Terraria, But EVERY Weapon Attacks At The Same Time...

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in this video I tried beating Terraria however every single weapon that I collect into my inventory can be used simultaneously how many weapons will I have by the end of this video and will I be able to defeat Moon Lord without my game crashing stay tuned to find out all right let's get started so our main goal is to get as many weapons as possible into our inventory more weapons the better of course and we want to get a variety maybe some Mage weapons or match weapons arranged weapons and melee what I'm thinking of making first is a bow although we don't have any arrows at the moment but once we do have that we can use that along with our copper short sword okay and then let's just make a wooden sword oh really I got the annoying one okay anyways now we attacked two times because we're swinging out our wooden sword and our short sword there we go see three times the damage perfect oh okay we found a living witch tree now is it possible to get Finch staff let's see here no unfortunately not oh my Oh wait we're using our shurikens as well oh we've got some arrows but it's kind of weird how our arrows aren't being used up oh wait we have the blowpipe as well wait what oh it's sick okay so now we can shoot out seeds okay yeah this is going to be a very hectic video all right let's go explore this ice cave I'm hoping to get like the ice sword maybe or ice blade so then we can actually start shooting out uh projectiles free of charge wait and no I didn't know that it used up my grenades as well okay I gotta be careful of that yeah I did see a nice chest down there so I'm gonna go back and get it all right let's see what's inside please ice blade oh okay boomerang okay we'll take this we'll take this wait a second wait whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa wait so since I have the wooden sword equipped and it's an auto swing weapon I guess I can shoot out more boomerangs what I I don't know how this works oh my God but this is crazy what the heck yeah I can only throw it if I have it in the main slot then I can only shoot out one oh my God wait this is actually broken then what the yeah okay this thing makes it a lot easier to kill monsters with holy oh there's two light crystals down there and a lot of sapphire okay we can make the sapphire hook now oh and there's a golden chest oh Burmese boots let's go and gravitation potion oh my God if we can get this star Fury that would be crazy okay another Dead Man's Chest oh my God that's that is scary or boulders looks like there's only one explosive though lucky horseshoe okay yes oh okay oh no please I really hope this is the ice sword ice blade yes let's go all right there we go wait if I do this I think this would be better just so we're having the uh the swing effect for the ice sword instead of having uh the upper short sword all right I think that's about it for the ice biome gotta here now oh okay got a pyramid yeah I'm hoping for the sandstorm in a bottle or the magic carpets all right moment of truth nice yep just what I was looking for all right let's go look for some Sky Islands now okay start hurry Starry oh okay we'll take that please yes let's go all right now how does this work wait wait okay instead of the Stars falling down I can actually just like shoot it out straight oh my God wait this is so sick oh my God another one right here I'm guessing this is the shiny red balloon yep okay all right I gotta say we are very strong right now it's probably look for the Eye of Cthulhu summon now or I can just go straight to the eat of worlds oh feral Clause enables Auto swing from melee weapons and if there is a weapon later on in the game that's not Auto swing this can be very useful all right I'm feeling pretty confident so I think I'm gonna try my luck with the queen bee okay what I'm aiming for from the queen bee is to get the magic weapon um or the bow things the bee's knees or the WASP gun was gun is a magic weapon and then the bee's knees is the bow all right here we go Street two one let's go okay this you're doing pretty well no the queen bee is so hard I don't understand oh I mean if I actually took the time to um build an arena I could definitely kill it and we've got a ruby gonna fight the King Slime later all right we found all of our life crystals now we have 400 Health all right let's start blowing up some Shadow orbs we got the musket now if we use a weapon as to use yes it does okay it does use a musket ball all right can we get the vile Thorn please yes wait it doesn't use Mana oh my God oh Goblin Army's poaching okay let's uh let's kill the eat of worlds first all right let's go oh yes we're shredding it okay I'm taking a lot of damage though oh that's so satisfying look at that I don't know all right all right we can go back now take care of the goblin army first all right Goblin Army has been defeated now we can search for the goblin Tinker underground and then uh start combining some of our accessories oh we can make the thorn chakram yeah let's do it why not more weapons the better there we go yeah we have two boomerangs now all right now that we have some Demonite bars and Shadow scale let's make a nightmare Pickaxe and let's also make some armor oh I do need more Demonite bars because I kind of want the full set all right I'm gonna go kill the Eater of Worlds one more time just so I can make the full set and then we will kill the King Slime afterwards it doesn't seem like there's any more battle orbs to be found there might be some on the left side we'll check that later [Music] wait oh my goodness what do we have here oh oh yes yes oh my God we have so many weapons now all right from one swing we now have the ice blade projectile enchanted sword projectile Thorne