TenZ Tips on How To Play Valorant Like a Pro

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this is really frustrating okay let's say you are a controller player what you do is you throw smokes to control for the team now one fundamental thing that you can do to [ __ ] up your team and be a detriment is cutting off space and info starving yourselves what being infostart is is where are they on the map you never want to have this happen you have info characters for a reason you have Silva you have KO you have Sky a bunch of [ __ ] and so if like for an example um one round The Omen smoke top here when we had a Silva who was holding it right here he was pulling short he got smoked off now he's info starved a short where he doesn't know if there's people behind it they can walk up and pop God bless if they [ __ ] walk up and split on him it's actually impossible to hold now one thing that you can do is you haven't lost this control yet so you will smoke where you haven't lost the control they could be bottom shorts there cannot be here so why would you ever smoke here if they can't be there you're literally cutting off info from yourselves and making it harder for yourself to hold like this dude running out of the smoke right here impossible actually impossible you need like a [ __ ] Christmas miracle for that to happen okay and so that's like a concept that you can use a lot with a controller player any [ __ ] controller player but if you're smoking off your team you are not being useful I like I I made sure that Kylie learned because she was playing controller she does her [ __ ] really well she knows when to do popular smokes same thing like bind you go out B on attack right okay we just let's just say we [ __ ] accident on the site we killed three people on sites um I'm just gonna put some random people here uh where is it okay I'm just gonna put some random people here but okay we literally just like demolished three people here now when we're throwing a spawn smoke instead of smoking like this which cuts off info of people can't be elbow right now they literally can't be an elbow so don't smoke like this smoke like this now we can wrap elbow and now people can play in the most [ __ ] AIDS positions ever imagine coming out of this smoke and you're exposed to hookah this this this this everything you're really exposed to everything so why would you ever smoke off control where you haven't like they don't have it laughs that's why I don't [ __ ] no a lot of people play controller and there's a [ __ ] autopilot I'd rather someone if honestly okay a controller is a mandatory role it actually is a mandatory role but ultimately I actually made a tweet like this if you can't play Your Role right or play like if you're gonna feel wrong don't even [ __ ] fill just play what you're used to because you're gonna be a nuisance to the team you're actually gonna be a detriment and you're gonna make life harder there are certain players that play the game and they make people around them play bad they are horrible players and it's just because they they're autopilot they just do [ __ ] they do [ __ ] to do [ __ ] they don't think there's no like thought behind anything um okay next up let's say you're playing a cipher oh yeah I can trip anywhere you as a cipher you have so much [ __ ] information if you are not using your trips every round to trip spots for your team and you can play like a cam up here watching both garage and the long push while having cages for yourself or some [ __ ] I'm not a Cypher player but it's just a fundamental understanding okay you can place your trips anywhere on the map and they will never go down unless your KO knife unlike a kill driver you have to kind of stay in your util so one thing that's really good with Cipher is spreading out your util so it's more Awkward for them you'll know if they're in garage you'll know if they went towards B and you actually have information for yourself look at Cypher is playing here with all this [ __ ] and he controls literally like half the map already or at least you get some sort of info towards half of that I'm not going to say control because obviously they can go be or go garage like fast but like at least you like know off of the info now what I do see people doing is when they play Cipher or they play some other characters they'll be like kill trips now situationally it can be okay but if you're doing this every round you are playing the character wrong you're being a nuisance what what's the point you're literally just playing kill trips and now they know exactly what to expect and we have a cipher on the team but now we have so many [ __ ] gaps where we don't like we have to have a person either Manning it and getting info constantly or some sort of other ability so it's literally just like it's so counterintuitive like the reason why you want to play a sentinel is to make your life easier a sentinel will make your life easier on defense why because you have spread out utility holding a [ __ ] ton of space ah my Valentine plant just like crashed in one second okay next up initiator initiator probably should be one of the most talkative players on the team you should always be suggesting ideas you should always be like getting information or setting people up this is literally your whole role is to flash for other people um occasionally I would say kale is kind of like a pseudo-do list where he functions as like a phoenix but also at the same time as like a normal flash initiator like a breacherous guy so he I personally like playing them a lot now if you're just throwing flashes to flash without like telling your teammates where they are going when they're gonna pop like if you listen to me play KO I try to make a really really really easy time for people to understand where my flash is landing and when it's gonna pop I will okay I