't see a point using my squire because majority of the damage will be from my minions all right let's open up the bag another necro pendant yeah nothing really useful here but that's all right all right that's gonna be it for this video guys thank you so much for watching if you've enjoyed watching the video hit the thumbs up comment down below and also subscribe to the channel this is necro and i'll see you guys next video peace
Channel: Necr0
Views: 396,589
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: terraria, terraria 100 days, 100 days in terraria, i spent 100 days in terraria, i spent 100 days in, terraria journey's end, terraria 1.4, 100 days in terraria 1.4, i spent 100 days and here's what happened, terraria journeys end, terraria guide, 100 terraria days, 100 days in terraria calamity, terraria calamity, i spent 100 days in terraria calamity, terraria challenge, terraria but, necr0, terraria summoner, terraria infinite minions, terraria summoner class
Id: ZyA2nN-nXl8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 32sec (812 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 24 2022
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