Boomerang star Fury and the chalk Ram and then if we have bullets we can also use the muskets but I think I should start making some NPC houses soon if I can get the arm sealer to move in all right here we go I don't think we need to set up an arena we just go for it Jesus all right we have enough theme night bars now make our thing slime out before working slime Crown before we leave and then we can finish making the shadow helmet there we go all right let's summon the Slime this is the thing slime hopefully we get the Mounds first try boom yes let's go all right I think we have some time uh to go kill Skeletron if we hurry up okay let's just build a quick long platform what is this anyways let's go fast okay not a good start oh I'm slowed oh my goodness okay okay oh all right we should be good now and you're dead oh that was a bit intense all right since we're in the dungeon now we can look for quite a few weapons actually uh we could look for the water bolts water scepter water missile and I guess the miramasa if we wanted to make the Terra Blade later on okay I see the water bolts there we go now let's open up this chest what do we have oh okay and we got the suspicious looking eye give me that golden key all right please new weapon yes now we have the waterceptor okay this might I think later on when I get a lot of weapons it might lag my game all right that should be good for the dungeon we got most of the things that we wanted all right I guess now we can start aiming towards uh fighting the Wall of Flesh oh there he is yes okay I didn't bring any money with me so I gotta start making some houses yeah let's go do that first okay I built four houses um he's not gonna move in until night time though so I'm just gonna buy the rocket boots and workshop from him just in case if he ends up dying before night time comes here we go okay I think um what I found out was that the water scepter actually messes up with my damage uh once this hits the enemy uh it overrides the entire thing so only this thing can hit watch that it's only dealing seven and five damage that's the damage that's coming from the aqua scepter so I might have to just yeah I don't think I'm gonna use it okay let's try again yeah see that's a lot more damage there we go all right we're finally here okay next I'm gonna go mine some hellstone make the M staff and then also the uh molten pickaxe all right so we got enough hellstone let's go back and then let's make the molten Fury all right and then let's make our Molten Pickaxe okay I kind of messed up if I use the M stop it'll actually suck away my Mana pretty oh oh wait wait wait wait wait hold on you're gonna pick it up there we go yeah as I was saying yeah if it's my uh m-step then it'll start using my mana and then once I run out I won't be able to use my uh Magic weapons actually you know what before I fight the Wall of Flesh let's just summon out the ACT Cthulhu let's get that Shield of Cthulhu first oh my God oh so fast all right let's drink our potions three two one go oh my yeah this thing is being shredded thank you holy okay we're now in hard mode let's see what item we get from this bag and we get the no okay well I was hoping for like the uh Magic rifle or what was the other one Clockwork assault rifle one of those two would have been really good but of course we get the melee one all right time to break some Demon altars all right which oars are we gonna get Palladium cord calcum and titanium all right Palladium first oh wait we have the magic dagger oh my God look at that Jesus yeah let's buy the crystal ball and then with the crystal ball we can make the endless musky pouch okay we made the Ori calcum Anvil now lastly titanium okay should we buy the yo-yo from this guy it will affect it right oh you know what yeah this this could be better yeah let's buy the yo-yo glove then oh got some meteorite bars okay that means we can make space gun as well there we go Space Gun plus ones who are projectiles all right we are now done I'd probably get more titanium though because the titanium mask itself gives 23 defense so yeah I think I'm gonna go get the rest of the titanium and then let's make our endless musket pouch first just so we don't have to worry about it anymore all right we're back at the jungle let's finish off the queen bee because we did feel her twice really I don't fail three times right otherwise that would be a bit embarrassing especially at this level there we go let's open it up and we got the hurtful beekeeper not what I was looking for okay all right we're doing this again I really want the WASP guns here we go there we go oh it's called the bee gun oh and then Plantera is the uh the WASP gun right right now should shoot beasts right yep it is shooting bees Romeo the traveling Merchant has arrived imagine if we got the like one of these daffinators oh my goodness all right hopefully 196 titanium ores enough let's see what the traveling Merchant is selling oh yes DPS meter and life form analyzer I'll take that got alligator oh oh yes look at that all right so let's finish making our armor sets the breastplate and the leggings done all right next up is to fight the mechanical bosses so we're gonna go farm store some more souls those of life is here and I think yeah right here The Souls of Night oh we got the hollowed mimic no please don't die I'm up here first please oh oh needless storm bro give me give me all right seems like I'm gonna have to you actually equip this as my main weapon to use all right I have enough Souls of life now let's go over to the ice bio all right we're good all right it is now night time I think I'm gonna start with the twins first since I don't have like good Wings I'm gonna drink a gravitation potion three two one go oh my God look at all those boomerangs oh try to hit him with it oh