will put this into perspective right this this is an an average Valiant player screen this is their monitor right here and right here there's so much [ __ ] going on and then there's like a [ __ ] team Flash coming in and okay this is actually this is like a I'm talking about two things at the same time you can do this for communication and or like your utility if you're just throwing your utility you are cluttering your teammate's screen and they are not like able to [ __ ] they can't read your mind they can't predict what you're gonna do it's like okay I'm gonna draw two paintings here now let's say I am playing a KO I'm like okay I'm going to flash for you I am going to it's going to pop in front of you look away I say one two three flash pop look at this this is the [ __ ] Mona Lisa right here and then me just like throwing a Flash and I'm just like calming [ __ ] like one thing with so this is like a two-part once I said once again you can do the same thing for your initiator util if you were telling people what to do or people are I mean doulas also can ask for the util and it's really good but oh you can't [ __ ] see sorry um I didn't notice um yeah Bob Ross would be proud I know so you can do the same thing with comms if you are just like cluttering up the comms and making life hard it the painting looks like this it doesn't look like this you can't register what's going on this is art class kinda now what else I said initiator I mean same thing functions like for sovo okay Sova I'm playing silver on this map they somehow have oh let's see let me see okay we're playing Silva on defense we throw this Recon bolts and then they break it but then we don't hear anything on the map and I don't know it's been like 20 seconds now you have to like use a piece of util to God damn it someone's gonna draw penis I can tell you have to use like a piece of util to get info because if you don't have info anywhere else like let's say um let's say based off of them going a your teammate's like oh I actually can push down C and get into this cubby it's like okay we have a little bit of info now we can stack towards a side and gamble towards a side because someone is in an aggro position they're like sitting right here or some [ __ ] and they can kind of hear like people running and they're also like in a one and done kind of but it's really hard to clear but they're gonna get early info a lot of sometimes people do like a bait setup too like with a with an opera some [ __ ] in this cubby it's pretty good and then you over rotate I need a I need to uh real quick hide this one again give me one second I was actually waiting for someone to draw a penis normally when we do like Valor plants and [ __ ] in pack time it's just a bunch of penises this is gonna be on YouTube no I'm I'm actually gonna do like actual tutorial stuff on YouTube this this is just Concepts that I'm explaining right now and I'm trying to explain them in a very simple fundamental understanding that people can understand yeah um I got really frustrated okay this is another thing with with Sentinel with I said you're making your life easier we had a sage on splits now what is really not fun to run through uh sage slow now you would slow mid based off of what they're doing you look at what they're doing you hear patterns if you know that they're skydogging mid and running up behind it throw a [ __ ] slow and then break the dog and then now okay I'll explain this concept too okay this is called a stage one right here stage one is the initial spot that you are going to be standing in it is very very generic this is on a default by the way so this is a stage one right here where you're playing the stage one spot now what you can do is you can make life hard for them you can make it really uncomfortable you can break their shits you can stall them on split make control is basically everything it's almost everything so like I would say here and here are the two most important spots on split so you're trying to be really annoying when you feel like you have done your job and you have stalled them long enough guess what you go from stage one into stage two where now you're stalling this part and you're in a safe spot a lot of the time when I played Sage is um what is it when there was like 50 seconds left on the clock or something you can literally where is it where is Sage you can literally throw down a wall like this I personally like this one the best I think I think fnatic was throwing this one um I don't remember who who exactly it's like some people just like instant wall mid and they're like ah I did my job as Sage but it's just instant breaks and it's just like what the [ __ ] is the point you just spent 400 for a piece of util to get instantly broken and now it doesn't even provide anything for your team if you throw this one a little bit better but it's a little bit easier to like break where people can spam right here some people like playing on top though I don't really like doing that a stage now a really uncomfortable [ __ ] to do is wall like this why because you have to walk up like this to break the wall and walking up in an like a choke like this and sage has one more slow if you specially have a raise on your team you [ __ ] combo the the raise nade and the slow I mean Sage could be standing on top of the wall right here if she wanted to um but you combo this and it's just really it's not fun to play against it is not fun at all and it's probably one of the more optimal ways another thing you can do is when you're playing Sage wow they're going fast a right now there's a bunch of dudes running a I'm playing Sage mid I'm just gonna throw a wall right here and I'm going to fast rotate what this wall does is it stops people from lurking up mid and getting behind your teammates now you can over rotate towards a if you want like let's say we started [ __ ] one mid and 3A but they're starting to rush in guess what now we have four on a it's even stronger and plus we have a [ __ ] wall holding our flank now our teammate can be flanked you can probably hear if a jet up drops it I mean before it's kind of bad because you could jump over the box but now you can't but there's just certain stuff where Sentinels make your life easier on defense initiators you set up your teammates or you make game plans um I haven't talked about doulas yet controller I mean controller is self-explanatory you smoke off stuff but just don't smoke off your teammates because you'll make their life hard and that is not what you're supposed to do you're supposed to limit the amount of angles that they can get peaked from knots completely [ __ ] them over and make them out of position because of some shitty ass smoke okay now another thing I think is really [ __ ] that people do is people play duelist characters and I'm just gonna put all the Dual characters on the map right now okay we have jet neon Phoenix raise Reyna what else am I missing am I missing anything else Euro to degree I think yours more of a luck duelist so I'm gonna exclude him slightly because he's kind of weird um but what is one thing that all these characters have in common and it's the fact that they have abilities that help them get kills help them create space and so let's say I'm playing a jet and I'm I don't know I have another example I had Arena when I'm playing Reina personally I get really confident because I can throw a Flash and the Flash acts as like a mini drone where if someone doesn't break it then they will get full blinds but also what the [ __ ] it crashed again also if you Peak someone and you kill them you get a free kill and you can dismiss you could literally peek into four people with Reina and get out for free if you wanted to and that's just the fundamentals of a character another character like that jet exact same [ __ ] chamber before he was nerfed he was kind of like a pseudo duelist Sentinel everything I don't know um but you should be confident in peaking people because your kit is literally designed to [ __ ] kill people or create space and man this is so frustrating how it's like freezing okay now I'm talking like let's say a neon a neon for example what can your character do as a neon you can throw stuns to help you get Space where your teammates can run behind you you can [ __ ] slide past angles like you're basically playing Apex Legends when you're exacting the site you should be like Walling in [ __ ] stunning the rights sliding out the right wall like stunning the lefts running along this wall and going around and a bunch of [ __ ] like that you should be creating space for your team uh race can do it too where Reyes can like throw an aid um let's I don't really know where Raisman did right here but like on B Rays would sometimes like nade bind here or nade spawn for the the run out and just like Satchel outs or some [ __ ] like you should be creating space you should be looking for opportunities to get killed or get kills and if you're simply like a passive player you probably don't belong on the Duelist roll other than if you're and it's just these these characters let you set yourself up and by setting up yourself you make the lives of your teammates easier when you're actually creating space I can like make a bunch of other examples um for other games like let's say you're playing OverWatch and you're playing a DPS character but your tank is standing behind you how the [ __ ] are you supposed to kill anybody when you have no space being created for you you're playing League of Legends you're playing ADC your tank is just [ __ ] behind you again oh guess what you can't do anything because they just jump you and it just feels really [ __ ] ah this is three years into the game I know and the thing that pisses me the [ __ ] off is people don't understand very I mean I think this is simple okay I think the stage one stage true stuff I think it's simple but maybe it's a hard concept and I don't know and obviously there's like some biasy behind what I'm talking about because I'm a pro player I've been a [ __ ] Pro Player since the beginning and I also played CS before where a lot of these Concepts applied it's just really it's really frustrating it is really frustrating yeah like people think Katie a hedgehog percentage matter but they really don't especially if you're playing roles like Duelists like you're gonna have on and off games like sometimes you're gonna be running in killing three people but one thing that you can always keep consistent is to make the lives of your teammates Easier by creating space like when I'm playing Jet and I'm feeling it I'll run it I'll maybe get like one or two but then you know what that allows me like our teammates to do they just scale up behind me and it's a lot easier um sometimes you might not be having a great game but you could just be dashing into your smoke being [ __ ] annoying like double smoke on yourself and now you're like basically this this presence that's in everyone's screens and they have to like think about you subconsciously and they can't just like tunnel all on your team like you're you've created space at this point ah what's your favorite duelist and fracture I think the two or the best ones are these three I think on fracture I think like okay going going on tandem okay look at this Synergy right when I said that initiators are there to set up your teammates this is what optic used to do they used to run um uh KO and breach as like a core three now first off the control you get with this team is [ __ ] absurd you can stun double stun you can Flash uh you can throw like this Flash and slide you can throw um this slash and slide or you can just I don't like there's so much you can do with this comp it was like