my God oh my oh oh hello there all right now let's do beltron Prime three two one go foreign oh my God look at that oh it's all gone okay there we go all right now the last boss the Destroyer all right three two one go [Music] hopefully all these drop carts can keep me alive oh my goodness I almost died there oh okay that was kind of close all right now we can make the pickaxe and then we can start mining some core fights and then I think with the hollowed bars I'm gonna make the true Excalibur with uh the chlorophyte bars once I mine that let's make this one right now all right we got 144. let's make the bars now the true Excalibur there we go all right this should be adding a lot more damage now and what are you selling oh my God okay another Boomerang to our collection then we have three now the United Shield background and uh where is it just the ice Boomerang there it is all right next up I'm gonna go get some wings because I've had this fledgling wings for too long oh my God oh there okay we got the icicle demon wings all right all right let's see if the Plantera Bulb Has spawned somewhere [Music] oh there we go okay I guess we'll fight it in this area then we don't have to blow up as much uh blocks we can just blow up like The Hive some of this yep look pretty good size too all right three two one oh yeah okay I'm gonna back that a little bit oh my God I was so close oh all right what weapon will I be getting yes yes this is exactly the one I wanted there we go all right now we can access the temple and fight Golem I don't think I need to build a platform let's just jump right into it three two one go Jesus the damage oh almost dead oh hey I was not looking at my house there that could have gotten really bad all right let's see what we get epixaw okay let's replace our pickaxe with it all right let's summon it again three two one oh golden fist does this actually work though oh my God it does it does let's go wait I think I have so many weapons that might I got my Excalibur is glitching out all right let's see what we get and another Golem Fest okay wait hold on since I have two golden fists I I think I see two yeah there's two wait what okay I guess I'm keeping these two I was gonna sell one but uh if I can use two I'm Gonna Keep It next up is the lunatic cultist oh I cannot wait until I get my hands on the celestial pillar pillars weapons like the Daybreak the solar eruption the nebula items and the vortex oh okay wait so I found out something if I have these two items or the two Golem fists in my inventory I won't be able to use my true Excalibur here now I'm using it right let's have one of them in it messes it up it's not actually swinging which is weird but um I don't know maybe these two combined is better than this I guess we'll just roll with it for now let's go foreign I think there's just too much things oh no you did not just give me this oh yes okay anyways as I was saying um there was just so much or so many projectiles on the screen I couldn't really see which uh lunatic cultist was was real so I might have to like chill out when it um when it tries multiplying okay but now we have the orange stoppinator yeah it might be broken but uh you guys already know this thing is absolutely overpowered all right while I wait for the lunatic cultist to respawn I'm gonna go farm for some more weapons in the dungeon and since planter is defeated there should be some pretty good ones got the shadow beam staff let's go all right it's round two let's go foreign all right let's break this pillar all right here we go we're gonna make a day break and the solar eruption actually yeah I have to switch it out I have the golden fist my soul eruption won't work so uh goodbye Golem Fists you have served me well all right let's make the Stardust Dragon staff and the cell staff now the question is does it work what foreign wait it's just summing the heads of the saddest dragon ultimately they actually do damage now oh my God they do wait how many do I have I can just summon as many as as I want then holy crap look at this no okay this is pretty cool all right wow the pillar died so fast for this one oh my God okay let's make uh does the bow work oh yeah it definitely works all right and then the vortex speeder all right let's go kill the last pillar I wonder how much damage all my dragons will do imagine if I just one shot the moon Lord with all these dragons here we go all right let's quickly make our magic weapons here we go oh my look at my damage to the top I'm right oh Jesus wait I died wait wait what happened huh all right here we go second try three two one go okay we're good we're good oh it's just a heart now go go yes let's go all right now for our last and final item the sdmg okay all right guys that's gonna be it for this video hope you all enjoyed if you did leave a like comment and also consider subscribing to the channel you guys want to try out this mod go ahead to my description box below and you'll be able to see all my mods that I've been using for this video yeah thanks for watching and I'll see you next time peace
Channel: Necr0
Views: 783,674
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: terraria, terraria 100 days, 100 days in terraria, i spent 100 days in terraria, i spent 100 days in, terraria journey's end, terraria 1.4, 100 days in terraria 1.4, i spent 100 days and here's what happened, terraria journeys end, terraria guide, 100 days in terraria calamity, terraria calamity, terraria challenge, terraria but, necr0, terraria randomizer, randomizer terraria, terraria weapon, terraria weapons, terraria but every weapon attacks at same time
Id: iZHtvUVnBRo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 56sec (2156 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 30 2022
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