really really good I drew an accidental penis I didn't want me to do that but this comp is really good because all these characters synergize really really well off each other but also when you're on the sites right neon throws the wall neon creates space but the initiators are there to set up the neon neon says Okay I want to run out the left of the wall or some [ __ ] okay I was like okay I'm gonna run with you I'm gonna right click and we peek out together or some [ __ ] there we go they have successfully set up each other the neon has made space and the KO has come up and helped both of them just flourish as players or oh I want to go out the right side reach okay I'm going to flash through the wall the one thing that was strong about this character like this comp right here this this core 3 was the fact that if this wall was thrown there was no safety net for when the flash would come out or where it could come from it can come through a wall it can come through the wall okay sorry it can come through the neon fire or it can come through a wall like the possibilities are endless with like this core 3 and that's why I like um you'd see like Victor just [ __ ] popping off because he's creating space for his team but his team's also setting him up and he's just owning with it oh it's funny how top one percent players in Reading don't know this stuff I know it was so frustrating all right like people will be playing certain characters and they'll just be lurking and it's just like okay if you have a double duelist comp maybe one of the duels can lurk but most of the time it's pretty good to have them both there with each other and just like being annoying creating space for each other and just like getting kills together like a really popular comp right now on split is uh raised Jet and if you just watch how those two characters can both take the load of um creating space like a lot of the time both the jet and the race player are both uh frag out like a lot of the time now obviously if if you're in a lower rank I I obviously don't expect you to understand a lot of the stuff but if you're somewhere in the radiant to a mortal Rank and you don't even know like proper smokes or anything like that like I don't I don't even play a smokes I've never played smokes in my life other than Viper in a pro team but I understand how because I'm thinking by my perspective when I'm playing the game what smokes when I want my controllers to throw to make my life easier and you can use that concept for anything when I'm playing KO I'm always thinking oh I would love to like if I was a duelist in this position I would love to just get flashier I'll offer the idea because I've been in that position or I put myself into the other person's shoes where I'm like oh I could set them up ah it should be known by Diamond Plus or no I I feel like I should right understanding of timings okay um oh wait this is one thing that can actually help a lot of people and you can do this on any rank um but normally I'm gonna go into paint again um like how I said about the canvases you don't want to have a canvas that's [ __ ] cluttered you want to have like the the Mona Lisa like you want a perfect painting um so one thing that can add to that is instead of saying one was here uh two-way man like obviously that's good information but you know what's really really good calling out agent names calling out Asian names you're able to basically wall hack like you can literally ah I'll go on Valor plant again and it's probably gonna crash on me again but calling out agent names you're able to find out by process of elimination where their weak side is um where their lurker is like a bunch of stuff like that so let's say okay let's say I'm I'm on fracture again I guess um now the KO knifed here the breach stunned like this and you heard a [ __ ] raised need for some reason like I'm I'm obviously doing like an over exaggeration like you shouldn't throw all this util in the same spot but let's say this all happens right now you know if if you just said oh there's 3A you don't know who the [ __ ] is a especially the people at B their canvas is like empty right now their canvas is like covered they don't really know what's going on but if you say oh KO KO raise breach towards a now you know where the other two remaining players they're not towards this pack at the moment or they can be but they're hidden but potential lurks here here here okay now let's say we know there's five there guess what space is free if you saw all five everything's free everything's free if you saw four and let's say you're playing Triple B let's say you're playing triple I'm just throwing random agents let's say you're playing Triple B okay we saw four towards a wow if there's four towards a side we could push this side with three and if there's a lurker then we'll basically trade them out and we'll have all this control all this space and we'll be up numbers Advantage I mean that's perfect world ideal situation but based off of this you can do stuff as a team a lot of people just like rotate and honestly this is something that's a little bit harder to do in Valiant which is like calling people and setting people up like fractures are very team fight oriented map this map is not even a [ __ ] tactical shooter map this map is literally OverWatch you group up you just fight [ __ ] on defense you'll notice it's really good if you just set up fights every round I'm not joking do it in your own games one prop like one really popular uh fight is people do the breach sound like this with the Rays um flying over like this and what else you can have a hangover like this and what else you can have a KO flash over here you could have your smokes character and your Sentinel like peaking this if you want like you crunch this side you get the control if there's people on this side you will literally [ __ ] on them you will literally [ __ ] on my [ __ ] you know what if you set up plays like this on fracture especially like fracture is a very like team fight oriented map if you play static on fracture there's just too much to hold at the same time like when we're playing a fracture game earlier they were just basically walking every round but we weren't controlling anything so like how I said with okay getting info starved info starved I have no info I don't know what the [ __ ] going on I don't know what they're doing that should never happen in a game as soon as that's happening in a game you are getting outplayed most likely unless you get really lucky now fracture has four control points and other maps have other control points as well but you should be at least controlling one thing right hopefully you're controlling one thing like you could put a jet on a line right here now okay Jets on a line we can play a weaker side towards a at the start if they end up doing a dish pop you only have to go back inside and fight them just keep the space if you keep the space it's so good you can say you have another teammate here too but you keep the space and now it just feels awkward for them they took the sights and the spots that they don't have they don't have this they don't have this and they don't have this where can they play it's like very very uncomfortable this is like where the what is it called like as an attacker just think about what's really annoying stop ignoring yourself yours yours is an exception I love your I think yours my favorite character in the game right now but I don't think he functions the same as regular doulas at the moment I think he's like he can lurk because the the thing that's really strong about him is oh similar to Old chamber um how people used to play Old chamber was they would set up the chamber and the Chamber would basically play on an island and get out every single time uh it's kind of like that you like deposit your chamber and your chamber can just Peak whatever and just get out um let me see what Maps were really popular with this uh uh what was it wait what am I missing let's say bind for instance um on bind attack like a lot of people they would send their [ __ ] up B like let's say I mean let's say you just throw a Harbor Cove with this with like a sky dog uh Sky dog coming up here and then the chamber gets set up before the chamber would have like two pylons right here where he could basically get out no matter what if they try to regain the space but with util you break the util now they don't know they don't know if how many people are there they just saw the chamber and that's it or they tried to walk clear it and you just kill them or there's too much utility and you know there's like three or four B that are fighting you you just [ __ ] TP away and so the same thing with your you can kind of deposit yoru in a similar fashion where Euro can be on an extremity of a map but he can instantly like regroup back to the pack oh yeah Breeze chamber was really good printer I agree with that actually free stream room is really good for your Nerf ah icebox had very uh I didn't like icebox icebox was not fun icebox was actually just like an a map I feel but a lot of teams that like just played together um kind of like fracture in a way like in a team fight oriented fashion like you know team that's really good at fracture um let's see do they play today I don't know if they played it today let me check no um okay a team that's really good is M80 at fracture they're really really good on fracture why because they play so well together and they understand that the map is just constant fighting so they're like always there and always ready to fight like they're not scared dude everyone bans their fracture when's the last time they put fracture I'll find it somewhere let me see let me see if I can like pull up a round from them for example on this map in particular um stats I mean he's a really good team um okay they actually lost against TSM for one map but that's unfortunate are we we actually lost against CSM on fracture too let's see I will try to pull up um just kind of like some rounds for them I'm gonna scan through it real quick I will scan through it kind of contingency or not continue where okay okay M80 is already doing it on a pistol round but look at they said [ __ ] amen [ __ ] B we're killing this lurker right here there's three people arcade side and there's two people pushing dish and a lot of time like it's like you can kill the lurk or if you catch the pack you can just it's basically a brawl at that point but you have your utils like sending in and like enmity is really good at grouping up and like deathballing and playing really well uh with each other let me just try to find do they lose around okay another thing on uh anti-eco rounds you will never win the round playing standard if everyone is spreading out on a default uh you will never win the round there's I mean miracles do happen I've seen it before but for the most part you shouldn't win the round look at what they're doing they're just stacking all towards this side they already see that they're down an advantage because they lost piss around they're they don't have that great guns they don't have that great utility so they're just all gonna [ __ ] death ball and be annoying see what else did they do it on a gun round let's see let's see what the rotates are okay you see these two players are here they have so much control right here at amen you want that means the breach can freely rotate towards B because you know that they're not in amen they could be outside amen but they're not in a minute if they try to fight it your teammates will probably just frag out um so the breach comes over back to B and now they're playing heavy side B and we side a but like the the a guys are pushed up here if they went dish here like I said before what would you do would you go back and fight and potentially get split or would you just keep holding a main push through a man and keep the space and make it really uncomfortable for the attackers to actually win their own success ah oh yeah I want to see another team fight map oh another thing um all alts can act as like a second economy by the way so if you see if you see the alts like let's say let's say they have five alts on the board and you have zero alts you will probably just lose the round because altar's so game changing in this game um so one thing that you have to do kind of treat it like how you treat uh an Eco round or do like an aggressive play with your team to push something because if you can kill those people before they get their alts off they become like useless for the rounds if everyone if they have five alts like in theory they should just [ __ ] on you and especially if you just give them everything in the world if you play normal and you're playing 3-2 or some [ __ ] and they go and ALT the two guys like with two alts they can't do anything it's just impossible now if you just four push something hope you get a kill on one of the alts get the space hopefully they use their alts to to get the space while you're not there and then you just retake like that it's a lot better so you kind of you kind of treat alts as like a second economy in a way um I'm not sure sometimes like in fracture I sometimes I think just having Alton like Stingers is better than having rifles and no alts neon it's bad you don't use it the only purpose of neon's alt is to reset the Sprint and nothing else can change my mind it is so bad he allow elaborate the second economy well okay like the old raise kind of let me just put let me look up some random comp right now Brim what else am I missing I'm missing a uh second initiator yeah people play second issue on this map I mean some people play double duelist on the map I'll say double duelist okay you're playing double duelist okay now where I'll do I'll do kill dry okay so now if we're talking about attack who has alt priority here okay whose alt do you think is the most game changing um on uh on the attack side like when you when you I'm gonna rank them from like top like top here to like bottom right okay if you think about it breach Alt really [ __ ] good you can use it reactionary you can use it to take a site you can use it to fight something heavy reach all pretty [ __ ] good result if on attack you can get up to close angles you can pop pretty good jet knives you probably don't want to farm them because they're um what is it called they're I mean jet knives are jet knives right like sometimes it's hot and cold I would still think that like a result would be better for attack side just because you just make so much space and you get a free rocket kill almost every time um now between brim and Killjoy personally I mean this is kind of like a toss-up I would say like these two are even but I would say like all priority should go like this for these characters um on defense we'll do the same thing uh same comp I guess oh not yet there's a jet who the [ __ ] oh I hit two kills that's why okay now think about defense okay first off if you have a killjoy Alt do you know what that means you can play retake you could literally play retake and put the killjoy towards the weak side the kiljoy will get like all the info in the world um I'm just doing like some random setup right now the killjoy will get all the info in the world you can literally play Four towards the a side with killjoy on B and when the killjoy thinks that they're gonna like take sight or plants just plop so this one's pretty good it's actually a lot better than I would say attack like I don't think you should be constantly going for it on attack I lower rank it'd probably be insane um but higher rank like probably not so much because I think reach all result stuff like that's better um so I would rank killed yourself pretty high same thing with attack though I think breach is always just [ __ ] too good like if they're executing a site so let's say they're splitting on you you can literally breach Alt one side and fight these these poor bastards that are just stunned flying through the air and so you can use it reactionary you can do it for an instant push I don't know you have some you're cooking up in the lab or some [ __ ] and you just want to do like a push or something you can do that uh so breach all I would also say is pretty good um results I would I would tie these three I would tie these three and put gym knives on the bottom um probably just who's closer to alt right like if the killjoy is two to set or how many how many All Points the killjoy is Five Points off from getting the alt raises two points from getting alt who are you gonna give they all point to just give it to the Rays because she's closer to alt and you'll have a game changing ability sooner this is literally not it's just it's just common basic valorence that's all it is it's just old economy that's all it is now okay I think I
Channel: Krihzak
Views: 347,125
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tenz reacts to shroud, tenz and shroud, sen shroud, tenz valorant, shroud, optic vs loud, sen marved, shroud pro, battle pass, optic vs guild, shroud and tenz, shroud valorant, sentinels vs c9, shroud sentinels, battlepass, tenz, copenagen valorant, sentinels vct, shroud joins sentinels, sen tenz, nadeshot, valorant moments, sentinels, vct masters, tsm valorant, counter strafing, shroud aim valorant, shroud highlights, shroud aim guide, shroud insane highlights
Id: rr0wa2adrwo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 34sec (2494 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 03 2023
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